Autonomous heating in an apartment building: features of the device. Is it so difficult to install autonomous heating in an apartment building? Autonomous heating systems for apartment buildings

Now many apartments are tied to central heating, that is, there is a boiler room that supplies them with heat and hot water. It's not always cheap, or rather it's not always cheap! Because the systems (pipes) are often worn out, there is a huge loss of heat, and the management companies have a free hand, they can wind up as much as necessary. In general, we overpay for such heating mercilessly! However, now more and more developers are presenting apartments with the so-called autonomous heating, and this living space is a little more expensive, but later it quickly pays off. If you do not know what it is, then read our article ...

Let's start with a definition.

Heating system- this is an autonomous heating system for an apartment or house, which does not come into contact with external central systems. Usually you have either a gas boiler or an electric boiler in your apartment - you yourself already regulate the heat supply and water heating.

That is, no losses to the central system, just turn it on at home and enjoy, very reasonable and logical. Now let's go over the main systems that can be installed in apartments.

Gas autonomous heating

At the moment, the most common, because gas itself is a very cheap fuel. The principle is simple, you make a water system with aluminum or cast iron batteries, install a boiler, it is almost always double-circuit, supply gas to it, and connect the system.

The boiler supplies you not only with heating, but also with hot water, which is also not unimportant! As a result, you pay only for the consumption of gas and cold water (which is heated by gas).

System advantages :

  • This is undoubtedly cost-effectiveness, when compared with the central option, the difference can reach 3-5 times!
  • This is a convenience - you can turn on the boiler at any time, you are not tied to a centralized option.
  • Can be combined with electric heaters, such as underfloor heating.
  • You can remake pipes and batteries, for yourself.

Minuses :

  • The gas boiler requires maintenance every year.
  • If broken, repairs can be frustratingly expensive.
  • You yourself need to monitor the heating system, this is a boiler, pipes, radiators.

As you can see, the pros and cons are significant. But from my own experience, I can tell you that an autonomous gas system is just a treasure for an apartment! Here is a simple example - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmy living space is about 82 square meters. meters, I pay from 2000 to 2500 rubles a month for heating, I have a central system + hot water for about 1000 - 1200 more, total - 3000 - 3700 rubles! My friend has the same area, maybe a little more (about 90 squares), he pays about 1000 - 1500 rubles a month for everything, he has a boiler, respectively, he heats the water through it! Feel the difference?

Electric option

Not so economical, however, has recently been developing very rapidly. You can install the heating elements directly into the radiators themselves and not “fence” a lot of water pipes. Also now there are (mats or film), convectors, improved radiators with high efficiency, etc.

That is, if your house does not have gas, it does not matter, you can make autonomous heating of rooms and water with electricity.

It is cheaper than central heating, although not as significant as gas, saving up to two times here.

pros :

  • The devices are diverse, these are floors, convectors, radiators, heat guns, etc.
  • You don't need a gas line to the house.
  • Can be done almost anywhere there is electricity.
  • You can power it from alternative sources (sun, wind), we will get big savings.
  • Savings compared to central heating.

Minuses :

  • Such heaters require powerful wires, that is, the wiring must withstand them.
  • Wiring must be calculated and installed by professionals.
  • If the electricity is cut off, there is no heating, respectively!

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I will say this - electrical options are becoming more efficient every year, efficiency is growing, technologies are improving (), if it goes like this, then in 5-10 years they will approach gas in efficiency.

Now if you install electric heating for yourself, then it is about 2-2.5 times more efficient than the central one.

Other options

Of course, now there is also heating with solid fuel (coal, firewood), but it is difficult to use it in apartments! You will not store bundles of firewood for the winter, will you? And yes, it is a fire hazard.

Alternative sources, this is another matter, now there is geothermal, solar, wind, etc. heating. Of course, the efficiency is not always 100%, but if you combine all three at once, it can turn out not even bad - I would say almost for nothing.

Probably, now many people thought - damn it, how cool, I also want to heat up autonomously in the apartment, I’ll cut off these “central” radiators - I don’t need them! Yes, guys, I thought so too, but our government does not think so, you can’t just cut off the batteries in the apartment! . Therefore, those who have central heating may not even dream of installing autonomous heating for themselves.

