How to level the floors in the apartment. How to level the floor in the presence of serious and light defects: scraping, laying plywood, self-leveling floor

Rocking, crooked furniture, bouncing washing machine- all this is a consequence of an unevenly laid floor. Its alignment should be the very first procedure when carrying out repairs.

Leveling the wooden base

The procedure for replacing a wooden floor is as follows:
1. Using a crowbar and an ax, baseboards and old flooring are removed. All construction debris under the floor is removed. Before laying new floors, be sure to seal cement mortar all cracks and crevices in concrete screed.

Old rotten floors are removed

2. Rotten old ones lags (wooden beams section from 110 mm, used as a base for flooring) and destroyed from time to time floorboards are thrown away.

3. To replace the lag is selected square bar. In this case, the height of the lag should be 1.5 times greater than their width. The size of the section of the bars depends on the width of the room in which they will be installed.

Calculation of the lag section

4. Before laying, the logs should be treated with an antiseptic and waterproofing: drying oil or bitumen. Impregnation would be a cheaper option. used machine oil.

5. Wood absorbs moisture very quickly, so you should not install logs directly on concrete. They are placed on waterproofing layer(roofing material, film or bituminous mastic).

6. To ensure ventilation, the logs must be laid at a distance of 5 cm to the concrete floor or floor beams. Bricks or wooden blocks are used as linings for logs.

Laying lag on bricks

Laying lag on wooden bars

Important! To prevent the logs from absorbing moisture from the walls, a gap of 2-3 cm must be left between them and the wall.

7. If necessary, a layer is laid between the lags heat or sound insulation. Styrofoam or expanded polystyrene are excellent heat insulators, but they will not protect against the penetration of extraneous sounds into the apartment. As a soundproofing material, it is better to use mineral wool.

Laying between the lags of mineral wool

8. To lay the logs perfectly evenly, apply along the walls along the water or laser level horizontal markings.

Drawing markings on the walls

9. When laying out the lag, you should also control their location building level. If necessary, the logs are trimmed to the required height. Distortions can also be corrected lining made of wood or fiberboard. To protect against their displacement during the operation of the floor, they must be attached to the base.

10. Floorboards are used as a subfloor. Their thickness depends on the distance between the lags.

Choice of floorboards

11. When laying the floor slats, the horizontal position of their location is also verified by the level.

Important! You should not buy uncured material. Board moisture prepared for flooring should be 12%. An overdried rail can crack, and a wet one will gradually dry out, and cracks will appear in the floor.

Leveling with concrete screed

Bulk mixes are quite an expensive material, so they are used only to even out small differences. With a significant difference in floor height, use concrete screed.

1. If available in the old screed large influxes they are removed with a jackhammer or sledgehammer. If they are left, the floor will have to be raised to a height equal to the height of the influx.

2. Before starting the pouring of a new layer, the old floors are cleaned of dust and debris. To prevent moisture from the solution from being absorbed into the floor, a layer of screed is laid before a layer of screed: a plastic film or roofing felt, which are placed with a slight overlap on the walls. If waterproofing is not provided, you can moisten the old concrete with a little water.

Waterproofing concrete screed

3. To obtain a flat horizontal surface, the floors are leveled along lighthouses: metal profiles laid out on the floor strictly horizontally. They are placed on stamps"(slapping a thick solution). The height of the imposition of "brands" is regulated by the level.

Arrangement of lighthouses

4. Since the mortar is leveled with a special tool - a construction rule, - the distance between two beacons (guides) should be equal to its length. (The rule is a strong 1-3-meter strip of metal, narrowed along its entire length).

Alignment by beacons by rule

5. To strengthen the screed when applying too much mortar, it is reinforced metal mesh.

Screed reinforcement

Leveling with bulk mixtures

For rough leveling of the floor, you will need a bulk mixture made on the basis of cement. A gypsum mixture that can absorb moisture is mainly used for laying parquet. Expensive translucent or colored polymer solutions ("liquid linoleum") are used as a fine finish and are poured only on a previously leveled surface.

