Bloody discharge in genital herpes. Discharge from genital herpes

Herpes is a viral disease, which can be quite difficult to cope with. One of its most difficult forms is genital, which is characterized by a number of specific symptoms, the main of which is discharge.

Discharge for herpes in men and women

Most sexually transmitted infections in women manifest themselves differently than in men. This is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the genital organs. So, if a brilliant herpes occurs in a man, specific rashes will serve as signs of it - bubbles filled with purulent contents. Such discharge, when it comes into contact with the skin of a healthy sexual partner (for example, if the bubble bursts), contains pathogens, and therefore can provoke infection with genital herpes even in the absence of actual sexual intercourse.

However, sometimes among male patients there is another symptom of this disease: light yellow discharge from the urethra. This symptom appears soon after infection, sometimes even before the appearance of a herpetic rash. Together with painful urination and redness of the glans penis, this may indicate the very initial stage of the disease, which, unfortunately, is often ignored by the patient himself.

What are the characteristics of female patients? In them, the appearance of purulent discharge from the vagina indicates that the disease is already seriously advanced and it is urgent to take action if therapy has not yet been started up to this point.

Despite the fact that the listed symptoms are equally unpleasant for patients of both sexes, doctors believe that those men and women who have a discharge can consider it good luck. Unfortunately, genital herpes is often asymptomatic; Until a certain time, the patient does not even know that he is infected. As a result, the disease is aggravated, provoking complications on other organs of the urogenital area.

What to do if there are discharges?

Discharge from the genitals, regardless of whether they appeared in women or men, is, in any case, a deviation from the norm. Moreover, the genital form of the virus in question is far from the most dangerous diagnosis in which such symptoms are possible. That is why such a situation is a reason for a mandatory visit to a doctor, and the sooner the examination is carried out, the better for the patient himself.

If an immediate visit to the doctor is not possible, but the patient's condition requires immediate intervention (the discharge that occurs during genital herpes causes a lot of discomfort to a person), you can try to cope with the problem on your own, not forgetting that the disappearance of the symptom does not mean recovery, which means that a visit to the doctor can be postponed, but not canceled.

What threatens the discharge with herpes?

As mentioned above, there are discharges in men and women at different stages of the progression of the disease. For a man, they carry the threat of edema, which will provoke difficulties with urination. This condition causes discomfort, and if a man does not seek medical help at this stage, it will soon worsen. Moreover, the discharge will just disappear, since it is a sign of the onset of the disease, but they will be replaced by burning, severe pain, and the formation of rashes with purulent contents.

As for women, it is much more dangerous for them to ignore pathological vaginal discharge, no matter what reasons provoke them. Such a symptom suggests that the infection has occurred a long time ago, and if you do not start therapy for this stage, the infection will spread ascending to the uterus, appendages, bladder and other organs of the urogenital area, causing signs of their inflammation.

In addition, the discharge is dangerous not only for the patient himself, but also for those around him. The fact is that they contain a large amount of the causative agent of the virus, so even in the absence of sexual contact, a healthy person can get sick. It is through the discharge that infection occurs when using a public toilet, personal hygiene items, bed linen etc.

How to treat discharge with herpes?

It is quite clear that in order to stop the secretions, it is necessary to eliminate their cause, i.e. rid the body of the virus. However, recovery does not come so quickly, even if therapy is started in a timely manner, not to mention advanced forms of the disease. All this time, the discharge gives the patient a lot of discomfort, preventing them from leading a full-fledged lifestyle. In order to alleviate the condition, a number of measures can be taken, not forgetting that none of them cancels the full treatment for genital herpes.

  1. Pharmaceutical preparations for prevention. In order to avoid infection with vaginal herpes, it is recommended to use vaginal balls, suppositories and / or ointments, which include interferon. This component is an immunostimulant that can increase local immunity in a woman. Such funds are recommended to be used both as a preventive measure and for providing "ambulance" after contact with a dubious sexual partner. This will help prevent infection with the virus.
  2. Medications to relieve the condition with discharge. To date, pharmacy chains offer a huge variety of products intended for the treatment of discharge. Some of them have an antibacterial effect, others are designed to fight infection, and there are also tools for a wide range of applications. In order to cope with discomfort, a woman will need suppositories or other vaginal remedies that relieve swelling, eliminate itching and redness. As a rule, relief occurs after the first application. With severely neglected forms, you can use agents with a local anesthetic effect.
  3. Folk remedies. Attention! None of the remedies below have any effect directly on the herpes virus, so they can only be used with simultaneous therapeutic measures prescribed by a doctor to temporarily alleviate the condition.
  • Chamomile decoction. This plant has anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to which you can get rid of the discomfort caused by secretions. You can use such a tool for washing, douching (in women), lotions (in men). To prepare a decoction, a tablespoon of dried raw materials should be boiled for three minutes in two glasses of water, allowed to cool and strain.
  • A decoction of calendula also has a similar effect, with allergic reactions to given plant are much less common than chamomile. You can prepare the product in the same way as the previous recipe, as well as use it.
  • A decoction of oak bark is not only an anti-inflammatory and decongestant, but also a wonderful pain reliever that helps to cope in case of severely advanced forms of the disease. In order to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to pour two tablespoons of crushed dried bark with a liter of boiling water in a thermos and leave for 10-12 hours, then strain and strain after cooling.

