4 of staves tarot meaning in relationships. Four of Wands Tarot Meaning

Description of the Tarot card FOUR OF WANDS

As a rule, the Four of Wands tarot card depicts four staffs decorated with garlands of fruits and flowers. Behind them you can see a reliable castle, around which people walk. The card, as it were, invites to joy and fun. Life is beautiful, a holiday awaits us. In general, the Four of Scepters symbolizes prosperity, happiness, harmony. She says that all problems were resolved in the best way.

The general meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card FOUR OF WANDS in divination and layouts

Direct position of the card FOUR OF WANDS

The Four of Wands represents joy, openness, unclouded existence, a happy life. The lasso corresponds to a period of peace and tranquility, during which a person opens up to life and its joys. We are confident in our own safety, and therefore we are ready to leave the "fortified walls" and go out into the outside world. It means communication, entertainment, pleasure and joy of life, as well as the opening of our "I" towards it, a feeling of deep connection with other people. These are periods of sudden prosperity, peace, tranquility and harmony. As well as rest and enjoyment of the results of their work. The Four Staffs indicate the stability of the situation, the orderliness of life, the positive dynamics in it.

Reversed card FOUR OF WANDS

Surprisingly, the inverted position of the Four of Wands does not carry negativity. This Arcana has such a powerful potential that the result he predicts is ensured in any case, unless it turns out to be somewhat delayed in time. The reasons for the delay in success may be an excessive willingness to compromise with oneself, a desire to rest on one's laurels.

The meaning and interpretation of the FOUR OF WANDS card in divination and layouts for work, business and career

Direct card position

The Four of Wands indicates a period of satisfaction from work, enjoyment of the results of one's labor; the work itself brings joy, and the case is argued. However, the card can also mean a calm, no problem, transition to another job or to new responsibilities.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Four of Wands can mean the absence of visible results of work, as well as the insufficiency of the efforts already made to achieve the desired result. In addition, Arkan may also indicate that the activity is not effective enough, while it could be much better.

The meaning and interpretation of the FOUR OF WANDS card in layouts and divination for health

Direct card position

Excellent health, stable condition, recovery, stabilization of processes.

Reversed card position

Recovery is slower than expected.

The meaning and interpretation of the FOUR OF WANDS card in divination and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

The Four of Wands is a card of the hearth, family comfort, peace and pleasure from communicating with a partner. In the layouts of relationships, it falls out as a symbol of prosperity, harmony, mutual understanding, calmness and serenity. Sometimes he talks about the visits of guests, pleasant communication with friends, relatives, may indicate pleasant household chores. Relations are in a stable phase. The first fruits of living together appear: the acquisition of housing, the birth of children, joint trips and pleasures.

Reversed card position

The inverted Four of Wands in relationship layouts speaks of postponing some important event for some time. It may also indicate that a person, for some reason - because of modesty, embarrassment, awkwardness - hides his true desires and goals.

The meaning and interpretation of the FOUR OF WANDS card in layouts and divination for personality assessment

Direct card position

A person who is satisfied with life. Sometimes it can indicate people on vacation.

Reversed card position

A slow person. May indicate an unscrupulous employee.

The Meaning and Interpretation of the FOUR OF WANDS as a card of the day

Today you can fully express yourself. Boldly take the first step in relationships with others. You will make sure you are welcome. Welcome today, put aside sad thoughts and give yourself (or another person) a bouquet of flowers. If you have been putting off some unpleasant duty for a long time, for example, a difficult telephone conversation, then today is the most favorable day for such matters.

Card advice FOUR OF WANDS in divination and layouts

Act as your intuition tells you, as you think, you will be safe and calm. If necessary, compromise and, most importantly, do not infringe on your desires and needs. You will succeed, and when any difficulties arise, remember that they are only a temporary phenomenon.

Tarot cards are a magical tool used to glimpse future events. Knowing the meaning of each card in the layout, as well as its combination with other arcana, you can get an answer to your question, orient yourself correctly in life, and find a way out of a difficult situation. In this article, we will reveal to you the meaning of the 4 of Wands card.

In reverse position

Arkan will tell about an unstable position, confusion, haste, lack of ability to tone oneself. A period of celebration has dragged on in life, it can also indicate a celebration that does not give pleasure, an unsatisfactory result.

  1. In the field of business, it demonstrates a time of stagnation, a lack of prospects (the place of work changes, you get a profit less than the amount you expected).
  2. In terms of health: they are trying to drive the disease deep into the body - they prescribe painkillers along with therapy. The person may feel unwell after the holidays, indicating a slow recovery.
  3. In a relationship - a person postpones the solution of everyday issues or ignores them. Missing expected results.
  4. In the sphere of consciousness: it is difficult to bring yourself into tone and perform some kind of action. Sometimes it indicates the incompleteness of something, a person is sharply pulled out of a state of calm, he feels uncomfortable, strives for more, complains.
  5. The 4 of Wands encourages you to disbelieve promises and enjoy small results.
  6. Warns that you may get an effect that will not meet your expectations. The plan is realized, but not in the way you want it to be.

