Which country to choose or where is it better to relax.

This year, the issue of inexpensive holidays is more acute than ever - the depreciating ruble has caught up with the economic recession, the closure of traditionally cheap Egypt and Turkey. And now, when prices for everything have doubled on average, the desire of Russians to save money on vacation is quite understandable. Many, according to surveys of sociologists, decided not to rest at all, having spent a legal vacation in the garden. For those who cannot imagine their summer without the sea, even in the most difficult economic situation, we publish a selection of destinations that claim to be popular this summer.

For price analysis, we took a tour for two with the help of the service for the very middle of summer - from July 10 to 20 or dates close to these dates. We are looking for air tickets on the website, the cost is indicated per person, in case of a serious difference between the capital and resort town indicate both options. In this case, of course, it is recommended to fly to the city with a cheaper flight (as a rule, such options are available in capitals or large economic centers with high traffic), arrange an excursion program and then move towards the sea by local transport.


Of course, the closure of Turkey and Egypt is beneficial for Russian resorts, and Crimea has not disappeared from the news agenda for the past couple of years. The desire of Russians to look at the territory annexed to Russia, the absence of a language barrier, flights from many cities in Russia, competition in the field of air travel and reasonable fares, the availability of rail and bus connections are the factors that explain the predicted popularity of Crimea this season.

Cheapness is explained not only by the possibility of ground transportation and not very expensive air transportation - Russians are attracted by the opportunity to rent a house or apartment from private owners, the cost in this case will actually be much lower than when staying in a hotel. But the service - respectively, plus the "pig in a poke" factor. However, according to the assurances of the Crimean hoteliers, they promise to keep prices at an affordable level.

There is some skepticism: many note that hotels of the same level as in Turkey will cost much more in Crimea than they cost on the Mediterranean coast, and flights cannot be compared in price with the price of charters in a tour package to Turkey. Now, due to the new dollar exchange rate and the inability to find out the potential prices for a full package of tourist services in Turkey, it is difficult to say something definite in this regard, so it remains to compare Crimea with the Krasnodar Territory and European resorts.

  • Flight Moscow - Simferopol for 10 - 20 July 2016: .
  • Tour to Crimea

Sochi and Abkhazia

This, one might say, is a classic holiday in the south of Russia. Only this year - even more in demand due to the closure of Turkey and Egypt. Plus, all the same advantages listed above about Crimea, only getting there is even more convenient and cheaper. For example, if you travel by land, you do not need to transfer from the train to the ferry, and then to the bus. Flights from different cities of Russia are operated by different airlines, which gives a wide choice both in terms of dates and prices.

Sochi, Adler, Gelendzhik and other resorts of the Krasnodar Territory, in addition to the sea and beaches, also have a decent set of attractions that history lovers will enjoy. You can also go to neighboring Abkhazia, where there are many interesting things, and good beaches the country is not deprived. Separately, we did not describe Abkhazia precisely because you can get there only through the Sochi-Adler transport hub. Then - by train to Sukhum or by bus to other places in the country. More details in this tip.

  • Airfare Moscow - Sochi for 10 - 20 July 2016: .
  • Tour in Sochi from 10 to 20 July 2016 on the Travelata website: for two.
  • Tour to Abkhazia from 10 to 20 July 2016 on the Travelata website: for two.


Speaking of the Black Sea, one cannot but mention Georgia. A beautiful, inexpensive and close country, with an amazing history, and also very convenient in terms of logistics. You can either fly by plane from Moscow or take the Comet from Sochi by sea. You can also get from Vladikavkaz by your own car. Prices within the country, as already mentioned, are quite moderate, a visa is not needed, and Georgian cuisine is a full-fledged attraction and cultural heritage of Georgia!

  • Airfare Moscow — Tbilisi for 10 - 20 July 2016: .
  • Airfare Moscow — Batumi for 10 - 20 July 2016: .
  • Tour to Georgia from 10 to 20 July 2016 on the Travelata website: for two.


Of the obvious advantages of holidays in Bulgaria, the following can be mentioned: a close and inexpensive flight, simpler (compared to Schengen) visa rules, domestic prices are lower, and the hotel base is cheaper than Western European countries. Here you can add a loyal attitude towards the Russians, good climate and a huge number of ancient sights - in terms of the number of various monuments from Roman times, Bulgaria is in third place in Europe. Well, the beaches in Bulgaria are perhaps the best on the Black Sea.

  • Airfare Moscow - Varna for 10 - 20 July 2016: .
  • Tour to Bulgaria from 10 to 20 July 2016 on the Travelata website: for two.


This country, even with the "allowed" Turkey, encroached on a piece of the tourist pie, and not without success - increasing the volume of Russian tourists year by year. This was facilitated by the fastest issuance of visas in the Schengen area (in summer it usually took 3 days) and low domestic prices compared to the rest of Europe. Well, it makes no sense to talk about the wealth of Greece - as the classic wrote, “everything is there”. Against the backdrop of the absence of Turkey on the agenda, the position of Greece should strengthen even more, unless, of course, Crimea and Sochi pull the blanket over themselves. To the undoubted advantages of the country, we add a large selection of islands and resorts, a close flight and amazing local cuisine.