Enhanced personal hygiene measures are also important: you should wash yourself as often as possible, use only underwear made from natural fabrics, which must be washed at high temperatures. With severe itching, after consulting a doctor, let's take antihistamines.

Discharge from genital herpes in women and men manifest themselves differently due to differences in the structure of the genital organs. Doctors consider it lucky if a patient, regardless of gender, has genital herpes discharge from the genitals. This is because genital herpes most often occurs without any symptoms, and the patient has no idea that they are infected with herpes. Therefore, an in-depth lesion of the disease occurs, provoking various complications, while other organs of the genitourinary system suffer.

What kind of discharge do men have?

Genital herpes in men is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. In most men, small bubbles appear on the genitals, which are filled with fluid containing pus. If such balls fall on the skin of a healthy sexual partner, and their shell is torn, then they release the herpes pathogens contained inside. If another person has weakened immunity, the virus can infect him with genital herpes, even if there was no sexual intercourse between people.
  2. There is one more sign of illness in a strong half of humanity. This is a discharge from the urethra, which has a light yellow color. This symptom usually occurs even before the onset of rashes characteristic of herpes. It appears immediately after infection with the virus.
  3. A sign of the disease is redness of the glans on the penis ( more details) and painful emission of urine, which occurs simultaneously with the discharge. This First stage diseases are usually missed by men, not paying attention to it. They go to the doctor only after a clear manifestation of rashes, itching and burning.

Allocations can cause significant harm to a man. Most often, swelling appears on the genitals, problems with urination begin. At first, the discharge begins to bring discomfort, and at the next stage the diseases disappear, leaving behind a purulent rash, itching and burning, and severe pain.

Discharge in women with genital herpes

The disease in the fairer sex is most often asymptomatic. When they are affected by herpes, purulent discharge from the vagina can begin only at a late stage in the development of the disease. In such cases, it is necessary to take urgent measures - to conduct a course of therapy. With such manifestations, women feel itching, burning. In places open to the eye, bubbles can be seen, which is quite rare.

In this case, a sign of the disease can be considered along with pus and soreness during urination, the appearance of redness and rashes on inside the patient's thighs. In any case, all these symptoms cannot be ignored, since they appear in the later stages of the development of herpes. This indicates the possibility of penetration of the infection into the uterus, its transition to the appendages. The bladder and nearby organs can suffer from discharge. This will manifest itself in the form of a strong inflammatory process in these organs.

A sick woman or man can easily infect others, so it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment of a sexual partner, all family members, including children. Infection with herpes can also occur without sexual contact when using a public toilet, through personal hygiene items, bedding, etc.

Treatment for herpes discharge

To alleviate the patient's condition with this disease, you need to know that it is impossible to completely recover from this virus. Therefore, women with discharge are encouraged to use ointments, vaginal balls or suppositories (candles) containing interferon. They will enhance the body's ability to resist microbes.

Along with this, the doctor may prescribe antibacterial and antiviral agents, for example, Acyclovir. The combined use of the drug with vaginal suppositories will help women get rid of purulent discharge, itching, redness, burning already at the first use of the drugs.

If the disease is advanced, then local therapies that have an analgesic effect are added to the treatment course.

You can also use tools traditional medicine, but they can only be an appendix to the main course of therapy prescribed by the attending physician.

A decoction of chamomile has a very good effect in the fight against secretions. Women use it as a douche or wash, while men use lotions. To make a decoction, you need 1 tbsp. l. boil dry chamomile powder in a volume of water equal to 2 cups for 3 minutes. Then cool, filter.

In the same way, you can make a decoction of calendula. It does not cause allergies, unlike chamomile. To relieve the inflammatory process, eliminate edema, and pain relief, a decoction of oak bark is often used. He can cope with the advanced form of herpes.

In order to apply traditional medicine recipes, you need to undergo an examination and consult a doctor, otherwise, instead of facilitating, these medicines can do some harm.

Herpes is widespread in the human population. This viral infection is a significant medical and social problem.