Subfloor leveling compound

1. The technology for applying a bulk mixture of any composition is approximately the same. "Liquid" floors are poured only on a carefully prepared surface, cleaned of debris and processed primer deep penetration. They can be laid on concrete slabs or cement screed. It is allowed to pour the mixture on wooden floors or ceramic tiles.

Primer floor treatment

2. With an excess or lack of water, the distribution of the mixture over the surface will be uneven, so you should strictly observe breeding proportions indicated by the manufacturer on the package. Stir the solution as thoroughly as possible, until the lumps are completely dissolved. For these purposes, it is more convenient to use a drill with a nozzle or a construction mixer.

The solution should be thoroughly mixed

3. Acceptable temperature in the room where the mixture will be used is indicated by the manufacturer.

4. The mixture begins to be poured from the farthest wall, located opposite the entrance. In order to avoid height differences, its laying should be continuous.

Filling the mixture

5. For uniform distribution of self-leveling floors, use a wide spatula or rule attached to the handle. In order to remove air bubbles, the solution is additionally treated needle roller.

Leveling of self-leveling floors

Needle roller processing

Important! Rolling and leveling the floors must be done before the mortar sets. Otherwise, the drying mixture will warp.

6. Drying time for bulk mixtures - 2-3 days. In order for the floors to dry evenly, there should not be too large temperature differences and drafts in the room.

Leveling a concrete floor without the help of hired specialists is not such a difficult matter if you approach it "armed" with certain knowledge. Let's figure out how you can perform this process yourself.

Why is floor leveling required?

Today, concrete flooring can be seen in commercial premises, industrial facilities, and living rooms. It has mass useful characteristics, but it is possible to use them only when the concrete bases are qualitatively leveled. The most common defects in concrete floors are:

  • shallow "waves" called chills that appear after the rule;
  • smooth repetitive changes in the level of the floor - wave drops;
  • raising (local) floor level - influxes.

With prolonged use of poorly equipped concrete bases, cracks often form on them, as well as cavities and lenses - lowering (local) floor level. Sometimes protruding pieces of crushed stone filler appear on its surface, which indicate the destruction of the coating. All voiced defects lead to unevenness on the floor, which can cause injury to a person, the impossibility of reliable installation of equipment used in everyday life and in the kitchen, furniture.

And from an aesthetic point of view, uneven flooring, you see, does not add beauty to the room. To avoid these inconveniences, competent leveling of the floor with your own hands is required. Such a procedure, carried out qualitatively, in addition, will achieve high level noise, hydro and thermal insulation of flooring. alignment concrete base carried out by arranging a screed, which can be performed wet or dry.

In the first case, it is mandatory to use a special leveling compound with the addition of water. With the dry method, dry mixtures are used. The choice of the optimal technology for each specific case is based on the condition of the initial floor covering and the height differences available on the floor of the room. Usually, cement-sand compositions, “dry” compositions and self-leveling mixtures are used for screeding. We will talk about them further.

Cement-sand composition - a classic leveling

A screed based on sand and cement is considered a classic and very effective way giving the floors the desired "evenness". It is recommended for rooms where the level difference of the concrete base is five or more centimeters. The cement-sand screed technology is characterized by certain difficulties and high labor intensity of the process.

But on the other hand, you can do it yourself in any living space - in the bedroom, corridor, in the kitchen, and be sure of the strength and excellent reliability of the resulting coating. It is only important to remember that the thickness of the prepared mixture must be at least three centimeters. With a smaller thickness, the strength indicators of the completed screed will be unsatisfactory. We will tell you how to level a concrete floor with a mixture of sand, cement and water.

First you need to remove all dirt and accumulated dust from it, wipe off stains from oil solutions that were used in the construction or repair work. Then laid on the floor waterproofing material- it can be anything. At this stage, it is important to glue the joints of the waterproofing well, and leave allowances near the walls. Further, with the help of the level, beacons are installed. For their installation, metal profiles are used, fixed to the floor by means of gypsum hardening solutions.

Between the guides of the performed "frame" the distance is taken up to one meter, no more. At a greater distance, pouring the mixture and leveling it will be difficult. The sand-cement mixture is prepared from M-300 cement, ordinary sand and water. Now no one makes such a solution on their own. It is much more convenient to buy dry ready mixes and add water to them in the proportions recommended by the manufacturer of the material.

