Flushing the heat exchanger of a gas boiler: regulations and procedures for cleaning with your own hands. Flushing the heat exchanger of a gas boiler - how to rinse, what kind of tool to use for do-it-yourself flushing Homemade household flushing devices

During operation, a thick layer of scale forms on the walls of heat exchangers, as well as limescale. As a result, the efficiency of using boilers and other heating equipment is significantly reduced. To return heating system its capabilities, you can use in modern ways cleaning pipes and radiators with flushing units. The main task of installations for flushing heat exchangers is to ensure the forced movement of the chemical flushing agent supplied to the system, which will remove most of the build-up, scale and various contaminants. The pump is the main part of the flushing system.

When to clean heating equipment

They clean heating and technological systems equipped with heat exchangers, as planned after the end of the heating season, or once every 2 years. Cleaning is also carried out as necessary - this can be determined by significant deviations from the required indicator for the pressure of the coolant in the system or from temperature data. If you clean the system in time, you can avoid replacing the heat exchanger on the gas boiler. This is a big money saver.

Scheduled flush

Private homeowners clean up autonomous systems much less often. But if signs of pollution are detected, the owner should think about the need for preventive maintenance. In the event of a drop in the efficiency of the heating system, not only the “pipe in pipe” heat exchanger (or any other) is washed, but also the radiators, as well as other components of the system.

Signs of pollution

When does a heat exchanger need to be flushed? This can be determined by the following signs. So, the fuel consumption for the boiler increases significantly. The boiler often stops, heat transfer drops, the batteries do not warm up enough. Also, the need for flushing is indicated by the rapid clogging of the filters.

If flushing is carried out regularly using installations for flushing heat exchangers, then pipelines and other elements of the system get rid of blockages, as well as violations of the coolant circulation processes.
Low-power treatment equipment is used for autonomous heating systems in private housing construction. More efficient pumps for flushing heat exchangers are used in multi-storey residential buildings, office buildings, as well as industrial facilities.

The use of such equipment makes it possible to prevent accidents, failure of radiators, the need overhaul or complete replacement, rising energy costs.

In boiler equipment, the heat exchanger is a critical and responsible unit. It depends on him the efficiency of space heating, as well as the correct flow technological processes. Flushing should not be abandoned, especially if it was announced by experienced specialists after the diagnosis. Cleaning using a heat exchanger flusher using hydrochemical technology is much cheaper than a major overhaul or complete replacement of heating equipment.

Flushing technology

There are several cleaning methods that can be divided into:

Collapsible technology is necessary in case of severe pollution or if it is necessary to replace any components of the system. During work, the heat exchanger must be disassembled, and then each component is subjected to mechanical, hydrodynamic or chemical washing.

Since collapsible cleaning requires certain resources, a method is most often used that does not require the mandatory dismantling of the system. It's technology chemical washing. If it is carried out regularly, it will help to preserve the properties and characteristics of the device for the entire service life. The technology is simple and economical. For its implementation, a pump is needed to flush the heat exchangers. It is connected to the inlet and outlet of the heat exchanger. The result is a contour. Further, a chemical reagent is poured into a special container of the pump, after which it enters the inside of the heat exchanger. The flow direction on different devices can be changed both manually and automatically. After flushing is complete, the reagent will be neutralized. It is drained, and the heat exchanger itself is washed with plain water.

Washing Equipment Types

If the heating system is cleaned in a timely manner, this will help get rid of corrosion, scale and sediment. There is a special equipment for maintenance of heat exchangers. There are several types of such installations. We will talk about them further.


This technology is the supply of compressed air to the heating system along with water. Through high pressure and frequent pulses, small air bubbles actively fill individual areas. This allows you to quickly and effectively exfoliate deposits on the walls of the water heat exchanger.

In this case, compressors are used for cleaning. This equipment allows you to flush the entire heating system. But the process is carried out in stages. To achieve maximum effect, small areas should be washed. Before proceeding to the process, determine the required amount of water and the level of pressure that will be supplied to the DHW heat exchanger or any other.
It is possible to perform hydroflushing in two ways - flow and filling method. The first technology involves the complete filling of the system with water. In this case, you need to open the valve of the air collector. After maximum filling, the valve is closed. Then the compressor starts to feed into the system compressed air.

Washing chemicals

They are used to obtain the maximum effect from flushing heat exchangers and heating systems with copper pipes. Chemicals are also suitable for steel products. With installations for washing heat exchangers, red liquids are used, which, reacting with contaminants, change their shade. Depending on the volume of dirt, the amount of the product is adjusted. Along with special fluids, hydrochloric or phosphoric acid is also used. These substances will help to rinse the “pipe in pipe” or any other heat exchanger as efficiently and quickly as possible.

For high-quality cleaning, from 10 to 30 percent is pumped into the system chemicals. The use of aggressive substances allows not only to clean the various elements of the system, but also protects against corrosion, water foaming, and increases the life of the boiler.

Device for descaling "Romantic-20"

This is a very affordable product that allows you to rinse the entire heating system with the highest quality. But it is important to understand that the device is intended for use in systems where the coolant volume is up to 300 liters.
This appliance removes scale and other contaminants. "Romantic-20" has the function of automatic reverse control. The pump power is 1.5 bar, the head is up to 10 meters, and the performance characteristics are 35-40 liters per minute.


This installation can be used not only for heat exchangers and heating systems. It effectively cleans the supply systems drinking water. Also, this device is widely used for cleaning water heated floors, solar collectors and other equipment. "Ropulse" removes the effects of corrosion, scale and other contaminants.