The herpes simplex virus (HSV) is present in 9 out of 10 people on the planet. In every fifth person, it causes any external manifestations. HSV is characterized by neurodermotropism, that is, it prefers to multiply in nerve cells and skin. The favorite sites of the virus are the skin near the lips, on the face, the mucous membranes lining the genitals, the brain, the conjunctiva and the cornea of ​​​​the eye. HSV can lead to abnormal pregnancy and childbirth, causing fetal death, miscarriage, systemic viral disease in newborns. There is evidence that the herpes simplex virus is associated with malignant tumors of the prostate and cervix.

The disease is more common in women, but it also occurs in men. The peak incidence occurs at the age of 40 years. However, often genital herpes first appears in boys and girls during sexual intercourse. In children younger age infection on the genitals most often gets from the skin of the hands, from contaminated towels in children's groups, and so on.

HSV is unstable in the external environment, it dies under the action of sunlight and ultraviolet rays. It keeps for a long time at low temperatures. In dried form, HSV can exist for up to 10 years.

How is genital herpes transmitted?

The cause of the disease is herpes simplex viruses (Herpessimplex) of two types, mainly HSV-2. The virus of the first type was previously associated with a disease of the skin, oral cavity. HSV-2 causes genital herpes and meningoencephalitis. Now there are cases of illness caused by the first type of virus or a combination of them. Often the carrier does not have any symptoms of the disease and does not suspect that he is the source of the infection.

How can you get this disease? The most common ways of transmission of genital herpes are sexual and contact. Most often, infection occurs through sexual contact with a carrier of the virus or with a sick person. You can get infected by kissing, as well as by using common household items (spoons, toys). The virus can also be transmitted by airborne droplets.

From the mother, the pathogen enters the child's body during childbirth. The risk of such transmission depends on the type of lesion in the patient. It is up to 75%. In addition, infection of the fetus is possible through the blood during the period of viremia (the release of viral particles into the blood) in case of an acute illness in the mother.

Children in most cases become infected with HSV-1 in the first years of life. By the age of 5, HSV-2 infection also increases. During the first six months of life, babies do not get sick, this is due to the presence of maternal antibodies in them. If the mother was not previously infected and did not pass on her protective antibodies to the child, then children in this early age are very sick.


Medically, this disease is called "Anogenital Herpes Viral Infection Caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus". There are two main forms of the disease:

Urinary tract infection:

  • genital herpes in women;
  • genital herpes in men;

rectal infection and skin around the anus.

The mechanism of development (pathogenesis) of genital herpes

The virus enters the body through damaged mucous membranes and skin. In the "entrance gate" area, it multiplies, causing typical manifestations. Further, the pathogen usually does not spread, it rarely enters the lymph nodes and even less often enters the bloodstream, causing viremia. The further fate of the virus largely depends on the properties of the human body.

If the body has a good immune defense, a virus carrier is formed, which does not exclude recurrence of the infection under adverse conditions. If the body cannot cope with the infection, the herpes virus enters the internal organs (brain, liver, and others) through the blood, affecting them. In response to infection, antibodies are produced, but they do not prevent the development of exacerbations and relapses.

When immunity is weakened, the virus that has been preserved in nerve cells before is activated and enters the bloodstream, causing an exacerbation of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease

For most people who are carriers, HPV does not cause any symptoms for a long time. The incubation period for genital herpes in previously uninfected people is 7 days. In men, the virus persists in the organs of the genitourinary system, in women - in the cervical canal, vagina, and urethra. After infection, life-long carriage of the genital herpes virus is formed. The disease has a tendency to persistent course with relapses.

Causes contributing to the development of external signs of infection:

  • permanent or temporary decrease in immunity, including HIV infection;
  • hypothermia or overheating;
  • concomitant diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus, acute respiratory infection;
  • medical interventions, including abortion and the introduction of an intrauterine contraceptive ().

Under the influence of these factors, a prodromal period occurs - "pre-illness". The initial signs of genital herpes: at the site of the future focus, patients note the appearance of itching, pain or burning. After some time, rashes appear in the focus.

What does genital herpes look like?

The elements of the rash are located separately or grouped, they look like small bubbles with a diameter of up to 4 mm. Such elements are located on a reddened (erythematous), edematous base - the skin of the perineum, perianal zone and the mucous membrane of the genitourinary organs. The appearance of vesicles (vesicles) may be accompanied by moderate fever, headache, malaise, and insomnia. Regional (inguinal) lymph nodes become larger and more painful. The initial episode is particularly pronounced in people previously uninfected with the virus, who lack antibodies to it.

