Why do cucumber ovaries turn yellow and dry out. Why do cucumber ovaries turn yellow? The main reasons why small cucumber embryos turn yellow in a greenhouse

Sometimes, when growing vegetables, for some reason, the ovaries of cucumbers in a greenhouse turn yellow. This leads to the fact that the gardener does not receive a satisfactory harvest. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. In this article, we will analyze what needs to be done to avoid this.

The reasons

It is very unpleasant when, despite the care, the plants get sick and wither. Yellow ovaries are one of the most common misfortunes among cucumbers. Let's look at the reasons why it appears.

  • Lack of proper lighting. Cucumbers are a variety of vegetable crops that are most demanding for long-term daylight. Lack of light leads to the fact that the plants turn yellow and begin to fall off.
  • Early age. For proper nutrition of the ovaries, cucumber bushes must form in order to fully nourish them. And young vegetable crops get rid of the leaf apparatus, because they themselves are not strong enough.
  • Temperature fluctuations. Very important temperature regime should not be subject to sudden fluctuations. The ovaries also turn yellow because it can get colder at night, during which they grow. In these cases root system may begin to wither and wither, because in the cold earth does not receive enough nitrogen from the soil.
  • Lack of fertilizer. If the soil is not sufficiently saturated with mineral elements and is not fertilized, a sudden yellowing of the cucumber ovaries is possible.
  • Abundance of ties. Every gardener hopes for a high yield, and this may not always be a good thing. After all, the more formed ovaries in the cavities, the more the vegetable crop begins to absorb elements important to it. Even the strongest hybrid is not able to provide normal nutrition, it simply stops developing.

  • Insufficient watering. In the process of growth, development and formation of cucumbers, it is necessary to ensure proper watering. Before the first fruits appear, moisten moderately, but not abundantly. But when the cucumbers intensively look out, you need to increase the watering process. That is, you need to ensure that the plant does not dry out and does not consume excessive water.
  • Bacteriosis. This nasty disease appears as a result of high humidity soil and air. The disease is manifested by the appearance of yellow spots on the foliage.
  • Lack of pollination. When varietal cucumbers grow in greenhouses, incomplete pollination by bees occurs. Insects very rarely fly into the greenhouse during hot weather due to the fact that the room is very stuffy.
  • Rot. Yellowing often occurs also because the plant becomes ill with such unpleasant diseases as white and gray rot (while some ovaries still hang on the branches) or cladospriasis (infects young embryos).
  • Seedling density. A dense planting is the main mistake of beginner gardeners. In spite of proper care plants will not get the nutrients they need. Not enough moisture and lighting.
  • Invasion of pests. The most popular are aphids, mites and whiteflies.

How to deal with it?

Proper lighting

To provide cucumbers with sufficient illumination, you need to think about this even at the time of planning the installation of the greenhouse.

  • Do not plant plants too densely, which in the process of growth will overtake each other in height, while obscuring the lower ones from daylight.
  • The greenhouse should have good lighting from all sides. To do this, you need to correctly orient its location. The most suitable place is from the east side to the west. And if your site is in southern regions, then it should be placed from north to south.


During the growth of cucumbers, you need to remove all flowering and buds from the bosom of the very first five leaves, since they still will not form into full-fledged greens. As soon as the first ovaries appear, it is necessary to remove the lower leaves to increase the influx of nutrients from growing greens. Therefore, we cut 2 leaves for every 6 days. As a result, in the middle of growth, cucumbers receive a bare stem about 1 m long.

In order for the plant not to absorb itself, it is necessary to cut off the extra ovaries. Then you will provide him with normal growth and development.

Ensuring the temperature regime

There is an ideal temperature regime at which cucumbers feel good and give big harvest. In more sunny weather it is 20-25 degrees. If it is cloudy outside, but you need to stick to 20 degrees. At night, the temperature should not fall below 16 degrees. During the fruiting period, it is recommended to slightly increase the performance. It should be noted that the highest temperature for such vegetable crops is about 35 degrees, and the lowest is 14.