This is a small pump that allows you to effectively flush heating systems and boiler heat exchangers. The device is used for washing steel, as well as copper pipes. The system is suitable for heating equipment, where the amount of coolant is not higher than 300 liters.

With its compact size specifications circulation pumps "Rokal" are quite high. So, the productivity is up to 40 liters per minute. The pump is capable of maintaining pressure up to 1 bar.


This modern system equipped with an electronic control function. Pumps of this type are used not only for heat exchangers and heating. They can also be used for flushing potable water systems.
Judging by the reviews, Cillit-boy is the highest quality and fastest process for hydropneumatic cleaning of hot water or other types of heat exchangers. Due to the use of new technologies, the unit evenly supplies compressed air and water. The vibrations are constantly pulsating. Due to this, they pass not only through the pipes, but also clean the boiler from the inside.

Do-it-yourself washing device

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the design of the washing station. This is a pump, a reservoir resistant to aggressive chemicals, as well as hoses for connecting to a water heat exchanger or to a heating system. Therefore, you can assemble this installation with your own hands.


Boosters are devices for chemical washing of heat exchangers in boilers and columns, any radiators and for cleaning the heating system. The operation is carried out without the need to disassemble the system. The installation consists of three parts:

There are systems without TENs. However, they are of low efficiency. Let's see how to make a booster for flushing heat exchangers. The first thing you need is a tank. A plastic canister with a volume of 10 liters or more can act as a container. You will also need ½ or ¾ inch hoses and a pump.

Make a booster based on the type of pump. This may be a submersible element or a separate pump. In the case of a submersible, no holes are needed in the tank. A hose is attached to the pump, which is connected to a heat exchanger. The second is taken to the tank. The main thing is that the pump can withstand the effects of acid - there are a number of chemically resistant devices. A remote pump is more convenient for these purposes. You can apply even the most ordinary circulation mechanisms for heating systems. To connect to the tank, you need to use a spur. It is connected to the bottom of the tank and then clamped with nuts. All connections must be tight. Then a coarse filter is installed on the drive. A pump is installed behind it. The second hose is connected to the heat exchanger. This is how the system is cleaned.

The disadvantage of such devices is the absence in the design of the heating element. Do-it-yourself flushing of the heat exchanger using a cold reagent will take much longer. Also it is more high costs for electricity.


How to make a booster for flushing heat exchangers with your own hands

It is not uncommon for the owner of this heater to flush the heat exchanger of a gas boiler. For example, when there are no such masters in the settlement, and there is no desire or opportunity to bring the boiler to the city. Although, it is worth recognizing that cleaning this part is a rather expensive service, which not everyone can pay for. In addition, only trusted companies with specialized equipment should trust this work. If you have to turn to "handicraft" craftsmen, then it's better to make a booster for flushing heat exchangers with your own hands and perform the procedure yourself.

Why cleaning is necessary

Sometimes there are certain problems in the operation of the heating system and to get rid of them, it is enough just to clean the equipment.

This is due to the fact that during the long-term operation of the boiler, various substances and deposits accumulate in the heat exchanger, which can lead to the complete destruction of this part of the equipment.

In addition, under the influence high temperatures impurities deposited on the heat exchanger react with each other, which in turn will lead to a decrease in the performance properties of the entire heating system as a whole.

So, they can interfere with high-quality heat transfer:

  • hardness salts;
  • dissolved iron.

Hardness salts and excess iron are characteristic of water in many regions of our country, so the problem is relevant for many!

In order for your boiler to work at the maximum level of efficiency, and the heat exchanger to keep its performance for as long as possible, it is recommended to periodically clean the equipment using special liquids and solutions for this, which we will discuss in more detail below.

The frequency of cleaning directly depends on what kind of liquid you use in the heating system:

  • if it is ordinary, clean water, then this procedure must be performed every four years;
  • if it is antifreeze, then the cleaning procedure is performed every two years.

When using antifreeze, it is extremely important to replace it on time. If this is not done, then the entire heating system of the house can be seriously damaged.

Of course, ideally, this should be done by specialists, but the cost of their servants is unreasonably high. Therefore, if desired, with a little skill, you can achieve an acceptable result with your own hands.

Booster preparation and pumping features

It should be noted right away that the biggest problem in this situation is the booster, that is, a special device that ensures the pumping of liquid through the heat exchanger and at the same time removes fumes.

It is unlikely that you will be able to take it from someone you know. And it doesn’t make sense to buy it yourself - its cost exceeds $ 300 (and these are not the highest quality and reliable devices). It is clear that the acquisition is unjustified. Therefore, the only true option is to make a booster from improvised materials with your own hands.

An example of how to clean the heat exchanger of a gas boiler in the video:

For these purposes, an old but working pump may be suitable. washing machine. If you don’t have one, then you can easily buy it at a “flea market” or on the Internet for a small amount.

Connection Features

It would seem that there is nothing difficult in next steps no, but in fact it is not so simple, because it is important to correctly connect the flushing tubes coming from the pump.

To do this, you need to make a special mounting plate. Carefully study the features of your equipment and based on this:

  • take two solid metal plates, the thickness of which is 2.5 millimeters;
  • according to the device, drill holes to match the holes in the heat exchanger;
  • in a regular plumbing store, buy four so-called "Americans" with a diameter of half an inch and several gaskets for them;
  • use only the inside of the "American", installing them in the bottom hole of each plate;
  • using bolts, fix the plates so that the fittings are pressed as tightly as possible to the heat exchanger.