A few days later, the vesicles open on their own, forming erosions (superficial damage to the mucous membrane) with uneven outlines. At this time, patients complain of severe itching and burning sensation in the erosion zone, weeping, severe pain, which is even more aggravated during sexual intercourse. During the first ten days of illness, new rashes appear. Viral particles are actively isolated from them.

Gradually, the erosions become covered with crusts and heal, leaving small foci of weak pigmentation or lighter areas of the skin. The time from the appearance of the rash element to its epithelialization (healing) is two to three weeks. The pathogen enters the cells of the nerve trunks, where it remains latent for a long time.

Symptoms of genital herpes in female patients are expressed in the labia, vulva, perineum, vagina, and cervix. In men, the head of the penis is affected, foreskin, urethra.

The pelvic nerves are often involved in the process. This leads to skin sensitivity disorders. lower extremities, pain in the lower back and sacrum. Sometimes it becomes frequent and painful urination.

In women, the first episode of herpes is longer and more noticeable than in men. The duration of an exacerbation without treatment is about 3 weeks.

Recurrent genital herpes

Approximately 10-20% of those who have been ill develop recurrent genital herpes. The first manifestation of infection is usually more violent. The recurrence of genital herpes is less intense and passes faster than the primary symptoms. This is due to the antibodies already present in the body at this point, which help fight the virus. Type 1 genital herpes recurs less frequently than type 2.

Exacerbation of the disease can be manifested by minor symptoms - itching, rare rashes. Sometimes the picture of the disease is represented by painful confluent erosions, ulcerations of the mucous membrane. Isolation of the virus lasts from 4 days or longer. There is an increase in the inguinal lymph nodes, lymphostasis and severe swelling of the genital organs due to stagnation of the lymph (elephantiasis) are not excluded.

Relapses occur equally often in men and women. Men have longer episodes, and women have a more vivid clinical picture.

If the frequency of relapses is more than six per year, they speak of a severe form of the disease. The moderate form is accompanied by three to four exacerbations during the year, and the mild form is accompanied by one or two.

In 20% of cases, atypical genital herpes develops. The manifestations of the disease are masked by another infection of the genitourinary system, for example, (thrush). So, thrush is characterized by discharge, which is practically absent in normal genital herpes.


Diagnosis of genital herpes is carried out using the following laboratory tests:

  • virological methods (isolation of the pathogen using a chicken embryo or cell culture, the result can be obtained in two days);
  • polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which detects the genetic material of the virus;
  • detection of pathogen antigens (its particles) using enzyme immunoassay and immunofluorescent analysis;
  • detection in the blood of antibodies produced by the human body in response to the influence of HSV using enzyme immunoassay;
  • cytomorphological methods that assess cell damage during HSV infection (formation of giant cells with many nuclei and intranuclear inclusions).

An analysis for genital herpes is recommended to be taken repeatedly with an interval of several days, from 2 to 4 studies from different lesions. In women, sampling is recommended on the 18-20th day of the cycle. This increases the chance of recognizing a viral infection and confirming the diagnosis.

The most informative are tests such as PCR in the study of urine and scrapings from the genitourinary organs (vagina, urethra, cervix).


The diet of patients with genital herpes does not have any special features. It should be complete, balanced, rich in proteins and vitamins. Food during an exacerbation is best baked or stewed, steamed. Fermented milk and vegetable products, as well as plentiful drinking, will benefit.

Treatment of genital herpes, its intensity and duration depend on the form of the disease and its severity. How to treat genital herpes in each patient is determined by a venereologist based on a complete examination and examination of the patient. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. To determine how to cure a patient, the data of his immunogram, that is, an assessment of the state of immunity, are required.

For the treatment of the disease, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • antiviral drugs of systemic action;
  • antiviral agents for topical use;
  • immunostimulating substances, analogues of interferons, which also have an antiviral effect;
  • symptomatic drugs (antipyretics, painkillers).

Therapy with Acyclovir

The treatment regimen for acute genital herpes and its relapses primarily includes Acyclovir (Zovirax). With normal immunogram parameters, it is prescribed in a daily dose of 1 gram, divided into five doses, for ten days or until recovery. With significant immunodeficiency or damage to the rectum, the daily dose is increased to 2 grams in 4-5 doses. The earlier treatment is started, the higher its effectiveness. Best Option the beginning of therapy, in which the drug is most effective, is the prodromal period or the first day of the onset of rashes.

How to get rid of relapses of the disease? For this purpose, suppressive (suppressive) therapy with Acyclovir is prescribed at a dose of 0.8 g per day. Tablets are taken for months, and sometimes years. Daily medication helps to avoid relapses in almost all patients, and in a third of them there are no repeated episodes of the disease.

