Rules for writing words in Russian. Russian language rules

From the series of forgotten notebooks - Vl. Nabokov, I. Bunin.

To Russia.

Get off, I beg you!
The evening is terrible. The hum of life is silent.
I am helpless. I'm dying
From your blind influxes.

The one who freely left the homeland,
Free to howl at the heights about her,
But now I'm down in the valley
And now don't you dare come close.

Forever I'm ready to lay low
And live without a name. I'm ready,
To not converge with you in dreams,
Refuse all dreams;

bleed yourself, cripple,
Don't touch your favorite books
Change to any language
All I have is my tongue.

But then, oh Russia, through tears,
Through the grass of two non-adjacent graves,
Through the trembling spots of birch,
Through everything that I lived from a young age,

Dear blind eyes
Don't look at me, sorry
Don't search in this coal pit
Don't touch my life!

For years have passed and centuries
And for grief, for flour, for shame, -
Late, late! - no one will answer
And the soul will not forgive anyone.
1939 Paris.

To Russia.

My palm geographer strict
Painted: here are all yours
Big and small roads
And the veins are rivers and streams.

Blind man, I stretch out my hands
And I touch everything earthly
Through you, my country.
That's why I'm so happy.

And if it's true that the other day,
I dreamed in a dream
What a careless hour, the last hour
Find me in a foreign country

Like on a sloping school desk,
You wind up like a map
As soon as I let go of the edges,
And lie down where I lay down.

Ivan Bunin.

And I dreamed that in autumn sometimes
and on a cold night I returned home.
On the dark road I walked alone
to the familiar estate, to the native village...
Frozen boughs crackled
From the stormy wind on the old rampart...
The village was sleeping... And with fear, like a thief,
I entered a deserted, abandoned yard.

And then my heart sank from the pain in me,
When I looked around at the window!
The ceiling hung, the corners collapsed,
Floors creak underfoot
And it smells like stoves ... Abandoned, forgotten,
It is forever forgotten, our dear home!
Why am I here? What is left in it
And if left - what does he say?

And I dreamed that all night I walked
In the garden, where the wind whirled and howled,
I was looking for a spruce planted by my father,
I was looking for those rooms where the family gathered,
Where mother rocked my cradle
And caressed me with tender sadness,
With insane longing I called someone,
And the bare garden hummed and groaned...

Excerpt from "Desolation"

Sad long evening in October!
I loved late autumn in Russia.
He loved the crimson forest on the mountain,
Expanse of fields and twilight deaf.

He loved the steel, gray Oka,
When she's lost in a long ribbon
In the distance of meadows wide and deserted,
I was inspired by Russian melancholy ...
But the days go by, the bad weather is boring -
And the heart longs for the brilliance of the day and happiness.


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Sad long evening in October...
I. Bunin
I. A. Bunin is the heir to the best poetic traditions of the "golden age" of Russian literature. Reading his poems dated from the years when A. Blok, V. Mayakovsky, A. Akhmatova, V. Khlebnikov, N. Gumilyov were already known and popular, it seems that their voices never reached his ears. If we compare art with a crystal tower, then at the beginning of our century, Ivan Bunin remained almost the only inhabitant of it.
The beautiful landscapes and the distances that opened up to him, the poet voiced with his sad, autumn intonation.
Let us recall the final scene of Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard": the old Firs forgotten by everyone, and the sound from the sky, the sound of a broken string. Bunin's poems, almost every one of his poems is meaningful and intonational - this is a sad and parting sound. It seems that Bunin found the only true breathing opportunity to preserve the cold purity and melancholy of manor images, still lifes and landscapes.
Note that the poetics of the estate has several key features, without which it loses its content. Must
to be a house - a white, decaying estate, a neglected garden with a pond or a river, a linden or birch alley, a bench and a forest in the distance beyond the field, where, perhaps, along its edge stretches Railway.
And all? And these images are enough for poetry to grow on them? They were more than enough for the whole of Chekhov's dramaturgy. And the poetic muse of Ivan Bunin grew up on them:
A mute silence torments me.
The native nest is tormented by desolation.
I grew up here. But looking out the window
Dead garden. Smoldering over the house...
Whatever the lyrical hero of Bunin does and wherever he is, whatever landscapes he observes, he is almost always in the house, and every landscape is a view from the window or a walk:
Clouds like ghosts of ruins
We got up at dawn from behind the valleys.
The warm evening is dark and sad,
I'm all alone in a dark house.
The inner world of the poet, his experiences, which constitute the true content of his soul, gave rise to a strange phenomenon: Russian intellectual poetry, smart and quiet, poetry-conversation, poetry-remembrance.
I woke up suddenly for no reason.
I dreamed something sad, and suddenly
I woke up. Through bare aspens
A misty circle of moonlight peered out the window.
However, in addition to estate signs, Bunin's poetry has another very important meaningful symbol - autumn. It appears in his poems more often not independently, but as a background, like a theatrical backdrop, but it is so palpable and embossed, so perfect that it acquires an independent sound, like a kind of farewell image. It appears in the early poems of the poet and does not leave him until the end of his life, for even there, in exile, this Russian autumn gilds his lines:
And someone's fortress, forgiveness
And consolation: everything will pass!
And golden reflections
Palaces in the azure gloss of the waters.
This is a quote from the poem "Venice", written in 1922, and here are a few lines from the dying, 1952, poem "Night":
Ice night, mistral
(he hasn't finished yet).
I see shine and distance in the windows
Mountains, naked hills.
Golden immovable set
Lie down before bed.
There is no one in the sublunar
Only me and God.
A huge life has been lived, full of creative searches, spanning several historical epochs, but the eighty-year-old elder, crowned with Nobel laurels, radiant with world fame, remains faithful to that sad sound from heaven, those modest signs of an irretrievably bygone time. Certainly, he knew the secret of eternal youth. And in prose and in poetry, he is always the same: a modest, educated, brilliant young man. Otherwise, how to explain the chamber accuracy of his poems?
... And I dreamed that in autumn sometimes
On a cold night I returned home.
These lines were written in 1893. They are almost sixty years away from the "Night", but who dares to say that the young man who was this old man has disappeared. On the contrary, the old man remained a young man - a brilliant young poet.
Hence this continuity of Chekhov's images, this constancy of poetic predilections, which are so easily explained.
These old estates, small-scale life, nature, alleys and all-forgiving autumns - in a word, all Bunin's aesthetics - are signs of the "golden age", which for I. A. Bunin is not in the future, but in the past. In what was. It is from here that the aching sadness in the music of images. "I'm not here! - explains the poet. - I am there. Always where:
Leaves fall in. garden,
Pair after pair...
Lonely I wander
Through the foliage in the old alley,
New love in the heart
And I want to answer
Heart songs and again
Carefree happiness to meet.

Complete tasks A and B

a) Put the accents in

Freer, more talkative
painted, organize, provide, collector, association, leisure,
secondhand, cooking, explosive, hardening.

C) Write down all the phrases
from an excerpt from the poem "Desolation" by I. Bunin.



Connection: .

long evening in October!

I loved
I am late autumn in Russia

I loved
crimson forest on the mountain

fields and twilight deaf.

write out all the phrases.

Already a hot ball of the sun,
The earth wandered from its head
and peaceful evening fire
Volnea sea swallowed.

Sad long evening in October!
I loved late autumn in Russia.
He loved the bogorny forest on the mountain,
Expanse of fields and twilight deaf.

there are modest ones in the fields of my homeland
Sisters and brothers of overseas flowers:
fragrant spring raised them
In the greenery of May forests and meadows.


Write out from the text 1) three types of phrases (agreement control adjunction) 2) three types of predicate (imno compound, verbal simple compound)
Pyotr Ershov is the author of the excellent Russian fairy tale The Little Humpbacked Horse.
He was born in a Siberian village and early began to wander with his father around the taiga region. Travel left the boy with an undying love for native land, to the taiga with its forests, swamps, numerous rivers.
Long evenings at post stations, in the villages on the Ob, Ershov listened to fairy tales and countless stories of coachmen and postmen. The boy saw experienced people who drove caravans beyond Baikal to the eastern lands.
It was good to have long winter evenings when people gathered in the house and talked about the mysterious “Chinas”, about the mountains propping up the sky, about outlandish peoples. Slowly flowed intricate speech, one tale was replaced by another.
These tales were remembered by the impressionable boy, deposited in his memory, and then miraculously were embodied in the scenes of The Little Humpbacked Horse.
"Humpbacked Horse" - a work that immortalized the name of its author. The virtues of a fairy tale are in realistic pictures, in an interesting plot, in beautiful light verse, in figurative language.

1) Type of speech
2) How many semantic parts.
4) Text Style
5) Write out the participles, verb form and gerunds

The Russian forest is especially beautiful and sad.

The Russian forest is especially beautiful and sad.

The Russian forest is especially beautiful and sad in the early autumn days. On the gold
Against the background of yellowed foliage, bright spots of painted maples stand out,
aspens. Slowly circling in the air, yellowed light leaves fall from the birches.
Thin silver threads of sticky cobwebs are stretched from tree to tree. Quiet
in the autumn forest. Fallen dry leaves rustle underfoot. Blushing somewhere
late boletus cap. A hazel grouse will whistle thinly, they will call high in
cranes flying in a shoal in the sky.
Still green, dropping ripe acorns, stands on the edge of the forest an old hang-
hard oak. But the tops of the birches are already bare. Against a dark background of solid spruce
bright colors of maples and aspens are clearly visible in the forest. Already circled, floating on
water light yellowed leaves of willows. Well in the autumn flowery forest, long
I don’t want to leave it, say goodbye to the golden autumn days
1) Type of speech
2) How many semantic parts.
3) Title each semantic part
4) Text Style
5) Write out the participles, verb form and gerunds

October is the real autumn. It is famous for unexpected weather changes. But the beginning of the month is often called the golden autumn, and this is no coincidence. Trees, as it were, put on their outfits, reminiscent of a festive ball. They are especially beautiful when the sun is shining in the blue sky. We tried to select the same beautiful quotes and statuses about October as he himself.

In October, I feel like my insides are being gnawed by wild animals.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

October - impetuous, so juicy, so fragrant in its golden-scarlet radiance, with early white frosts, with a bright transformation of the leaves - this is a completely different, magical time, the last daring jubilant splash in the face of the impending cold.

Joan Harris

October is a man over 40. He understands a lot about how all the gears of Life turn, realizes the transience of time and appreciates every moment so much that he paints it with the brightest colors that the soul is capable of. Tomorrow frost may strike, an icy wind may blow, which will force us to part with what has covered the defenseless essence in its nakedness for so long. What is inside will be visible to all. And no attempts to hide, paint over, paint on will help correct the pattern of Life, which she puts on the human body, starting with the first cry of a newborn.

Ekaterina Sivanova

In October, when the leaves have already turned yellow, withered, wilted, there are blue-eyed days; throw back your head on such a day so as not to see the earth - and you can believe: more joy, more summer.

Evgeny Zamyatin

Ah, this rebellious and sad month. Look how the foliage blushed from meeting him. In October, the world is on fire...

