Which card is the scholarship credited to? Student Scholarship Card

Who was not a student - he does not understand how you want to eat, how you want to sleep!

Many people know such comic poems thanks to their student years. And indeed, in many universities they are quite small, and travel by transport and food are becoming more expensive every day.

Therefore, the social map was created.

What it is

A student's social card is a completely ordinary bank card. Its main difference is the design.

In the upper left corner, the coat of arms of Moscow and the inscription: "Social map" must be indicated. The name "Student card" is indicated in the center.

The social map is almost completely replaces student card. And in many universities it is also the key to the university and the hostel. Such a card is very difficult to fake, unlike the same student card, because of the chip built into it. The chip contains all the data of the owner.

The card is made only after the application of students. When issuing a card, a bank account is opened in one of the partner banks of the program. For 2018, these are VTB (Bank of Moscow) and Minbank.


Only full-time students of Moscow universities can receive a social card.

With this card Can:

  • receive a scholarship;
  • pay for travel on public transport and long-distance transport;
  • make money transfers throughout the country.

You can also pay with this card in any store and at a gas station.

Another feature is the ability enter insurance policy details. With it, you can sign up for a clinic. However, this service is not yet available in all clinics.


With a social card, you can get a discount in various trade and service networks. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to pay for the purchase with a social card, the cashier only needs to read its code.

Some cafes and restaurants provide discounts on food with a social card. Student canteens set low prices even without providing card data.

A small number of theater tickets are also allocated for students. You can buy a ticket for a nominal fee (100 rubles) by presenting a social card or student ID.

In addition, thanks to the social card, students can attend for free or with a 50% discount museums and libraries.

With a social card, you can get a discount in fitness clubs. At the beginning of the school year, buyers of Apple technology receive a discount.

With its help, you can pay a payphone or apply for a loan, its value will depend on the solvency of the owner.

Student discounts are provided by bookstores and pharmacies. Usually these are discounts from 5 to 20%.

Travel discounts

Social card discounts are provided for all types of public transport.

In addition, a social card provides a 50% discount for travel by train in the Moscow region.

A student can also get a discount at bus stations, though not at all. You can find out about the provision of discounts from the carrier itself or at the box office.

For 2018, unfortunately, there are no discounts for long-distance trains. However, with such discounts, you get a reserved seat for half the price. The discount is available only for reserved seats, regardless of the type of train.

Registration and activation

Get a social card can be directly in the subway.

For this you need:

  • go to the ticket office with a passport and a valid student card and take a questionnaire on a social card;
  • fill it in block letters and paste a photo (filling instructions are on the reverse side);
  • take the questionnaire to the dean's office and put the seal of the university and the signature of the rector or dean.

Now you can give the questionnaire to the cashier. At the checkout, you will be given a spine from this questionnaire. With it and a passport, you will need to go to this checkout in 10 days. The card is issued free of charge. Only concessionary travel is paid.

MFC also make cards. To do this, you will need: passport, student ID, color photo 3x4. You can take pictures in the MFC itself absolutely free. At the same time, you must be included in the "Register of students" by the university. You can get a card after 30 days. During this time, you may be issued a temporary preferential card. At the metro ticket office, you must present a certificate from the MFC, a student ID card and a passport. However, a temporary train ticket is valid only within the city of Moscow.

Another way to design - through the Internet. To do this, you need to leave an application on the official portal of Moscow city services. For this, it is also necessary to provide passport data, registration, student ID and attach a 3x4 photo in electronic form.

Together with the card, a memo on its use and a pin code for using a bank account are issued. Activated card immediately after replenishing its account. And in order to receive a scholarship on a social card, you must write a corresponding application addressed to the rector of your university.

Features of use

The social card is an important document. Therefore, it cannot be passed on to other people.

The interval between uses is 7 minutes. On short-range trains, the interval is 40 minutes. Previously, the card could not be used. If several passes in a row are made at the same station, the card is blocked.

The card itself is issued for a period of 5 years. In case of damage or loss, you can apply for its reissue, but it will already be paid. On the restored card, you will have to pay for trips for a month again, the old ones are not restored. But the bank account will be fine.

The student's social card is a very big help to students, especially those from. I would very much like such programs to be carried out in the regions.

To learn how easy it is to issue this card, see the following video:

From the age of 18, and sometimes even earlier, such a banking product as a debit card becomes available for a student. Here is an overview of the best debit cards for students in 2019, giving them many more options. You can order a Sberbank debit card.