That's all, I think now you understand - what it is and why it is needed at all. If you are buying a new apartment, pay attention to this!

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To date, there are many solutions to such a difficult task as. This can be external thermal insulation, replacement of old windows with modern double-glazed windows and installation of additional heating sources. But all these methods are not always effective enough. If the quality remains unsatisfactory, an individual source of heat supply can save the situation.

Autonomous heating in the apartment makes it possible to independently regulate the temperature of the coolant and choose the time for connecting the heating equipment (communal services perform this procedure according to the seasonal schedule).

In addition, an individual system does not experience temperature drops and pressure surges, it is not threatened by water hammer, which means that the equipment will last a long time and reliably.

Permission for individual heating of the apartment

Refusal of central heating must be formalized before the start of work, as they are directly related to the central heating system of the building. The transition from general to individual heating includes a change in engineering communications, the transfer of equipment and documentary evidence of the procedures performed (new technical passport).

Legal side of the issue

Regulatory documentation for the reconstruction of residential premises consists of 4 tbsp. LCD and several special provisions of the Town Planning Code regarding changes in the in-house heating system, namely:

  • draft changes;
  • procedure for issuing permits;
  • issuance of an act of commissioning;
  • other regulatory documents.

The issuance of relevant documentation is supervised by local governments. Also, taking into account the provision on the common ownership of property by the owners (Article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation), which are all residents of the house, consent to the procedure from them will be required.

Required documents

There are requirements regarding the technical characteristics of equipment that is installed when switching to independent heating. These include the permission of Rostekhnadzor, the necessary certificates, installation instructions, and the conclusion of the sanitary authorities.

Together with the application of the approved form, the necessary documents are submitted to local authorities (Article 26 of the RF LC): a draft diagram and a package of technical acts for the installation of individual heating.

According to the law, the development of the project is carried out by a licensed company with SRO approvals.

The licensing authorities have 45 days to make a decision. If the answer is yes, the applicant receives a document giving the right to carry out measurements, transfer communications, installation and other procedures provided for in the project documentation.

If the members of the commission made a decision to refuse the possibility of switching to independent heating, it can be appealed in court.


Without the approval of the project, the installation of individual heating is regarded as unauthorized redevelopment. The homeowner is held liable and sanctions are applied to him in the form of a fine (1000 - 1500 rubles) or arrest for 15 days.

All illegal changes in the heating system must be restored.

Type of energy carrier

There are several ways in which they refuse the services of state-owned enterprises and switch to individual service. First you need to consider all the options and choose the best one from them. The choice will directly depend on the type of energy that is used to heat residential premises in an apartment building.


The most popular resource in our country. The gas heating system has many advantages:

  • multi-level equipment protection system and the ability to maintain a stable temperature regardless of gas pressure;
  • silent compact boiler that does not require much space for installation;
  • no need to install a chimney;
  • affordable price that will suit most residents of city apartments.

Modern gas boilers are equipped with an electronic control system and meet all safety requirements.

Their only drawback is the burning of oxygen, but this is easily eliminated by elementary ventilation.


Dwellings can become a system with an electric heater. Electrical energy is instantly converted into thermal energy, so you can do without an additional coolant.

This method is environmentally friendly, quiet, easy to install and easy to operate. The dimensions of the equipment are also compact, so it will not clutter up the room.

The disadvantages include rather high costs for consumed electricity and complete dependence on its supply.

Types of heating

Depending on the type of coolant in an apartment building, the system is divided into air, gas and water.


Air heating for apartments with such a system does not need to lay pipes. The heating structure is powered by electricity and distributes heat by convection or ventilation.


The gas heating system is carried out using convectors. In such devices, the products of gas combustion heat the air in the room to the desired temperature. The installation of gas convectors requires the organization of a chimney channel in the wall. The built-in thermostat allows you to automatically control the heating of the room.


Water autonomous heating consists in heating water and circulating it through pipes fixed along the walls (batteries) or along the floor (warm floor).

Most apartment owners who decide to abandon central heating prefer a water heating system for their homes. It will be discussed in the following sections.

Features of the water system

The water heating scheme operates according to the method of natural or forced circulation of the coolant, which flows in a vicious circle. The natural type is characterized by the installation of pipes at a slight slope. A hydrostatic head is created in the line due to the difference in the density of hot and cooled water.