Ray Bradbury

The nights were already long, heavy, like insomnia. Dawn lingered more and more, it kept getting delayed and reluctantly oozed through the unwashed windows...

Konstantin Paustovsky

There is no need to be afraid of October, October is beautiful, perhaps more beautiful than all the months of the year, even May. May is tormented by hope, promises that never come true, October promises nothing, does not give even a shadow of hope, it is all in itself. And behind it - darkness, cold, slush, sleet, a huge night, the end. But how beautiful now! What gold! What copper! And how wonderful is the greenness of the firs in the forest and the vines above the river! And how green is not withered grass at all. And above all - a clear blue sky.

Yuri Nagibin

October is the tenth month of the year. It is a harbinger of the end of warm weather and the expectation of the first snow. Ahead for a long time there will be no sunglasses, T-shirts and shorts. We are waiting for down jackets, hats, mittens. Umbrellas are also waiting for us - this month loves to play with rain in earnest. But maybe quotes about October will help you warm up a little.

October - the season of rains and self-pity is open!

October. Cold. Windy. Slush. Weather created for hot tea, jam, melodramas and fascinating books.

October is the celebration of the last beauty of falling asleep nature.

It was October, there was no date on that day!

Raw October breathes through my window. Autumn, let me go...

October is the evening of the year!

I'm like October ... not warmed by hearts ...

October is a month full of colors.

On a warm October morning, I will write my story on fallen leaves, and then I will sail away on a soaked paper boat to a new life.

Autumn freshness captivates with its October.

October is not a synonym for withering, because summer flowers come to life again in its colors.

My October save my soul... I won't disturb the peace...

I'm so glad I live in a world where there is October.

60. Word hyphenation rules

  • from the accent:
  • from value:

Choice of vowels; and or e.

  1. Double consonants are written:

64. Spelling prefixes.

  • the word "two-pulse", etc.

  • in the pronoun about what,
  • words and, by no means.

1 type



neuter gender

units number


cheerful, early
cheerful, early
cheerful, early

cheerful, early
about cheerful, about early

cheerful, early
cheerful, early
cheerful, early
cheerful, early
cheerful, early
about cheerful, about early

fun, early
cheerful, early
cheerful, early
fun, early
cheerful, early
about cheerful, about early

pl. number

funny, early
funny, early
cheerful, early
funny, early
cheerful, early
about cheerful, about early

type 2



neuter gender

units number


about fox

about fox

about fox

pl. number


about foxes

3 type



neuter gender

units number


fathers, sisters

fathers, sisters
paternal, sisterly
about father, sister

father, sister
paternal, sister
paternal, sister
father, sister
paternal (oh), sister (noah)
about my father, about my sister

paternal, sisterly
father, sister

about father, sister

pl. number


fathers, sisters
paternal, sister
paternal, sisterly
fathers, sisters
paternal, sisterly
about fathers, about sisters

- combined day-to-day,

a) are written together:

Exception: tumbleweed;

b) written with a hyphen

b) are written with a hyphen:

I. p.
R. p.
D. p.
V. p.
P. p

about six

about thirty

71. Spelling of verbs.

II conjugation includes:

1 face read, take
2 person read, take
Z face reads, takes

1 person read, take
2 person read, take
3rd person read, take

want want

We want
want to

run run


eat eat eat


Let's create create create create

will give

Let's give give give give

1. b (soft sign) is written:

74. Spelling of prepositions.

75. Spelling unions.

1. They are written together:

    Part of speech






    Particle spelling NOT and NI

1. Unstressed vowel at the root.

To check an unstressed vowel in the root, you need to change the form of the word or choose a single-root word so that the stress falls on it.

G about ra - g about ry

B about rolled - b about retsya

Not accepted and rimy - m and R

2. Vowel alternation at the root.

    1. in the roots mountains - gar the letter A is written under stress, without stress - O (zag a r - zag about relay)

      Fundamentally zor - zar, the vowel that is heard is written under stress, without stress - A (z a revo, s a rnitsa, oz a ryat, s about rka)

      Fundamentally clone - clan the vowel that is heard is written under stress, without stress - O (skl about thread, class a snuggle, snuggle about n, on about thread)

      in the roots kos - kas the letter A is written, if there is a suffix A after the root, if this suffix is ​​not present, then the letter O is written. (to a sled, prik about fell asleep)

      in the roots lag - lies A is written before G, O is written before F (proposition a say, offer about live)

      in the roots grow - grew before ST, U, the letter A is written. If there is no ST, U, the letter O is written (p a stet, por about sl) Exceptions: sprout, industry, Rostov, Rostislav.

      in the roots Ber - bir, der - dir, mer - peace, per - fir, tertir, shine - blist, burn - burn, stel - steel the letter A is written if after the root there is a suffix A. (I will collect - collect, lay - lay)

3.Vowels O - E (Yo) after hissing and C in different parts of the word.

1.Fundamentally words after hissing under stress, the letter E (Yo) is written. (in related words and forms of this word, the letter E is written without stress (evening - evening, cheap - cheaper) Exceptions: seam, rustle, saddler, hood, gooseberry, glutton, thicket, major

It should be distinguished:

A) noun - burn, arson, verbs - burn, set fire

B) in words of foreign origin:

jockey, juggler, shock, highway, driver.

C) in proper names: Pechora, Pechorin, Shostakovich

2. After C, the letter o is written under stress in the root. unstressed

the vowel after C must be checked with an accent. (basement, whole -

3.In endings, suffixes nouns and

adjectives after hissing and C under stress, the letter O is written, without stress - E (chest, hut, big, red, jackdaw, wrestler, crimson)

4 .At the end of adverbs, the letter O is written under stress, without

accents - E (hot, ebullient)

5 .Under the stress, the letter Yo is written

a) in the endings of verbs (we save, bake),

b) in the verbal suffix -yovyva (shade)

c) in the suffix –ёr of nouns (conductor, trainee)

d) in suffixes -yonn, -yon of passive participles,

verbal adjectives, if they are formed from

verb on -it (completed - complete, stewed - stew)

e) in pronouns (about anything, nothing)

4. Vowels ы, and after Ц in different parts of the word.

1. At the root of the word after C, the letter I is written (number, circus) Exceptions:

gypsy, chick, chick, chick, chick)

2. In words ending on - tion letter i is written

(acacia, lecture, delegation)

3.In suffixes and endings the letter Y is written (birds, pages,

5. Voiced and voiceless consonants.

To check the spelling of pairs consonants b-p, v-f, g-k, d-t, w-sh, you need to change the word so that after this consonant there is a vowel. (tooth - teeth, light - light)

6. Unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word. (combinations of vstv, ndsk, stl, stn, etc.)

The word must be changed or a single-root word chosen so that this consonant is heard clearly. (joyful - joy, whistle - whistle)

But: sn- miraculous - miracles.

7. Separating b and b

1. Before letters E,Yo, Yu, I

after prefixes

into a consonant

(bypass, disengage)

1. Before the letters E, Yo, Yu, I, And

in roots, suffixes, endings.

(barrier, blizzard, fox, nightingale)

    In compound words

(three-tier, inter-tier)

In foreign words:

adjutant, object, subject, etc. broth, battalion, signor, etc.

8. Soft sign after hissing.

b is spelled

b is not written

1. In feminine nouns

kinda (night, rye)

1. In masculine nouns (knife, rook)

2. In all forms of the verb

(write, ignite, smile)

2. In nouns, plural. numbers

(many clouds, near puddles)

3. In adverbs for Zh, Sh, Ch (jump,

entirely) Exceptions: already, married,


3. In short adjectives (hot,

good, strong)

4. In particles (only, ish, bish)

9. Vowels Y-I after prefixes.

After consonant prefix a letter is written S, if the word from which it is formed begins with the letter I (unprincipled - an idea, sum up - a result, play out - a game)

After prefixes over-, sub-, trans-, inter- letter is written AND ( inter-institutional, superinteresting, sub-inspector).

10. Continuous and hyphenated spelling of complex adjectives.


1. Formed from a subordinating phrase (ancient Greek - Ancient Greece, wagon repair - repair of wagons)

2. Used as terms or expressions in bookish language (the above, the undersigned)

Through a hyphen:

1. Designate a shade of color (light pink, red-brown)

2. Formed from a hyphenated noun (southwest - southwest)

3. Between parts of the adjective, you can insert the union "and" (Russian-German - Russian and German, convex-concave - convex and concave).

4. Formed from a combination of a noun and an adjective, but with a rearrangement of these elements (literary and artistic - fiction)

5. Having at the end of the first base a combination -iko (chemical-pharmaceutical).


Phrases are written separately, consisting of an adverb and an adjective. The adverb acts as a member of the sentence, indicating the degree of the sign expressed by the adjective (genuinely friendly, sharply hostile) or in what respect the sign is considered (socially dangerous, i.e. dangerous to society). Adverbs in -ski in the meaning of "similarity" (damn cunning).

11. Not with different parts speech.



Not used without NOT ( all parts of speech)

can't, hate, unseen

There is a contrast with the union "A" or it is implied (noun, adjective, adverb on O, E)

not true but false

Can be replaced by a synonym or a close expression ( noun, adjective, adverb in o,e)

untruth - a lie, unknown - someone else's)

There are words “not far”, “not at all”, “not at all”, “not at all”, etc.

(adjective, adverb in O, E)

Not at all interesting, not at all beautiful

No dependent words and opposition with the union "A"


unglued, unspoken

There are dependent words or opposition with the union "A" (participle)

not spoken in time

With verbs, adverbs

(didn't find it, didn't find out)

With adverbs not in -O, E (not comradely)

With negative and indefinite adverbs and pronouns (no one, a few, nowhere)

With negative pronouns, if there is a pretext (no one, no one)

12. One and two letters H in suffixes.

Parts of speech


Living room, worker, herbalist

At the junction of morphemes

Fifty dollars, window sill


In suffixes -in, -an, -yan

Gus in th, leather en th

Excl.: pewter, wood, glass

1) in adjectives formed with the suffix -n- from nouns with a stem on H (fog n th)

2) in adjectives formed from nouns with the help of suffixes -onn, -enn (arts enn th, aviation he N th)

Excl.: windy

Participles and verbal adjectives

1) in short passive participles (error corrected en a)

2) in full participles and verbal adjectives formed from verbs imperfect form(crush en yy - no prefix and dependent word)

excl.: slow, desired, sacred, unexpected, unseen, unheard, unexpected)

1) if the word has a prefix other than non- (dried)

2) if they include dependent words (sown through a sieve)

3) if the word has a suffix -ova, -eva (zinc ovann th)

4) if the word is formed from a perfective verb yonn th - deprive)

In adverbs, the same number of N is written as in the adjectives from which they are formed

(tuma nn o - fog nn oh, excited nn o - excited nn th)

23. Letters E, I in case endings of nouns.

1. nouns have 1 declension in the dative and prepositional cases (in the grass - 1 cl., p.p., on the road - 1 skl., d.p.)

1. nouns have 1 declension in the genitive case (near the river - 1 declension, R.p.)

2. nouns have 2 declensions in the prepositional case (in the house - 2 cl, P.p.)