If you do not comply with the above temperature regime, then the sensitive ovaries will turn yellow and fall off. Not a single crop can withstand sudden changes, as this also affects the condition of the soil. There are several tricks to raise the temperature in cold weather.

  • Cover the cucumbers overnight with foil. To do this, you need to make a small distance between the main coating and the additional one of 3-6 cm. You will be able to keep warm and raise the temperature a little.
  • Build a canopy of rods and wire. Thus, you reduce the amount of air. It is recommended to cover with a perforated film no more than 0.6 mm thick.
  • For small plants, it will be good to cover the soil with a dark-colored film, and you can also cover it with hay or fresh sawdust.

If the summer turned out to be dry and the temperature rises to impossible levels, you should use the following tips.

  • When planning a greenhouse, do not forget that air enters and ventilates the beds.
  • It is recommended to organize watering of plants in the morning.
  • Film coatings should be moistened with a special solution to create a shadow effect. To do this, you will need 3 kg of chalk, clay or flour. They are added to a mixture of 11 liters of water and 500 ml of fresh milk.

top dressing

The parthenocarpic hybrid of cucumbers is very demanding on nutrition and especially eats from the soil. useful material(especially potassium and nitrogen). Therefore, their lack in the ground must be compensated for. For this:

  • refuse organic fertilizers, in particular, manure;
  • feed the culture with wood ash more often;
  • use special preparations such as Mortar and Calcium Brexin.


First of all, it is worth remembering that you can not water cold water. This culture is quite thermophilic and can get rid of the ovaries ahead of time.

Water should be taken at room temperature, and it should be settled. In hot weather, it is better to water in the morning, but you can also after sunset. On days when it is cloudy and cool, daytime watering is not forbidden.

In order for the fruits to set before the flowering stage, you should spend about 4 liters of water per square meter every 6 days. It is necessary to increase the amount of watering at the time when the fruits appear. To do this, we take 10 liters per 1 square meter and irrigate every two days.

Treatment of diseases and destruction of pests

To avoid bacteriosis in cultures, you need to do the following:

  • spray the plant with 1% solution blue vitriol mixed with lime milk;
  • use drugs such as "Fundazol" and "Topaz".

When a disease such as rot appears, the plant should be treated with copper preparations. In case of cladosporiosis, it is recommended to use "Pseudobacterin" and "Gamiar" for irrigation.

There are also infectious diseases at which the ovaries fall off. The treatment is carried out with skim milk. It is necessary to add a couple of drops of iodine and soap to a liter of milk. The finished solution is watered with cucumbers at the very root.

With a dense planting, you need to thin it out. Immature plants will have to be removed in order to give the rest sufficient nutrition.

In order to avoid the invasion of harmful insects, you can make an infusion of red pepper. Pepper is poured hot water and insist for a day, then add a mixture of soap and wood ash there. Also, insects do not like infusion of onion peel at all. The preparation is to take one to one husk with water and bring to a boil. Then insist for 12 hours. The finished solution is used for spraying.

If the plant is still attacked by pests, then an infusion of potato tops, as well as the use of insecticides, will help well.


To ensure proper pollination of cucumbers, several rules must be followed.

  • You can pollinate the inflorescences with your own hands. To do this, it is necessary to tear out the male inflorescence (it is easy to distinguish, there will be only a stamen with pollen on the inflorescence) and slightly discard the pollen, gently touching the female inflorescence.
  • You can lure bees. To do this, you will need a solution with sugar, honey and water.


We should not forget that in the greenhouse, as well as on open ground, crop rotation is important. It is impossible to allow the same crop to grow on the same bed year after year. pathogens can accumulate in soil various diseases which are dangerous for this plant. In addition, the plant will suck out all the useful elements from the soil, leaving nothing for the next generation.

