Wood-fired boilers for private heating. Which wood-fired heating boiler to choose - types, advantages, characteristics of wood-burning heating boilers

One of the most popular units for creating a heating system for a private house remains a solid fuel boiler for long burning on wood. It is especially convenient for heating a large building, to which it is impossible to supply main gas.

Modern units with a long-burning design are able to operate offline for many hours, which simplifies the operation of the heating system. But in order to choose the right boiler that will fully meet the needs for heat, it is necessary to at least roughly imagine its device and principle of operation. In addition, when choosing, many specific criteria are taken into account, which are also important to remember.

Why is a wood burning boiler sometimes the best option?

Of course, gas units are recognized as the best option both in terms of ease of use and the cost of an energy carrier. But, unfortunately, not all settlements of the country (and especially rural areas) are covered by gasification. In addition, supplying gas to the house, even in the presence of a central highway, is a rather difficult and costly task associated with the execution of numerous documents. Obtaining all permits and approvals, drawing up a project, as well as purchasing everything necessary for summing up an individual gas supply line will require a lot of time, nerves, and money.

Electric heating units, it would seem, can be used to heat any building to which electricity is supplied. Such boilers are easy to install, adjust and operate. However, their use also has its "pitfalls".

For example, to install high power devices (above 7 ÷ 9 kW), a three-phase power line is required. And this is again trips to authorities, drawing up a project, its coordination, approval and other “joys”. Another factor that cannot be ignored is the high cost of electricity, and it is growing every year. Therefore, paying for heating using an electric boiler can become an unbearable burden for the family budget.

In addition, it must be remembered that if a power outage occurs during an emergency, the house will be left not only without light, but also without heating.

A logical conclusion is that if it is impossible to use gas, a solid fuel boiler is more reliable and profitable when heating a private house. Moreover, the heating of housing with wood has been traditional for many decades, since there is no shortage of this fuel. Especially problems do not arise in regions rich in forests, in which there is always enough dead wood. And the purchase of ready-made firewood on the scale of the heating season will cost much less than paying for electricity.

That is why, even after installing gas heating equipment, many owners of old houses are not at all in a hurry to get rid of stoves and fireplaces, which are maintained in working order “just in case”.

However, a stove is not an option that can heat large areas of the house. Therefore, in order to achieve comfortable temperatures, several stoves had to be installed in the building, which were heated several times a day. Of course, this is not only difficult, but also extremely uneconomical.

This discomfort is eliminated by the creation of a full-fledged heating system, powered by a long-burning solid fuel boiler, which makes it possible to supply the whole house with heat from one place. Unlike a conventional furnace, such units are capable of operating from one fuel load up to 12 or even more hours. Thus, such a boiler will require attention twice a day, when the required amount of firewood is put into the furnace.

By the way, there are also such models of solid fuel units that are able to work on one tab of fuel for a day or more.

The advantage of solid fuel boilers is that almost all models can work not only on wood, but also on other types of solid fuel. For this purpose, pellets, peat briquettes, as well as the so-called "euro firewood" are produced on an industrial scale from wood waste.

Some types of coal are also used as fuel for these units, however, not all models are designed for it. Therefore, if you plan to use coal for heating, then you should choose the appropriate model, having studied its characteristics upon purchase.

The design and principle of operation of long-burning heating boilers

To understand how the boiler functions, as well as to facilitate the process of its future maintenance, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the design and principle of operation.

The principle of long burning is that, firstly, such boilers have a very large firewood loading chamber. And secondly, that the combustion of fuel does not occur immediately, but, as it were, is divided into two stages.

  • Firewood (or other solid fuel acceptable for this model) is laid in the combustion chamber. This compartment should be filled to almost its entire volume. Only at the very loading window they try to lay out thin logs, wood chips, branches, etc. - to facilitate the initial ignition.

  • Further, with the help of a torch or paper, the fuel bookmark is ignited. At this stage, a sufficient amount of air is supplied to the chamber, which is necessary for the occurrence of intense combustion.
  • Once the fuel has been consumed, the air supply to this primary combustion chamber is reduced to a minimum. Due to this, the usual active burning of firewood stops and goes into the stage of thermal decomposition, in other words, smoldering.
  • Under such conditions, smoldering wood during its decomposition releases very significant volumes of combustible gases with a high energy potential. This process is called pyrolysis, and the gases themselves (in which methane predominates), respectively, are often referred to as pyrolysis.
  • If in conventional furnaces the resulting pyrolysis gases simply go into the chimney, then in long-burning boilers they enter the afterburner of a special design. Here, under the influence of high temperature and an excess of supplied oxygen (air), the gas mixture ignites, completely burns out with a very significant release of heat. As a result of a full cycle, there is practically no waste left from firewood, since their solid component is destroyed by smoldering to the smallest ash, and the gaseous component burns out intensively in the afterburner. This in total determines the high heat transfer of the boiler, its high efficiency.

It is the formed pyrolysis gases that are the main source of thermal energy, and it is their afterburning chamber that accounts for the main part of the water circuit heat exchanger. Although, of course, heat extraction begins in the primary combustion chamber.

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To make it more clear how such boilers are roughly arranged, you can consider the following diagram:

1 - boiler body with a reliable layer of thermal insulation.

2 - a window for loading firewood with a tightly closing door.

3 - chamber of primary thermal decomposition of wood (pyrolysis).

4 - an ash pan in which unburnt waste is collected.

5 - channel for the dosed supply of primary air, necessary to ensure the smoldering of firewood

6 - channel for supplying secondary air, necessary for the complete afterburning of bleached pyrolysis gases.

7 - afterburner chamber for pyrolysis gases.

8 - branch pipe for connecting the boiler to the chimney for the removal of gaseous combustion waste.