  • Airfare Moscow - Thessaloniki for 10 - 20 July 2016: .
  • Tour to Greece from 10 to 20 July 2016 on the Travelata website: for two.


This island, especially its southern part, is in many ways similar to Greece, but with one important difference - you do not need a visa here. More precisely, it is electronic and is completely issued via the Internet. An island with centuries of history and stunning white sand lagoons can be quite inexpensive if you take a tour package with a charter flight, or if you follow our tips for self-planning a trip. Northern Cyprus is also interesting, but this is the territory of Turkey and the logistics will be more difficult, although you can always get through the southern part. Tourists usually rent a car and go to explore the north on their own, or use the services of guides.

  • Airfare Moscow — Larnaca for 10 - 20 July 2016: .
  • Tour to Cyprus from 10 to 20 July 2016 on the Travelata website: for two.


The only one on this moment The "substitute" of Egypt offers everything the same as its "big brother": the warm sea, resort-type hotels with everything you need, a lot of water activities, Arabic flavor, hot sun and an excursion program. True, it is poorer than Egyptian, but Carthage, Sahara and troglodyte caves will not leave you indifferent. The Mediterranean Sea here, although warm, is slightly cooler than the Red Sea, but undersea world does not shine with such a variety as in the Land of the Pyramids. In any case, Tunisia has its trump cards at a fairly attractive price.

  • Airfare Moscow — Monastir for 10 - 20 July 2016: .
  • Tour to Tunisia from 10 to 20 July 2016 on the Travelata website: for two.


Among the beach Western Europe, Italy has long been No. 1 in terms of the number of tourists from Russia. In spite of huge selection beaches (Italy from all sides, except for the Alps, is washed by the seas), tourists for the most part go to Rimini. But, in addition to the rest of the coastal territory, there are also the magnificent islands of Sicily and Sardinia. But interest in Rimini is often dictated simple calculation: there are a huge number of hotels, including budget ones, and tour operators put charters in this city with wide beaches. In addition, one of the largest amusement parks for children and the duty-free shopping state of San Marino for moms are nearby.

If you take other parts of Italy, then the price tag will no longer be so humane, but the country boasts fairly moderate prices for food and transport compared to other Western European countries. More expensive than in Greece, but clearly cheaper than in the Benelux and Scandinavia. In addition, sightseeing square meter Italy confidently leaves behind all the other countries of the world, and for this you can even pay extra.

  • Cost of the flight Moscow — Rimini for 10 - 20 July 2016: .
  • Tour to Italy from 10 to 20 July 2016 on the Travelata website: for two.


Spain can hardly be called a close destination - it takes longer to fly from Russia to it than to any other European country, except Portugal. But the country has a large number of beaches and hotels, and the demand for tours to Spain long years was consistently large, many even acquired real estate in this sunny and cheerful country, where every day there is some kind of holiday.

Alexandra Savina

In the summer you can survive in the city, but according to tradition, one desperately wants to escape to the sea at least for a while. The only pity is that the desires do not quite coincide with the possibilities: the specific economic situation, together with the dollar and euro rates, do not spare anyone. But if you really want to, then you can - especially if you approach the issue rationally and with restraint. Let's talk about ten seaside resorts where you can have a good rest not in a big way and not feel deprived.


When it comes to Abrau-Durso, the first thing to remember is the sparkling wine factory of the same name. It is worth going to it with a guided tour only if you are not afraid of a huge flow of tourists: to avoid the crowd, it is better to go to the first tour (10 am) or in the afternoon - at 4-5 pm. But they love Abrau-Durso not for champagne, but for untouched nature and beautiful wild beaches. At the height of the season, instead of the crowded beach of the village of Durso, it is better to go a few kilometers from the center, to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Zvezdny boarding house: it is not easy to enter the water here because of sharp stones, but there is a pier. A little further, behind the beach of the boarding house, there is a place with a good entrance to the water - those who camp with tents like to stay here. If you want to live in quiet place away from tourists, you can choose a slightly more expensive accommodation option - the relatively recently opened estate "Round Lake", from which it is about one and a half kilometers to Lake Abrau.

About a month ago, the Center for Audiovisual Art MARS, a branch of the Moscow center, was opened in Abrau-Durso. The organizers promise to continue the line started in Moscow and present the work of audiovisual artists from all over the world - so there will be time for the cultural program as well.


In the last year or two, Russian tourists are increasingly paying attention to Abkhazia: untouched nature, the relative cheapness of the trip and the visa-free regime are captivating. You can get to Sukhum by train (it will take a day and a half), or you can come from Sochi - there is a regular bus from the city center to the border. When choosing Abkhazia for a trip, you need to be prepared for what awaits you: there is no developed infrastructure and resort services, and even after more than twenty years, traces of military operations can still be seen, which are especially visible in Sukhum. Among the attractions of Sukhum - excellent Botanical Garden, a monkey nursery preserved from Soviet times, which, however, leaves a sad impression, and the Bagrat castle, from which opens beautiful view to the city.

