Boilers for liquid fuel for heating a private house. Oil-fired heating boilers - we study the advantages and installation methods Oil-fired boilers

We bought a small house in the suburbs, there was water and electricity, but there was no gas, so we decided to install a heating boiler. It took a long time to decide and chose a liquid fuel unit that does not require “coordination” and permits. Yes, at first the costs were tangible: installation, configuration, equipment, fuel. In addition, we have provided for regular maintenance of the boiler. I had to make an extension with good sound insulation and a chimney for the boiler, because. it makes a lot of noise during the operation of the burner, and the chimney for the possibility of changing the fuel over time (our burner can operate on both liquid fuel and gas).
However, later all the costs paid off, because we got a powerful heater that does not require constant supervision. Our boiler allows you to heat the entire house in the right mode in winter.

I want to share my experience. When I decided to install a diesel boiler at home, the question arose with its choice. After going through the Internet and having pretty much tortured the consultants, I came to the conclusion that you first need to decide on fuel consumption. The simplest calculation: power kW / 10 = kg of diesel fuel per hour. My house is 250 sq. m., therefore, for the entire heating season + hot water supply, I will need approximately 2.5 - 3.5 tons of fuel, although this figure may be higher or lower, depending on the needs.
Next comes the hardest part. I will name only general recommendations: for the house it is better to take cast-iron boilers, they are durable. On advice, he paid attention to condensation devices, because. their presence increases the cost of the boiler, but then significantly saves fuel consumption. I bought a double-circuit boiler, so that there is heating and hot water, because. I have small children and we consume a lot of it. However, for those who do not use hot water in large quantities, experts recommend installing a single-circuit boiler for heating and a hot water boiler.
Good luck!

I have a private house, but inside the city and we have been for 5 years already, as they promise to connect to the central gas supply. Last year I installed an oil-fired boiler for heating in the house, and we have a boiler installed for hot water for a long time. Before that, we used a fireplace and various heaters in the winter.
At the end of the heating season, I found that the boiler began to use more fuel, although I regularly clean the burner. It turned out that when I changed the fuel to a more budget option, soot began to accumulate faster, and a layer of soot of only 2 mm already increased fuel consumption by 10%, and I had accumulated about 3.5 mm.
So, when they cleaned the boiler, everything was fine. True, now you need to either return to a good diesel one, or clean it more often ....

Installing a heating boiler is a hassle. Having chosen a boiler, you also need to purchase an uninterruptible power supply. I have a diesel boiler, but eventually I want to switch to gas. The UPS chose the online type, when the central power grid is turned off, it immediately switches to batteries, unlike linear-interactive ones. In addition, the on-line series does not require the installation of an additional voltage stabilizer. In general, this series protects the components of the heating system more reliably.
My UPS has external batteries and is designed for long-term operation in the conditions of a stationary power outage.
But before buying these devices, I listened to a whole lecture in the store)))

Almost all of my neighbors have installed heating boilers that run on diesel fuel. Yes, there are those who prefer gas, but because everyone has to save money, then more often you can find diesel boilers.
I started looking for myself, but because of the variety of options, I was completely stunned. For heating and water heating, I chose a double-circuit boiler with a water supply flow. The design of the boiler is floor-standing, I tried to choose the unit of the most compact dimensions, but at the same time, so that it meets the power requirements.
To prolong the heating effect, I took it with a cast-iron heat exchanger, although the seller said that it was more fragile than with steel.
My boiler has natural draft and combustion products are removed through a vertical chimney. In any case, before going to the store, I consulted with the neighbors and studied the offers on the Internet. And he also calculated what I needed in terms of power and operating modes. Therefore, although he toiled, he made a good choice, which I wish everyone!

Oleg Petrovich

For me, the biggest disadvantage of a liquid fuel boiler was the need to install an additional tank from which fuel would be supplied. At first I thought about buying a rectangular plastic tank and installing it in an equipped boiler room. But there would not be enough space for a protective fireproof frame for him. In addition, I wanted to immediately purchase a large amount of diesel, because. we were promised price increases for it, and in general the currency jumps, the prices for gas and gasoline go there too ....
I had to choose a large cylindrical container. Plastic is good, it is not afraid of weather conditions. I decided to install it in the ground, providing reliable waterproofing (installed in concrete rings). I did everything so that in the summer it was possible to remove the tank for cleaning and drying. And for the period of these procedures I will buy a tank in reserve, which can be left in the boiler room.