2. nouns have 3 declensions (at mother, at night)

3. for nouns in -th, -th, -th, -me in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases

(attach to a stirrup (on - me)), pluck from an acacia (on - ia))

24. Conjugation of verbs, spelling of personal endings of verbs.

Put the verb in the indefinite form (what to do? what to do?)

II conjugation I conjugation

on -it on -et, -at, -ut, -yt, -ty, -who

except for: shaving, laying (1 ref.) except for:

drive, hold, hear, breathe

endure, twirl, offend, depend,

hate, see, look (2 sp.)

At the end, the letter is written And at the end, the letter E is written

beautiful it– red it count em - count ot, rut it–gn at(excl.)

when finding an indefinite form, take a verb of the same form (decorate - decorate)

Spelling prefixes.

1. Letters Z-S at the end of attachments.

In prefixes voz-vos, bez-bes, from -is, bottom -nis, once - races, through - through before voiced letters are written in consonants W, before deaf consonants - letter FROM.

(Ra h give - ra With bite, be h sonorous - be With cordial)

There are no prefixes Z: knock down, cut down, run away

In the words here, building, health there is no prefix.

In the prefix times (races) - roses (grew), the letter A is written without stress, the letter O is under stress. (break up - sledge, scatter - placer)

2. Prefixes pre-, pre-

1. It is possible to replace the prefix with the word very, very.

(very large - very large)

1. Spatial proximity

(about) - school, seaside

2. Approximation, joining,

addition (arrive, screw,


2. Close to the meaning of "re"

(transform, block)

3. Incomplete action (slightly open)

4. Bringing the action to the end

(come up with)

Spelling of suffixes

1. Suffixes -EK, -IK of nouns

To correctly write a suffix, you need to decline the word (put it in the genitive case form). If the vowel drops out, then the suffix -EK is written, if it doesn’t drop out, then the suffix -IK should be written (lock - lock, finger - finger)

2. Verb suffixes -ova (-eva), -yva (iva)

If in the present or future tense the verb ends in -yva, -ivay, then you need to write the suffixes -yva, -iva.

If it ends in -th, -th, then you need to write the suffixes -ova, -eva.

(conversations ova l, conversations ova t - conversations wow, story ywa l - story I am)

3. Suffixes of participles -usch, -yushch, -ashch, -yashch.

If the participle is formed from the verb of the 1st conjugation, then the suffixes -usch, -yushch should be written.

If the participle is formed from the verb of the 2nd conjugation, then you need to write the suffixes -ash, -ash.

(stabbing - stabbing (1 ref.), coloring - dyeing (2 ref.))

4. Participle suffixes -EM, -OM, -IM

If the participle is formed from the verb of the 1st conjugation, then we write the suffix -EM, -OM, if from the verb of the 2nd conjugation, then the suffix -IM

(visible - see (2 ref.), burned - burn (1 ref.))

5. The letters O, A at the end of adverbs with prefixes -FROM, -TO, -C

If adverbs are formed from adjectives that do not have these prefixes, then we write the letter A.

If adverbs are formed from adjectives that have these prefixes, then we write the letter O.

(before dry - dry, before urgently - before urgent)

On the muffled , in left (no prefixes -from, -to, -s)

6. Suffixes -K-, -SK- adjectives.

The suffix -K- is written:

1) in adjectives that have a short form (col to iy - kolok, elm to ii - knit)

2) in adjectives formed from some nouns with a base on k, h, c (German to ij - German, weaver to ii - weaver)

In other cases, the suffix -SK- is written (French sk y - French h)

7. Suffixes -CHIK-, -SHIK-

After the letters d - t, z - s, w, the letter Ch is written. In other cases, u is written. (cover tchik, stone box- no letters d, t, s, s, g)

8. Vowels before -Н, -НН in participle suffixes, before the past tense verb suffix -Л-.

If the participle or verbal adjective is formed from the verb in -at, -yat, then before H, HH it is written letter A, Z(wow a ny - vesh at).

If a participle or a verbal adjective is formed from verbs ending not in -at, -yat, then the letter E is written before H, HH

(zasuch e nny - zauch it, crush e ny - red it).

A hyphen between parts of words.

    Hyphenated adverbs.

With a hyphen between the parts of the word, adverbs are written that have in their composition:

1) prefix in - and suffixes -om, -him, -and (in a new way, in a comradely way)

2) the prefix in-, in- and suffixes -s, -them (secondly, thirdly)

3) prefix something (somehow)

4) suffixes -something, -either, -something (colda-either, somewhere)

5) complex adverbs, which have the same roots (little by little)

    Indefinite pronouns with a prefix something and suffixes something-, something are written with a hyphen (someone, some)

    Compound words with half- are written with a hyphen if the second root begins with L, with a capital letter, with a vowel. In other cases, the floor in complex words is written together. (half moon, half watermelon, half Volga, half house,)

    interjection, formed by repeating the basics (ooh-ooh)

    Particles - something are attached to other words with a hyphen. (became something, take it)

Consolidated and separate spelling of homonymous independent and functional words.

    Prepositions with other words are written separately. (on the river, on me, by five)

    Derived prepositions, formed on the basis of adverbs, are written together (to go towards the delegates).

    Derived prepositions are written together: in view of (= due to), like (= similar), about (= about), instead of, like, due to ( due to)

Talk about exams but to put money in the account (n.)

Derivative prepositions are written separately during, in continuation, according to

reason, for the purpose, on the part).

    Unions also, too, to are written fluently. They should be distinguished from combinations in the same way, the same as. In these combinations, the particles, however, could be omitted or rearranged to another place.

Mother studied at the institute. My father also studied there.

The same word, but not so to say.

Morphology(parts of speech).

Grammar signs independent parts speech.

Part of speech

Gram. meaning

Question to the beginning form

Permanent signs

Non-permanent signs


role in the proposal


Odush.-indush., own. or common noun, gender, declension

Case, number




Which? Whose?

Qualitative, relative possessive; full - short, degrees of comparison

gender, number, case

Definition, predicate

(short adj.)


Quantity, order when counting

How? Which the?

Simple-composite, quantitative, ordinal, collective

Case, number, gender (for ordinals)

As part of any member of the sentence, definition (ordinal)


Meaning of the part of speech instead of which it is used

Who? What? Which? How? Which the?

Rank, person (for personal)

Case (for some), number, gender

Any member of the proposal

action, state

What to do? what to do?

View, transitivity, conjugation, recurrence

Mood, tense, number, person or gender

Personal forms - predicate, n.f. - any part of the proposal


Sign of an object by action

Doing what? What has done? and etc.

Real or passive, time, type

Case, number, gender, full or short



Additional action

What do you do? Having done what?

Type, recurrence


Sign of action or other sign

How? Where? Where? When? What for? and etc.

Degrees of comparison


Classes of adjectives.



1. Answer the questions Which one? Which? Which?

2. denote various qualities of objects: color, internal qualities of a person, state of mind, age, size of an object; qualities perceived by the senses, etc.

3. may have diminutive suffixes –ist, -ovat, -enk, etc.

4. may have a short form and degrees of comparison

5. compound adjectives and adjectives are formed. With prefix not-

6. combined with adverbs very, extremely, etc.


Too light light - light



1.answer questions what? Which? Which?

2. designate the material from which the object is made; time, place, purpose of the object, etc.

3. have suffixes –an, -yan, -sk-, -ov-,

4. do not have a short form, do not form degrees of comparison

5. do not combine with adverbs very, too.



Whose? Whose? Whose? Whose?

2. denote belonging to a person or animal

3. have suffixes –ov, -ev, -in, -yn, -й

Foxy, fathers, wolf

Classes of pronouns.


1st person: I, we

2nd person: you

3rd person: he, she, it, they



Mine, yours, ours, yours, yours


Who, what, which, what, whose, which, how much


Someone, something, some, several, some, something, etc.


Nobody, nothing, none, no one, not at all, no one, nothing


That, this, such, such, such, so much


Himself, most, everyone, all, each, any, other, other

Discharges of names of numerals.

By appointment

By structure





Twenty five

One third,

third, thirty-fifth

fourteen, thirtieth

Five hundred, one hundred thousandth

One hundred seventy-three, three point eight

Mood and tense of the verb.




Denotes an action that is happening, has happened or will actually happen.

Denotes an action that is possible under some condition (would read, would read)

Denotes an action to which the speaker encourages someone (advises, asks, orders)

present tense

Past tense

Future time

What is he doing?

What have you been doing?

What did you do?

What will do? (future complex)

What will he do? (future simple)

read, told

will read

Participle formation

From the stem of the present tense verb

From the stem of the infinitive

Present participles

Past participles





Bole Yusch uy

Creech ash uy

Ozar eat th

Storage them th

Skaka vsh uy

nes w uy

Pulled out enn th

crowning nn th

vymy t th

Formation of gerunds

Imperfect participles

Perfect participles

Suffixes -a, -i


lie down - lie down a

We sit - sit I

think - think in, thought lice

Get carried away - carried away shea camping

Classes of adverbs by meaning.

Class of adverbs

Questions answered by adverbs

Mode of action and degree


Fast, fun, new, often, great

Measures and degrees

How? How many times?

In what degree?

To what extent? How much?

A little, a little, a little, five times, too much, completely, completely, twice

Far, near, around, from within, from afar, everywhere

How long?

Since when?

How long?

Now, soon, long ago, now, the day before, in the afternoon, at night, in the summer, early

For what reason?

Hastily, blindly, reluctantly

For what?

For what purpose?

On purpose, out of spite, on purpose

A special group is made up of pronominal adverbs:

    Demonstrative adverbs - here, there, there, from there, then

    Indefinite adverbs - somewhere, somewhere, somewhere, somewhere

    Negative adverbs - nowhere, never, nowhere, nowhere

    Interrogative-relative adverbs - where, where, when, why, why.

Lilac blossoms (when?) spring. (adverb)

beyond the spring(When? For what?) Summer will come. (noun)

Adverbs with prefixes must be distinguished from consonant combinations of nouns, adjectives and pronouns with prepositions.

First it was difficult. (when? - circumstance - adverb)

First year (noun with a preposition, because there is a dependent word).

got sick, that's why and didn't come. (adverb why?)

That's why the bridge is closed to traffic. (adj., over the bridge (what?) - definition)

In the distance blue spinning sand. (in what? where?)

away the shepherd played importunately. (adverb where?)

Condition Category Words - represent the state of nature environment, living beings, human (damp, cloudy, insulting, funny, joyful). They are used in one-part impersonal sentences and are predicates.

Formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs .

Parts of speech






Much stronger

Less strict

the strictest


all (everyone)..



Deepest, highest quality

Stronger, earlier, less

More strongly

Less strict


all (everyone)..



deeper than all

the highest quality

To distinguish the comparative degree of an adjective from the comparative degree of an adverb, you need to look at which word in the sentence the form of the comparative degree depends on. If it depends on the noun, then this is the comparative degree of the adjective (it is a predicate in the sentence) - person thinner, Class friendlier.

If it depends on the verb, then this is an adverb (it is a circumstance in a sentence) - cut thinner, sing friendlier.

Service parts of speech.

Pretext - serves to connect words in a phrase and sentence. There are simple and composite, derivatives and non-derivatives.