However, many vegetable growers use the greenhouse exclusively for growing cucumbers alone. There is a way out of this situation - this is sideration. Siderates - important plants that fill the soil with essential minerals and nutrients.

A great idea would be to plant mustard, legumes, watercress, small radishes. These green manures will quickly clear and improve the soil. They grow well, do not require any care, and are absolutely "indifferent" to frost.

To ensure a rich harvest of cucumbers, to obtain healthy fruits and to prevent yellowing of the ovaries, it is enough to follow certain rules of care.

  • Do not forget to stepson cucumbers, because they form a huge green mass.
  • It is recommended to consistently feed the plant, because it is just as important as watering. This is especially true of the period when the rapid growth of green leaves occurs. Cucumbers need components such as nitrogen and phosphorus, so irrigate the embryos with a solution of wood ash and calcium nitrate. Mineral supplements can also be used in small doses.
  • We must not forget that you need to harvest on time and prevent overripe. Then young cucumbers will receive important nutrients for them. Harvested every 2-3 days.

There are non-pollinated varieties of cucumbers. At the stage when greens are tied, they do not need pollen. If it gets on their inflorescences, then a certain part of the ovaries will turn yellow and fall off, the rest will be ugly, twisted. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended:

  • keep the distance between two varieties of cucumbers (needing and not needing pollen) at least 600 meters;
  • cover cucumbers with special blood material to prevent pollen from entering.

There are also unforeseen circumstances that the vegetable grower cannot predict. It's lingering cold weather. Since cucumbers are a thermophilic plant, it is worth installing a temporary heater to regulate the temperature. There are growth stimulants with which cucumbers will be resistant to adverse factors and will begin to grow even in a cool microclimate. After such stimulation, it is necessary to nourish the culture with organic top dressing.

If you have already planted a cucumber crop in a greenhouse, then you need to inspect it regularly to prevent unpleasant diseases. You also need to observe the timing of sowing seeds, and then the formation in the process of growth.

For information on why the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow, see the next video.

Cucumbers are a well-known vegetable crop. They are grown in almost every suburban area. Due to climatic conditions, this is often done in greenhouses, because cucumbers love warmth and moisture. This prevalence is explained by the unpretentiousness of cucumbers, the ease of caring for them. But difficulties happen even with such non-capricious vegetables - it happens that the ovaries turn yellow and fall off. Why healthy-looking plants cannot retain fruit embryos and what can be done to avoid such a nuisance?


No matter how excellent conditions vegetable growers try to create in their greenhouses, the plants there sometimes get sick, and some even lose their ovaries due to diseases.

If cucumber tops have been left in the greenhouse since last year (which should not be done in any case), if the weeds are not removed in a timely manner, there is a risk of powdery mildew on the plants. Weeds or old leaves can carry infection, spores of the fungus - the causative agent of the disease. With excessive humidity, in the garden this is possible after heavy rains. Appears on leaves white coating. Plants turn yellow and dry up. That is why small fruits or ovaries fall off.

Also, plants can be affected by downy mildew, which also leads to yellowing and loss of ovaries. This disease is fungal in nature. But if a white coating with ordinary powdery mildew appears at the very beginning of the disease, then with downy mildew, the onset of the disease occurs completely imperceptibly. Only when the mycelium has penetrated the entire plant, a white coating appears on the underside of the leaves. When the spots appear on the leaves, it is too late to treat, the whole plant dies.

Spraying with infusion of ash and a solution of laundry soap helps to fight powdery mildew. Downy mildew almost always kills plants in a greenhouse because it is discovered late, but worth a try. You can treat cucumbers with antibiotics, take penicillin, terramycin or streptomycin, dilute ten times and spray the plants.

Another fungal disease that can kill cucumbers is root rot. The disease affects the roots of plants. You can notice that the root neck turns brown, the leaves of the lower tier turn yellow and dry, the embryos of the fruits fall off.

