Where is the most anesthetic point for massage. Biological active points on the human body, responsible for the organs to improve health, weight loss, treatment

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


Chinese medicine uses points on the human body to lose weight. Active weight loss can be achieved with acupuncture. According to the teachings of the ancient sages, the human body is like an atlas in the form of a crystal with 365 points lying on 12 meridians and faces. The energy of life Qi flows through the channels. By influencing the energy passage zones, one can achieve health improvement, weight loss and elimination of ailments.

What are weight loss points

Among the many areas of the body responsible for health and energy storage, acupuncture points for weight loss stand apart. By pressing on them according to the rules or by doing acupuncture, you can achieve a decrease in appetite, weight loss and normalization of the work of the digestive department. There are several points for losing weight. When you press them, metabolism is activated, blood circulation and digestion improve, fat is broken down.

Acupuncture for weight loss at home can lower the concentration of glucose in the blood, stabilize the functions of internal organs. By clicking on the weight loss zones, a person receives the hormone of happiness, forgetting about hunger. Impact on the centers of the body with a needle or self-massage helps to reduce weight, the increase of which is caused by the following reasons:

  • excess food intake;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • low physical activity;
  • stress, depression;
  • sleep disorders;
  • chronic fatigue, emotional burnout.

In addition to losing weight, exposure to acupuncture gives a person the following benefits:

  • improving the condition of the whole organism;
  • not limited by age;
  • compatible with massage, gymnastics, diet;
  • safely.

At the same time, body reflexology has a number of contraindications, in which exposure is dangerous:

  • the first trimester of pregnancy and immediately after childbirth;
  • nervous excitement;
  • tumors;
  • blood diseases;
  • rheumatism;
  • pulmonary, heart failure.

Acupuncture points on the human body

In order for the massage points on the human body to work for weight loss, you need to look for them correctly and act on them. The cun, which is equal to the width of the first phalanx of the thumb, is adopted as a measuring unit of distance in therapy. To avoid inconvenience in the difference in the width of fingers in different people, men and women, one cun is considered equal to 2.4 cm.

Experts identify from 12 to 20 zones that promote weight loss. Among them, Tai Chun is considered to be famous, pressing on which, in addition to weight loss, cleanses the liver and removes toxins from it. Most of the points are located on the auricles - they control appetite and are responsible for metabolic processes. The slimming zone is located in front of the protruding cartilage on the ear. Tragus should be pinched for about three minutes to dull the feeling of hunger.

Other Special Interest Areas:

  1. San-yin-jayu - removes swelling on the legs, gives a person the opportunity to lose weight, get rid of toxins and toxins. It is located 3 cun above the protruding tibia bone.
  2. Yin-ling-quan - in combination with the first removes excess weight. Located on the crease in the bend of the knee. For a greater effect, you need to hit the biopoint with the fist of the opposite hand 30 times.
  3. Bai Hui - is able to save a person from being overweight against the background of chronic fatigue. Located on the top of the head, for the effect, press with the pad of your finger for five seconds.
  4. Dai-mai - stimulating it controls appetite, removes overeating from emotional burnout, burns fat from the abdomen and waist. It is located between the extreme rib and pelvic bones at the waist in line with the navel.
  5. Feng Shi - eliminates fat from the thighs, is important for the normalization of sleep. You can find it on the outer femoral side at the level of the tips of the middle fingers of the outstretched hand.


Correct exposure and a certain stimulation time require acupressure for weight loss, or Su-jok. Each point has its own method of pressing - with a finger, pads or a fist. Following the scheme, you can achieve impressive results. For a week, the feeling of hunger decreases, a person eats little. In addition to losing weight, you can get rid of other diseases.

12 active points for weight loss

The most famous are 12 active points for weight loss, located on different parts of the body. If you follow the method, you will be able to lose weight by tapping on them. Each area requires its own exposure time - from five seconds to a couple of minutes. It is better to massage on an empty stomach in the morning or in the evening, you need to relax and calm down in advance.

Tai Chun

The top of the tide, or the Tai Chun point, in addition to losing weight, is responsible for the liver channel and getting rid of insomnia. It is located on the back of the foot, in the deepest place between the joints of the first toes. To stimulate, sit down, inhale deeply, exhale and press on the skin, holding in the starting position for five seconds. Do 30 times, switch to the other leg.

Guan Yuan

The most famous is the Guan Yuan zone, the stimulation of which allows you to achieve weight loss. In women, it is located three cun below the navel, in men - four. For the effect, lie down, relax your stomach, massage the area with uniform, medium-speed movements for half an hour twice a day. Soon a person feels that he is losing his appetite, losing 3-5 kg ​​in a course of 25 days. It is better to carry out manipulations in the morning before meals. Instead of using fingers, it is allowed to take a massager or a smooth object with a rounded end.

The best results can be obtained by following a diet and sports loads. In addition to weight loss, the point is important in the treatment of diseases genitourinary system. With hormonal problems and weight gain, stimulation is different - stand up straight, put your feet on your shoulders. Inhale deeply, exhaling, tighten your stomach, bend your legs, tilt your head. Squeeze intensely with your thumb, after four seconds, ease the tension, return to the original stance. Repeat 30 times. There is an option to press with the bases of closed palms.

Nei Guan

The inner border, or Nei Kuan, is responsible for the pericardial canal, located on the threshold of the shoulder 2 cun from the crease of the wrist, between the tendons. To stimulate, stand up straight, inhale, stretch your arms up. Exhale, stretch your hands to the chest line, press hard, release after two seconds. Repeat 30 times and then on the other side. Stimulation helps to get rid of stress, mental tension, overeating. In addition, it relieves headaches, eliminates discomfort in the heart, chest areas, abdomen, and improves mood.