Acyclovir is produced under trade names that include the word itself, as well as Acyclostad, Vivorax, Virolex, Gerperax, Medovir, Provirsan. From it side effects digestive disorders (nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea) can be noted, headache, skin itching, fatigue. Very rare undesirable effects of the drug are hematopoietic disorders, renal failure, damage to the nervous system. It is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance to the drug, and should also be administered with caution to patients with impaired renal function. Use is possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as in children, but only after assessing the possible risk.

In the prodromal period and in the early stages of the disease, 5% Acyclovir cream is effective. It helps better if the rashes are located on the skin. Apply it several times a day for a week.

There are second-generation Acyclovir preparations that are more effective. These include valaciclovir (Vairova, Valavir, Valvir, Valtrex, Valzikon, Virdel). It is well absorbed in the digestive organs, its bioavailability is several times higher than that of Acyclovir. Therefore, the effectiveness of treatment is higher by 25%. Exacerbation of the disease develops less frequently by 40%. The drug is contraindicated in manifesting HIV infection, kidney or bone marrow transplantation, as well as in children under 18 years of age. Use during pregnancy and while breastfeeding is possible when assessing the risks and benefits.

Alternative drugs

How to treat genital herpes if it is caused by viruses resistant to Acyclovir? In this case, alternative means are prescribed - Famciclovir or Foscarnet. Famciclovir is available under such names as Minaker, Famacivir, Famvir. The drug is well tolerated, with only occasional headaches or nausea. Contraindication is only individual intolerance. Since this drug is new, its effect on the fetus has been little studied. Therefore, its use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is possible only according to individual indications.

Local preparations

Some antiviral medications for treating rashes are an ointment. Among them are the following:

  • Foscarnet, applied to the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Alpizarin, the drug is also available in the form of tablets;
  • Tromantadin, most effective at the first sign of herpes;
  • Khelepin; exists in the form for oral administration;
  • Oksolin;
  • Tebrofen;
  • Riodoxol;
  • Bonafton.

The frequency of application, the duration of treatment with local drugs is determined by the doctor. They are usually given several times a day for a week.

Therapy of genital herpes with interferon preparations

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in interferons or interferon inducers, which help the body cope with the infection itself, often with a direct antiviral effect. These include the following tools:

  • Allokin-alpha;
  • Amiksin;
  • Wobe-Mugos E;
  • Galavit;
  • Giaferon;
  • Groprinosin;
  • Isoprinosine;
  • Imunofan;
  • Polyoxidonium;
  • Cycloferon and many others.

They can be administered both internally and locally. Some of these drugs are suppositories. So, Viferon rectal suppositories are often prescribed as part of the complex therapy of genital herpes.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, can be taken to relieve symptoms.

Antibiotics for genital herpes are not prescribed, since they only act on bacteria, not viruses. The effectiveness of such areas of therapy as homeopathy, alternative methods, has not been proven.


A specific prevention of genital herpes, that is, a vaccine, has been developed. Polyvaccine Russian production need to be administered several times a year in courses of 5 injections. It is an inactivated culture vaccine. The effectiveness of such prevention is being studied.

Nonspecific prevention consists in observing sexual hygiene, refusing casual sexual intercourse.

A person infected with genital herpes should not overcool, avoid emotional stress, intense stress and other causes that cause exacerbation.

infection and pregnancy

It is believed that pregnancy is not a factor causing exacerbation of genital herpes. However, some scholars have a different opinion.

Pregnancy and childbirth with HSV without clinical manifestations are usually normal. Treatment of a pregnant woman is carried out if she develops systemic manifestations, for example, meningitis, hepatitis. This usually happens when a woman first encounters the virus during pregnancy. Acyclovir is prescribed for treatment.

If such treatment is not carried out, then as a result of viral particles entering the baby’s blood through the placenta (damaged or even healthy), an intrauterine infection will develop. In the first trimester of pregnancy, malformations are formed. In the second and third trimesters, the mucous membranes, the child's skin, eyes, liver, and brain are affected. Fetal death may occur. The risk of preterm birth increases. After the birth of such a baby, severe complications are possible: microcephaly (underdevelopment of the brain), microophthalmia and chorioretinitis (eye damage leading to blindness).

Delivery is carried out naturally. Caesarean section is prescribed only in cases where the mother has a rash on the genitals, and also if the first episode of infection she had during pregnancy. In these cases, prenatal prevention of the transmission of the herpes virus to the child is recommended with Acyclovir, prescribed from 36 weeks. An even more convenient and cost-effective drug for prenatal preparation of a sick woman is the drug Valtsikon (Valacyclovir). The use of antiviral agents before childbirth helps to reduce the frequency of exacerbations of genital herpes, reduce the likelihood of asymptomatic release of viral particles that infect the child.