To ensure the connection of hoses, even ordinary brass fittings with a diameter of ¾ inch will do. They can be used for both main and secondary heat exchangers. By the way, how to properly connect a booster for flushing heat exchangers with your own hands, see the video presented in this article.

The preparation does not end there. Now you need additional capacity. It may be ordinary plastic canister or even a five or six liter water bottle. Be sure to wash the container well to remove even the slightest contamination.

Install a fitting at the bottom that will allow you to connect the hose. The fitting must be fixed tightly and firmly. You may need to melt the hole under it a little, install a fitting, and when the plastic starts to harden, it will wrap around it tightly and ensure tightness.

If there is a desire and opportunity, install a tap at the outlet, but this is not necessary.

Washing agent

The next step is to choose a flushing agent. There are a great many such solutions, and on specialized forums, each specialist advises the remedy that he himself used. To be honest, you should not unconditionally believe such statements, there is a very high probability that the liquid is actually imperfect.

For example, some stubbornly advise using a 10% hydrochloric acid solution. Or phosphoric acid. However, we strongly recommend that you do not use acidic solutions - they can burn through the heat exchanger and you will have to buy a new one! Or go in search of a master capable of high-quality and reliable soldering a hole burned with acid.

It is recommended to use special solutions for cleaning - their price is quite high, but the result is appropriate. In addition, they are completely safe. So, for example, positive results were noted and a really large number of "live" good reviews for Detex, one bottle is enough to create ten liters of solution.

Step-by-step guide to self-cleaning

Now that you have everything ready, you can start flushing. The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  • take the pump from the washing machine;
  • connect it to the devices you have created - a container for flushing liquid and the heat exchanger itself;
  • pour six liters of clean water preheated to a temperature of 50 degrees into a container;
  • turn on the pump;
  • run water through the created circular system - this is necessary in order to make sure that the entire system is reliable, durable and does not let liquid through anywhere;
  • after you are convinced of the reliability of the system, turn off the pump;
  • pour cleaning liquid into the container - Detex or any other (we remind you, do not listen to artisans and "professionals" on forums on the Internet - do not use acid solutions, they can burn through the heat exchanger!);
  • start the pump and let it run for about forty minutes.

If you use a transparent hose at the outlet that conveys the liquid back to the container, you will be able to see the dirt being washed out.

After flushing the secondary heat exchanger for forty minutes, move your fixture to the main one and also flush it for about forty minutes. The result is astonishing - heat transfer devices will be as clean as they were at the time of purchase.

Cleaning times are approximate. If the heat exchanger is very dirty, flushing should be done longer. If it is relatively clean, the pump run time can be reduced. Here, see for yourself in the process - by the level of contamination of the liquid. That is why it is recommended to install transparent tubes that allow you to visually control the cleaning process.

After cleaning with a special solution, connect the heat exchangers to a water tap. drive away clean water about five to seven minutes. This is necessary to wash out the remnants of the product.

In this case, professional craftsmen use a special neutralizer - if you have the financial ability, you can buy it, and if you don’t want to spend money, then use this method of removing cleaner residues, it is quite justified by end result.

To better understand how to make a booster for flushing heat exchangers with your own hands, watch the video:

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to create an efficient and workable booster for flushing heat exchangers with your own hands, the photo of which is presented in the article.

Be sure to first study the issue of dismantling the heat exchanger so as not to damage it. In general, there is nothing complicated about this, but there are certain features of dismantling - it all depends on the manufacturer and model of the boiler.

Well, after you remove the heat exchanger, clean the boiler itself - why not take advantage of this opportunity? To do this, take a regular soft brush and arm yourself with a vacuum cleaner. When cleaning, pay special attention to the burner, but do not show excessive zeal so as not to accidentally break or damage anything.


Equipment for flushing heating systems

Any hot water heating system needs to be pre-cleaned before being put into operation. This will require pumps, compressors or other installations to flush the heat exchangers. The flushing procedure of the heat exchangers ensures that excess sealing material, flux residues, mineral oil and other contaminants that contribute to corrosion, adversely affect the performance of the equipment and render it unusable are removed from the system.

Using the heating flushing system after commissioning

Equally important is rinsing and operating systems water heating, since scale and sludge deposits formed during operation impair water circulation and significantly reduce the efficiency of the boiler. For example, 1 cm of scale is 30% energy loss. Pumps for flushing existing heating systems are the same as for flushing before putting the heating system into operation.

Chemical flushing of the heating system is usually carried out using a compressor using neutral detergents. These products are added to the water through special flushing pumps, after which the system starts up in circulation mode. hot water.


Equipment for flushing heating systems: types, cleaning methods and chemicals

Rating: 293

In order for the heating system to work efficiently and efficiently, it is necessary to prevent blockages in the pipeline and periodically clean the radiators from scale. To do this, use special equipment for flushing heating systems. The frequency with which pollution prevention should be carried out is once a year before the start of the heating season.

The same applies to cleaning the heating circuit in apartment buildings. Unfortunately, housing and communal services workers, although they are engaged in such work, do not strive for its high-quality implementation. Therefore, most often you have to do the flushing of the heating yourself, or seek specialized help.

What is flushing for?

To increase the service life industrial system heating, you need to know why flushing the heating is needed and how to properly carry it out.

First of all, as mentioned earlier, flushing the heating system is done in order to:

  • identify the deterioration of the pipeline and heating radiators;
  • increase the efficiency of heating;
  • prevent wear and tear of the entire heating system, including not only batteries and inlet outlet pipes, but also circulation pump and its internal structure.