Da Zhui

A solitary asymmetric zone is Da Zhui, which lies between the processes of the extreme thoracic and cervical vertebrae. To detect the middle s index finger put on top of the vertebrae, move your head and find a point between them. Sit down, tilt your head slightly, massage for a few minutes. Stimulation relieves hunger, reduces muscle tension.

Lao Gong

The most accessible and easy to detect is the Lao Gong zone, located in the middle of the palm (its deepest place). Exposure to massage for five minutes daily in the clockwise direction will help normalize the functions digestive tract, reduce appetite. By reducing the volume of food consumed, a person loses weight by 1.5-2 kg per month.

Shao Shan

The complex of massage for weight loss includes the Shao Shan point, located at the thumb near the nail. You can find it like this: measure with outside finger 1/10 cun (3 mm) from the growth line of the nail plate. It is recommended to press on the area daily for a couple of minutes with a force of medium intensity. The touch will be painful, in addition to losing weight, it relieves the common cold and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Zi Gong

Zi Gong will help to cope with excess weight caused by hormonal changes. It is located outside the channels, has a symmetrical pair, is located 4 cun down from the navel plus 3 cun in both directions. To stimulate, stand up straight, place your feet on your shoulders, bend your knees. Put your hands on your waist, squeeze the areas with your thumbs, perform circular rotations of the hips 30 times in a clockwise direction. Keep a small amplitude, repeat against the direction of the arrow. You can do 2-3 sets per day. This massage is effective for infertility.

Zu San Li

The Zu San Li point is considered the most bioactive. With daily massage of the site for a third of an hour a day, a person achieves a loss of 400 g per week. It is located under the knee, for impact, grab it with your palm, with the pad of your ring finger, feel for a small recess under the cup, massage. Massage clockwise in circles 9 times one leg, then the other.

During the process, not the most pleasant tingling is felt on the forehead, in the shoulder blades and legs, but after completion, lightness comes. Before going to bed, point massage is not recommended, as well as too strong actions - energy is lost. In addition to improving digestion and losing excess weight caused by constant depression, the effect increases immunity, eliminates osteochondrosis, and convulsions.

Gian Ging

In the area of ​​​​the articulation of the shoulders and neck from the back is the Gian Jing zone, which is responsible for controlling appetite. It must be stimulated strictly for a minute, then go to the parallel arm. Daily exposure in a complex scheme with similar points helps a person lose weight by a couple of kilograms per month. Massage should be of medium intensity, do not press hard.

Feng Chi

At overweight body, which appeared due to menopause, the Feng Chi point is massaged. The site is located in the middle of the depression on the back of the head up from the hairline to the cun. To massage, fold your fingers in a cross, massage in a circle 9 times inward and the same outward. Move the brushes to the front of the neck under the cheeks of the face, stroke with four fingers, release. During the process, a pull or radiation is felt when exposed to a small force. In addition to losing weight, massage helps to get rid of headaches, dizziness, weakness.

Yu Pe

The effective point of Yu Pe is responsible for the nerve endings in the saturation section of the brain. It is located in the center between the joints of the elbow and shoulder of the outer surface of the arm. It should be acted upon with light circular movements for half a minute, constantly changing hands. If you feel hungry, stimulation will allow you to forget about it, although it will be a little painful in sensations.

Tian Shu

The last popular area on the human body for weight loss is called the Tian Shu point, which lies in the navel region for two cuns on each side of it. Stimulation is carried out for a minute with the index finger, pad or smooth massager. To reduce weight by 2-5 kg ​​per month, massage daily for three weeks.


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Points on the human body for weight loss

Back pain is a sign of the times. It is rare that someone has never had a backache, but these pains do not necessarily mean a serious pathology. In some cases, the appearance of pain is dictated by lifestyle and unhealthy habits, stress and fatigue. And this is where acupressure helps. In case of clinical diseases, this massage technique is almost always included in a conservative treatment complex or is one of the stages of postoperative rehabilitation.

The spine, which means the back, is one of the foundations of human health. She can get sick for multiple reasons, many of which medicine has yet to study. But today, a close connection between back pain and certain organs has been precisely established.

What is effective massage? This is, first of all, the ability to influence certain zones in the right way, localized around certain points. Only knowing these zones and methods of influence, having an idea of ​​the anatomy and relationships of the back with other parts of the body and organs, after mastering the techniques and long-term practice, you can perform an effective massage that can relieve pain.

General impact of massage

Properly performed massage has various effects (except for relieving pain).

  1. Helps relieve stress.
  2. Relaxes the body.
  3. Leads muscles to tone.
  4. Relieves muscle spasm.
  5. It improves blood circulation by dilating blood vessels.
  6. Helps speed up metabolism.

By the way. Impact on certain areas of the back causes certain responses in various parts of the body. They can be soothing, relaxing or stimulating, energetic. The reaction depends on the right points and technique.

As a result of a massage session:

  • the activity of the vegetative-vascular system nodes improves;
  • tissue trophism is brought to normal;
  • the activity of the glands and internal organs is normalized;
  • the tense nervous and muscular state is removed;
  • the degree of pain decreases.

Impact on diseases

Naturally, it is possible to treat the disease with massage (which in any case is only an auxiliary method that accompanies the main therapy) only by accurately establishing the cause of the pain, if it arose as a result of pathology. First, a diagnosis is needed, and a massage course should be prescribed by a doctor.

Having determined the necessary points on the plane of the back to work directly with them, it is possible to help the patient with the following problems;

  • headaches;
  • cardiac discomfort;
  • pain associated with migraine;
  • hand numbness;
  • tinnitus;
  • pain and numbness of the legs;
  • kidney and liver problems;
  • reproductive problems.

The list can be continued, it covers the entire body, and there is practically no area that would not correlate with one or another point on the plane of the back.

The essence of point massage

The analysis of the interconnection of organs makes it possible, acting at one point, to receive a response from the influence at a distance, but connected with it. This is the purpose of using point activities.