It is not necessary to limit the trip to one city: from Sukhum you can get to the famous high-altitude lake Ritsa, as well as to New Athos and Gagra. Experienced tourists advise looking for clean sea and air on the outskirts of the village of Ldzaa, in the area of ​​​​the former fish factory: unlike neighboring Pitsunda, here on wild beaches quiet and not crowded even in high season. A separate point of the program is the famous beach with Pitsunda pines.



Bulgaria is one of the few countries where Russian tourists have been going for inexpensive holidays for decades. The famous Bulgarian resorts Golden Sands and Sunny Beach will suit you only if you are not afraid of the attributes of the resort area and beach holiday surrounded by tourists. Stop your choice on the less popular and more comfortable Sozopol, from others similar to each other resort towns it is distinguished by the historical center. Half a day is enough to get around the old city, but it is easy to get to Nessebar, Varna and even Istanbul from it - provided that your visa allows you to enter Bulgaria more than once.

Instead of tourist-filled city beaches, it is better to go to a clean one located near Sozopol. sand beach Kavatsite - you can get to it by taxi or by train that goes from the city. Tourists also love Kavatsite, but there is always a place on the beach. It is better to dine not in beach cafes, but in a nearby campsite - prices are lower there. A feature of all Bulgarian beaches, which is worth considering when planning a trip: in July and August, there can be a lot of algae and jellyfish in the sea.



A big plus of Montenegro: you don’t need a visa here, which means you can break into a trip at the last moment. Instead of the crowded beaches of Budva (although it is also worth stopping by and spending at least half a day exploring the historical center of the city), you can choose the tiny city of Perast for relaxation - it is less suitable for a traditional beach holiday, but there are an order of magnitude fewer tourists. There are few sights in quiet Perast: you can go to the Maritime Museum, look into several city churches and climb the 55-meter bell tower, from where great view to the city. Perast is quite remote from tourist places - the easiest way is to rent a car here to easily get to them on your own, but there are public transport. From here it is good to explore the Bay of Kotor: look into Kotor, Herceg Novi, Risan. If you still want a classic beach holiday, you can go to Ploce beach near Budva - they love it for clean water and free pools sea ​​water. You can get to it by car or by bus from Budva, which runs every half an hour.

Near Perast there are two islands: the island of St. George, closed to tourists, and the man-made island of Gospa od Shkrpela (“Madonna on the Reef”), built on top of the reef. The second island can be reached in 7-10 minutes by boat, departing from the pier of Perast. If you are in the region of the island on July 22, you can look at the local holiday: according to tradition, the inhabitants of the city throw stones into the water near the island once a year - this helps stop the erosion of the island by the sea.


Due to the rather expensive air ticket, Morocco can hardly be called a truly budget tourist destination, but this country is gradually occupying a niche left by Turkey and Egypt. Essaouira bears little resemblance to other Moroccan cities and rather resembles Europe. Due to the strong wind, swimming here is more difficult than in Agadir, which is crowded with tourists, but surfers are especially fond of high ocean waves: the season is open here from April to August. In order to get around the historical center of the city and the main attractions, half a day is enough - the rest of the time you can wander through the narrow streets, bargain at the souk (local market), watch the fishermen in the port and enjoy the views.

Early in the morning, you can buy fresh seafood at the fish market, which, if desired, will be immediately grilled for you. A mandatory point of the program is to try orange juice, which will be prepared before your eyes with the help of a press (life hack - if you choose your favorite juice merchant and go only to him, in addition he will treat you to sweet oranges for free). If you want to feel the spirit of Morocco, you should stay in riads - traditional Moroccan houses with a patio, converted into hotels. From Essaouira it is easy to get to other Moroccan cities - Marrakesh and the traditional resort Agadir, where tourists from Russia mainly buy tickets; Comfortable regular buses run between the cities. Do not give in to the desire to save even more, it is better to choose buses of large companies: Supratours and CTM.


After the well-known events, the path of Russians to Odessa, as well as to other Ukrainian cities, is not easy and thorny (in order to avoid problems at the border, it is very desirable to get an invitation from one of the locals), but tourists continue to strive there for the sake of the unique Odessa atmosphere and the image that has developed the city for years. If you still choose Odessa for your vacation, there are several points of the mandatory program: look at Cathedral Square with the Transfiguration Cathedral, look into Shevchenko Park, which offers an excellent view of the sea, walk along the Potemkin Stairs, look at the famous Pryvoz and bargain . It is worth a look at the Literary Museum, located in the former palace of Prince Gagarin: there you can agree with guides on a private thematic tour of Odessa - especially city guests love literary excursions.