During childbirth of a sick woman, premature outflow of water, weakness of labor activity is dangerous. Therefore, she needs special attention of medical personnel.

How dangerous is genital herpes for a newborn?

If a baby comes into contact with HSV while passing through the birth canal, he will develop neonatal herpes 6 days after birth. Its consequences are generalized sepsis, that is, infection of all internal organs of the child. A newborn can even die from infectious-toxic shock.

In connection with the potential threat to the child, each pregnant woman is examined for the carriage of HSV and, if necessary, undergoes treatment as prescribed by a doctor. After the birth of the baby, he is also examined and, if necessary, treated. If the child does not show any signs of infection, he must be observed for 2 months, since the manifestations of the disease are not always visible immediately.

To avoid the unpleasant consequences of the disease during pregnancy, an infected woman must undergo special training before her, the so-called pregravid. In particular, antiviral and immunostimulating agents of plant origin (Alpizarin) are prescribed orally and in the form of an ointment when exacerbations occur in the patient. At the same time, her immunity is corrected using interferon inducers. Within three months before the planned pregnancy, metabolic therapy is also prescribed, which improves the metabolism in cells (riboflavin, lipoic acid, calcium pantothenate, vitamin E, folic acid). At the same time, passive immunization can be used, that is, the introduction of ready-made antiviral antibodies into the woman's body - immunoglobulins, which reduce the risk of exacerbation.

Pregnancy planning should be carried out only in the absence of relapses within six months. Diagnosis and treatment of genital herpes before pregnancy can reduce the incidence of complications from the mother and child, reduce the likelihood of recurrence during gestation, and minimize the risk of intrauterine infection or neonatal herpes. All this helps to reduce infant morbidity and mortality.

Discharge from genital herpes in men and women has different colour and consistency. There are 8 types of herpes virus. But most often people become infected with types 1 and 2. Genital herpes is a type 2 virus that is transmitted through sexual contact or during fetal development. For a woman, this virus is dangerous not only with unpleasant symptoms. Infection of the fetus can cause serious complications that affect the nervous system and other organs of the child.

Brief information about the virus

Most people are infected with some type of this virus without even knowing it. Therefore, entering into sexual intercourse without a condom, they transmit the disease to a partner. If a person has strong immunity, the virus is in a "sleeping" state. But it is worth getting cold, getting sick with SARS, getting into a stressful situation, and the body's defenses weaken, allowing the virus to actively multiply. Then herpes is manifested by rashes, itching, burning, redness and swelling.

Allocations for herpes depend on the form of the disease. There are two of them: primary and recurrent. If clinical signs of infection arose for the first time, then the disease is classified as a primary herpes virus. The manifestation of the disease can make itself felt months after infection. Recurrent herpes is a constant exacerbation of the disease when the body's immune system is weakened. The severity of the disease also plays a role. They are distinguished by 3:

  • mild (relapses no more than 3 times a year);
  • moderate (relapses 4-6 times a year);
  • severe (exacerbation is observed every month).

Recurrent genital herpes is characterized by various shape currents. Therefore, symptoms and discharge may appear vividly or be completely absent.

Signs of the genital form in men

For a typical microsymptomatic or subclinical form of the course, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • slight itching;
  • cracks instead of vesicles;
  • redness;
  • burning.

Such manifestations do not cause much concern to the patient, since no discharge is observed. With an atypical macrosymptomatic form, pain is present, accompanied by itching. The rashes look like blisters with watery contents. Allocations can be if there is a mixed infection, that is, herpes is accompanied by other sexually transmitted diseases. The abortive form is observed in those patients who were treated with antiviral drugs.

Discharges in genital herpes of this form may not be due to the therapy carried out. The asymptomatic form of the disease is considered the most dangerous, since there are no clinical signs, but the virus is present in the body and can manifest itself at any time. This disease is characterized differently in men and women, since the structure of the reproductive system is different. In men, genital herpes can be expressed as rashes in the form of vesicles filled with purulent contents.

If a purulent pimple bursts and the contents enter the mucous membrane of a healthy person, then this will provoke infection even in the absence of sexual intercourse. In addition to the characteristic itchy pimples in the intimate area, men may experience light yellow discharge from the urethra. Such a symptom can develop immediately after infection, even before the appearance of herpetic eruptions. In this case, the patient has painful urination and redness of the glans penis. If you ignore the symptoms, the disease will progress.

Discharge in women

For a woman, sexually transmitted diseases are associated with a risk of remaining infertile. Therefore, any discharge that is accompanied by itching, bad smell, soreness indicates infection. With genital herpes, women may experience purulent discharge from the vagina. This symptom appears when the disease is in a state of neglect. In this case, the woman should immediately seek medical help.