For forced circulation, it is necessary to install a heating boiler with a built-in pump, which creates the movement of the coolant in the system. In apartment buildings, an individual heating system with forced circulation is usually installed.

System device

The water system can be one-pipe and two-pipe.

Single pipe

In the first case, the pipeline is not divided into supply and discharge.

The radiators here are connected in series, so they warm up unevenly - the one farthest from the heating boiler has a temperature lower than the nearest one.


With the second type of system, everything happens differently.

Hot water flows through the supply pipe to the batteries, and the return pipe takes the cooled coolant to the boiler. All radiators emit the same temperature, besides, they can be turned off individually and the degree of heating can be adjusted.

Due to a number of advantages, experts advise opting for a water heating system with forced circulation, arranged according to a two-pipe scheme.

Project and materials

Even if the installation of the heating system in the apartment of a high-rise building will be done by hand, do not neglect the drafting of the project. This will greatly facilitate the main process and help to comply with the technology.

In the project document, it is necessary to indicate the type of system, all materials that will be used during the work, their type and quantity. A piping layout drawing must also be drawn up, indicating:

  1. pipeline diameter;
  2. its angle of inclination;
  3. directions for connecting radiators (bottom, top, side);
  4. places of installation of heating devices;
  5. heating boiler wiring diagrams.

Materials and tools

The project will require the following equipment and materials:

  • a boiler with a circulation pump suitable for the type of fuel available;
  • expansion tank;
  • radiators;
  • pipes;
  • taps and fittings;
  • tow;
  • mounts.

Autonomous heating of the apartment provides for the installation of system elements that are made from different materials. The best choice according to the ratio of price and quality will be steel radiators and plastic pipes. To install them, you need a special tool:

  1. wrenches of various sizes;
  2. level, tape measure, pencil;
  3. perforator;
  4. soldering iron for pipes.

Assembly process

Installation work on the installation of the heating system is carried out in accordance with technological requirements and is carried out in several stages. Failure to comply with clear rules and requirements can cause incorrect operation of the equipment and lead to an emergency.


First of all, markings are applied in places where pipes will pass and radiators will be installed.

In order for the elements of the highway to be on the same level, as required by the technology, marks are placed using a level.

At the next stage, the batteries are attached to their seats. To do this, holes for fasteners are drilled at the marked points with a puncher, which must be fixed with dowels.

Radiators are hung on the installed fasteners, and fittings are screwed to them.

Then proceed to the drawing of pipes. Their assembly begins from the beginning of the wiring and, accordingly, the return. Using a soldering iron, fittings are welded to the edges of the pipes, which will connect the line to the heating boiler. The soldering process consists in the fact that the edges of the pipes are cleaned from the foil and inserted into the nozzle of a heated soldering iron, in parallel, the fitting is heated in the same way to the desired temperature (mainly 260 ° C).

Next, the parts are joined with hot edges in a straight line and pressed tightly - this is how a homogeneous one-piece connection is formed. Similarly, the edges of the contour details are connected along the entire perimeter of the apartment. To avoid deformation of the pipes, every 65 - 70 cm they are fixed to the wall with fasteners.

At the junction of radiators with plastic elements of the heating system, corner valves are welded. The system is ready for connection to a gas boiler, the installation and connection of which is best entrusted to qualified specialists due to the complexity of the work and the increased safety measures for their implementation.

In our country, the issue of high-quality heating in apartments is quite important - after all, the majority of residents live in high-rise buildings. And, alas, the state of the heating network, even in newly built houses, can rarely provide high-quality heating for each apartment during the cold season. Therefore, it is not surprising that recently many apartment owners have begun to look for an alternative heating option. And most often they opt for such an option as an autonomous heating system at home.