4 of wands tarot meaning

Arkan will tell (in a direct position) about a period of calm and peace, when a person can finally fully enjoy life, know all its joys. He feels safe, so he fearlessly goes out of his comfort zone into the world around him. He happily communicates with others, has fun, reveals his inner self and feels a strong connection with other people.

In work

Indicates a good, promising job that you do not risk losing. You are satisfied with the working conditions, so you can work for your own pleasure. Activities that deliver positive emotions, work "burns in the hands." There may also be a variant of transition to a new job, a change of duties, but very calm, harmonious.

In the conscious realm

Now you can take advantage of the experience and knowledge that you have acquired before, they are of great value and benefit to you. But now it's time to move forward, learn new truths and gain new experience. You have a stable foundation, you can look at new things without prejudice, enjoy everything that happens to you.

4 of wands tarot meaning in relationships

Now it is time for peace and harmony in your couple. Feeling complete safety, security, you can openly communicate with other people, give them your kindness and love. The card says that you can undertake some kind of joint business with your partner, which will give both of you great pleasure.

Combination with other cards

Having dealt with the meaning of the four of tarot wands, you need to turn your attention to how it combines with other arcana:

  • With the lasso "Jester" - you will drop out of school, do not wait for the celebration.
  • With the lasso "Magician" - obtaining a specialty.
  • With the lasso "Empress" - a combination of cards predicts the celebration of a birthday or the completion of training.
  • With the lasso "Emperor" - corporate party, family celebration.
  • With the lasso "Hierophant" - restore your integrity.
  • With the lasso "Lovers" - relationships will bring you pleasure.
  • With the lasso "Chariot" - you will celebrate the purchase of a car.
  • With the lasso "Strength" - the combination speaks of temptation.
  • With the lasso "The Hermit" - you feel good alone with yourself.
  • With the lasso "Wheel of Fortune" - a feast.
  • With the lasso "Justice" - you will celebrate a successful deal.
  • With the lasso "The Hanged Man" - the loss of one's dignity.
  • With the lasso "Death" - not a very good combination, you will be present at the wake.
  • With the lasso "Moderation" - the need to go on a diet.
  • With the lasso "Devil" - wild life, craving for alcohol.
  • With the lasso "Tower" - poisoning.
  • With the lasso "Star" - you will celebrate your promotion.
  • With the lasso "Moon" - it seems to you that everything is fine in life, although in reality it is not.
  • With the lasso "Sun" - enjoy your vacation at sea.
  • With the lasso "Court" - receiving a worthy reward.
  • With the lasso "Peace" - a round date.
  • With the lasso "Ace of Wands" - the learning process begins.
  • With the lasso "Two of Wands" - a person has completed his studies and is looking for himself in life.
  • With the lasso "Three of Wands" - sign a contract and enjoy the first results.
  • With the lasso "Five of Wands" - disputes over property.
  • With the lasso "Six of Wands" - successfully pass the exams.
  • With the lasso "Seven of Wands" - controversial real estate.
  • With the lasso "Eight of Wands" - the combination speaks of receiving good news.
  • With the lasso "Nine of Wands" - you will sign a contract that will give you a lot of negative emotions.
  • With the lasso "Ten of Wands" - you suffer from overwhelming obligations.
  • With the lasso "Page of Wands" - getting a good education.
  • With the lasso "Knight of Wands" - a contract that does not have a serious basis.
  • With the lasso "Queen of Wands" - a promising business, a woman will become the mistress of the house.
  • With the lasso "King of Wands" - the signing of a major contract.

The main meaning of the direct position of the Four of Wands is the enjoyment of the results of past activities. And in the reverse position, the card recommends waiting a certain time - now you will not get what you dream of, so learn to find joy even in insignificant results.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "One card" layout

General value

The card speaks of a measured lifestyle, without any shocks. The lasso also means that the fortuneteller will receive the first results from the efforts made.


The relationship is strong, parting is not expected. The card says that lovers can start a life together. The period is favorable for buying a home and arranging life.


The card does not portend health problems. For patients, the lasso promises recovery, but only in the case of conservative treatment.


Favorable areas of activity are construction, office work. During this period, you can enjoy the result of your efforts. Work will bring a stable income.

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✚ For the future

The presence of such a card in the layout portends positive emotions, new impressions. You have worked hard to get the desired result. Now it's time to have a good rest after a long and hard work. Rest will bring relief, which is always sought during a long period of work. Try to replenish during rest all the energy that will come in handy during further work. Travel is a source of inspiration for new achievements that previously seemed impossibly difficult and unattainable.