Vladimir O.

The purchase of a boiler is based on its correct choice. To do everything right, you need to make a thermal calculation to determine the required performance of the equipment.
Even if you don’t have a heating engineer you know, try to calculate it yourself, and then go to the store to the seller.
The main factors for calculation: heat loss of the building, climate conditions, house features, such as the area of ​​​​openings, the thickness of floors and walls, the number of floors, the area to be heated, etc.
It should be taken into account that 1 kW of the declared power of the boiler can heat an area of ​​10 sq.m.
Also remember that boilers with a power of up to 150 kW can be installed in specially equipped rooms with a volume of at least 15 cubic meters. and ceilings at least 2 m high. Inside the walls must be made of fireproof materials, at least 1 window and good ventilation are also necessary.
These tips were given to me by sellers from websites of heating boilers, and I also asked summer residents on the forums.

Diesel boilers are traditional and condensing. In condensing devices, the heat and energy of condensate are additionally used, which increases their performance and significantly reduces fuel consumption. However, the price of such boilers is somewhat higher.

By design, a diesel heating boiler is not much different from a gas boiler - the main difference is in the design of the burner. Many companies produce boilers that can operate on both liquid fuel and gas - to switch from one type of fuel to another, it is enough to simply replace the mounted burner. Diesel boilers with a built-in burner cannot be modified, but they are cheaper and weigh less.

Liquid fuel for boilers: quality standards and storage conditions

For liquid fuel boilers, Luch Tepla recommends using two types of combustible materials that support optimal combustion, but at the same time do not harm heating devices. These are diesel fuel and fuel oil of light grades. They are easy to store and transport, do not contain a lot of ash and sulfur, and also have a low degree of viscosity, which guarantees ease of combustion.

Quality standards

According to foreign standards, all fuel for boilers is divided into two categories:

  1. furnace ( distillate);
  2. residual (fuel oil).

The first is produced by catalytic and thermal cracking of petroleum products and coking of residual fuel. About 60 percent of it is used to heat various buildings with autonomous heating systems. In the USA it is also called nozzle, in France - light, in Great Britain - household. However, calling heating oil diesel is incorrect. The fact is that in terms of severity it exceeds diesel fuel several times (in terms of fractional composition). But both are suitable for heat supply.

Based on GOST 305/82, diesel fuel is divided into:

  • A (arctic);
  • Z (winter);
  • L (summer).

In addition, the sulfur content is taken into account. All this information is displayed in the brand designation. In addition, the pour point and flash point are also important. For example, summer fuel is marked as L / 0.2 / 40, where the first digit is the volume of sulfur, the second is the ignition temperature. And the coding Z / 0.2 / 35 indicates that this is an earthly fuel with a sulfur content of 0.2 percent and a freezing point of minus 35 degrees. The most frost-resistant is the Arctic brand of diesel fuel. It is designated as A / 0.4 / 50. The basic difference between all the indicated brands of fuel for liquid fuel boilers is low viscosity. Even at plus 20 degrees, it reaches from 3 to 6 cSt.

With regard to the presence of sulfur, in recent years, the foreign market prefers boiler fuel with a content of this substance in the range of 0.005 percent by weight. It costs more, but is much better in terms of completeness and cleanliness of combustion. In addition, it is also ideal for condensing boilers, as there is no longer any need to neutralize the condensate. As a result, such diesel fuel endows boiler equipment with such important qualities as:

  • harmlessness of emissions into the environment;
  • reducing the cost of service maintenance of the heating device and the system as a whole;
  • fuel economy.

Storage conditions

Liquid fuel oil is stored under special conditions. This is due to the high degree of combustibility of the material and its unsafety for the environment. Therefore, it is placed in plastic or steel containers. Moreover, the former are preferable to the latter, since metal tanks are subject to corrosion both from the outside and from the inside.

While plastic ones are made from special high-strength polyethylene and can hold from 500 to 5,000 liters of fuel. They are interconnected by a special mount (fixed packages) and form batteries that have a direct supply to the heating boiler. However, the total volume of such storage should be within 25,000 liters, no more.

In addition, there are two types of tanks:

  1. single-walled;
  2. double-walled.