How acupressure works

The technique is based on the principle of acupuncture. There are about seven hundred points of activity on the human body, the impact on which causes one or another reaction. For massage acupressure, 150 is used.

Important! The uniqueness of point manipulations, first of all, is that you can cause the desired reaction without acting directly on the site of the lesion, which is often simply impossible to massage due to its inaccessibility. Such places include, for example, intravertebral injuries.

Massaging active points or applying pressure to them is used in various types massage, and serves a variety of purposes.

Table. Point massage of different types.

TypePurpose of application

During this type of massage, the following problems are solved:
heaviness and fatigue in the lumbar region;
limited mobility of the shoulder girdle;
Violation of the functioning of the stomach and intestines;
pain in the shoulders, shoulder blades, neck;
lumbar pain;
symptoms of bronchial asthma.

During the procedure, massage of active points located on the meridians, called energy channels, is carried out.

Point points for diagnostics are also used.

After acupuncture, both a solution to local problems (tightness, pain) and a positive effect on the integrity of the body are observed.

In Europe, massage is performed on painful dorsal points in order to relax tense muscles and relieve pain from their excessive tension.

Most often, the neck, shoulder and scapular segment and lower back are massaged pointwise.

Here we will consider the traditional European point massage, carried out as an aid in various diseases back, internal organs, as well as to relieve tension and fatigue.

Massage can be therapeutic, sports, relaxing, tonic... There are a lot of massage techniques, the choice is always strictly individual, depending on the patient's health status and gender. We recommend reading to learn about how a back massage is performed for a man.

Finding a Point of Influence

If you find the right point from which to manipulate, the patient at the time of impact on it will experience the following sensations:

  • short tingling, like a low voltage electric shock;
  • the appearance of "goosebumps" throughout the body;
  • body aches;
  • fatigue;
  • the formation of "goosebumps" in some open areas;
  • pulling feeling at the point.

Important! Among all the sensations during pressure or other impact on a correctly found point, there should not be pain, in any case, strong ones.

Preparation and technique of acupressure

A professional masseur chooses individually which place of the palm or hand to act on the points. Selected methods can be combined and changed. The impact can be made in the following ways:

  • thumbs;
  • knuckles in a bent state;
  • index fingers;
  • back of the hand;
  • middle fingers.

For preparation, a relaxing massage is performed, the methods of which are mainly rubbing and stroking.

Advice. Despite the zone of the back, in which the point impact will be carried out, the preparatory massage is done over its entire surface.

Stroking is done without lifting the open palms from the skin in the direction from the buttocks up. Movements are used circular, then fan and zigzag. The order can be changed. The pace is 25 movements per minute.

Stroking - classical massage technique

With subsequent rubbing, the pace increases to 60 movements. In addition to the knuckles, preparatory rubbing can be done with the back of the palms or elbow joints.

Now the patient is ready for acupressure, relaxed and calm. It is carried out in this way.

  1. Find the pain center, the point where the pain is felt the most.
  2. Within five seconds, make circular movements on it clockwise (as if screwing something).
  3. With each approach, increase the time by two seconds, bringing it to twelve.
  4. Between approaches, the masseur's hand is sharply removed from the point.
  5. The intensity and frequency increase from session to session.

Advice. You can make an impact with simple pressure for 7-10 seconds. In the first session, it is worth limiting yourself to several approaches, increasing their number and degree of pressure gradually.

Before starting acupressure, the doctor must definitely clarify whether the patient has any contraindications to it.

An obstacle to manipulation can be:

  • hyperemia disease;
  • the presence of a malignant tumor;
  • any bleeding;
  • fragility of blood vessels;
  • any oncology;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • venereal disease;
  • thrombophilia;
  • mental illness.

Points on the back

Each section of the back has its most commonly used points. In addition to them, tissues on the left and right are necessarily worked out directly along the vertebrae.

Important! You can massage the tissues directly near the spine, but in no case should you touch the vertebrae themselves.

cervical area

It has seven vertebrae, each of which is responsible for a specific position.

Massage points are located on both sides on the line between the spine and shoulder blades. Also, one of the points is located at the top of the shoulder blades.

Working through these points will allow:

  • relieve headaches;
  • remove nervousness;
  • increase blood supply to the brain;
  • stimulate the production of thyroid hormones;
  • restore reduced auditory and visual functions;
  • cleanse the skin of the face from acne and other rashes.

chest area

Of the twelve thoracic vertebrae, the first three are most often targeted (not the vertebrae themselves, but the tissues around them).

Here are the sectors that are responsible for the functioning of the lungs, and most often the points are massaged in patients with bronchial asthma.

Near the fourth thoracic vertebra is a point associated with possible numbness of the hands.

Going down a little lower, you can correct the work of the heart muscle. Further, in descending order - the stomach, liver and kidneys.

By the way. It is in this department that intercostal neuralgia occurs, which is also treated with acupressure, finding points of influence along each rib.

Lumbar zone

The five vertebrae that form the lumbar zone are responsible for internal processes in the intestines, the functioning of the bladder, and sexual function. It is necessary to work out the areas around all five vertebral segments. And with arthritis hip joints or knee arthritis points all over the lower back stand out.

Advice. In order to detect trigger points, it is necessary, by slightly pressing with your fingers, to move along the muscle under study, stopping at the most painful areas.

Point massage allows you to relieve pain, relax muscles, relieve discomfort arising from tension. As well as in acupuncture, these points do not have a clear localization, and are located individually for each patient. Sometimes several points located nearby can create extensive painful zones, which are massaged, nevertheless, pointwise, with triggers found inside the zones.

Video - Acupressure (acupressure) of the back. Points, meridians, technique and technique of acupressure

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most popular and in a simple way help yourself with any problem or illness is acupressure (acupressure). A big plus of this method is also in the simultaneous study of the energy component. Acupressure is nothing but the next step in acupuncture. It uses the same points (as well as meridians) that are used in acupuncture. The difference is that the impact occurs not with the help of needles, but with the help of fingers.