9 - branch pipe for connecting the "return" pipe of the heating circuit.

10 - branch pipe for connection to the heating circuit supply pipe.

11 - an additional heat exchanger, which is often used to connect an indirect heating boiler to a domestic hot water supply system

Of course, such a scheme is not at all some kind of dogma. The number of models offered for sale is large, and the layout can have very serious differences. In particular, the structure of the loading chamber, the direction of combustion of the fuel bookmark, and the location and design principle of the chamber for the secondary afterburning of pyrolysis gases may differ. Each model has its own design of "water jacket" or additional heat exchangers. But the principle of operation of the boiler still remains the same.

Before starting the operation of the selected model, it is necessary to carefully study the diagram of its device, which is mandatory included in the documentation accompanying this heating device.

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Varieties of designs of solid fuel boilers for long burning

From the information presented above, it is already clear that the main task in the operation of boilers of a similar design is to achieve the correct dosing of air flows: primary, entering the fuel chamber, and secondary air, responsible for the high-quality complete combustion of pyrolysis gases.

In models of different manufacturers, these tasks are solved in different ways. That is, the design of the boilers can be equipped with additional devices that balance the ongoing processes.

Prices for solid fuel boilers

solid fuel boilers

Boilers with forced air supply

One of the design options are boilers with a fan built into them, which is used to pump air. Distribution of air streams on chambers on internal channels is carried out by means of the automatic control unit.

Almost all boilers equipped with fans are arranged so that the main loading chamber is located in the central part of the structure.

Due to the presence of a fan, the fuel quickly flares up, and the heat-resistant materials that, as a rule, line its internal walls (porcelain concrete or fireclay) perfectly accumulate heat. The thrust created in the furnace constantly supplies the pyrolysis gas emitted by the fuel to the afterburner, which in some models is completely located below. At the entrance to this space, special ceramic nozzles are installed that can withstand temperatures reaching up to 1000 degrees.

When burning, pyrolysis gases heat the pipes of the water jacket. In turn, installed in the heating circuit and also connected to the automatic unit, it provides the required intensity of movement of the coolant throughout the heating system.

In some models of solid fuel boilers, the afterburner can be located at the rear or top of the boiler structure.

If the afterburner is located at the rear of the boiler, it has a rather complex design of heat exchange elements, which contributes to the rapid heating of the coolant. Due to this, a high efficiency of the device is achieved, sometimes reaching up to 90 ÷ 95%.

Such designs of boilers with electronic control have a large number of advantages, but they also have their own significant drawback - this is energy dependence. In the event of a power outage, the fans, the pump, and, of course, the entire automatic unit do not function, which leads to a suspension or complete stop of the movement of the coolant through the heating circuit. If a power outage is not uncommon for the area where the house is located, then it is necessary to have an autonomous power supply system - this may be an electric generator, which must always be kept in a state of full readiness. From infrequent and not too long interruptions, UPS specially designed for this purpose help - uninterruptible power supply battery packs.

Another serious disadvantage of a boiler with an electronic control system is its high sensitivity to voltage drops. Therefore, it is necessary to provide them with protection by installing a separate voltage regulator.

Voltage stabilizer - a guarantee of the correct operation of the boiler electronics

You should not spare money on this device - its cost is incomparable with the cost of a boiler saturated with electronics, and neglecting such a precautionary measure can result in much higher costs! How to choose - read in a special publication of our portal.

Non-volatile heating devices

To avoid dependence on the stability of the power supply, it is worth choosing long-burning units with the organization of natural air draft and equipped with a mechanical control system. There are many such models on the market. For example, these are boilers of a domestic manufacturer familiar to everyone with the name "Bourgeois-K" or "Trayan".

Prices for solid fuel boiler "Bourgeois-K"

These devices have a volumetric fuel chamber located in the lower part of the structure, under which there is a blower, which simultaneously acts as an ash pan. The damper for air access, located at the bottom of the door, is connected by a chain to the thermostat.

When igniting firewood loaded into the firebox, it is necessary to open the damper as much as possible to ensure active ignition of the fuel and start the pyrolysis process. To achieve it, a temperature of at least 200 degrees is required.

After ignition, the damper should be closed, minimizing the access of oxygen to the fuel chamber, transferring combustion to the smoldering stage. Further, as already described above, pyrolysis gases are released, which enter and ignite in the afterburner.

Thanks to this design, the heater is completely non-volatile, so even in the absence of electricity, the house will continue to be supplied with heat.

This type of boiler is inferior in terms of efficiency and fuel economy to volatile appliances, however, it is precisely its independence from the availability of electricity that makes it popular among consumers. In addition, you will also not have to pay for energy consumption, which will also help save on the operation of the heating system as a whole.

Solid fuel boilers with top combustion

Another option for the design of heating units is the original technological systems with the direction of burning firewood from top to bottom. A similar principle is used not only in many models of solid fuel boilers, but also in furnaces operating on the principle of long burning.

Boilers with top ignition, as a rule, have the shape of a cylinder located vertically. Almost all types of solid fuels are suitable for this type of heating units - these are firewood, briquettes, coal, wood chips, sawdust, etc. The chamber in such boilers has a very large volume, which allows them to operate on one load of fuel for a long time: this duration depends on the specific model and type of fuel. For example, some of them are able to work on wood from 24 hours to three days, and when using coal - even from three to seven days.

The working cycle of such a boiler can be represented in the following order:

So, such a boiler has a cylindrical vertically located body (pos. 1).

Through a special door (pos. 2) the selected fuel (pos. 3) is loaded into the chamber. At the very bottom there is a door (pos. 4), which serves to clean the chamber from ash before the next load.