Tanks made of plastic with one wall are oriented to ground installation. They are located in such a way that in the event of a sudden leak, all fuel is securely contained and does not spread. Therefore, preference is given to rooms with a sealed lower part of the walls and impervious floors. It is also allowed to use special pallets. Their total volume must correspond to the volume of the tanks.

Tanks made of plastic with two walls do not have such requirements. They are simply equipped with diesel fuel leak control devices, which are mounted between the outer and inner shells. Double-walled tanks are designed for underground placement and storage of fuel in very large volumes - over 1,000 liters per tank.

With all this, the tanks must comply with a number of characteristics and be:

  • durable, but at the same time easily adaptable to specific conditions (unobstructed pass through any doorways);
  • resistant to temperature, chemical, mechanical, ultraviolet and other influences;
  • equipped with various strapping elements.

When placed in a domestic environment, boiler fuel tanks cannot be located near air ducts, chimneys, chimneys, or above furnace appliances. Also, they cannot be mounted in places of passage and aisle, on attics and roofs of offices, hospitals, individual housing construction, on stairwells (with the exception of combined housing of 2 apartments). The best option is specially equipped cabinets, non-residential premises, boiler rooms, outbuildings, closed warehouses.

Liquid fuel boilers are very popular today, as they function completely autonomously and can work without direct human participation in the process. There are other advantages, but they all pale in front of the high cost of fuel (about 35 rubles per liter) and complex installation. The use of such boilers is advisable only in cases where fully automated heating is required or a gas main runs nearby.

Liquid fuel appliances are somewhat reminiscent of gas ones, the only difference is the presence of a fan burner - it is necessary to atomize the fuel and supply it to the combustion chamber. At high pressure, the fuel is sprayed, mixed with air, fed into the furnace and burns.

introductory video

Read also about how to make a solid fuel boiler yourself -

How does a liquid fuel boiler work

We have already mentioned the combustion procedure itself. We only note that during combustion, the walls of the furnace also warm up, as a result of which the water in the heat exchanger is heated. A chimney is equipped to remove gases. When gas enters it, it passes through a series of heat exchanger plates that accumulate heat and transfer it to the main heat exchanger. The efficiency of heating and the efficiency of the device from this increases dramatically.

When liquid fuel burns, it is accompanied by the formation of soot, which is explained by simple chemical processes. It is for this reason that the user of the boiler must pay special attention to its maintenance. Regular cleaning of the combustion chamber from soot is required, in addition, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the fan burner.

Important information! Such a burner is not included with the boiler, it must be purchased separately. Thanks to this, the boiler can be assembled based on the requirements and wishes of the owner himself. Moreover, if necessary, the burner can be changed to a gas one, after which the boiler turns into a gas heater.

Quite convenient, you will agree. Especially if there is no gas pipeline nearby, and liquid fuel is used temporarily. The burner itself can be of two types:

  1. built-in;
  2. removable.

For heating, in this case, it is better to use an indirect heating water heater, which will use hot water from the heating system in operation.

About liquid fuel

Oil boilers can use the following types of fuel:

  • diesel fuel;
  • biofuel (about how to make biofuel yourself,
  • mining (used engine oil);
  • fuel oil.

We mentioned the cost of diesel fuel at the beginning of the article - it is the most expensive of the listed options. The price of oil will be approximately 1/5 of this figure, and fuel oil - ?. It is characteristic that each type of fuel needs a special, if not its own, burner. And then a paradox pops up: the cost of the burner increases inversely with the cost of fuel! But there are also universal burners (very expensive) that can operate on any liquid fuel.

Installation Features

As we already said in one of the previous paragraphs of the article, a liquid fuel boiler provides for the arrangement of a separate room for itself. Thus, a miniature boiler room will appear in your house, in which, in addition to the boiler itself, the following should be located:

  • chimney;
  • a tank for storing fuel;
  • exhaust system.

About the requirements and norms of SNiP for a boiler room in a private house, you can,

By the way, the reservoir should be as large as possible (ideally, it should be enough for the entire heating season) so that you do not bother yourself with constantly filling it. You should also take care of fittings for the pipeline and a pump that would distill liquid fuel from the tank directly to the boiler. If you have the appropriate experience and skills, you can independently perform the entire range of work - from drafting a project to actually installing a heat generator.

But it is recommended, of course, to resort to the help of professionals. A trained person will take everything into account when working, taking into account the features of your home, so he will do everything right and in record time. After all, such a heating system is a serious thing that requires a special approach.

