I dreamed of a big pike. Interpretation of the meaning of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

Catching a pike in a dream is often a pretty good symbol that promises something pleasant or makes it possible to prepare in time to cope with difficulties. The dream interpretation, explaining why such a plot is dreamed of, indicates: it promises a reward for hard work, profit, triumph over enemies. However, a dream can also warn of difficulties, illnesses, intrigues of spiteful critics.

Difficulties can be overcome

Dreamed of catching a pike? Dream Interpretation says: you need to follow good advice, otherwise make a mistake, fully confirming someone else's rightness.

If she turned out to be black in a dream, a secret dangerous enemy will appear who will try to deceive the sleeping person. Only vigilance, readiness to meet any turn of events, will avoid harm.

Also, fishing out a black river predator, according to the dream book, portends: some pleasant event will be overshadowed by some kind of difficulty, but you will be able to “resolve” everything.

Why dream of seeing that you managed to catch this fish without scales? Diseases are coming, as well as severe trials. We must be patient, accept everything that happens as a reason for improvement.

Ahead of meetings and changes in the family

For a woman to see how she caught a pike in a dream, promises a meeting with an old acquaintance, whose personal life left much to be desired. Freud's dream book claims: now the friend will surprise the dreamer with his success in this field.

Did the woman dream of fishing this predator out of the river? This means: it's time for her to prepare for the imminent replenishment in the family. Most likely, she will have a daughter.

To a single man to catch a pike in a dream means that in reality he will marry a grumpy, quarrelsome, angry woman.

You will triumph over your enemies

A man to see such a dream portends a quick, easy elimination of competitors. However, if he hooked it, but could not pull it out, he himself would be the loser.

Successfully catching it with your hands means: the sleeper is used to achieving everything with his own labor, ignoring the dangers. Catch with hands in a dream and hold - in reality the dreamer controls difficult situation, moreover, receives from this the maximum bonus of all possible.

Why dream of catching a pike - big, toothy? The dreamer's enemies themselves will fall into their own trap set for him.

Expects a good turn of affairs, profit

Catching a large river predator in a dream - as the dream book indicates, often promises success, which will be a well-deserved reward for the dreamer's hard, long work.

Did you dream of hooking on a bait and pulling out a big fish? A dream portends a very risky undertaking where a person will take part. With its successful completion, the sleeper will have a significant profit. A toothy fish that has fallen for the bait, according to the dream book, indicates: if he shows patience, foresight, caution, the business will bring good income.

The pike is a symbol of magic, supernatural help, for example, it acts as a fabulous helper when a spell is cast: “At the pike’s command, at my will!”

In addition, the pike is a vicious and cruel predator, therefore it is often perceived as the personification of greed, greed, deceit, grasping, prudence.

In many fairy tales, the pike is a wise fish, they turn to it for advice.

Catching a pike in a dream - do not brush aside the useful advice that you are given, it is better to use it than once again learn from your own mistakes.

Seeing in a dream how a pike devours a small fish means experiencing discomfort in reality when communicating with people who annoy you with their rationalistic approach to absolutely all aspects of life.

The dream in which you are escaping from a giant pike under water predicts the troubles that you will have because of your straightforwardness and frankness.

There is a pike dish - such a dream portends your desires to come true, a successful period in which, having shown ingenuity, you will be able to improve your financial situation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient dream book

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Autumn dream book Why dream of a Pike in a dream book:

Pike - It is possible that you have a precancerous condition, take care of your health.

Summer dream book Why dream of a Pike in a dream book:

Pike - A woman influences your boss, and she will devour you - they will fire you, this is how this dream is interpreted in the dream book.

Women's dream book Why dream of a Pike in a dream book:

Pike - If in a dream you caught a large toothy pike, this means that in reality your ill-wishers themselves will fall into the trap that they have prepared for you. If this fish was without scales, this predicts severe trials and illnesses. Be patient and take everything that happens to you as an occasion to purify your soul and thoughts. If you dream that you are being treated delicious dish from pike - be careful in reality. They will try to mislead you in order to benefit from this.

