Cooking. Creative cooking project Diseases and damage to potatoes

Relevance of the project We prepare dishes not only to satisfy our stomach. Studying recipes, we dive step by step into: mathematics (measurement, division) reading (recipes contain a lot of useful information); geography (we learn facts about the culinary characteristics of different countries); creativity (you can always come up with something of your own). 4

My Steps I studied cookbooks and websites with recipes. It was not easy to choose the recipes, but I did it.

My steps Products purchased. Everything you need is washed and prepared. I prepared a delicious and healthy dinner.

My steps My favorite stage: evaluating the result (experts Arina and Sasha Potapov)

Recipes for a healthy and tasty dinner 9 Fish baked in salt: Wash the gutted fish and do not peel it under any circumstances. Place lemon or lime slices inside. Pour half a pack of coarse salt onto a baking sheet and place the fish. Pour another half packet of salt on top of the fish so that the entire fish is covered. Place in the oven at 200 C for 40 minutes. Adults must help remove the fish from the oven. The fish is ready when all the salt has hardened and turned into a shell. Caesar salad with shrimp: Boil the shrimp, wash the arugula and tomatoes. Cut the tomatoes into 4 parts and place on top of the arugula. Cool and peel the shrimp and add to the salad. Grate hard cheese. Make a dressing from vegetable oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper, stir and pour over the salad before serving. Frozen fruit smoothie: Peel and chop 1 banana and place in a blender. Add 1 glass of any frozen berries, 1 glass of milk, 2 tablespoons of ice cream, and add liquid honey if desired. Beat everything into a homogeneous mass and serve.

Municipal educational institution

Klyavlinskaya secondary school No. 2

them. V. Maskina

Citizenship, patriotism.

II. Curriculum and content of the program

Educational and thematic plan

Lesson topic

Number of hours



History of cooking

Basics of a healthy lifestyle

Basics of rational nutrition

Food processing methods

Vitamins. National vegetable salads.

Minerals and health

Animal food

Milk and dairy products

The influence of food intake conditions on its absorption by the body

Egg dishes

Plant based foods

Preparing first courses

Cooking main courses

Technology for preparing shortcrust pastry and products made from it. Culinary excursion.

Technology for preparing liquid yeast dough and products made from it.

Educational work

Final lesson


1. Introductory lesson. Goals and objectives of the course. The importance of nutrition for the life of the body. Occupational safety, sanitation and hygiene rules. General information about materials, tools and equipment necessary for culinary work. Modern household appliances for cooking at home. Dating games. Quiz.

2. The history of cooking. Stages of the emergence of cooking in Russia. Traditional cuisines of the peoples of Russia. Familiarization with the organization of a workplace for culinary work.

Practical work. Preparation of hot drinks. List of dishes: green tea, fruit tea.

3. Basics of a healthy lifestyle. Physiology of nutrition. Nutrients and their importance.

Practical work. Identifying a person’s need to use “health cooking” (filling out a questionnaire).

4. Basics of rational nutrition. Balanced diet. Metabolism and energy. Daily human energy expenditure. Food requirements depending on age, gender, physical activity. Making a menu for the day.

Practical work. Cooking cereal dishes (or sweet dishes). List of dishes: millet porridge with pumpkin, Guryev porridge.

5. Methods of food processing. Characteristics of food processing methods. Benefits of steaming food.

Practical work. Cooking steam dishes. List of dishes: carrot-apple soufflé, egg omelet.

6. Vitamins. Vitamins, their classification, content in food products. Features of cooking to preserve vitamins. Diseases associated with a lack of vitamins in food.

Practical work. Preparation of salads of different nations. List of dishes: “Russian”, “Belarusian”, “Ukrainian” salad (carrots, apples, beets), “Italian” (zucchini, carrots), “Bulgarian” (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers), French cheese, vegetables in Greek.

7. Minerals and health. Macro - and microelements. The body's need for minerals. Diseases associated with a lack of minerals, their replenishment.

Practical work. Preparation of vitamin dishes. List of dishes: raw beet salad with garlic and walnuts, seaweed salad.

8. Animal foods. Animal foods and their importance for the life of the body. The occurrence and prevention of diseases associated with excessive or insufficient consumption of animal foods.

Practical work. Drawing up instruction cards for preparing dishes from meat, fish, and seafood. Cooking meat dishes. List of dishes: baked meat with vegetables. Cooking fish dishes. List of dishes: fish casserole.

9. Milk and dairy products. The importance of milk and dairy products in the nutrition of adults and children. Therapeutic and prophylactic properties of fermented milk foods.

Practical work. Cooking dishes from milk and dairy products. List of dishes: milk noodles, cottage cheese pie, yogurt.

10. The influence of food intake conditions on its absorption by the body. Table setting. The art of serving, The history of the appearance and improvement of dishes and cutlery. Serving rules. Methods of folding napkins, table manners.

Practical work. Table setting for breakfast, lunch, dinner. Festive table setting. Preparing a holiday dish.

List of dishes: prune salad with nuts and garlic, risotto soup.

11. Egg dishes. The importance of eggs in human nutrition. Egg, its nutritional value and use in cooking.

Practical work. Cooking egg dishes. List of dishes: egg in a bag, omelette with green onions.

12. Plant foods. Plant foods and their use in the prevention and treatment of diseases. The occurrence and prevention of diseases associated with excessive or insufficient consumption of plant foods.

Practical work. Cooking dishes from food plants. List of dishes: potato pancakes. Cooking dishes from food plants. List of dishes: bean puree.

13. Preparing first courses. Introduction to the technology of preparing soups with pasta, cabbage soup and borscht.

Practical work. Preparation of soups: vermicelli, pea, rice, onion with cabbage; cabbage soup with fresh cabbage, vegetarian borscht.

14.Preparing second courses from cereals and legumes. Acquaintance with types of porridges and the technology of their preparation.

Practical work. Preparation of porridges: buckwheat with butter; peas with butter; rice, millet, pearl barley.

15. Technology for preparing shortcrust pastry and products made from it. Conversation about cookies and cakes. Safety rules when working with an electric stove. Introduction to the technology of making shortcrust pastry.

Practical work. Preparation of shortcrust pastry products: “Schizandra”, “Banana” cookies.

Culinary excursion.

16. Technology for preparing yeast dough and products made from it. Acquaintance with the technology of preparing yeast batter and baking various products.

Practical work. Preparing dough and baking products: pancakes, pancakes, donuts.

17. Educational work. Holidays "New Year". Tests at the dinner table. Conversation “Rules of etiquette at the table.”

18. Final lesson. Summing up the results of a year of work.

Practical work. Completing test assignments and practical work.

III. Methodological support for additional educational programs

This program gives preference to the following methods and forms of training:

Explanatory - illustrative– allows you to stimulate students to constantly expand their knowledge about the environment through conversations, role-playing activities or business games, student reports, competitions, etc.

Practical– promotes the development of thinking through the formation of intellectual skills: generalization, analysis, synthesis, comparison, modeling, and also allows students to be involved in practical activities in order to acquire skills in preparing dishes of different levels of complexity: independent work, excursions, work with additional literature.

Didactic support

Posters “Dough products”, “Cooking first courses”, “Decoration of dishes”, “Table setting”, etc.

Table “Approximate calorie needs of adolescents”;

Cooking plans;

Photos and reproductions of artistic still lifes (sections “National cuisine”, “Vegetable and fruit salads”, “Decoration of confectionery”)

Tests to control knowledge, abilities, skills;

Didactic cards for monitoring knowledge, abilities, skills;

Game material;

Visual illustrative material;

Library of the “Young Cook”, teaching aids, reference books, encyclopedias.