It is necessary to stir the composition very carefully. It is best to do this with a construction mixer. The finished solution should not spread, but at the same time on a flat base it should be slightly blurred. Please note - the mixture is applied after stirring for 60-90 minutes (otherwise it will simply harden). And you need to cook it immediately for the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Pouring a cement-sand screed - we work carefully

The prepared solution begins to be poured from the far corner of the room between the beacons. It is necessary to immediately level the composition after applying each individual portion of it, using the rule. Move it towards you, not away from you. Also, the rule should be to “scatter” the mixture on the sides (some level it exclusively along the guides, which is wrong) in order to achieve a good compaction of the screed layer and fill the existing voids.

Professionals also advise piercing the applied composition with a metal bar of small diameter. Such a simple action will avoid the risk of air voids in the screed. If the mixture of sand and cement is made of great thickness, it is advisable to strengthen the screed with reinforcement from a convenient (at hand) material. In addition, it is recommended to cut special seams in it (they are called shrinkage) every 250–300 cm. Long breaks when laying the cement-sand composition should be avoided.

If you hesitate, "cold seams" are guaranteed to appear on the surface. They will significantly reduce the strength characteristics of the finished layer. For this reason, do-it-yourself floor leveling should be done not alone, but with an assistant. Having laid all cement-sand mortar, it is left for 24 hours, and then thoroughly moistened with a spray gun or a roller for painting. After 48-60 hours, you will need to check how well she grabbed.

After that, the screed is moistened again and a plastic film is placed on it. It protects the floor from rapid drying, which is fraught with the appearance of cracks. Over the next 7-8 days, once a day, it is required to moisten the screed with water. And then the film is removed and the floor is left to dry in natural conditions for another 1-2 weeks. On the completed screed in the kitchen or in another room, you can safely lay the floor covering that you have chosen. But first, make sure that the screed is of high quality.

If everything has been done correctly, the floor surface has a uniform grey colour, and when tapped with a bar of wood, it emits the same sound in all parts of the room. We hope that we have explained clearly enough how to level a concrete floor using a wet mixture of sand and cement. This technique can be used in all areas of housing, including the kitchen and even on the street (on open verandas, terraces). Let's add that finished surface further polishing is allowed. It makes no sense to carry out such a procedure if the coating was done on the street. But for living rooms, it will not be superfluous.

Grinding is carried out with a special unit (machine), which quickly and efficiently smooths out all minor irregularities.

Dry screed - how to level the floors without water?

Do-it-yourself "cleaner" leveling of the floor is carried out using mixtures consisting of granulate, quartz sand, expanded clay or expanded polystyrene, and fiberboard, chipboard, moisture-resistant gypsum fiber sheet materials or regular plywood. Such a screed additionally soundproofs and insulates the room, so it is used in the kitchen or hall in the apartments of high-rise buildings. It is not difficult to independently make such an alignment even for a person very far from building wisdom.

Advantages of dry screed:

  • fast execution of work and the possibility of laying the selected floor covering immediately after the completion of leveling operations;
  • no need to use water to mix the solution;
  • installation of utilities inside the screed is allowed;
  • work can be done without assistants, performing them gradually on small areas of the room.

In addition, a dry screed makes it possible not to worry about the need for additional arrangement of sound and heat insulation systems for the floor.

The scheme for leveling a concrete floor using this technology is as follows:

  • the base is thoroughly cleaned;
  • a waterproofing material is laid - a 50-micron polyethylene film (before that, it is desirable to prime the surface);
  • scatter the dry mixture over the film and evenly distribute it;
  • lay plywood, sheets of gypsum fiber or chipboard, fastening them together with glue and self-tapping screws;
  • the resulting screed is primed and the excess film is removed (its protruding parts are cut off).

The work is done fairly quickly. You may only have a problem with the fact that it is forbidden to move sheets over a layer of dry leveling material. So, it is required to put them on the planned place from the first time.