By pressing on special points of our body, we are freed from most ailments.

Acupressure, in addition to relieving pain, reduces the duration of the disease, suppresses nervousness and relieves tension. With the help of acupressure, we get rid of those ailments that are based on nervous stress, and in our time they are the majority.

However, its main role is to safely, effectively relieve pain without side effects. By applying acupressure, you avoid unnecessary pain and bleeding from injections, as well as infection. This is a safe, reliable and simple method.

Varieties of points

Harmonizing points located at the beginning and end of the meridian. Acupressure of these points allows you to feel the effect in those organs that belong to this meridian.
Exciting points (one for each meridian). The impact on them allows you to achieve a reaction and performance of the relevant organs.
Calming points (one on each meridian). Acupressure of these points brings a feeling of peace, stress relief. Influencing this group of points, you feel pleasant sensations.

Acupressure of the so-called signal ("Mu-points") brings the strongest relief. Each organ has its own signal point, with the help of which pain is relieved.
Looking for a point

The exact location of the desired point in the drawing or photograph can only be found if it contains general anatomical data. In almost 100% of cases, when you click on the desired point, a sharp pain signal occurs. Due to the fact that each human body has its own characteristics, sometimes it is not so easy to find a point according to the scheme. To simplify the search for deviations in the location of the points, as a rule, they are marked on the diagram with a dotted line.

How to influence

In Chinese medicine, there are three main ways to influence the points:

1. When treating for the first time, as well as with a sharp pain, a circular superficial massage of the point is necessary using the pad of the index finger. The duration of exposure is 1-5 minutes.

2. In the case of a chronic illness, a medium-impact massage is suitable. The most effective will be acupressure throughout the day. In this case, the time of exposure to a specific point should not exceed 30 seconds.

3. Strong acupressure is carried out with the help of the thumb (however, in practice there are other options for exposure).

4. Other methods of influence are also possible (with all fingers, finger bones, etc.)

After the desired point is found, they begin to influence it with the help of circular movements of the index or thumb. The rhythm of such a procedure is no more than two revolutions per second. It is necessary to ensure that the finger does not go astray from the point, and also to be especially careful when acting asymmetrically on several points.


Acupressure is used as an additional method of treatment, as a rule, contraindications to it are rare. However, they are:

severe overwork;
serious malformations of the heart and circulatory system.

Massage technique

First of all, you need to sit or lie down in a horizontal position and relax. If you like musical accompaniment, turn on a soothing composition, light a scented candle. You can’t be distracted by something: ask your loved ones to leave for a while, you need to focus only on the procedure. Find the desired point with the tip of your index finger. Gently apply pressure to the skin in a circular motion. Acupressure time - from 0.5 to 5 minutes. The effect will not be long in coming and will last for a long time. In this case, acupressure can and should be repeated several times a day.

How to do acupressure

Asthma (post-smoking period, cough, shortness of breath)


Execution technique. Carrying out acupressure with a slight movement of the index finger for one minute. Repeat - anytime.

If you want to smoke while weaning from cigarettes, do this acupressure immediately. In this case, the impact should be short-term, but intense. If you have hypotension (low blood pressure), this acupressure will be even more beneficial.

Eye diseases, to improve vision

Dot "Tali Yuan"

Execution technique. Close eyes. With light movements, act on the eye sockets according to the scheme.

To increase appetite


Execution technique. Take several times a day before meals. Medium impact acupressure (about 20 seconds) on the little fingers of both hands by alternately pressing the thumbnail.

To reduce appetite

Needed point: soothing "Yu-pe"

Execution technique. Pressure. Gentle massage of both hands at the moment of the feeling of hunger with a duration of 30 seconds.

Colic in gallbladder


Execution technique. Simultaneous acupressure with the index fingers until the pain is relieved.

Pain in the occipital region, headaches

Required point: special symmetrical point "Fen-chi"

Execution technique. Acupressure with force with both hands simultaneously with both index and thumb.

Pain in the forehead

Required point: symmetrical soothing point "Hsi-san"

Execution technique. With your thumbs, it is easy to act on points synchronously. It is recommended to close your eyes and completely relax.

migraine ( headache)

Needed point: soothing point "Ho-gun"

Execution technique. Light acupressure of the point, sandwiched between the thumb and forefinger, up to 5 minutes.

Increased blood pressure (hypertension)


Execution technique. In complete rest, acupressure is performed with the index finger for up to five minutes. If you repeat constantly - a break is recommended (approximately every week).


Required point: harmonizing "Tsyn-tsmel"

Execution technique. Brief but intense acupressure with the index finger. Can be combined with thumbnail acupressure on the little finger area of ​​the nail bed of the other hand. Acupressure points "Tsyn-tsmel" can be combined with dot "Wuy-ti"(hypotension).


Required point: symmetrical
2. Exciting point "Ku-san"
3. Calming point "Fu-san"

Execution technique. Acupressure with fingertips on both sides synchronously for one minute.


Required point: special point "Henna-anu-ha"

Execution technique. With the thumb, clasping the foot, acupressure is performed with moderate effort. It is better to carry out exposure in the morning or evening at large intervals. As an additional effect, you can slightly bite the tip of the tongue with your teeth with an interval of once every 20 seconds (additional acupressure as in "Thirst").

Upset stomach (pain in the gastrointestinal tract)

Necessary points: harmonizing

1) Point "Doo"- spasms, colic.
2) Symmetrical points "Du-nshi-(li)"- diarrhea.
3) Point "Tu-tssi"- constipation.

Execution technique. Exceptionally light impact (long-term). It will be a plus to take a horizontal position. Acupressure with index fingers. With diarrhea, carry out synchronously on both sides.