If firewood is used for heating, then logs of large diameter are laid down and in the middle of the bookmark, and wood chips are loaded around them and from above. Then, with the help of paper, the upper thin firewood is ignited. To ignite the fuel, you can use liquids specially designed for igniting stoves.

In the upper part of the body there is an air supply channel (pos. 5) to the boiler, equipped with a valve. The valve can be manual or semi-automatic, operating on the principle of changing the configuration of a bimetallic plate under the influence of temperature. The air from this channel enters the heating chamber (pos. 6), where it is heated under the action of the heat generated by the boiler.

As soon as the surface burning of firewood begins, a special air distributor (pos. 7) is lowered onto the bookmark. This is a rather massive part made of a metal profile, inside of which there are channels for even distribution of air over the surface of the burning fuel. With its weight, the distributor rests on the burning bookmark, and as it burns out, it gradually sinks down. To do this, it is connected to the air heating chamber by a pipe of a special telescopic design (pos. 8).

The air heating chamber has a damper (pos. 9) that regulates the flow of secondary air to the upper part of the combustion chamber (pos. 10).

The pyrolysis gases released during the smoldering of the top layer of the filling rise to the upper part of the fuel chamber, where they meet with the hot secondary air flow coming from above. That is, all the necessary conditions are created for their complete afterburning with a large release of heat. After that, gaseous waste is discharged through the pipe (pos. 11) into the chimney.

The generated heat is transferred to the water jacket of the boiler (pos. 12), which is connected to the heating circuit of the system through the return pipes (pos. 13) and supply pipes (pos. 14).

As you can see, in fact, in this design there is no obvious division into a chamber for pre-combustion of firewood and final afterburning of gases - the total space is divided into these zones by the position of the air distributor, and the dimensions of these zones change during the operation of the unit.

Such models of boilers can also be equipped with a built-in fan that supplies air forcibly. However, even their work can be carried out in the presence of only natural draft. Therefore, the heating of the house will work even in the absence of electricity.

This design has shown its effectiveness, so some home craftsmen take it as a basis when creating their own products. A vivid example of this is the popular wood-burning stove with the unusual name "Bubafonya".

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A small overview of models of solid fuel boilers for long burning

In this section, we will consider several models of solid fuel boilers popular with the Russian consumer, which have proven themselves to be reliable and easy-to-use heating devices.

Solid fuel boiler "Stropuva S40P"

The heating boiler "Stropuva S40P" is a model of the Lithuanian company "STROPUVA", designed for heating rather large areas and capable of operating on coal, wood, as well as on wood and peat briquettes.

The boiler has a top combustion design and consists of two cylinders, one of which is inside the other. The space between the cylinders is, in fact, a water jacket, that is, a heat exchanger for the heat carrier of the heating system. In the inner cylinder there is a volumetric combustion chamber, into which air, supporting the surface combustion of the fuel bookmark, is automatically supplied through a telescopic distributor. As the fuel burns out, the distributor lowers, creating optimal conditions for its smoldering. In the upper part of the chamber, the final afterburning of pyrolysis gases takes place.

The boiler has a cyclical mode of operation; fuel is loaded into the combustion chamber manually.

The unit, due to its shape, has compact dimensions in plan, but has a considerable height - 1900 mm. Therefore, the room for its installation must have a sufficiently high ceiling.

Technical characteristics of "Stropuva S40P" are determined by the following parameters:

Parameter nameIndicators
Boiler type
Type of fuel usedfirewood, coal, briquettes, eurofirewood, pellets
Number of circuitsone (heating only)
power, kWt40
Efficiency, %85
Presence of an air blowerThere is
Built-in circulation pumpNo
Chimney diameter, mm200
ThermometerThere is
Control typemechanical
Energy dependenceYes
Presence of a safety valveThere is
Device weight, kg308

The average cost of the device for 2018 is 105,000 ÷ 110,000 rubles.

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Solid fuel boiler "Buderus Logano G221-20"

Model "Buderus Logano G221-20" is a German-made solid fuel boiler, characterized by high stability and reliability in operation. The heater can operate on different types of fuel - wood, coal, briquettes and coke. The use of more heat-intensive fuels is permissible, since the boiler is equipped with a cast-iron heat exchanger.

The features of the solid fuel boiler "Buderus Logano G221-20" include the following points:

  • Large loading volume of the fuel and ash chamber.
  • The possibility of reinstalling the firebox door to the other side - sometimes it is necessary to do this for comfortable operation.
  • Easy access to cleaning the furnace and blower space.
  • This boiler model can be easily integrated into an existing heating system, for example, as a backup source of heating.

A whole line of Buderus solid fuel heaters of the Logano G221 series with different technical characteristics is supplied to the Russian market. Therefore, from them you can choose a unit that has the required power for heating for both residential and industrial buildings.

Specifications "Buderus Logano G221-20" are as follows:

Parameter namesIndicators
Boiler typelong burning solid fuel boiler
Type of fuel usedfirewood, briquettes, eurofirewood, coal, coke.
Number of circuitsone (heating)
power, kWt20
Maximum heated area, m²200
Efficiency, %78
Coke consumption, kg/h3.9
Coal consumption, kg/h3.6
Firewood consumption, kg/h5.6
Maximum coolant temperature, ˚С90
Maximum pressure in the heating circuit, bar4
Primary heat exchanger materialcast iron
Chimney diameter, mm150
Thermometer, manometerThere is
Control typemechanical
Energy dependenceYes
Device weight, kg210
Linear parameters (height, depth, width), mm1370×820×605

The average cost of such a device for 2018 is 110,000÷115,000 rubles.

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Solid fuel boiler "Protherm Bober 50 DLO"

"Protherm Bober 50 DLO" is a Slovak-made long-burning boiler made of cast iron. The device is designed for heating both residential and industrial facilities.