Self-leveling floors - an affordable and convenient leveling method

If in your kitchen or in another room the difference in floor levels is relatively small - up to three centimeters, it is recommended to level them with special mixtures that themselves diverge over the surface. Such compositions are very popular these days. They are made on the basis of cement, to which modifier additives are added that increase the fluidity of the solution.

Such self-leveling coatings cannot be used "naked" - without laying ceramic tiles, PVC materials, linoleum, cork or carpet on them. If you decide to use, for example, in the kitchen, be sure to make them finishing the specified materials. Otherwise, they will actively absorb oils and various liquids.

How to level the floor with your own hands using a self-levelling compound? Quite easy. Stick to this pattern:

  • prepare the base - remove dirt from it, vacuum, close up even the smallest holes and cracks;
  • clean the surface with a primer (special primer composition);
  • prepare a small portion of the mixture according to the manufacturer's instructions (it becomes unusable after 15–20 minutes);
  • Apply the self-levelling mortar in strips 30-50 cm wide on the floor and spread it with a spatula.

Now just wait until the mixture is completely dry (6 to 24 hours).

Modern floor coverings delight the eye with design and interesting texture. But for any of them, be it laminate, linoleum or parquet board, the subfloor must be absolutely flat, without drops and waves. If there are height differences, cracks or other defects on the concrete screed, then before laying the final floor, it is necessary to repair and level the base. Let's try to figure out how to level the concrete floor quickly, correctly and efficiently.

First of all, it is necessary to carefully analyze the quality of the concrete floor. With the help of the level, measuring work is carried out and irregularities are determined. To do this, use a water level or a laser level-axis builder. The last device allows you to create the most even horizontal plane.

The laser axis builder will automatically align, and in the “horizon” mode will create a flat, strictly horizontal plane

After that, armed with a tape measure or a long ruler, you need to measure the room around the perimeter and determine the minimum distance between the floor and the horizon. This will be the zero point of the new floor. IN panel house measurements are carried out only along the perimeter, since the reinforced concrete panel used as a floor is quite even. In a private house, significant differences are possible.

After measuring the floor and determining the zero point, they begin to eliminate the existing irregularities.

Alignment methods

The turn has come to choose a way to level the concrete floor. Technologically, there are several ways to level the concrete floor. Depending on the existing differences and the required height of the build-up, do-it-yourself floor leveling can be done in three ways:

  • cement-sand screed;
  • dry screed;
  • self leveling compound.

For work you will need:

  • water and laser level;
  • rule longer than 1.5 meters;

Equation of the mixture by the rule

  • a set of spatulas;
  • squeegee;
  • electric drill;
  • nozzle for stirring the solution;
  • bucket;
  • screed beacons.

Depending on the chosen laying method, you will need a mixture for preparing a solution or a set of individual components.

cement screed

Most often, home craftsmen use a cement-pecha screed. To prepare the mixture, cement and sand are taken in a ratio of 1: 3. For floor screed, it is better to take cement of a grade of at least 400.

Leveling the concrete floor with this method is carried out in stages. It is important to observe not only the technology, but also the procedure:

This leveling method allows you to eliminate differences up to 5 cm high.

Dry screed

This method allows you to level the floors in the apartment in a short time.

Dry screed organization scheme

The procedure is as follows:

Laying thick plywood sheets

Important! Compensation gaps must be provided between flooring and a wall, which will prevent further deformation of the floor when humidity changes.

  1. The seams between the sheets are puttied or filled with sealant.

At each stage of leveling the floor in this way, measurements of the horizontal level are carried out. This completes the installation of the screed, and you can start laying the finish coat without long waiting.

This installation method has a number of significant advantages:

  • no need to mix the screed mortar;
  • such a screed has a relatively low price;
  • to perform the work, low labor costs will be required, and it is possible to do the work alone;
  • installation can be carried out at the right pace and in parts;
  • held additional insulation floors due to a layer of bulk material;
  • it is possible to quickly and conveniently lay engineering communications;
  • if necessary, the project can be completed as soon as possible.