It should be borne in mind that at the height of the season it is crowded even on paid Odessa beaches - local residents advise going to the beaches in small seaside villages such as Gribovka, Zatoka and Sergeevka. In the same place, tourists often stop with tents right on the seashore - however, these places still cannot be called deserted.


Crete, Greece

The largest Greek island dearly loved by tourists: there are not only excellent beaches, but also many attractions (you probably remember the famous Palace of Knossos and the myths associated with it from school history lessons). But even here you can find non-obvious places and routes: for example, by renting a car, from Chania you can get to Sougia, a former fishing village that has long been a favorite vacation spot for hippies. Now Suya is loved primarily for its untouched nature, and many still come here to spend the night in tents. In addition, Sougia attracts hikers and trekkers: scenic routes start from here to the ruins of Eliros and Lissos.

On the ferry from Sougia, you can swim to Ayia Rumeli and walk along the Samaria Gorge - the trekking route here is quite gentle, but you should choose comfortable shoes and still grab trekking poles. The route is quite long, so it is important to calculate the time and effort to catch the return ferry. It is worth taking care of accommodation in Suia in advance, as there are few accommodation options in a small village: Booking.com, for example, offers only 7 hotels.


With the current euro exchange rate, Spain can no longer be called a budget destination, but this is still compensated by Spanish democracy (which, of course, also varies from city to city). If you have already been to Barcelona and the surrounding area, you can head south to Malaga, an Andalusian resort that the Spaniards themselves love. True, it must be borne in mind that in a hot climate, the average water temperature here does not exceed 22 degrees, and the locals practically do not own English language. In Malaga, you should pay attention to the 11th century fortress towering over the city and the Picasso Museum. Last year, a branch of the Russian Museum was opened in the city: on July 20, an exhibition dedicated to Marc Chagall and his contemporaries will open here.

In mid-August, Malaga hosts an annual fair that lasts a whole week: during the day, city residents take to the streets dressed in national costumes, sing and dance, and go on rides at night. It should be borne in mind that citywide fun has a downside: many establishments are closed during the fair, and in order to find a working pharmacy, you may have to go around half the city. From Malaga you can get to Seville and Granada, and if you want to save money, feel free to choose an intercity bus instead of a train - it will take longer, but the road will still be comfortable.



When planning a vacation, it should be borne in mind that a trip to Croatia will cost more than a vacation in neighboring Montenegro, and the sea in June here can still be quite cold. If you still decide to visit Croatia and do not want to live in Dubrovnik, which is chosen by tourists, you can opt for the port city of Split. The main attraction here is the palace of the Roman emperor Diocletian, which has been well preserved to this day and, together with the historical center of Split, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In addition to the historical center, it is worth paying attention to the cozy Veli Varosh district, which tourists undeservedly deprive of attention. From the city center you can walk to Maryan Park, located on a hill: there are several observation platforms from which you can enjoy an excellent view of the city and the sea. You can take a leisurely stroll through the park on foot, or you can rent a bike. It is not easy to climb in the heat, so it is better to take plenty of water with you and take care of comfortable shoes.

If Split gets bored, you can try to get to national park Krka, Plitvice Lakes and to other cities: Sibenik, Trogir and Omiš. If you want to see more wildlife, from the Split bus station you can get to Brela, a small village surrounded by pine trees with picturesque nature and minimal infrastructure. The village is most suitable for a quiet holiday, and mostly families with children settle here - it should be borne in mind that at 10-11 pm most establishments are already closed. Not crowded beaches should be looked for away from the center of Brela.

This is a well-known truth, invented by Hemingway. However, sometimes it is better not to test friendship for strength.

There was a case in my life, after which I decided that if possible I would travel alone. We went with a close friend, to a not very distant country. However, troubles began from the very beginning. She wanted to live in an expensive hotel on the waterfront of the resort, and I wanted to live in a modest room in a quiet corner. She liked restaurants, and I liked cafeterias. She signed up for expensive individual excursions, and I just liked to walk along the historical streets. As a result, we returned to our homeland, and stopped communicating until all grievances were forgotten by both of us.

I also have many friends who deny themselves a well-deserved rest, even if they have a travel-tested partner. And it is for those who are afraid to go on vacation alone and do not know where it is better to go for a “solo” vacation, and I decided to prepare today's newsletter.

In fact, there are many options for relaxing alone. Although sometimes the easiest, fastest and most economical way to “jump” out of your work routine is to go to the usual All Inclusive. In addition, you can not be afraid to get lost here - they will meet you, take you, place you and understand your Russian or broken English.

Half the success is the right attitude. Just think - this is a real journey, full of new experiences! Some will call it an adventure. But we understand that this someone is just jealous of you 😉

Girls to the left

An ideal vacation for an average woman is a warm sea, a beautiful hotel, SPA treatments and the unobtrusive attention of beautiful men. First you need to decide what you expect from the service. If you are interested in luxury in everything and casual service - you are in Turkey or Egypt, but only in good hotels 5 stars. If you are not pretentious at the table, agree to a modest room and the absence of a hotel area, then Europe will suit you perfectly.