Benefits of Autonomous Systems

The system of independent heating of the house appeared for the first time in Europe. However, having a significant number of advantages, it quickly spread throughout the world. Today, in most countries, residents prefer to use individual systems for heating their apartments. And not in vain, since this method has a number of advantages over a centralized system:

  • affordable cost. It is this advantage of the system that often becomes decisive when a centralized system is abandoned. The fact is that even taking into account the fact that you have to pay for the amount of gas used for heating, you will pay much lower amounts for utilities. In addition, unlike a centralized system, you can use autonomous heating when it is needed. That is, if necessary, you can adjust the intensity of heating, and in case of departure - just temporarily turn it off completely. This saves a lot of money. In addition, you will not experience the inconvenience that occurs when one of the heating elements of the centralized system riser breaks down - after all, in this case, several apartments are left without heating at once.

In addition, the cost of a new building with autonomous heating is much lower. After all, the planning and installation of a centralized system requires a significant investment from the developer, which significantly raises the price of the housing itself.

  • increase in housing stock. There are often situations when the construction of an apartment building is impossible for a simple reason - in the construction area there is no possibility of connecting to the central heating main of the city. And this means that the only option to maintain heat in each apartment is to use autonomous heating systems. It should be noted that recently there are more and more houses with such a heating system. In many cities of Russia (St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Yekaterinburg, Bryansk, etc.), apartment buildings with autonomous heating systems were commissioned as early as 1999. And since that time, the number of high-rise buildings with individual heating of each apartment has been growing rapidly.

  • saving natural resources. By phasing out district heating, users are thereby greatly helping to save a huge amount of resources that previously had to be spent on heating a house. In addition, with individual heating, it becomes possible to independently adjust the heating level. But even in this case, the heating boiler is often turned off by the user - that is, there is an additional saving of natural gas.
  • improving the quality of heating. In fact, those who switched from centralized heating to autonomous heating in an apartment building notice a significant improvement in the level of heating. Quite often this is due to the fact that heat is constantly leaking in a centralized system. In addition, autonomous heating of a residential building, located in one apartment, requires much less money and time for prevention.

Another advantage of autonomous heating can be called the fact that the system also allows you to constantly heat water. That is, there is simply no need to use such resource-intensive boilers.

Disadvantages of autonomous heating

Like any other heating system, an individual one also has its drawbacks. The most serious are:

  • user negligence. Any system in the house, whether it be heating or sewer, requires periodic preventive inspection and maintenance. And often the reason for a significant decrease in the efficiency of the system is just the long absence of service repairs. As a rule, the system should be inspected by a specialist at least once a year. But many users simply forget about it, or simply do not want to spend money again. In fact, a preventive inspection of the system by a specialist is inexpensive, but it can save you from a major breakdown in the future.
  • the need to create a high-quality ventilation system and the negative impact on the environment. It should be noted that today the problem is less relevant than 10 years ago. The projects and rules for creating ventilation systems are approved by law, and quite a lot of attention is paid to this issue when planning a house.

  • decrease in the efficiency of the system due to unheated adjacent rooms. Unfortunately, this problem is very relevant. It especially affects those who, having purchased an apartment with individual heating in a new house, do not have neighbors. In empty apartments due to the lack of residents, autonomous heating of houses does not work. That is - common walls always remain cold. As a result, this significantly reduces the level of heating in the occupied apartments. However, many owners of apartment buildings were able to solve this problem. A modern heating system is installed in each individual apartment, which allows you to automatically maintain the minimum level of heating, without requiring constant monitoring.

Every year more and more houses are put into operation, in which each individual apartment has its own heating system. The systems are regularly upgraded, which makes their implementation and use as efficient and more affordable as possible.

If for some reason the tenants of an apartment building are not satisfied with the heating of their apartment, then it probably occurred to someone of them: is it possible to make individual heating in an apartment?

At first glance, this is a completely impossible task. However, in fact, there is nothing supernatural in this.

It is only necessary to sensibly and competently approach the solution of the problem, and any apartment in an apartment building will be able to acquire its own individual heating system.

If the question arose before a person: is it possible to make individual heating in an apartment, then it is obvious that there were a number of reasons that were a prerequisite for the occurrence.

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Individual heating of an apartment - what is it, why and for what

Most often, people decide to abandon the central heating due to the fact that:

  • they are not satisfied with the quality of heating - lack of heat, discomfort in the cold season
  • they want to regulate the level and timing of heat supply to the apartment themselves
  • they want to reduce heating bills

How to prepare a legal framework

So, the owner of the apartment decided on the technical parameters of the equipment.