Fungal diseases are easier to prevent than to overcome, so you need to disinfect the greenhouse, destroy the old vegetable tops, prevent the growth of weeds, and, of course, observe the temperature regime, ventilate the greenhouse, observe the distance between plants when planting, and prevent them from forming a shadow for each other.

At high temperature and humidity, cucumbers in a greenhouse can suffer from bacteriosis. brown spots appear on the leaves, then flowers and ovaries suffer. Why is this happening? Most often, the infection hides in the seeds. Bordeaux liquid will help fight this disease, and it is advisable to treat the seedlings with copper sulfate (only this should be done before planting in a permanent place, and take microdoses of the substance).


Often harmful insects get into the greenhouse. This may be the answer to the question of why cucumber embryos turn yellow, the ovary falls. This, for example, can lead to the appearance of melon aphids. First, small spots turn yellow on the leaves, then they grow, change color to dark green. Not only does this pest feed on plant sap, it also releases substances that are toxic to it, carries viruses, bacteria, and fungi.

Usually weeds are to blame for the appearance of any aphids in the protected cultivation of vegetables, which is why they must be fought mercilessly. Usually, gardeners plant plants next to vegetables that repel aphids. A row of onions, garlic, coriander, fennel emits a smell unpleasant enough for pests to drive them out of the garden. You can plant bushes of lavender or marigolds between cucumbers - aphids do not like them either. Some owners, on the contrary, plant plants that will attract aphids to them, making them forget about vegetables. Plantings of mallow, beans, petunias are able to attract aphids to themselves; linden, viburnum, bird cherry growing nearby will serve the same purpose. It would be nice to attract ladybugs, they will perfectly relieve plantings from aphids.

The spider mite also feeds on plant sap. Its appearance leads to the fact that the embryos of the fruits turn yellow and fall off. At first, you can see a cobweb on the underside of the leaves, then the flowers and fruits are covered with small yellow dots. If you do not fight, then soon the whole plant will be covered with cobwebs, and then the mites will move to healthy vegetables. To prevent this from happening, at the first appearance of the cobweb, you need to carefully examine all the plants, remove (and destroy) all the affected parts, destroy the weeds between the vegetables, and then process the plants special preparations.

Some growers prefer home remedies. Good result shows the treatment of plants in a greenhouse with an infusion of spices. They do it like this: ground cinnamon and ground cloves are poured with water, brought to a boil, garlic juice is added to the broth, cooled, mixed with laundry soap. With this mixture, you need to process the plants several times, paying attention to the underside of the leaves.


No wonder cucumbers are grown in protected ground - they need to create comfortable temperature. When the air temperature drops to +13 degrees, the puplets die off, all parts of the plant stop growing and developing. If the temperature approaches +30 degrees, the ovaries also turn yellow and fall off. After +32, pollen becomes sterile - which is why such an increase in temperature in greenhouses should not be allowed.

It is necessary to establish a ventilation or ventilation system so that the desired temperature is always maintained, and this is not less than +15 and not more than +25 degrees.

Cucumbers love warmth, which you can not wait for in spring in any area. middle lane, therefore, such vegetables are usually grown in greenhouses - to create optimal temperature conditions.


Cucumbers love warmth and moisture, which is why it is still very important to organize proper watering. From lack of water, cucumber ovaries turn yellow and fall off.

You need to water in the morning (on a hot day) or at lunchtime if it is cool outside. Water should not be colder than +25 degrees. If watering is done with cold water, only male flowers will develop in the plant - in this case, the ovaries will not form at all, and those that have already appeared will fall off.

Wrong care

It happens that fruit embryos turn yellow and fall off in perfectly healthy plants under ideal conditions. Why? Because in the greenhouse they planted not a self-pollinating variety, but one that needs insects for pollination. If this has already happened, then you need to open windows and doors, attract bees, placing saucers with sugar syrup. Male flowers can be put in the syrup.