Cleaning the heating from scale helps to avoid the formation of rust on the inner walls of the equipment, washes away sediment of various origins (lime deposits, metal particles after welding), and removes sludge. The above formations lead to a reduction in the life of radiators, a decrease in the efficiency of heating the air in the room and, as a result, to high costs for your budget.

It is very important for the correct completion of the purification process to make control measurements - the rate of water circulation, pressure and air flow in the areas.

Pipes before and after cleaning

Also, the procedure for cleaning pipes from scale is carried out in separate areas, for a better result.

Cleaning methods

  • Hydropneumatic cleaning of heating.

The air collector valve should be opened, then all parts of the pipeline should be filled with water. After the outlet and inlet pipes are filled, the valve must be closed and compressed air must be supplied. It is important to simultaneously turn on the supply of a mixture of air and water. This was discussed in the article on hydropneumatic flushing of the heating system. Hydropneumatic flushing is considered completed when clear water flows through the nozzle, free of impurities and particles. Waste is drained into a container. This method is suitable for flushing hot water and heating pipes, including.

With this method of flushing the heating, the following algorithm of actions is used: the pipeline is filled with water, the valve is closed. Pressurized air is supplied to the opposite pipe for 20 minutes. Then the valve is closed and the liquid is drained. To improve the effect, rinse several times with water.

Water purge

Chemical reagents

First of all, let's talk about the chemicals used in cleaning pipes of heating systems. Application chemical reagents allows you to get rid of lime deposits that form in steel and copper pipelines. As a result, an invisible film appears, which protects for some time from the formation of scale and rust on the walls of the pipeline and radiators. Thanks to chemicals the service life of the equipment increases and the efficiency of heating operation increases.

Reagents launched into the heating system change their color when reacting, from red to yellow. To prepare an aqueous solution, you need to purchase 10-30% chemicals. It is very important to neutralize spent reagents, as they cannot be disposed of in the usual way.

Types of washing equipment

There are several types of flushing equipment for the heating system. The following are the most popular.

There is a special device for flushing heating that allows you to get rid of scale - Romantic 20. This device helps to get rid of strong and persistent scale deposits in the OS up to 300 liters. It has a ten-meter head and generates a pressure of 1.5 bar. Works in automatic mode.

The next installation for flushing heating systems is Ropulse. This combined device is controlled by microprocessors. It can be used for cleaning pipelines, including those supplying drinking water. Provides conditions sanitary norms. You can also use Ropuls for flushing from underfloor heating or collectors solar heating in which silt appeared. It is used after repair or installation of cold and hot water supply.

Compressor Ropuls

The Rocal hand pump is also used for pipe flushing. It removes lime deposits and scale. Application for heating systems with a volume of less than three hundred liters is possible. It has a high capacity, approximately 40 liters per minute and generates a pressure of about 1 bar. Ideal for removing scale from copper and steel pipes.

Another pipe flushing device we'll look at would be the Cillit-Boy station. It also serves to flush the heating system. Equipped with an electronic control sensor. It generates pulsating flows of water and air that come from the compressor. The fluid, mixed with pressurized air, flows through the system and is discharged into the sewer. It is possible to adjust the strength and frequency of the pulsation, providing different uses for the Cilit-Boy. The device has an electronic scoreboard that displays the progress of work.

Cilit Boy Station

The installation is used for flushing water supply, including drinking water, as well as for washing out pollution, silt and slag from a warm floor; for water disinfection. The installation can be used for flushing heating, water supply pipelines, including drinking water. Thanks to the operation of the installation, slag, foreign particles, rust and other contaminants are removed from the heating circuit and other systems.

Equipment for flushing the heating system of a private house works as follows: a uniform flow of liquid with an admixture of air is carried out under pressure, which is created by a compressor. Waste fluid is discharged from the circuit into the sewer. Thus, the interior of the heating is cleaned.

So, in order to increase the efficiency of heating and increase the life of heating equipment, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of pollution of the heating system at home.

At TeploProfi you can purchase washing stations for heat exchangers, boilers, boilers, electric, gas water heaters and similar devices. We offer a wide range of models that differ in technical parameters and performance.

How to choose a pump for flushing a heat exchanger?

Installations for flushing heat exchangers are different:

  • By pressure
  • performance
  • tank size
  • The presence of a reverse

To select an installation, you need to understand the volume of heat exchangers you need to flush.

In practice, it is best to choose a unit with a tank volume 2-4 times less than the volume of a heat exchanger with automatic reversal. In this case, flushing will be the most comfortable and convenient, the performance and pressure of the pump will also be more optimal.

The volume of the heat exchanger can be found in the passport. If you can't find your passport, don't worry pump with a tank volume of 20-40 liters will be enough to flush heat exchangers for heating and hot water supply of most residential apartment buildings.

How to choose a fluid for flushing a heat exchanger?

Heat exchangers for heating / ventilation and hot water supply are made of steel plates ( Aisi 304 and Aisi 316) and seals ( EPDM), Steeltex Inox liquid is suitable for washing them, you will also need a neutralizer to eliminate chemistry.

Pumping units for flushing heating systems

Heating flushing equipment creates increased pressure in the pipeline. The system is cleaned by forced circulation of the injected reagents. Chemical preparations, moving through the pipes of a closed highway, remove a large amount of salts, deposits and contaminants.

You can determine that the heating system is dirty and needs to be flushed by the following signs:

  • Reduced heat transfer;
  • Weak heating of individual radiators or heating circuit;
  • Clogged mud filter;
  • Frequent shutdown of the boiler;
  • Increase in fuel consumption.

