What time of day to spray tomatoes. How and when to spray tomatoes

To protect your garden from pests, you need to know what you can spray your tomatoes with. Ignoring this can cause significant damage to the crop and loss of the crop. To develop seedlings and obtain the best fruits, treatment with stimulating components is required.

To protect your garden from pests, you need to know what you can spray tomatoes with.

Having chosen the appropriate option for spraying tomatoes, you should remember that pests gradually adapt to the aggressive action of the components. To protect plants from death, it is necessary to periodically change sanitizing components.

To achieve the maximum effect from spraying tomatoes with protective substances, certain rules must be followed. The first treatment is carried out during the period of introducing seedlings into the soil. To better spray tomatoes, gardeners need to remember that:

  • It is more effective to treat the crop against pests in advance, without waiting for characteristic signs of its wilting to appear;
  • the optimal time of day for the procedure is morning, before 10 o’clock, or evening, after 18 o’clock;
  • Recommended air temperature for the procedure is +5…+30ºС.

It should be remembered that one of the main requirements for how to properly irrigate bushes is the use of spray bottles with a fine nozzle, which carefully distributes moisture without damaging the leaves. After spraying, it is important to allow the tomatoes to dry completely before sunset, so as not to provoke the development of mold and fungal diseases. For the same reason, it is not recommended to spray seedlings in strong winds.

To achieve the maximum effect from spraying tomatoes with protective substances, it is necessary to follow certain rules

To prepare medicinal solutions, soft, settled water is used. Before spraying tomatoes, you need to bring the temperature of the liquid to air temperature. Using cold water on leaves that have been heated by sunlight can cause burns.

When determining the spraying regime for tomatoes, you must follow the instructions, taking into account the plant’s need for treatment. In case of significant damage, the number of irrigations must be increased. The general rule is that all procedures should be stopped 2-3 weeks before harvest.

How to save tomatoes from late blight (video)

Use of growth stimulants

A universal component used to support most garden crops is Epin extra. Its action is aimed at reducing harm from the influence of adverse weather factors. The component is recommended for use in latitudes with aggressive or atypical climatic conditions for the warm season. Spray the bushes when there is excessive heat, cold wind or low temperature, and the plant will definitely survive, advise experienced gardeners.

To prepare Epin extra, you need to dissolve 5 drops of the component in 0.5 liters of warm boiled water. The substance can be prepared in advance, but it should be used within 24 hours. For the first time, seedlings are treated immediately before being introduced into the soil. Subsequently, manipulation is carried out as needed while unfavorable natural factors are in effect. It is necessary to apply Epin extra weekly to the stems and leaves of the crop until they are fully strengthened, until the inflorescences appear.

Another effective tomato growth stimulator is Zircon. Its action is aimed at quickly strengthening the crop in the soil, flowering and the appearance of fruits. The advantage of Zircon is the protection of plants from pests and heavy soil enriched with heavy metals. To prepare the composition, you need to mix a few drops of the stimulant in 1 liter of warm clean water, then apply the resulting liquid to the tomato seedlings a day before adding it to the soil.

A universal component used to support most garden crops is Epin extra.

A well-known industrial component that has a beneficial effect on the growth of tomatoes is sodium humate. Its disadvantage is toxicity, and therefore it is necessary to use gloves when preparing the solution. But if you spray the bushes correctly with the component, you can increase the yield by more than 50%. To obtain a stimulating substance, you should dissolve the powder with hot water 10-12 hours before treatment, based on the ratio of 3 liters of liquid per pinch of the main component. Before direct application, you need to dilute a glass of this substance in 4.5 liters of clean water.

To stimulate crop growth, it is recommended to spray tomatoes with a heteroauxin solution. Its use is recommended in conditions of insufficient lighting, which prevents normal fruit set. In this case, the manipulation is carried out not during the planting period, but after the first flowering. The bush should be treated with water, in 1 liter of which 1 tbsp is mixed. powder. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the morning or evening, when the plant is not exposed to direct sunlight.