Student debit card Maestro from Sberbank

Sberbank offers a special product for young people. These advantageous debit bank cards for students will allow you to make purchases for a large amount, thanks to the presence of bonuses. Student card maintenance fee - 12 p. 50 k. per month, which is 5 times less than the cost of servicing classic plastic. Validity 3 of the year.

You can use this payment instrument at service and sales points where the MAESTRO trademark is indicated. They are available in Russia and abroad. Cash withdrawal is possible only in rubles. Free services associated with this card:

  • fast top up phone;
  • access to the bank 24/7, subject to the availability of the Internet and downloading a mobile application.
  • control of all operations, cost analysis;
  • balance check, payments via Sberbank Online.

To receive "Youth Cards" you need to apply to the Bank, having a passport confirming that you are a citizen of the Russian Federation. If non-residents of the Russian Federation or persons who do not have permanent registration apply, then the decision to issue the product is made individually. The debit card is intended for students and young people, therefore there is an age limit:

  • 1st type of card - after 14 years;
  • 2nd view - after 18 ;
  • maximum age - 25 years.

You can transfer a scholarship to plastic, deposit money through an ATM, parents who have a Sberbank payment instrument can transfer money to it. When ordering a card online, you can specify its individual design, but then the release of plastic will cost more.

From each purchase using the card, up to 10% returning in the form of bonuses. Ratio - 1 bonus = 1 p. When buying something in partner stores, they can be spent.

Student social debit card - an offer from VTB Bank of Moscow

There are two types of student social debit card from VTB Bank of Moscow:

  • for university students studying full-time;
  • for students of secondary special and secondary educational institutions.

The card provides the following opportunities for students:

  1. Pay for travel in the subway, tram, trolleybus, bus, train. To do this, it is enough to bring the instrument to the receiver or validator, not even close, but at a distance of no more than 50 mm. Sometimes controllers require to show, in addition to the social card, also a student ID.
  2. Use the product as a payment banking instrument. Adult students can store on it, in addition to their own funds, also credit with the provision of an interest-free period up to 80 days. The card can be used for non-cash transactions: pay for purchases, utilities.
  3. Get the right to a discount in selected outlets.

An application for issuing a student's social card is submitted through the Portal of Public Services of Moscow. When filling out the questionnaire, you need to have a passport, a 3x4 photo, a student ID. After submitting the documents, the applicant is given the spine of the questionnaire, which will need to be shown upon receipt of the plastic.

7 ways to replenish a social card

Students can replenish their social card:

  1. at the cash desk of the Bank of Moscow in cash;
  2. at the post office in cash;
  3. make a transfer from a third-party bank;
  4. electronic money;
  5. through an ATM;
  6. through terminals "Eleksnet" in cash;
  7. using internet banking.

The student's social card is not multi-currency, but can be used as a medical insurance policy in a polyclinic, thanks to a medical application for it.

Student debit multi-currency card ISIC MasterCard from Rosbank

This standard banking product related to the MasterCard payment system has the following characteristics:

  1. It is a regular bank card with banking services attached to it.
  2. Acts as an international student ID, the only one recognized by UNESCO
  3. As part of the ISIC MasterCard Standard package, any currency is available to the owner.
  4. The card provides discounts, services, information support of ISIC in many countries of the world.

Rosbank cardholder can receive the following additional services:

  1. Discounts in retail outlets - more 1.5 thousand in Russia, more 0.5 thousand in Moscow, more than 38 thousand V 119 countries.
  2. Discounts on bus, rail, air tickets. Benefits when visiting cinemas, restaurants, clubs, museums, staying in hotels, shopping in stores, paying for education.
  3. Possession of the "Mobile Client-Bank" service when issuing a card at any branch of the bank.
  4. Using the Bank Privilege Program.
  5. Changing the PIN code at ATMs owned by Rosbank.

To whom is this banking product provided?

Multicurrency card ISIC MasterCard Standard is provided:

  1. Students aged from 18 years old students in any form of education.
  2. Graduate students of any age of daytime, evening forms of study, full-time students and part-time students.
  3. Studying in colleges, technical schools, schools.

MasterCard Standard "Student" MTS Bank

MTS Bank has an interesting offer for students - the MasterCard Standard Student card, which allows them to slightly increase their income due to cashback. The release of the product is free of charge. Using it for the first 3 months, the owner receives a cashback in the amount of 3% , and in the future - 1,5%. This chip card allows you to make contactless payments using pay Pass / Wave technology

Requirements for the recipient of the card

To become the owner of this banking product, you must be a student of a general education institution and meet certain requirements:

  • have Russian citizenship;
  • age - minimum 18 years, maximum 24 of the year;
  • provide a passport and application.