A powerful flushing pump is an indispensable unit used in complex branched heating circuits. The equipment is used in residential apartment buildings, as well as in private households, in commercial and industrial buildings. With regular use pumping unit and special reagents, the risk of blockages in the pipeline is reduced to zero.

Features of flushing heat exchangers

Untimely maintenance of heat exchange devices leads to the formation of scale on the walls and premature failure of the units. To prevent breakdown, it is necessary to regularly use the equipment for flushing heat exchangers in combination with acid reagents.

Once inside the unit, the acid-containing solution softens hard deposits and exfoliates scale and rust under the influence of forced circulation created by the pump. The booster for heat exchangers allows cleaning the circuits without dismantling the structure. The advantage of this technique is the integrity of welded or rolled joints. For more effective work the units are equipped with the function of changing the direction of the washing liquid flow.

The heat exchanger washing plant is a professional equipment widely used by service companies serving boiler houses in residential, public and industrial buildings. In TeploProfi you can order a high-performance pump for flushing heat exchangers.

We also offer to purchase concentrated reagents that quickly and effectively remove lime, corrosion and other contaminants. Remember - timely preventive maintenance, washing and cleaning of heat exchange devices increases their service life!

It is not uncommon for the owner of this heater to flush the heat exchanger of a gas boiler. For example, when there are no such masters in the settlement, and there is no desire or opportunity to bring the boiler to the city. Although, it is worth recognizing that cleaning this part is a rather expensive service, which not everyone can pay for. In addition, only trusted companies with specialized equipment should trust this work. If you have to turn to "handicraft" craftsmen, then it's better to make a booster for flushing heat exchangers with your own hands and perform the procedure yourself.

Why cleaning is necessary

Sometimes there are certain problems in the operation of the heating system and to get rid of them, it is enough just to clean the equipment.

This is due to the fact that during the long-term operation of the boiler, various substances and deposits accumulate in the heat exchanger, which can lead to the complete destruction of this part of the equipment.

In addition, under the influence of high temperatures, the impurities deposited on the heat exchanger react with each other, which in turn will lead to a decrease in the performance properties of the entire heating system as a whole.

So, they can interfere with high-quality heat transfer:

  • hardness salts;
  • dissolved iron.

Hardness salts and excess iron are characteristic of water in many regions of our country, so the problem is relevant for many!

In order for your boiler to work at the maximum level of efficiency, and the heat exchanger to keep its performance for as long as possible, it is recommended to periodically clean the equipment using special liquids and solutions for this, which we will discuss in more detail below.

The frequency of cleaning directly depends on what kind of liquid you use in the heating system:

  • if it is ordinary, clean water, then this procedure must be performed every four years;
  • if it is antifreeze, then the cleaning procedure is performed every two years.

When using antifreeze, it is extremely important to replace it on time. If this is not done, then the entire heating system of the house can be seriously damaged.

Of course, ideally, this should be done by specialists, but the cost of their servants is unreasonably high. Therefore, if desired, with a little skill, you can achieve an acceptable result with your own hands.

Booster preparation and pumping features

It should be noted right away that the biggest problem in this situation is the booster, that is, a special device that ensures the pumping of liquid through the heat exchanger and at the same time removes fumes.

It is unlikely that you will be able to take it from someone you know. And it doesn’t make sense to buy it yourself - its cost exceeds $ 300 (and these are not the highest quality and reliable devices). It is clear that the acquisition is unjustified. Therefore, the only true option is to make a booster from improvised materials with your own hands.

An example of how to clean the heat exchanger of a gas boiler in the video:

For these purposes, an old but working washing machine pump may be suitable. If you don’t have one, then you can easily buy it at a “flea market” or on the Internet for a small amount.

Connection Features

It would seem that there is nothing complicated in further actions, but in fact, everything is not so simple, since it is important to correctly connect the flushing tubes coming from the pump.

To do this, you need to make a special mounting plate. Carefully study the features of your equipment and based on this:

  • take two solid metal plates, the thickness of which is 2.5 millimeters;
  • according to the device, drill holes to match the holes in the heat exchanger;
  • in a regular plumbing store, buy four so-called "Americans" with a diameter of half an inch and several gaskets for them;
  • use only the inside of the "American", installing them in the bottom hole of each plate;
  • using bolts, fix the plates so that the fittings are pressed as tightly as possible to the heat exchanger.

To ensure the connection of hoses, even ordinary brass fittings with a diameter of ¾ inch will do. They can be used for both main and secondary heat exchangers. By the way, how to properly connect a booster for flushing heat exchangers with your own hands, see the video presented in this article.

The preparation does not end there. Now you need additional capacity. It can be an ordinary plastic canister or even a five or six liter water bottle. Be sure to wash the container well to remove even the slightest contamination.

Install a fitting at the bottom that will allow you to connect the hose. The fitting must be fixed tightly and firmly. You may need to melt the hole under it a little, install a fitting, and when the plastic starts to harden, it will wrap around it tightly and ensure tightness.

If there is a desire and opportunity, install a tap at the outlet, but this is not necessary.

Washing agent

The next step is to choose a flushing agent. There are a great many such solutions, and on specialized forums, each specialist advises the remedy that he himself used. To be honest, you should not unconditionally believe such statements, there is a very high probability that the liquid is actually imperfect.

For example, some stubbornly advise using a 10% hydrochloric acid solution. Or phosphoric acid. However, we strongly recommend not to use acidic solutions - they can burn through the heat exchanger and you will have to buy a new one! Or go in search of a master capable of high-quality and reliable soldering a hole burned with acid.