Derivatives from



B, k, s, y, o, on, with, for, from, through, etc.

Along, opposite, ahead, according to, around

Due to, like, in continuation, during, in relation to, in contrast to, towards, in view of, in conclusion, beyond, in connection with, due to

thankfully, later, in spite of, in spite of, on the basis of

Union - serves to connect homogeneous members and parts complex sentence. There are simple and compound, coordinating and subordinating.

Ranks of unions by value.



1. Connecting (both this and that): and, yes, also, also, not only…but also, like…and

1. Explanatory: what, as if to

2. Opposite (not that, but this): but, but, yes, but, however,

2. Circumstantial:

Time: when, just, while, barely , as soon as, after, before, only

Target: in order to, in order to, in order to, in order to

Comparison: as, as if, as if, exactly

Cause: because, since, since, for

Condition: if (if), if

Consequence: so

Concession: though, despite the fact that, let, let

3. Dividing (either this or that): or, either, neither ... neither, then ... that, either ... either, not that ... not that

Particle - conveys shades of meaning and serves to form certain forms of independent words. By meaning, there are formative, semantic. By category - simple, complex, compound.

(even, just, after all, just, hardly, no matter how, etc.)

Discharges of particles by value and function.

semantic (express various meanings)


(form word forms)

1. Negative: not, not

1. form of the conditional mood of the verb: would, b

2. Statement: yes, so, exactly, how, aha, uh-huh, definitely

2. form of the imperative mood of the verb: let, let, yes, let's, let's

3. Reinforcement: even, even and, already, and, already, yet, still, after all, well

3. form of comparative and superlative adjective: more, less, most

4. Question: is it really, is it, or something, but, what, how, well, how, and what if

    Exclamation: what the, how, well

    Doubt: hardly, hardly, maybe

7. Clarification: exactly, exactly, exactly, directly, a little, just, at least, at least, almost

8. Isolation, restriction: only, only, only only, almost, exclusively

9. Indication: here, here, out, and out, this

10. Relaxation of the requirement: -ka

Distinguishing He and Ni Particles

Particle NOT

Particle NI

Not - the meaning of negation

Misha not went to the rink.

Not Misha went to the skating rink, and Yura.

Ni is a negative particle with an amplifying value:

A) strengthening denial

In the sky not It was neither one lumen.

Not neither wind, neither sun, neither noise.

In the sky neither cloud.

Two particles NOT - the meaning of the statement

Not can not talk about this trip. - I must tell.

B) assertion strengthening

Where neither I look around, thick rye everywhere. (I'll look everywhere)

There may be words: no matter where, no one, no matter and etc.

Interjection - does not apply to either independent or official parts of speech. Interjections are used to express:

    Feelings, emotions (fear, joy, doubt, surprise, sadness, delight, sadness, etc.): oh, yes, bravo, my God, wow, God is with you.

    Speech etiquette (greetings, farewells, wishes, thanks, requests, etc.): thank you, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, sorry, please, all the best, hello.

    Commands, orders, requests: on, face, shh, hello, bye-bye, stop, chick-chick.


phraseseveral words related in meaning and grammatically.

According to the main word, phrases are nominal (the main word is an adjective, noun, pronoun), verbal (the main word is a verb, participle, participle), adverbial (the main word is an adverb).

Types of connection of words in phrases (by dependent word).




The dependent word is used in the same gender, number and case (adj., participle, pronoun = adj., ordinal number)

The dependent word is put in the case required by the main (noun, pronoun = noun)

The dependent word is related to the main word only in meaning.

(adverb, adverb)


(with a suggestion)

Unprepositional (no preposition)

For an experienced teacher

Growing up on the road

Land development

Work passionately

Types of offers.

Offer types

By the nature of the expressed relationship to reality

Affirmative(Affirm the connection between the subject of speech and what is said about it).

Negative(the connection between the subject of speech and what is said about it is denied).

Sad long evening in October. (I. Bunin)

No, I don't treasure rebellious pleasure. (A. Pushkin)

By the number of grammatical bases

Simple (consist of one grammatical basis)

Complex (consist of two or more grammatical bases)

A breeze rushes along the narrow, clean street. (N.Rubtsov)

Dawn says goodbye to the earth, steam falls at the bottom of the valley. (A. Fet)

According to the nature of the grammatical basis

Bipartite(the grammatical basis consists of a subject and a predicate)

One-piece(the grammatical basis consists either only of the subject, or only of the predicate)

I loved late autumn in Russia. (I. Bunin)

It's already quite light. (K. Fedin)

By the presence of secondary members

Common(have in their composition a grammatical basis and secondary members of the sentence)

Uncommon(have only grammatical basis)

Two drops splashed into the glass. (A. Fet)

The lake was white. (I. Bunin)

According to the context and speech situation

Full(all necessary members of the proposal are present)

Incomplete(one or more sentence members omitted)

The whole city lay in darkness. (A. Fadeev)

Everything is obedient to me, but I am nothing. (A. Pushkin)

Types of predicate.

simple verb expressed in one verb form


verb auxiliary be able, wish, want, start, continue, finish or short adj. Glad, ready, able, must, intend+ infinitive


linking verb to be, to become, to become, to appear, to become, to appear, to be called+ nominal part: noun, adj., numeral, place, short adverb, adverb

Changed in childhood rainbow rain. (S. Marshak)

The monkey decided to work. (I. Krylov)

The gold of the cross became white. (S. Marshak)

Secondary members of the sentence.


(what? what? what? what? whose? whose? whose? whose? whose?) is underlined by a wavy line


(whom? What? To whom? What? Whom? What? By whom? What? About whom? About what?) is underlined with a dotted line


(where? When? Where? Where? Why? Why? How?)

underlined with dotted line


(adjective, participle, pronoun = adj., ordinal)

Direct (vin. case without preposition)

Mode of action (how? In what way?)



Indirect (indirect cases or wine case with a preposition)

Places (where? Where? From?)

Time (when? Since when? Until when? How long?)

Reasons (why? For what reason?)

Measures and degrees (To what extent? To what extent?)

Goals (why? For what purpose?)

Conditions (under what condition?)

Concessions (against what?)

Types of one-part sentences and ways of expressing the main member of the sentence.



denominative sentence ( main member sentences - subject, noun. in I.p.)

Midnight. Mist and wind.

Definitely personal(verb 1,2 person, singular, plural; indicative, imperative mood)

I'm going. Will you go for a walk? Come with me.

Indefinite-personal(verb 3rd person, plural, present, weekday; plural past tense)

Vitya was given a player.

Impersonal(impersonal verb, personal verb in the meaning of the impersonal, infinitive, words of the category of state, short participle, word No)

It's getting dark. It's cold outside.

generalized-personal(verb 2 persons, singular; 3 persons plural present or bud.; 2 persons led inclinations)

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

Types of definitions.



Characterize the object on the one hand (between them you can put the union And)

They characterize an object from different sides, for example, by color and size (a big red ball), you cannot put a union between them And)

Depend on one word and answer the same question

They explain each other, that is, one of the definitions depends on the phrase, which includes the defined noun. and another definition (red ball which? big)

They are interconnected by a compositional connection, i.e. do not depend on each other

Lacking enumerative intonation

Pronounced with enumerative intonation

Separate members of the proposal.

I. Separate definitions .

Any definitions in the form of a phrase (adjective turnover, adjectival phrase) or individual words are separated by commas on one side or on two (inside a sentence) if:

    Relate to personal pronoun

Exhausted, dirty, wet we have reached the shore.

    They come after the noun they define.

Forest, finally shaking off the remnants of the darkness of the night stood up in all its glory. (B. Polevoy)

    Before the noun being defined, if they express the reason.

Driven by spring rays, from the surrounding mountains the snow had already fled in muddy streams to the flooded meadows. (A. Pushkin)

II. Standalone Applications .

Applications in a letter are separated by a comma or two commas within a sentence if:

    They refer to the personal pronoun

Us, doctors, this truly boundless patience is amazing. (N. Ostrovsky)

    Common applications after the noun being defined.

A pineapple,wonderful gift of the nature of the tropics , looks like a large cedar cone weighing two to three kilograms.

    Applications before the noun being defined, if it has a causal meaning.

native sailor, Voropaev first saw the sea as an adult. (P.Pavlenko)

ІІІ Separate circumstances.

1. Circumstances expressed by the gerund and participle turnover, are always separated by commas in the letter.

Suddenly she ran past me singing something else.

The waves are rushing thundering and sparkling, alien stars look from above.

2. Circumstances expressed by a noun with a preposition in spite ofIn houses,despite the early hour , lamps lit.


do not separate

    Germs with the meaning of adverbs. Yazykov covered his face with his palm and satnot moving . (not moving = still)

    Set combinations and phraseological units, which include gerunds. He workedtirelessly .

IV. Separate clarifying members of the sentence.

An additional question can be posed to the clarifying isolated member of the sentence Where exactly? How exactly? Who exactly? When exactly?

1. Circumstances of place and time: Left,at the dam , knocked axes.

2. Definitions: It was dominated by brown,almost red , the color of the soil and unbearably blue tint seas.

3 . Separate clarifying members of a sentence can be joined using conjunctionsthat is, or, as well as words especially, especially, even, mainly, in particular, for example .

He's pretty good even with some special pronunciation , spoke Russian .

    Additions with prepositions except for, in addition to, instead of, excluding, except for, along with, beyond, etc..

Everyone has , with the exception of the Commissioner, things were going well.

Introductory words and sentences.

Groups of introductory words by meaning

Different degrees of certainty:

a) a high degree of certainty (of course, of course, indisputably, undoubtedly, indeed, etc.)

b) a lesser degree of certainty (seems, probably, obviously, perhaps, perhaps)

Mountain air, without any doubts, has a beneficial effect on human health.

Seems, your story there made a lot of noise.

Various feelings (fortunately, to the general joy, unfortunately, to surprise)

Luckily, our horses were not exhausted.

Source of the message (according to someone, according to someone, in someone's opinion)

According to the doctor The patient will be discharged from the hospital in a week.

The order of thoughts and their connection (firstly, secondly, finally, therefore, therefore, so, vice versa, for example, etc.)

Firstly you have to learn the rule.

So, one desire for good made me print this passage. (M. Lermontov)

Remarks on the ways of shaping thoughts (in a word, in other words, it is better to say, etc.)

In a word, this person had a desire to create a case for himself. (A. Chekhov)

Introductory words and sentences should be distinguished from other members of the sentence ( introductory words are not a member of the sentence, they are not grammatically related to other words, they can be removed from the sentence).

Printout pages:




58. Principles of Russian spelling, spelling

SPELLING - a system of spelling rules. The main sections of spelling:

  • writing morphemes in various parts of speech,
  • continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of words,
  • the use of uppercase and lowercase letters,
  • hyphenation.

Principles of Russian spelling. The leading principle of Russian orthography is the morphological principle, the essence of which is that morphemes common to related words retain a single style in writing, and in speech they can change depending on phonetic conditions. This principle applies to all morphemes: roots, prefixes, suffixes and endings.