Material and technical equipment

To implement this program, a large, bright office is required. It must be equipped with domestic drinking, fire and hot water supply systems, sewerage and drains. The room should have natural light and be well ventilated. You must have the following equipment: an electric stove with an oven, a refrigerator, a mixer, a meat grinder, a set of dining furniture (kitchen tables); cupboards; wooden cutting boards; plate dryers; tableware: pots, pans, plates, spoons, a set of teaware, an enamel bucket, teapots, a set of knives, a dinner set, a teapot, a coffee set; scarves, aprons; detergents: “Progress”, “Chloramine”, soda ash.

All products necessary for preparing dishes are purchased through parental sponsorship.

IV. Literature

1. Pork dishes. Slovo, 2011.

2. Bochkova for children. Cuisines of the peoples of the world. - M., 2001.

3. Evladova E., Loginova education of children. Textbook for students of secondary vocational education institutions. – M., 2002

4. Winter recipes for every day. – M.: Rinol classic, 2001.

5. Winter different salads. – M.: Rinol classic, 2001

6. Ivan’s cookbook. – M., 2000.

7. We discuss the problem of education. / Ed. , / - M., 2003.

8. Kireyevsky family. Slovo, 2011.

9. Koryachkina types of flour and confectionery products. Labor, 2006.
10. Levina M. Setting the festive table. – M., 2000.

11. New sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations for the establishment of additional education. – M., 2004

12. . We are discussing the problem of education. / Ed. , / - M., 2003.

13. Rufanova E. Italy. Cuisines of the world. Syllable , 2011.
14. Radina T. Fantasies from vegetables and fruits. Collection of the Best Recipes. Club "Family Leisure Club", 2008.

15. Sklyar . S. The miracles of baking. Collection of the Best Recipes. Club "Family Leisure Club", 2008.

* This work is not a scientific work, is not a final qualification work and is the result of processing, structuring and formatting the collected information intended for use as a source of material for independent preparation of educational works.


1. The importance of soups in nutrition

1.4 Rassolniki

1.5 Solyanki

1.6 Recipes for making borscht, pickles, solyanka

2. The importance of vegetables in human nutrition

2.1Commodity characteristics of tubers

2.2 Diseases and damage to potatoes

2.3 Potato quality requirements

3. Organization of work of the soup department

4. Nutrition of various population groups

4.1 Power mode

4.2 Nutritional features of students of vocational schools

5. Safety precautions when working in a hot shop

6. Conclusion

7. References

8. Applications


Cooking is the art of preparing food.

It has a rich, centuries-old history, reflecting the most ancient branch of human activity, its material culture, which has brought together the experience and skills of cooking techniques of different peoples that have survived to the present day.

Cooking studies the technological processes of preparing high-quality culinary products in accordance with GOST; culinary products are a combination of dishes, culinary products and culinary semi-finished products.

A dish is a combination of food products (raw materials) that have undergone culinary processing and prepared for consumption as food, taking into account portioning and presentation.

A technological process is a series of scientifically based sequential methods of mechanical and thermal processing of raw materials, as a result of which a semi-finished product, culinary product or culinary product is obtained.

Catering enterprises are intended not only for the production of culinary products, confectionery and other products, but they sell and organize the consumption of these products.

Catering enterprises and entrepreneurs provide people with food consumption services and leisure activities.

The central place in a catering enterprise belongs to the cook. Much depends on his qualifications, professional skills, education and spiritual qualities, including the quality of cooking.

"The cook must have primary or secondary vocational education. Know the recipes and technology for the production of semi-finished products, dishes and culinary products, the interchangeability of products, changes that occur during the culinary processing of raw materials. Know the commodity characteristics of raw materials, the techniques and sequence of technological operations during their culinary processing. Observe sanitary and hygienic requirements for the production of culinary products, conditions, periods of storage and sale of products. Know organoleptic methods for assessing the quality of culinary products, signs of poor quality of dishes and culinary products, methods for eliminating defects in finished culinary products. Know the basics of therapeutic and preventive nutrition. Be able to use collections recipes, standards and technological maps when preparing dishes. Be aware of responsibility for the work performed" (from the requirements for a cook, OST-1-95).

A high-quality dish, tasty, healthy and beautiful is a combination of the quality of the products from which it is prepared with the skill of a professional chef who meets modern requirements.

The cook must meet modern requirements and be able to perform not only his own work, but also be able to work with the customer, plan his work, i.e. create technological and economic calculations and engage in self-control of their work.

1. The importance of soups in nutrition

Soups are widespread dishes that are part of lunch.

The basis for preparing soups is liquid. Broth (bone broth, meat - bone, fish, poultry), mushroom and vegetable broths, milk, kvass, lactic acid products (kefir, yogurt, etc.) are used as a liquid base.

Soups include a variety of products - potatoes, vegetables. Cereals, legumes, pasta.

Soups play an important role in human nutrition, as they stimulate the appetite. This role in soups is played by two appetite stimulants: flavoring and aromatic substances and direct irritants (receptors) of the digestive glands. The aroma of soups is given by spices (bay leaf, black and red pepper), white roots, onions, garlic and other seasonings included in the soups according to the recipe. The attractive appearance of soups stimulates the appetite. Therefore, their smell, taste and appearance are of exceptional importance.

Chemical stimulants of the gastric, pancreatic and other glands of the digestive tract are important. This role is played by various soluble substances of the liquid part of the soup: extractive nitrogenous and nitrogen-free compounds that pass into the broth from meat, fish and mushrooms, table salt, organic acids (lactic - sauerkraut, sour cream and kvass, apple - tomatoes), mineral salts of vegetables and other products. Many soups contain vegetables, which are a source of minerals and B vitamins, carotene, and vitamin C, which increases their role in nutrition. Many soups are high in calories thanks to the garnish (the dense part of the soup). These soups include solyanka, soups with cereals, legumes, and pasta. The energy value of soups is increased by meat, poultry, fish, and sour cream. Some types of soups are served with cheesecakes, pies, and pies (Appendix, Scheme 1).

Seasoning soups include borscht, cabbage soup, rassolniki, and solyanka. Their distinctive feature is that they are seasoned with sautéed roots and flour, and some with tomato puree.

Seasoned soups are usually prepared with broths, but they can also be prepared with water. The liquid base of these soups are decoctions of vegetables, cereals, pasta, and legumes. Such soups are called vegetarian.

When making and serving seasoning soups, you must follow several general rules:

Products must be placed only in boiling liquid in a certain sequence, taking into account the duration of their cooking, so that they are ready at the same time.

The soup is cooked in such a way that after adding each product, the broth boils as quickly as possible. Prolonged heating of the broth to boiling and rapid boiling lead to a deterioration in the quality of the soup.

Soups, which include potatoes, pickles, sorrel vinegar, are cooked as follows: first add potatoes, and then products containing acid, since potatoes do not boil well under the influence of acid. Products containing acids are added to potato soup only after the latter is cooked until half cooked.

Carrots, onions and tomato puree should be sauteed in the soup, and beets and sauerkraut should be stewed. When sauteing vegetables, tomato puree, carotenes (coloring substances) dissolve in fat. Colored fat improves the appearance of soups.

Sauteing also reduces the loss of aromatic substances, since this eliminates their distillation with water vapor.

When sautéing white roots and onions, some of the volatile substances that have a pungent odor are removed. As a result, sautéed roots and onions acquire a new taste and aroma, which is transferred to the soup.

When sautéing onions, carrots, and white roots, they should not be allowed to darken; the color of the vegetables should hardly change. Therefore, vegetables should be sauteed in a bowl with a thick bottom. Any edible fat is suitable for sautéing.

Soups, except for potato, cereal and flour products, are seasoned with flour sauté. It gives soups a thicker consistency and is a stabilizer for vitamin C, protecting it from oxidation.

Sometimes you should practice replacing flour sauteing with mashed potatoes in lazy cabbage soup, and many vegetable soups and borscht can be prepared without flour.

Flour can be sauteed with or without fat, and the color should not change.

The flour is cooled, diluted with warm broth, stirred thoroughly until smooth and added to the soup.