In Spain, you will be charmed by the beaches, the capital itself, with affordable shopping. In a beach holiday near entertainment centers you will find in Rimini. And in Cyprus, singles are suitable for a party houseAyia Napa, between May and September.

AT Thailand or in Bali there are a lot of Russian, open and active guys in Indonesia. Yes, here the atmosphere itself is conducive to acquaintance and long intimate conversations at sunset. Move closer to the sea, where you will meet a lot of surfers, kitesurders (especially in winter when there are big waves) and just nature lovers who will be happy to show you good cafes on the coast, take you to a steep slope with a breathtaking view. In general, by getting to know local downshifters, you will learn much more than a guide could tell you. And not so much about the resort, but about life in general.

Read also:

Do you want to get one of the best SPA services in the world? affordable price? Travel to Tunisia between October and May. As soon as the sea begins to cool, all prices for accommodation and hotel services drop sharply. Not to mention the fact that holidays in Tunisia are already budget-friendly.

Do you want to enjoy a mild climate, taste delicious Mediterranean cuisine and meet young people and maybe single (and smart) guys at the same time? you to Malta. There are many language schools here, and the chances of meeting a cheerful company of compatriots aged 18+ are very high.

And if you want to go on a weekend for a special occasion - celebrate your birthday, celebrate a promotion at work, dreamily start " new life”, then romantic Paris, Rome or Lisbon will do just fine.

Even if you did not find the desired tour on our website, you can arrange a trip to anywhere in the world and get advice by phone, with the help of our tourism specialist.

Boys to the right

Young single boys choose disco resorts, and rooms and hotels are the cheapest - after all, clubs cost money. And in the hotels themselves, you rarely find a good disco with a lot of people, or rather young girls. For partygoers, Marmaris in Turkey, Ibiza and Mallorca in Spain, Amsterdam in the Netherlands are suitable. But remember that in some hotels in Turkey it is forbidden to accommodate several men in one room.

Also in demand are the capitals of resorts, where there will always be entertainment - Barcelona, ​​Rome, Madrid. For young "extremes" there are many entertainments even in Turkey - for example, paragliding over the azure Oludeniz lagoon in Fethiye.

No longer boys, but “husbands”, rather, they will be interested in a more relaxing holiday with the opportunity to get to know the locals, take a leisurely walk along the beautiful streets, eat a hearty meal and, maybe, go to a concert of their favorite band that does not favor visits to Russia.

An old European town with numerous sausage and craft beer bars, which you can try only here and nowhere else, is perfect. For example, the Belgian city of Bruges with gingerbread houses or the picturesque Prague and the city of Pilsen - the center Czech brewing an hour from the capital.

Read also:

Recently, hospitable and cozy has become popular among the inquisitive strong half.Georgia. Girls alone are afraid to come here (and it seems they are doing the right thing), but the guys are the most expanse - large portions tasty meat, homemade Caucasian wine, strong handshakes and impregnable mountains. And then adjika, satsivi, Kindzmarauli, khachapuri, lezginka, Borjomi and the beloved and native Black Sea.

For nature lovers

Separately, it is worth mentioning those lucky ones who prefer conscious solitude and are not afraid of the lack of communication throughout the rest. They are more attracted to dialogue with nature. They hunt for the most beautiful places on our planet. Better, of course, more affordable.

This year, tourist Serbia is gaining momentum. Visa-free entry, low prices, incredible beauties, and Balkan music excites the heart and soul. However, there is no sea. But you can improve your health, go fishing and skiing in winter (even at night!).

Active and rich in culinary delights Montenegro or relaxedCroatiawill also amaze the imagination of an inexperienced seeker of natural beauties and interesting coloring of the area. Don't forget about your family Russia . Crimea, Baikal, Altai Territory, Karelia - excursions, group rafting and mountain climbing, horseback riding, fishing and many other things are organized here.

Bike Tours

If there is no time to draw up a recreation route, but you want to see as many beauties as possible, as well as improve physical form, bike tours for you! These are picnics by the picturesque lake, serpentine descents and even hidden paths to "secret" waterfalls.

How does this happen? You are checked into a hotel, a bicycle is given out, and you, along with a guide and a group, set off on a journey to the first point of the route. In the meantime, your luggage is transferred to the next hotel. And so on according to plan. It is very convenient, inexpensive and extremely exciting! On average, a bike tour, for example, in the Italian provinces will cost 600 €.

Benefits of being alone

You will always act the way you want! And not change plans in order to reach a compromise with a fellow traveler. You are the master of your society - get to know people, and when you want to be alone, politely say goodbye to them.

It is known that on vacation people make contact much easier. Want to make a new friend? Ask him to take a picture of you or help you carry your suitcase. You can not put on makeup at all and not think what others will think of you (girls will understand me).

It is easy to find new acquaintances of interest - you have chosen one resort or excursion, which means you already have something in common.