Some vegetable growers pollinate plants themselves. This should be done in the morning from 06-00 to 10-00 (this is the time of the greatest pollen activity). You need to take a soft brush and run it over the stamens of several male flowers, then transfer the pollen to the pistils of female flowers. Or you can just pick the male flowers carefully and rub the female flowers with them.

Proper care for cucumbers in a greenhouse will provide the owner with a rich harvest, you just need to know what it is. Much has been said about temperature and humidity. I would like to emphasize that with the high humidity that cucumbers love, they should not grow too densely. Weeds should not be allowed to grow or old tops should not be removed properly - this is a direct way to infect plants with various viruses, fungi and bacteria, which can cause irreparable damage to the future crop and add worries to the owner. After harvesting, you need to remove (destroy) all plant debris, disinfect the greenhouse, replace the soil.

Everyone knows that vegetables in greenhouses need to be fed with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, but sometimes they forget that cucumbers also need other elements, such as manganese, calcium, boron, copper, zinc, etc. This means that you need to use complex mineral fertilizers, or even wood ash. But an excess of nitrogen should not be allowed, because it stimulates the growth of greenery (leaves and stems) to the detriment of the ovaries.

An important point is the formation of the bush. Summer residents want a lot of fruits, so it seems to them that the more ovaries are formed, the better the harvest will be. It is not always so. There are varieties and hybrids that form a lot of ovaries, but there may not be enough nutrition for everyone to ripen. That is why the main stem and a few more shoots are usually left in the greenhouse. Fruits need to be harvested in time, if you leave grown cucumbers, new fruits will not develop. But the timely harvesting of fruits, on the contrary, stimulates their further growth.

Video "Causes of yellowing of cucumber germs"

If you are interested in why cucumber ovaries die, watch this video. You will learn about the causes of this phenomenon and methods of struggle.

Even for gardeners with extensive experience in growing plants, cucumbers can turn yellow. Because of what cucumbers turn yellow and what to do in such cases - you will find out below.

We wrote about the benefits of cucumbers and what harm they can do to the body in.

Growing cucumber seedlings is a troublesome business. Any deterioration in conditions leads to yellowing of the leaves. Chlorosis begins after the appearance of the second true leaf. Cotyledons rarely turn yellow.

In any case, yellowing of the leaves of the seedlings is not the norm and indicates that the plant was not provided with optimal conditions.

The reasons

At an early stage of development, cucumber plants may turn yellow for the following reasons:

  • lack of light;
  • a small volume of the glass, due to which the roots are strongly intertwined and the leaves do not receive nutrition;
  • lack of nitrogen;
  • lack or excess of moisture in the soil;
  • diseases - powdery mildew, root rot, fusarium, peronosporosis;
  • pests -,;
  • low temperature - at temperatures below 17 ° C, the roots are not able to absorb nutrients from the soil;
  • seedlings get sick after transplanting to a permanent place.

What to do

When the seedlings turn yellow, you need to return the emerald color to the leaves of the cucumber seedlings. To do this, adjust the growing conditions: rearrange the pots in a bright and warm place, make sure that the substrate does not dry out, but is not too wet, feed with complex fertilizer for seedlings - Kemira, Ideal, Agricola. It would be useful to spray young plants with an immunity booster, for example, Epin.

When diseases and pests are detected, the same preparations are used as for cucumbers in a greenhouse, but at a lower concentration. From aphids and spider mite a solution of laundry soap or Fitoverm will help, from fungal diseases - Topaz.

Yellow ovaries of cucumbers

Modern hybrids form several ovaries at once in the axils of the leaves, however, not every vegetable grower can save all the cucumbers that have begun.

The reasons

The following contribute to the problem:

  • too dense planting;
  • lack of formation;
  • malnutrition;
  • untimely harvesting of fruits;
  • absence of a pollinator;
  • improper care - lack of light, heat, moisture;
  • nutritional deficiency.

In addition, any plant produces more ovaries than it can feed, so yellowing and drying of some part of the crop is normal.

