Game booklet to promote children's health. Booklet for parents “Healthy children in a healthy family! appearance and well-being

health e is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
(Constitution of the World Health Organization).

The only beauty I know is health. Heinrich Heine (1797 - 1856) German poet, publicist and critic.

Floorboards about health

You can't buy health - the mind gives it.

To be healthy is to forget grief.

Health comes in days and leaves in hours.

Save your health, get away from trouble

If you lose your health, you can't make up for anything.

Healthy is great.

Healthy - jumping, ill - crying.

Health is weak, and the spirit is not a hero.

Health and happiness do not live without each other.

According to WHO experts, human health is 20% dependent on conditions environment, 10% - from the level of development of medical care, 20% is determined by hereditary predisposition to diseases and 50% - depends on the person's lifestyle.

Healthy lifestyle - a way of life of a person aimed at the prevention of diseases and the promotion of health.

Structural subdivision

« Kindergarten No. 37 "Asterisk"

Reminder for parents.

Health and

healthy lifestyle

Prepared by:


Zelentsova Tatyana Anatolyevna

Dear Parents,

if you want to see your children happy, help them keep their health.

try to make sure that in your family physical education and sports become an integral part of joint leisure.

educate from early childhood, their children have the habit of doing physical education and sports!

Respect sports interests and passions of your child!

Participate in sports activities of the group and kindergarten, this helps to strengthen your authority in the eyes of your own child!

educate in their children respect for people involved in sports!

Tell me about your sporting achievements in childhood and adolescence!

Give sports equipment and equipment for your children!

Demonstrate your example of physical education and sports!

commit walking with your child fresh air with the whole family, hiking and excursions!

rejoice success in the sport of your child and his friends!

Display your child's sports awards in the most visible place in the house!

Maintain your child in case of failure, temper his will and character!

Being healthy is trendy!
Friendly, fun, playful
Get on the charger.
The body - recharging!
Adults and children know
The benefits of these vitamins:
Fruits, vegetables in the garden -
Health is all right!
You also need to temper
Douche with a contrast shower,
More running and walking
Don't be lazy, get enough sleep!
Well, with bad habits
We'll say goodbye forever!
The body will thank
It will be the best view!

Memo for parents "Games to improve the health of babies"

Smirnova Ekaterina Valerievna, teacher
MADOU No. 106 "Zabava", Naberezhnye Chelny

The memo for parents that I proposed was made with the aim of involving the family in preparing for the increase pedagogical culture parents in matters of healthy lifestyle, familiarization with games and exercises to improve the health of babies, dissemination of family experience in healthy lifestyle life.

Games for the formation of correct posture.

The basis for the prevention and treatment of postural disorders is the general training of the child's body. The tasks of the games include: strengthening the musculoskeletal system, strengthening the muscular "corset" of the spine, improving the functions of breathing, the cardiovascular system.

The game "Visiting the bear"

Having put a toy - a bear on a high cube and making a slide from a long board laid on a gymnastic wall, the leader says:

Masha (child's name) and Egorka

Often go to the bear from the hill.

The child goes up the hill (you can use a slide on the playground in the yard, you just need to be careful and help the child climb to a height of about a meter), then runs away from her and runs up to the bear, strokes him and sits down to rest. The leader needs to carefully monitor the posture of the child.

Purpose of the game: development of dexterity, speed of reaction and movements, a sense of balance, coordination of visual and auditory analyzers, sustained attention.

The game "Swing-carousel"

Parents raise the child in the supine position to the level of their waist. One holds the child under the armpits, the other holds the child by both legs, and swings him in a straightened position with the words: "Swing, swing, swing." Then one of the adults continues to hold the child under the armpits. (other lets go) and spins with him right and left (get carousels) with the words: "The carousels have flown." It is desirable to play the game with rhythmic music. The game is held in the final phase of the lesson, when the child felt tired.