Also, on the basis of the morphological principle, a uniform spelling of words related to a certain grammatical form is drawn up. For example, ь (soft sign) is a formal sign of the infinitive.

The second principle of Russian spelling is phonetic spelling, i.e. words are spelled the way they are heard. An example is the spelling of prefixes on z-s (incompetent - restless) or a change in the root of the initial and on s after prefixes ending in a consonant (play).

There is also a differentiating spelling (cf.: burn (n.) - burn (vb)) and traditional spelling (the letter and after the letters zh, sh, ts - live, sew).

A spelling is a case of choice where 1, 2, or more different spellings are possible. It is also a spelling following the spelling rules.

The spelling rule is the spelling rule of the Russian language, which spelling should be chosen depending on the language conditions.

59. Use uppercase and lowercase letters.

cursive letter

lowercase letter

- It is written at the beginning of a sentence, paragraph, text (I want to go for a walk. When I do my homework, I will go outside.)
- It is written at the beginning of a direct speech (She said: "Come in, please.")
- It is written in the middle and at the end of the word (mother, Russia).
- It is written in the middle of a sentence if the word is not a proper name or some kind of name (He arrived late at night).
Written with a capital letterWritten with a lowercase letter

Names of institutions and organizations, incl. international (State Duma, United Nations),
- names of countries and administrative-territorial units (Great Britain, United States of America, Moscow region),
- names, patronymics and surnames (Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich)
- the names of historical events and holidays are proper names): March 8, the Great Patriotic War.

- names of ranks, ranks (lieutenant Popov),
- the words comrade, citizen, mister, mister, etc. (Mr. Brown, Citizen Petrov)

60. Word hyphenation rules

  1. Words are carried by syllables (ma-ma, ba-ra-ban),
  2. It is impossible to separate the consonant from the subsequent vowel (he-ro "th),
  3. You can’t put aside on a line or transfer part of a syllable (nothing, nothing - right; empty-yak (wrong),
  4. You can’t leave one vowel on a line or transfer it, even if it represents a whole syllable (ana-to-miya is right; a-to-mi-ya is wrong),
  5. It is impossible to tear off b (soft sign) and b (hard sign) from the previous consonant (detour, less),
  6. The letter and does not come off the previous vowel (rayon),
  7. When combining several consonants, transfer options are possible (se-stra, ses-tra, sister-ra); in such cases, such a transfer is preferable, in which the morphemes are not parsed (squeeze).

61. Spelling of vowels in the root.

If at the root the vowel is in a weak (unstressed) position, then in writing there is a problem of choosing which letter to write.

  1. If you can pick up a related word or change the word so that this vowel is stressed, then such a vowel is called tested. For example, pillars - one hundred "lb; reconcile (friends) - mi" r.
  2. If an unstressed vowel cannot be checked by stress, then such vowels are called unverifiable, and the spelling of words with such vowels must be memorized or checked using a spelling dictionary (potato "fel, elixi" r).
  3. Russian has a number of roots with alternating vowels. As a rule, the vowel that is heard is written under stress; the choice of a letter in an unstressed position depends on certain conditions:
  • from the accent:

Gargor: under stress it is written a (zaga "r, razga" r), without stress - o (tanned "lyy, burnt out), exceptions: you" garki, and "burn, with" burn;

Zar-zor: without stress it is written a (zarni "tsa, illumine" t), under stress - what is heard (zorka, for the "roar"), exception: dawn "t;

Clan-clone: ​​without stress it is written about (bow down, bow down), under stress - what is heard (bow down, bow down);

Creature: without stress, it is written about (create "be, create", under stress - what is heard (your "rchestvo, tva" r), exception: y "creature;

  • from subsequent letters or combinations of letters:

Cascos: if the root is followed by a consonant n, then it is written o (to touch, touch), in other cases it is written a (tangential, touch);

Lag lie: before r it is written a (attach, adjective), before w it is written o (application, suggest), exceptions: by "log;

Rast- (-rasch-) - grew up: before st and u it is written a (grow", nara" shchivag), before c it is written o (for "growth, you" grew up), exceptions: o "branch, growth" k, you "rostok, usurers" to. Rosto "in;

Skak-skoch: before k it is written a (jump "be"), before h it is written o (you "jump"), exceptions: jump "to, jump";

  • From the presence or absence of the suffix -a- after the root:

Ver-vir-, -der-dir, -mer-mir, -per-feast, -ter-tir, -blest-blist, -zheg-zhig, -stel- became, -chet-chit: before the suffix -a- it is written and (to collect, to light, to lay, to lay), in other cases it is written e (bleat, to light, to), exceptions; to combine, to combine;

Roots with alternation a (i) - im (in): before the suffix -a- it is written im (in) (hush "th, clamp" th), in other cases it is written a (th) (hush "b, clamp" t) ;

  • from value:

Mak-mok: -mak- is used in the meaning of "immerse in liquid, make wet" (poppy "to put bread into milk), -mok - in the meaning of" pass liquid "(boots get wet");

Equal-equal: -ravt- is used in the meaning of “equal, identical, on a par” (equal, equal), -equal - in the meaning of “smooth, straight, smooth” (y “level, level”);

  • -float-float-float: o is written only in the words pilaf "ts and swimmers" ha, s - only in the word quicksand", in all other cases it is written I (llavu "honor, float" k).

62. Spelling of vowels after hissing and C.

  • After the hissing consonants zh, h, sh, u, the vowels a, y, and are written, and the vowels i, u, s (thicket, bold) are never written. This rule does not apply to words of foreign origin (parachute) and compound words in which any combination of letters is possible (Interbureau).
  • Under stress after hissing, it is written in, if you can pick up related words or another form of this word, where e is written (yellow - yellowness); if this condition is not met, then it is written about (to clink glasses, rustle).
  • It is necessary to distinguish the noun burn and its related words from the past tense verb burn and its related words.
  • A fluent vowel sound under stress after hissing is indicated by the letter o (sheath - knife "n").

Spelling of vowels after c.

  • At the root after c is written and (civilization, mat); exceptions: gypsies, tiptoe, tsyts, chicks are their cognates.
  • The letters i, u are written after ts only in proper names of non-Russian origin (Zurich).
  • Under stress after c, it is written o (tso "cat").

Choice of vowels; and or e.

  • In foreign words, e (adequate) is usually written; exceptions: mayor, peer, sir and their derivatives.
  • If the root begins with the letter e, then it is preserved even after the prefixes or cut by the first part of the compound word (save, three-story).
  • After the vowel, e (requiem) is written, after the remaining vowels - e (maestro).

The letter and is written at the beginning of foreign words (iodine, yoga).

63. Spelling of consonants in the root.

  1. In order to check dubious voiced and deaf consonants, you need to choose such a form or a related word so that these consonants stand in a strong position (before a vowel or sonorant (l, m, and, p)) sound: a fairy tale - to say.
  2. If a dubious consonant cannot be checked, then its spelling must be remembered or found in a spelling dictionary. ;
  3. Double consonants are written:
    - at the junction of morphemes: prefixes and root (tell), root and suffix (long),
    - at the junction of two parts of compound words (maternity hospital),
    - in words that need to be remembered or determined from a spelling dictionary (reins, yeast, burning, buzzing, juniper and words of the same root; words of foreign origin (for example, group, class) and derivatives from them (group, class).
  4. In order to check the spelling of words with unpronounceable consonants that have a combination of letters vet, zdn, ndsk, ntsk, stl, stn, etc. it is necessary to choose such a single-root word or change the form of the word so that after the first or second consonant there is a vowel (sad - to be sad, whistle - whistle); exceptions: flash (although "glisten"), stairs (although "ladder"), splash (although "splash"), bottle (although "glass").

64. Spelling prefixes.

  1. The spelling of some prefixes must be remembered, they do not change under any conditions (to convey, carry, bring, etc.). The prefix s- also belongs to these prefixes, which is voiced in speech before voiced consonants, but does not change in writing (run away, do).
  2. In prefixes on e-s (without- - demon-, woz (vz) - - sun- (sun-), from- - is-, bottom- - nis-, times- (rose-) - races (ros- ), through- (through-) - worm- (through-)) is written z before eaon-, which consonants or vowels (anhydrous, flare up), and before deaf consonants it is written with (limitless, rise up).
  3. Of particular difficulty is the writing of prefixes pre- - pre-. Basically, their difference is based on their lexical meaning.

The prefix pre- is used in the meaning:

  • a high degree of quality (it can be replaced by the words "very", "very"): exaggerated (= "very enlarged"), preinteresting (= "very interesting");
  • “through”, “in a different way” (this meaning is close to the meaning of the prefix re-): transgress (= “cross over”).

The prefix pri- is used in the meaning:

  • spatial proximity (suburban, border);
  • approaching, joining (approach, sail);
  • incompleteness of action (cover up, stop);
  • bringing the action to the end (nail, knock);
  • committing an act in someone's interests (hide).

In some words, the prefixes pre- and prine stand out and the spelling of such words must be remembered: stay (meaning "to be in some place or state"), despise (meaning "hate"), neglect, president (the word foreign origin); device, order, charity (meaning "care"), etc.

4. If the prefix ends with a consonant, and the root begins with a vowel and, then instead of and it is written s (pre-June, to play); exceptions:
  • compound words (pedagogical institute), -charge,
  • prefixes inter- and super- (inter-institutional, super interesting),
  • the word "two-pulse", etc.
  • foreign prefixes dez-, counter-, post-, super-, trans-, pan- (counterplay, subindex).

65. Spelling of dividing b and b Spelling of dividing b (solid sign).

1. Separating b (solid sign) is written before the vowels e, e, u, i:

  • after a prefix ending in a consonant: entrance, detour;
  • in words of foreign origin after prefixes ending in a consonant (ab-, ad-, diz-, in-, inter-, con-, counter-, ob-, sub-, per-, trans-) or after a compound particle pan- : adjutant, trans-European;
  • in compound words, the first part of which is the numerals two-, three-, four-: two-tier, three-story;

2. This rule does not apply to compound words: children.

Spelling dividing b (soft character).

Separating b (soft sign) is written:

  • inside the word before the vowels e, e, u, i: peasant, blizzard;
  • in some words of foreign origin before the letter o: medallion, champignon.

Spelling of vowels after hissing and q in suffixes and endings.

1. In the endings and suffixes of nouns, adjectives and suffixes of adverbs under stress after hissing and q, it is written o, without stress - e (knife "m, big" go, book "nka, end" m, ring "vy-vat; NO ekila "we press, p" look for, red "zhego, merchants" vtsev, ring "th).

2. After hissing under stress, ё is written:

  • in the endings of verbs (neighing, lying),
  • in the suffix of the verb -yovyva- (uproot),
  • in the noun suffix -ёr- (trainee),
  • in the suffix of verbal nouns -yovk- (uprooting),
  • with the suffix of passive participles -yon (n) - (slain, harnessed),
  • in the suffix of verbal adjectives (zhzhёny) and in words derived from these adjectives (zhzhenka),
  • in the pronoun about what,
  • words and, by no means.