Discharge on linen may appear when the rash bursts on contact and a white or clear liquid is released from them.

Doctors believe that the appearance of discharge in genital herpes is the positive side of the disease. This symptom makes it possible to immediately begin treatment. The situation is worse when the virus does not manifest itself. The asymptomatic form of genital herpes tends to spread to the entire genitourinary system. In the future, problems with urination may occur due to swelling of the urinary tract.

With this disease, unpleasant discharge can be not only from the vagina. The spread of the virus to the genitourinary system causes a change in the color and smell of urine. The presence of pus, blood, flakes in the urine indicates that the virus has caused serious complications. Swelling of the urinary canals with herpes provokes stagnation, so infection in the bladder and kidneys is possible. Therefore, in addition to the symptoms of herpes, signs characteristic of concomitant ailments can be added.

Additional information for patients

In addition to discharge from the genitals, genital herpes in the acute stage can manifest itself:

  • an increase in body temperature;
  • an increase in lymph nodes in the groin area;
  • pain in the genital area (even in the absence of a rash);
  • muscle pain;
  • irritability;
  • weakness.

With these symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

Therapy for genital herpes early stage allows you to achieve a stable remission, although it is impossible to completely recover from the virus.

It will remain in the body for life. Therefore, a person who has undergone a course of treatment needs to further strengthen the immune system. Doctors recommend eating right, avoiding bad habits, harden and lead a mobile lifestyle. Treatment of genital herpes in pregnant women should be carried out under the strict supervision of doctors.

Genital herpes (aka genital herpes) is a very common sexually transmitted disease. Due to anatomical features, women are more susceptible to infection than men, and the course of the disease in the female body has a number of important features.

Also read:

Two types of pathogens are related to genital herpes:

  • Virus of the first type (HSV-1);
  • (HSV-2).

In 80% of cases, the causative agent of genital herpes becomes a virus of the second type, but HSV-1, which often causes labial herpes, can also cause rashes on the genitals - for example, during oral intercourse with a sick person. The peculiarity of this species is that it has neurotropism - in other words, it settles in the nervous tissue, where it remains until the end of a person's life.

It is impossible to completely destroy the virus: at the slightest weakening of the immune system, it is activated and causes a relapse of the disease.

Stable in the external environment, especially favorable conditions for it are low temperatures. Under normal conditions, he lives no more than half an hour - but this is enough to spread among people. Infection occurs in the following ways:

  • Sexual - with all types of sexual intercourse;
  • Parenteral - during invasive medical procedures;
  • Household - in case of non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • Vertical - from mother to child.

Under laboratory conditions, the virus is isolated from all human body fluids.

Clinical forms

Specialists distinguish the following forms of genital herpes in women:

  • Asymptomatic;
  • primary;
  • recurrent;
  • atypical;
  • Subclinical.

The asymptomatic form of genital herpes is characterized by the complete absence of any external signs of the disease. It can be diagnosed only on the basis of the results of laboratory tests, in particular, the isolation of the virus from the contents of the urethra and vagina.

Primary - this is the first case of infection after infection. The disease is acute:

  1. The patient's temperature rises, weakness, malaise, pain in the head appear, inguinal lymph nodes increase.
  2. In the area of ​​the labia, there are soreness, itching, burning, in some cases - swelling and numbness of the affected area.
  3. A bubble rash appears on the skin of the vulva, perineum, perianal region, buttocks (). This process is accompanied by pain and unbearable itching. Serous, purulent or bloody discharge may come out of the vagina and urethra ().
  4. After some time, the bubbles burst, and their contents come out. At the site of the rash, small ulcers and erosions appear, which then epithelialize and disappear without a trace.

The duration of the primary infection can vary between 2-5 weeks, after which the disease passes into another form - recurrent herpes.


Recurrent and men is a periodic exacerbation of the disease against the background of a weakened immune system as a result of excessive physical activity, psycho-emotional stress, hypothermia, etc. In general, it is very similar in its course to the primary one, but in some cases local symptoms are mild, and there may be no general symptoms at all.

The basis for the diagnosis of "atypical genital herpes" are chronic inflammatory processes of the vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, subject to laboratory confirmation of the herpetic nature of the disease, as well as cases where the clinical picture is expressed by only one symptom: swelling, burning and itching, blistering or painful cracks in the skin of the vulva.

The subclinical form is characterized by a small number of symptoms: several microcracks or vesicles appear, followed by mild itching and minimal pain. Usually the duration of exacerbation does not exceed three days.

This form, along with the asymptomatic, is the most dangerous in epidemiological terms: patients, without experiencing significant inconvenience, continue to have an active sex life, which can lead to the spread of the disease.