You can replenish the payment instrument at the Bank's offices, Bank ATMs, MTS showroom, QIWI, CyberPlat, OSMP, Eleksnet terminals.

Visa Electron "Student project" of Almazergienbank

The banking product of Almazergienbank is a full-fledged international debit card with a multi-currency account of the Visa system. You can use this payment instrument at ATMs, travel agencies, banks, shops and other places.

The annual maintenance fee for the main multicurrency plastic equals 0 r., and additional - 150 r. in the first year and 120 r. in subsequent ones. No commission is charged for cash withdrawal at ATMs and cash desks of the Bank, if the amount does not exceed 500 thousand rubles If the amount is exceeded, you will have to pay 2% additionally. No interest is accrued on the balance of funds.

To receive a card, you do not need to confirm your solvency. The only thing needed:

  • be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • present a passport;
  • fill out a questionnaire.

For the operation of converting funds, a fee of 1% from the sum.

Visa Gold "Youth Package" Surgutneftegazbank

Visa Gold "Youth Package" with a multi-currency account Surgutneftegazbank issues to customers aged from 14 to 20 years, without requiring documents confirming solvency. The holder of this financial product has access to special offers provided by the programs of the international payment system. With it, you can pay for goods, services, receive bonuses, discounts, and all this anywhere in the world.

Plastic characteristics:

  1. Multicurrency account.
  2. There is a daily limit in rubles in the amount of 300 thousand, in dollars - 10 thousand euro - 8 thousand
  3. Service is paid 400 r. for a ruble account and 600 r. for the currency for the main financial product. For additional - 320 r. and 395 r. when the account is opened in rubles and in foreign currency, respectively.
  4. When withdrawing funds from ATMs and PVN of the Bank in amounts exceeding the daily limit, 5% .
  5. When withdrawing funds in the PVN of “foreign” banks, you will have to overpay 1,5% plus 90 r., and at ATMs - 1% plus 75 rubles
  6. Conversion is carried out with the withdrawal 2% and at the rate of the Central Bank.

If there is a need for an urgent issue of a debit multicurrency plastic, you will have to pay 900 r.

Russian students are one of the most progressive sections of society. Many of them not only study and receive a scholarship, but also try to earn extra money in their free time. That is why many banks issue special debit cards for young people. You can use them to pay for various services, make purchases, withdraw cash from ATMs. There are a lot of offers from banks, so it is important for a student to choose the most advantageous of them.

Overview of debit cards for students: what to choose

Most banks offer debit cards to people over the age of 18. But there are those who draw up plastic from the age of 14. At the same time, the younger generation is guided by its own criteria in choosing a profitable product:

  • remoteness - the ability to manage your funds from your personal account in the Internet bank or mobile bank;
  • low cost of issue and annual maintenance;
  • availability of bonus programs;
  • the amount of commission for withdrawing cash from ATMs;

Often students live in another city away from parents who help their children financially. Therefore, the speed of crediting funds to the card is important, because unforeseen circumstances may arise when money is urgently needed. When choosing a banking product, you need to take into account all the nuances, having carefully read the offers.

Bank card for students from Sberbank

Sberbank of Russia offers students a youth debit card on favorable terms. It can be issued from the age of 14 to 25 years inclusive. The cost of annual maintenance is small compared to other banks - only 150 rubles. The plastic itself is produced free of charge for a period of 3 years. Other benefits of the "Youth" card:

  • the ability to connect to the Sberbank “Thank you” bonus program - by paying for purchases with plastic, accumulate bonuses and exchange them for discounts;
  • free SMS info service;
  • availability of Internet banking and mobile banking;
  • binding to WebMoney and Yandex electronic wallets is available. Money;
  • security - protection with 3D-secure technology - payment confirmation via SMS messages;
  • an extensive network of own ATMs, where you can withdraw cash without commissions;

You can apply for a card on the website or by visiting the nearest branch of Sberbank. You only need to have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with you. The card will be produced in 5-7 days, the employees themselves will call back and inform you about the readiness of the order.

Another advantage of plastic is the ability to order it in an individual design. But it will cost 500 rubles and take a lot of time to release. Judging by user polls, Molodyozhnaya is the best debit card for students.