66. Spelling of nouns.

Spelling of endings in nouns:

  1. in masculine and neuter nouns, in which a vowel is written before the case ending and, in an unstressed position in P.p. the ending -i is written; for feminine nouns, this rule applies to D.l. and P.p.; I.p. militia, genius, blade R.p. militia, genius, blade D.P. militia, genius, blade V.p. militia, genius, blade etc. militia, genius, P.P. blade about the police, about the genius, about the blade
  2. in neuter nouns ending in -e in P.p. e is written without stress, and under stress - and: about happiness, in oblivion;
  3. in nouns ending in -ni with a preceding consonant or and in Gen.p. plural ь (soft sign) is not written at the end: bedroom - bedrooms; exceptions: young ladies, villages, hawks, kitchens.
  4. in nouns with -ov, -ev, -ev, yn, in, denoting Russian surnames, in Tv.p. in the singular, the ending -im is written, and in nouns na-ov, -in, denoting foreign surnames. -end-om: Ivanov, but Darwin.
  5. nouns in -ov, -ev, -ii, yn, -ovo, -ino, ыно, denoting the names of residential POINTS, have in T.p. ending -om: near Lvov, behind Khotkovo;
  6. if the noun with the suffix -isch- is masculine or neuter, then the ending -e is written, if it is feminine - -a: a swamp is a swamp, but a hand is a hand;
  7. animate nouns with suffixes - ushk-, -yushk-, -im-, -ishk- masculine and feminine nouns with the same suffixes in I.l. have an ending-a: dolyushka, grandfather; inanimate masculine nouns and all neuter nouns with these suffixes end in -o: bread, house;
  8. in neuter nouns, after the suffix -a-, the letter o is written: chisel, and in animate masculine and neuter nouns - a: chisel.

Spelling of noun suffixes:

1. If the suffix -ik- (-chik-) is written in a noun, then it is also preserved in indirect cases, and if the suffix -ek- (-check-) is written, then in indirect cases e alternates with zero sound (cf .: piece - piece, finger - finger);
2. In masculine nouns, the suffix -ets- is written, in feminine nouns - the suffix -its-, and in neuter nouns -ets- is written if the stress falls on the ending and -its- if the stress falls on the syllable before the suffix ( cf .: handsome man (m.r.) - beauty (zh.r.) - letter "(cf.r.) - dress" tie;
3. The diminutive suffix -ink- is written in nouns formed from feminine nouns ending in -ina (scratch - scratch, straw - straw); BUT in words denoting females (for example, a refugee, a Frenchwoman), the combination -eik- is written (there is no diminutive meaning);
4. The combination -enk- is also written in words formed from nouns ending in -na or -nya, and not having ь (soft sign) at the end of the word in the genitive plural (cherry - cherries - cherry);

note: if nouns in -na, -nya have the plural at the end of ь (soft sign) in the genitive case, then the combination -enk- (kitchen - kitchen - kitchenette) is written;

5. In affectionate suffixes -one- (written after hard consonants) and -enk- (written after soft consonants, less often after hard ones) after n is written b (soft sign) (for example, kitty, Nadenka),

note: in modern Russian there are no suffixes -ynye-, -other-, -ank-, words with such suffixes are found only in works of art up to the 19th century inclusive and in folklore (for example, lolosynka, Nadinka; cf. modern striped, Nadenka ), Exceptions: good-bye, hare, good-bye (suffix -other-);

6. The suffix -yshk is written in neuter nouns (sun-sun, feather-feather); the suffix -ushk- is written in masculine and feminine nouns (neighbor - neighbor, head - little head); the suffix-yushk-is written in nouns of all genders, formed from nouns pine into a soft consonant (field - field, uncle - uncle); some masculine nouns are formed with the help of suffixes -yshek-, eshek-, ears- (wedges, peg, spools, pimples, sparrows; pebble, edge; the words sparrow, pebble are used in folk, colloquial speech);
7. With nouns denoting people by the nature of their activity, the suffix -chik- is written before the consonants d, t, a, s, g (translator, lbtchik, defector, etc.), and in all other cases the suffix -chik- is written (compositor, typesetter);

note 1: in some words of foreign origin, after t, the suffix -shchik- (flute player, asphalt worker) is written,

note 2: ь (soft sign) is written before the suffix -shchik- only after the consonant l (roofer),

note 3: if the stem ends with the consonants k, c, h, then before the suffix -chik- they are replaced by the consonant t (distribution - distributor);

8. In many female patronymics, [ishna] is heard, but it is written -ichna (Ilyinichna, Fominichna).

67. Spelling of adjectives. Spelling of the endings of adjectives.

declension of qualitative and relative adjectives; declension of possessive adjectives with a base on j (for example, fox, bearish); declension of possessive adjectives with suffixes -in-, (-th-), -ov- (-ev-): Lisitsyn, mother.

In the plural, the endings of all genera are the same.

1 type



neuter gender

units number


cheerful, early
cheerful, early
cheerful, early
cheerful (merry), early (early)
cheerful, early
about cheerful, about early

cheerful, early
cheerful, early
cheerful, early
cheerful, early
cheerful, early
about cheerful, about early

fun, early
cheerful, early
cheerful, early
fun, early
cheerful, early
about cheerful, about early

pl. number

funny, early
funny, early
cheerful, early
funny, early
cheerful, early
about cheerful, about early

type 2



neuter gender

units number


about fox

about fox

about fox

pl. number


about foxes

3 type



neuter gender

units number


fathers, sisters
paternal, sister (or sister)

fathers, sisters
paternal, sisterly
about father, sister

father, sister
paternal, sister
paternal, sister
father, sister
paternal (oh), sister (noah)
about my father, about my sister

paternal, sisterly
father, sister
father, sister (or sister)
paternal, paternal, sisterly
about father, sister

pl. number


fathers, sisters
paternal, sister
paternal, sisterly
fathers, sisters
paternal, sisterly
about fathers, about sisters

Note: the accusative case of adjectives in the masculine singular coincides with the genitive case if the adjective refers to an animate noun or pronoun, and with the nominative case if the adjective depends on an inanimate noun or pronoun.

  1. Russian male surnames ending in -ov (-ev), -in (-yn) in the instrumental singular have the ending -ym (like short adjectives): Pushkin - Pushkin.
  2. Geographical names ending in -ov, -ev, -yno, -ino, -yn, -in, -ovo, -evo, in the instrumental case of the singular have an ending -om: under the city of Pushkin.
  3. Adjectives out-of-town, internationally-born, sub-native, suburban have in the nominative case of the singular the endings -y (-th, -ov), and the adjective out-of-town-endings - “and (-th, -ov).
  4. Adjectives in -yny in short form have the ending -"n (slender - well-built), an exception: worthy - worthy;
  5. It is possible to have a double spelling and pronunciation of the adjective boundless (-ya, -ee) - boundless (-th, -ov).

Spelling of suffixes imvn adjectives:

1. Under stress, the suffix -iv- is written, without stress - the suffix -ev- (cf.
2. With suffixes -chiv-, -liv- is always written and (ugly, arrogant);
3. Suffixes -ovat-, -ov-, -ovit- are written after hard consonants, and after soft consonants, after hissing and c, suffixes -evat-, -ev-, -vvit- are written (cf., greenish, business - glossy , bluish);
4. In adjectives ending in -chi, formed from nouns ending in -shka before h, under stress is written a, without stress - e (cf.
5. The letter u is written before the suffix -or- if the sound that it denotes belongs to one morpheme (for example, board - plank); if in the generating base before the suffix -k- there are letters hell, s, st, sh, then they are preserved in the new word, and k alternates with h (freckle - freckled);
6. If the base ends with ts, and the suffix begins with h, then ts alternates with t (tile - tiled);
7. Spelling of the suffix -sk-:
  • if the stem ends in d or t, then before the suffix -sk- they are preserved (flesh - carnal, cattle - bestial);
  • if the base ends in k, h, c, then after them the suffix -sk- is simplified and becomes simply -k-, and k and h change to c (fisherman - fisherman, weaver),

note: in some adjectives, the alternation of k, h with c does not occur (tajik - Tajik, Uglich - Uglich):

  • if the stem of a word of foreign origin ends in sk, then before the suffix -sk-k it is omitted and the combination sec is obtained (San Francisco - San Francisco),

Exceptions: Basque, Oscan;

  • if the stem ends in s, then it is omitted and only the combination of letters ck (Welsh-Welsh) is written,
  • if the stem ends in se, then one s is omitted, since in Russian there cannot be a combination of trbx identical consonants (Odessa-Odessa);
  • if the stem ends in -н or -р, then before the suffix -sk-b (the soft sign is omitted),

Exceptions: ь (soft sign) is written

- in adjectives formed from the names of the months (July - July),
- in adjectives formed from some foreign geographical names (Taiwanese),
- combined day-to-day,

8. Before the suffix -and- final consonants k, c turn into h, and x - into u (boredom - boring, bustle - bustling);

Spelling н and нн in adjective suffixes:

1. In adjectives formed with the suffix -in: swan;
2. In adjectives Formed with the help of suffixes -an- (-yan-): leather, silver), Exceptions: wooden, glass, pewter. 3. 8 short adjectives, if the full adjectives from which they are formed have -n- (slender - slender).
1. In adjectives formed with the suffix -enn: straw,
2. In adjectives formed with the suffix -onn: organizational,
3. In adjectives formed with the suffix -n- from the base to n: sleepy, long.
4. In short adjectives, if the full adjectives from which they are formed have -in- (long - long).

Note 1: They are written n in adjectives: spicy, crimson, rye, drunken, ruddy, young, green, windy, porky.

Note 2: Written windy, but windless.

Note 3. It is necessary to distinguish between adjectives oily (for oil, in oil) and oily (soiled, soaked in oil); compare: oil stain - oily hands.

Note 4. It is necessary to distinguish between adjectives windy (day, person), windy (pump) and windy (chicken pox).

68. Spelling compound words.

1. Compound words can be formed using two simple stems connected by a connecting vowel o (written after the stem with a hard consonant) or e (written after the stem with a soft consonant, hissing or c): whirlpool, bird catcher.

2. Spelling of compound words without a connecting vowel:

  • it is necessary to distinguish between compound words formed with the help of a connecting vowel (locomotive) and without it (psychasthenia;
  • numerals in the genitive case are part of compound words without a connecting vowel (three-story, two-year);
  • Prefixes of foreign origin are written together with the root: anti-, arch-, hyper-, inter-, infra-, counter-, post-, sub-, super-, trans-, ultra-, extra-anti-national, ultra-important, counterattack);
  • words ending in -fication are not complex; before this combination of letters, and (gasification) is written.

3. Spelling of compound nouns:

a) are written together:

  • compound nouns with the first part: auto-, agro-, aero-, bicycle-, helio-, geo-, hydro-, zoo-, io-, cinema-, stereo-, radio-, macro-, etc. (cinema, stereo system, radio station);
  • compound nouns with the first part of the verb ending in and (dashmorda, daredevil),

Exception: tumbleweed;

  • all compound words (Sberbank, Balt-fleet).

b) written with a hyphen

  • compound nouns without a connecting vowel denoting scientific, technical and socio-political terms and names (stop crane, prime minister);
  • names of intermediate directions of the world (southeast, northwest);
  • complex owl, denoting the names of plants, having in their composition a verb in a personal form or a union (coltsfoot, love-dislike);
  • words with foreign elements: ober-, untr-, life-, staff-, vice-, ex- (vice-president, non-commissioned officer).