What to do

To keep more ovaries on the plant, you need:

  • monitor the observance of the required distance between neighboring plants - indicated on the bag of seeds;
  • when grown in a vertical culture, pluck out stepsons from the axils of the lower three leaves for better plant illumination;
  • feed cucumbers not only with manure, but also with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers;
  • in time to remove the fruits that have reached the size that is declared by the manufacturer as optimal;
  • to bee-pollinated varieties and hybrids, plant varieties with male flowers;
  • make sure that the soil is always loose and slightly moist;
  • when it gets cold, spray the plants with Epin or Zircon.

What to do

The leaves located in the depths of the beds turn yellow from lack of light. This shouldn't be a concern. You need to wait until the yellowed plates are completely dry, then cut them off with a knife.

The cause of chlorosis is a lack or excess of moisture in the soil. In this case, it is enough to set water regime. Cucumbers love water, so you need to make sure that the soil in the garden is slightly damp.

Most common cause yellowing of cucumber leaves in open ground - aphids. Fitoverm is used from sucking pests. As a preventive measure for the appearance of aphids, the cucumber bed is kept under a non-woven covering material, opening only for fruit picking and watering.

false powdery mildew or peronosporosis is easier to prevent than to treat. Be sure to cut off any suspicious leaves that have begun to turn yellow and stain, and burn them or take them away from cucumber plantings. Spray the plants themselves with Trichodermin infused with water.

If the leaves turn yellow, sag and the plant has lost turgor, then this indicates damage to root rot. Experience shows that it is useless to treat such a plant - it must be uprooted and thrown away.

Waterlogging of the soil in cold weather leads to the disease. In such conditions, bacteria multiply rapidly, causing root rot. To prevent root rot in rainy weather and when it gets cold, Trichodermin is added to the soil.

With the spread of greenhouses made of cellular polycarbonate, a rare gardener denies himself the pleasure of growing greenhouse cucumbers. However, even with extensive experience in growing pumpkins in the open field, cucumbers in the greenhouse may not work out.

The reasons

In closed buildings there is a special microclimate and there is no soil change. These circumstances can lead to an outbreak of diseases, the first sign of which is yellowing of the leaves.

Causes of yellowing fruits

The whole reason is the wrong growing procedure. The most important thing is to create a positive microclimate for the growth and development of the plant. It is necessary to provide it with good lighting, a stable temperature not only of the air, but also of the earth, and the greenhouse should also be constantly ventilated. It is very important to monitor the nutrition of the soil with water. In no case should it dry out, as this can lead to yellowing of the fruits and their wilting. Why are their embryos in the greenhouse, and what should be done?

  • Yellowing occurs due to a lack of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in the soil. This can be prevented by fertilizing the soil during each season. To do this, you can purchase special preparations for feeding cucumbers. They already contain the trace elements necessary for the plant. But do not overdo it with fertilizers, as excessive consumption can also negatively affect the plant.
  • If hybrid varieties are used, up to 150 ovaries can form. All this contributes to the overload of the bush, which leads to fruit disease. For greenhouses, 25 ovaries are enough, you need to get rid of all the rest.
  • Every year it is recommended to change the place for growing cucumbers, since constant cultivation in the same greenhouse depletes the soil very much, and it, in turn, becomes infected with various infections that provoke the formation of yellow leaves and fruits. All this can lead to plant disease and crop loss.
  • Insect pests also negatively affect cucumber bushes. They feed on the juice, shoots and fruits of the plant, which causes the cucumbers to turn yellow, dry out and eventually die. Moreover, such pests are able to multiply at an increased rate. This situation can be avoided if the bushes are examined and treated with special preparations every day.
  • Cucumber ovaries may turn yellow due to improper fertilization. The pollen of the flowers of the plant is sticky, which attracts the attention of bees. To attract them, you need to use more magnesium fertilizers and other trace elements.