Traveling alone is another reason to be proud of yourself!

In psychology, there is such a phenomenon - a hunger for recognition, that is, a person in an unfamiliar environment can become sad if he does not meet people with whom he has long been familiar. Therefore, it is better to plan a trip alone for no more than 7-10 days. And this hunger torments introverts much more than extroverts (who would have thought?).

In the end, remember the phrase of the inveterate bachelor Schopenhauer: "In solitude, everyone sees in himself what he really is." It will be fun to get to know the real you 😉

Many people dream of a vacation abroad without even knowing what kind of vacation opportunities Russia has to offer. About 70% of the population of each region have not traveled around the country and know practically nothing about domestic recreation. So, let's talk on the topic - Where can I go to relax inexpensively in Russia.

Where can you go to relax inexpensively in Russia

Where can you go to relax inexpensively in Russia and have fun? Our beautiful country has sea, mountains, forests and valleys. But keep in mind that it is better to choose a place for a budget holiday, taking into account the needs of each member of your company.

Where can you go to relax in the summer in Russia inexpensively

There are a number of places and regions where you can spend your vacation cheaper than abroad, and there will be no less impressions than a trip to Turkey or the Alps. Consider the regions that will be of interest to travel lovers.

The city and its surroundings will certainly appeal to history buffs. There are many old buildings and monuments here. One of them is the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. The building was built over 300 years ago and has been perfectly preserved to this day.

In addition, there are a lot of temples, museums, ancient architecture is closely intertwined with modern buildings and creates an interesting symbiosis.

The city produces wonderful photographs, landscapes, panoramas. Hiking to explore the city, trips to museums and exhibitions, excursions to temples are popular.

For those who love attractions, active entertainment, there is Switzerland Park and many other areas adapted for tourists.

Nizhny Novgorod has beautiful nature, especially in autumn it looks bright. If you want to go somewhere for a couple of days or for a week, it will be a great option.

Getting to know St. Petersburg

This city is called the second capital of Russia. Come here on vacation or for a couple of days will best solution for the whole year. There is no sea here, but this does not mean that it will be boring. The architecture of the city is amazing.

Numerous styles are vividly intertwined and create incredible paintings. Frescoes, sculptures, monuments, drawings on the walls. Flowerbeds and buildings of unusual shape. A walk around St. Petersburg will turn into an incredible adventure.

Do not forget to take a spare battery for the camera, you will take a lot of pictures. Walks on a boat or a yacht along the Neva are available. You can book a place on an excursion or ride with loved ones and see the city from the water.

The entertainment industry is also well developed in St. Petersburg.

It is full of themed establishments, interesting cafes and restaurants, clubs, bars.

Recommended to visit in St. Petersburg Restaurant Literary Cafe

For a closer acquaintance with the city, you can find a guide who will show you places in St. Petersburg that are of particular interest to you.

Museum of Illusions, Giant's House, Petting Zoo

Interactive Museum of the History of Russia

You can go on a tour of the nightlife of the city. Such entertainment will be relevant for those who love nightclubs, alcoholic cocktails and fun until the morning. There are many people of creative professions in St. Petersburg.

And what about a walk on the roofs of St. Petersburg?

Don't be surprised if you see musicians on the street at every turn or an artist passionately painting the landscape. You can go to dozens of master classes, exhibitions, courses. As souvenirs, you can bring a picture or an object handmade, books.

If you are planning sports activities, then Aviamania recommends:

St. Petersburg will pull you out of the usual reality and plunge you into a fairy tale. At the same time, the cost of living here is quite acceptable. You can rent a hotel room or an apartment. Apartments are rented by the day at a price of 2000 rubles per day.

For a family or a company, this option is more than profitable. Holidays in St. Petersburg will be as fun as in Sochi, while there will be more pleasure than lying on the beach.

Where can you go to relax inexpensively in Russia:

Everyone knows this lake, but few who have been here. And in vain! A trip to Baikal will be as interesting as a trip to the sea. Silence is considered a pleasant difference. Despite the fact that Lake Baikal is considered a popular tourist attraction, there are fewer people here than in Sochi.

The forest awaits you Fresh air, fishing, picking mushrooms, accommodation in tents or nearby houses.

Where can you go to relax inexpensively in Russia:

Lake Seliger is located near the city of Ostashkov. It will be convenient to get here, both from St. Petersburg and from Moscow. Some say that if you leave St. Petersburg, the road will go faster. The main thing is to pay attention to the quality of the tracks, there can be pits and potholes here.

From Moscow, you can get to the lake in about 6 hours if you drive. On the Moscow-Ostashkov train, the journey will take longer. In the area of ​​Lake Seliger there are many cottages and small tourist camps.

The most expensive place to relax here is at the height of the holiday season. Then the cost of renting real estate will fall. Many tourists come here to rest with tents, which reduces the budget by almost 2 times.

If you rent a cottage or a room, you can cook your own meals. It will cost less than eating at the base, but not cheap if you did not take food with you.