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✚ Relationships

The Four of Wands in relation is a symbol of the fact that soon you can find an interesting person, this will most likely happen in a close environment, that is, in a circle of close people. This meeting will become important in your life and can become the basis for building real relationships based on true feelings. If you are already in a relationship, then the card is a symbol of the confidence of the person on whom the alignment is made. It is this person in a couple who can lead the next development, protect the relationship from disintegration. In general, real relationships will proceed without problems, external factors will not be able to have a significant impact on them.

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✚ For today

The orderliness of the actions performed, enjoying the results of their hard work, receiving a well-deserved reward and profit, going on vacation. In health: a person is on the mend, the condition (both physical and emotional) is normal. You will find stability and harmony in relations with a partner, a stable phase in relationships: a happy family life without serious quarrels. You are a disciplined person, striving for perfect order in all aspects. Be calm, do not pay too much attention to material values.

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✚ For tomorrow

A card of pleasant obligations, fruitful work, acceptance of important obligations, orderliness in life.

Tomorrow brings the questioner the opportunity to work well and fruitfully for the benefit of his future. Perhaps there will be a place for the offer of some new work, which should not be refused.

In the professional sphere, the card indicates that the questioner has a patron at work, or that the work will bring a lot of trouble, however, the results of the work will appear as soon as possible and will not disappoint.

In the sphere of love, it can talk about reaching a relationship to a new level. The questioner will take on some new obligations, perhaps the matter concerns living together, living together.

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✚ What does he think of me

You are a real married couple who knows how to overcome difficulties and become stronger. You can find a home that will warm your relationship with warmth. Your children will have wonderful parents who will surround them with care, attention and love. Your relationship will be a full bowl, which has all the necessary feelings and emotions. Your marriage will last for many years, bring only positive feelings. This is the perfect combination of people for family relationships who have long been looking for their soul mate.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On desire

Your desire is not spontaneous. You probably thought through every step and action. You are not aware, but the plan of action is already in your head or close to awareness. And indeed - there is every reason to believe that the chosen path is correct and everything will go well. The time for rest and well-deserved awards is about to come. However, the map also points to possible obstacles. But if you continue to think carefully and do not back down, then all efforts will pay off and the desire will be fulfilled as quickly as possible.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Past accomplishments are appreciated. Hard work and all efforts ended exactly as you see now. A period of peace and tranquility has come, enjoying the fruits of one's labor. This is the highest point of development. Everything is stable and orderly.

In a negative aspect, the situation is characterized by a violation of order and unwillingness to pause. But everything will be resolved happily. In the future, peace and stability awaits without losses and difficulties. Listen to your inner voice!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

This card denotes the successful resolution of all conflicts that torment the strong bonds of relationships. After that, a bright and cloudless period will begin, full of feelings, passion and love. It is at this time that you should wait for the long-awaited offer. In the end, only by solving all the problems, your couple will be able to reach a new level!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

Do not rush to get ready for the journey - only dawn breaks. Think over your plans again, look at the possibilities, and, pacifying your zeal, wait for the best moment to act.

The Guardian Angel offers to carefully prepare for a new journey. Check the cards and collect everything you need. When the time comes to act, there will be no way to double-check the data. Now you should understand exactly how you will achieve your goals.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

A very good card symbolizing a happy marriage, engagement or meeting with a future spouse. Now is the perfect time to take stock. A new productive and positive stage begins. You can plan joint farming, moving. Your chosen one is very serious, and is ready to share sorrows and sorrows with you, as well as build a happy family with you. Try to support all his undertakings, and soon you will not know your life.

A full description of the map is available at


Venus in the 5th house as a symbol of joy, play, entertainment, or Moon / Venus as the personification of a sense of security and the joy of communication.

Direct position:

The Four of Staves symbolizes a disciplined thought, a desire for order, a sense of involvement in events. This is unanimity, periods of prosperity, peace, rest.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: instability, confusion of thoughts, haste, laxity, inability to mobilize oneself.

Four of Wands.

Card Name: Lord of the Finished Work.

Correspondences are the land of fire; letter Xe (final); Sephirah Mercy

Explanation (general meaning): getting the first results. Finding peace and confidence in the future. (get result)

Event: remuneration of labor. The 4 corners symbolize all real estate themes. Including it can mean that the event indicated by neighboring cards will happen in the house nearby. (summing up, completion of a period, cycle)

1. Enjoying the results of your work, fouling with fat. Theme of office, stamps, documents. (high-quality expensive luxury construction. Finished work, consolidation of the result. Celebration, presentation. First good stable income. Office.)