There was one, but very significant issue - obtaining permission to install this equipment in your apartment.

To answer: is it possible to make individual heating in an apartment building, only the interdepartmental commission responsible for the use of the housing stock can.

It is there that you will have to apply for the appropriate permission.

First of all, you need to prepare the following package of documents:

  • application for the installation of individual heating
  • consent of all apartment owners
  • minutes of the meeting of all residents of the house with consent to the installation of individual heating in a particular apartment
  • title documents for the apartment
  • technical passport of the apartment and its copy
  • if the house is an architectural monument, then the conclusion of the relevant authority on the legality and possibility of redevelopment

In addition, you will need a lot of various technical documentation, starting with an apartment redevelopment project and ending with copies of purchased equipment.

To collect all the necessary documents and permits, you will have to bypass more than one service and organization. If it is planned to install an electric boiler, then for permission it is necessary to contact the city power grid. For the installation of a gas boiler, a permit is issued by the city gas service. Its experts inspect your home for the presence of a working chimney.

Permission to disconnect from the general house heating is given by the city heating network. The project for the re-equipment of the apartment will be approved by the design. In addition, this project must be coordinated with the SES authorities and the fire department.

When the entire package is assembled, all the necessary permits have been received and approved, you can safely purchase equipment and conclude contracts with professional contractors who will quickly, correctly and safely install individual heating in your apartment. However, that's not all. The last step is to receive the acceptance certificate.

Problems of high-rise buildings

The owners of apartments located on the last floors of multi-storey buildings often have: is it possible to make individual heating in an apartment on the top floor.

In fact, the inhabitants of the upper floors have fewer problems with disconnecting from the central heating, since to disconnect, you only need to make jumpers to the lower risers and that's it. Whereas in apartments located on the lower floors, when disconnected from the central heating, there may be a violation of the heating in adjacent rooms.

Installing individual heating in an apartment building will require a lot of both material and moral costs. You will have to spend a lot of time to bypass all instances and to carry out technical work. But all the effort will pay off with further cost savings and improved comfort in your apartment.

You can switch to independent heating only for the whole house:

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Reading time: 7 minutes

The approach of the heating season causes citizens to think about why payments for heat are so high and when public utilities will begin to supply a quality service. Many even think about installing individual heating in the apartment. But after learning how many obstacles to overcome, most give up. However, it is still worth discussing the advantages of autonomous heating, the way it is installed and the difficulties that arise when trying to disconnect from a centralized service.

The concept of individual heating

Before discussing the advantages of equipment for heating an apartment, you need to find out what autonomous heating of an apartment building is.

This is a special scheme for heating housing, which consists in installing a gas or electric boiler and new engineering systems in a separate apartment instead of old radiators and pipes for general house heating, which must be dismantled. The newly installed system circulates water, the temperature of which can be increased or decreased depending on the desire and needs of the tenant. Thanks to this, it is easy to set the optimal temperature conditions in the room. This is the simplest explanation for those who do not understand what autonomous heating in an apartment means.

The main difficulties in installing such equipment are due to the fact that the MKD is already equipped, the owners of which are all apartment owners. Installing individual equipment means making changes to:

  • belongs to many at the same time;
  • is part of a huge utility network system owned by large utility companies.

To remove even a small part of it and introduce changes, which include the individual heating system, a large amount of engineering work needs to be done:

  1. Develop a project.
  2. Choose your equipment wisely.
  3. Install the new system in such a way that it does not affect the interests of other residents and does not create an emergency situation in the house.

Therefore, the first step is to obtain the consent to such changes not only from public utilities, but also from all residents of the MKD.

Advantages and disadvantages of autonomous heating

Individual heating in an apartment building has both advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of such a system is its controllability to the consumer:

  1. Self-selection of the temperature regime in the apartment. When it gets cold outside, you can raise the temperature, and if it's warm outside, lower the degrees or turn off the boiler altogether.
  2. Saving resources and reducing payments. To heat an apartment, gas or electricity is used in much smaller volumes than in boiler rooms. In addition, with general house heating, some utilities, even in warm weather in the spring, heat their houses to the maximum in order to increase the amount in payments. Apartment heating excludes this possibility.
  3. The ability to start the system and how to warm up the room if the summer turned out to be unusually rainy and cold.