Small Velesov dream book Why does a Pike dream in a dream:

Pike - For good, girl (boy?) To be born, you will have a couple // rain, illness, quarrel with superiors, foundling; to catch - the guy will “catch” the girl.

Dream Interpretation of the Writer Aesop Dream Interpretation: Pike what does it mean

Pike - In addition, the pike is a vicious and cruel predator, therefore it is often perceived as the personification of greed, greed, deceit, grasping, prudence. In many fairy tales, the pike is a wise fish, they turn to it for advice. Catching a pike in a dream - do not dismiss the useful advice that you are given, it is better to use it than once again to learn from your own mistakes. Seeing in a dream how a pike devours a small fish means experiencing discomfort in reality when communicating with people who annoy you with their rationalistic approach to absolutely all aspects of life. A dream in which you are escaping a giant pike under water predicts the trouble that you will have because of your straightforwardness and frankness. There is a pike dish - such a dream portends your desires to come true, a successful period in which, having shown ingenuity, you will be able to improve your financial situation.

Dream Interpretation of a Psychologist Z. Freud Why Pike Dreams:

Pike - In a dream, to catch a pike while fishing - you will meet with an old acquaintance whom you used to know as a loser in your personal life. Now you will be surprised by his high personal status. There is a pike in a dream - you will witness how a person who has a reputation for being strong-willed and powerful behaves in sex. You will see that in bed he likes to play the role of a subordinate and fulfill all the desires of his master. Thus, you will have information in your hands that will be worth a lot, and it is you who will have to decide how to use this information, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when a Pike dreams:

Pike -

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Pike - Painful sensations; fulfillment of desires (the theme of the Russian fairy tale about Emelya and the pike).

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Y. Longo Dream Interpretation: Pike

Dream Interpretation Pike - Catch a pike in a dream - perhaps in reality, natural success awaits you in the near future. You have worked very hard, long and hard, and therefore you can enjoy a well-deserved victory. If you dreamed of a dead pike, then soon your problem will resolve itself.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation What does it mean if a Pike is dreaming?

To see a Pike in a dream - In a dream you are treated to a delicious dish prepared from a river predator - in reality you should be more careful. They will try to mislead you in order to benefit from this. You dreamed that you caught a giant pike, but without scales - this predicts severe trials and illnesses. But you need to remember that everything that happens to you is sent down by God to purify the soul and thoughts of a person. Therefore, be patient and accept everything that happens to you as inevitable.

Spring dream book Why dream of a Pike in a dream book:

Pike (fish) - You will lend money, but you will not get it back.


Catch a pike in a dream book

Catching a pike in a dream is often a pretty good symbol that promises something pleasant or makes it possible to prepare in time to cope with difficulties. The dream interpretation, explaining why such a plot is dreamed of, indicates: it promises a reward for hard work, profit, triumph over enemies. However, a dream can also warn of difficulties, illnesses, intrigues of spiteful critics.

Difficulties can be overcome

Dreamed of catching a pike? The dream interpretation says: you need to follow useful advice, otherwise make a mistake that fully confirms someone else's rightness.

If she turned out to be black in a dream, a secret dangerous enemy will appear who will try to deceive the sleeping person. Only vigilance, readiness to meet any turn of events, will avoid harm.

Also, fishing out a black river predator, according to the dream book, portends: some pleasant event will be overshadowed by some kind of difficulty, but you will be able to “resolve” everything.

Why dream of seeing that you managed to catch this fish without scales? Diseases are coming, as well as severe trials. We must be patient, accept everything that happens as a reason for improvement.

Ahead of meetings and changes in the family

For a woman to see how she caught a pike in a dream, promises a meeting with an old acquaintance, whose personal life left much to be desired. Freud's dream book claims: now the friend will surprise the dreamer with his success in this field.

Did the woman dream of fishing this predator out of the river? This means: it's time for her to prepare for the imminent replenishment in the family. Most likely, she will have a daughter.