Bay leaves and pepper are added to the soup before the end of cooking. After 10 minutes, the bay leaf is removed.

Cook seasoning soups at a low boil. Cooked soups are left for 10-15 minutes without boiling so that the fat floats and becomes transparent.

When serving the soup, put pieces of meat and fish into a soup bowl in accordance with the recipe, chop mushrooms, pour the soup and sprinkle with chopped herbs. Sour cream is served in a sauce boat or added directly to the plate (Appendix 2, Scheme 2).

1.2 Borscht

A characteristic feature of all borscht is the presence of beets and cabbage. The main products that determine the specificity of borscht are sautéed vegetables (carrots, white parsley roots, onions, tomato puree).

Depending on the type of borscht, potatoes, sweet peppers, beans, prunes, mushrooms, dumplings and various meat products are added to it. Borscht is prepared with beef, lamb, pork, goose, smoked pork (ham, brisket, loin), bacon, sausages, and sausages.

For all borscht, except naval borscht, vegetables are cut into strips, and for naval borscht - into slices (Appendix, Scheme 3).

Place potatoes into boiling broth and cook until tender. Then add borscht dressing (sauteed beets, carrots, white roots, onions, tomato puree) and continue to cook at low boil for 15-20 minutes, after which add shredded cabbage, herbs, green bell peppers and boil everything together for 5-10 minutes. The cabbage should be crisp and not overcooked. Cover the finished borscht with a lid and let it brew for 20 minutes. The taste of borscht should be sweet and sour; if there is not enough acid, you can add citric acid at the end of cooking. When serving, put meat on a plate in accordance with the recipe, sour cream, and sprinkle with herbs.

Green borscht

It is cooked the same way as regular borscht, but instead of cabbage, sorrel and spinach are added to it. Served with egg, herbs, sour cream.

Moscow borscht

To prepare this borscht, broth is boiled with the addition of smoked pork. It is prepared without potatoes and flour sauteing, just like borscht with cabbage. Sent with a selection of meat products: beef, ham, sausages.

In restaurants, Moscow borscht is prepared to order: a set of meat is placed in a soup bowl, poured with ready-made borscht, brought to a boil, and served in the same bowl with herbs and sour cream. Hot cheesecakes are served separately on a pie plate.

Ukrainian borscht

It is prepared in the same way as borscht with cabbage and potatoes, but the vegetables are sautéed in lard. Along with cabbage, sweet bell pepper is added to the borscht, and flour sauté is poured in. Before the end of cooking, the borscht is seasoned with garlic, ground with bacon.

Dumplings with garlic sauce are served separately. To make the sauce, garlic is ground with salt, combined with vegetable oil, salt and cold boiled water. Served with sour cream and chopped herbs.

Borscht with prunes

Borscht is cooked in mushroom broth. The prunes are washed, soaked, and then boiled until tender. A decoction of prunes is added to the mushroom broth and the borscht is cooked like borscht with fresh cabbage. When serving, put boiled mushrooms and pitted prunes on a plate, sprinkle with herbs. Sour cream is served separately in a sauce boat.

Navy borscht

Beets, roots and onions are cut into slices, cabbage into checkers, potatoes into cubes. Smoked bacon, brisket, or loin is cooked in bone broth. Borscht is cooked using the resulting broth. During cooking, red capsicum is added to the borscht, and the borscht is served with pieces of boiled bacon or brisket.

Siberian borscht

Borscht is cooked the same way as borscht with potatoes. When leaving, meatballs are placed in it

Borscht with beans

Vegetables are cut as for naval borscht, the beans are pre-soaked, boiled until tender and added to the borscht along with herbs. At the end of cooking, you can add garlic, mashed with salt.

1.3 Cabbage soup

The main component of the side dish are leafy vegetables: white cabbage, fresh or pickled, Savoy, young cabbage seedlings, spinach, sorrel, nettle. Cabbage soup is prepared with meat and poultry (goose or duck), in mushroom broth, and also vegetarian. Sauerkraut cabbage soup is cooked in fish broth.

Fresh cabbage soup

Cabbage is cut into square pieces; carrots, turnips, parsley root - in slices, onion - in slices.

You can cut all vegetables into strips. The turnips are scalded to remove the bitter taste. Instead of tomato puree, you can use fresh tomatoes. They are cut into slices and added to the cabbage soup 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking.

Early and unripe cabbage of late varieties is scalded before adding to the broth to reduce the bitter taste.

When cooking cabbage soup, add cabbage to the broth and bring to a boil. Then add sauteed roots, onions, tomato puree and cook for 20-25 minutes.

You can put bell pepper and garlic in the cabbage soup. If the cabbage soup does not contain potatoes, then it can be seasoned with flour sauté.

Don cabbage soup

Cabbage soup is prepared from sturgeon fish and its food waste. Sturgeon fish is scalded, cleaned and boiled. Broth is made from the heads (without gills), fins and tails. When the heads are cooked, the pulp is removed from them, and the cartilage is boiled for another 1.5-2 hours. Broths from cooking fish and waste are combined, filtered and boiled. Place fresh cabbage, cut into squares, into the boiling broth, then (after 15-20 minutes) roots and onions, diced and sauteed, bay leaves, allspice, fresh tomatoes, cook for 5-6 minutes, add potatoes, cut into cubes or slices, and cook until done. When leaving, put a piece of fish, the flesh of the heads, cartilage in a soup bowl and warm it up, sprinkle the cabbage soup with herbs; Sour cream is served separately.

Sauerkraut cabbage soup with potatoes

Potatoes are cut into cubes or cubes. The cabbage is shredded or chopped and placed in boiling broth. After 5-6 minutes, add stewed cabbage with sautéed vegetables, and before the end of cooking, add garlic, crushed with salt.

Cabbage soup in Ural

Cabbage soup is prepared from sauerkraut with cereals (millet, rice or pearl barley). Separately, cook the cereal in the broth until almost done and add it to the cabbage soup 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking. After 5-10 minutes, add garlic crushed with salt.

Cabbage soup daily

Sauerkraut is stewed with added fat, tomato puree and ham bones for 3-4 hours. At the end of the stewing, add sautéed roots and onions. Prepared cabbage with sauteed vegetables is boiled in broth for 20-25 minutes. Season cabbage soup with garlic. Cabbage soup will taste better if you cook it in pots. To do this, put pieces of boiled fatty meat (beef brisket, pork heads) into clay pots, pour in prepared cabbage soup, and add chopped garlic. The pot is covered with rolled out puff pastry, the surface is brushed with egg and baked in the oven. Greens, sour cream, and crumbly buckwheat porridge are served separately.

1.4 Rassolniki

Rassolniki are prepared in meat, fish, mushroom broths, as well as in poultry and offal broths, with kidneys. An obligatory component of pickles is pickled cucumbers. Large specimens of cucumbers are peeled, freed from seeds, cut into strips and simmered in broth for 15-20 minutes. If the pickle is not sour enough, boiled and strained brine is added to it (Appendix 1, Scheme 3).

Potatoes for pickles are cut into cubes, roots and onions into strips, sorrel and spinach leaves into 2-3 parts. They sell all types of pickles with sour cream or leison.

Cheesecakes with cottage cheese are served with meat pickles, and pies with fish.

Moscow rassolnik

This pickle is prepared with kidneys and offal of poultry, chicken, and veal. The pickle contains kidneys. They are cooked as follows: the prepared kidneys are poured with cold water, brought to a boil and boiled for 5-10 minutes. When boiling, ammonia and purine and other harmful and odorous substances are removed from the kidneys. After boiling, the water is drained, the kidneys are washed to remove foam, filled with water again and cooked until tender. The strained broth is used to cook pickle soup. Parsley and celery are chopped into strips and sautéed. Pickled cucumbers are peeled, seeds removed, cut into diamonds or strips, and simmered in a small amount of broth. Add sauteed vegetables, cucumbers, bay leaves to the boiling broth and cook for 15-20 minutes. Before the end of cooking, sorrel, cut into squares or strips, is added to the pickle and brought to taste. For mass production, the finished pickle is slightly cooled (up to 70* C) and seasoned with leison (yolks mashed with milk and heated).