Purpose of the game: relaxation of the muscles of the body, improvement of the vestibular apparatus.

Improving games for diseases of the nose and throat.

In diseases of the upper respiratory tract, it is necessary to restore nasal breathing. With rhythmic nasal breathing with full exhalation, the respiratory muscles relax better and the smooth muscles of the bronchi relax reflexively. When playing games with children, it is necessary to simultaneously control the correct posture and closing of the lips.

Game Owl Owl»

Children sit in a semicircle in front of the leader. At the signal of the host "day", the children - "owls" slowly turn their heads to the left to the right. At the signal of the night, the children look forward, wave their arms - “wings”. Lowering them down, lingeringly, without tension, they say: "U-uff." Repeat two to four times.

Purpose of the game: development of correction of hands with respiratory movements of the chest, improvement of respiratory functions (deep breath).

Games with flat feet.

Flat feet are most common in weak, physically poorly developed children. Often, the load on the arches of the feet of such children is excessive. The ligaments and muscles of the foot are overstressed, stretched, and lose their springy properties. The arches of the feet are flattened, lowered, and flat feet occur. Therefore, the games should be selected in such a way that the exercises strengthen the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the lower leg and foot, contribute to the overall improvement of the body and the development of the skill of proper walking.

The game "Bring it, don't drop it"

The players sit on chairs. Everyone has a sheet under their feet. It is necessary to grab the sheet with the fingers of one foot and drag it in any way (jumping on one leg or all fours) to the opposite end of the hall. Repeat the same with the other leg. The winner is the one who does it faster without dropping the sheets.

Purpose of the game: strengthening the musculoskeletal apparatus of the feet, developing dexterity.

Equipment: chairs, sheets.

Ageeva Oksana Alexandrovna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 101", Cheboksary
Locality: Cheboksary
Material name: work with parents
Topic: Booklet for parents on the topic: "Do sports with the whole family"
Publication date: 24.08.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Go in for sports with the whole family Completed by: Teacher of the Kapitoshka preparatory group for school Ageeva O.A. Today, probably, there is no person on Earth who would remain indifferent to sports. Everyone understands the role of sports, but for some reason they stay away from physical education. One lacks time, the other lacks patience. They join the sport at the TV screens, for example: the Olympics in Sochi. “Cheering” for your favorite teams: biathletes, hockey players, figure skaters, and so on… If we lived a few centuries ago, we would have to spend most of our lives on the move. You need to get food, build a house or prepare clothes, in addition, you would have to actively participate in the life of your settlement, and many other activities that require good physical fitness. Now we do not need to spend much effort on providing ourselves with everything we need, but physical exercise we still need. Why do you need to play sports?  An important reason why you should go in for sports is the need to improve your health, strengthen your heart, control high blood pressure. Regular classes