For tooth pain

Required point: special point "Lo-ba"

Execution technique. With a toothache, an intense, increased impact with the index finger (nail) for ten seconds. Repeat several times.

Upper respiratory disease

Required point: symmetrical (special) point "Slim-by"

Execution technique. Assume a sitting position, close your eyes and perform moderate acupressure with the index fingers of both hands (thumbs resting your chin). In total, you need to perform 64 movements in a circle (8 sets of 8 circular movements).

Low blood pressure, as well as with intensive blood circulation

Required point: exciting point "Wuy-ti"

Execution technique. Short-term acupressure with the thumbnail, as intense as possible. The impact occurs on the little finger of the opposite hand. The whole procedure is done at rest, preferably in the morning, without getting out of bed.

With blockage of blood vessels, poor blood flow, circulatory disorders

Required point: exciting point "En-mu"

Execution technique. Grab the index finger and thumb of one hand middle finger another. Perform acupressure with medium intensity using the thumbnail according to the rhythm of the heartbeat. The procedure is carried out on both hands, changing the middle fingers every 60 seconds.

Runny nose

Required points: all points are symmetrical

1) Harmonizing point "Hee-shni".
2) Exciting point "Hu-san".
3) Calming point "Fusan".
4) Special point "Ni-chi".

Execution technique. Lightly press the tips of the index fingers to carry out acupressure on both sides (the points are located symmetrically). Actions to be performed synchronously. The procedure for each pair of points is equal in time to 60 seconds. Carry out according to the sequence 1-2-3-4. Do acupressure and as a preventive measure that prevents a runny nose.

Sweating (excessive sweating, hyperhidrosis)

Required point: special point "Room-wai"

Technique. Acupressure with minimal pressure using the index finger. The procedure is carried out within three minutes. The result is visible in a short time on the right side, on the left, the effectiveness comes much more slowly.

Sciatica (in the lumbosacral region)

Required point: special "Ha-se"

Execution technique. Intensive acupressure is performed with the thumbs simultaneously on both sides. The procedure time is two minutes.

Cervical sciatica (lumbago)

Required point: harmonizing point "Fayuan"

Execution technique. We put our index fingers directly on the points, and with the big ones we clamp the area in this place. Perform acupressure with index fingers on both sides, observing synchronism. At first, the pressure should be slight, and then the action intensifies. If necessary, repeat acupressure.

Disorders associated with adolescence

Required point: harmonizing point "Tan-neil" or "Yen May"

Execution technique. Using the tip of your index finger, make a light impact on the point. In this case, it is desirable to carry out the procedure in the morning, lying in bed and observing complete rest.

Menstrual pain (menstrual disorders)

Required point: harmonizing point "Fen-zhu"

Execution technique. The most light acupressure, periodically performed during the "critical" days until the condition improves. It is recommended, along with acupressure, to take special herbal preparations that alleviate the condition.

Male impotence (impotence), lack of desire in a woman (coldness), other tin disorders

Required point: special point "Che-li-ke"

Execution technique. It is necessary to alternate light and intense (strong) acupressure with the index finger. A big plus will be the conduct of acupressure by a partner. A prerequisite is a state of rest. It is also recommended to conduct a tantric technique in a woman.

Lack of erection in a man (erectile dysfunction)

Required point: special point "Lo-simui"

Execution technique. Carrying out light acupressure, preferably with the participation of a partner. It is imperative that the man is in a calm environment. To enhance the effect of point acupressure "Lo-simui" you can add acupressure of the previous point "Che-li-ke".

Insomnia (lack of sleep)

Required point: special (harmonizing) point "Han-wan"

Execution technique. Being in complete rest, light acupressure is performed with the help of index fingers. A greater effect is observed on the right side than on the left side.

Rheumatic pains (rheumatism)

Needed point: soothing

Execution technique. Acupressure with light movements, but long in time (7 minutes) with the help of the index finger. Carrying out continuous acupressure on both hands. The patient needs to be at rest. The point for acupressure is chosen according to the diseased side of the body.

Heart pain (in the region of the heart)

Needed point: soothing

1) "Hi-ti"(pic 1)
2) "Ha-fun-li"(pic 2)

Execution technique. It is necessary to easily grab the hand with the help of the index and thumb fingers, take the “lying” position and carry out acupressure with light movements. Complete rest is recommended. Along with acupressure, taking special herbal preparations will not hurt.

Nervous excitement, fears, neuroses, state of depression

Required point: harmonizing point " Divine Indifference»

Execution technique. Take a sitting position, use the index fingers of both hands to carry out light acupressure. The duration of exposure is five minutes maximum.

Joint pain

Required point: harmonizing point "Yuyin-hi-li"

Execution technique. With the help of index fingers, acupressure is gently performed. If the pain is sharp - only a slight impact. If the disease is chronic, intensive acupressure is recommended. The exposure time is until you feel better. It is recommended to connect herbal preparations to maintain the joints.

Fatigue, lethargy, fatigue

Required point: special (exciting)

Execution technique. Pinky on right hand is clamped between the index and thumb of the left hand. Reasonably strong acupressure is produced with the tip of the thumb. This effect is carried out for about an hour. If there is no effect, it is recommended to repeat acupressure again.

Tired legs after walking or running

Necessary point: exciting

Execution technique. Acupressure is performed with the index finger. The shin of the leg that is being massaged is not wrapped around. If necessary, acupressure is repeated.

Ear pain (otitis media)

Required point: harmonizing point "Yunyuwa"

Execution technique. Light impact with index fingers. It makes sense to conduct it only directly near the affected ear. The exposure time is until a stable improvement occurs.

Thirst, dehydration

Necessary point: soothing point of the mucous membrane "Yuan Ching"(about one centimeter from the tip of the tongue)

Execution technique. Light biting of the tongue at the appropriate point (located 1 cm from the tip of the tongue) with an interval of once every 20 seconds. This is the only point of the mucous membrane for acupressure in the human body; no others have yet been found.