Leningradsky rassolnik

Rassolnik is prepared in meat, fish or mushroom broth and served with meat, fish, and mushrooms. It contains pearl barley, potatoes, white roots; You can also add carrots. Pearl barley is first poured with boiling water, covered with a lid and steamed for about an hour. If pearl barley is cooked directly in the broth, it becomes slimy and acquires a dark color. The order of adding products to the broth is as follows: steamed pearl barley, after 20-25 minutes - potatoes, then sautéed roots and at the end of cooking - stewed cucumbers and spices. Before leaving, the pickle is seasoned with cucumber pickle and salt.

Homemade pickle

This pickle is prepared as usual, but instead of pearl barley, fresh cabbage is used. The cabbage is chopped into strips and added to the broth first. They serve rassolnik with lamb.

1.5 Solyanki

A distinctive feature of solyankas is that they are prepared in broths with a high content of extractive substances. Solyanka has a pungent taste due to the presence of pickles, tomato puree, capers, olives or black olives (Appendix 1, Scheme 4).

Meat, ham, veal, kidneys, tongue, poultry and other meat products are pre-cooked in the same broth in which hodgepodge is prepared.

Poultry and game intended for hodgepodge can be fried. Meat and fish products are cut into flat slices. Most often, solyanka is a portioned dish, made to order, but it can also be mass-prepared. Fish solyankas are served without sour cream, meat solyankas - with sour cream. When leaving, put a slice of lemon (peeled from the zest) into the hodgepodge and sprinkle with herbs. Lemon can also be served separately.

Mushroom solyanka is also prepared. Instead of meat and fish products, fresh or dried and salted mushrooms are placed in it.

Meat hodgepodge

The onions are finely chopped, sautéed, the tomato is added and sautéing continues. The tomato can be sautéed separately. The cucumbers are peeled and seeded, cut lengthwise and then crosswise into diamonds and simmered in broth. Add sautéed onion and tomato (called “solyanochnaya breze”), poached cucumbers, spices, add capers and cook for 7-10 minutes into the boiling broth. If you are preparing portioned hodgepodge (to order), then put a chopped set of boiled products (ham, meat, peeled sausages, poultry, kidneys), pitted olives into a soup bowl, pour in the liquid part of the hodgepodge, bring to a boil, let it brew and serve with herbs and sour cream.

Fish solyanka

Solyanka is prepared in fish broth with sturgeon or pike perch. The broth is made from the heads or vizigi of sturgeon fish. The fish is cut into 2-3 pieces per serving. The sturgeon is scalded and washed. I put poached cucumbers, onions sauteed with tomatoes, prepared fish, capers, spices into the boiling broth and cook for 10-12 minutes. Dispense fish solyanka with herbs and lemon slices without seeds and zest.

1.6 Recipes for making borscht, pickles, solyanka

Borscht with mushrooms and prunes

Number of servings: 4

Type of dish: Soups – Shchi, borscht

Required Products:

dried porcini mushrooms - 10 g

water - 4 glasses

beets - 100 g

vegetable oil - 1 1/2 tbsp. spoons

vinegar 3% - 1 teaspoon

tomato paste - 1 tbsp. spoon

carrots - 1/2 pcs.

onion - 1 head

potatoes - 2 -3 pcs.

white cabbage - 150 g

pitted prunes - 60 g

parsley root - 1/2 pcs.

sugar - 1 teaspoon

black peppercorns - 2-3 pcs.

Cooking technology:

Soak the mushrooms in 5 times the amount of water for 3-4 hours.

Cut the beets into strips, lightly fry in some oil, add vinegar, tomato paste, sugar, a little water and simmer until tender.

Cut the carrots and onions into strips and fry in the remaining oil.

Strain the mushroom infusion, pour in water, add mushrooms cut into strips, and bring to a boil. Then add diced potatoes and shredded cabbage and cook the soup for 10 minutes.

Add steamed prunes, stewed beets, finely chopped parsley root and sautéed vegetables. Cook the soup for another 15 minutes. 5 minutes before readiness, add salt, pepper, and peppercorns.

When serving, sprinkle the soup with chopped herbs.

Siberian borscht

Number of servings: 4

Cooking time: 50 min.

Type of dish: Soups – Shchi, borscht

Required Products:

beets - 160 g.

potatoes - 40 g.

beans - 40 g.

carrots - 40 g.

tomato puree - 30 g

chopped garlic - 2 cloves

sugar - 10 g

beef broth - 800 g

sour cream - 20 g.

salt to taste

pepper (except diet food) to taste

chopped greens

White cabbage

onion - 40 g

beef - 120 g minced meat

Cooking technology:

Soak the beans for 8 hours in cold water, rinse, add fresh hot water, and cook until tender without salt.

Cut the onion into strips, sauté in half the amount of oil, add carrots cut into strips, fry for 5 minutes while stirring, add tomato puree and heat through. Cut the beets into strips, lightly fry in the remaining oil, add a little broth, sugar, 1/3 of the vinegar and simmer until softened. At the end, add the vegetables sautéed with tomatoes.

Add cabbage to the boiling broth, let it boil, add diced potatoes and cook for 10 minutes. Add stewed beets, boiled beans, garlic and spices. Cook for another 10 minutes. Let it brew for 15 minutes.

Pass the minced meat and onion through a meat grinder, add the egg, water, salt, pepper, and beat. Form meatballs and boil them in salted water for 15 minutes. Place in a plate, pour in borscht, season with sour cream, sprinkle with herbs.

Note: for diets 8, 10, prepare borscht without salt.

Daily cabbage soup with meat

Number of servings: 8

Cooking time: 4 hours

Type of dish: Soups – Shchi, borscht

Required Products:

sauerkraut - 700 g

beef (brisket) - 440 g

smoked pork bones - 100 g

water - 1.8 l

carrots - 100 g

onion - 90 g

tomato puree - 100 g

ghee - 60 g

wheat flour - 20 g

parsley root - 30 g

garlic - 3-4 cloves

sour cream - 90 g

greens - 100 g


Bay leaf

Cooking technology:

Prepare meat broth (see recipe “Meat and bone broth”). The broth is filtered and the meat is cut into pieces.

The cabbage is squeezed out of the brine, finely chopped, half the tomato quantity and oil are added and heated while stirring. Then put the bones, pour in some of the broth and simmer for 3-4 hours under the lid at a low boil. The cabbage should acquire a brown tint, a mushy consistency and a sweetish taste. The bones are removed.

Finely chopped carrots and onions are sauteed, at the end the remaining tomato is added and heated for another 5-7 minutes.

The flour is dried to a yellowish tint, slightly cooled and diluted with warm broth.

Stewed cabbage, sautéed vegetables, finely chopped parsley and diluted flour sauté are placed in clay pots, poured with broth, covered with a lid and placed in an oven heated to 170 °C for 30 minutes. Then spices, pieces of meat, chopped garlic are added to the cabbage soup and heated for another 15 minutes.

When serving, place a piece of meat on a plate, pour in cabbage soup, season with sour cream and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Cabbage soup can also be cooked in a regular pan on the stove.

Shchi with sauerkraut and mushrooms

Number of servings: 8

Cooking time: 60 min.

Type of dish: Soups – Shchi, borscht

Required Products:

dried mushrooms - 32 g

water for soaking - 0.5 l

sauerkraut - 500 g

carrots - 80 g

parsley root - 40 g

onion - 80 g

tomato puree - 80 g

wheat flour - 10 g

ghee - 10 g

sour cream - 60 g

greens - 10 g

salt, peppercorns - to taste

Cooking technology:

Sort the mushrooms, soak in cold water for 3 hours, rinse. Strain the water in which the mushrooms were soaked, combine with the mushrooms and cook them without salt. Chop the mushrooms and strain the broth.