Efficient operation of the heater is guaranteed with the quality of its installation, as well as with regular maintenance throughout the entire period of operation. The boiler "Protherm Bober 50 DLO" is designed to work in a system with both natural and forced circulation of the coolant. Therefore, this model may well function even in the complete absence of power supply.

Thanks to the cast-iron heat exchanger, the sections are heated evenly, which increases the efficiency of the boiler up to 90%.

The housing is provided with a cooling circuit that prevents the temperature of the coolant from rising above 110 degrees.

Foiled mineral wool is used as insulation of the body, which contributes to an increase in the heat capacity of the unit and the safety of its operation.

The device is equipped with a special thermostat, the regulator of which is displayed on its cover. The required temperature mode is set manually.

Technical characteristics of "Protherm Beaver 50 DLO" are shown in the table:

Parameter namesIndicators
Boiler typelong burning solid fuel boiler
Type of fuel used
Number of circuitsone (heating)
power, kWt35
Maximum heated area, m²265
Efficiency, %90
Maximum coolant temperature, ˚С85
Minimum coolant temperature, ˚С30
Maximum pressure in the heating circuit, bar4
Primary heat exchanger materialcast iron
Chimney diameter, mm150
Thermometer, manometerThere is
Control typemechanical
Energy dependenceNo
Device weight, kg380
Linear parameters (height, depth, width), mm935×740×440

The average cost of the device for 2018 is 95,000 ÷ 105,000 rubles.

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Solid fuel boiler of long burning "Teplodar Kupper OK30"

The unit, produced by a domestic manufacturer, is especially popular for use in private sector residential buildings with a small area. Its demand is explained not only by high technical characteristics, but also by an affordable price.

"Teplodar Kupper OK30" has a compact size, so it does not take up much space, and it does not have to build a separate roomy room. The device is able to efficiently heat the coolant within 20 minutes from the start of the furnace, which ensures that the rooms reach a comfortable temperature in a short time. The advantage of this heating unit is also that it can operate on any solid fuel, and if necessary, it can also be converted to electricity or natural gas - it is possible to install standard modules.

In practice, it has been verified that the optimally long life on one tab of this model is achieved when using two types of fuel simultaneously. For example, firewood is first laid horizontally in the combustion chamber, it is ignited, and then coal is filled through the upper loading channel.

Technical characteristics of "Teplodar Kupper OK30" are summarized in the table:

Parameter namesIndicators
Boiler typelong burning solid fuel boiler
Type of fuel usedfirewood, briquettes, "eurowood", coal.
Number of circuitsone (heating)
power, kWt30
Maximum heated area, m²300
Efficiency, %90
Water circuit volume, l50
Maximum coolant temperature, ˚С95
Minimum coolant temperature, ˚С30
Maximum pressure in the heating circuit, bar2
Primary heat exchanger materialsteel
Chimney diameter, mm150
Thermometer, manometerThere is
Control typemechanical
Energy dependenceNo
Device weight, kg145
Linear parameters (height, depth, width), mm1000×645×420

The average cost of the device for 2018 is 24,000 ÷ 30,000 rubles.

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Summing up - a few words about the advantages and disadvantages of wood-burning boilers

So, despite the wide range of appliances that use other types of fuel, wood-burning boilers do not lose their popularity. Manufacturers are constantly improving their products, supplementing them with innovative solutions that simplify the operation process and increase the efficiency of the units. Due to this, many of the models may well compete with electric and gas appliances.

Virtues such equipment can be considered the following:

  • Long-burning solid fuel boilers have a high efficiency, which for some models reaches up to 95%, since thanks to the afterburning system, the loss of the energy potential of the fuel used is practically minimized.
  • Devices can be called environmentally friendly, since natural resources are used for their firebox, emissions from which are well processed by plants.
  • The autonomy of most boilers makes them independent of the availability of electricity.
  • When installing units of this type, there is no need to go through lengthy procedures to obtain various permits and approvals.
  • Solid fuel boilers can also have a double-circuit scheme, which will not only heat the premises of the house, but also supply the family with hot water. If this function is not provided for in the design of the unit, then it is easy to connect an indirect heating boiler to it.
  • These devices are designed for a very long service life, measured in decades. They are unpretentious in operation and maintenance.

TO shortcomings solid fuel heating appliances include the following factors:

  • Devices require constant monitoring of work, as well as timely loading of fuel into the combustion chamber.
  • Mandatory cleaning of the fuel and ash chamber from combustion products is required before the next cycle of operation.
  • The need to equip a high-quality ventilation system in the room where the boiler is installed, a well-thought-out chimney design.
  • Almost all wood-burning boilers are large in size, so they need to equip a separate room or allocate a lot of space in one of the non-residential premises of the house.
  • In addition, an equipped place for storing solid fuels will be required. Before each load, firewood stored outside must be brought into a room to dry for a certain period. Too wet fuel will significantly reduce the efficiency of the boiler, since the pyrolysis process may be defective.

Owners of country cottages in the arrangement of autonomous heating systems increasingly prefer wood-burning boilers. Indeed, this economical and efficient equipment makes it possible to heat a country house cheaply and efficiently without any additional investments.

How does a wood-burning boiler work for heating a private house

The combustion chamber is located in the central part of the body. During combustion, firewood transfers heat to a heat exchanger, which supplies water to the batteries through pipes. It should be noted that heat comes not only from the heat exchanger, but also from the heated body itself, pipe elements and the chimney. When installing modern smoke exhaust systems, special dampers are installed in the pipes, significantly facilitating the process of cleaning the internal space from ash and soot. Combustion waste also accumulates in the lower tier of the device, which is called the ash pan. Through a cast-iron grate, combustion products are poured into this compartment. The ash pan is recommended to be cleaned regularly.