Student card VTB 24

Favorable conditions for young people are represented by VTB24 Bank. First of all, it's a free annual service. In addition to the student's card, there is a program with a compulsory medical insurance application. Plastic can only be received by full-time students. The card has many advantages:

  • concessions for travel in public transport;
  • the ability to pay for any purchases;
  • free SMS banking for 3 months (further 49 rubles per month);
  • receiving discounts in partner stores;
  • contactless fare payment;
  • high security - 3D-Secure protection;
  • the ability to connect contactless payments such as PayPass;
  • cash withdrawals from VTB 24 and VTB Group ATMs are free of charge.

It is important to know that third-party banks will charge a commission for cash withdrawals: 0.5% of the amount, but not less than 100 rubles. You can order the product at any branch of VTB 24 Bank. You need to have a passport and additional documents from the educational institution with you. Plastic will be ready in 30 days.

Debit card Mastercard Standard "Molodezhnaya" OTP Bank

Attractive conditions for students are offered by OTP Bank. Firstly, this is a free issue of plastic, and secondly, there is no fee for annual account maintenance. Persons from 18 to 25 years old can receive a card. The card is issued in the MasterCard international payment system, so it can be used when traveling abroad. In order to order it, you only need a passport and an application form. The advantages of the "Youth" card of OTP Bank include:

  • low commission for cash withdrawals at ATMs of third-party banks - 1% of the amount, but not less than 100 rubles;
  • 0% for withdrawals from own ATMs;
  • security - 3D Secure technology and a chip;
  • no fees for cashless payments.

But SMS notifications on the account will cost plastic holders 59 rubles a month. Despite this, many users say that this is the best bank card for a student.

MasterCard Standard "Student" MTS Bank

A bank card for students from MTS Bank is very popular due to the connection of the Cash Back program. This means that the bank returns to the card 3% of purchases in the first three months and 1.5% of purchases after three months. Plastic can be ordered by students aged 18 to 24, registered in the territory of the Russian Federation. For registration, you will need a passport and a record book or a student card. The card has a lot of advantages:

  • issuance and maintenance are completely free;
  • high degree of security due to the presence of a chip;
  • convenient Internet banking and mobile banking;
  • contactless payments "one touch";

SMS informing costs the plastic holder 50 rubles per month. The student card is valid for 3 years.

Bank card "Student project" Almazergienbank

The card for students from Almazergienbank is available to young people from the age of 14. Plastic is issued in the Visa Electron payment system, so the holder can withdraw cash abroad, but only at the issuer's ATMs.

To order a card, you need to fulfill simple conditions: be a citizen of the Russian Federation, present your passport and fill out an application form. This banking product is in demand due to the free annual service. SMS notifications on the account are relatively inexpensive - 45 rubles per month.

Student multicurrency card ISIC MasterCard from Rosbank

The ISIC debit card from Rosbank is very popular among young people. It is of particular interest to students who often travel abroad. The card acts as an international student identity card, the only one recognized by UNESCO. Over 38 thousand discounts in 119 countries of the world are available to the cardholder. A student, along with plastic, receives all kinds of benefits when visiting museums and cinemas, clubs, restaurants, staying in hotels and much more. Additional benefits:

  • 24/7 customer support;
  • payment for goods and services, as well as cash withdrawal is possible anywhere in the world and in any currency;
  • high degree of security using 3D Secure technology;
  • information support of ISIC in many countries of the world;

Card maintenance is 150 rubles per year, but in the first year the holder will pay half as much. Plastic is available to students aged 18 and over.

Visa Gold "Youth Package" Surgutneftegazbank

Surgutneftegazbank offers the young generation plastic with an international payment system. With a card, you can pay for goods and services anywhere in the world, as well as receive all kinds of bonuses and discounts.

Maintenance of plastic is quite expensive - 400 rubles a year, but there are good discounts and loyalty programs. Students can save on airfare, hotels, medical centers, sports clubs, etc. The cards use contactless technology that allows one-touch purchases.

Debit card Next from Alfa Bank

The Next bank card for students from Alfa Bank has been issued recently: since the summer of 2016. In just a year, this plastic has gained immense popularity. Its creative youthful design is especially impressive: customers are given the opportunity to choose from 12 design options. Moreover, this service is provided free of charge, unlike other banks.

The card is available to persons over the age of 14. Another innovation is the opportunity to order a bracelet with contactless payment technology upon receipt of plastic. When paying for purchases, you just need to bring the bracelet to the cash register. If the purchase amount is less than 1,000 rubles, you do not need to enter a confirmation PIN code.