To a single man to catch a pike in a dream means that in reality he will marry a grumpy, quarrelsome, angry woman.

You will triumph over your enemies

A man to see such a dream portends a quick, easy elimination of competitors. However, if he hooked it, but could not pull it out, he himself would be the loser.

Successfully catching it with your hands means: the sleeper is used to achieving everything with his own labor, ignoring the dangers. Catch with hands in a dream and hold - in reality, the dreamer controls a difficult situation, and, moreover, receives the maximum bonus from all possible from this.

Why dream of catching a pike - big, toothy? The dreamer's enemies themselves will fall into their own trap set for him.

Expects a good turn of affairs, profit

Catching a large river predator in a dream - as the dream book indicates, often promises success, which will be a well-deserved reward for the dreamer's hard, long work.

Did you dream of hooking on a bait and pulling out a big fish? A dream portends a very risky undertaking where a person will take part. With its successful completion, the sleeper will have a significant profit. A toothy fish that has fallen for the bait, according to the dream book, indicates: if he shows patience, foresight, caution, the business will bring good income.

Miscellaneous details

The correct interpretation of sleep takes into account its details:

  • caught a huge fish - win a dispute related to profit;
  • she fell into the net - a very successful period will begin, new acquisitions are possible;
  • caught on a bait - you will soon get a good income;
  • the husband brought it from fishing - the dreamer may have a rival who turns out to be a very tenacious woman.

Had a dream that a caught fish bit you on the finger? Wake up needs to be careful to avoid damage through their own fault.

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

Why dream that a caught pike is splashing in the bathroom? Reveal the treacherous conspiracy of enemies against you. This will keep you out of trouble.


Dream Interpretation: Pike why dream

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Pike

Are you looking forward to making money? But it won't be without controversy. This is warned by a dream in which you just saw a pike. After such a dream, unpleasant proceedings with business partners or competitors await you.

But, if you managed to catch a pike in a dream and keep it, then this dream portends that you will be able to win a dispute that will be associated with making a profit. But don't put your finger in her mouth. If she bites you, then you need to be careful. About the beautifully revealed insidious plan of the enemies, you will be predicted by a dream about a caught pike that is splashing in the bathroom.

All troubles and troubles will bypass you if you had a dream about a pike beautifully laid on a platter.

In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams about pike mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a pike in a dream in Miller's online dream book.


Dream interpretation to catch fish

Catch a fish, Catch a big fish, Catch a fish for a man, Catch a fish and release, Catch a fish from an aquarium, Catch a fish with a rod, Catch a fish with your hands, Catch a fish with a net, Catch a live fish, Catch a dead fish, See how they catch fish, Catch a shark , Catch carp, Catch perch, Catch catfish, Catch trout, Catch pike

If in a dream you happened to Catch Fish or Catch a Shark in a dream, Dream Interpretations are convinced that in reality new things and responsible accomplishments await you. Fishing in a dream, As the Dream Interpretations assure, A very auspicious sign. For men, such a dream promises wealth and prosperity. For women who happened to catch fish in a dream, Dream Interpretations prepared a different interpretation. If you Caught Fish in a dream, This indicates that conception and pregnancy have already begun.

Catching live fish in a dream for a man- to wealth; calmness and growth of internal forces; to promotion.

Fishing in a man's dream can be a pleasant memory of a recently visited Fishing. In this case, the dream does not need to be deciphered and analyzed. If this plot appeared spontaneously, Perhaps the dream sent the Sami an organism that needs rest and relaxation, which Fishing provides fresh air. The exact interpretation of what he saw can only be understood by remembering all the details and details.

Catching live fish with a bait is a painstaking and tedious task.

Fishing with a net - quick enrichment; unexpected profit.

Catching fish with your hands in a dream- haste and disorganization.

Fishing in a dream is traditionally a reflection of your financial affairs in real life. After analyzing - how, When and with what (Fishing Rod, Hands or Net) you Caught Fish in a dream, you can understand how high are your opportunities for financial enrichment in real life. In general, Successful Fishing in a dream portends financial prosperity. Unsuccessful Fishing, on the contrary, carries a forecast that now you are unlikely to be able to get rich quickly.