Not exactly a lake, under this concept it is worth considering a whole grid of rivers, lakes and small reservoirs. There is incredibly beautiful nature here. You can see owls at night, they take off as soon as the lantern lights up.

Hares run, hedgehogs, fly predator birds. There are especially many living creatures and insects in these places. You will be surrounded by forests, plantings, numerous shrubs. Among the entertainments offered are fishing, some infrastructure at the recreation centers and board games with friends.

People come here to take a break from the city, the usual routine and civilization. A vacation in the forests will allow you to gain physical and mental strength. A family trip here will cost less than a vacation in Anapa or Sochi.

Where can you go to relax inexpensively in Russia:

Kurilsk is considered the smallest city in the country. The local population here will not be typed and 2000 people. Regardless of this, it is here that lovers of fishing and nature come together.

Kurilsk is known as a city of fishermen. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the ocean, mountains, forests and hills await guests here. Hiking, river rafting, picking mushrooms and berries in season are popular. There are museums and exhibitions, historical monuments.

If you want to see what beautiful places there are in the country, then a trip to Kurilsk will be relevant. Thousands of people go to the sea every year, only a few travel around the country.

By visiting new regions during your vacation, you will broaden your horizons, meet new people, see new sights. You will be amazed at how many opportunities there are in Russia, but they are not being fully exploited.

You can go on such a trip with children or with a group of friends. Time will fly by so fast that you won't even remember it. The budget for a trip to Kurilsk will be less than what is usually spent in large resort cities.

Kaliningrad and its environs invite you to spend time by the Baltic Sea. Not only a beach holiday is available here, but also dozens of regional attractions. History buffs should visit the Grolman and Pregel bastions.

Museums and fortresses will be of interest. For those who are interested in outdoor activities there is Yuzhny Park, M. Ashmann, Yunost, Pobedy and others. The city is full of attractions, restaurants, cafes and clubs, which have already become an indispensable part of tourist recreation.

You can live in Kaliningrad in a hotel, rent an apartment or private sector. When you don’t feel like planning anything on your own, you can buy a tourist voucher and everything will be prepared for you.

A trip to will be an interesting vacation and adventure for your entire company.

Such a vacation is suitable for those who love nature and are ready to give up comfort for a few weeks. Tourism and services are developed, but if you want to see the really beautiful places in the region, you have to be a savage. Many attractions are far from civilization. They will need to be reached by car, while it is possible to go further on foot.

Tourists live in tents, with all the benefits of a wild holiday. Taking children to the mountains is not very good idea, because you have to walk a lot, and they get tired quickly. How to spend time in Altai with a company of adults and the whole family?

The most optimal time for a trip to Altai, starting from the May holidays and ending in November. The first frosts in the mountains begin to appear in September, take warm clothes with you.

Among the sights of the region, it is interesting to see the Kobu waterfalls and Kamyshlinsky, Teletskoye and Kucherlinskoye lakes. You will have a fantastic view of the mountains, valleys and depressions.

The air in Altai is different from the one we breathe in the cities. An excess of oxygen can cause dizziness, which eventually disappears. Fishing is also an interesting activity in the region. If you try, you can catch trout or grayling.

Traveling in Altai on your own is dangerous, the mountains do not tolerate mistakes and maximalism. Buying a ticket is not fun. An alternative option can be called tours that are created by experienced travelers.

You will travel around Altai by car, horses, cross the rivers in boats and cross the passes on foot. Much depends on the duration of the route and its direction.

Holidays in Altai will be like survival in wild nature, only with more comfortable conditions.

Travel covering several cities of the country at once. Many foreigners go on a tour of the Golden Ring to get to know Russia better. Locals do not always go on such trips, assuming it will be boring.

In fact, during the tour you will visit several cities. If you plan a trip to each city separately, it will turn out to be expensive and not so fast. You can take children with you on the Golden Ring tour, they will not be bored either.

You can go on vacation in spring, autumn or summer. They say it's available all year round. In winter, the trip will not be so pleasant. During the tour you will visit other cities.

In total, the Golden Ring of Russia covers 8 cities of the country. On the way, you can visit 3 places that are under the protection of UNESCO. Moreover, temples, museums and much more will be available to you. If you are not very interested in religion, you need to choose another place for your vacation.

Vladivostok is a city with great opportunities for recreation. There is a sea, a developed entertainment infrastructure and natural attractions. You can see Amur tigers while walking in the safari park.

There is an opportunity to go hiking in the mountains, go fishing. In Vladivostok, there is an opportunity to buy inexpensive red game and seafood. Here, rest is reminiscent of a trip to a fishing village, where it is quiet, interesting and calm. Vladivostok can offer both quiet rest and real adventures. You choose how to spend your free time.

Khuzhir is a small village with clean ecology and an opportunity for ecological recreation. Here, nature is practically untouched by man, there is some infrastructure and forests. Holidays in the region are focused on healing, relaxation and communication with nature.