Another important point is that the installation of the boiler can be carried out in one of two existing ways, and the choice of one or another of them is based solely on the features of the device itself.

  1. Mounted boilers are lighter, but at the same time less powerful and productive. In other words, they are compact and convenient, but the building area that they can heat is often limited to 300 square meters. There are such devices infrequently, which cannot be said about gas appliances, perhaps due to the fact that they are not so popular among the population.
  2. And floor boilers are more powerful and, accordingly, more massive.

Heating boilers of industrial type

If the heating system has a significant scale, then the boiler, of course, must correspond to these scales. Of course, ordinary household appliances have ten times less power than industrial ones. In the role of fuel in large industrial enterprises is fuel oil or diesel fuel, sometimes mining is also used. With regards to the use of oil, this is rather the lot of those states that pay special attention to the cleanliness of the environment. This option has two advantages at once:

  • liquid fuel boilers have something to work on;
  • solves the problem of waste disposal.

The heating system, which is used together with industrial appliances, is often steam, that is, the heat carrier in this case is heated water vapor, which is often necessary for the needs of the enterprise. Each boiler has its own economizer and fully autonomous blowdown. Condensate is removed during operation, and thanks to the use of economizers, the efficiency increases significantly. In general, if you need to heat a workshop or other large room, it is advisable to additionally install a boiler.

Most Common Problems

Even at the design stage, the future owner of a liquid fuel boiler faces a number of common problems. And the reason for this is mainly the architectural feature of his house. The heating methods familiar to us cannot be used in this case, and liquid fuel heat generators are completely satisfactory in almost all cases.

The fuel that we mentioned earlier, which is necessary for the operation of the device, is available in all parts of the country. The same cannot be said about gas pipelines, which, let's be honest, are not laid everywhere.

We also talked about the fact that this boiler is very similar to a gas boiler (which is already there, it can become one), but it is convenient and, more importantly, has a very high efficiency - about 95 percent. Yes, and the fuel liquid is supplied in a slightly different way - there is a special burner that supplies air. And air is vital for the operation of the system - so the fuel will burn more evenly.

As a small conclusion

As a result, we note that if we add to the high cost of fuel the cost of the boiler itself (about 36,000 rubles) and its installation (which includes the equipment of a separate room - the installation of a fuel tank, the arrangement of sound insulation), then it turns out that heating a house with liquid fuel can hardly be considered at least an economical option. Although it should be added that more modern liquid fuel boilers are equipped with special sound silencers, so there will be one less problem.

Boilers that heat water using thermal energy from the combustion of various types of fuel, namely gas or diesel fuel, or solid fuel, are called universal.

The main advantage of universal boilers is their versatility, that is, the ability to burn different fuels in one boiler. This possibility exists because fuel is burned not in the boiler, but in the burner installed on it. The boiler, in this case, performs exclusively the function of a heat exchanger. Depending on what type of fuel is supposed to be used, such a burner is installed on the boiler: gas, diesel, fuel oil or combined.

There are boilers on which, in addition to diesel or gas, you can install a pellet burner. True, these are initially solid fuel boilers, however, they can also be called universal. For example, Lamborghini WBL boilers run on wood, coal, pellets and diesel fuel. The power of such boilers is 20-60 kW.

In what cases is a universal boiler required? For example, if the main gas was not initially supplied to the heating object, then a diesel burner is installed on the boiler, which in the future, in the case of gasification of the object, can be replaced with a gas burner.

The universal boiler in the diesel version also has an undeniable advantage - full automation and autonomy of the heating system. The disadvantages of diesel heating, first of all, include its high cost, as well as the need for a fuel storage device.

By installing a liquid fuel boiler for the home, you can solve several problems at once: get a heat source for heating residential premises and hot water, in sufficient quantities. Before purchasing a heat generator, take into account the features of operation that affect the choice, possible heating costs and cost.

Types of domestic liquid fuel boilers

Heating boilers for private houses and cottages with liquid fuel are classified according to several criteria. It is customary to divide boiler equipment according to the principle of operation and the type of fuel used:

Oil-fired domestic boiler plants are also classified according to build quality. Made in factory conditions, differ in reliability and safety. "Self-made" installations are explosive and fire hazardous.

Is it profitable to heat the house with a liquid fuel boiler

The first heating systems of country houses with liquid fuel boilers were practically free. The owners of service stations, motor transport columns and car parks were ready to give up work, almost for nothing. From the consumer, it was required to pay the cost of electricity. At the moment, the cost of liquid fuel has increased significantly, but factory boilers have become more economical.