2. Positive card. Stabilization of processes, conservative methods of treatment. (great, stable, recovery)

3. Solving household issues, nesting. Relations in a stable phase. (the first fruits of living together: the acquisition of housing, the birth of children, joint trips and pleasures)

4. Feeling of belonging to traditions. The ability to feel the social structure. (satisfied with life, able to have fun and live with taste)

5. Advice: gain a foothold in your position, settle down. (relax, go to nature, celebrate achievement)

Warning: attachment to the material, to the usual position, unwillingness to change anything. (do not take on a new business until the old one is finished)

6. The answer is yes. Success. Harvest your harvest.(you will have good results, holiday)

Extras: Materialization, stabilization, even inertia. action within certain limits. Striving for stability and order.

The first cycle is over.


Explanation (general meaning): - (a protracted holiday or holiday is not a joy, the unsuccessful fruits of some business)

Event: protracted rest, period of stagnation. (the final result is not reached, the holiday failed)

1. Stagnation, lack of guarantees. (office change, profit less than expected, unsuccessful presentations)

2. The process is driven deep: taking painkillers instead of treatment. (malaise after holidays; recovery is slower than desired)

3. Postponing the solution of everyday issues or an attempt not to notice everyday problems. (does not bring expected results. Could be better)

4. Inability to pull yourself together and mobilize yourself for something. In some sources: a feeling of incompleteness; a person pulled out of meditation is an uncomfortable state due to incompleteness. (wants more, shows dissatisfaction, grouch)

5. Tip: don't rely on a promise. (be content with a small result; don't celebrate yet)

Warning: hidden destruction of the structure, internal connections. (results will be worse than expected)

6. Implementation is not complete(not exactly what I wanted; it could have been more, better, etc.). (tedious fun; not the best results)

Additionally: In the inverted position, the structure of the square collapses: although outwardly it may not change, it loses its stability and confidence.

General meaning:

The Four of Wands corresponds to a period of peace and tranquility during which we open ourselves to life and its joys. We are confident in our own safety, and therefore we are ready to leave the "fortified walls" and go out into the outside world. It means communication, entertainment, pleasure and joy of life, as well as the opening of our "I" towards it, a feeling of deep connection with other people.


The work is good, promising, we are not threatened with losing it, the working conditions suit us quite well, so we do our job with pleasure. The period of satisfaction from work, the work itself brings joy, and the matter goes well. However, the card can also mean a calm, no problem, transition to another job or to new responsibilities.


The experience and knowledge we acquired earlier were very valuable and useful, but they have already served their purpose, and now it is time for us to move on, towards the new, says the Four of Wands. We have a good "foundation", we are ready to perceive new things with an open mind, so the next stage of knowledge will bring us true joy.

Personal relationships:

Cloudless period of peace and tranquility. We experience a sense of security, security, while maintaining an open mind and treating others with kindness and love. We undertake something together with a partner, and this gives us pleasure, new contacts and the joy of life.

Four of Wands combined with other Tarot cards

With the card "Jester" - quit school; can't wait for the holidays.

With the "Mage" card - become a specialist.

With the Empress card - a holiday on the occasion of a birthday, graduation from an educational institution.

With the "Emperor" card - corporate party; holiday in the family.

With the card "Hierophant" - the restoration of unity.

With the card "Lovers" - the enjoyment of relationships.

With the card "Chariot" - wash the purchase of a car.

With the card "Strength" - temptation.

With the card "The Hermit" - the enjoyment of loneliness.

With the Wheel of Fortune card - a feast.

With the card "Justice" - mark the deal.

With the Hanged Man card - drop dignity.

With the card "Death" - commemoration.

With the card "Moderation" - go on a diet; limit your gluttony.

With the card "Devil" - revelry; alcohol abuse.

With the Tower card - poisoning.

With the Star card - a holiday on the occasion of the increase.

With the card "Moon" - the illusion that everything is fine.

With the "Sun" card - take solar procedures; relax by the sea.

With the "Court" card - a worthy reward.

With the card "Mir" - anniversary.


With the card "Ace of Wands" - the beginning of studies; holiday to celebrate the start of a new project.

With the card "Two of Wands" - finding yourself after graduation.

With the card "Three of Wands" - the signing of the contract and the first results.

With the Five of Wands card - property disputes.

With the card "Six of Wands" - the successful passing of the exam.

With the "Seven of Wands" card - disputable property.

With the card "Eight of Wands" - news about a joyful event.

With the Nine of Wands card, an agreement or contract promising a bitter experience.

With the Ten of Wands card - overwhelming obligations.

With the Page of Wands card - a brilliant education.

With the card "Knight of Wands" - a contract in which there is no serious basis.

With the card "Queen of Wands" - a successful project; become the mistress of the house.

With the "King of Wands" card - a major contract.