Special points

There are several other popular points that are no less popular for acupressure.

Zu-San-Li Point

Exposure to this point helps well in violation of the function of the stomach, peptic ulcer, gastritis, vomiting, constipation, enteritis, diarrhea, as well as pain in the legs and knee joints, eye diseases, fever, urinary incontinence, asthenic condition, has a tonic action. Otherwise, this point is called the point from a hundred diseases. It is one of the main acupuncture points according to Chinese medicine. You can stimulate this point different ways: however, the simplest and no less effective is acupressure. As Chinese healers say, this point works best if it is massaged clockwise in the first half of the day, and counterclockwise in the second. In many hospitals of the East, they prefer to work with this point, despite the fact that in the first minutes the patient experiences discomfort and pain. After a few minutes, the pain subsides, and the person feels better.

San Yin Jiao Point

It helps to influence this point in diseases of the tai-yin channel of the spleen: pain of the root of the tongue, belching, jaundice, anxiety, insomnia, bloating, general motor disorders. The effect on it is effective in case of digestive diseases: rumbling in the abdomen, bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, loose stool, loss of appetite. Her acupressure helps with blood diseases: headache, insomnia, constipation, amenorrhea due to stagnation of blood and due to its lack. It treats diseases of water metabolism: urinary retention, edema, jaundice, difficulty urinating, urinary incontinence. The impact on this point is also effective in diseases of the genital area: amenorrhea, heavy menstruation, dysmenorrhea, infertility, bleeding in the postpartum period, pain in the genitals, impotence, premature ejaculation. Treats the impact on it and diseases of the musculoskeletal system: paralysis and weakness in the limbs, pain in the hip and knee joints.

This point is equally effective both to massage and to influence it with acupuncture. By following these recommendations for acupressure, you can avoid many health problems, as well as alleviate existing ones.

Evidence of effectiveness, detailed technique, we influence the point of longevity - in the article.

The main advantage of shiatsu

The possibility of self-massage in any situation and place (at home, at work, in a car).

Having mastered the basic techniques of pressure and having learned to find the right acupuncture points, we are able to independently:

  • overcome fatigue,
  • get rid of mental overload,
  • remove or reduce any pain,
  • reduce the unpleasant symptoms of diseases,
  • normalize blood pressure
  • increase energy,
  • improve health,
  • provide emergency assistance
  • improve sleep and overall well-being.

Shiatsu Evidence

Let us refer to the publication of the results of experiments in well-known international publications.

Sleep quality and relaxation

July 2004, the study was conducted in England and Germany. In an in-depth interview, 14 practitioners and 15 long-term clients testified to the positive effects of shiatsu massage on falling asleep, sleep patterns, and body relaxation.

Journal of Integrative Medicine(Journal of Integrative Medicine):

year 2014. Difficulty falling asleep is a common problem for people suffering from pain. Individuals with musculoskeletal pain and sleep problems were selected to participate in the study (Canada). They were taught self-massage of the hands and interviewed after 8 weeks.

Participants noted a long-term increase in uninterrupted sleep time, more than during nocturnal awakenings. None of the participants reported adverse effects of the intervention.

Thus, shiatsu can be beneficial to apply during nocturnal awakenings, as well as before bed.

Reducing pain, chronic fatigue, stress

Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine(official journal of the Acupuncture Research Society, USA):

2008, the study covered 948 people from England, Austria, Spain. They received shiatsu therapy for 6 months.

Indications: pain in the joints and muscles, chronic fatigue, fatigue, stress.

633 subjects provided full information about therapeutic effects.


  • all respondents improved their health, decreased pain, stress and fatigue.
  • 80% have made positive changes in their lifestyle after introducing shiatsu into their daily routine.
  • 16-22% have reduced their use of traditional medicine.
  • In a third, drug dependence has decreased.

Signs of chronic fatigue, causes, risk group, provoking factors, how to avoid illness.

Increasing vitality

International Journal of Palliative Care(International Journal of Palliative Nursing):

September 2013 This qualitative 6-month study was designed to evaluate the impact of shiatsu on clients attending hospice day services. Three overlapping groups of eleven patients with progressive disease received 5 weeks of shiatsu therapy.

The results of the analysis revealed significant progress in levels of energy, relaxation, confidence, mental clarity and mental stability.

The effect lasted in some cases for several hours, but in most cases exceeded the 5-week treatment regimen.

Reducing anxiety and stress

World magazine plastic surgery (World Journal of Plastic Surgery):

in 2013 (Tehran), 60 patients with burn injuries (10-45%) and associated severe post-traumatic nervous disorders received a 20-minute shiatsu massage (each hand was massaged for 10 minutes).

As a result, the degree of anxiety and pain was significantly reduced, recovery came faster.

It is explained by the fact that the pressure on the points causes the production of serotonin and dopamine hormones, which reduce anxiety, muscle tension also disappears, the heartbeat slows down, blood pressure and metabolism normalize.

Reducing back pain

Journal of Holistic Care(Journal of Holistic Nursing):

year 2001. 66 patients with low back pain received four sessions of shiatsu and reported their feelings 2 days after each session. All noted a significant reduction in pain and anxiety.

Massage technique

Active participation in shiatsu hand massage gives a predictable therapeutic effect: in the hands, fingers and in those organs with which the pressure zones are associated, the metabolism is also stimulated.

In addition, the fingers are connected directly to the brain by numerous nerve endings, and therefore shiatsu perfectly calms and relieves mental fatigue.

For pressure use:

the entire area of ​​the fingertips

  • large ones (Tokujiro considered them the most important and powerful tool of influence);
  • three put together (index, middle and nameless);
  • two fingers superimposed one on the other.


Clicks do strictly perpendicular to the skin, without displacement and sticking, without "smearing".