Self-leveling compounds

Such mixtures appeared on the building materials market not so long ago, but immediately won the love of consumers. This method of alignment makes it quite easy to get absolutely flat surface gender. Such a coating is sometimes called liquid linoleum. The floor after applying the self-leveling mixture can be used as a base for the finishing coat, and as an independent coating that does not need additional finishing.

Filling the floor with self-levelling compound

The self-levelling compound is mixed according to the instructions on the package. After dilution, a solution of the consistency of liquid sour cream is obtained, which, when applied, spreads and forms a smooth surface that does not have irregularities.

Should be taken into account! The differences in the floor on which the self-leveling mixture is used should not be more than 2 cm. Otherwise, financial costs increase sharply and the drying time of the surface increases.

Steps for laying self-levelling floors:

When using this leveling method, it is necessary to fill the entire floor surface in the room at once.

The solution is mixed in improvised dishes (basin or bucket) with a construction mixer or special nozzle dressed on a drill. The kneading is done at low speed. The mixture should be homogeneous, without seals and lumps.

Should be taken into account! All self-leveling mortars, regardless of the type of mixture used, harden very quickly, so do not prepare a large portion of the mortar. The solution should be as much as you can pour in a short time at a time. The flow time of the mixture is from 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the brand of solution.

The mixture begins to be poured from the opposite wall to the entrance. To speed up the process of spreading the solution, a squeegee is used. Possible bubbles and excess air are removed from the solution with a special spiked roller. When performing work, monitor the air temperature in the room. It should be at least 5 degrees Celsius. The drying time of the self-leveling mixture is about an hour, but it is better to wait for the complete hardening of the surface for 2-3 days. Until the mixture has completely dried over the entire thickness, proceed to finishing work it is forbidden. Small bumps that may occur are sanded with sandpaper or a stone.

Optimum level concrete floor

Leveling the floor with your own hands is quite a feasible task for home master. You can, of course, entrust this work to professional builders, but this will significantly increase the cost of the floor. To avoid extra costs We advise you to study our recommendations and perform this procedure yourself. More interesting and useful tips you can watch in the video below.

Video: we fill the floor with our own hands

In many apartments, slabs serve as the basis for the floor, which, as a rule, have irregularities. Flooring is hard work. But today there are new building technologies that greatly simplify the task of how to quickly level the floor. The conversation will focus on bulk self-leveling floors. If you're not sure if your room needs floor leveling, take some measurements. You need to take a long ruler (1 m) and, applying it to the floor, check if there is a gap between the ruler and the floor. If there is a gap exceeding 2 mm, alignment must be done. You can also check the floor using the building level.

The color of the self-leveling floor should match the interior of the room.

Variety of floor leveling compounds

Before proceeding to the question of how to level the floor, let's talk about how this can be done. The composition for leveling the floor can be made independently by mixing cement with sand. In today's world, new technologies have appeared that use different mixtures that have not only binding properties, but also thermal and sound insulation. Leveling the floor with the use of such mixtures greatly facilitates the work.

Preparation for leveling the floor.

There are many such solutions on the market. They mainly consist of quartz sand, cement, modifying additives and even pigments. There are special compounds for leveling concrete and wood floors. They are distinguished by strength, smoothness, a layer of fill and are divided into basic and finishing. The latter are truly full-weight flooring made of poured polymer or epoxy. And the base mixture is just a base that needs additional flooring. Of all the mixtures, builders note another type - thick-layer. They are used to fill in depressions and crevices, as well as to level large bumpy floors.

In addition to them, there are mixtures for repairs - to eliminate major flaws, primers - for arranging concrete floors, sealing - for sealing cracks and holes.

If you need to speed up the hardening process of the mixture and at the same time improve its properties, you can buy a special plasticizer - an active additive that is added to mortars.

The main thing is to properly knead the mortar in order to level the floor in the room. It is necessary to prepare a container of 20 liters for the mixture. Then prepare water at the rate of 1 liter per 5 kg of dry mixture. To get a good homogeneous solution, you need to pour the dry composition into water, and not vice versa. Then, with a drill with a special nozzle, stir the mixture for 5-7 minutes. After that, take a break for 1-2 minutes and mix again.

How to level the floor in the room?

Level wood floor

Wooden floor plan.

If the floors are made of wood, you first need to check their strength. Rotten and sagging boards need to be replaced. To remove protrusions and any irregularities, the floor can be processed grinder. It is not necessary to take sheets of chipboard to level the wooden floor. Due to the release of formaldehyde during operation, they are harmful to human health.

After repair, the floor from the boards usually does not require special preparation. If there are irregularities on it, you can additionally lay plywood sheets.

If the wood floor is badly damaged or rotted, there is no need to invent something. It is better to get rid of old boards and make a concrete screed.

When a screed is made, the floor level rises. Therefore, you will need to change the location of the doors. To avoid this, you must first calculate the height of the screed for the free closing of the doors.

Leveling the concrete floor

To level the floor of concrete, you need to make a screed. The order of work to be carried out is as follows.

The scheme of leveling the floor with a concrete screed.

  1. First, remove the entire floor covering to bare concrete.
  2. Examine all voids, irregularities, cracks, check the moisture content of the floor. Then buy building materials.
  3. Carry out a primer. 24 hours after priming, you can proceed to further work.
  4. Prepare a rough base - seal all cracks and holes with a dry mixture.
  5. Make the floor horizontal by making a concrete screed as follows. First, install special beacons indicating the height of the screed. Beacons can be bought at a building supermarket. Then prepare a cement-sand mortar and apply it to the floor, leveling it with a rule and checking it with a building level. The rule should be long enough to completely cover the distance between the beacons. The thickness of the laid mixture must be at least 7 mm.
  6. After drying the cement-sand composition, it is necessary to re-primer.
  7. Pour the self-leveling mixture and close the room for a day until completely dry. How fast does the mixture dry? Depends on the thickness of the fill: the smaller it is, the faster. If the room is hot, then after 2 hours you need to cover the entire floor with plastic wrap to prevent the surface from drying out too quickly. If this procedure is not done, cracks may appear. You can add any washing powder to the solution to prevent cracks.

Ceramic tiles can be laid on the smoothed concrete floor in the room after 3 days, and laminate, linoleum, parquet or carpet - in a week.

Level the floor with your own hands

The procedure for leveling the floor seems very difficult, accessible only to specialists. But knowing some rules for leveling the floor, you can do this work yourself. It is enough to get some knowledge about the necessary building materials, tools and have a desire. All you need to do is:

put beacons for the screed and how to prepare the solution.

Floor screed tools: beacons, basin, spatula, level, tape measure, roller, cutter.

Still need to prepare the tools:

  • rule;
  • needle roller with a long handle;
  • level;
  • drill with a nozzle for stirring the solution;
  • any container (bucket) for mixing the mixture.

The speed of leveling the floor depends on the size and number of surface irregularities. For small irregularities in concrete floor- if the distortion is 1-2 cm, self-leveling floors can be used. So leveling the floor is faster than making a screed. With large irregularities, it is not worth using a self-leveling mixture, it will be too expensive, and it will take a long time to dry.

With floor differences up to 5 mm and if you plan to lay a laminate, you can simply put a moisture barrier film and a soft adhesive. This will be the fastest.

Guideline for leveling the floor.

With a large bumpiness, you need to set the laser level to highest point floor and draw an alignment line, which will serve as a guide when pouring the solution. In the absence of a laser level, another method can be used. It consists in the following: find the highest point on the floor and mark 5-6 cm up the wall from it. Then attach the rail parallel to the floor to the mark, level it with a level and put a mark on the opposite wall. So mark the entire border of the room. Pull the ropes along the marks, you get a plane - a guideline for alignment.

All work related to leveling the floor is best done together, since the solution needs to be spent within half an hour, and it will be difficult to do it alone.

One worker prepares the mixture, while the other at this time fills the floor with the finished solution, starting work from the far corner of the room.

Each subsequent portion of the poured mixture must be rolled with a spiked roller to improve spreading and remove air bubbles.

And so on until the completion of the work. Each time before use, the solution must be stirred.

By following these recommendations, you can do expensive floor leveling work together with an assistant and save money. Some unusual abilities are not required for this, only physical strength and the desire to do this work are needed.