Advantages of operating wood-burning units

In the PechiMax online store, you can buy any heaters for heating a country house and related products at low prices. All presented products have the appropriate certificates and have a number of advantages:

  • Autonomy. By installing such a device, you get complete freedom from external factors associated with the supply of energy resources;
  • Safety for the environment. Wood is an environmentally friendly material that does not contain all kinds of synthetic additives. Therefore, when it is burned, no harmful chemicals are formed;
  • Cheapness of fuel. In almost any region of the Russian Federation, it is possible to purchase firewood without problems and at an affordable cost;
  • Easy to use and maintain.

By contacting our managers, you will receive comprehensive advice on the selection and operation of heating units.

When choosing heating devices for supplying the house with hot water and heating, the homeowner is guided, first of all, by considerations of the appropriateness of the device in a particular case. It is necessary to calculate the economic issue - how much the equipment, its installation, maintenance will cost. It is important and technically justified to choose a boiler so that its performance is sufficient to solve the main task, and at the same time, you do not have to overpay for unnecessary options and excess power. In some cases, it is convenient to use a system where the energy carrier is natural wood. Especially in those areas where there is no gas supply line or there are power outages.

Source anatomycharty.com

Types of wood boilers

Do not confuse the device with the oven: it has a different principle of operation. If the stove heats the air, then wood-burning boilers for the home are designed to operate a water heating system. Hence a different approach to the design of equipment. The heat exchanger is located in the zone of air overheating. The natural or forced movement of water in the system carries it through the pipes to the heating appliances in the home. Having given up part of the energy, the chilled water returns to the boiler, where it is brought to the desired temperature. The fluid circulation scheme is designed based on the design of the heating device. For this reason, it is recommended to purchase a wood-burning boiler for heating a private house with batteries before installing the heating wiring.

The most important indicator of the operation of the boiler is its efficiency, which largely depends on the design of the combustion chamber and heat exchanger. It is customary to divide equipment intended for firewood into the following types:

  1. Classical.
  2. Boiler with top ignition for long burning.
  3. Pyrolysis.
  4. Long-burning boiler with an extended firebox.

Source msk-kamin.ru

In addition to differences in design due to the principle of operation, devices can be equipped with additional parts. For example, pellet boilers are often equipped with automatic fuel supply. Some models have sensors that inform about current processes, helping to mount a remote control system. Today, wood-burning boilers for home heating are efficient, modern devices that successfully compete in performance with the best examples of gas and electrical equipment.

Traditional design, reminiscent of an oven. The main metal container or a separate device connected to a separate storage tank is used as a heat exchanger. Efficiency depends on the correct arrangement of structural elements, their dimensions, the system of regulation and control over the combustion process. The draft damper is installed in a position where the exhaust air flow is sufficient to prevent combustion products from entering the room. Excessive speed of movement of convection flows is undesirable, since thermal energy will not have time to give the heat exchanger the required amount of heat. Strong draft will blow hot air outside. System efficiency is reduced and fuel consumption is greatly increased.

Source gorodvitebsk.by

This design refers to long-burning devices. A characteristic feature of the boiler with top ignition is a fairly large volume of firewood and a controlled combustion process from top to bottom. The flame spreads more slowly. The metered air supply does not allow the rapid spread of open fire, it is enough to maintain a certain level of combustion. As the top layer is consumed, the firewood located below begins to be included in the process. A high-quality upper combustion boiler can operate on one tab for up to two days.

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Source tr.skopelitissa.com

Modern productive system based on the double combustion principle. When wood is burned, gas is formed, which in a conventional firebox is discharged into the chimney. At the same time, it has the ability, under certain conditions, to also give off energy during combustion. The design of the pyrolysis boiler consists of two compartments. In the first, wood burns, in the second, the gas it releases. This design is often called a gas generator. Provides more complete combustion of fuel. The efficiency of the device is higher than that of a traditional boiler. A more complex design will cost a little more, but will quickly pay off with lower fuel consumption. Such a boiler for heating a private house on wood is considered the most productive and economical.

Source project.ru

The principle of operation is similar to the device with top ignition. The special design of the firebox allows you to place firewood in such a way that the spread of an open flame horizontally is difficult. This also contributes to the minimum air supply. The fire gradually moves from one edge of the firebox to the other. In contrast to the traditional design, the time of return of the potential energy of one tab is much longer. The simplicity of the boiler and high efficiency make it attractive for those who do not want or are not able to constantly control the combustion process. Manufacturers are trying to offer models with a single daily load, which is very convenient for both a country lady of permanent residence and temporary housing, for example, a summer residence.

Source aquatools.com.ua

How to choose the right model

When buying, you should be guided by all the data about the features of the models that will be important during operation. From the ability to install in a prepared room to the quality of the wood burned. The choice of a particular model is determined by the following economic and technical characteristics:

  1. Price. The cheapest are classic designs. They are 2-4 times cheaper than pyrolysis analogues.
  2. Boiler weight. Steel construction is lighter than cast iron. The heaviest models are some types of pyrolysis boilers. Weight can reach 500 kg. This factor should be taken into account when buying. The floor in the boiler room must be adequately reinforced.
  3. Power. It is generally accepted that 1 kilowatt is needed per 10 m 2 of area with an average energy efficiency of housing. In regions with a harsh climate, a correction factor is applied. Sometimes it can be up to 2 units. A high level of thermal protection, on the contrary, will reduce the average value. For a "smart home" you can apply a coefficient of 0.5-0.7.
  4. Manufacturing material. Steel boilers are noticeably cheaper. The metal burns out faster, and the service life of such a device is about 20 years. Cast iron is more resistant to high temperatures and will withstand 35 years of regular use, besides it is more inertial. It warms up more slowly, but cools down longer, which in some cases is very beneficial.