The card is issued free of charge, the cost of servicing is 120 rubles per year. But here the cost of the selected service package is added, the starting "Economy" will cost 89 rubles per month. And of course, the Next card provides a lot of bonuses that will be of interest to young people.

As you can see, the choice of banking products for students is quite large. Everyone can choose according to their taste and needs. It is worth remembering that the best card is the one that will allow you not only to spend, but also save. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the presence of CashBack, to discounts and bonuses that a particular bank can provide.

  • students studying full-time at universities located in Moscow, regardless of where the student is registered at the place of residence - including for foreign citizens;
  • students registered at the place of residence in Moscow and studying full-time at universities located outside of Moscow;
  • residents studying under residency programs at accredited institutions in Moscow; or those registered at the place of residence in Moscow, but studying outside of it;
  • graduate students studying full-time in postgraduate (adjuncture) programs at accredited educational institutions in Moscow, or who are registered at the place of residence in Moscow, but study outside of it.

2. Why do I need a Muscovite card for a student?

  • a full-fledged bank card with free service and contactless payment technology. This card can be used to pay for purchases on the Internet, and SMS informing about transactions for the first two months is free. You can read how to use a Muscovite card to pay for purchases;
  • discounted travel on public transport. You can read how to use a Muscovite card for traveling in transport;
  • discounts in 7,500 stores and enterprises in Moscow and the region;
  • an appointment with a doctor - using information kiosks in your clinic;
  • a convenient way to receive scholarships and other social benefits. To do this, contact your university or other organization that calculates payments to you;
  • a wide network of ATMs and branches in Moscow - depending on which bank you choose when applying for a card.

3. How to apply for a Muscovite card for a Russian citizen?

For many, student years are associated with fun, last-minute preparation for a session, and hungry times. But today, calling students poor is only a stretch. They can have three sources of income at once - a scholarship, parental assistance and part-time work. Not surprisingly, some banks offer special products and services to young people, including debit cards. Sravni.ru found seven useful "plastic" proposals for students.

From the age of 18, a student can issue any payment card. But the advantage of special products is low maintenance fees, additional features and bonuses.

Thus, the Bank of Moscow offers a free issue of the “Student Social Card”, which allows not only to enroll a scholarship on it and make standard payments and transfers, pay for goods and services in stores and on the Internet, receive discounts in partner stores, but also implies preferential travel on public transport. Also, the card can be used in the clinic as a compulsory health insurance policy (it has a medical application). To get it, you need to write an application in one of the multifunctional centers for the provision of public services in Moscow. You must have with you:

  • passport;
  • student ID.

An interesting offer is valid at MTS Bank - the card does not have such a social component, but it allows the student to earn some cashback: 3% in the first three months of using the card and 1.5% in the next. The bank issues the card free of charge.

Cashback means the return of a small part of the amount spent on the card. The option does not apply to cash withdrawals, money transfers and payments for services of mobile operators and utilities.

In Sberbank, issuing a card will cost 150 rubles a year. But as part of the Thank You from Sberbank bonus program, a student will be able to receive up to 10% of the purchase amount. They will be returned to his account in the form of bonuses that can be spent in partner stores at the rate of 1 bonus = 1 ruble.

The student card of Rosbank also stands out in the selection. This is a co-branded product. The international organization ISIC acts as a partner of the bank (ISIC card is an international student identity card). The cardholder receives discounts at retail outlets, on transport services and tickets to museums around the world. The design of the card includes a photo of the client. The cost of the product is 150 rubles per month, but there is a 50% discount for the first year of service.

7 cards for students

Card/bank Filling Maintenance cost Age, restrictions
1 Easy access to public transport; medical application (compulsory medical insurance policy); discount when buying a policy online on the VTB Insurance website. 0 rubles for full time students only
2 Cashback: 3% on purchases in the first three months and 1.5% on purchases after; PayPass contactless payment technology. 0 rubles from 18 to 24 years old
3 0 rubles 18 to 25 years old
4 Standard bank card. 0 rubles from 14 years old
5 As part of the Thank You from Sberbank bonus program, up to 10% of the purchase amount is "returned" to the student's account in the form of bonuses. 150 rubles per year (with a unique design - 500 rubles) up to 25 years
6 Discounts and loyalty programs when ordering services in airlines and hotels, fitness centers, beauty salons, medical institutions; contactless payment technology PayPass/payWave. 400 rubles per year from 14 years old to 20 years old