"PRESSURE, not rub or massage!" - Namikoshi succinctly described the difference between his technique.

Pressing force

Moderate. The response should not cause discomfort and severe pain.

If you are massaging someone, take a position so that, if necessary, you can control the pressure with your own weight.


If the execution technique is correct, then numbness, aches, warmth or slight soreness occurs at the place of pressure.

Press duration

depends on the area of ​​the body, health status and specific instructions for the procedure. Most often, single 3-second pressures are applied in the neck area, 5-7 seconds on other parts of the body.

Another option is also used: pressing lasts 1-3 breaths. Repeat the pressure 2-10 times.

How to find the right point

Anatomical landmarks are: bony protrusions and depressions, hair growth boundaries, skin folds, gaps between muscles and tendons, places where pulses can be felt on the arteries, etc. The point can be palpated with a tubercle or fossa.

Response sensations in it differ from other parts of the body.

Aches, numbness, tingling (like a weak current discharge), soreness, stiffness - these feelings are an indicator of the correct definition of a biologically active point.

Pain in BAT may indicate a pathology in the organ associated with it.

Preparing for a massage

Warm up your hands well: rub your palms and fingers together.

If you touch the body with cold hands, there are distorted reactions that can aggravate the condition of the disease. Cold is one of the most disease-causing factors.

It is undesirable to massage on an empty stomach (fainting is possible) and immediately after eating.

Longevity Point ZU-SAN-LI

Restorative paired point, belongs to the meridian of the stomach.

Synonyms: gui-se, xia-lin.

O miraculous properties zu-san-li is mentioned in the most ancient medical treatises. This point is deservedly called the point of longevity, since it affects three levels of the body at once, which in ancient China correlated with Man, Heaven and Earth.

Through these three energy levels, with the help of very thin hormonal connections, all systems and organs are influenced, recovery processes are launched in them.

The list of indications is huge:

Zu-san-li - dot emergency room with fainting, postpartum shock, cerebral hemorrhage, sunstroke.

Located at the junction of the tibia and fibula.

How to find: put the center of the palm on the center of the patella, press your fingers to the lower leg (under its pad).

To make sure that the point is correctly determined, pull the foot up, a muscle tubercle should form under the ring finger. Lower your foot and a depression will appear under your toe. You have to click on it.

How to massage: press simultaneously on the points on both legs for 5-7 seconds, release for 2-3 seconds, repeat 3-4 times.

It is desirable to work with zu-san-li in the first half of the day, preferably before 10 am, when the stomach channel is most active. Massage in the afternoon and especially in the evening can provoke insomnia.

Even experts in oriental medicine advise using the first 8 days of the growth of the moon

Massage zu-san-li for a long time can increase pressure. Therefore, people prone to hypertension can be advised to massage the Yang Ling Quan point for similar purposes.


Acupressure Shiatsu is an amazing technique: very simple, affordable and effective. Having mastered simple tricks, we can help ourselves in time and restore our health.

Watch for skin reactions, if in some place the skin starts to hurt, then there is a problem in the organ corresponding to this area.
Put your hand there and try to find the most painful point. This does not require an acupuncture atlas, the body itself indicates its location.

It is enough to apply 5-7 seconds of pressure with repetition a couple of times and throughout the day for the pain to subside. And this means that the process of self-healing is started.

And finally, advice from Tokujiro Namikoshi, who lived 95 years:

“To live a long and fulfilling life, avoid prolonged overwork and get enough sleep. While we are young, an 8-hour sleep removes the most severe fatigue like a hand.

Be sure to pay attention to - they are sure signs of prolonged fatigue and lack of sleep, which lead to serious health problems.

Be healthy!


  • Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine,
  • US National Library of Medicine,
  • Top10HomeRemedies.com
  • P.V. Belousov "Acupuncture points of Chinese Zhenjiu therapy"

Elena Valve for the Sleepy Cantata project

In preparation: shiatsu for immunity, youthfulness of the face, for various problems.


Do not believe that acupressure works wonders? Then you should try and make sure own experience. These techniques are thousands of years old, and they really work without any harm or side effects.

It's no secret that our body has amazing abilities: pain and disease disappear if you act in a certain way on important points.

This has long been known to those who practice acupuncture. However, instead of needles, you can use your own fingers, which you need to press on those very magic points or massage them.

Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners believe that a person's life energy (or "qi") flows through certain invisible channels, which are called meridians. If there are blocks in its path, pain or illness appears.

Studies have shown that if you press on special points, also called acupuncture points, the brain produces natural painkillers– endorphins and can block pain signals transmitted through the nerves. Also, with the help of such acupressure, you can get rid of insomnia and fatigue and a host of other problems.

So where are these magic spots and how should they be influenced in order to relieve unpleasant symptoms, fatigue, get rid of ailments and pains?

There are many such points, but we will show you some of them, which you can influence yourself at home at any convenient time.

Acupressure: how to relieve fatigue after work?

Many people relieve fatigue and stress in not very healthy ways, perhaps because they don’t know that they can do it with massage. Massaging the points below works wonders! After it, you will be able to raise your energy levels and feel much better!

Using your thumb, index or middle finger, massage the following points with force for 3 minutes on the left and right:

(1, 2) Using two fingers, massage a point at the base of the skull, about 1 cm from the spine.

(3) Massage the hollow between the thumb and forefinger on both hands in turn

(4) We massage the point shown in the photo, approximately where the bend of the foot begins.

Acupressure for headaches and migraines

Headaches- the most common types of pain that, perhaps, each of us experienced. Most often, they appear and disappear on their own, but in more rare cases they can signal more serious problems.

The most common type of headache is "stress pain" which appears if we are under stress, very tired or were very tense. It often happens after a hard day at work, after sitting at the computer for a long time, after quarrels and nerves, etc.