Catching and catching fish in a dream (for women)- to pregnancy.

This interpretation is more likely to accept from the field, however, it does have a scientific explanation. The hormonal background of a woman who has conceived a baby contributes to a change in the smell of the gonads. This smell, in turn, begins to barely perceptibly resemble the smell of Fish. Therefore, the Fish Caught by you in a dream can indeed indicate an already ongoing pregnancy.

Catching and releasing fish in a dream- voluntarily miss a happy chance or opportunity; difficulty conceiving.

The dream tells you that in reality you will get a chance in your hands, which for some reason you will not be able to use. For women of childbearing age, sleep carries a slightly different prognosis. Perhaps the Dream makes you understand that you will voluntarily refuse to conceive and bear a child.

Catching fish from an aquarium is a need for spiritual food; limited consciousness.

Fishing is traditionally considered a symbol of Christianity, as Christ often referred to himself as "the fisher of men". Fishing in a symbolic interpretation is a human need for spiritual food. Catching Fish in an Aquarium (that is, in a limited, Too narrow space) means that your spiritual search is too narrow, you need creative and spiritual space.

Catching dead fish in a dream- Troubles, Losses, Unsuccessful pregnancy; to illness.

A very disturbing dream, which portends only the most unfavorable and sad events.

Catching a big fish in a dream- great luck, lucky chance and success; the emergence of a new sexual partner.

Successful Fishing in a dream is a prediction of a significant increase in your real wealth. And at the same time, in psychoanalysis, the Fish is a traditional symbol of the sexual principle. Perhaps the Dream appeared at the moment when in reality you are on the verge of a new romance. However, Fish, Fishing and everything connected with it, in a dream symbolizes passive or consumer behavior in intimate relationships and in sex.

Seeing in a dream how they catch fish- luck will accompany everything; otherwise - inertia, laziness and passivity.

In general, Fishing in a dream is a rather favorable sign, Despite the fact that others were Fishing. However, this dream may be a reflection of your waking behavior. Probably, you tend to only observe the actions of others from the outside, without taking an active part in this.

Catching a shark in a dream- a new interesting acquaintance.

Catching carp in a dream- cunning, resourcefulness; otherwise it is a disease.

Catching a perch in a dream- to the birth of a boy; otherwise - to a venereal disease.

Catching a catfish in a dream- to trouble.

Catching trout in a dream- winning the lottery, a sign of enviable prosperity.

Catch a pike in a dream- to the conception of a girl; to wealth.

The variety of fish that you caught in a dream will tell you what kind of events are prepared for you in real life. However, the appearance of Fish in a dream can also indicate such a moment as a lack of calcium in your body.


Catching pike with your hands

Dream Interpretation Catch pike with hands dreamed of why in a dream Catch a pike with your hands? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Catch a pike with your hands by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Pike

The pike is a symbol of magic, supernatural help, for example, it acts as a fabulous helper when a spell is cast: “At the pike’s command, at my will!”

Dream Interpretation - Pike

Dream Interpretation - Pike

Dream Interpretation - Pike

Dream Interpretation - Pike

Dream Interpretation - Pike

In your catch, you found a large toothy pike - this means that in reality your ill-wishers themselves will fall into the trap that they have prepared for you.

Dream Interpretation - Pike

Pike - this is your steam for you. Pike - a quarrel with superiors.

Dream Interpretation - Pike

Dream Interpretation - Pike

Dream Interpretation - Pike

That Rod himself sailed in the sea.


Husband caught a pike

Dream Interpretation Husband caught a pike dreamed of why in a dream the husband caught a pike? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a husband caught a pike in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Pike

The pike is a symbol of magic, supernatural help, for example, it acts as a fabulous helper when a spell is cast: “At the pike’s command, at my will!”

In addition, the pike is a vicious and cruel predator, therefore it is often perceived as the personification of greed, greed, deceit, grasping, prudence.