It is recommended to use special solutions for cleaning - their price is quite high, but the result is appropriate. In addition, they are completely safe. So, for example, positive results and a really large number of “live” good reviews for Detex were noted - one bottle is enough to create ten liters of solution.

Step-by-step guide to self-cleaning

Now that you have everything ready, you can start flushing. The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  • take the pump from the washing machine;
  • connect it to the devices you have created - a container for flushing liquid and the heat exchanger itself;
  • pour six liters of clean water preheated to a temperature of 50 degrees into a container;
  • turn on the pump;
  • drive water through the created circular system - this is necessary in order to make sure that the entire system is reliable, durable and does not let liquid through anywhere;
  • after you are convinced of the reliability of the system, turn off the pump;
  • pour cleaning liquid into the container - Detex or any other (we remind you, do not listen to artisans and "professionals" on forums on the Internet - do not use acid solutions, they can burn through the heat exchanger!);
  • start the pump and let it run for about forty minutes.

If you use a transparent hose at the outlet that conveys the liquid back to the container, you will be able to see the dirt being washed out.

After flushing the secondary heat exchanger for forty minutes, move your fixture to the main one and also flush it for about forty minutes. The result is amazing - heat transfer devices will be as clean as they were at the time of purchase.

Cleaning times are approximate. If the heat exchanger is very dirty, flushing should be done longer. If it is relatively clean, the pump run time can be reduced. Here, see for yourself in the process - by the level of contamination of the liquid. That is why it is recommended to install transparent tubes that allow you to visually control the cleaning process.

After cleaning with a special solution, connect the heat exchangers to a water tap. Run clean water for about five to seven minutes. This is necessary to wash out the remnants of the product.

In this case, professional craftsmen use a special neutralizer - if you have the financial ability, you can buy it, and if you don’t want to spend money, then use this method of removing cleaner residues, it is quite justified in terms of the final result.

To better understand how to make a booster for flushing heat exchangers with your own hands, watch the video:

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to create an efficient and workable booster for flushing heat exchangers with your own hands, the photo of which is presented in the article.

Be sure to first study the issue of dismantling the heat exchanger so as not to damage it. In general, there is nothing complicated about this, but there are certain features of dismantling - it all depends on the manufacturer and model of the boiler.

Well, after you remove the heat exchanger, clean the boiler itself - why not take advantage of this opportunity? To do this, take a regular soft brush and arm yourself with a vacuum cleaner. When cleaning, pay special attention to the burner, but do not show excessive zeal so as not to accidentally break or damage anything.

During operation, scale and lime deposits form on the walls of the heat exchanger, rust and various growths appear, which impede the operation of heating systems and water heaters. As a result, there is a decrease in heat transfer, and the efficiency of using boilers is significantly reduced. Timely methods of cleaning pipes, radiators and heat exchangers with special flushing units, which include a chemical circulation pump, help to improve technical performance and increase the efficiency of equipment. Its main function is to ensure the forced movement of the reagent pumped into the system, with the help of which most of the contaminants are removed.

When flushing is required

Cleaning of heating and technological systems equipped with heat exchangers is carried out:

  • planned - as a rule, at the end of the heating season, or once every 2-4 years;
  • if necessary - when significant deviations from the required indicators in terms of temperature or pressure of the coolant are detected.

Scheduled washing of heat exchangers of industrial-type boilers is carried out at enterprises, determining in advance the period and timing of the work. Private homeowners do not need to clean the autonomous heating system every year, but in the event of signs of contamination, the owner should consider flushing the heat exchanger along with radiators and pipes without postponing the process for a long time. Signals for action can be:

  • increase in the consumption of fuel resources;
  • frequent equipment stops;
  • low heat transfer;
  • insufficiently warmed up batteries;
  • fast clogging of the filter.

Regular use for flushing heat exchangers of installations with a chemical pump relieves pipelines from blockages and disruption of coolant circulation. Low-power equipment is used to clean autonomous heating systems in private homes, and more productive equipment is used in multi-storey buildings, office buildings and industrial facilities. Flushing plants prevent:

  • emergency situations;
  • premature failure of heat exchangers;
  • overhaul;
  • complete replacement of the system;
  • significant increase in fuel costs.

The heat exchanger is a critical and critical part of the boilers. It depends on the heating efficiency of the building and proper organization technological processes. The flushing procedure should not be abandoned, especially in cases where it has been recommended by experienced professionals. Cleaning surfaces using the hydrochemical method will cost much less than a major overhaul or replacement of equipment.

Installation with a pump for flushing heat exchangers , mobile, work is done quickly, and the connections remain intact.

Contents of delivery

Equipment with heat exchangers used to clean heating or water heating systems from various kinds of pollution and scale includes:

  • chemical circulation pump;
  • two hoses with clamps - inlet and outlet;
  • a tank for a chemical solution with a hole for draining liquid and venting air;
  • a lid with a small opening for filling the container with a solution;
  • valves and nipples;
  • power cords with plugs and switches.

Installations differ among themselves in terms of the volume of pumped liquid, overall dimensions and weight. They are completed pumps for flushing heat exchangers with different power and performance. Their technical characteristics are determined by the height of the head and the rate of circulation of the liquid inside the system. The devices are made of acid-resistant, anti-corrosion plastic without the use of metal components, with the exception of the engine, so their weight is minimal.

For example, a unit with a capacity of 8 liters, a flushing volume of up to 100 liters and a liquid circulation rate of up to 1200 l / h has a mass of only 3.5 kg.

