Exercises for the pronunciation of the letter w for children. We teach the child to pronounce the letters l, p, w, w, k - without the participation of a speech therapist

In children preschool age various speech disorders are often observed. The most common among them impaired pronunciation of sounds, which cannot be considered a harmless defect, because it can lead to negative consequences for the development of the child: difficulties in learning to read and write (dyslexia and dysgraphia), and in the future to a decrease in academic performance in the Russian language.

Speech should be understandable to others, and if a child incorrectly pronounces certain speech sounds, then difficulties may arise in communicating with peers and adults. Such a child is often mocked, so he keeps silent, feels insecure, which creates additional psychological problems.

Adults should be directly involved in the formation of children's speech, and the sooner the necessary measures are taken to improve speech development the child, the more complete his general development will be.

A reasonable family always tries to influence the formation of children's speech, starting from the earliest years of life.

The first step in preventing such problems is to contact a speech therapist who will correct the child's speech defects. But, many parents do not seem to care about the absence of sounds [w], [w] in the child's speech and at five years old. They believe that the child will still “speak out”, it happens that parents are very busy or experience financial difficulties (after all, speech therapy assistance is not cheap).

The task of a speech therapist is to help parents in the formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds, to tell at what age and from what it is necessary to start work on correcting incorrect pronunciation, why and in what sequence, but provided that your child does not have deviations in the structure of the speech organs ( malocclusion, short frenulum of the tongue, absence of front teeth, high hard palate).

Of course, the absence of sounds [w], [g] in speech is hard not to notice. They appear later than whistling ([s], [h]) sounds. Is it possible to accelerate their formation and how to avoid defective pronunciation of sounds? Let's try to give the most general answers to these questions.

Hissing sounds are difficult to stage and automate at home. Parents need a lot of patience. Sometimes it will seem that all efforts are in vain, and you will not succeed. The main thing is to methodically continue the work begun. But do not overload the child! It is enough to practice twice a day for 10 minutes. Classes are necessarily held in the form of a game - competition. It will take about a month, or maybe more, to put and automate these sounds in direct and reverse syllables.

What are the violations of the pronunciation of hissing sounds?

What is "sigmatism" and "parasigmatism"?

The lack of pronunciation of all hissing (w, w, h, u) is called sigmatism.

Replacing a sound with other sounds (C, T) is called parasigmatism

Variants of incorrect pronunciation of sounds sh, zh.

There are the following types of sigmatism:

- Interproximal - lateral sigmatism- the tip of the tongue falls between the front teeth, and one edge comes off the molars and therefore the entire tongue turns to the side.

- Lateral sigmatism- both edges of the tongue (or one) come off the molars, which forms a gap between the edge of the tongue and the molars. Air rushes into the resulting gap, the tip of the tongue rests against the sky, a squelching sound is obtained.

Labial - dental sigmatism - the lips are pulled forward, the upper incisors are pressed against the lower lip, forming a gap with it, where air rushes. A sound close to F. (B when pronouncing the sound Zh.)

Buccal sigmatism - the tongue lies passively at the bottom of the mouth, air inflates both cheeks.

Softened sound [w] - obtained with lower articulation or if the tip of the tongue is close to the front teeth.

Nasal sigmatism (nasal) - the soft palate descends and air enters the nasal cavity.

1. Preparation of the articulatory apparatus.

Articulation gymnastics.

In order for the child to pronounce the hissing sounds correctly, it is necessary to prepare a solid base for their appearance. How to do it? You should start work with articulation exercises - exercises for the tongue and lips. In the process of playing, the child must learn to raise a wide tongue to the alveoli, hold it in this position. Articulation is considered learned if it is performed accurately and does not require visual control.

Before starting to work with a child, you need to know the following rules:

  • Perform exercises in front of a mirror, at the expense of an adult.
  • You can't force a child to do it. This should be done in the form of a game that is interesting for the child.
  • Each exercise is performed at least five times.
  • avoid mentioning the sound being worked on.

Here basic articulation exercises for successful production of hissing sounds:

1. "We will punish the naughty tongue" - tongue on the lower lip and, slapping it with your lips, say: "Pa-pa-pa."

2. "Shovel"- open your mouth and put a wide tongue on the lower lip so that it touches the corners of the mouth. Hold in this position for a count of up to 10. The tongue is motionless, calm.

3. "Hide and Seek"- open your mouth wide and close the upper lip with the wide tip of the tongue.

4. "Long tongue"- open your mouth wide and try to reach the tip of your nose with the tip of your tongue.