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse is not so easy. To grow a good crop, proper care of the plant is necessary. If you follow all the rules and useful tips, then in the spring you can try fresh homemade cucumbers. And why the cucumbers in the greenhouse turn yellow and what needs to be done, you can see in the video.

Other causes of yellowing fruits

Some reasons can even lead to the death of the ovaries. In some cases, cucumber leaves may turn yellow at the edges. Often this happens due to insufficient pollination. In this case, premature vegetation occurs in cucumbers, which leads to their death.

As already mentioned, a large number of them can be the cause of yellowing of the ovaries. Because of this, the plant does not have enough strength to provide nutrition to all the ovaries. That is why they, along with the leaves, begin to turn yellow.

Helpful Hints

Why do cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse and what should be done? Many gardeners want the answer to this question. The first step is to establish the causes of this phenomenon, and then begin to deal with them. But it is best to carry out prevention in order to prevent yellowing of the leaves and fruits of the plant. There are clear rules to follow and useful tips, and then such a situation will never happen.

  • It is extremely important to monitor the watering of the beds. It must be done in a timely manner. Do not allow the soil to dry out too much.
  • Crop rotation must be done correctly. This affects the spread of fetal diseases.
  • As you can see, there are about 4 mature leaves on the plant, they need to be sprayed. To prepare the product, you will need to mix a liter of milk, 1/5 of laundry soap and 35 drops of iodine. Mix all this in 10 liters of water. With this tool, you need to spray the plant about every 1.5 weeks.
  • You should also constantly feed cucumbers. Top dressing is allowed to use both mineral and organic origin.
  • In order to prevent the fungus from appearing on the plant, it must be constantly sprayed. Soda will help us with this. Dissolve one large soda solution in 10 liters of water. This product should be sprayed on the plant.
  • To get rid of the yellowing of fruits and leaves, it is necessary to spray the plant from a special infusion. He prepares easily. First you need to soak the bread overnight. Then it is worth pouring a vial of iodine into it. After that, it is worth taking 1 liter of the prepared mixture and diluting it in a bucket of water. Spray the plant every 14 days.

  • On the initial stage yellowing, the plant can still be saved. To do this, you need to use a weak agent of potassium permanganate, which you need to water the bushes in order to.
  • From various pests, ordinary onion peel can help. First of all, it must be boiled and left to infuse all night. Then you need to measure the amount of husk. It must be completely packed into a 700 gram jar. This amount is required for 10 liters of water. This solution is useful not only for spraying the leaves, but also for watering.

Causes of yellowing cucumbers on the balcony

Many people do not have summer cottages, so they have to look for other places to grow plants. Basically they are trying to grow on balconies. But everyone knows very well that cucumbers are very unpretentious, so in such conditions they feel very good. But even with this method of growing cucumbers, you may encounter the problem of yellowing of the fruit. Why do cucumbers and their embryos turn yellow in a greenhouse, and what should be done? The reason for this phenomenon can be very diverse.

This may be due to a lack of nutrients. It is recommended to grow cucumbers at home in sufficiently large containers, and it is better to use garden soil. On the early stages it is better to feed the plant with a solution of mullein, and a little later you can use mineral fertilizers to indoor plants.

In some cases, the embryos may fall off due to the occurrence of bacteriosis. To avoid this situation, it is necessary to preheat and disinfect the seeds. Only after such a procedure can they be planted. It does not matter where the cultivation of cucumbers will take place in greenhouses or on the balcony, the most important thing is proper care of the plant.

What diseases and insect pests lead to yellowing of cucumbers?

Proper cultivation

If you grow cucumbers not in soil, but in sand, then you need to follow a few rules.

  • You need to know that on hot days the plant needs abundant watering. That is why cucumbers need to be watered daily.
  • Water should be poured exclusively under the leaves. And due to the fact that they are not tied up, moisture is retained under them. Thus, the soil is protected from drying out.
  • Experts in this field recommend sprinkling ash on the plant. You can also use a special tool.

