House in the forest in winter or life in a fairy tale. Modern design of a small private house in the forest Description of the house in the forest

Every second city dweller dreams of breaking out of their stone jungle into nature. Escape to the bosom of nature for a day, two, vacation, summer. Many people would like to buy or build their own house in the forest and live there both in winter and summer. And who does not dream of celebrating the New Year in the forest in winter in a cozy house, in the middle of this white winter fairy tale?

Fairy house in the forest in winter in the village

But not many will agree to exchange city comforts and conveniences for a simple village life. We have already got used to the fact that it is always warm in the house. It doesn't need to be heated. Others are doing this. The apartment always has cold and hot water. And yes, you don't have to go far. A pot, that is, a toilet bowl - here it is, next to it.

Another thing in the countryside. To make the house warm, you need to try. How much work does it cost to chop several stacks of firewood to kindle the stove. And for water you need to go with buckets and with a yoke on your shoulders to the nearest well. Well, with empty ones, it’s still all right to take a walk. But with full returns, and even not spilling half while you are going back, not many current citizens will be able to.

If hot water is needed, then it must first be heated on the stove. To do this, you need to fire up the oven. And to kindle the stove, you need to bring firewood. And in order to have something to bring, you first need to prepare them. This is how the heat chain and the water cycle in rural nature looms.

Separately, it must be said about a small house in the backyard of a village estate. There is such a special house in each estate. After all, there is no central sewerage system in most villages. So imagine the situation. It's winter, the frost is under forty degrees Celsius. And the resident of a fabulous house in the forest was impatient ... Do not freeze something in the backyard!

Cozy dream house in the winter forest in the city

Fortunately, times are changing. And already many villagers are installing water heaters in the house. Gas is supplied to some villages and it is no longer necessary to prepare firewood for the winter in such quantities. Appears plumbing or individual wells and wells for water remain only in the paintings of artists, but in the memory of people.

Any inhabitant of a forest village who has hands can arrange a life and comfort for himself at the level of urban housing. And there is nothing to say about the city dweller who dreams of a house in the forest on the edge of the village. And there are more opportunities than a villager.

Go to any hardware store. How many materials, devices appeared on sale! There are long-burning stoves on wood, coal and other solid fuels. Gas ovens, diesel fuel, electric ovens and whatnot. Pumps, pipes, water heaters - whatever your heart desires.

If you can’t build and build all this yourself, then there are companies that will build a house with all the amenities on a turnkey basis. Come and live! Here, it is not the comfort and convenience of a village house that comes to the fore, but its environment, an aura, if I may say so.

What are the benefits of a city dweller who decides to change comfort for exorbitant rural labor. Almost like Vysotsky in a song about climbers (this is about comfort and exorbitant work). What about the benefits? So here they are:

  1. closeness to nature
  2. Fresh air
  3. Silence and unhurried flow of life
  4. Bath!

Villages were almost always based near a river or lake. Yes, and most of Russia is a forest, coniferous or deciduous, or generally virgin or, as they say, black taiga. Therefore, in almost every village there is a forest and a river or a stream or a lake. In extreme cases - a pond with crucian carp. Here and the morning fog by the river, like milk. And the murmur of a stream or the rustling of the waves of a river or lake.

And the noise of trembling leaves under the pressure of a mischievous breeze is not forgotten even after twenty years of living in the city. The one who was awakened at dawn by the knock of a branch on the window will forever remain a soul in the village. Winter rides from the hill on a sled, skiing in a snowy forest. How can this be exchanged for a birdhouse in the city?

The air that a person breathes is transparent. Maybe that's why we don't notice it. That's when there is nothing to breathe in the city, when the smog and the stink, then we remember the clean rural air. And the air in the village, far from the city, is clean and transparent both in winter and in summer.

In a house in the forest, especially in winter, or on the outskirts of the forest, time stops. It seems to flow more slowly. There is no rush, no city fuss at all. Measured calm unhurried village life in the silence of the forest. Even the wind in the forest is less noisy and mischievous.

And of course, one of the main advantages of village life is a bathhouse. In the city, the bath is not the same! No city baths can be compared with a bath in the countryside. Especially if it's on the water's edge. Your own bath is a source of pleasure. Enjoying the smell of wood in a hot bath, warmth that warms the body and a broom, birch or any other. Bath is generally a separate world of pleasure.

Ecuadorian small house in the forest with a moss roof

This little house in the forest was built like 100 years ago. One of the problems with Art Nouveau architecture is that in some countries it has supplanted a traditional building experience that was adapted to the local climate and materials. Most of the individual styles of modern architecture depend on industrial materials that have nothing to do with the natural materials that have been used for centuries in a particular region.

And although work on adapting industrial materials to the climate in different countries is gradually being carried out, not all materials are suitable for global construction. Therefore, Ecuadorian architects Luis Velasco Roldan and Ángel Hevia Antuña built a small house in the forest according to old traditions and building techniques from natural materials. Solar heat is used for space heating.