At the same time, it must be remembered that the ability to choose the temperature regime yourself depends on the serviceability of the utility network, which is the other side of the coin.

So, individual heating, like any phenomenon, has both pluses and minuses. The latter include dependence on the serviceability of pipes and other engineering structures.

The main difficulty, which not many people manage to overcome, is the bureaucratization of the process, as well as its high cost. Going through all the stages of coordination, design and obtaining permits is often not possible, so some give up halfway through.

Legal regulation

First you need to find out what the legislation says about whether it is possible to make individual heating in an apartment. The legal acts regulating this issue include:

  1. Housing Code of the Russian Federation. It determines the norms for the restructuring of premises, the necessary documents, general issues of re-equipment of housing.
  2. This document lists the criteria for choosing a heat supply organization, the method of submitting documents and concluding an agreement with it. And most importantly, it contains a list of energy sources (boilers) that cannot be used for autonomous heating. Other types of equipment not included in this list are allowed to be used.

    Documentation of an autonomous heating system

    In order to obtain permission for individual heating in an apartment, you need to collect the documents listed in Art. 26 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation:

    1. An application indicating the address of the apartment in which redevelopment will be carried out, the signatures of all interested parties, the planned scope of work and other parameters.
    2. Title documents for housing: contracts of sale, lease, certificate of ownership.
    3. Residential renovation project.
    4. Technical passport of the premises.
    5. The consent of family members, where they indicate whether it is possible to install independent heating in the apartment.
    6. The conclusion of the body for the protection of architectural monuments on the admissibility of redevelopment if the house is a protected cultural object.

    You need to submit documents to the local administration or to the MFC.

    Often, these authorities refuse to register a redevelopment, referring to the inconsistency of the project with the norms of the law or the incompleteness of information in the documents. However, you need to understand that the reason for the refusal is that:

    1. None of the officials will take responsibility for permitting redevelopment, because the mistakes made can lead to an emergency state of the MKD.
    2. It is extremely unprofitable for communal authorities to allow the transition to independent heating, as this will lead to a decrease in payments.

    In this case, you will have to defend your rights in court.

    How much does it cost to connect

    How much does individual heating in an apartment cost - one of the main aspects of the upcoming changes. In all likelihood, it is from him that one should build on, because if the tenant does not have a significant amount, it is not even worth starting such a complex procedure.

    There are three main stages of spending:

    1. Development of a redevelopment project, which includes payment for consultations, certificates from the BTI, legalization, and so on. At this stage, the tenant will spend from 50,000 rubles.
    2. Purchase of the necessary equipment: a boiler, pipes, a box and combs, a valve and other things. Their cost depends on the power of the equipment, material, diameter and length of the pipes. One boiler costs 20,000–60,000 rubles.
    3. Installation of equipment. The installation cost will be 30,000–60,000 rubles.

    In the process of redevelopment, additional expenses will necessarily arise, and the final cost will reach 150,000–180,000 rubles.

    Stages of autonomous heating installation

    After analyzing the provisions of the regulations mentioned above, you can find the answer to the question of how to make individual heating in an apartment. To do this, you need to go through the following steps:

    1. Submit an application for redevelopment in.
    2. Receive a letter from the Criminal Code allowing the apartment to be disconnected from the network.
    3. Order specifications for individual heating. If the boiler is gas, contact the gas service. The received refusal can be appealed in court (does not apply to regions in which there is no possibility of connecting to the gas system).
    4. Before the installation of individual heating in an apartment building is carried out, on the basis of technical specifications, order a project.
    5. Obtain a project fire safety act from the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
    6. Coordinate all documents in the bodies of urban planning and architecture.

    If, in the presence of the listed documents, the applicant still receives a refusal, it will have to be appealed in court.

    Choosing a boiler model of the required power

    The main advantage of an apartment with autonomous heating is the ability to adjust the temperature regime. For this you need a suitable boiler. The type of equipment depends on the resource consumed - gas or electricity.

    gas boilers

    The disadvantages of this type of equipment include high cost and less safety, because the process of work is associated with open combustion of gas.