Sauté the onion cut into strips for 5-7 minutes, add the carrots cut into strips, sauté for another 5 minutes, then add the tomato puree and heat everything together for 10 minutes on low heat.

Pour the flour into a heated frying pan and, while stirring, heat until yellowish, cool and, gradually pouring in warm broth, stir until smooth.

Squeeze the cabbage from the brine, chop large ones, place in heated oil, heat while stirring until the cabbage is covered with a layer of oil, pour in the broth and simmer first over high heat, then over low heat with the lid closed until softened.

Add sauteed vegetables, chopped parsley, boiled mushrooms, spices to the finished cabbage, pour in broth and cook for 10 minutes. Then pour in the flour mixture diluted with broth and cook for another 7-10 minutes. Cover the finished cabbage soup with a lid and leave for at least 15 minutes.

Pour into plates, season with sour cream and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Rassolnik in Kuban style

Number of servings: 10

Cooking time: 60 min.

Required Products:

beef kidneys - 600 g

beef heart - 500 g

beans - 30 g

potatoes - 6 tubers

onions - 2 heads

margarine - 100 g

pickled cucumbers - 4 pcs.

tomato puree - 2 tbsp. spoons

garlic - 5 cloves

lard - 100 g

broth - 3 l


ground black pepper

Cooking technology:

Cook the prepared kidneys and heart separately.

Cut the onion into strips and sauté with tomato puree in margarine.

Cut the cucumbers into slices and simmer.

Cook the soaked beans in the broth until half cooked, add the diced potatoes and bring to a boil.

Add sautéed onions and tomato puree and cucumbers and cook for 10 minutes.

Before cooking, add sliced ​​boiled kidneys, heart, salt and pepper.

When serving, season the pickle with pounded bacon and garlic and chopped herbs

Rassolnik with buckwheat

Number of servings: 4

Cooking time: 50 min.

Type of dish: Soups – Rassolniki, solyanka

Required Products:

pickled cucumbers - 4 pcs.

carrots - 1 pc.

onion - 1 head

celery root - 1/2 pcs.

parsley root - 1/2 pcs.

potatoes - 3 tubers

buckwheat - 2 tbsp. spoons

water - 5 glasses

vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons

Bay leaf

Cooking technology:

Cut the vegetables into cubes; Simmer the cucumbers in a small amount of water until half cooked, boil the remaining vegetables, lowering them into water in the following order: carrots, onions, celery and parsley roots, potatoes; add cucumbers. Then add buckwheat and cook until done. Season with oil, salt, bay leaf and bring to a boil. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.

Solyanka meat

Number of servings: 8

Cooking time: 1 hour

Type of dish: Soups – Rassolniki, solyanka

Required Products:

broth - 1.6 l

bones - 300 g

beef - 250 g

beef kidneys - 140 g

ham or ham - 100 g

sausages or sausages - 90 g

onion - 200 g

tomato puree

butter - 40 g

pickled cucumbers - 200 g

olives - 40 g

capers - 80 g

olives - 80 g

sour cream - 160 g

spices - to taste

chopped greens

Cooking technology:

Cook meat and bone broth. Strain. The meat is cooled in part of the broth.

The buds are freed from the film, cut lengthwise, filled with cold water and soaked for 3-4 hours, periodically changing the water. Rinse, add cold water again and cook for 1-1.5 hours until tender at a low boil.

Peeled onions are cut into half rings, sauteed under a lid in oil until softened, add tomato and sauté until the oil is colored and separates from the tomato.

Peel the cucumbers and remove seeds, cut into slices, add broth and simmer for 10 minutes.

Olives are pitted.

Capers are separated from the brine.

Boiled beef and kidneys, ham, and sausages are cut into thin slices.

Place a selection of meats, sautéed onions and tomatoes, stewed cucumbers, olives, capers, bay leaves, pepper, salt into the pan and pour in broth. Cook for 10 minutes on low heat, leave for 15 minutes.

When serving, pour into plates, add olives and sour cream. Place a slice of lemon on top and sprinkle with herbs.

Fish solyanka with shrimp

Number of servings: 4

Type of dish: Soups – Rassolniki, solyanka

Required Products:

fish fillet - 350 g

boiled peeled shrimp - 150 g

onion - 1 head

parsley root - 1 pc.

pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.

tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons

butter - 2 tbsp. spoons

olives and black olives - 1 tbsp. spoon

fish broth (see recipe on the website) - 4 cups

lemon - 1/4 pcs.

sour cream - 4 tbsp. spoons

ground black pepper, salt to taste

Cooking technology:

Cut the fish fillet into slices and simmer until cooked.

Cut the onion and parsley root into strips and fry in oil with tomato paste. Cut the cucumbers into strips and simmer.

Place the prepared vegetables and pitted olives into the boiling broth and cook until tender. Salt and pepper.

Before serving, put fish, shrimp, olives on each plate, pour in hodgepodge, add sour cream, top with a slice of lemon and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

2. The importance of vegetables in human nutrition

Vegetables are of great importance in human nutrition. Eating right means correctly combining plant and animal foods in accordance with age, type of work, and state of health. When we eat meat, fats, eggs, bread, cheese, acidic inorganic compounds are formed in the body. To neutralize them, you need basic, or alkaline, salts, which are rich in vegetables and potatoes. Green vegetables contain the largest amount of acid neutralizing compounds.

Consumption of vegetables helps prevent many serious diseases and increases human tone and performance. In many countries of the world, fresh vegetables occupy a leading place in the treatment of various diseases with dietary nutrition. They are rich in ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which ensures normal carbohydrate metabolism and promotes the removal of toxic substances from the body, resistance to many diseases, and reduction of fatigue. Many vegetables contain B vitamins, which affect human performance. Vitamins A, E, K, PP (nicotinic acid) are present in green peas, cauliflower and green vegetables. Cabbage contains vitamin and, which prevents the development of duodenal ulcer.

Organic acids, essential oils and vegetable enzymes improve the absorption of proteins and fats, enhance the secretion of juices, and promote digestion. Onions, garlic, horseradish, and radishes contain phytoncides that have bactericidal properties (they destroy pathogens). Tomatoes, peppers, and leaf parsley are rich in phytoncides. Almost all vegetables are suppliers of ballast substances - fiber and pectin, which improve intestinal function and help eliminate excess cholesterol and harmful digestive products from the body. Some vegetables, such as cucumber, have low nutritional value, but due to the content of proteolytic enzymes, they have a positive effect on metabolism when consumed. Green vegetables are of particular value. In their fresh form, they are not only better and more fully absorbed by humans, but also help (with enzymes) in the digestion of meat and fish in the body. At the same time, when cooked, green vegetables lose a significant part of their beneficial properties.

To meet the need for vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, acids, salts, an adult needs to consume more than 700 g (37%) of food of animal origin and more than 1200 g (63%) of plant origin, including 400 g of vegetables, daily. The annual need for vegetables per person varies depending on the region of the country and is 126-146 kg, including cabbage of various types 35-55 kg, tomatoes 25-32, cucumbers 10-13, carrots 6-10, beets 5-10, onions 6-10, eggplants 2-5, sweet peppers 1-3, green peas 5-8, melons 20-30, other vegetables 3-7.

Vegetables increase the digestibility of proteins, fats, and minerals. Added to protein foods and cereals, they enhance the secretory effect of the latter, and when consumed together with fat, they remove its inhibitory effect on gastric secretion. It is important to note that undiluted juices of vegetables and fruits reduce the secretory function of the stomach, and diluted ones increase it.

2.1Commodity characteristics of tubers

Tuber crops include potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, and sweet potatoes.

Potatoes are the most common vegetable crop. Occupying one of the first places in nutrition. It is rightly called the second bread.