Spacious entrance to the forest house

The main goal of the project is research. The architects wanted to find out the energy efficiency of such a building in the local sunny climate.

Bright room zoning

Luis and Ángel are worried that in recent decades, the knowledge accumulated by the ancestors has been lost, and technologies have also been forgotten. This situation is dangerous by replacing residential structures adapted to the climate with houses made of concrete, steel sheets or cement fiber. These modern housing patterns are filling not only new urban areas, but also crowding out older buildings.

The situation is also complicated by the dependence on the supply of materials from remote industrial areas and high energy consumption to maintain the microclimate inside. Many buildings in Latin America are located in temperate climates and get chilly at times due to poor design considerations.

This state of affairs is corrected by a return to the roots and the use of energy efficient technologies.

Forest house project plan

The project of architects is an opposition to new trends. Only local natural materials were used for the house in the forest. The building is quite small, only 48.7 m2, right in the center of the room there is a tree that the owners did not cut down.

Sliding glass doors can be closed or fully opened and feel like in a spacious gazebo.

Everywhere a lot of windows, they all open

The house consists of a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen, a dining room and an office. It is very light here, natural materials are used in the interior, creating a feeling of comfort and warmth. The front finish is made of Ecuadorian laurel, the finishing frame is made of eucalyptus wood. The air saturated with eucalyptus smell is pleasant and healthy.

The tree in the dining room and the room itself

The bedroom is designed in two tiers, during the day you can read and take a sunbath on the second level. All windows, if desired, open.

Recreation on two levels

One of the most interesting building techniques is now out of sight. Pumice was chosen for insulation. Air pockets filled with this material smoothly level out temperature fluctuations and the climate inside the house from 20 to 21 Co, and all year round, even if it is only 12 Co outside. Except, as in wall panels, pumice was used over the drainage layer on the roof.

Admire the view from the window in any weather - that was his main desire, and the designers went forward: one of the walls of the house, facing the lake, was made entirely of glass. This wall-window makes it possible to observe the lake all year round, regardless of the vagaries of the weather.

There should not be buildings in the forest that stand out too much from the environment - the owner decided so. Therefore, the design of a small private house was decided in an ecological way: wood was used in the construction, and where, if not in the forest, to build wooden houses!

The facade of the house is sheathed with slats - they are the best way to “dissolve” in the forest, merging with the background. But you won’t be able to lose sight of it: the strict rhythm of the alternation of laths stands out from the arbitrary alternation of trunks in the forest, indicating the place of residence of a person.

A small modern house seems to be permeated with air and light, the slats protruding above the roof create a pattern that resembles the outline of a forest on a hill. The shadow from the slats in the interior creates the effect of being in a forest thicket.

The glass wall moves apart - this is the entrance to the house. During the absence of the owners, the glass is covered with shutters made of wood, they are foldable and can be easily removed when not needed.

The project used unique larch wood - this tree practically does not rot, a house made of it can stand for centuries.

All wooden parts for a small house in the forest were made using modern technologies - they were cut with a laser beam. Then some of the structures were assembled in workshops, and some were delivered directly to the construction site, where this unusual house was put up in a week.

To avoid dampness, the house is raised above the ground with bolts.

The design of a small private house is simple, and a bit reminiscent of a “yacht”, this is a tribute to the owner’s passion. Inside, everything is modest and strict: a sofa and a fireplace in the living room, a bed in the “cabin” - only, unlike the yacht, not below, below deck, but above, under the very roof.

To the "bedroom" you can climb the metal ladder.

There is nothing superfluous in a small modern house, and the whole decor comes down to decorative pillows in a “marine” stripe - a combination of blue and white brings a refreshing touch to an ascetic interior.

The wooden walls are illuminated by a variety of lamps, the light of which can be directed in any direction of your choice.

At first glance, it seems that in a small house in the forest there is not even a kitchen. But this impression is wrong, she is hiding in a wooden cube that occupies part of the living room.

On top of this cube is a cabin-bedroom, and in itself there is a kitchen, or a galley in the sea. Its decoration is also minimalistic: the walls are covered with cement, the furniture is gray, to match it. The steel sheen of the facades prevents this brutal interior from looking gloomy and dull.

The design of a small private house did not provide for any frills, so there is no bath, instead of it there is a shower, the bathroom is small in size and fits perfectly in the same “cube” with the kitchen.

Due to this, with a small total area, there is enough space for a spacious living room. All the things the owner needs are hidden in a large storage system that occupies almost the entire wall.

Next to the fireplace is a large niche in which it is convenient to stack firewood. A fireplace in this small modern house is not a luxury, but a necessity, it is with it that the whole room is heated. With a small area and a well-thought-out design, such a heat source is enough to heat 43 square meters.

A small house has a lot of advantages: it is warm in winter and cool in summer, sitting on the sofa you can admire the entire surface of the lake, and in order to relax or receive guests, there is everything you need.

To all the pluses, it is worth adding the environmental friendliness of the finish: the wood on the walls is covered with oil, the floor is lake-colored cement, and all this looks stylish and very appropriate in a house near the water.