Source cryptopia.ru

The market is widely represented by universal models that can work on both ordinary wood and pellets. Pressed granules are energy intensive and take up less space during storage. In terms of cost, with the same amount of energy produced, the costs are comparable if firewood is purchased at market prices. The range of offered products is extremely wide. Wood-burning boilers are also produced by domestic manufacturers, in particular, one of the oldest enterprises in Russia, OJSC Kirovsky Zavod, and leading foreign companies.

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More information about choosing a wood-burning boiler - in this video:

Wood boiler installation

Fundamentally, the installation of the device does not differ from a similar operation with gas equipment. However, some nuances should be taken into account. The energy carrier for a gas boiler comes through a pipe from the main route and does not require any effort from the user. During combustion, combustion products are not collected. Firewood, on the other hand, requires a separate storage place with recommended conditions. It is best to keep them in a dry place. High humidity reduces the efficiency of work, since part of the energy is spent on drying the wood. The laying of fuel in the boiler, the removal of ash is done, strictly observing the fire safety technique.

Particular attention is paid to the ventilation system and the design of the chimney. When burning, a large amount of substances harmful to health is released. They are not allowed to enter residential premises. Modern boilers from leading manufacturers are equipped with reliable protection systems and sensors. However, wood-burning devices are not recommended for installation in rooms combined with living space. A steel sheet is laid out under the boiler within a radius of at least 1 meter. When communicating with a standard heating system, conflicts do not arise.

Source maltavista.ru

Maintenance and care of the wood boiler

The main problem in the operation of equipment is the timely removal of combustion products. Ash is removed regularly. The high content of organic matter in natural wood leads to rapid contamination of pipelines. The chimney becomes clogged several times faster than when using a gas boiler. With certain skills and the available tool, this operation can be carried out independently. If this is not possible, then specialists are called. If the chimney is operated with a gas boiler running, then the successful configuration of the pipeline allows the operation to be carried out every few years. Wood burning devices require more frequent intervention. Depending on the design, the chimney is cleaned 1-2 times a year. If, with such a schedule, a significant decrease in the efficiency of the system is noticed, you should contact the professionals in order to modify the route, improve the performance of the removal of combustion products.

For a year, 10-15 m 3 of wood is spent on heating a house. Prepare it in advance. Care should be taken that the fuel is stored in a place protected from precipitation. The canopy will suffice. Good ventilation during installation also contributes to effective drying. The type of tree is of great importance. Softwoods such as pine, spruce, cedar are not among the best fuels, but they are inexpensive. Deciduous species - birch, beech, oak, ash give a large return of heat. These rocks are considered valuable, and only waste and non-commercial materials are used as fuel.

Source vsaunu777.ru

Economic benefits when using a wood-burning boiler

It is no coincidence that many reputable manufacturers have launched the production of equipment in this category. Demand for it is high not only in Russia and the CIS countries. Today, wood-fired boilers for a home with water heating are successfully operated in many regions of Europe, America and Asia. The secret is simple - the high prices for gas and electricity have led to the fact that the maintenance of the corresponding equipment is expensive. In many countries, the production of pellets from the waste of the woodworking and furniture industry has been established. The pellets take up little space and are highly energy efficient. Moderate prices make their application extremely attractive. The cost of heating a house of 100-150 m 2 with firewood at an average market price is 10,000 -15,000 rubles. This is even lower than when using gas, although it is considered to be the most cost-effective energy carrier. In practice, it turns out that using a high-performance wood-burning boiler of the latest generation is more profitable than connecting gas equipment. Electricity will cost even more.

Source stroi-archive.ru

In regions where cheap timber is available, these figures are even more impressive. In some areas, a quota for self-procurement of fuel is provided. There are many woodworking enterprises operating throughout the country, for which a constant problem is the presence of a large amount of waste. Not all enterprises in the industry have established complete processing lines. If there is such a production in the neighborhood, then installing a wood-burning boiler will significantly save the family budget.


Some inconvenience is the need to regularly harvest fuel for the future, lay wood in the boiler. However, in reality this is not a big problem. Housekeeping in a private house, in a country house, involves permanent work, in contrast to living in a city apartment. It will not be difficult to allocate a few minutes to maintain heat, especially if it turns out to be cost-effective.

Firewood, despite the presence of many other types of heating, does not lose its relevance today. Most often, they resort to it in the absence of a gas pipeline. This type of heating is commonly used in rural areas. Quite often, wood heating is used to heat private and country houses, cottages and garages.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are many advantages to heating with wood. The main thing is their low cost. It is lower than the price of gas or electricity. Moreover, even woodworking waste can be used for this type of heating. Moreover, by no means all the settlements of our country are gasified. This is especially true for villages in rural areas. Heating with logs is also great for summer cottages.

An important factor when choosing heating with wood is the environmental friendliness of this fuel and the comfort that it allows you to feel. This is not only warmth, but also visual pleasure from the sight of burning wood in a fireplace or in a stove equipped with a panoramic transparent screen, which is usually built into the fuel loading door.

Heating with wood also has disadvantages. The first is the lack of automation. After all, the fuel will have to be loaded into the stove, boiler or fireplace with your own hands, and this takes a lot of time and effort. In this, heating with logs is significantly inferior to gas and electric heating systems. After all, they can be operated practically without human intervention.

In advance, you will need to take care of the availability of a supply of firewood. You can buy them or make your own. In addition, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house is large, you will have to additionally use radiators, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve good heating with just a fireplace or stove. Especially in winter. It is best to use a boiler with a water circuit.