The homeland of potatoes is South America. Potatoes came to Russia at the end of the 17th century, Peter I sent a bag of tubers from Holland and ordered them to be planted in different regions. The peasants greeted the stranger with hostility; no one could really tell them about its merits. However, in subsequent centuries, potatoes not only took root in new places, but also found a second home in Russia.

Potato tubers are thickenings formed at the ends of the shoots of underground stems - stolons. The tuber is covered with bark, on the surface of which a plug called peel is formed. Under the bark there is pulp, consisting of a cambial ring, an outer and an inner pith. On the surface of the tuber there are eyes with two or three buds. The cork layer of bark protects the tubers from mechanical damage, the penetration of microorganisms, and regulates water evaporation and gas exchange.

Potatoes contain: water - 70-80%; starch - 14-25%; nitrogenous substances - 0.5-1.8%; fiber - 0.9-1.5%; mineral substances - 0.5-1.8%; sugars - 0.4-1.8%; acids - 0.2-0.3%. It contains vitamins (in mg%): C - 4-35; B1- 0.1; B2- 0.05; PP - 0.9. Green and sprouted potatoes contain poisonous glycosides (corned beef and chaconine). Most of the glycosides are found in potato skins.

The nitrogenous substances in potatoes contain simple proteins - proteins. Potato proteins are complete and, in terms of the combination of amino acids, are equal to chicken egg whites. As a result of enzymatic oxidation of the amino acid tyrosine, peeled potatoes darken in air. According to the ripening period, early potatoes are distinguished (ripening 75-90 days); average (90-120 days); late (up to 150 days).

According to their purpose, potato varieties are divided into table, technical, universal, and fodder.

Table varieties have large or medium-sized tubers, thin skin, a small number of shallow eyes, are well preserved, and produce the least amount of waste during cleaning; Their flesh is white, does not darken when cut and cooked, cooks quickly, but does not become mushy. When cooled, the potatoes do not darken and have a pleasant taste. Table potatoes are used directly for food, for the production of dried potatoes, potato flakes, frozen potato products, crisps (chips), and crackers. The most common early varieties of table potatoes are Nevsky, Svitanok, Lvovyanka, Skorospely, Early Rose, Epicurus; medium varieties: Stolovy 19, Ogonyok, Gatchinsky, Peredovik; Late varieties include Temp, Kievlyanka, Ravaristy, Komsomolets, Lorch.

Jerusalem artichoke (earthen pear). Jerusalem artichoke is grown in the southern regions of the country; it is a perennial crop. Jerusalem artichoke tubers are covered with large growths, have an elongated cylindrical shape, and are yellow-white, pink or purple in color; The pulp is white, juicy, sweet taste. Jerusalem artichoke contains up to 20% inulin; it also contains nitrogenous substances (1.5-3%) and sucrose (2-5%). Jerusalem artichoke is used as livestock feed, to obtain alcohol, inulin, and fried directly for consumption.

Yam (sweet potato). Grown in the south. In appearance it is similar to potatoes. Sweet potato is classified as a tuber crop conditionally, since it consists of overgrown lateral roots. The skin is white, yellow or red, the flesh is juicy or dry. Sweet potatoes contain (in%): starch-20, sugars-2-9, nitrogenous substances-2-4. Bata is used boiled, fried, for preparing first and second courses, for producing flour, and also for drying.


Variety "Potato"

Jerusalem artichoke

Variety "European"

2.2 Diseases and damage to potatoes

Potatoes are affected by fungi, bacteria, as well as physiological diseases and pests.

Of the fungal and bacterial diseases, the most common and widespread are the following:

Late blight is a dangerous disease that causes large losses in potato yields. Large smooth and then depressed brown spots form on the surface of the tubers. During storage, the disease is not transmitted to healthy tubers.

Fusarium (dry rot) causes the greatest losses in potatoes. A small dry brown spot appears on the tuber, which then grows, the skin wrinkles and becomes covered with pink pads. Fusarium is quickly transferred to healthy tubers during storage.

Common scab mainly affects the skin of the tuber and, less frequently, the pulp only during growth. Warts or cracked brown spots form on the skin of the tuber, which do not reduce the quality of the potato, but significantly worsen its appearance.

Powdery scab appears on the skin of the tuber. Potatoes are affected in the field, especially in rainy years, but they can also be damaged in storage. Small spots with brown veins first appear on the surface of the tuber, then they turn into hard growths - warts, which burst in a star shape; inside the cracks there is a black powdery mass representing spores.

Potato cancer is a very dangerous fungal disease. Large growths of various shapes and sizes appear on the tubers. They turn brown, begin to decompose and release spores. The growths, increasing in size, can completely destroy the tuber. The disease is transmitted through soil, tubers, containers, and transport. The disease is classified as quarantine. Potatoes affected by cancer are prohibited from being exported outside the quarantine area without observing the relevant rules. It can be prepared. Transport outside the area of ​​infection with a quarantine certificate and use only for technical purposes.

Ring rot is caused by bacteria that attack tubers along vascular bundles in the form of black rings.

Wet bacterial rot affects tubers in the field and during storage, causing them to become watery. Mucous with an unpleasant odor.

Physiological diseases include hollowness (a brown spot with cracks forms at the root of the tuber), rustiness of tubers (rusty-brown spots appear in the vascular bundles or on the entire surface of the cut), darkening of the pulp (gray-brown spots form), suffocation (with a lack of oxygen in the In the tubers, softened places appear, which, when cut, have a loose white mushy mass).

Pests of potato tubers are Colorado and May beetles, nematodes, wireworms, beetles, mole crickets, cutworms, mites, and mouse-like rodents.

2.3 Potato quality requirements

Fresh production potatoes are divided into early and late. Depending on quality, early potatoes are divided into two classes: first and second; late into three classes: extra, first, second. Extra class potatoes must be washed, first and second class potatoes must be washed or dry peeled. Potatoes of extra and first classes must be packaged in consumer containers.

In terms of quality, the tubers must be whole, clean, healthy, without changes in external humidity, not sprouted, not withered, without damage by agricultural pests, which are typical for the botanical variety in shape and color; mature ones with a dense peel, and for early ones tubers with a weak peel are allowed. The size of the tubers according to the largest transverse diameter (depending on the shape) is: for early ones, at least 25 mm (elongated) and at least 30 mm (round-oval). The taste and smell must correspond to the botanical variety, without foreign taste or smell. The standard limits the presence of tubers with mechanical damage, damaged by agricultural pests, scab, and rusty spot. In a batch of potatoes, 1% of soil adhering to the tubers is allowed.

Tubers that are crushed, green on more than 1/4 of the surface, damaged by rodents, affected by wet, dry, ring rot and late blight, frozen, steamed, or with signs of “suffocation” are not allowed.

Packaged potatoes are packed in boxes and container equipment.

Second class potatoes are packed directly into boxes, bags, bags made of polymer and combined materials.

In a retail network, potatoes are stored in closed ventilated areas at an air temperature of 4 to 12 degrees for no more than 3 days; from 12 to 20 degrees for no more than 2 days, relative air humidity during storage should be in the range of 85-90%.

3. Organization of work of the soup department

In the soup department, the preparation of first courses begins with boiling the broths.

To ensure the high quality of first courses, it is of great importance to strictly adhere to the norms for the input of raw materials and recipes for preparing dishes, as well as equipping the chefs’ workplaces with measuring containers and the necessary equipment (spoons, knives, etc.).

At the chef's workplace there should be table or postal scales, a set of three chef's knives, and cutting boards. For slicing, shredding, and wiping vegetables, a universal drive with special mechanisms and a rubbing machine are used; for sauteing vegetables, electric frying pans are used; and continuous boilers are used to supply hot water. In addition, at the workplace of the cook preparing soups, there is a refrigerated metal rack with spices and seasonings (slide).