In many fairy tales, the pike is a wise fish, they turn to it for advice.

Catching a pike in a dream - do not brush aside the useful advice that you are given, it is better to use it than once again learn from your own mistakes.

Seeing in a dream how a pike devours a small fish means experiencing discomfort in reality when communicating with people who annoy you with their rationalistic approach to absolutely all aspects of life.

The dream in which you are escaping from a giant pike under water predicts the troubles that you will have because of your straightforwardness and frankness.

There is a pike dish - such a dream portends your desires to come true, a successful period in which, having shown ingenuity, you will be able to improve your financial situation.

Dream Interpretation - Pike

Caught a pike in a dream - you will meet with an old acquaintance whom you used to know as a loser in your personal life. Now you will be surprised by his high personal status.

Ate a pike in a dream - you will become a witness of how a person who has a reputation for strong-willed and domineering behaves in ordinary life.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about pikes as follows.

In your catch, you found a large, toothy pike - in reality, your ill-wishers themselves will fall into the trap that they have prepared for you.

In a dream, you are treated to a delicious dish prepared from a river predator - in reality you should be more careful. They will try to mislead you in order to benefit from this.

You dreamed that you caught a giant pike, but without scales - this predicts severe trials and illnesses. But you need to remember that everything that happens to you is sent down by God to purify the soul and thoughts of a person. Therefore, be patient and accept everything that happens to you as inevitable.

Dream Interpretation - Pike

Catching pike - a dream suggests that troubles and troubles will bypass you, you have nothing to be afraid of, relax. Cooking fish soup from pike - you will start a profitable enterprise that will bring good cash profit.

Imagine that you are cooking fish soup from pike or making some other tasty dish, for example, smoking pike on a fire.

Dream Interpretation - Pike

Pike - In a dream, to catch a pike while fishing - you will meet with an old acquaintance whom you used to know as a loser in your personal life. Now you will be surprised by his high personal status.

There is a pike in a dream - you will witness how a person who has a reputation for being strong-willed and powerful behaves in sex. You will see that in bed he likes to play the role of a subordinate and fulfill all the desires of his "master". Thus, you will have in your hands information that will be worth a lot, and it will be up to you to decide how to use this information.

Dream Interpretation - Pike

Seeing a pike is getting a fever.

There are pike dishes - to deceit.

Catch a pike - show foresight and sober calculation in business.

Dream Interpretation - Pike

In your catch, you found a large toothy pike - this means that in reality your ill-wishers themselves will fall into the trap that they have prepared for you.

In a dream, you are treated to a delicious dish made from a river predator - in reality you should be more careful. They will try to mislead you in order to benefit from this.

You dreamed that you caught a giant pike, but without scales - this predicts severe trials and illnesses. But you need to remember that everything that happens to you is sent down by God to purify the soul and thoughts of a person. Therefore, be patient and accept everything that happens to you as inevitable.

Dream Interpretation - Pike

Pike - this is your steam for you. Pike - a quarrel with superiors.

Dream Interpretation - Pike

Catch a pike: perhaps in reality, natural success awaits you in the near future.

You have worked very hard, long and hard, and therefore you can enjoy a well-deserved victory.

If you dreamed of a dead pike, it means that soon your problem will resolve itself.

Eucalyptus dreaming eucalyptus: personifies your goals, as global as they are unattainable.

But you are trying to achieve them anyway, even if it takes your whole life.

You sincerely believe in success, and so far it is this circumstance that keeps you optimistic.

Chopping eucalyptus means waking up to a period of problems and complications in your life.

You try to deal with them using methods that can only mitigate the matter, but not eliminate it.

If you don't build up your resolve, stock up on time, and arm yourself more thoroughly, problems will overwhelm you completely.

Dream Interpretation - Pike

The dream in which you caught a pike portends a meeting with an old acquaintance.

You will be amazed, because you remember him quite differently.

Eating a pike means that you will have sex with a domineering person, but in bed he prefers the role of a subordinate.