Despite the fact that firewood is affordable for everyone, you will need to spend money on installing a stove, boiler or fireplace. And this “pleasure” cannot be called cheap. You will also have to mount all the additional equipment that will be required to heat your home with high quality.

Proper production of wood heating

Modern wood fuel heating systems have significant differences from previously used schemes.

Attention: Brick stoves, which acted as a heat exchanger, transferring the generated heat to the room, were replaced by modern fireplaces, boilers and stoves.

The choice of heating device depends on the availability of space for installation and the area of ​​the building. When choosing a wood heating system, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Thermal power of the device. It depends on the area of ​​the house, the degree of its thermal insulation and the climatic zone in which it is located.
  2. The need to allocate space for a boiler or furnace. The device for heating with wood fuel must be installed in a room specially designated for this purpose, which must meet certain requirements. In particular, have stable ventilation.
  3. Availability of storage space for fuel. Wood must not be stored in a room where a stove or boiler is located. They must be stored separately.

To determine the device that is best suited for heating with wood, you should take into account the parameters of the building and your financial capabilities. As practice shows, the most popular and effective option is to use a double-circuit boiler with a water circuit in a private house. It will allow not only to warm the building with high quality, but also to always have hot water at hand. But in order to make the final choice in favor of one or another device for heating with wood, you should consider each of them in more detail.

Wood heating options

In order for the house to be warm, you should choose the right wood-burning heating of a country or private house that will be used. As already mentioned, a stove, fireplace or boiler can be used for this purpose.

Attention: When choosing, you should start from the number of rooms and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building.

Usually, if the house is small, a stove or fireplace is installed. Otherwise, it is better to install a boiler with a water circuit. Let's take a closer look at each option:

  1. Furnace heating is characterized by high efficiency and a small heating area. But at the same time, it is the easiest to install. Furnace heating is suitable for buildings up to 60 m².
  2. Water heating includes a boiler (fireplace, stove) with a pipeline connected to it. Thermal energy is transferred through radiators. This heating option is good for buildings over 80 m².
  3. Fireplace heating is in many ways similar to stove heating. The main difference is in a more capacious combustion chamber. In some cases, such a boiler may have a hob.

The heating system using wooden logs can be significantly improved. For example, a heat exchanger can be installed in the furnace, which will allow you to create a full-fledged water heat supply.

But most often, a wood-burning boiler is used to heat the house. It is much easier and more practical to use than a stove or boiler. In addition, it can be made independently.

Making a wood-fired boiler yourself

It's not difficult at all. You just need to choose the right grade of steel. Its thickness must be at least 1.5 mm. The boiler is recommended to be made by welding. But since it takes a lot of time, steel barrels with the desired wall thickness are often used.

It is best if the barrel capacity is 200 liters. It must be cut along, and inside to make a partition. This will be required to install the wheels. A hole is made on the end part for mounting the door, which is recommended to be selected in advance. You will also need a chimney with a diameter of not more than 10 cm. It is located on the reverse side and serves to remove carbon monoxide.

But if you intend to install a heating boiler made by yourself, you should be aware that it has some disadvantages. First of all, it is low efficiency and short service life. In addition, if you accidentally touch its surface, you can get burned, as it gets very hot.

A do-it-yourself wood-fired boiler is perfect for heating various outbuildings with a small area. For example, barn, garage, etc. If you need to heat a country or private house, it is best to install a factory model, which will be of much better quality and will allow you to heat the building well.

Arrangement of the boiler room

Wood burning implies the allocation of a room in which the boiler and devices for its control will be located. This room must meet the following parameters:

  • the presence of a smoke channel with a height of at least 4 m;
  • area not less than 6 m²;
  • the presence of combined lighting;
  • ceiling height not less than 2.5 m;
  • presence of forced ventilation.

Attention: Room decoration should be made of fire-resistant materials. If the boiler has electrical components, there must be a power supply line.

What kind of firewood is best to use

Much for good heating depends on what kind of firewood you use. It should be taken into account that the specific heat transfer of this type of fuel is much lower than, for example, gas. For firewood, the heat transfer is - a maximum of 17.4 MJ / kg, and for gas - 31.8 MJ / kg. Moreover, to maintain the desired temperature, logs should be regularly thrown into the oven.

There are two ways to increase the time between downloads:

  • heating with wood, which emit the most heat;
  • installation of a furnace or heat generator with a large combustion chamber.

In the latter case, it should be borne in mind that the volume of the combustion chamber of boilers is much larger than that of furnaces. Also, stoves are characterized by slower heating, during which you will often have to throw firewood. But then, you can enjoy the heat, as the fuel will burn quite intensively and this will be accompanied by a large heat transfer.

Much depends on the wood you use. Ash, hornbeam and oak are distinguished by the greatest heat transfer. Their burning temperature is about 1000 degrees. In addition, they give a strong heat. The worst firewood from poplar. Their combustion temperature is less than 500 degrees, which means that the consumption of firewood will be greater, and the heat transfer will be less.

Attention: Since ash and oak are quite valuable tree species that are used to make various furniture, doors and various other things, it is best to use birch or white acacia for heating your home. Of course, if these types of trees grow in your area.

Much depends on how dry the firewood is. After all, if they are wet, then the heat transfer will be minimal. This is due to the fact that most of the heat generated is required to evaporate moisture. If you buy firewood, you should carefully check its dryness. And if you harvest them yourself, the firewood should be dried well. This is the only way to achieve high-quality heating with a reasonable consumption of firewood.

Do-it-yourself wood-burning heating of a private house allows you not only to save a lot of money, but also to effectively heat the building even in severe frosts. It will not be difficult to make a stove, boiler or fireplace on your own. But it is best to purchase a factory product, as it will be of better quality and will last much longer. Of course, this system is not without some drawbacks and, for example, is inferior to heating with gas or electricity. But still, the demand for wood-burning boilers, stoves and fireplaces is still great. These devices are indispensable for high-quality heating of houses in rural areas in the absence of gas supply there.