In restaurants, in connection with the production of a relatively wide assortment of first courses, the range of slide products is quite diverse: pickles, sautéed onions with tomatoes, chopped greens, olives, olives, lemon, croutons, etc. A slide with pre-prepared products allows you to speed up the preparation of first courses.

When organizing chefs' workplaces in the workshop of modern public catering establishments, as noted above, sectional equipment is used using the linear principle of its placement. All thermal sectional equipment is installed in a line with one-way service. The depth of sectional equipment should not exceed 1 m.

Linear arrangement of equipment allows you to save production space due to the ability to install equipment against a wall or in the center of the kitchen and combine one line of heating equipment with another. In this case, a common ventilation duct is provided over all equipment.

Depending on the capacity of the enterprise, the size of the kitchen and its layout, various options for arranging sectional equipment are used. In small kitchens, heating equipment is placed along the walls with local ventilation suction units. A line of production tables is placed parallel to the line of thermal equipment. In larger kitchens, several work stations are allocated for cooks preparing soups and main courses, and in accordance with this, equipment is placed around the perimeter of the room, against the wall, etc. It is recommended to install certain types of heating equipment parallel to each other. This facilitates the installation of local ventilation suction systems.

To prepare first courses, along with boilers of various capacities, frying pans for poaching vegetables, production tables with a built-in bathtub and small-scale mechanization devices are installed.

4. Nutrition of various population groups

Depending on age, weight, height and type of activity, the body's need for nutrients changes.

The energy supply of food must correspond to the energy expenditure of the body. The more muscle movements a person makes, the greater his energy consumption, to compensate for which more food is needed. The need for a certain amount of food is usually expressed in heat units - calories. The amount of calories that enters the human body with any food is called the calorie content of food. It can be determined by knowing the chemical composition and type of food.

The calorie requirement, depending on a person’s age and profession, ranges from 2600 to 4200 kcal. for men and from 2200 to 3600 kcal. for women.

Energy expenditures of a person of various professions per day.

Profession Cost per day kcal.

Teacher 2600

Employees 2600

Students 2800

Wipers 2900

Mechanics 3200

Painters 3800

Miners 4300

Metallurgists 4300

Based on many years of analysis, the norms for nutrient intake by the main groups of the population were calculated based on the general principles of a balanced diet. According to these standards, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet of all groups of the adult population should be - 1-2-4, with the exception of people engaged in heavy physical work - 1-2-5, and for elderly people - 1-0.8-3 ,5.

The calorie content of the diet should be 14% from protein, 30% from fat, and 56% from carbohydrates.

For children, this ratio is as follows: 5-6 years old - 1-1-3.5, infants - 1-3-4.5.

A decrease in the level of intensity of work activity and the intensity of metabolic processes in older people leads to a decrease in energy consumption and the need for nutrients.

The daily diet for such people should be based on 2230 - 2650 kcal. for men, 2000-2300 kcal. for women.

In old age, the body's need for vitamins C, P, B1, B2, B12 increases, and the need for vitamins D, A, K decreases.

Older people should reduce their consumption of meat, eggs, cheese, cereals, and bread. You should increase your consumption of vegetables, fruits, berries, and dairy products, as they contain potassium, calcium, and magnesium salts, the need for which increases in old age.

4.1 Power mode

A diet is called food intake throughout the day, at a clearly defined time, its rational distribution by weight, calorie content, and nutrient content.

Eating food at a clearly defined time leads to the development of a conditioned reflex, which increases the secretion of gastric juice and saliva before eating. Under such conditions, food is well processed by juices, which promotes better digestion. Violation of the diet affects the nervous regulation of digestive processes, leading to loss of appetite. The diet should consist of three or four meals per day. In the four meals a day mode, the interval between meals should be 4-5 hours. With this diet, breakfast should make up 20-25% of the daily diet. It is best to have breakfast with hot meat dishes, sandwiches or eggs, milk or coffee.

Lunch accounts for most of the daily diet - 40-45%. Lunch dishes should include vegetables or fish appetizers, first, second and third courses. The first course can be a vegetable dish or a vegetable side dish for the second course; it is advisable that one dish be made from cereals, pasta or flour products. The duration of lunch should be at least 40-50 minutes.

The afternoon snack should make up 10% of the daily diet. This could be a bun or shortbread, or sour dairy products.

Dinner can consist of easily digestible foods. In the daily diet it should be 20-25%. This could be porridge, casseroles from cereals or cottage cheese, milk or lactic acid products, tea.

You need to have dinner 2 hours before bedtime. If a person works night shifts, one meal should be provided at night. It should make up 20-25% of the daily diet.

4.2 Nutritional features of students of vocational schools

In order for a teenager to develop normally physically and intellectually, he needs adequate nutrition. The intake of nutrients into the body along with food should satisfy the adolescent’s body’s need for plastic and energy materials.

When compiling food rations for adolescents, attention should be paid to the characteristics of the body’s development, energy costs, and seasonal changes. After all, the processes of assimilation in a growing organism prevail over the processes of dissimilation, and the basal metabolism is also increased compared to adults. If in adults the basal metabolism per day is 24 kcal per 1 kg of weight, then in adolescents it is 55 kcal per 1 kg of weight. The energy consumption of a teenager significantly exceeds the energy consumption of adults, since his body is still growing and developing. When developing a food diet, you should also expect that the calorie content of a teenager’s daily diet should be 10% higher than energy consumption so that the body can grow and develop. Malnutrition affects a child's health and development. For example, with a lack of protein in food, immunity is impaired, changes in the composition of bone tissue occur, and growth and development are delayed.

Overeating leads to disruption of oxidative processes in the body. For boys and girls aged 13-17 years, the amount of protein that enters the body should be 1.5-2 g per 1 kg of weight, i.e. 15% of the total calorie intake.

Fats in the body are used as a source and plastic material. Together with fats, vitamins A, D, and E enter the body. The amount of fat that enters the body should be at least 30% of the total calorie intake. A lack of fat negatively affects the development of the body, and an excess leads to the accumulation of pectin bodies in the blood.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. When compiling a diet in vocational schools, you should also take into account that in adolescence the body requires 10-15 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of weight. Carbohydrates enter the body with fruits, berries, juices, milk, confectionery, honey, sugar, and candies. These products should be consumed after the main meal. The diet of adolescents should include foods rich in vitamins, because intensive growth processes require this. Rich in vitamins - milk, butter, meat, fish, eggs, carrots, tomatoes, rose hips, lettuce, onions, cheese, cereals, bread.

The daily requirement for vitamins is: vitamin A - 1-1.5 mg; B1 - 0.8-1.9 mg; B2 - 1.1-2.5 mg; B6 - 0.3-2.2 mg; RR - 3-21 mg; C - up to 70 mg.

The need for minerals is also increased, because the processes of growth and development are accompanied by an increase in cell mass. The daily requirement for boys and girls is: calcium - 1400 mg, phosphorus - 200 mg, magnesium 530 mg. A lack of calcium in the body leads to tooth decay, so the menu of vocational school canteens should include milk and dairy products, vegetables, baked goods, and nuts.

5. Safety precautions when working in a hot shop

This workshop is the main workshop in which the technological process of food preparation is completed: heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, cooking broths, preparation of soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses is carried out, and heat treatment of products for cold dishes is also carried out. The hot shop has a convenient connection with the procurement shops, that is, meat and fish and vegetable shops, with storage facilities, a convenient connection with the cold shop, distribution and dining halls, and washing kitchen utensils. Hot shop dishes comply with the requirements of the collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products, technological instructions and maps, technical and technological maps.

To avoid accidents, hot shop workers must study the rules for operating equipment and receive practical instruction from the production manager. In the places where the equipment is located, it is necessary to post the rules for its operation. The floor in workshops must be level, without protrusions, and not slippery. When working in a hot shop, the following rules must be observed:

Foot grates must be installed on the floor next to the production tables;

Knives must have well-secured handles and be stored in a specific place;

Production baths and tables must have rounded corners.