4. Spelling of complex adjectives: a) are written together:

  • adjectives formed from compound nouns written together (stereosystem - stereosystemic);
  • compound adjectives formed from phrases where one word is subordinate to another (railway - railway);
  • compound adjectives representing scientific and technical terms or belonging to book styles speech (highly paid, thick-skinned, above);
  • compound adjectives, the first part of which cannot be used in speech as an independent word;

b) are written with a hyphen:

  • adjectives formed from compound nouns written with a hyphen (southeast-southeast);
  • compound adjectives formed from a combination of proper names (Jack-Londonovsky, Petr-Petrovichev);
  • compound adjectives formed from combinations of words with equal members connected by a coordinating link (convex-concave);
  • complex adjectives denoting shades of colors (pale pink, blue-brown);
  • compound adjectives denoting geographical or administrative names and having the first part of the word west-, south-, -hoo-, north-, north-, east- (East European Plain).

69. Spelling of numerals.

  1. Compound numerals are written together (thirty);
  2. Compound and fractional numbers are written separately (forty-five, three sevenths);
  3. Ordinal numbers that end in -thousandth, -millionth, -billionth are written together (thirty-thousandth);
  4. Numerals five-nineteen and twenty, thirty are written with ь (soft sign) at the end, and numerals fifty - eighty, five hundred - nine hundred b (soft sign) are written in the middle of the word between two bases;
  5. There are two forms: zero and zero. The second is used in a terminological sense in indirect cases, both forms are found in set expressions.
  6. The numeral gender is written as part of a compound word
  • through a hyphen, if the second part of the word begins with a vowel or with l (half a liter, half a watermelon), or if it is a proper name (half Russia);
  • together, if the second part of the compound word begins with a consonant letter (except l): half a kilogram;
  • separately, if it has an independent meaning and is torn off from the noun by the definition: half a teaspoon.

Note: the numeral semi- in the composition of complex words is always written together: half-breed, half-dressed.

Spelling of the endings of numerals.

1. Declension of cardinal numbers:

The numeral one is declined in the same way as the adjective in the singular:

Numerals two, three, four have special case endings:

The numerals five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten and the numerals 10 and 2 are declined in the same way as third declension nouns:

I. p.
R. p.
D. p.
V. p.
P. p

about six

about thirty

The numerals forty, ninety, one hundred have a special declension (the accusative case coincides with the nominative, in other cases the ending is a):

For quantitative compound numbers, each word is declined:

A special declension for numerals one and a half, one and a half, one and a half hundred:

3. Collective numbers are declined in the same way as plural adjectives:

4. Declension of ordinal numbers:

Ordinal numbers are declined in the same way as adjectives of the first type:

For compound ordinal numbers, only the last word changes during declension:

70. Spelling of pronouns.

1. Spelling of negative pronouns:

  • under stress it is written not, but without stress - neither, (cf., kikto "-not" who, not "only" - not "how much");
  • if there are no 48 prepositions in negative pronouns, then they are written together, and if there is, then in three words (cf .: someone - no one, nothing - no reason),
  • the combinations are none other than, nothing more than oppositions and are written separately, and combinations none other than nothing else have this opposition meaning and therefore are written together (cf .. This can be allowed by none other than the headmaster. - no one else could do it better.).

2. Spelling of indefinite pronouns:

  • indefinite pronouns that have in their composition particles some-, some-, -something, -or-, -something are written with a hyphen (someone, something, someone),
  • if a preposition follows the particle, then the pronoun is written in three words (with someone, because of someone).

71. Spelling of verbs.

Spelling of verb endings.

1. Depending on personal endings, verbs are divided into two large groups: into verbs of I and II conjugations.

II conjugation includes:

  • verbs on -it (except for the verbs to shave, lay, build, which belong to the I conjugation),
  • 7 verbs in -et (twirl, see, depend, hate, offend, watch, endure),
  • 4 verbs in -at (thief, breathe, hold, hear).
All other verbs belong to the I conjugation.

Personal endings of verbs in the present or future past tense:

2. There are several different conjugated verbs that do not belong to any of the two conjugations: want, run, eat, create, give.

1 face read, take
2 person read, take
Z face reads, takes

1 person read, take
2 person read, take
3rd person read, take

want want

We want
want to

run run


eat eat eat


Let's create create create create

will give

Let's give give give give

3. If the verb with the prefix obez- (obes-) is transitive, then it is conjugated according to the II conjugation, and if it is intransitive, then according to the I conjugation (for example, compare the conjugation of the verbs to weaken (someone) and to weaken (himself).

4. In the verbs of I conjugation in the form of the future tense, the ending is written - “those”, and in the form of the imperative mood - the ending -it (cf .: You will send this letter tomorrow. - Send this document urgently.)

b (soft sign) in verb forms.

1. b (soft sign) is written:

  • in the infinitive (write, wish, want, wash),
  • in the endings of the 2nd person singular of the present or simple future tense (choose, wash, do, wash),
  • in the imperative mood (correct, hide), BUT lie down, lie down,
  • in the return particle, which is after the vowel (bent, turned, I will return);

2. b (soft sign) is not written:

  • in the form of the 3rd person singular of the present or simple future tense (washes, is done).

Spelling of verb suffixes

1. If in the 1st person of the present or simple future tense the verb ends in -th (-th), then in the infinitive and in the past tense the suffixes -ova-, -eva- are written (I manage - manage, managed, fight - fight, fought );

if, in the 1st person of the present or simple future tense, the verb ends in -yva, -ivay, then in the infinitive and in the past tense, the suffixes -yva-, -iva- (I impose - impose, impose) are written.

2. Verbs in -five, -vayu have the same vowel before the suffix -va- as in the infinitive without this suffix (extend - extend).

  • if they are formed by combining a preposition with an adverb (forever) or with a short adjective (tightly, to the left),
  • if they are formed by adding the prepositions in and on to the collective numeral (three times, in two),
  • if they are formed by adding a preposition to a full adjective or pronoun (manually, recklessly, with might and main)
  • Exception: if the adjective begins with a vowel, then the preposition в is written separately (open),

    • if the nouns from which adverbs are formed are not used independently in modern Russian (locked up, shattered),
    • adverbs with a spatial meaning, formed from nouns such as distance, height, beginning, etc. (far away, first)

    note: if the sentence contains an explanation for the noun, then such words are no longer adverbs, but combinations of a noun with a preposition and are written separately (from the beginning of the book),

    • if it is impossible to put a definition between the prefix-preposition and the noun from which the adverb is formed, but if this can be done, then these words are a combination of a noun with a preposition and are written separately (cf .: exhaust completely - come to the horses of the corridor):

    4. Adverbs are written with a hyphen:

    • if they are formed with the prefix po- from full adjectives or adverbs ending in -oma, -him, -ni, ii (in my opinion, no-old, in Russian, in cat-like),
    • if they are formed using the prefix v- (in-) from ordinal numbers (firstly, secondly, thirdly),
    • if they are formed by repeating the same adverb or by adding synonymous words (barely, quietly, quietly);

    5. Adverbial combinations are written separately:

    • if they consist of nouns with a preposition between them (from gas to eye, shoulder to captivity),
    • if they are combinations with prepositions without, before, on, with, etc. (without restraint, on the run, immediately),
    • if the noun in this combination has retained some meaning of the case form (abroad, conscientiously),
    • if the adjective from which the adverb is formed begins with a vowel, then the preposition в is written separately (in the open).

    74. Spelling of prepositions.

    The spelling of prepositions must be remembered or checked in a spelling dictionary. Sometimes for the correct spelling of a word it is very important to determine whether it is a preposition or not.

    1. Complex prepositions iechza, from under, because of, etc. are written through a hyphen. (due to illness, from under steel);
    2. Such prepositions are written together, as in view of, instead of, like, over, due to (due to absence, like a hole), BUT include in the consequence;
    3. Such prepositions are written separately, such as in the form, in connection, etc.
    4. Prepositions continue, during, due to have at the end e (during the lesson), BUT during the river.

    75. Spelling unions.

    1. They are written together:

    • union so that (He asked me to come early.); it is necessary to distinguish between the union so that and the combination of the pronoun and the particle what (Whatever you say, I don’t believe you);

    note: remember! no matter what,

    • unions are also written together (Will you also / also go to the concert?); it is also necessary to distinguish between unions, also with combinations of a pronoun with a particle (the same) and an adverb with a particle (also): if the particle can be omitted or put in another place in the sentence, then these combinations are written separately (you brought the same (same), and me too.);
      • particles something, some, something, either-, -something, -ka, -de, -s, -tka, -tko, -the same (yes, somebody, give it, he-de, enough),

      Particle spelling NOT with different parts of speech

      Part of speech


      noun1. if it is not used without (ignorant, adversity),
      2. if you can choose a synonym without not (untruth is a lie, an enemy is a friend),
      1. if there is or is implied opposition; not a friend, but an enemy),
      2. in an interrogative predzhenin with a logical underlining of negation (Your father arranged for you here, didn't he?
      adj.1. if the bases are not used (sloppy, nondescript).
      2. if you can choose a synonym without not (rather big - big, gvmslodoy - old),
      3. if there is a contrast with the union but (the river is not ugly, but cold),
      4. with short adjectives, if the full adjectives from which they are formed are written in a non-continuously low - low)
      1. if there is or is implied opposition with the union a (not big, small),
      2. with relative adjectives (the sky here is southern),
      3. with short adjectives, if the full adjectives from which they are formed are not written separately (the book is not interesting, but boring)
      num.with indefinite and negative pronouns without prepositions (several, no one, something)always written separately (not three, not the seventh)
      pronounwith other categories of pronouns (not in my class, not on our floor)
      verbif without not not used (to hate, to be perplexed)
      note: verbs such as oversight are written together, since they include a single prefix under-,
      with all other verbs (not to know, to cry
      ger.if without not not used (hating, perplexed)
      note: gerunds formed from verbs with a prefix are underwritten together, just like verbs (overlooked)
      with all the other participles (not knowing, on crying)
      communionif full participles do not have dependent words with them (non-coming student)one . if full participles have dependent words (a student who did not come on time),
      2. with short participles (test papers not verified)
      if there is or is supposed to be a contrast (not finished, but only started work)
      adverbone . if without is not used (absurdly, carelessly),
      2. adverbs in -o, -e, if you can choose a synonym for bel not (not stupid - smart)
      1. adverbs in -o, -e, if there is or is meant to be an opposition (not funny, but sad),
      2, adverbs in -o, -e, if they have explanatory words not at all, not at all, far from not at all (not at all funny).
      3. if the adverb is written with a hyphen (not in Russian)

      Particle spelling NOT and NI

    Quite often it happens that you need to find some kind of rule in the Russian language. But finding what you want in a textbook is not so easy. I hope this page will help you find the rule of the Russian language you need much faster. So far, only the rules of the 1st grade of the school are posted here, but over time, the rest of the rules of the Russian language will be added. Happy learning!