5. "Swing" - open your mouth, smile broadly. Under the count of "one - two", the tip of the tongue touches first the upper and then the lower lip.

6. "Delicious jam"- mouth open, lick the upper lip with a wide tongue and remove the tongue deep into the mouth.

7. "Cup"- open your mouth wide, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, bend the edges of the tongue with a “cup” and slowly lift it by the upper teeth.

By doing these exercises (2 weeks), the child will learn to control his articulatory organs, thoroughly prepare the muscles of the tongue to pronounce hissing sounds. For these sounds, the mobility of the articulatory apparatus is very important. Therefore, by all means try to stir up your lips, tongue, lower jaw!

Correct pronunciation of sounds.

When pronouncing the sound [w], the lips are extended forward and rounded. The distance between the teeth is 4-5 mm. The tip of the tongue is raised towards the beginning of the hard palate or alveoli, has the shape of a "bucket". The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars; the palatine curtain is raised and closes the passage to the nose. The vocal folds are open; a strong expiratory stream of air passes through two slits: between the back of the tongue and the soft palate, and also between the tip of the tongue and the hard palate. This produces a complex noise, lower than when pronouncing whistling, resembling a hiss.

When a voiced [g] is formed, the same articulation, but a voice is added. The exhaled air stream is somewhat weaker and the gap between the tip of the tongue and the hard palate is smaller than during the formation of [w].

Techniques for setting sounds[w] And[and] .

First, the sound [w] is put, and then [w] is put on its base .

1. By imitation: Show your child the correct articulation of the sound [w].

The child opens his mouth, makes a “cup” out of his tongue and leans its edge against the upper incisors. Say that there is hot tea in the “cup”, so you need to blow it. Exhalation can be felt on the hand placed to the mouth.

Now the “cup” needs to be “brought” into the mouth: the “edge of the cup” should, without coming off, slide along inside upper incisors, then across the sky to the alveoli. The whistling sound will first go to C, then to Sh. When you hear Sh, tell the child that this is how the snake hisses.

The child performs all actions according to your silent display.

2. Setting from sound [s]

Pronounce a long sound (s-s) or the syllable SA, at this moment lift the tip of the child's tongue with a spatula or finger by the upper teeth, onto the alveoli. A SH or SH sound is heard. Draw the child's attention to the upper position of the tip of the tongue, offer to listen to what happened: “Said SA. And what happened?

3. Staging from the sound [r]- you need to slow down the vibration of the tip of the tongue with mechanical help (a spatula) or the word “stop!”, offer to hold the articulation and remember the place behind the upper incisors. At "this place" say SA and listen to what happened. When whispering ra heard sha, and with loud Ms.

4. In exceptional cases, you can put the lower sound [w], pushing the tip of the tongue back with a spatula, at the moment of pronouncing the sound C - ss.

The sound [W] is usually set from the sound [w] by turning on the voice when it is pronounced, but it can also be set from the sound [Z] , like [w] from [S]

The delivered sound is fixed in syllables, words and is automated in separate phrases, sentences, texts.

Automation (fixing) of sound [w]

1. First in direct syllables: SHA - SHI - SHE - SHO - SHU

In words: SHA - hat, puck, mine, step, chess, yours, ours.

Shi-tire, car, mice, ears, kids, breathe, write.

SHO - seam, fluff, bag, mouse, big, cockerel.

SHU - jester, noise, fur coat, bear, wear, write, joke.

She - neck, pole, six, target, collar, wool.

Seamstress, closet, school, helmet, hat, sleepers, piece, bayonet.

Fix in clean words:

SHA - SHA - SHA - our porridge is good

SHI-SHI-SHI-mice run into the reeds

SHU - SHU - SHU - I wear a fur coat

IN With tongue twisters:

The baby has a bump on her forehead.

Lusha washed her neck and ears at the shower.

In fun:

Our Mana is small

She is wearing a scarlet fur coat,

Beaver edge

Masha is black-browed.

2. Then in reverse syllables:

ASh - ISH -YSH - OSH - USh

In words: ASh - tower, cup, insect, pencil.

ISH - cherry, be silent, make noise, buzz.

YSH - tower, mouse, donut, reed.

OSh - cat, midge, window, palm.

USh - shower, ears, front sight, cannon, pillow.

In clear words:

ASh - ASh -ASH -hut

OSH - OSH - OSH - penny

YSH - YSH - YSH - baby

In fun:

The mouse walked across the field

The mouse found a penny

The mouse bought an awl

The mouse sewed up the boots.

In short sentences:

Timoshka Timoshka

Crumble crumbs into okroshka.

Puffs like a donut, plump Mishka.

You can compose speeches together with your child. After working with them, take phrases, then - offers, and finally texts. The texts of simple rhymes with the sound [w], [w] can be found in any children's books.

In conclusion, I would like to give one more piece of advice. The whole process of working on difficult sounds [w], [g] must still be coordinated with a speech therapist.

Growing up, our children are increasingly replenishing their lexicon. The need to talk is growing with each passing day. Unfortunately, most kids have problems with the pronunciation of individual sounds. Is it possible to teach a baby to pronounce sounds correctly at home, or will a speech therapist need help to eliminate speech defects?

What causes mispronunciation?

The most common mistake adults make when communicating with their child is imitating his speech. We lisp with a little man, often distorting the words. It turns out that our speech descends to the level of a baby. Instead of talking to young children as best as possible, pronouncing all the sounds and letters clearly, we deliberately make our speech obscure.

Since the child does not hear the correct speech from you, he will not be able to remember and repeat it. Therefore, in order for the baby to learn to speak correctly, your speech must be clear and legible.

The reason for the incorrect reproduction of individual sounds may be a feature of the structure of the speech apparatus

  • The ligament under the tongue is shorter than it should be, making it difficult for it to move.
  • Normal speech is hindered by the size of the tongue (too small or, on the contrary, large).
  • Very thin or, on the contrary, plump lips, which makes their articulation difficult.
  • Deviations in the structure of the teeth or jaw.
  • A defect in the hearing aid that does not allow you to hear some sounds, and, therefore, to pronounce them correctly.

Some speech defects can be easily corrected by parents. The baby experiences the main difficulties when pronouncing hissing sounds - Zh, Ch, Sh, Shch, the letters P, as well as Z, G, K, L, S and C.

How to help your child pronounce hissing sounds?

Teaching a baby to pronounce the letters Zh, Ch, Sh, and Sh is a little easier than, for example, the letter R. Most often, children have a problem with the pronunciation of hissing Zh and Sh. At the same time, the sound Ш still does not hurt the ear as much as the incorrectly pronounced Zh .

Usually the problem with hissing occurs due to the fact that the baby is unable to relax the tongue and stretch it so that the edges touch the upper side teeth.

Therefore, the baby must be taught a few simple exercises.

  1. Let's relax the tongue . Put the tongue on the lower teeth, like a pancake, and tap on it with the upper ones, while saying “Ta-ta-ta”. After that, the tongue should lie down relaxed. Then you need to slap it with your upper lip and say "Pa-pa-pa."
  2. Lifting the tip of the tongue up . To complete the task, you need a chewing candy or gum (it will be a good motivation for the baby). It is necessary that he opens his mouth 2-3 cm, spread the tongue over the lower lip, sticking out its tip. Put a piece of candy on it and ask the child to stick it to the sky behind the upper teeth. Make sure that the baby only uses the tongue, and does not use the jaw.
  3. Blowing air through the middle of the tongue . Place a small piece of cotton on the table. Let the baby smile and position the tongue as in the previous task. The task of the baby is to blow off the fleece to the other end of the table without puffing out the cheeks. At the same time, he must pronounce a semblance of the letter F.
  4. Blowing cotton from the nose . The child opens his mouth, lays the tongue so that a groove is formed in the middle of it, and the edges almost converge. We put a piece of cotton wool on the nose, the Kid should take a deep breath in through the nose and exhale sharply through the mouth. At the same time, cotton wool should fly up.
  5. We pronounce the sounds Zh and Sh . Ask the baby to pronounce the syllable SA, the tongue should be behind the teeth at this time. Then you need to move the tongue deeper into the mouth. As we move towards the alveoli, the sound from C turns into Sh. To get the sound Zh, we repeat the exercises, first pronouncing the syllable ZA.
  6. More words with F and W . Remember or come up with rhymes or tongue twisters, where the letters Zh and Sh are often found in words. Repeat them with the baby several times.
  7. Pronounce the letter H . If the baby has an increased tone of the tongue, at first it will be more difficult for him to cope with the exercise. The sound CH consists of TH and SC. First, the tongue should hit the alveoli, pronouncing TH, and then relax, passing the sound SC through the crack. These two sounds, at first slowly and then faster, should merge into one H. After several trainings, the baby will succeed !

Practice your pronunciation with different little rhymes. For example:

  • There were jackdaws visiting wolf cubs,
  • There were wolf cubs visiting the jackdaws,
  • Now the cubs are clamoring like jackdaws,
  • And like wolf cubs, jackdaws are silent.

Learning to pronounce the letter R

The baby begins to pronounce the letter R well only by the age of 5-6 years. If your baby has not yet reached this age, do not panic ahead of time.

There are usually some problems associated with the letter R.

  • The little man does not pronounce the growling sound at all , he just falls out of his word. This happens when the letter R is located between vowels. For example, the garage sounds like "ha - already."
  • The kid replaces the sound P with L, S or Y . It turns out instead of a rose - "vine", red - "red", forty - "soy".
  • The kid pronounces the sound R, but not the way it should sound in Russian . It either vibrates, like the English, or grasses, which is typical for the French.

You can correct the shortcomings in the pronunciation of the letter P by doing some exercises. And it is better to perform them while sitting and keeping your back straight. In this case, the child should see himself in the mirror.

So he can track how well he is doing the task.

  • Sail . The child needs to open his mouth wide, and lift the tip of the tongue by the upper teeth. The lower part of the tongue is slightly bent forward, and the edges are pressed up to the molars. Repeat this 3 times in a row for 10 seconds.
  • horse . It is necessary to firmly press the tongue to the palate, and then abruptly release it. This will produce a sound reminiscent of the clatter of hooves. Repeat the task at least 10-15 times.
  • Turkey . Depict an angry turkey with a crumb. The child should throw the tongue out of the mouth, sticking it between the teeth. In this case, you need to pronounce sounds similar to “bl-bl”. The task is performed at a slow pace, gradually accelerating it.
  • Let's bite the tongue . Stick the end of the tongue out, and stretch the mouth in a smile. Then slowly bite your tongue with your teeth.
  • We clean our teeth . The baby needs to smile broadly and move the tip of the tongue along the inner wall of the upper teeth, without moving the lower jaw.
  • Who is longer. Invite the baby to compare who has a longer tongue. Will he be able to reach his chin or the tip of his nose with it.
  • Woodpecker . You need to open your mouth wide and tap your tongue hard on the inside of the gums near the upper teeth. At this time, you need to say "d-d-d."

So that the child does not get tired of numerous exercises, take breaks by inviting him to roar like a lion. To consolidate the emerging successes, you can additionally learn tongue twisters and words with the baby that contain the letter R.

We pronounce the letters Z, C and C correctly

When a child does not pronounce the letter C, at the same time he cannot pronounce the other whistling letters and syllables - З, Ц, Зб, СЬ. The reason for this is an underdeveloped articulatory apparatus.

Special exercises will also help to correct the situation.

  1. Get the ball into the goal . The purpose of this task is to learn how to release a long directed stream of air. Make a gate out of cubes or other toys on the table. Roll up a loose cotton ball. The kid should, having folded his lips with a tube, blow on the ball and drive it into the gate. When performing the exercise, you can not puff out your cheeks, and the blown air should go in one long stream, without interruptions.
  2. Tongue song . Opening the mouth, it is necessary to place the tongue on the lower lip. Then you need to spank with sponges - "pya-pya-pya" (the tongue sings). At the same time, the air comes out in a smooth stream, without interruption. Then, with your mouth wide open, hold the soft tongue on the lower lip so that it does not tuck. It is necessary that the edges of the tongue touch the corners of the mouth.
  3. pancake . It is important to teach the baby to relax the tongue. To do this, he must smile, put the front edge of the tongue on the lower lip. The smile should not be tense, and the tongue should only hang slightly from the sponge.
  4. We clean our teeth . The exercise is similar to the task for the letter P, only we will clean not the upper, but the lower teeth.

The letter Z is a pair for the letter C, so they are staging it in the same way as the sound C.

The sound Ts consists of two sounds - T and C, which quickly move from one to the other. It is important to teach the baby to separate one sound from another. Ask the baby to say first a long sound “shhh”, and then short “shhh, shhh, shhh”. As a result, the baby will get the sound C.

What about K and G?

The sounds K, G and X are posterior lingual, which implies a high rise of the tongue during their pronunciation. When a child does not pronounce these letters, most often his tongue is simply lazy (with the exception of congenital pathologies that only doctors can correct). To make the tongue work, you need to do exercises.

Rolling down the hill . Place a cotton ball on your baby's palm. The kid should slightly open his mouth, and hold the root of the tongue in an elevated position, and lower its tip. Then you need to quickly exhale so as to blow off the cotton wool from the palm of your hand. Get a K sound.

spoon . Ask your child to slowly say “ta-ta-ta”. Take a teaspoon and gently move your tongue away by pressing on the front of its back. Instead of “ta”, the crumbs will first get “cha”, and then “kya”. Continuing to put pressure on the tongue, catch the moment when the baby gets a clean “ka”. He needs to remember what position his tongue was in at that moment. Don't worry if it doesn't work right away.

Regardless of which letter pronunciation exercises you do with your baby, repeat with him as many words, rhymes or songs with this letter as possible after class.

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Is your child having trouble pronouncing different sounds? In this article you will find effective tips and exercises that will help your baby speak correctly.

You will need:

Reasons for mispronunciation

  • One of the most common is the wrong approach of parents to communicate with the child. If dad and mom, grandparents, repeat his childish words after the child, lisp with him, then communication remains at the level of the child. He then does not see an example of correct speech. He doesn't know the right words. Communicate clearly, correct incorrect pronunciation and do not use distorted words in your speech.
  • The next reason is violations in the structure of the speech apparatus of the child:
    A) short ligament under the tongue, which makes it difficult to move;
    b) too large or small size of the tongue, which prevents good diction;
    c) violations in the structure of the jaw and defects in the structure of the teeth;
    d) too thick or thin lips, which makes it difficult to articulate lip sounds.
  • Also one of the reasons is disturbance in the perception of sounds by the baby. Such violations lead to the fact that the child does not recognize individual sounds and therefore cannot reproduce them correctly.

Doing a relaxing facial massage

In order for the muscles of the face to relax, to relieve tension, do a light facial massage. Do not forget that the child will be more interested when everything looks like an exciting game.

Practicing articulation exercises

Gymnastics must be done with the firstborn in front of the mirror so that he can see all his and your movements. With its help, a preschooler will be able to learn to control the movements of the tongue, lips, jaw. Here are examples of exercises:

  • We inflate the cheeks like a balloon;
  • We imagine that the tongue is a paint brush. And the mouth is an apartment where it is necessary to make repairs, opening the doors and windows wide (mouth and teeth). We paint with a brush all parts of the apartment (sky, teeth, cheeks, lips;
  • We stretch the tongue, trying to reach the nose and beard;
  • We stretch the mouth in a smile and hold it for a few seconds;
  • We make lips like a fish, silently hitting them against each other.

Learning to pronounce the letter "r"

The biggest problems arise with the pronunciation of r. We give examples of exercises to improve the pronunciation of this sound.

  • We make lips into a smile. We put the tongue behind the upper teeth and knock on the tubercles (alveoli), doing the drum exercise. After a few seconds of this exercise, ask the child to blow hard on the tip of the tongue, without stopping tapping the tongue behind the teeth, to make the sound "drrrr".
  • Next, we learn to pronounce the sound “r” with a cotton swab or a child’s finger. At the same time, while performing the “drum” exercise, lift the child’s tongue with a cotton or special speech therapy stick to the upper palate, making vibrating movements up and down. Thus, artificially call the sound "r".
  • Ask your child to tap his tongue like a horse. To do this, you need to smile broadly, stick the tongue to the upper palate, and then tear it off sharply.

How to pronounce the "l" sound correctly

Very often, children replace "r" with "l", pronouncing "liba" instead of "fish". But there are also curiosities with the wrong setting of the sound “l”, when the baby instead of “boat” pronounces “vodka”. How to teach to speak correctly "l".

  • Ask to lightly bite the tip of the tongue between the front teeth and blow on it. Make sure that the air passes along the sides of the tongue, and not directed towards its center. This can be done with a feather. Further, with the tip of the tongue we knock between the front teeth, trying to pronounce the sound “l”.
  • Very often it is difficult for children to pronounce the sound “l” separately. To do this, ask the child to bite the tongue and say at first the warehouse “la - la - la - la”, ending with a long “l-l-l”.

Learning to pronounce "s" and "z"

Less common, but still common, when a child does not pronounce the sounds "s", "z", "c". The position of the tongue on whistling sounds is similar to hissing. The lateral edges are pressed against the upper molars, only the tip of the tongue should be narrower and touch the base of the front teeth.

  • For a good pronunciation of the sound “s”, do the “rails” exercise with your child. The tip of the tongue should be driven along the base of the teeth from left to right, making the sound "s". The mouth is in a smile. Also play sleeping beauty while saying "shh" all the time. Watch for the correct position of the tongue in the mouth.
  • To learn how to pronounce the letter "z", you just need to perform exercises on the sound "s" to raise your voice. Bring the child's hand to the throat and let him feel how the position of the muscles changes when pronouncing the sounds "s" and "z".

Pronounce the letter "h"

It's funny to hear when a kid asks you for tsai instead of tea, as if he comes from China. But you don’t have to laugh for long, because correcting the pronunciation of this sound is very easy.

Is it possible to deal with the problem in the development of speech in crumbs at home?

It is rare that a parent does not face a problem in the development of speech in a crumb. But not every one of them has the opportunity to study with a speech therapist. In this case, you can practice at home.

How to quickly teach a child to speak?

How to quickly teach a child to speak?
  1. We expand our horizons. The child should walk as much as possible in different places. See different environments, people, animals, nature. This forms the stock of knowledge about environment. Children who see and feel more find it much easier to express even their feelings. The more emotions and experience, the sooner the baby will start to babble
  2. We constantly talk to the child. If you sit in silence with the child, he will speak much later. The kid should always hear colloquial speech. We communicate with the child by saying everything aloud, what we see, what we do
  3. We read books. We do it with expression, with explanatory comments. Kids love to listen to the same fairy tales and rhymes several times. For children, this is the easiest method of perception.
  4. Singing songs. The kids love to sing. We sing by playing an instrument or just listen and sing, prompting the baby to support you. This is one of the best options so kids are very loving music.
  5. We designate objects of attention. The Russian language is extensive. In order for the child to start remembering at least a few words, we often concentrate on some frequently repeated object. A locomotive has gone, a boy is walking, a dog is walking, etc. After that, we will definitely ask the kid what the name of this object is
  6. We speak in a literate, adult language. We do not lisp and do not speak the language of a baby. The words "abaca" instead of dog, etc. We do not repeat, we speak correctly. Without putting too much emphasis on it
  7. Listen to what the child says! An important condition for mom and dad is the ability to listen carefully and hear everything that the baby says. At any appeal to parents, the child should feel respect and attention. The child feels the inattention very clearly. Therefore, we stop all communication if the child asks a question or request. Even if it is not at all clear what the baby is muttering. Communication is important
  8. We instill in the child the ability to listen. For the development of a child's speech in relation to intonation, it is necessary to learn to listen. This applies not only to the speech of mom and dad, but also to all extraneous sounds. At this point, it is important to explain each sound
  9. Reciprocal conversation. If it is not clear what the child is talking about, we read various signs that explain the child. If the baby takes off his pants and mumbles something in his own language, he may want to pee. We ask him about it. And we draw conclusions on his further reaction. We just avoid the words “what are you muttering there, I don’t understand anything, leave me alone.” This can discourage the desire for mutual dialogue
  10. We do not rush things. The desire to quickly hear the conversation of the baby exists in every parent. But not every mom and dad are patient. Do not rush the baby, do not delay. Many moms and dads impatiently say: “Well, why are you silent!”, “What kind of nonsense are you talking about, where did you pick up these phrases from?”. The child will be offended by this. He will lose the desire for the process of learning colloquial speech.

How to teach a child to speak without a speech therapist?

How to teach a child to speak without a speech therapist? Are common useful rules when homeschooling a child:

  1. The eyes of the child and mother should be at the same level. So it will be easier for the baby to observe all the ongoing manipulations.
  2. Classes are held every day game form. 10 to 15 minutes
  3. Facial massage, gymnastics are carried out daily. We pronounce sounds and tongue twisters at least 4 times a week

Face massage

As a separate element, massage is not a special factor, but together with articulatory gymnastics and voice-speech training, it has a positive effect on the correct staging of speech.

When doing a massage, we pronounce our movements:

  • Gently stroking the eyebrows with our fingers, we say: “This is how we love ourselves, this is how we love ourselves.” Then, stroking along the nose, we say: “Nice nose, such a snub nose we have.” We massage near the lips, cheeks to the ears: "Our smiling mouth, the talker is still the same"

We make soft tapping with our fingers on the same parts of the face. Oncoming and opposite movements. We constantly communicate with the child: “We are beautiful! We are happy! That's how we caress ourselves!"

Gymnastics for clear and correct pronunciation

  • On the inflated, balloon, cheeks, we do a massage
  • We blow like a train, we pull our lips forward. We twist them first in one direction, then in the other
  • We smile with the baby. Then we collect the lips with a bow. We do it several times
  • We kiss with a child, straining our lips with a tube, and then relaxing
    We pass along the lips with the tongue in one direction and the other
  • We stretch the tongue to the upper lip, then to the lower. Also left and right
  • At the end, we do a semblance of washing on our face. The child must repeat

We turn to the pronunciation of vowels

With the pronunciation of these letters, the child practically does not have problems. But you still need to work out.

  • Without tension, not long and sharply pronounce - A - a - a
    Evenly on the exhale we pronounce for a long time - Aaaaaa - a long sound in one breath, without raising or lowering the intonation. We repeat in the same way with all vowels.

Gymnastics with consonants

We carry out pronouncing paired syllables, like a tongue twister. It is better to alternate: first we pronounce the syllable, then the tongue twister with this letter.
P - Pu-po-pa-pe-pi-py V - Woo-wo-wa-ve-vi-you F - Fu-fo-fa-fe-fi-fa G - Gu-go-ga-ge-gi -by K - Ku-ko-ka-ke-ki-by D - Du-do-da-de-dee-dy T - Tu-to-ta-te-ti-you F - Zhu-zho-zhe -zhy-zhy B - Bu-bo-ba-be-bi-by Sh -
Shu-sho-sha-she-shi-shy Z - Zu-zo-za-ze-zi-zy S - Su-so-sa-se-si-sy

The advantage of such classes is that they can be carried out anywhere: in the clinic, on the plane, walking down the street.

  • For the development of speech, it is very important fine motor skills.
  • Massage the palms of the child with hands and soft brushes
  • We glue applications, collect cereals, string small beads on a string, sculpt from plasticine, use a variety of nursery rhymes, for example, "Magpie Crow"

How to teach a child to say the letter s?
  • We give the child to clamp the cap from the pen with his teeth. Then we ask the child to blow
  • We ask the baby to stretch his mouth in a smile and rest his tongue against his lower teeth. We put a match on the tip of the tongue and ask the child to blow strongly on its base. A clear "s" sound is produced. Later, when you get the result, you can do this exercise without a match.

Video: Sound production p. How to teach a child to pronounce the sound with?

How to teach a child to say the letter w?

  • As often as possible, we pronounce words containing such a difficult letter
  • We show the baby the correct position of the lips and tongue
  • We pronounce special rhymes and tongue twisters
  • We pronounce the words drawlingly, imitate the buzzing of a beetle

Video: How to pronounce the letter J?

How to teach a child to say the letter t?

  • lips are relaxed
  • teeth are not closed
  • the tip of the tongue knocks on the upper teeth
  • neck does not move

Video: Setting the sound T at home

How to teach a child to say the letter g?

  • While the baby is pronouncing the syllable “yes”, with a teaspoon we gradually push the tongue back by pressing on the front of its back. When moving, the tongue will first appear the syllable "dya", then "tya", and after it "ga"

How to teach a child to say a solid letter l?
  • Pay attention to the correct pronunciation of this letter should not be earlier than 5-6 years
  • We pronounce this letter with a smile. We press the tip of the tongue to the sky. We show the baby this position and at the same time ask to buzz. Over time, we will hear how the child pronounces "l"
  • If the baby is hard to pronounce hard sound"l", we do exercises with the tongue. We show the baby how to lick the lips, stroke the sky and teeth with the tongue. Trying to reach the nose with the tongue
  • In order for the child to remember the correct pronunciation of this sound, when singing la-la-la, we ask him to bite his tongue slightly. So the baby will easily remember the correct position of the tongue.

Video: Staging sound l. How to teach a child to pronounce the sound l?

How to teach a child to say the letter sh?
  • For the correct pronunciation of the letter "w", we show the baby how to position the tongue by pressing it to the lower lip, while raising the tip and sides of the tongue
  • We do exercises, depicting a smile on the lips
  • We imitate chewing movements

Video: Setting the sound sh. How to teach a child to pronounce the sound sh?

How to teach a child to speak a word?
  1. We focus on articulation. We clearly, clearly and correctly pronounce the words that the baby does not pronounce correctly. Please pronounce it correctly
  2. When communicating, complex words are not replaced by simple ones. If we are talking about different items, for example, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, we do not generalize that these are vegetables. Teaching children the names of objects
  3. We replenish the vocabulary of the child with verbs. We do not speak in nouns, but in short sentences. For example, a tiger growls (walks, sleeps, plays)
  4. We use signs of objects in colloquial speech: watermelon - sweet, juicy, big
  5. Explain what opposition is. The floor is hard and the toy is soft. The car is moving and the plane is flying
  6. We replenish the child's vocabulary, read fairy tales and poems

Using all the methods listed in the article, with regular practice, you can easily solve small problems in the development of speech.

With very large deviations of speech, you can not do without the help of a specialist.

Video: How to teach a child to speak?

This happens in 4 cases out of 10 - the child does not pronounce some letters of the Russian alphabet. How to be in such a situation? This article offers helpful information And good advice to learn the pronunciation of this letter. After all, the sound "sh" is difficult for kids.

Checking the level of pronunciation of the sound "sh"

To begin with, it is worth checking the level of skills of your child: perhaps there is no problem at all. Violations are of two types: when a child pronounces a particular sound poorly and when he replaces it with a completely different one due to a complete inability to pronounce. The latter option in the practice of speech therapists is more common. For example, the baby says "wig" instead of "balloon".

This problem with the sound "sh" is divided into several types:


  • Nasal: the baby pronounces the letter a little "in the nose", which can be heard acoustic effect.
  • Lateral: the letter is pronounced with a squelch.


  • Dental: the tongue rests on the teeth and interferes with the natural sound. At the same time, “t” is heard more than “sh”.
  • Labio-dental: the same, only the deviation can sometimes be associated with a malocclusion in a child. The sound "f" is heard. You should definitely visit an orthodontist.
  • Whistling: pronunciation of "s" with a whistle when trying to pronounce: "sh".

interdental problem

In this case, the child sticks his tongue between his teeth, and it is not possible to pronounce at all. Together with this, a lisping sound is heard.

Checking pronunciation without the help of a speech therapist

To check the pronunciation of your baby without a speech therapist, follow the scheme: general check, sound check in isolation and in separate syllables with voiced and voiceless consonants.

  1. Start with a general check. Have your toddler try to say a few simple sentences that include words with the "sh" sound. Next, we move on to individual words: hat, scarf, edge, ball, Masha, Sasha, okay, little mouse ...
  2. Did your baby make it? If yes, then it is very good sign. Next, you should pay attention to the syllables: WUSHU, OSHO, SHA, OSH and so on. This will allow you to accurately determine whether your child is given pronunciation and where adjustment is needed.

Sometimes with this method of checking, problems are found with other hissing consonants. Therefore, take the process with all responsibility and add a variety of sound combinations of sounds.

For testing and training (if needed), you can prepare a set of cards with pictures and sounds: for the baby it will be a pleasant game. Such collections are also easy to find in regular bookstores. In them, all syllables and words are chosen in a special way, with the maximum variety of positions of the necessary sounds.

Possible causes of poor pronunciation

  • Distortion of speech in communication with a child: he can simply imitate an adult manner of communication.
  • Incorrect bite: sometimes it goes away with the appearance of molars, and sometimes the help of a children's orthodontist is required.
  • Too much long use nipples in infancy. Hissing and whistling sounds suffer.
  • Some delay in development.
  • The baby does not recognize sounds by ear.
  • hyperactive child. It will take a lot of effort to teach such a child to speak words correctly.

If you have been trying for a long time, but to no avail, to teach your baby to say “sh” correctly, contact a speech therapist. As a rule, many kindergartens hire them for a few hours a week. He will be able to competently deliver a speech in a short time.

Exercises before starting classes

Before starting classes with the baby, be sure to do exercises for oral cavity. It will consist of several simple exercises.

  • We put the tongue on the lower lip and hold it in this position for 15 seconds.
  • We create a cup from our tongue and hold it in this position for 10 seconds. We relax. We are holding again. This effective exercise to train the muscles of the tongue.
  • We lower and raise the "cup". We do the exercise smoothly, do not rush.
  • We click with the tongue. Slowly, "stretching" the process.

Put the baby in front of the mirror: it will be very fun for him to build faces, and he will try harder. You can also dilute the process with interesting funny stories.

Additional lip warm-up

  • We pronounce the sounds "o" and "y" alternately with maximum use lip gestures. Then we put them in a tube, then we turn them into a large circle.
  • We alternate the "tube" and a smile. Try to make the smile as wide as possible, and the “tube” narrow.

Exercises for setting the sound "sh"

We practice the following list of exercises for pronunciation:

  • "Moving Cup" We create a cup with a tongue and begin to move it. Then we raise the edges, then we lower it into lower part mouth.
  • "Free flight". We make a "cup" and take it out of the mouth. We take a small piece of cotton wool and put it on the baby's nose. When exhaling, the air will be repelled from the wall of the "cup" and rise up, and the fleece will fly away. A very fun and effective lisp prevention exercise.
  • "Ship at sea". We raise and lower the "cup" with delays of 1 - 3 seconds.

All exercises are performed in front of a mirror and are accompanied by as many funny stories as you can think of.