What is the danger of the disease?

Herpes on the genitals in women is not a fatal disease, but can lead to the development of various complications. They can be divided into two groups:

  1. Local - localized in the genital area.
  2. General - affect other organ systems.

The first category includes dryness, which leads to the appearance of very painful cracks. These phenomena significantly complicate the patient's sexual life, giving her a lot of discomfort during intercourse. In addition, cracks can become the entrance gate for the attachment of a secondary infection, which will further aggravate the woman's condition.

Quite often, it is drawn into the pathological process nervous system. There is a so-called pelvic plexus - patients complain of pain in the lower abdomen, extending to the lower back, upper thighs, rectum. Sometimes they are so strong that they are confused with the "acute abdomen" syndrome. Meanwhile, there are no objective signs of inflammation of the pelvic organs.

The above phenomena, as well as the usual symptoms of genital herpes, in women lead to various kinds of psycho-emotional disorders: decreased libido, social maladaptation, neurasthenia, and depression.

Suffering and the immune system organism. Against the background of its weakening associated with herpes, opportunistic microflora that lives in the body can be activated. The result is the development of additional infectious diseases: cystitis, vulvovaginitis, pustular skin lesions, etc.

In recent years, scientists have begun to attribute cervical cancer to risk factors.

The virus is especially dangerous for pregnant women: it provokes mutations and miscarriage, polyhydramnios. The disease can be transmitted to the child during childbirth or along with mother's milk.

The prognosis is unfavorable: mortality in neonatal herpes is 70%. With adequate treatment of the newborn, the probability of death is significantly reduced, but the risk of developing neurological disorders in later life remains.

Features of manifestation in the female body

In women, the symptoms are multifocal. The pathological process may involve the uterus with appendages, urinary organs, rectum. Each condition has its own clinical picture:

  • Herpetic endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis (damage to the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes) - vaginal discharge, pain in the small pelvis are characteristic;
  • Herpetic proctitis (inflammation of the rectum) - patients complain of sharp pains of a bursting nature, burning, itching, flatulence, the appearance of cracks and spotting from the anus;
  • Herpetic cystitis, urethritis - for the defeat of the urinary system, painful urination, slight discharge of a mucous nature, pain in the projection of the bladder are characteristic;
  • Herpetic lesion of the perianal region manifests itself in the form of a recurrent fissure, which is often confused with a normal anal fissure.

These symptoms can be both secondary, arising after the defeat of the external genital organs, and independent phenomena.

Treatment of a genital infection

Aciclovir cream

At present, it is completely impossible, it is only possible to achieve remission, reduce and alleviate periods of exacerbation of the disease. The main thing in women is to take antiviral drugs:

  • Acyclovir;
  • Famciclovir;
  • Valaciclovir.

These drugs are taken orally, the frequency and duration of administration is determined by the doctor. It is noticed that the least side effects, however, famciclovir and valaciclovir are more effective.

Local treatment will help reduce discomfort during an exacerbation. Best result gives the use of ointments based on all the same antiviral drugs, the most famous of them are "", "Gerpevir", "Fenistil Pencivir", oxolinic ointment. They should be used as often as stated in the instructions Before applying the ointment, you must gently wash yourself with soap and water, and then wash your hands so as not to spread the infection.

Famciclovir tablets

Folk remedies will help to significantly alleviate the condition:

  • Sitz baths with soda (500 g baking soda for a bath of warm water, duration - half an hour);
  • Black tea compresses;
  • Compresses and lotions based on herbs - arnica, licorice root, birch buds, aloe, calendula;
  • Irrigation of the genital organs with a solution of pure tree oil (30 drops per 100 ml of water). Pure oil cannot be used - it can cause burns to the mucous membrane.

In women, treatment should be comprehensive, therapy should be selected by a qualified specialist. To select a treatment regimen, you need to contact a dermatovenereologist, and observation by a gynecologist will also not hurt, with atypical forms - by a proctologist and urologist.

Of course, women are easier to prevent than to treat. But even if this misfortune happened to you, you should not despair: with an adequate approach to the treatment of the disease, it is quite possible to keep it under control, preventing the development of complications.

Who said that curing herpes is difficult?

  • Do you suffer from itching and burning in the places of rashes?
  • The sight of blisters does not at all add to your self-confidence ...
  • And somehow ashamed, especially if you suffer from genital herpes ...
  • And for some reason, ointments and medicines recommended by doctors are not effective in your case ...
  • In addition, constant relapses have already firmly entered your life ...
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will help you get rid of herpes!
  • Effective remedy from herpes exists. and find out how Elena Makarenko cured herself of genital herpes in 3 days!