During work, it is necessary to promptly remove and recycle waste, monitor the sanitary condition of the workshop and each workplace.

The temperature in the workshop should not exceed 26 degrees C.

Disassembly, cleaning, and lubrication of any equipment can only be done when the machines are completely stopped and disconnected from sources of electricity, steam and gas.

Electrical equipment must be grounded.

When working with hot shop equipment, you must know and strictly follow the operating rules for this equipment.

Before starting work, check the serviceability of the machine. Switches and fuses must be closed type. Turn machines on and off using the START and STOP buttons.

All moving parts of machines must be protected and the frame must be grounded. If a malfunction is detected, the supervisor is notified and the machine is not used.

Cargo trolleys are used to move large loads.

Aisles near workplaces should not be cluttered with dishes and containers. The lids of stationary digester boilers are allowed to be opened only after 5 minutes. after the supply of steam or electricity is stopped; Before opening, raise the turbine valve and make sure there is no steam

Open the lids of stove-top boilers towards you.

The workshop must have a first aid kit with a set of medications.

6. Conclusion

Ukraine has long been famous for its rich traditions of national cuisine, which is known far beyond the borders of the republic. Many dishes are included in the menu of international cuisine: borscht, dumplings, dumplings. Ukrainian cuisine is prepared from a wide variety of products (often in original combinations) and uses various methods of culinary processing.

The originality is expressed, firstly, in the predominant use of products such as pork, lard, beets, and wheat flour. Secondly, most dishes are characterized by large sets of components. An example is borscht, where many other products are added to beets that do not drown out, but only enhance its taste.

These features determine the unique taste, aroma, and juiciness of foods.

7. References

V.S. Dotsak "Ukrainian cuisine". Lviv "Oriana Nova", 1998.

L.I. Anfimova "Cooking", 1996

Z.P. Matyukhin "Fundamentals of the physiology of nutrition, hygiene and sanitation" M. Zyson, 1981.

N.M. Miftakhudinova, L.M. Bogdanov "Fundamentals of calculation and accounting in public catering establishments."

Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for catering establishments. M. Economics, 1983

G.A. Bogdanov "Equipment of public catering establishments" M. Economics, 1991.

G.I. Butatizh "Organization of production of public catering enterprises" M. Economics, 1997.

M.V. Vasilchuk "Fundamentals of defense practice."

A.V. Kudentsov Commodity research of food products. M. Economics, 1997

"Culinary travels around the world"

Completed by: student of grade 9 “A”

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 43" Gorbunova Anastasia

Head: technology teacher

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 43" Gorbunova A.V.

The relevance of research:

Cooking has always been and will be of interest to people of all times and peoples, because it is closely related to nutrition - one of the main sources of energy and life on Earth.


Explore cuisines from around the world.


Study literature

Find information about cuisines (cooking) of different

countries of the world, explore them and summarize.

Object of study:

Cooking from around the world.

Rationale for research

Cooking can rightly be called

art. Get to know the masterpieces

culinary art is just as enjoyable and

useful, as with masterpieces of painting,

architecture, music...

I suggest you get to know

the world from a point

culinary point of view and

go to

culinary journey

across the countries of the world!

Russian kitchen.

A bowl of steaming soup, a plate of fresh bread, sour cream, kvass - all this is real Russian food, traditional Russian cuisine.

French cuisine

French cuisine has its own definition - haute cuisine (literally - “haute cuisine”). Refined and aristocratic, rooted in the court cuisine of the French kings, it has always been, is and, most likely, will be a trendsetter in the art of cooking.

Spanish cuisine

According to popular beliefs, Spanish cuisine is a "Mediterranean diet" with food preparation based on fruits, vegetables, legumes, rice, seafood, grains and greens.

Israeli cuisine

Israeli cuisine is an interesting phenomenon. Firstly, Israel is a fairly young country, and during this time there simply has not been enough time to accumulate enough gastronomic traditions to highlight them in the rules, and secondly, Israel is a country of repatriates, each of whom follows their own culinary traditions.

Egyptian cuisine

A classic Egyptian breakfast consists of two main dishes: fula and felafil.

Ful is boiled beans in a sour sauce, with spices and herbs, sometimes with the addition of finely chopped vegetables.

Filyafili are vegetarian cutlets made from ground legumes.

American cuisine

Typically American cuisine is a mixture of everything and everyone. As a result of such mixing, the products appear in a new quality.

Brazilian cuisine

Brazilian cuisine

considered the most

exquisite in the South

America. Here

there is heat and spiciness

Indian dishes

aboriginal, sophistication

and the subtlety of the Portuguese

and French

culinary traditions.

Australian cuisine

Australian cuisine is a bizarre mixture of tastes and gastronomic preferences from all over the world, gracefully “corseted” by English cuisine.

I present the recipe and preparation of the sweet roll Frutsu Roru

Sweet roll.

This dish will especially appeal to those with a sweet tooth, and its preparation does not require much time and effort. You will need: thin pancakes, banana, kiwi, pear (apples, tangerines), Philadelphia cheese, jam (preferably fruit) and powdered sugar for decoration.

First you need to prepare the cream. Mix cream cheese and powdered sugar.

Sweet roll Frutsu roru

Wash the fruit. We remove the banana from the peel, remove the skin from the pear and kiwi (apples, tangerines). Cut everything into medium cubes. Pour the chopped fruit into a deep bowl and mix with the cream of cheese and powder.

Place the pancake on a flat surface and spread the filling on top. Roll it up and cut it.

Sweet roll Frutsu roru

Then we put the rolls

on a flat plate

decorate with jam and

sprinkle with sugar

Japanese food

A journey into Japanese cuisine is every time an excursion into the world of culinary miracles, rare smells and traditional customs...

We explored the cuisine of the whole world using the example

some countries. Cooking from every continent

States and cities are very diverse. Every kitchen

individual and refined, like no two completely

People are the same, and no two cuisines are the same.

Each of them still has its own peculiarity, its own

Everyone knows that cooking plays a huge role in people's lives. We all love to eat delicious food, so a festive feast is not only an indicator of the cordiality and hospitality of the owners, but also an excellent characteristic for any woman. However, do not forget that the daily family menu should also be quite varied and healthy. After all, tasty and healthy food is the key to the health of all family members!

It is in the kitchen, preparing food, that a woman spends a lot of time. And the ability to create delicious and varied dishes can be considered a real art. It’s not for nothing that men value so much those charming ladies who love and can cook. More recently, many of us preferred to have lunch or a snack in establishments that serve fast food. Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the harm that such nutrition can cause to health. It’s not for nothing that there are so many people in the country who suffer from obesity and improper metabolism. And all these are the consequences of “junk food”! That is why every mother and wife should learn to feed their family tasty and healthy. Moreover, today anyone can learn this. Long gone are the days when culinary recipes were carefully copied into notebooks and passed down from generation to generation, and cookery books were impossible to get. Now there are various culinary websites, television programs are broadcast, and a lot of books with various recipes are on sale. However, the most important thing is the desire of the person himself to learn how to cook. After all, food prepared without mood will not be tasty! Any dish should be cooked, fried and steamed with love, with the desire to please your loved ones or friends. Only in this case will all the food taste delicious. Don't forget about decorating the dishes! After all, the appetite of children and adult family members depends on this. It’s not for nothing that many mothers bake pancakes in special shaped frying pans, decorate salads with funny and tasty animals, and expertly set the table. They know exactly how to improve the appetite of loved ones and turn a family dinner into a small celebration! Each housewife can choose her signature dish. Of course, for this you need to have experience in cooking, since such a dish must be prepared according to its own unique recipe. Usually a woman spends a lot of time on this, constantly adding and changing the composition of the dish, seasonings and technology. But at the end of the day, she may end up with a real masterpiece of culinary art, which will become her signature feature on any holiday table!