Its easy to prepare. For cooking, you need any weeds. For example, you can take nettles and put them in a bucket, and then fill them with water. In this form, the product should remain under a closed lid for about 7 days. After the product must be diluted and fertilized with cucumbers. It is necessary to pour it accordingly under the leaves. Ash helps to keep the plant, the leaves will never turn yellow.

Many inexperienced summer residents and gardeners do not know why cucumbers and their embryos turn yellow in a greenhouse, and what needs to be done. But first you need to establish the cause of the yellowing of the plant, and then proceed to its destruction.

Why do cucumber germs turn yellow in a greenhouse

In most cases, the cucumber embryos in the greenhouse begin to turn yellow due to a violation of the thermal regime, when the temperature environment either too low or too high. If cucumbers are grown in open ground, then yellowing occurs just because of the low temperature, when growing crops in a greenhouse - because of the high temperature. It is worth noting that cucumbers are a thermophilic culture, its ovaries can turn yellow and fall off at temperatures below 15 degrees Celsius (with a long stay in such conditions), in order to avoid such an ailment, every effort must be made so that the temperature does not fall below the specified mark and does not fluctuate in night and day hours by more than 10 degrees.

Yellowing and falling of the ovaries of greenhouse cucumbers is also a common ailment. The fact is that at temperatures above 32 degrees, pollen loses its former activity, flowers simply do not pollinate. Another reason for non-pollination of flowers in a greenhouse is improperly selected plant varieties. The fact is that bees rarely fly into greenhouses, so for growing plants in similar structures preference should be given to self-pollinating hybrids.

Improper watering can also adversely affect the development of ovaries. The use of excessively cold water for irrigation can provoke the development of only "male flowers" in cucumbers, while the female ovaries will simply fall off. The time of watering is also important, for example, on cool days it is undesirable to spend it in the mornings and evenings, the optimal time is the day, on hot and sunny days, on the contrary, watering during the daytime will negatively affect the development of plants, in this case, watering must be carried out either before 9 am or after 6 pm.

The ovaries on cucumbers can also turn yellow due to a lack of trace elements. Most often, gardeners use nitrogen and potassium fertilizers for fertilizing, thinking that this is enough for the normal development of the crop. However, it is not. The lack of a sufficient amount of boron, zinc, copper and other things in the soil will inevitably lead to yellowing, and in the future, the ovaries will fall off.

Bacteriosis is a disease that often attacks cucumbers, and it is with this disease that the embryos of the culture turn yellow. The disease manifests itself as follows: small yellowish sores appear on the ovaries, after a short period of time the embryos rot and fall off.

Why do cucumber germs turn yellow in a greenhouse and

First of all, you need to find out the reason why the ovaries turn yellow, and then eliminate it. If yellowing occurs due to a violation of the thermal regime, then it needs to be adjusted: when growing cucumbers in open ground at night, cover the crop with special materials, when growing in a greenhouse, close the windows and doors of the structure at night, and do not forget to ventilate it for days.

If cucumbers of a non-self-pollinating variety are planted in the greenhouse, then in this case it is necessary to take care of attracting bees to the greenhouse or to contribute to the pollination of female ovaries. The easiest way is to pick a few male flowers and gently rub the female ones with them.

If the reason for the yellowing of the embryos is improper watering, then you need to adjust it: water the plants daily, with warm water and only under the root. If the weather is cool and the soil in the greenhouse is moist, then it is advisable to reduce the irrigation regime.

With a lack of trace elements, as you might guess, it is necessary to feed the plants. For top dressing, you can use both purchased complex fertilizers and home-made ones based on weeds and ash.

If the cucumbers are affected by bacteriosis, then it is enough to treat the culture with either 1% Bordeaux liquid, or any other fungicide, for example, Quadris, Topaz, Allette, etc. And in order to prevent this disease, you need to take a set of measures against fungal infections.