    But such boilers:

  • more durable;
  • pay off faster;
  • much more economical due to the lower cost of gas compared to electricity;
  • equipped with a special chimney system;
  • do not cause inconvenience to users.

Electric boilers

The undoubted advantage of this type of equipment is the lower cost of the boiler itself and its installation. In addition, they are safer to use than gas ones.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • high consumption of electricity;
  • dependence on electrical networks, which are often worn out and not designed for such power;
  • In the event of a power outage, there will be no heating in the apartment.

Selection of pipes and radiators

Before you conduct autonomous heating in an apartment, you need not only to purchase a boiler, but also to correctly select pipes and radiators.

Pipe parameters are specified in the project, from which it is impossible to deviate. With the organization conducting the installation, you can only discuss the details: the quality of the material, the method of laying, the installation of radiators, and so on.

The final choice of additional equipment and costs depend on:

  • power of heating devices;
  • pipeline length;
  • area of ​​the premises;
  • way of distributing the system.

Let's briefly discuss the types of pipes and radiators. Manufacturers produce the following types of pipes:

  • Polypropylene. Lightweight and temperature resistant.
  • Made of cross-linked polyethylene. Durable, easy to install, light weight.
  • Metal-plastic. Aesthetic and easy to install, but exposed to sunlight and other aggressive factors.
  • Copper. The most durable and reliable, but are more expensive than others and are rarely used.

On sale you can find radiators of the following types:

  • Aluminum - light, reliable and aesthetic heating devices.
  • Bimetallic - strong and durable devices made of two metals (aluminum and steel or aluminum and copper), but more expensive.
  • Steel. They are characterized by low inertia, simple design and low cost.
  • Cast iron. They are characterized by increased reliability, but low heat transfer.

How to install individual heating

To safely turn on the heating, it must be installed correctly. You can carry out the installation with your own hands, but it is better to do it at the final and simplest stage - when installing radiators and pipes.

Installation of complex components (boiler, risers, auxiliary equipment) should be entrusted to professionals.

The installed system must be checked for leaks. To do this, it is filled with coolant (water) and launched. Detected leaks, which sometimes occur at the joints, must be eliminated and the correct operation should be checked again.

How will heating bills change?

The payment for heating in the presence of individual heating will be significantly reduced in comparison with the amounts previously paid on receipts. This is explained by the general logic of charging for heating.

Payment for heating apartments without autonomous heating is carried out according to the consumed gigacalories. If there is a meter in the apartment, the calculation is carried out according to the meter readings. If it is not there - based on the heat consumption standards established for each region.

Own heating in the apartment makes the principle of work, and, accordingly, payment completely different.

The apartment is disconnected from the public heating system and closes on itself. The apartment is heated by heating the water that circulates in the pipes. And heating, in turn, is carried out either by burning gas, or by electricity (if the boiler is electric). Consequently, utility bills increase either for gas (according to the gas meter) or for electricity.

As with residents without autonomous heating, the so-called will be included in the payments.

Regardless of the method of heating the apartment, it is necessary to heat the entrances, maintain utility systems in working order. These needs are divided among tenants depending on the area of ​​the occupied apartment.

How to transfer MKD to individual heating

Transfer of an apartment building to individual heating is possible. However, bureaucratic difficulties in this case are even greater than when one apartment is disconnected from the network.

The main problem is that it will be necessary to redevelop many engineering and construction communications of the entire building, and not a separate part of it. In this regard, the process of obtaining permits is greatly complicated.

If the utility networks are recognized as the joint property of the residents of the house, first you need to hold a general meeting at which the residents will discuss whether everyone is set to install independent heating in an apartment building or not.

If the communal system belongs to the municipal authorities, then most likely it will not be possible to obtain permission.

It should be borne in mind that the cost of materials, works and projects will be much higher, because we are talking about the re-equipment of the entire MKD.


Individual heating is convenient and cost-effective, but in order to take advantage of it, you need to overcome a lot of difficulties associated with approvals, the choice of equipment and the company that will carry out the installation. Existing equipment installation procedures, as well as law enforcement and judicial practice, allow apartments to be equipped with individual heating systems.

Lawyer. Member of the Chamber of Advocates of St. Petersburg. Experience more than 10 years. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University. I specialize in civil, family, housing, land law.