You can come here with the whole family and have a wonderful time in nature. Near Khuzhir there are hotels, small hotels where you can rent a room for a vacation.

Many tourists get the impression that spending a vacation in Moscow is expensive and boring. In fact, the vacation budget depends on the decisions and needs you make. You can rent an inexpensive hostel, or you can stay in luxury apartments.

The cost of housing depends on the proximity to the central part of the city, its size and degree of comfort. The infrastructure is highly developed here, you can find any institution that is useful to you.

Outdoor enthusiasts will enjoy hot air ballooning, wind tunnel (feeling of weightlessness), paragliding, rollerblading and much more. In Moscow, the entertainment industry can offer hundreds of leisure options for every taste.

If you are going to spend a vacation in a metropolis, keep in mind that you will have to walk or ride a bike a lot. there are almost always traffic jams, so plan your time so as not to get into them. Look for alternative methods of transportation. Decide in advance how you want to spend your time, what you want to see or try?

There are dozens of places in Russia where you can spend a couple of days or weeks inexpensively, change the scenery and unwind. Choose the most interesting options and rest to the fullest.

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A selection of countries and cities where in July 2019 you can fly inexpensively to rest abroad on a package tour or on your own. Rest by the sea and in the cities of Europe.

Cheap sea tours: where to fly in July 2019?

Below we list the destinations with the most attractive prices for tours. Book them in advance or wait for the appearance (here it’s up to you), it’s up to you. Our job is to inform about the availability of good options.

Tour prices are current at the time of publication. Prices change in real time. We found a tour at a low price - do not delay the purchase so as not to miss a good option. In the examples below we consider tours for two people when departing from Moscow(tours from other cities usually cost more).

Turkey → from 13500 rubles/person

Bulgaria → from 14500 rubles/person

The resorts of Bulgaria are also one of the most inexpensive options where you can go to the sea abroad in July 2019. The country is among the most, and tours there are inexpensive. In total, tours for a week cost from 29,000 rubles, from 40 thousand - for 11 nights, from 46 thousand - for 14 nights. Rest all inclusive costs only a little more - by 5-10 thousand rubles.

If you are a regular reader of independent and budget travel, then you know that from time to time incredibly cheap flights appear for Bulgaria (for example, one way) and even tour packages with accommodation and meals (for example, for two people!). So don't forget to follow our news.

Tunisia → from 18600 rubles/person

Cyprus → from 18800 rubles/person

Cyprus is not only one of the most popular foreign destinations that Russians choose to go on vacation at sea, but also one of the most budgetary. Vouchers to the island are very cheap: for a week - from 37,600 rubles, for 11 nights - from 50,500 rubles, for 14 - from 62,500 rubles. You can have a cheap rest in Limassol, Paphos, Larnaca and other resorts of Cyprus. It is very convenient that it is simply and quickly issued via the Internet.

Greece → from 21500 RUB/person

It is inexpensive to relax at sea on many. As of July 2019, at a price of 42,000 rubles, weekly tours to the islands of Crete, Kos and others are easily found. From 52500 rub. there are tours for 11 nights, from 57,000 rubles. - for 14 nights. All-inclusive holidays are not so developed in Greece, so such tours cost about 15-20 thousand more.

Italy → 21500 RUB/person

You can also go inexpensively to relax on the sea abroad. As of July 2019, you can find weekly tours from just 43,000 rubles. Vouchers for 11 days - from 54,800 rubles, for 14 nights - from 62,500 rubles. The cheapest tours offer holidays on the popular. Rest in the "all inclusive" mode increases the price of the tour by about 17-20 thousand rubles.

Bali → 50000 RUB/person

Unfortunately, tours and air tickets are not cheap. All the fault - a long and therefore expensive flight. However, accommodation itself, food and entertainment on this Indonesian island are worth it, so it is more profitable to fly to Bali for a long time: 10-14 days or more. Tours for 7 nights cost from 100 thousand rubles, for 11 nights - from 109 thousand, for 14 nights - from 114 thousand.

Dominican Republic → 60000 RUB/person

Price calendar for tours

Cheap flights abroad: where to fly in July 2019?

For those who prefer to travel on their own, we have compiled a list of cities where you can fly cheaply in the middle of summer.

How to find an inexpensive hotel? You can book inexpensive accommodation on your own on the popular Skyscanner Hotels service.

Below we give examples of tickets with a minimum price for this direction. Most often these are flights with transfers. Air tickets for direct flights are somewhat more expensive. We are considering flights from Moscow, the cost is for a round trip flight per person.

So, where can you cheaply fly abroad in July 2019?

  • Istanbul- from 7800 rubles. OnurAir direct flights. Find tickets →
  • Thessaloniki- from 7900 rubles. A / c AirSerbia, connections in Belgrade. Find tickets →
  • Vein- from 8700 rubles. Direct Utair flights. Find tickets →
  • Prague- from 8800 rubles. A / c AirSerbia, connections in Belgrade.