Dream Interpretation - Pike

Lada ate a golden-finned pike, which she dreamed about in a dream.

That Rod himself sailed in the sea.

Scattered the bones from the pike on the ground.

Ate those bones Cow Zemun.

Zemun - The heavenly cow gave birth to the great Veles.

At night, Veles goes to Svarga for the milk of heaven, which the cow Zemun gave in the fields of blue heaven.

Veles goes to his palaces, and leads us (Russians) to the gates (Iria) by dawn.


Catch a pike in a dream

Dream Interpretation - The deceased husband said in a dream that he was leaving for another

Well, a good dream, I think. You are a young woman in need of a man - and a friend, and a lover, and a protector ... Your late husband cannot and should not satisfy all these needs, but he was forced to do so. Does he need it? Of course not. Now you have a man, so the connection with the deceased is lost (you don’t hear what he says on the phone), his soul can finally calm down (I went into the man’s room, checked his presence). Look after the child so that he does not feel offended and abandoned; probably the child does not approve of the new person. The dead person leaves you, passes you to the living, it's good. But about Kaluga, where he has a woman - this is your feeling of guilt before the deceased: in your heart you think that you are betraying your husband, cheating on him. This is not his offense, but your mental anguish, which will stop: he leaves the apartment (your inner world) to you.

Dream Interpretation - A living friend died in a dream

Probably, the dream suggests that due to some misunderstanding, distorted words, you and your friend will stop communicating.

Dream Interpretation - See burning in a dream

I think that this friend may, for some reason, become very distant not only from your brother, but also from others around him. And it is unlikely that it will be possible to restore relations here - well, if only to rise from the ashes ... Mom will leave her former opinion about a person ...

Dream Interpretation - Dream in a dream

The Dreamer sleeps in a dream - shows the underdeveloped social (conscious) Role of the Dreamer in reality due to the predominance of her emotional sphere (the Dreamer is afraid of the sister-in-law she saw in a dream, a vague dialogue with her - doubts, fears and prejudices). At the end, the Dreamer asks the Mother-in-Law to show her her unprecedented Grandmother, which makes her feel very good - this symbolizes the Dreamer's vital and emotional Wisdom, which will always be her "horse" to feel at ease. At the everyday level, the dream suggests that the Dreamer is not ready for social advancement (development - strengthening her position, expanding her own influence), which is influenced by her unconscious fears and emotional dependence on others.

Dream Interpretation - Stranger in life, best friend in a dream

In a dream, time feels different, "high-speed mode." Your girlfriend is you yourself, you see your own development, growth, the movement of your consciousness in time and space. Scraps of paper - periods of life, its specific events, bright key moments outstanding in memory, milestones. With a sufficient amount of energy, you can clearly see them, see what exactly they indicate.

This recurring dream tells the Dreamer about the difficult choice between feelings and Reason. To facilitate your Choice, you need to be aware of your experienced emotions and everything will fall into place.

Dream Interpretation - My girlfriend turns out to be an international spy in a dream

At the level of the mind, there is a conflict: doubts about the correctness of the choice of the girl and distrust of her. Inflated self-esteem and narcissism ("I feel incredible fear and horror when I see her in this form") interferes with the correct orientation in the world of feelings ..

Dream Interpretation - The deceased father gives a cigarette in a dream

Hello. Perhaps he just came to you in a dream to plunge into memories with you ..... With respect to you, I.

Dream Interpretation - A guy who has a girlfriend in a dream

Such a dream tells the Dreamer that she is experiencing certain emotions, but it is not known to whom (a virtual character about which nothing is known for sure). This is what the dream is about, pushing you to realize your emotions.

Dream Interpretation - A classmate came after many years in a dream

For the first time I hear about you and your girlfriends and I apologize in advance for the unpleasant feelings and sensations that may have caused you, but your dream has a slightly different color! You and your current girlfriend have not always been good to the departed girl! I admit that children's feelings are distorted by time, but the dream speaks of this! The fact that from the other world a signal came to you that caused you positive emotions, means that once you have been forgiven! And the current girlfriend somehow contributed to the changes in your consciousness, which served as the key to the lost soul of the deceased! It is possible that this is only the first visit to you and soon SHE will let you know what exactly she wanted to say with her short visit. And the fact that you saw only her face and not her dense body is only confirmation of my assumption! A dream can have many interpretations, or you have not fully covered the events of your dream, or you are still ahead ... Take care of yourself!

One of oldest dream books, whose authorship is attributed to Aesop, considers the pike as an insidious, prudent, but at the same time wise fish. Do not forget that the meaning of any dream depends on the details and details. What did you see?

According to this dream book, the options may be as follows:

  • You caught a pike in a dream - in reality, listen to useful advice so that you don’t have to make sure someone else is right by making a mistake.
  • You are watching a predator prey on small fish - in reality, you are annoyed by people who are pragmatic about life.
  • In a dream, you had to escape from a gigantic pike - in reality, you should avoid being too straightforward. You should also not be frank with strangers - this will help to avoid trouble.
  • In a dream, you ate some kind of dish from this fish - you have a “streak of luck” ahead of you, thanks to which, with due ingenuity, you will significantly improve your financial situation.

Author's dream books

In the interpreter Longo pike - positive image. As this dream book indicates, the pike you caught promises you success. A dead fish, according to Longo's dream book, portends a solution to existing problems without your participation.

Vanga's dream book states that:

  • A large pike caught means the collapse of the plans of your ill-wishers. They will fall into their own nets set for you.
  • If you ate pike dishes in a dream, in reality you need to be more careful not to become a victim of scammers.
  • Catching a huge river predator that lacks scales is a test that patience and perseverance will help you overcome.

Why does a woman dream of a pike? Considered why the pike is dreaming, and Freud. According to his dream book, catching this one while fishing means waking up to meet an old acquaintance who is very popular with women, although he had previously been unlucky in his personal life.

IN The latest dream book G. Ivanova, the interpretation of the image depends on the sex of the dreamer:

  • A woman dreams of a pike for pregnancy.
  • For a man, a dream promises an opportunity to meet with beautiful lady, but the novel may not get a sequel.
  • The dream is also a warning: in the near future, you should not borrow money, as they may not be returned.

According to the dream book of N. Grishina, women dream of this fish for the birth of their daughter. Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima believe that the river predator dreams of disputes that may arise with business partners over profits, so you should take into account all the “slippery” moments and discuss the situation in advance.

Folk interpretations of sleep

In the Ukrainian dream book, the pike is a harbinger of conflict with the leadership.

The autumn dream book indicates that this image is dreamed of by people who have time to pay attention to health. IN summer dream book it is interpreted as a symbol of a female competitor who influences your boss and seeks to take your place. The spring dream book calls for caution in the financial sector: lending now is not the best time.

The Eastern dream book, in which the pike is interpreted as a positive sign, indicates that:

  • To see a dish on which lies a beautifully decorated pike (cooked in any way) - for a cloudless future.
  • To catch a fish in a dream and let it swim in the bathtub - to expose the cunning plan of ill-wishers.
  • A predator biting a finger is a warning: in the near future, you should be as careful as possible.

Dream details that affect interpretation

In order to correctly interpret what the pike is dreaming of, it is important to pay attention to the circumstances of the dream. They can also greatly change the meaning of what they saw in a dream. What exactly was the freshwater predator in your dreams?

If in a dream there is a pike:

  • It is in your hands - in fact, you are in control of a difficult situation, receiving all possible bonuses.
  • Differs in large teeth - it is better for you to abandon the intended business. Negative consequences vastly outweigh the benefits you can get as a result.
  • She was caught by you on a bait - in reality your enterprise will bring good income if you show forethought, patience and caution. Big fish - a warning about a serious risk and a significant amount of profit.
  • Caught by hands - you tend to despise the dangers and achieve everything with hard work.

If you dreamed:

  • Live fish - in reality, you have many problems that you are able to cope with.
  • Big toothy fish - in reality, you will get great opportunities associated with a certain risk.
  • A pike floating in a pond - you have a difficult relationship with your other half. Your partner can behave quite aggressively, but if the dreamed fish was large in size, you can build a strong relationship.
  • Transparent water, and through the water column you see a pike - a beautiful romance with "undercurrents" awaits you. Turbid water - you need to be careful in real life.
  • Catching a pike in a dream means ignoring threats and not being afraid of obstacles on the way to happiness.

Pike is not only a predatory fish, but also partly a mythical creature with superpowers.

Only the fact that this fish in fairy tales can speak and solve other people's problems already makes it a mysterious individual. Seeing a pike, you can understand what she dreamed of using the interpretations presented in the dream books, and even better, their totality and your own feelings.

Avid fishermen should not attach any importance to such dreams on the eve of fishing. In this case, the desire to have a solid catch in reality is obvious. For those who were not going to fish with a fishing rod or spinning at the ready, dream books offer a lot of interesting information.

I dreamed of a pike what does it mean

A lot can depend on the circumstances under which and in what form the pike dreamed.

She can:

  • be in water or on land;
  • be aggressive and not so;
  • vary in size;
  • appear in a dream as food;
  • to have or not to have anthropomorphic abilities.

In the case of pike, the meaning of sleep will depend on who dreamed of the fish to a man or woman. For the most part, a “thunderstorm of water bodies” dreamed up in a dream is not a bad sign or a harbinger of trouble, but there are exceptions.

Why does a woman dream of a pike

For women, the meaning of sleep may be different. Fish in general, and the river predator in particular, is often a harbinger of an addition to the family. At the same time, it is believed that a woman dreams of a pike precisely for the birth of her daughter.

good sign promising profit is fish with caviar.

Could this dream be related? and competition at work. In this case, it is a warning. Surrounded by superiors, a woman may appear who will need the place of a dreamer. If you treat the information without much attention and let things take their course, then in the future you can be left without work.

If a man dreamed of a pike

The interpretation of men's sleep is quite interesting.

If a man dreams of a pike then catching her means starting a new romance. It promises to be bright, stormy, but most likely short.

Bachelor such a dream portends a marriage to a quarrelsome person.

Interesting interpretation of the dream according to Freud. Catching a freshwater predator in a dream means meeting in reality a person who used to be in the shade, and now has become popular with the opposite sex.

Another interpretation not devoid of sexual overtones warns of receiving intimate information regarding a strong-willed person who does not at all claim leadership in bed.

Why dream of catching a pike

Caught river predator of impressive size in a dream to the destruction of the insidious plans of ill-wishers. Those who wished for something unkind towards the dreamer may themselves become a victim of their own intrigues.

Not like this a good sign is an fish caught without scales. The dream indicates that not the best period in life awaits the dreamer ahead. At the same time, it will still be possible to overcome the tests, but with great difficulty.

Catching a pike in a dream what is it for

In such a dream, not only appearance fishes. In the dream book important element such a dream is also water.

transparent is a favorable sign, muddy promises trouble.

If in a dream you have dodgy predator to catch hands, then the nuances are also present:

  • hold a fish- to a profitable business or the implementation of plans;
  • let the predator bite your finger- receive a warning about the danger;
  • release the caught fish into the bath- expose someone's cunning plans.

If in a dream a woman happened to catch a pike on a bait, then success awaits her. At the same time, the predator, right there expired portends that some business will suddenly resolve itself.

If you dream big

Cougar size plays an important role in dreams.

If you dreamed of a big live fish actively hunting for little fish, you should be wary of a showdown with management or pragmatic colleagues.

If an impressive size individual swims in clear water, expect a novel. How more fish the stronger the relationship will be.

If a big pike dreamed cooked, and had a chance to taste it, then a favorable period awaits the dreamer ahead.

Big live pike for a woman is a warning that it is worth listening to the advice of others, instead of making rash decisions on your own.

A fish can dream in different ways. The situation, perception, emotions, sensations will also be different. Having enough information, you can always make an analysis of what you dreamed about.