Since there is no gasification in many remote areas of the Russian Federation, a wood-burning boiler for heating a private house with batteries is still an urgent solution to the issue of heating. Modern models of wood-burning equipment have an increased duration of work from one tab, are distinguished by high efficiency and safety.

The principles of operation of wood-burning boilers for private houses

Modern wood-burning boilers for heating a private house with a water circuit have little in common with traditional classic stoves. By their design, most models resemble an autonomous thermal station. But the basic principle of work remained unchanged. The heat obtained by burning solid fuel is used for space heating.

A significant difference and change made in the internal structure is the presence of a water circuit. After modifying the design, it became possible to connect the radiator heating system in a country house with a wood-burning boiler.

At the moment, according to the principle of operation, two main classes of equipment can be distinguished:

A solid fuel boiler is simply a modified wood stove, with better automation of the combustion process and high efficiency.

How to choose a wood-fired boiler for a private house

When choosing a heating boiler for a private house, several points are taken into account regarding design features and performance:
  • Heated area- approximate performance calculations are carried out according to the formula 1 kW = 10 m². When connecting the second circuit for hot water supply, add another 15-20% to the result.
  • Types of heating boilers- as already noted, there are classic units, as well as those that use the principle of pyrolysis combustion. The latter are considered the most economical wood-fired boilers for individual heating of private suburban households. The first are 3-4 times cheaper.
  • Type of heat exchanger- There are two types. It differs in the type of materials used and construction. Steel boilers are cheaper, but serve an average of 10-15 years less. The units are not afraid of impacts and mechanical damage, easy to repair and maintain.
    Cast iron boilers, on average, serve about 35 years, have the best thermal performance. They are afraid of mechanical damage. The repair will require the replacement of an entire section. Another disadvantage of cast iron is the large weight of the boiler. The pyrolysis unit, which has two combustion chambers, easily reaches a mass of 5 centners.
  • Design features of the combustion chamber- manufacturers produce boilers with side loading of firewood. The design is used in most units, both classical and pyrolysis type.
    Boilers with top loading deserve special attention. This design is used in gas generating units. The main advantage of the solution is the possibility of preliminary drying of firewood, which increases the heating efficiency.
  • Availability of additional functions- automation, availability of a backup power source, a built-in storage boiler, a remote control system - all this increases the comfort of operation and is available as an additional package.
In addition to the technical parameters, you will need to decide on the brand of wood-burning boiler and choose a heat generator that suits the price category.

Which boiler to choose

If funds allow, it is better to put a German or Czech-made wood-burning boiler. Somewhat worse in terms of performance, Polish and domestic units. Among foreign and domestic manufacturing companies, the leaders are:
  • German wood-fired boilers- represented by companies:
    • Lopper.
    All equipment has a high degree of safety and reliability, and a long service life. The disadvantage of models is whimsicality to the quality and grade of firewood, high cost.
  • Boilers on wood of the Czech production- the products of companies deserve attention: In terms of quality and automation, the models are in no way inferior to their German counterparts, but have an average cost of 10% less.
  • Russian-made boilers- TT units are produced by almost every manufacturer of heating equipment. The boilers are adapted to domestic conditions, unpretentious in terms of fuel quality and the heat carrier used.
    The products of the following factories are the most popular:
    • Teplodar.
  • Polish wood boilers- several dozen modifications are offered on the domestic market. Models in demand:
    • DREWMET,
    • ORLAN.
    The range includes both conventional wood-fired heat generators and pyrolysis combustion boilers.

Most manufacturers, in addition to classic heating boilers that work exclusively on wood, offer universal or multi-fuel heat generators.

The cost of wood-burning boilers for country houses

Several factors affect the cost of the unit:
  • Type of heat exchanger - a cast-iron boiler will cost 1.5-2 times more than a steel counterpart.
  • Manufacturer.
  • The principle of operation - the cost of a wood-burning gas-generating boiler of a domestic manufacturer will cost 35-40 thousand rubles, and the price of a boiler of a classical design will drop to approximately 20 thousand rubles.
  • Additional equipment.
Registration of documents for putting the boiler into operation, subject to their registration with Rostekhnadzor, is not required.

Installation of heating in a private house with a wood-fired boiler

Wood boilers with a water circuit for heating a private house are connected to an existing heating system with forced or natural circulation of the coolant. During installation work, they comply with the requirements of PPB and SNiP.

Another important issue taken into account during connection is the need for a capacious fuel storage. The boiler burns 10-15 cubic meters of firewood per season. Storage should be dry, accessible, spacious and secure.

Where can I install a wood burning boiler

A wood-fired hot water boiler for heating a private house is installed anywhere, provided that it meets the technical and fire safety requirements. General recommendations regarding the choice of premises for the boiler room are:

The main requirement for the operation of a wood-burning boiler is compliance with the PPB. Modern models are equipped with a multi-level security system that prevents smoke in the room and boiling of the coolant.

Heating schemes for a private house with a wood-burning boiler

The heating device in a private house using a wood-burning boiler is performed in different ways. The choice of wiring diagram depends largely on the design of the boiler and the parameters of the room. All options can be divided into several classes, according to the following features:

A hydronic heating system connected to a wood-fired boiler requires competent planning and execution of work in strict compliance with all existing building codes. The heating distribution scheme in a two-story house is especially carefully planned. A security group is required.

When installing, additionally connect voltage and uninterruptible power supply.

Modern wood-burning boilers are economical, safe and easy to operate, and are successfully used as an alternative to gas equipment.