To clean heating systems, manufacturers produce a number of models of flushing equipment equipped with a flow reverse function. It is designed for more effective removal dirt and scale from the surface of heat exchangers various shapes. Some products are equipped with a manual inverter that allows you to change the direction of the reagent directly by the operator, changing the position of the handle. The automatic inverter regulates and switches the flow direction without human intervention - according to a pre-programmed schedule that supports:

  • the frequency of changing the orientation of fluid movement;
  • duration of the wash cycle;
  • process autonomy.

The units do not require assembly, apart from connecting hoses to the system to be cleaned, as they are supplied ready for use. Heating boilers do not need to be dismantled, and radiators do not need to be dismantled, due to the fact that flushing work is carried out on site. The small mass of conventional devices with empty containers and ergonomic design allows them to be carried by hand, while bulk washing equipment designed to work in industrial volumes is moved on trolleys.

Operating principle

Special reagents are used to clean heating units and closed heating systems. The solution is pumped into boilers and pipelines using a pump for flushing heat exchangers, where, under the influence of an acidic environment, solid deposits are softened, as well as rust, deposits and scale are peeled off with further dissolution and removal of residues. With alkaline washing, growths of biological origin are decomposed. It is used only in certain, specific cases.

The cleaning process is carried out in a hydrochemical way. The reagent solution is forced to circulate inside the closed circuit due to the work chemical pump. Deposits are dissolved and washed out without violating the integrity of the structural material from which the heating system, heat exchanger, connecting assemblies and seals are made. The rapid movement of the washing solution occurs under pressure, which prevents the formation of stagnant areas.

The technology for flushing heat exchange equipment is quite simple, but requires attention and accuracy, as it is associated with chemical compounds harmful to humans. Work must be carried out in rubber gloves, protective clothing and goggles. The room must be well ventilated. The boiler, boiler or other equipment must be disconnected from gas, water and electricity.

The flushing unit with pump is connected to the previously emptied system or heat exchanger following the manufacturer's instructions. Prepare a reagent solution by diluting the liquid in water according to the description on the label, after which it is heated to the desired temperature (30-40 degrees). Warm liquid will help to cope with deposits faster. Next, the chemical solution is poured into the tank and the pump is turned on, switching the washing unit to the circulation mode.

The process of flushing the heat exchangers is carried out until the sediment and pollution are completely dissolved. The reusable test kits supplied with the equipment help to find out the cleaning efficiency. The amount of time it takes to remove the growths is usually two to six hours and depends on:

  • dimensions of the heat exchanger;
  • cleaning plant capacity and pump performance;
  • degree of pollution.

At the final stage, the heat exchanger is washed with a solution that neutralizes the acid residue.

After finishing the cleaning of heat exchangers and radiators, additional surface treatment is carried out, called passivation. For these purposes, another reagent is used, which forms a thin but durable oxide layer on the metal walls, which protects the material from corrosion. But you should be aware that for equipment made of aluminum, this protection option is not allowed.

Another important step in flushing heat pipes, radiators, boilers and heat exchangers is the neutralization of the reagents used in their cleaning. It is strictly forbidden to flush the solution without pre-treatment directly into the sewer! Poorly water-soluble crystalline powder or a special liquid is added to the spent reagent to bring the acidic environment to acceptable pH values. In some cases, it is allowed to replace the converter with a larger volume tap water, which is mixed with the reagent before draining.

For branched networks, more efficient washing plants are used, and for simple circuits of small length or domestic boilers, it is enough to use low-power equipment. Washing units are professional equipment, so they are not cheap. Some companies offer to rent installations with pumps, but for high-quality flushing, it would be wiser to invite specialists from specialized service companies with sufficient experience in carrying out the work.

Disadvantages of chemical flushing of the heat exchanger

In addition to the use of reagents, heating boilers can be cleaned mechanically. But this will require disassembling the equipment at least partially, which is not always possible due to different reasons. For radiators and metal pipes, this method is not suitable at all. In addition, mechanical impact often leads to damage to the protective layer on the metal walls, which is fraught with the rapid appearance of corrosion.

Chemical flushing allows you to get rid of scale and plaque much faster and easier, but this method, in addition to its high cost, has some more negative aspects:

  • too long a process can damage the metal surface;
  • a short exposure period will certainly leave areas with undissolved growths.

The use of high-quality reagents, as well as the precise implementation of the technology for cleaning heat exchange and heating equipment, will help to avoid such situations. Pay attention to the condition and age of the heating system. Perhaps it would be more rational not to flush it, but to replace it? A faulty heat exchanger can lead to the purchase of a new boiler, so you need to monitor it regularly to prevent a fatal breakdown. For this, preventive measures are provided, consisting in the timely washing of equipment.

It is worth noting that when buying a reagent, you must carefully study the instructions, which indicate which metals and systems it is suitable for.

The fact of using the “wrong” solution due to negligence, inattention or elementary ignorance cannot be attributed to the lack of chemical washing. Manufacturers produce reagents for technical systems and environmentally friendly, used for washing food heating equipment. Some chemical compositions involve the dissolution of only lime deposits, while others are indispensable in critical situations.

And further! Do not use hydrochloric acid solution, which is highly corrosive, for flushing. Under its influence, the connecting elements and galvanized surfaces become unusable.

To avoid problems after flushing the heat exchanger and heating system, the immediate filling of equipment and pipes with antifreeze or water of appropriate quality immediately after the completion of a complete cleaning cycle and neutralization of acid residues will help.

A gas boiler will last a long time without creating serious problems if it is periodically inspected and prevented. Therefore, owners of a private house are often interested in the problem of how to flush the heat exchanger of a gas boiler, the furnace and chimney of the appliance, and how often this should be done.

Flushing the gas boiler heat exchanger

A heat exchanger is an element in the form of a pipe system, in the channels of which the coolant moves. Since the water functioning in the heating system is not crystal clear, the various metal salts contained in it are deposited on the inner walls of the pipes. They turn into scale and as a result significantly reduce the diameter of the passage, which affects the speed of movement of the heat carrier.

In addition, the deposits formed are a kind of barrier that reduces the thermal conductivity of the metal heat exchanger. For this reason, the temperature of the coolant is significantly reduced. To prevent damage to the unit, it is necessary to deal with scale.

There are several options for fixing it:

The first two methods are used when flushing is performed. The third option will not work on your own, since you will need a special compressor that creates a working pressure equal to several tens of atmospheres. Such equipment for flushing heat exchangers allows you to break up dense deposits that have accumulated on metal surfaces.

For the sake of objectivity, it should be noted that self-flushing of the heat exchanger is not an easy task. To do this job, you need to have certain skills. When implementing the first method (mechanical cleaning), the heat exchanger will need to be removed, and this is quite problematic.

Mechanical cleaning of the heat exchanger

As an element of a gas boiler, the heat exchanger occupies a large space inside the unit. It is located above the combustion chamber, and it is not easy to get close to it.

Before flushing the gas boiler heat exchanger, this element is removed:

  • take off first outer part corps. Before this, disconnect the gas supply and electrical power, if present in the device;
  • the heat exchanger is disconnected from the pipes of the heating structure;
  • remove the fasteners of this element.

Inside the pipes, when the descaling of the heat exchanger has not yet been done, you can see that its cavities are clogged with deposits. Most of them consist of salts of various metals, usually sodium and calcium. Cleaning is carried out using metal tools such as pins, scrapers, etc. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the wall of the heat exchanger.

The device is soaked in a container, it is possible in a bath, and a weak acid solution is poured there, for example, hydrochloric acid. After the deposits soften, they are removed. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to rinse the internal cavities with water under low pressure. To do this, you can use a hose connected to the water supply by attaching it to the pipe.

Chemical flushing of the heat exchanger

Doing a chemical flush on your own, using special flushing fluids for heat exchangers, is not a simple undertaking.

For such work, you will need a device - a booster. This method is simplified and therefore it is necessary to know the features of its implementation. It is easier to carry out, since there is no need to dismantle the boiler and remove the heat exchanger from the unit.

It is necessary to disconnect two pipes, connect a hose to one of them, pouring the agent for washing the heat exchangers into the device. The composition should come out of the opposite pipe, to which a hose is also attached. As a result, the reagent will move in a circle inside the booster and heat exchanger.

Apparatus for flushing heat exchangers - booster consists of the following elements:

Chemical solutions for washing are freely sold in the distribution network. When choosing a reagent, one should take into account the degree of contamination, the types of deposits formed and the material of manufacture of the heat exchanger.

Typically, consumers use solutions based on acids - hydrochloric or sulfuric, less often - nitric or phosphoric. Data chemical compounds it is possible to remove dense and thick deposits. This is especially true for layers formed by ferric salts.

When the pollution is insignificant and the frequency of washing the heat exchangers is observed, it will be sufficient to use compounds based on adipic or sulfamic acids. On sale there are not only liquid solutions, but also gels diluted with water.

Cleaning the boiler from soot

When gas is burned, unburned heavy oil products are released, which are black layered film formations. This soot, adhering to the heat exchanger and to the surface of the combustion chamber, reduces the thermal conductivity of metals. Thus, it becomes a barrier that prevents the penetration of heat. Soot must be disposed of in the process of cleaning the gas unit. Are subjected to purification external surfaces heat exchangers and internal fireboxes, as well as a chimney. This work can be done independently.

If the soot layer on the heat exchanger does not exceed 2 mm, then it can be easily removed with a scraper or a damp sponge.

If there is more pollution, then the installation for washing heat exchangers and chemical solutions are activated. For this, it is desirable to use acid-based reagents. As for cleaning chimneys, there are many ways to do this work.

Flushing of plate heat exchangers

During operation, the heat carrier circulates through the plate heat exchangers. Substances in the working fluid settle on the plates, and as a result, heat transfer decreases.

flushing plate heat exchangers performed at least once every 2-4 years in one of the following ways:

Washing of shell-and-tube heat exchangers

Flushing of shell-and-tube heat exchangers is carried out, as a rule, by a water jet and hydrodynamic method, since today they are considered the most effective. In case of particularly difficult pollution, they are combined with hydrochemical washing, which is used to initially soften lime deposits, and only after that water and non-rigid abrasive materials are added.

  1. The method of hydroabrasive cleaning of heat exchangers is most effective for very dense, already cemented pollution. Washing liquid supplied under high pressure, combined with abrasives, is an excellent solution for cleaning shell and tube heat exchangers.
  2. When lime deposits are not too dense, it is advisable to use the hydrodynamic flushing option, for which industrial devices are used that operate with a pressure of not more than 1600 bar.
  3. The hydrochemical method involves the use of a special liquid with the addition of corrosion inhibitors for washing heat exchangers - in some cases it can be quite effective. But in some places of the shell-and-tube element, foci of corrosion processes sometimes occur.

Video about the need to flush the gas boiler heat exchanger: