Allocations after removal of condylomas by the radio wave method. Healing after removal of condylomas by the radio wave method Who is indicated for radio wave removal of warts

Removal of genital warts can be done by different methods - today there are many technologies for such a procedure. Speaking about what to do after the removal of skin pathogenic neoplasms, the following recommendations should be made:

  1. After cryodestruction (treatment of neoplasms with liquid nitrogen), a wound appears on the skin. It does not require any special care - healing and recovery take place on their own within a few weeks.
  2. After electrocoagulation, the wounds remaining after the operation also heal quite quickly and do not need special care, so patients can begin their normal sexual life approximately 2.5-3 weeks after the procedure. It should be borne in mind that removal using electrocoagulation technology is the most painful procedure of all available.
  3. After chemical cauterization, scars may form at the site of removal of the neoplasms, which will not go away. When using this method, the risk of relapse is also quite high, so many doctors recommend using other, more modern methods of removal.
  4. After radio wave removal, the tissue structure is practically not damaged, because the procedure itself is non-invasive. This is an effective way to remove genital warts, but its main drawback is the high cost of the procedure and inaccessibility in many cities.
  5. After laser removal, wound healing also goes quite well. The laser beam does not interact with surrounding tissues in any way, so there are no scars or scars on the skin. The rehabilitation period is short.

The human papillomavirus cannot be cured, so doctors also prescribe immunomodulatory therapy, which can reduce the likelihood of genital warts in the future.

After warts are removed (by cauterization, surgical excision, or other technologies), many women experience brown or yellow discharge, and often even bleeding.

Blood can flow a few hours after the removal of neoplasms, which is due to tissue damage during the procedure and the further formation of a small edema.

It is also possible the appearance of minor discharge after removal of genital warts, which may occur intermittently for several days. This is due to the fact that in the process of healing postoperative wounds, a biological fluid is formed, consisting mainly of lymph. Such processes should not be of particular concern, because they will indicate correct healing.

Important! If the discharge and blood go on for several days or even weeks after the removal of genital warts, itching and burning appear, then you need to consult a doctor who will conduct an examination and send the biomaterial for examination if necessary to establish the causes of the process.

What to do after removal of warts by radio wave method

After removing genital warts with radio wave technology, there is a minimal chance that there will be any heavy discharge, itching, burning or pain, because this procedure is non-invasive and the surrounding tissues are not damaged in any way.

After cauterization of genital warts using radio waves, many experts prescribe the use of a solution of potassium permanganate (common potassium permanganate). Such a solution (we dilute it in water and make it sufficiently concentrated) must be systematically washed away (several times a day). Alternatively, you can use a decoction of chamomile.

Also, doctors prescribe medications that will reduce the likelihood of a relapse. These are pharmaceutical drugs: Panavir, Isoprinosine and other drugs that have antiviral and immunomodulatory effects.

The opinion of doctors about the most effective methods of treating warts and papillomas

Anatoly Nakhimovich Makhson, the chief physician of the Moscow City Hospital No. 62, describes his vision on this matter.
Medical practice: more than 40 years.

“I have been treating papillomas and warts in people for many years. I tell you as a doctor, papillomas along with HPV and warts can lead to really serious consequences if they are not dealt with.

Everyone has human papillomavirus on whose body there are papillomas, moles, warts and other pigmented formations. According to rough estimates, 80-85% of the world's population has it. By themselves, they are not dangerous. The problem is that an ordinary papilloma can become melanoma at any time.

These are incurable malignant tumors that kill a person in just a few months and from which there is no escape.

Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries, pharmacy corporations sell expensive drugs that only relieve symptoms, thereby putting people on one drug or another. That is why in these countries there is such a high percentage of cancer and so many people suffer from "non-working" drugs.

The only drug that I want to advise, and it is also officially recommended by WHO for the treatment of papillomas and warts, is Papinol. This drug is the only remedy that has an effect not only on external factors (that is, it removes papillomas), but also acts on the virus itself. At the moment, the manufacturer has managed not only to create a highly effective tool, but also to make it available to everyone. In addition, within the framework of the federal program, every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can receive it for 149 rubles.

How to handle after removal of genital warts

After the procedure for removing genital warts, edema may form on the skin, pain may appear, discharge from wounds in the form of lymph or ichor.

If there is severe pain, then you can take any suitable painkillers. Ketorol is often used, which eliminates not only pain, but also allows you to relieve swelling.

Also, doctors may prescribe the use of specialized sprays that can eliminate the postoperative inflammatory process, as well as reduce the likelihood of the formation of new warts. One of the most popular drugs is Panavir-intim spray.

If the removal procedure was complicated or proceeded with some difficulties, then the specialist may recommend the patient to use those who need to wash the intimate area. In this case, the duration of the course of using this drug is about 0.5-1 month.

Why do warts reappear after removal?

There may be several reasons why condylomas began to appear again after their removal:

  • Lack of adequate immunomodulatory therapy, ignoring the doctor's recommendations for taking special immunomodulatory drugs, which must be taken just to reduce the risk of relapse.
  • Poor removal of genital warts, which led to the spread of infection to nearby tissues. Usually this happens only with self-excretion of skin neoplasms.
  • Serious problems with the functioning of the human immune system that do not allow normal immunity to be restored even while taking potent immunomodulatory drugs (this usually occurs if a person is diagnosed with HIV or similar diseases).

be careful

The presence of papillomas, warts, warts, moles and spines on the body is the first sign of malignant melanoma!

We hasten to warn you, most medicines "treat" warts, papillomas, moles, etc. - this is a complete deception of marketers who wind up hundreds of percent on drugs whose effectiveness is zero. They do not cure the disease, but only mask the symptoms.

The pharmacy mafia earns a lot of money by deceiving sick people.

But what to do? How to be treated if there is deceit everywhere? Doctor of Medical Sciences Anatoly Makhson conducted own investigation and found a way out of this situation. IN this article The doctor also told how to 100% protect yourself from melanoma, for only 149 rubles!
Read the article in the official source on link.

Life after genital warts removal

After removal of warts, it is necessary not only to take immunomodulatory drugs prescribed by the doctor, but also to follow the basic rules of hygiene.

After removal of genital warts, damage to the mucous membranes is observed, therefore, free access to all kinds of pathogenic microorganisms is automatically opened. If you neglect the banal rules of hygiene of the intimate zone, then there is a high probability of suppuration of the postoperative wound, which usually also leads to the development of vaginitis, candidiasis, bartholitis and other similar pathologies.

Sex after warts removal

Many people are interested in when it is possible to have sex after warts removal. If neoplasms were removed by modern methods (radio wave, electrocoagulation, laser, liquid nitrogen), then sexual activity can begin 2-3 weeks after the procedure, but only if the postoperative wound is completely and normally healed. If it is painful to have sex after removing genital warts, then you should definitely consult a doctor who will conduct an examination.

To remove condylomas by the radio wave method, the radio wave surgical apparatus "Surgitron" is most often used.

The device produces radio waves (with a frequency of about four megahertz). These radio waves strongly heat the soft tissues, and an incision is made without contact, and then coagulation of the soft tissues.

The high-frequency energy released during the operation of the device locally heats up the tissues of the body to be removed. There is a heating of soft tissues and cells, in fact, evaporate.

There is no contact of the electrode with living tissues, and there is no heating of the electrode. This device removes papillomas, condylomas, moles. In principle, any neoplasm on the skin, mucous membranes or, for example, in the vagina. Warts must be removed. Since there is always a danger of injuring them during sexual contact, by touching clothes, when using a razor.

Folk remedies (celandine preparations, 5% iodine solution) are absolutely better not to use. Since the effect is controversial and there is no proper antiseptic.

Radio wave removal of genital warts is the most optimal and reasonable solution. The procedure takes five minutes to half an hour.

Benefits of radio wave treatment for genital warts

Radio wave removal of genital warts has its positive aspects:

  • the area and depth of impact are subject to full control;
  • bloodless impact field (coagulation of small vessels);
  • the working electrode does not directly touch the skin or mucous membrane, so there is no mechanical damage to the cells of the integumentary layer;
  • tissues are not charred, there is no formation of a black scab;
  • tissues are easily dissected;
  • neoplasms that protrude strongly above the surface of the skin, having clear boundaries, can also be easily removed;
  • wound contents are very small;
  • small edema and infiltration;
  • practically painless procedure;
  • due to the fibrin film formed after the removal of the neoplasm, a short healing period;
  • primary tension in the healing wound surface, the result is the absence of a rough scar;
  • sterilization of the wound surface with radio waves;
  • taking a quality sample for histology;
  • the surface of the organ is preserved;
  • assistance can be provided on an outpatient basis;
  • any localization of neoplasms is available for removal (for example, on the eyelid);
  • pronounced effectiveness.

Localization of warts in the urogenital area and contraindications to the use of the method

Very high-quality material for research (biopsy) is taken during radio wave removal of warts. Then a histological examination of the biopsy is carried out to detect malignancy of the tumor, that is, it is just condyloma or cancer.

For the male sex, the following localization of condylomas is characteristic:

  • the head of the penis;
  • foreskin;
  • urethra;
  • perineum and anus.

In female representatives, the internal and external urinary organs are affected:

  • vulva;
  • clitoris;
  • Cervix;
  • vestibule of the vagina;
  • crotch;
  • urethra;
  • anus.

Contraindications for radio wave removal of genital warts are:

  • the presence of heart and lung failure, hypertension;
  • the presence of febrile and acute infectious conditions;
  • the presence of chronic hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, glaucoma or cancer;
  • a pacemaker in a patient;
  • inflammation at the site of removal;
  • period;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • all acute diseases.

After the surgery, the patient immediately leaves the medical facility.

How is radio wave removal of genital warts performed?

Condylomatosis, the external manifestation of HPV, affects a large number of people. According to statistics, approximately 80% of the inhabitants of our planet do not even know about HPV infection.

If the immune system is reduced, the stress effect or the effects of beriberi, HPV enters the active phase, proliferation occurs, and neoplasms occur.

The onset of the disease is the best time for radio wave surgery. A person takes a horizontal position, for example, on a couch. It is better to use local anesthesia (superficial lidocaine solution or its injection, or aerosol irrigation, or an anesthetic cream is applied). Since the procedure can be sensitive.

Various electrodes are used, more often loop-shaped. The external and internal genital organs, for example, the cervix, are the places of favorite localization of genital warts.

The high-frequency pulse of radio waves that occurs at the tip of the electrode produces a lot of heat in the tissues of the condyloma. As a result, cellular structures seem to "evaporate". The neoplasm and the electrode do not directly contact. The nutrition of condyloma tissues stops, it dies. There is no blood; the blood vessels that feed the condyloma coagulate. The surface at the site of the removed condyloma is treated with antiseptic solutions, and after three hours the patient leaves.

Removal with laser technology and radio wave removal - which is better?

Removal of neoplasms with a laser is a fairly well-known procedure. It is known for medical institutions and beauty salons. The use of local anesthesia is mandatory, as laser removal is painful. The result of laser removal depends on the qualifications of the medical professional. For each patient, the individual temperature and depth of entry of the laser beam are selected. Therefore, the qualification of a medical institution or a beauty salon is very important.

Removal of neoplasms with a laser is quite effective, affordable and there are no age restrictions. The procedure is quite short - it takes less than ten minutes. The procedure leaves a depression in the skin, which smooths out after a few days.

A big disadvantage of laser treatment is the inability to take tissue for histological analysis. But on the other hand, large, in size, neoplasms are removed.

Radio wave removal is even less uncomfortable, painless, without the use of anesthetics. There is no tissue heating, which means you can not get burned. Healing of postoperative wounds is faster than with laser treatment. But surgery takes more time.

What is also the advantage of radio wave removal?

There is a removal of genital warts from hard-to-reach, for example, the armpit, and problematic, for example, the eyelids (where the laser is dangerous for retinal burns) places.

A more aesthetic postoperative surface after radio wave removal also plays a role. Since, especially for women and public people, this is an important factor.

Now the use of a carbon dioxide laser, which is an analogue of a conventional laser, is topical. Its use gives less risk, higher speed, accuracy and painlessness of the removal session.

The principles of applying the methods are very similar. But only the doctor decides which method is best to remove warts, based on the specific situation. But if the price of the procedure is not the main thing and there is a little time, then, in my opinion, radio wave removal is better. For its use, there are fewer contraindications and indications are wider.

What are the relapses and prognosis after radio wave removal

The positive effect of the use of radio wave removal of genital warts is about 80-90%, the number of relapses is 2-5%. The wound should not dry out forming a crust. There are practically no scars. And yet, the main advantages of the method:

  • painlessness of the procedure (radio wave removal is already painless, and local anesthetics also work);
  • absence of marks on the skin (aesthetic effect);
  • after a short period of time there is no redness, swelling, hyperemia;
  • there is no bleeding and dead tissue, which means there is no postoperative suppuration;
  • quite a short procedure.

In addition to the destruction of genital warts, the doctor also prescribes treatment with special medicines. Also mandatory strengthening of immunity, which we will talk about later. The results of such complex treatment are stable remission and the absence of recurrence of genital warts.

Wound care after genital warts removal

  • regular treatment with antiseptics (if necessary, antibacterial agents);
  • first, carefully, regularly assess the wound surface (palpation, for homogeneity; control of the color of the skin);
  • in case of crust formation, do not remove it, so as not to slow down healing;
  • do not use cosmetics for the skin;
  • do not visit a bath, sauna, any pools, so as not to become infected with hepatitis B or C, HIV infection;
  • less physical activity and protect the wound surface from accidental injury;
  • drink plenty of fluids;
  • limit water procedures to taking only a warm shower;
  • solarium and direct sunlight are strictly contraindicated;
  • if genital warts were removed, then sex is contraindicated for two weeks;
  • hypothermia is contraindicated;
  • If something worries, immediately to the attending physician.

The first days after radio wave removal, the wound is moistened with water and soap.

It is better to prevent the formation of a crust, then healing proceeds at a rapid pace and less noticeable scar tissue.

Three times during the day, the wound surface is treated with ointments (argosulfan or baneacin). And stick a patch that does not allow contact with air.

The wound surface heals within a short amount of time.

New skin becomes pink. After two months, the site of the removed condyloma will be the same as the rest of the skin.

Immunomodulators and radio wave removal of genital warts

In parallel with the radioactive removal of genital warts and subsequent care of the wound surface, the use of immunomodulators and antiviral drugs is mandatory. When infected with HPV, only against the background of reduced immunity, papillomas, condylomas and all kinds of warts grow.

Among the drugs that stimulate the immune system, interferon drugs and pyrogenal are widely used. They must be taken according to the scheme prescribed by the attending physician. This will significantly reduce the possibility of recurrence of neoplasms.

Radio wave removal of genital warts in HIV-infected

Treatment of neoplasms on the genitals always takes place with the delivery of additional tests - a survey smear, the presence or absence of hepatitis, syphilis, HIV infection.

According to the frequency of application, the radio wave method of destruction is in the first place in the intimate zone.

HIV-infected patients also often become infected with HPV, especially since their immunity is reduced. Constant monitoring is required not only for HIV infection, but also for the presence or absence of papillomavirus in the body.

The use of radio wave removal of genital warts in pregnant women

Therapy of condylomatosis in women who are expecting a child is a prerequisite to help avoid complications from HPV.

Any neoplasm (perianal area in a pregnant woman) can be dangerous for the pregnant woman and the fetus:

  • it is easy to infect the fetus; the birth canal during childbirth or the fetal membrane (placenta), when intrauterine development occurs, is a very accessible gateway for HPV infection;
  • HPV causes thickening and aging of the placenta, which impairs the trophism and development of the fetus, increases the possibility of contracting other dangerous infections, that is, natural immunity decreases;
  • the microflora of the vagina is disturbed, which also opens the way for other pathogens;
  • during natural childbirth, papillomavirus can enter the respiratory system of a newborn, causing respiratory papillomatosis.

You can get pregnant in the stage of condylomatosis, if the warts are small.

The danger for the onset of pregnancy is only a large condyloma located on the cervix. It will prevent sperm from reaching the egg. For this reason, if it is important for a woman to maintain her fertility, such neoplasms are removed.

If pregnancy is planned, then a visit to the gynecologist is mandatory. He will conduct an examination and express his opinion on the state of the woman's reproductive function.

When a woman is already pregnant, and warts near the anus and they are not on the organs of the birth canal, they are removed after the end of pregnancy.

Genital warts sometimes resolve spontaneously. Therefore, it is important to observe the doctor for changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman. It is necessary to minimize the influence of HPV activating causes. These are hypothermia, overwork, stress, beriberi, systematic violations of the behavioral regimen for pregnant women. When the hormonal changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman stimulate the growth of genital warts, they are destroyed.

The radio wave method is very good for this, as the method is bloodless and aseptic, which is important for pregnant women.

Treatment of HPV in combination with the method of radio wave removal of genital warts

Radio wave removal of neoplasms, or as the procedure is also called - removal with a radio knife, is a very popular procedure in the treatment of HPV. But still, only the attending physician should take into account all the pros and cons. He decides by what method to carry out the destruction of the neoplasm.

We have already spoken about the advantages of the radio wave method for removing neoplasms.

The main reason for the insufficient use of the method of radio wave removal of genital warts is the rather high price of devices for radio wave destruction.

Some features of radio wave removal of neoplasms

Preparation for radio wave destruction includes examination of the patient and the issuance of referrals for tests.

Women must be examined by a gynecologist, with a mandatory colposcopy. If necessary, biopsy material is taken.

Analyzes for: HPV, HIV, serum hepatitis, syphilis, for the presence of all kinds of infections that have not yet been manifested. Also, for proper therapy against the virus, it is necessary to specify HPV.

There are no age restrictions for the application of the method. In men, the destruction of genital warts by radio waves is carried out by a urologist or andrologist.

The main thing is that they master this technique.

If you need radio wave removal of genital warts, please contact the author of this article, a dermatovenereologist in Moscow with many years of experience.

Warts cause painful sensations, burning, are in places very accessible to damage, this can lead to inflammation or other complications. It is impossible to live a full life with such a disease. Problematic and intimate relationships, it is also possible likelihood of partner infection and those around. See other symptoms of genital warts.

The procedure is excision the desired problem area at a distance - using an electric conductor(usually a handy pen with an electrode at the end in the form of a loop).

The radio waves formed between the conductor itself and the skin remove unnecessary neoplasms with their hot action. For warts of different sizes, different frequencies are used.

This method used with pre-anaesthesia(injection or cream), sometimes without it, if the growth is very small and is not on the mucous membranes.

The operation lasts about half an hour, sometimes more or less - depending on the degree of spread or the woman.

Skin incision during radio wave therapy much thinner than a surgical scalpel incision- there can be no bleeding or infection of the blood and the wound in general.

After consultation with the doctor, the patient usually takes necessary tests:

  1. Dermatoscopy.
  2. PCR (chain reaction of viral formations).
  3. Examination of the mucous membrane of the urethra.
  4. Anal examination.
  5. General blood sampling for infections, the level of the immune system.

Women should undergo an examination of the uterus, pass tests for cytology.

Then the doctor prescribes the most effective method of treatment for the patient, most often this is radio wave removal.

The doctor will prescribe antiviral drugs, drugs that restore immunity. After that, after some time, a re-collection of tests and examination of the patient are needed.


The method of removing condylomas by radio waves is the most acceptable - condylomas are removed painlessly, the development of HPV is stopped.

During the removal process, you can feel the unpleasant smell of burnt meat.

Removal of genital warts by radio wave method has a number of advantages:

  • bloodless quick operation;
  • healthy skin does not suffer;
  • no pain;
  • does not leave scars, scars;
  • healing takes place almost instantly;
  • zero likelihood of complications after the procedure;
  • no redness, itching, swelling after the procedure;
  • special training is not required;
  • acts detrimental to the spread of the virus - there will be no remission.

It is also considered effective, read more about this method in the article at the link.

Where is the procedure done?

This method requires special equipment and handling skills. Not all clinics have qualified specialists in this field.

Address to remove genital warts necessary only in specialized clinics with the presence of all certificates and licenses for the admission of operations.

The prices of this method will depend on the region.

Moscow and MO

The cosmetology clinic "Dasklinik" offers all the developed methods for removing neoplasms, the cost of the radio wave method, along with a doctor's examination and collection of tests, varies here from 1000 to 5000 r.

The multidisciplinary medical center "Deltaclinic" offers an examination and consultation with a doctor for 500 rubles, removal by radio waves 1000 r and above depends on the size of the tumor. You will also have to pay for pain medication.

In the MCC-3 in Serpukhov (Moscow region) will remove condyloma for 800r if there are several of them, the price goes up.

St. Petersburg, Leningrad region

In the SM-Clinic, a complete collection of tests, examination by specialists and the removal itself will cost at least 3 000 r.

Medem International Clinic, which has a branch in St. Petersburg, you can remove the growth for 1000 r, moreover, a doctor's appointment and collection of tests on a promotional day can be only 1000 rubles.

Pirogov's multidisciplinary clinic offers to complete the entire course of treatment for HPV for 4500 r.


In the regional KVD, the removal of neoplasms costs only 1500r, together with a doctor's examination, you will have to pay for the tests separately.

The price tag in "Medlab" for removal by radio waves, tests and a doctor's consultation is 2000 r, the cost increases from the prevalence of formations.


GBUZ TsOSMP will take for the treatment of the disease for only 2000 r.

Medical center "Practicum" will charge for its services about 5000 r.


Profmed Medical Center offers specialist services, collection of tests and the operation itself for 3000 r.

Revital Clinic, which previously specialized only in laser therapy, included in its price list the services of radio wave therapy from 2000 r.

Average on the territory of the Russian Federation removal of the build-up will cost from 2000 and higher.

Worth noticing that a clinic that is not always advertised is a guarantee of honesty, you should not rely on reviews on the Internet - they pay for them. When choosing a clinic heed the advice of friends who have undergone this procedure.


This method does not suit everyone.

Complete restoration of the skin, the absence of wounds and any traces occurs through 7-10 days after surgery.

During this period, it is necessary to exclude the ingress of water and other substances into the place of the former build-up.

Also shown sexual rest at least 2 weeks for genital warts.

Dark brown crust at the site of the neoplasm in no case can't be touched, it will delete itself.

You also need to be careful follow the development of healing, in case of any pathology, you should consult a specialist!

Radio wave therapy, a relatively recent method of removing growths, has taken root perfectly because of the minimal sensations of pain, bloodlessness and speed.

It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, this will ensure a speedy recovery and the absence of complications.

note on the following videos: removal of growths on the head of the penis.

08/17/2006 , Sofochka Total posts: 69

If you had condylomas removed by the radio wave method, tell us about your feelings during and after the removal, as well as the results of the treatment?

  • Answer

05.10.2006 00:00, tet

Before removing genital warts with an electric knife, I underwent laferobion injections (injections in the neck and chipping from the outside), the procedure is not pleasant. With a good selection of drugs * sparing no money * there were practically no consequences after laferobion. only on the first day chills and temperature 40. Only general weakness. After 10 days - removal with an electrocautery. naturally with lycoin. There are no sensations during the procedure. only the device, in my opinion, is some kind of new development, I don’t remember the name exactly, but it is 100% analogous to the surgitron. I asked. sensations after - as if everything burns there. but not for long. The wounds healed for a week. a month later there was no trace left. at the scheduled examination, the gynecologist did not notice anything. And there were a lot of genital warts. I still don't understand where HPV came from.

  • Answer

03.08.2011 22:47 , Arina

Good afternoon, you wrote about the removal of HPV genital warts with an analogue of Surgitron, tell me, after removal, did you have HPV? Thank you.

  • Answer

04.08.2011 11:05 am

Within six months, the analysis for HPV was positive after treatment. then negative. it's like a "leftover"

  • Answer

23.10.2006 00:00 , Larisa

  • Answer

29.10.2014 19:10 , 123

today I also had condylomas removed, your review is 200% accurate, after the icecoin I felt dizzy, it hurt only from the injection and the mirror, after of course, swelling and you can’t walk, I also took a day off, fell off at home, bought ointments. I believe that everything will be ok! Your review is 8 years old, but it is still relevant today!

  • Answer

26.10.2006 00:00 , Inna

5 days ago they did cauterization with Surgitron. I was diagnosed with PVI and cervical dysplasia, I am 37 years old, I have a child. I had this procedure done under general anesthesia, because. the amount of work was great. They did this to me in a hospital, and not in a consultation, one day, at 10.00, they operated, and at 14.00 I was at home. The discharge is transparent, slightly pink. There is no pain and never was. The doctor prescribed antibiotics and a hormonal drug, but I refused hormones. You can't have sex for 4 weeks. But the most important thing is that the histology is good! I really scold myself that I started cervical erosion and allowed the development of dysplasia, but I didn’t know about PVI. 4 years ago I took tests for all infections, and nothing was found in me. The doctor said that they do special tests for viruses, they are more sensitive, and therefore they were not found. In general, I wish you all good health! There will be news, I will write more!

Condylomas are neoplasms on the skin that look like a cockscomb or cauliflower. Usually, several warts appear at once.

Most often, condylomas occur on the genitals, in the anus, perineum. Sometimes neoplasms are found on the face, limbs and other parts of the body.

Warts must be removed, especially if they are in places that are constantly subjected to friction (for example, in the vagina, perineum, armpits). Regular injuries of condyloma can cause it to degenerate into a malignant formation.

The cause of genital warts is the human papillomavirus, which is sexually transmitted. At risk are people who often change sexual partners.

The most popular treatment method today is radio wave removal of genital warts. It, in comparison with other methods of treatment, is less traumatic, has a short recovery period and a minimum of contraindications.

Radio wave treatment

The Surgitron apparatus, which is used to remove neoplasms by the radio wave method, was created in the USA. For treatment, high frequency radio wave energy is used.

This energy, concentrated at the tip of a thin working electrode, is directed to the tissues to be removed and causes them to heat up. Due to the intense heat, the tissues are destroyed. Radiosurgical removal of warts is done with anesthesia.

Removing genital warts using radio waves has many advantages:

  • no pain and no blood;
  • surrounding healthy tissues are not damaged;
  • rapid healing, scarring rarely remains;
  • no special training is needed.

Peculiarities of genital warts removal

The procedure rarely takes more than half an hour. It depends on the number, size and location of warts. Before removing warts, local anesthesia is given in the form of an injection near the wart or the application of an anesthetic cream.

After the procedure, you can immediately go home. The cost of removing one condyloma is about $10.

Before you do the removal of genital warts, you must pass the following tests:

  • research on infections;
  • a study to determine the type of papillomavirus;
  • biopsy (if necessary);
  • analysis for gonorrhea, syphilis, AIDS, hepatitis;
  • colposcopy (for women).

It is also obligatory to consult a urologist or gynecologist.

Removal of genital warts by radio waves has the following contraindications:

  • herpetic infection;
  • SARS, acute respiratory infections;
  • allergy;
  • hypertension;
  • fever.

You'll like it: Where can I remove warts in Yekaterinburg?

Recovery after the procedure

Radio wave treatment is quick and painless, but the recovery period is still present.

For the first few days, it is necessary to avoid getting water on the site of the removed condyloma. The crust that formed where the genital warts were removed disappears after about a week - it cannot be torn off. When removing warts in the genital area and perineum, it is worth refraining from sexual contact for a couple of weeks.

If, after the procedure, discharge appears at the site of the condyloma or itching occurs, you should consult a doctor, since the symptoms should have disappeared along with the removal of the neoplasm.