    Rules of the Russian language Grade 1

    The words in a sentence are connected in meaning. To make a sentence out of words, words need to be changed.

    The first word in a sentence is capitalized. Put a question mark, period, or exclamation mark at the end of a sentence.

    Proposals consist of main and secondary members of the proposal. The main members of the sentence form the basis of the sentence.

    Pronunciation is how we speak, pronounce the word. Writing is how we should write the word.

    Sounds, during the pronunciation of which only a voice is heard (without noise), and the air passes freely in the mouth, are called vowels. A vowel makes a syllable. There are six vowels: [a], [o], [y], [s], [i], [e]. There are 10 letters denoting vowel sounds: a, o, y, s, i, e, e, e, u, i.

    There is only one vowel in a syllable. There are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels in it: o-sy - [o-sy].

    Sounds, during the pronunciation of which the air meets an obstacle in the mouth (lips, teeth, tongue) and only noise is heard - [s] or voice and noise - [h], are called consonants. Consonant sounds are denoted by letters: b, c, g, e, g, z, d, k, l, m, n, p, p, s, t, f, x, c, h, w, u.

    Hyphenation. You can transfer words from one line to another only by syllables: morning-ro, kas-sa, magazine. One letter cannot be left on a line or transferred to a new line. Transfer like this: radio, wow. The letters -y- and -b- during transfer cannot be separated from the letters in front of them. Transfer like this: tea-nick, construction, boy, porch.

    One syllable in a word is pronounced more strongly than others. Such a syllable is called stressed. The remaining syllables are called unstressed. The stress mark is placed above the letter that denotes the stressed vowel sound. The accent mark is not put if the word has one syllable or there is a letter -ё-.

    Spelling is the spelling of words according to certain rules.

    Names, patronymics and surnames of people, nicknames of animals are written with a capital letter. These are all proper names. The names of streets, villages, villages, cities and rivers are proper names. They are capitalized.

    There are 33 letters in the Russian alphabet. Each has its own place and name. What is the correct name for them:
    Aa (a), Bb (be), Vv (ve), Gg (ge), Dd (de), Her (e), Ee (e), Zhzh (zhe), Zz (ze), II (i), Yy (y), Kk (ka), Ll (el), Mm (em), Nn (en), Oo (o), Pp (pe), Rr (er), Ss (es), Tt (te), Uy (y), Ff (ef), Xx (ha), Ts (tse), Hh (che), Shsh (sha), Schsch (scha), b (hard sign), Yy (s), b (soft sign ), Uh (e), Yuyu (u), Yaya (i).

    The letter -ь- (soft sign) does not denote a sound. The soft sign shows that the consonant sound in front of it is pronounced softly: coal - angle [l "]. The softness of consonant sounds is also indicated in writing by the letters e, e, and, u, i, b (soft sign), but only if if they stand after them: [l "] ev.

    The letters e, e, u, i at the beginning of a word or after a vowel sound denote two sounds: e - [y "e], yo - [y" o], yu - [y" y], i - [y "a] .

    We write letters zhi and shea with the letter - i. This must be remembered.

    We write letters cha and shcha with letter a chu and shu with the letter - u. This also needs to be remembered.

    In letter combinations chk, ch, schn soft sign is not written.

    Consonants are voiced and voiceless. Voiced are pronounced with a voice and noise, deaf - with noise. Voiced and voiceless consonants form pairs:
    voiced[b], [c], [d], [e], [g], [h],
    deaf[n], [f], [k], [t], [w], [s],
    there is
    unpaired voiced[r], [l], [m], [n],
    unpaired deaf[c], [h], [u], [x].

    At the end of words, paired sounds are pronounced muffled. To correctly designate paired consonant sounds at the end of a word, they need to be checked. To do this, you need to change the word so that after the consonant there is a vowel: table b- table[ would]

    Our speech consists of sentences. Sentences are made up of words. Words in our language are divided into groups, or parts of speech: nouns, adjectives, verbs, prepositions and other parts of speech.

    Words can name people and animals, things, natural phenomena, actions and qualities. You can ask them a question WHO? or WHAT? In grammar, such words are called nouns. The noun is a part of speech.

    Words that designate signs of objects are adjectives. The adjective is a part of speech.

    Words that denote the actions of objects are verbs. A verb is a part of speech.

    The words ON THE, AT, FROM, ABOUT, ON, FROM, To, At, PER, O, UNDER, ABOVE, FROM- suggestions. Prepositions serve to connect words in a sentence. Prepositions are written separately from other words. A preposition is a part of speech.

    With rare exceptions, Russian is one of the most disliked subjects in school. Difficult control, many homework and endless rules... Unfortunately, today's lessons do not help schoolchildren become more literate and, most importantly, they do not develop speech at all. What's the matter?

    Russian as a foreign language

    Let's put ourselves in the place of a child. From birth, he hears his native language and practically from a year or two begins to speak it. By the age of seven, future first-graders generally speak no worse than adults.

    In the first grade, the main task is to teach the child to write and read. How does the school deal with this?

    It is in the first school year that a child learns and understands the important essence of our language: we say one thing and write another. Anyone who has already learned to read beyond syllables is aware that the word "milk" is read as "malako", and agrees with this.

    Meanwhile, the study of the Russian (native!) language in our school is reminiscent of the study of a foreign language - the child is constantly palmed off with phonetic transcription, although he himself knows very well how the words sound.

    If a child is already reading, then, undoubtedly, he understands the difference between sounds and letters, since the process of reading, in fact, consists in translating letters into sounds. Transcription only interferes with the student, confuses him, not allowing him to remember the only correct form, the “image” of the word.

    So already in the first or second grades, children do a phonetic analysis of the word “way” once or twice, determining the softness of consonants, the number of letters and sounds. What for? To safely forget about it in high school, remembering only before the GIA and the Unified State Examination.

    There is an opinion (and it is supported by textbooks) that it is thanks to the active study of phonetics in primary school children begin to write correctly. Alas, this is completely inconsistent with the observations of any parent - children now are no more (and possibly less) literate than the previous few generations, who studied phonetics in grades 5-6 and no longer than one quarter.

    Terrible grammar

    Judging from textbooks and workbooks, students learn literacy simply by applying and memorizing rules or (if there are no rules) vocabulary words.

    By the way, try to remember at least one rule (except for “zhi, shi write with the letter i”).

    Case names? Endings of first declension nouns in the genitive case? And in general, what are the nouns of the first declension? What about first conjugation verbs? Remembered? Now think about what rules you regularly apply when writing?

    Recall the spelling rule for vowels after hissing in the suffix:

    Under stress in the suffixes of nouns and adjectives that are not formed from verbs, it is written O, (girl, galchonok), and without stress - E (song).

    When the class “goes through” this topic, students do a lot of exercises, most of which simply suggest filling in the missing letter. In fact, the tasks themselves suggest the place of application of the rule, as well as dictations on a given topic. After the “passed” paragraph, the exercises can be forgotten almost until the final exam.

    And now let's try to imagine ourselves in the place of a schoolboy who has learned a lot of rules, and now he just needs to write correctly (in general, we are all in this place anyway). There are no hints in the form of parentheses and dots. In order to apply a rule, one must first realize the need for its application in general. How to do it? Let's say a person writes the word "girl" and ... what? There are three options:

      the spelling of the word is beyond doubt;

      the spelling of the word is questionable for some reason (for what?);

      a person checks every word in general, so he immediately highlights the root, suffix, selects the rule and corrects the error.

    How common do you think the latter is?

    The fact is that in fact there are two options: either a person writes and does not notice the mistake, or notices because he does not like the “look” of the word.

    Many people call the second option "innate literacy", although in fact it is not so much innate as acquired. A good visual memory and a love of reading help memorize the “images” of words, and, accordingly, write correctly.

    Already in the first grade, students are required to learn quite a lot of "vocabulary" words, the spelling of which does not obey the rules. How are they taught? Yes, they simply rewrite each 10-20 times in a notebook. And after that they write correctly.

    This is where the dog is buried. In order to correctly write most words in Russian, it is not at all necessary to learn and apply the rules. It is enough just to read and write more - to rewrite texts from books and textbooks. Texts without gaps and dots, so that all important letters of the word are visible. Then the very “innate literacy” will be formed, which is so envied by those who are forced to constantly look into the dictionary.

    By the way, in this regard, we can recall how they teach in our school foreign languages. In both English and French, no one crams the rules (and in any case, their number is simply incomparable with the number of rules in Russian), but they simply remember the look of the word and its sound.

    It turns out that many rules do not help to write correctly, they only streamline the base of the language, create its “logic”.

    Most people write correctly, without applying the rules or applying them sometimes, and in this case they are often presented not in the form of rules, but in the form of convenient associations (for example, what do you do? - bathe; what to do? - swim).

    By the way, despite such a simple rule, many people in this case still incorrectly write a soft sign ... Why would that be? They taught it in school though!

    Speech development? No, you haven't!

    It is interesting that many Russian linguists, teachers and language historians of the 19th century put in the first place not grammar, but the development of speech! The ability to read thoughtfully, understand and express what was read, mastery of live speech a hundred and fifty years ago was considered a much more important skill than literate writing.

    For example, Fyodor Ivanovich Buslaev, a linguist and historian of the language, who laid the foundation for the scientific study of Russian folk literature, wrote:

    “All grammatical teaching must be based on the reading of the writer. The main task is that children clearly understand what they read and know how to express themselves verbally and in writing.

    Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, a scientist and teacher, believed that the study of the Russian language has three goals: the development of speech, the conscious mastery of treasures mother tongue and grammar acquisition. Note that grammar is in third place!

    Vladimir Petrovich Sheremetevsky, a teacher of the Russian language and a methodologist, wrote that the subject of teaching the native language is the living word. And in the first place again put the students' mastery of live speech.

    But at the beginning of the twentieth century, the scientific and linguistic orientation became stronger in the methodology of teaching the Russian language, although attention was paid to the development of all aspects of oral and written speech: pronunciation culture, work on vocabulary and phraseology, and the development of coherent speech skills.

    But by the end of the 20th century, despite all sorts of new methods (and perhaps thanks to them), the Russian language as a subject was practically emasculated to pure grammar. Of course, in modern textbooks there are exercises for the development of speech, but there are few of them, and children and teachers do not pay much attention to them. And not before! There are so many rules to learn, so many analyzes to do that writing an essay or presentation seems like a trifling task that does not require attention. It is not surprising that the skills of coherent speech (at least!) And coherent writing, the ability to correctly formulate thoughts are very poorly developed. But any fifth grader will do a syntactic and morphological analysis in a couple of minutes.

    But for what, in fact, do we learn our language? Certainly not in order to impress the audience at the conference parsing the proposal.

    The Word will correct our grammatical errors, but, alas, it will not help with the ability to coherently express thoughts orally and in writing.

    Meanwhile, children are drowning in a pile of rules and analysis, not even suspecting that the ability to speak, read and understand is much more important than declension and conjugation. It is a pity that it is in Russian that the endless study of the rules does not guarantee literacy at all, moreover, it instills an aversion to the lessons of the native language (try to find a student who loves “Russian”).