To get rid of this type of pain, try massaging the following points for 1 minute:

(1) Massage third eye points- a point just above the bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows. Stimulating this point helps increase concentration, sharpens intuition, relieves headaches and even helps to eliminate digestive problems!

Press with different strengths with one or more fingers, finding the most comfortable state for yourself. Your body will tell you how hard to push for more effect. Press until the headache goes away.

(4) Temple massage:

(5) Massage points located about 1 cm above the center of the eyebrow:

Acupressure for toothache

Toothache- also a fairly common type of pain that almost everyone has experienced. The problem lies in the fact that due to poor oral hygiene or for other reasons, the teeth begin to deteriorate, which is why the nerves are exposed. Toothache is an important signal that it is time to treat your teeth. It is impossible to endure it for a long time, and if your dentist sees you a little later, do not rush to swallow painkillers! Try to reduce toothache with acupressure of the following points (1 minute each):

(1) To relieve toothache, massage the point just below the wings of the nose on both sides.

(2) Massage the point between thumb and forefinger:

(3) Clench your teeth tightly and locate the protruding oblique muscle at the cheekbones. Tighten these muscles and find a point on the most protruding part. Massage this point:

(4) Massage points between the second and third toes:

(5) Massage point below the cheekbones:

Acupressure for ear pain

Children are most often affected by ear pain, but adults can also "blow out" the ears. If you have ever experienced ear pain, you will never forget it: it is a very unpleasant sharp or aching pain somewhere inside the head. Ear pain may occur different reasons. Among the most common reasons- infections, side effects colds and flu, a sudden change in pressure (for example, when flying on an airplane); water in the ears and so on.

To get rid of ear pain or at least relieve it, try massaging the following points for 1 minute each:

(2) Massaging a point near the tragus of the auricle:

(3) Massage a point slightly above the tragus of the auricle:

Acupressure for runny nose and nasal congestion

Runny nose is a problem for everyone, especially in the off-season. If your runny nose does not flow into chronic stages, try massaging the points listed below to relieve symptoms. It is best to perform a light massage of these points in turn on both sides for 1 minute.

(2) Third eye point massage:

(3) Massage points just below the wings of the nose:

(4) Massage a point near the outer corners of the eyes:

(5) Massage a point just above the earlobe:

Acupressure for neck pain

The neck contains bones, muscles, nerves, joints and ligaments, this part of our body has an important mission - to hold the head, which on average weighs about 5 kilograms! Neck pain is often due to the stress we get from doing daily activities, especially if we keep our head in an uncomfortable position.

For example, this happens while reading, due to an unfortunate position during sleep, after computer work for long hours, bad head turn, after sports, etc.

If the neck hurts, then it can be difficult to turn it, in the most problematic cases - it is generally impossible to turn around! Try to do acupressure next points within 1 minute for each point.

(1) Massaging the point at the base of the hand on the side:

(2) Massage the point between thumb and forefinger:

(3) Massage points between the second and third toes:

(4) Massage points at the base of the palm from the outside between the bones of the forearm:

(5) If you tilt your head down, two vertebrae begin to bulge: massage the point between these vertebrae:

Acupressure for shoulder pain

The shoulder joints are the most mobile joints of the whole body, so injuries, sprains, and so on often occur in this part of the body. Most of the problems in this area are related to inflammation of the tendons, muscle strains, bruises, humeroscapular periarthritis and so on. Pain limits mobility, but it can be relieved by massaging certain points for 1 minute:

(1) Massage the point between thumb and forefinger:

(2) If you bend the arm at the elbow and press it against the body, the point to be massaged will be located just above the fold:

(3) Massage points between the second and third toes:

(4) Massage points located on the back of the shoulder just above the armpits:

(5) Massage points located approximately in the center of the upper arms.

Acupressure for abdominal pain

Almost every person has experienced it at least once and knows perfectly well what it is. stomach ache. There can be a lot of reasons and the nature of the pain is also very different. If the problem is not particularly serious, the pain can be relieved by massaging certain points. For example, in this way, problems such as constipation, indigestion, increased gas formation in the intestine, pain in case of poisoning, menstrual pain in women can be eliminated.

(1) Massage the point between thumb and forefinger:

(2) Descend about three fingers below the kneecap from the front, then rotate to the outer edge a few inches from the bone. The picture below will help you find the right point for massage:

(3) Massage points between the second and third toes:

(4) Slightly above the foot on inside legs is located protruding bone. Move up about 4 fingers. Massage the point indicated in the picture. By the way, massage of this point also relieves stress and insomnia!

(5) Massage of a point located approximately 2 fingers below the navel:

(6) Massage of a point located approximately 1 thumb above the navel:

(7) Massage a point approximately 4 fingers above the navel:

Acupressure for back pain

Most of us are now passive lifestyle and little movement, so the problem of back pain is a very common phenomenon. Important causes of pain in this area are muscle tension and spasms, displacement of the vertebrae and serious diseases. You can relieve this type of pain by massaging the following points for 1 minute on each side:

(1) Massage the point between thumb and forefinger:

(3) Massage points that are located on the back, at the level where your navel is located, but about 2 fingers away from the spine:

(4) Massage points below points (3), about 2 fingers apart:

(5) Massage points located approximately in the center of the thigh under the buttocks:

(6) Massage points located in the center of the bend of the knee from the back side:

Acupressure for knee pain

Knee pain is most common in older people, but younger people can also suffer from this problem, especially those who are overweight. Most often in the elderly, knee pain is either due to injuries or due to joint diseases. These pains are usually chronic and interfere with normal movement. Massaging specific points helps alleviate problems:

(1) Massage the point between thumb and forefinger:

(2) Massage points between the second and third toes:

(3) Massage points located in the center of the bend of the knee from the back side:

(4) Massage points located on the most convex part of the knee:

(5) Massage points located on the inside of the kneecap: