The combination of the color of the curtains and the color of the wallpaper. Tenderness and inspiration in a simple embodiment: choosing pink wallpaper for walls What tulle to choose for pink wallpaper

The lack of strict rules for interior design in pink tones has led to the growth in popularity of such coatings not only in modern designs, but also in interiors focused on ancient themes.

It is noteworthy that pink wallpapers are also suitable for men: restrained and light colors of this type help to relax or tune in to creative work therefore suitable for romantic and creative personalities.

Sensible use of pink tones, compliance with the measure in the use of bright contrasting colors, as well as the correct and harmonious of all shades - these are the key factors in creating a stylish and interesting design, which will turn out no worse than the masterpieces of professionals.

Use in design

When decorating a room with pink wallpaper, it is extremely important to decide what should be final result your works. Wallpaper of this type can have several shades (for example, bright pink tones, crimson and colors, delicate and close to skin tones).

Depending on your choice, they will create a variety of effects:

Pink wallpaper in the living room use to decorate all walls or transform individual surfaces. Such shades will harmoniously fit into any interior. modern character(modern, hi-tech, minimalism), and gentle colors will be able to emphasize the features of such areas as classic or Provence.

Advice: by complementing the interior with pink wallpaper with appropriate accessories and paraphernalia, you can create an imitation of oriental themes. In addition to stylized interior items, East style can be emphasized with bright inserts of red and burgundy shades on some walls in the room.

If you dilute light pinks with other, more muted and neutral tones (like beige, gray or brown), you can create a design that men will also like. Dark wood furniture is often used in such rooms. In general, pinks are unlimited possibilities for subsequent decoration, since furniture of any tone and style is suitable for such shades.

This type of wallpaper in the bedroom symbolize comfort and harmony, so they are often used to decorate all walls. The use of pink girls is especially relevant.

Method number 3: rooms with dark pink wallpaper and light furniture. In order for interior items to look harmonious in this case, use curtains of light shades that match the color scheme of the furniture.

Method number 4: bright interiors. What curtains are suitable for pink wallpaper if the whole room is decorated in fairly light colors, and even among the furniture there are no dark accents? In this case, it is advisable to complement the design with bright or dark elements: choose plain curtains in cold shades or light options with bright patterns and ornaments.

In a soft pink environment, it is desirable to maintain an appropriate atmosphere., therefore, curtains and curtains should be made of lightweight materials (for example, tulle). Using pink wallpaper in the interior and correctly combining shades, you can achieve the creation of a romantic, gentle and calm atmosphere that will delight you and your loved ones.

The interior of the room depends on many components. All elements must be in harmony with each other and fit according to color combinations. Only in this case will an aesthetic composition be obtained. Wall decoration is decisive in the design of the room, since the walls occupy the largest visual area. Consider which curtains to choose for a room covered with green wallpaper, what color furniture would look best in such an ensemble.

So different green

Green color has a very rich palette. It can be a dark green, almost marsh tone, a rich grass color or a light green, sunny spring color. Wallpaper can have a pale olive color or mint and turquoise shade. In each case, the companion colors will be completely different. What fabrics are better to use for curtains - the same shade or contrast, it is worth deciding depending on the lighting conditions. In the northern room, decorated with wallpaper in the noble color of mature grass, you can hang curtains of the same color and get a gloomy, even dull interior. The same ensemble in a bright sunny room will look elegant and sophisticated.

Bright and active spring green with the same curtains will become annoying over time. Diluted with a white or lilac pattern, it will give the interior a pleasant dynamism.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing textiles, you should get acquainted with the rules for combining colors.

Tone combination rules

At the first stage, you need to decide on the color of the wallpaper, for this you should purchase special circular spectrum of colors. We select our own from the spectral circle, you can do this by applying sectors of the spectrum to the wallpaper. Having chosen the exact shade, we look at the opposite color - this will be a contrasting tone that matches your wallpaper. Opposite the gamut of green shades, red, purple, brown are usually located. Feel free to purchase curtains of these colors to create an energetic interior.

If you like a more relaxed atmosphere, then it is better to opt for neighboring sectors of the color wheel. To the right and left of the green are blue, beige, sand tones.

For rooms designed in classical style, there is a monochrome finish. Curtains are matched to match or slightly different from the wall decoration - a few gradations lighter or darker.

Monochrome design may seem boring, then the window is decorated with double curtains. Cloths of fabric are selected in two colors, nuanced and contrasting. For example, curtains and walls of one color are separated with a white, beige or gray additional canvas.

Modern stylistic solutions for interior design operate very boldly various combinations. If your fantasy goes beyond traditional preferences, then, taking a wallpaper sample, it is worth attaching it to the fabrics you like and imagine how it will look in the room. Perhaps it is this composition that will delight you at home, but in order to avoid disappointment, it is better to heed the advice of designers on how to create a harmonious interior.

How to choose harmonious solutions?

The king of all colors is white. White curtains - perfect solution for green wallpapers of all shades. The main rule here is to combine a snowy cold tone of textiles with a cold tone of wall decoration, and a warm, milky range with natural warm green wallpaper. In the first case, a bright contrast, clarity of forms, coolness and spaciousness of the room will be created. In the second option, you get an atmosphere of comfort, warmth, tranquility.

The combination with white is classic, used in all stylistic decisions, it always looks relevant and fashionable.

Yellow curtains in a green room are a win-win. The mustard shade will add sophistication and modern mood to the room. Pale yellow textiles are beautifully combined with rich green, light green gamma looks better with bright canary yellow.

Recent design developments often use a gray-brown textile palette to decorate interiors in green tones. Here it is better to use fabric and wallpaper of the same color saturation. Light brown with light green and taupe with active green. Tulle better choose one of these colors, white can "jump" out of the inflorescence line.

Black draperies can have the same strong influence on perception, but if you skillfully separate active green and heavy black with snow-white double canvases, create separating barriers between these colors, then such a solution also takes place. The use of black and green colors in interior decoration helps to create spectacular and creative compositions.

The red color is so self-sufficient that it must be applied very delicately. Red curtains, sometimes only one canvas, is already a very strong accent. The rest of the interior should be monochrome green. A maximum of a couple of accessories of a different or better red color can be afforded.

Pink is the best companion to the entire green-olive wallpaper palette for creating a romantic mood. Faded green walls with pink floral curtains - classic combination for interiors in Provence style.

Bronze and gold textiles in the decor will add luxury to the Empire style setting.

Metallic silvery fabrics are good for front rooms with gray-green walls.

An important role is played by the presence of a pattern on the walls or textiles. If the surface of the walls is decorated with an ornament, then curtains should be plain or with exactly the same print, only the size of the pattern can vary. It is unacceptable to combine curtains with daisies with roses on the walls.

Curtains and wallpaper are not the only elements for creating a harmonious interior, you need to choose the right furniture.

We take into account the color of the furniture

Furniture is a piece of decor that rarely needs to be replaced, it is used long years. Curtains are changed much more often. This is due to both the price and the simplicity of changing the boring image. Therefore, when choosing curtains, you need to consider the color and texture of the furniture. heavy classic furniture does not tolerate frivolous floral canvases of ultraviolet shades. Conversely, modern utilitarian furniture of a simple form will look strange against the backdrop of scallops and frills. Satin and silk are suitable for interiors art deco style, metallized fabrics - satellites high tech.

The color of furniture plays an important role in shaping the visual perception of space. The color of natural wood is the best companion for green wall decoration. Light colors of furniture look good with a similar palette of curtains, dark wood looks noble against a neutral background, contrasting bright purple, blue, lilac curtains will harmoniously set off yellow furniture.

Room design options

The functional purpose of the rooms obliges to decorate the interior in a certain way. Winning combinations for the living room will look ridiculous in the bedroom or kitchen.

The hall and the living room are the main rooms of the house, their design allows for maximum solemnity. Contrasting textiles with floral or geometric patterns, metallic fabrics, gold and bronze threads. Adds sophistication and splendor White color. This may be an additional curtain made of expensive fabric, upholstery upholstered furniture or decor items. Turquoise and sapphire shades of window decor will emphasize the magnificence of dark furniture.

The office does not require frilly fabrics, but it obliges to maintain order and strict design. Concise simple curtains, plain or geometric colors, are selected in a discreet range of beige-brown or blue palette. Monochrome trim in green tones will add an atmosphere of concentration.

White, beige, pink, cornflower blue, light yellow curtains will bring a little romance and relaxation to the bedroom. A very pleasant combination of calm light green wall decoration with brown wallpaper.

The nursery is the most energetic and lively place in the house. It can be decorated with bright combinations of blue, pink, yellow curtains. The presence of a large or small pattern in textiles will not be superfluous. Wallpaper here is also better to choose more cheerful fresh tones.

The kitchen can also be decorated in avant-garde colors: black, brown, purple, yellow.

For a family with children, it is better to stay in warm shades of pink, beige, coffee, orange.

To create a unique and harmonious interior in any room, it is necessary to take into account all the little things. Not forgetting that all this is combined with each other in color, texture and texture.

Also taken into account are drawings or patterns on wallpaper, curtains or bedspreads. Let's take a closer look at how to choose curtains for wallpaper, by color, texture and patterns.

Right choice

When choosing the style of curtains, they usually take into account the style of the room, and the color scheme is chosen taking into account the entire interior of the room. Many, fearing that they will not be able to choose the color of the curtains to match with the entire interior, take neutral colors such as brown or gray.

Such colors, of course, will suit any interior, but they are a bit boring and can get boring over time. To prevent this from happening, it’s worth, simply relying on design tips, to choose the right color for the curtains.

Design tips will help you find out how to choose curtains for wallpaper, their colors and textures.

Let's take a closer look:

  • If you are going to choose curtains to match the color of the wallpaper, you need to take a piece of wallpaper with you to the store. This way you will be able to make a better choice more accurately.
  • Do not take curtains of the same color as the wallpaper, otherwise they will merge together. Lighter or darker shades of the same color as the wallpaper will look good.
  • If there is a large pattern on the wallpaper, you should choose plain curtains. The larger and brighter the patterns on the wallpaper, the calmer the color of the curtains and their style should be.
  • If there is a small pattern on the wallpaper or they are plain, then a large pattern is welcome on the curtains, combined, for example, with the pattern of the bedspread on the bed.
  • If the interior of the room consists of two colors, then you can safely choose one of them for the color of the curtains, for example, the color of the furniture.
  • If you boldly chose a contrasting color for the curtains, then make sure that they are combined with other elements of the interior or decor in the room, for example, the same color of curtains and chair covers.

Also, when choosing the colors and shades of the curtains in the room, you need to consider which side of the world the windows of the room face:

  • If the windows of your room face east, choose calmer and colder shades and colors, as the sun itself will fill the room with colors and light.
  • If the windows face north, then it is good to choose light colors and warm shades so as not to get a dark gloomy room.
  • If the windows of the room face west, then neutral colors will do, as in the evening warm orange light will fill the room with colors and warmth.
  • If the windows of the room face south, this gives room for experiments and bold ideas. Here we can use both saturated colors and dark shades.

Shades of pink are in demand in the artistic arrangement of different areas of an apartment or house. This color symbolizes sincerity and disinterestedness, tenderness and craving for romantic experiences. People who prefer to decorate the interior in pink colors are distinguished by their sensitivity and friendliness. They believe in the best, create positive energy around them.

Properly and tastefully selected curtains for pink wallpaper will make the room original and unique. Such an element of decor is one of the central ones, so it should be chosen with skill, and not at random. Every little thing is important here: the color scheme, the style direction, the material of manufacture and its texture. Any mistake and illiteracy is fraught with the loss of a sense of completeness, peace and tranquility in the room.

Windows occupy an important place in the design of rooms. Large or small, rectangular or irregular, these wall openings provide space daylight and Fresh air. It is with their help that you can transform the room, make it richer, visually wider and more spacious. Curtains that go well with pink wallpaper can brighten up a dreary space and make an overly rosy space more balanced.

Popular shades Pink colour:

  • royal;
  • ultra;
  • deep;
  • pale;
  • purple;
  • crimson;
  • Chinese;
  • Japanese.

In the photo, the walls of the living room are painted in peach pink, which is duplicated by the ornament of the material of the chairs and is perfectly emphasized.

What shades goes with the pink palette?

lovers delicate interiors are obliged to thoughtfully figure out which curtains are ideal for pink wallpapers. The role of window "clothing" in this matter is paramount. It is thanks to this part of the space, the atmosphere that sets the right tone: for the bedroom - calm or exciting the imagination, for the kitchen - causing a desire to create something new, for the living room - conducive to sincere conversations with relatives and friends.

So, the best combinations:

  • with gray;
  • with white;
  • with black;
  • with green;
  • Draperies are selected depending on the shade of the walls, the purpose of the room, and the rest of the furnishings.

    When choosing pink wallpaper or wall paint, it is important not to overdo it. One way to avoid oversaturation is to make an accent wall of a different palette. This will help avoid the outdated "totalpink.

    In the room

    You can significantly enrich the interior with the help of a suitable tulle in the hall in pink tones. It does not have to duplicate the colors of thick curtains. Its purpose is to let in sunlight and ennoble a window opening. follows in accordance with the general design of the hall. So, combinations of ruffles and frills in a room decorated in ethno or minimalist style will be completely inappropriate.

    Pick up a tulle in the hall in such a way that it transmits natural light well. This detail should be neutral in color, without overflows and reflections that irritate the eyes.

    In the bedroom

    The pink bedroom is a choice of sensitive natures, characterized by a rich imagination and good creativity. Shades that should be abandoned when decorating this room: cold (lilac, fuchsia), all bright and aggressive. Pastel colors will be ideal, perfectly harmonizing with a palette of gray, blue, yellow, white colors.

    The windows of such a room should have not only tulle, but also thick night curtains. The requirements for curtains in a room intended for night rest and relaxation are simple: they must be made of natural fabrics, must have something in common with other interior components (pattern, colors, textiles), and must not be transparent.

    In the kitchen

    For the kitchen space, the wallpaper of the walls must be "calm". Irritating range of surfaces is unacceptable. If you really want originality, a few flashy accents can be applied to the facades kitchen set. As "clothes" for windows modern solution become blinds. This option is convenient, practical and interesting.

    The variety of types of blinds (vertical, horizontal, roller blinds) will allow every housewife to find exactly what they need.

    In the nursery

    If the nursery has pink wallpaper, then this room belongs to a girl. A large number of accent spots should be avoided. Properly decorated windows create a feeling of lightness and freshness, so heavy curtains made of textured fabric are inappropriate here. Curtains for the nursery are fun and breathable, made from certified natural materials.

    In the nursery there are always a lot of colorful toys, pieces of furniture, sports accessories. Using calm pink colors for wall decor will dilute the atmosphere and avoid discomfort. It is important to create ideal conditions not only for sleep, but also for games, study, and communication with friends. All this needs detailed study and careful study.

    When choosing curtains for a room with small children, you should abandon long narrow trains-decorations, easily detachable frills at the bottom of the curtains and decorative laces. It is good when the length of the curtains is higher than the floor: the child will not be able to step on the bottom edge during the games and will not get confused in the too long exterior.

    What to avoid

    When choosing an interior in pink, it is important to follow a few rules:

    • oversaturation is prohibited;
    • pink on pink is ugly;
    • curtains should not merge with the walls;
    • the floor and ceiling must be different from the color of the walls.

    It is not customary to decorate windows only with thick curtains. It is necessary, at a minimum, to provide this area of ​​​​the room with transparent and airy tulle in addition to “night fabrics”. Used in halls and living rooms additional option decoration - heavy curtains trimmed with gold or silver. However, such a solid decoration of the opening is relevant only for elegantly furnished rooms, for example, in the Empire style, Art Nouveau, Baroque.

    A wide range of shades of pink provides the possibility of a variety of combinations. This color scheme will always come to the aid of the designer, prompt The best way realize any artistic idea in the arrangement of living rooms.

Make no mistake, pink wallpaper is only for girls' rooms. younger ages. Pink is one of the most delicate and warm colors used to create romantic and harmonious interiors. Due to the numerous shades of colors and the right combination with other colors, the pink wallpaper color can be used in various rooms.

There is no clear opinion about the use of pink wallpaper in interior design, some people like this color for lightness and airiness or for other reasons, and there are those who find pink shades too cloying and “girly”.

Men and women also perceive pink wallpaper for wall decoration in completely different ways.

Most men reject pink when decorating walls, perceiving it as doll-like and too sugary. For this reason, do not consider pink wallpaper for the matrimonial bedrooms, but using more muted tones of this color for the walls of the kitchen or living room can be a great compromise.

Shades and their use:

  1. Pearl and some other pastel shades of pink as the main color for the walls will help create a gentle and cozy design, which will fill a person with a feeling of warmth and help to relax after a working day. Therefore, these colors will become ideal option for decorating not only women's bedrooms, but many men will also like it.
  2. Bright pink shades (but not caustic acid) will be appropriate for women who want to feel like little carefree girls again. Wallpaper of selected colors in the bedroom will give frivolity and carelessness, help you relax and get rid of worries for a while.
  3. For girls who are energetic by nature, coral pink or salmon pink shades of the color scheme are suitable. The design of the room with wallpaper of these colors is conducive to a good rest.
  4. Light shades (medium pink, cherry bud color) help to eliminate negativity both in relations with a partner and with the inner world, and also reduce the level of aggressiveness.

Wallpaper in cool shades of pink, such as purple, can also be used to decorate rooms. They will be very useful in rooms that are almost constantly filled with sunny color, helping to "cool" the created interior.

How pink wallpaper looks in the interior

When choosing a pink wallpaper color for a room, bedroom or any other room, it is important to imagine the end result.

Based on it, you can create various effects:

  • You can highlight the central wall, various niches, partitions and small shelves using a bright pink shade combined with a more muted color.
  • The use of transitions from one shade of pink to another as a zoning of the area of ​​​​the room.
  • When decorating the walls with pastel shades of pink, you can visually enlarge the room.
  • Wall mural depicting a floral or floral ornament in pink will look great at the head of the bed.

What wallpaper is suitable for pink in combination

Pink wallpaper goes well with almost all the main colors used in interior design.

But the most successful is to recognize the sharing of wallpapers of the following shades:

  1. white pink. Classic white color will dilute the brightness of pink, while maintaining a feeling of softness and airiness.
  2. Creamy pink. One of the most successful combinations for creating feminine and delicate interiors.
  3. black pink. Rooms using these colors can boast of masculinity and brutality, so interiors made in these colors can also appeal to men.
  4. gray pink. The most advantageous pink color will look in this option, as the neutral grey colour will only emphasize its main advantages.

Monochrome interior

Monochrome doesn't always mean black and white. Today, interiors made with the dominance of one color and its various shades have become really popular. The combination of shadows and plutons, the dance of color shades - all this will help create a more harmonious and effective picture than using contrasting colors or acid shades.

To achieve the perfect color scheme, it is important to remember a few principles for designing a monochrome interior. The first option is that the walls, as the largest elements of the room, should be decorated with wallpaper in light shades of pink (salmon, coral, apricot), and dark furniture (classic pink or flamingo).

Do not forget about accessories, made, for example, in rich red shades.

If the interior of the room is dominated by a light range of pink, then the background on the wallpaper should be selected in the darkest color scheme as opposed to furniture. An important detail of such a room will be a light carpet that will muffle the dark walls.

Another example of a monochrome interior is the use of uniformly light shades of pink light, which differ only slightly in the level of darkness. The option can be considered the most successful for rooms that are small in size or with little natural light.

What to choose curtains for pink wallpaper

Curtains on the windows, together with wallpaper, determine color scheme interior, so it is so necessary to choose the right combination of these decor elements. One of the main design principles says that the color scheme of the curtains should be in harmony with either the wall decoration or the furniture.

Therefore, you can make several rules for choosing textiles for a room where pink wallpaper is pasted:

  1. For bright or light pink walls, which are complemented by dark furniture, curtains of delicate and light colors, such as white, beige, peach, blue or cream, are quite suitable.
  2. In an interior with wallpaper in dark shades and light furniture, curtains of light shades, made in one color solution upholstered furniture.
  3. In completely bright rooms, with the help of curtains, you can make a color accent by purchasing curtains in bright or dark shades, or light ones with a bright pattern or ornament.

A delicate interior created with wallpaper in various shades of pink should be complemented with curtains of a light texture, such as tulle or organza.

Pink wallpaper in the interior (video)

Examples of pink wallpapers (photo)