To determine the economic benefits of installing liquid fuel boilers for heating residential buildings, several important aspects of their operation are considered:

  • The cost of installation and connection - the costs are reduced to the installation work and payment for the boiler piping. Obtaining additional documents and permits is not required.
    The difference with a gas boiler becomes obvious when you consider that just for connecting to the central highway, in some regions of the Russian Federation, 80,000 - 120,000 rubles will be required.
  • Liquid fuel consumption - to obtain 10 kW of heat per hour, you will need to burn about 1 kg of energy. The costs are affected by the ambient temperature, the absence of errors in connecting the heat generator. The average consumption of diesel fuel per year, for a house of 100 m², will be 4-5 tons, used oil, 6-7 tons.
Connecting a liquid fuel boiler with a large margin of productivity leads to an excessive consumption of fuel by 10-15%. For this reason, the preliminary calculation of the boiler is performed by a specialist. The power reserve should not exceed 10-15% of the actual need for thermal energy, taking into account the hot water supply.

How to choose a boiler for heating a house with liquid fuel

Domestic liquid fuel heating boilers are manufactured by European and domestic companies. When choosing a suitable model, several operational characteristics are taken into account:
  • Power - calculations are done by a specialist. Preliminary calculation is performed according to the formula 1 kW = 10 m².
  • Functionality - single-circuit models, work for heating, double-circuit, are connected to heating and hot water systems.
    In some models with two circuits, there is a built-in storage tank that provides a uniform supply of hot water during peak loads on domestic hot water.
  • The price of the boiler is the most expensive, German boilers are presented exclusively in the premium class. In the middle price category, boilers from Korean manufacturers are offered, equipped with an automation system and multi-level protection. The cheapest in the price segment is domestic boiler equipment.

In addition to the selection by power, functionality and price category, the heat generator is chosen, depending on the brand of the manufacturer.

Liquid fuel boilers of which companies are better

Liquid fuel boilers are no longer a rarity, as in the early nineties, two thousand years. Modern heating devices are produced by several dozen enterprises, both world leaders in the production of heating systems, and little-known companies.

The following brands enjoy the reliability and constant demand of the Russian consumer:

  • Kiturami.
  • De Dietrich.
  • Navien.
  • Gecko.
  • Vaillant.
  • 5Energy.
  • Olympia.
  • Viessmann.
In the list, models of domestic liquid fuel boilers are especially highlighted. Advantages - unpretentiousness to the quality of the raw materials used, the resistance of automation and the pump to voltage drops.

Requirements for installing a liquid fuel boiler in a house

The installation of a liquid fuel heating boiler in a private house must comply with fire safety requirements and building codes. Installation work is carried out in compliance with the following recommendations:
  • Under the boiler room, use a ventilated room with the presence of natural and artificial lighting. Forced supply and exhaust ventilation is required.
  • The walls of the boiler room are lined with non-combustible materials: ceramic tiles, plaster.
  • The operation of the boiler is accompanied by high-intensity noise - soundproofing of the boiler room is provided.
  • Sanitary standards for the installation of the boiler recommend the use of exclusively technical and non-residential premises, fenced off from the corridor and living rooms by a door.
  • Installation of a liquid fuel boiler is carried out taking into account fire breaks. The chimney pipe, when passing through the floor slab, walls and roof, is installed in a special groove.
For convenient operation and maintenance, the boiler is placed in a boiler room with sufficient area to ensure free access to all important components of the device.

Experience in operating liquid fuel boilers - pros and cons

Heating boilers for individual residential buildings, cottages, summer cottages, on liquid fuel, have several significant advantages. There are also disadvantages that affect operation:
  • Advantages - modern liquid fuel heat generators, these are economical boilers with a high degree of heating automation. Fuel is available in any region of the Russian Federation.
    For domestic connection, there is no need to obtain permits and carry out approvals. An additional plus is the possibility of further conversion to natural gas, as well as operation on any type of liquid fuel.
  • Disadvantages - when burning raw materials, a large amount of soot is formed. You will have to clean the mining boiler every 2-3 days, in diesel fuel, approximately once a week.
Considering all the advantages and disadvantages, in an area where there is no central gasification, this is the optimal boiler for heating and getting hot water.