In this article I want to tell you and show you how to level the concrete floor quickly, efficiently and without large financial costs in almost any room. And all this can be done independently by anyone.

Preparation of concrete surface and materials

Our floor looked like this

Let's start to bring it into something suitable for . (or other coverage of your choice).

The floor is pre-cleaned of dust and dirt. Large chips, cracks putty. We treat the entire surface of the concrete floor with a deep penetration primer. 24 hours after priming, you can start leveling the concrete floor. It is recommended to glue the bottom of the walls with a special tape, but this is not necessary.

To level the existing one, we will use the self-spreading mixture "Osnovit T-45 Skorline" fast-hardening.

Is issued in packing on 20 kg. The cost of one package is approximately 250 rubles. In order to level the concrete floor, we needed to level and raise the floor by about 1 cm. The area of ​​the room is 12 square meters. The consumption of this mixture is small compared to other manufacturers - 13 kilograms of the mixture per 1 square meter, with a layer of 1 cm. To level the concrete base in our case, we need 156 kg of the mixture, respectively, these are 8 bags. Just in case, we bought another bag of mixture, but it did not come in handy. At a cost of 250 rubles per bag, we will spend 2,000 rubles on a room. Agree, it's not much.

In addition, we need a needle roller with a long handle. Its cost is about 250 rubles.

Drill with a nozzle (nozzle 250 rubles) for mixing the solution.

And containers for preparing the solution. We bought 2 containers of 20 liters worth 130 rubles each. We will also need the so-called paint studs. But, since there were none in the nearest stores, I made them with my own hands. To do this, you will need two planks the length and width of your foot, self-tapping screws - 12 pcs. for each and ordinary tape. We screw the self-tapping screws into the plank, when needed, we fasten it with adhesive tape to the legs. The main thing is not to do this ahead of time, so as not to spoil it in other rooms.

Concrete floor leveling procedure

So let's get started. You need to prepare the water in advance, as the mixture begins to thicken quite quickly. Water consumption 7 liters per 1 bag.
For work, you will need at least 2 people, it is difficult to do it alone. To, to level the concrete floor, carefully pour the contents of one bag into a bucket of clean water at the rate of 1 kilogram of dry mix per 350-370 ml clean water(for 1 bag - 7 liters of water). At the same time, stir the mixture with a mixer.
Mix until a homogeneous mass is formed. We are waiting for 1-2 minutes.

At this time, pour the second bag into another container and mix, allowing the solution in the first container to settle. After 2-3 minutes, mix the solution in the first container again, and if there are no lumps, the solution is ready for use.

It is advisable to use the solution within 40 minutes. In this case, be sure to stir immediately before use.

While one person prepares the concrete floor, the second pours the finished one onto the floor, starting at the far end of the room, shod with paint shoes so that he can walk on the poured mortar without leaving marks. Each portion of the poured solution must be rolled with a spiked roller for better spreading and removal of possible air bubbles. And so we do with the whole quantity.

The whole filling took us 40-50 minutes. When the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is flooded, we still roll it several times with a needle roller. Removing air bubbles from the mixture to prevent further cracking of the floor. This mixture is good because you can walk on it after 2!!! hours. And the thickness of the mixture is from 2mm to 100mm.

If the room is very hot, after 2-3 hours you need to cover the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room with plastic wrap. This procedure is necessary in order to protect the surface from drying out too quickly. If this is not done, then cracks may form.

Final works

After we have leveled the concrete floor:

ceramic tiles can be laid after 3 days.

Parquet, laminate, carpet, linoleum, cork after 7 days.

The final mixture dries after 28 days. So our . This is what it looks like a few minutes after the end of the pour. Almost like a mirror.

And this is what it looks like 2 hours later.

You can already walk on it. Especially true for walk-through rooms,. Total room 12 sq. m. we spent about 3000 rubles and 2 hours of our time. Economical and very high quality.

In some places, small tubercles turned out. This is a consequence of the fact that the roller was rolled poorly. But this defect is easy to remove with coarse sandpaper or a stone.