contribute to the resorption of dangerous blood clots, as well as slow down the aging process. В  As well as any physical exercises have a healing and preventive effect. This must be remembered, because modern people move little, have minimal physical activity. For example, a student spends his whole day in a sitting position (lessons at school, doing homework, time at a computer, TV). As a result of this lifestyle, the muscles atrophy, do not work at full strength. By exercising, you tone your muscles, making them strong and resilient. They become more elastic, and you become attractive and fit, sexy and flexible. The joints become stronger and gain a greater range of motion.  Everyone wants to be welcome! How you look also matters. And a nice bonus of sports is a beautiful body. I.e physical exercise help control appetite, because it increases the amount of endorphins that our brain releases. Endorphins protect our body from feeling hungry until it really needs food. Also, exercise helps to achieve the ideal weight, which cannot be achieved only by diet.  Exercise helps prevent depression and insomnia due to a decrease in the body's adrenaline and hormones that contribute to stress . E  A structure for a person also plays an important role! Also, sports are needed in order to relax and N
boost your mood. By running for yourself, and not because it is useful, you can achieve great results. Tests conducted by M. Carmack and R. Martens show that people who run for this very reason get much more emotional charge from their activities than those who exercise only because someone told them how useful it is  Important: regular exercise helps to get rid of chronic fatigue, increasing the supply of vitality, increasing the energy level of your body. Making you more active and energetic throughout the day. In  Strength of will, a strong character develops (it is easier to achieve goals and deal with difficulties, endure hardships and pain). Sport disciplines and develops willpower. And it is not necessary to have clean lungs to do the simplest exercises: exercises at home or on horizontal bars, for example. So don't wait until you give up all your bad habits, it won't happen by itself, if you can't do it now, why should it happen later if you don't have any changes? Therefore, do not delay, go in for sports, and get rid of all your weaknesses later, when you, thanks to training, develop a will.  th! Being in good physical shape helps a person to recover more quickly after suffering an injury, illness or surgery. Strong trained muscles have great recovery potential. Also, if a person regularly plays sports, he can avoid many diseases, especially colds. E  Active sports can stimulate metabolism. Going in for sports makes it easier to quit smoking. Since harmful substances leave the body faster and improve its condition. M 
Very interesting:
 Some researchers argue that systematic moderate-intensity exercise contributes to the emergence of a kind of immunity to stress. It has been proven that physically active people more stable to nervous breakdowns than people leading a sedentary lifestyle.  Researchers have proven that sports exercises normalize our blood circulation and pressure, as a result of which we stop suffering from headaches, sports give vigor and good mood.  Another study not only confirmed that physical activity protects against the development of type 2 diabetes, but also allowed us to determine how often and in what quantities you need to exercise in order to feel the effect.
Outcome: If you want to be healthy, strong,

slim and beautiful, go in for sports.
It strengthens muscles and bones, hardens, develops coordination of movements, forms the correct posture, makes the figure slim, and improves immunity. In addition, playing sports makes a person internally strong, purposeful, persistent, that is, they form character ...
I am convinced that if

physical education and

sport is part of my life

it will be long term

investment in health

appearance and well-being of all


"Healthy children - in a healthy family!"


senior teacher Zamoshnikova I.V.

Healthy lifestyle

does not yet occupy the first place in the hierarchy of human needs and values ​​in our society. But if we teach children from the very beginning early age value, protect and strengthen your health, let's be a personal example, demonstrating a healthy lifestyle, then only in this case we can hope that future generations will be healthier and developed not only personally, intellectually, spiritually, but also physically.

“A person can live up to 100 years. We ourselves, by our intemperance, by our disorderliness, by our ugly treatment of our own organism, reduce this normal period to a much smaller figure.

Dear parents!

Instill in your children the habit of physical education and sports from an early age!

Respect the sports interests and passions of your child!

Support the desire to participate in sports activities DOW!

Participate with your child in sports events, leisure activities organized in the preschool educational institution. This helps to strengthen your authority in the eyes of your own child!

Raise in your children respect for people involved in sports!

Tell us about your sporting achievements in childhood and adolescence!

Demonstrate your example of physical education and sports!

Give your children sports equipment and equipment!

Make outdoor walks with the whole family, hikes and excursions with your child!

Support your child in case of failure, temper his will and character!

Health is the most precious, the most precious gift that a person has received from nature!



Health is priceless - it lasts for years.

What it will be - depends on you!

Choose a healthy life!





A sports family is the key to education

healthy baby!

Children preschool age they love to perform sports exercises dressed in the form of games. It is quite possible for parents to play such games with their children at home, in the yard, during a walk, during which children not only acquire vital skills, but also develop physically. Over time, physical exercises become a favorite game for children, in which everything is interesting: new achievements, competitiveness of games, and most importantly, the participation of parents. Any load begins to be perceived easily and with curiosity.

Dear moms and dads!

If your children are dear to you, if you want to see them happy, help them to keep their health. Try to make sure that in your family physical education and sports become an integral part of joint leisure.

A healthy preschooler today is a healthy nation in the future!


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