Choosing a treatment for diseases

Tomatoes are often subject to late blight. Brown rot is expressed by damage to the leaves with dark brown spots, which gradually spread to the fruit. To protect bushes from disease, it is recommended to spray tomatoes with Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride. The procedure is first carried out when seedlings are introduced into the soil, after which it is repeated after 2 weeks. At the same time, treatment with Epin is carried out.

Brown spot is expressed as yellowing of the upper side of the leaves, which over time turns into a brown color, accompanied by the appearance of mold on the lower part of the shoot. To eliminate spotting, tomatoes should be sprayed with Oxychom. You need to dissolve 1 tbsp. powder in a bucket of water, then treat the diseased bushes with the prepared product and dissolved Epin every 2 weeks.

Softening of the lower part of the tomatoes, which takes the form of a brown spot, indicates damage to the fruit by blossom end rot. Despite the non-infectious nature of the disease, experts strongly advise spraying the plant with a medicinal component to obtain a better harvest. To prepare the medicinal composition, stir 1 tsp. calcium nitrate in a bucket of water, after which the affected crops are irrigated with the resulting composition and Epin extra once a week.

A characteristic feature of the black leg is the thinning and darkening of the lower part of the stem, which gradually weakens the root system of the tomatoes, and they are easily removed from the soil. To eliminate blackleg, treat the bush with any of the following products: Baktofit, Fitosporin, Fitolavin.

Traditional methods of pest control

Before spraying tomatoes with industrial compounds, it is recommended to use folk remedies to treat the plant. A universal way to protect crops from pests is a weak solution of vodka. You need to dilute 0.5 cups of alcohol in 1 liter of water, then generously sprinkle the seedlings with the resulting mixture. When significant lesions are observed, leaves and stems are treated with a solution of copper sulfate or potassium permanganate, a pinch of which is dissolved in a bucket of water.

Another method requires treating the tomato with a solution of garlic and manganese. To prepare it, you need to chop 100 g of root vegetables and feathers, which are poured with a glass of water and left overnight to infuse. After this, the strained liquid is poured into water in which 1 g of manganese powder is dissolved, and the tomato seedlings are sprayed with it.

To prepare a medicinal component with iodine, you need to pour 1 liter of milk into 9 liters of water and stir 15 drops of iodine. According to another recipe, tomato seedlings are treated with a mixture of water and whey with the addition of a few drops of iodine. For greater effectiveness, a course of treatment lasting 2 weeks is recommended, which is combined with treatment with Epin extra.

A product based on tinder fungus effectively fights late blight. To prepare it, dried mushrooms are used, which are chopped with a knife, poured with one liter of boiling water and left to infuse for several hours. The strained liquid is applied to the stems 3 times a month, combined with treatment with Epin. With significant late blight damage, the number of sprays is increased.

Before spraying tomatoes with industrial compounds, it is recommended to use folk remedies to treat the plant

To obtain an ash solution, you need to mix 0.5 buckets of the dry component in 10 liters of water. The liquid is left to infuse, after which it is diluted with the same amount of water and 2 tbsp is added. laundry soap shavings. During the flowering stage, you need to additionally treat the bushes with Epin.

Late blight can destroy an entire crop in a matter of days. Therefore, it is so important to prevent the spread of pathogenic microorganisms and take preventive measures in a timely manner. The fight against late blight should begin already at the stage of preparing seed and soil. And at the first signs of illness, use chemicals and folk remedies.

What is late blight

The causative agent of late blight is a fungus whose spores can be found in the soil or carried by the wind. The rapid spread of the pathogen is facilitated by cold rainy weather, sudden changes in temperature, fog, and poor ventilation.

Late blight is a dangerous disease of tomatoes, the incubation period of which is from 3 to 14 days.

Late blight reduces the quality of tomatoes, causes plant death, leads to damage to seed material and the accumulation of infection in the soil. Late blight on tomatoes can be recognized by its characteristic features:

Video: how to save tomatoes from late blight?

Spraying tomatoes against late blight

Preventive treatment will help prevent late blight. If the tomatoes still show signs of disease, it is necessary to urgently take measures to cure them using chemicals and improvised means.

To protect against late blight, tomatoes are sprayed with antibacterial solutions.

Biological drugs

Biological agents based on bacteria destroy pathogenic fungi and restore infected plant tissue.

Table: use of biological products against late blight

A drug Consumption rate Application
  • 2 tab.\10 l;
  • 1 tab.\1 l;
  • 2 tab.\10 l;
  • 2 tab.\10 l.
  1. Tilling the soil before planting.
  2. Application into the planting hole (200 ml).
  3. Root watering 2 weeks after planting, again after 14 days (1 l\1m2).
  4. Three-time treatment with a week break of the affected plants (1 l\1m2).
  • 1 tab.\1 l;
  • 10 tab.\10 l.
  1. Application into holes (200 ml/plant).
  2. Treatment of tomatoes three times (before budding, subsequent ones - after 10 days).
  • 2 tbsp. l.\10 l;
  • 4 drops\200 ml;
  • 15 drops\10 l;
  • 15 drops\10 l.
  1. Soil treatment before planting.
  2. Soaking seeds.
  3. Preventative spraying before flowering, again after 15 days.
  4. Therapeutic spraying is carried out at the first signs of the disease, then every 10 days.

Photo gallery: biological products for late blight

Alirin B does not accumulate either in the plant itself or in its fruits
Gamair is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent to combat fungal diseases. Fitosporin-M is an effective drug for the prevention of tomato diseases.

To treat the soil in the greenhouse, I use the biological product Baikal EM1, which suppresses soil pathogens and increases the number of beneficial bacteria. I dilute the concentrate with water (1:1000), leave for 6 hours and spill the soil (3 l/m2).

The drug Baikal EM1 improves soil microflora, suppressing pathogens

Video: how to dilute the drug Baikal EM1

Bactericides are used for the prevention and treatment of plants in open and closed ground. They are not dangerous to humans and do not accumulate in soil and plants. But their protective effect lasts no more than 2 weeks.


Chemicals are very effective and last longer. But they are toxic; they cannot be sprayed on plants during flowering, so as not to harm the bees. The last treatment should be completed 3 weeks before harvesting.

Spraying tomatoes in a greenhouse is carried out early in the morning

Table: use of chemicals against late blight

A drug Consumption rate Processing period
25 g\10 lPreventive spraying of seedlings, then, if necessary, every 7 days (60 ml/m2 for open ground and 200 ml/m2 for greenhouses).
  • 10 g\10 l;
  • 20 g\10 l.
  1. Preventive treatment after planting seedlings.
  2. Foliar treatment at the first signs of infection, two repeat treatments at weekly intervals.
  • 10 g\4 l4
  • 25 g\10 l.
  1. Preventive spraying of seedlings 2 weeks after planting in the ground (200 ml/m2).
  2. Therapeutic 2–3 treatments with a break of 10–14 days (1 l/m2).
40 g\10 lTriple spraying (1 l\10 m2) during the growing season with a 10-day break.
600 g\10 lEarly spring tillage.

Photo gallery: chemical protection products

Ordan contains 2 bioactive substances that provide high antifungal effectiveness of the fungicide. Copper sulfate is a fungicide designed to destroy pathogens of fungal diseases. Two-component fungicide Ridomil Gold is available in granular form. Hom is a broad-spectrum preparation used when spraying plants to combat late blight pathogens. Due to the presence copper Bordeaux mixture is an excellent preventative against late blight, and for already damaged tomatoes it is an effective medicine

Video: Trichopolum - a super remedy for late blight and tomato diseases

When preparing the greenhouse in spring, it is advisable to treat the soil with the help of biological preparations. It is better to use chemicals in the fall. Beneficial soil microorganisms destroyed by the use of chemicals will have time to recover by the spring planting of tomatoes.

Folk remedies

To obtain an environmentally friendly harvest, many gardeners use folk remedies instead of chemicals.

Tomatoes should be sprayed at non-sunny times of the day (morning or evening) in the absence of wind and rain using a sprayer.

Iodine solution

The fungicidal properties of iodine help protect tomatoes from late blight. In addition, plants are saturated with iodine, which strengthens their immunity. The first treatment with an antibacterial solution is carried out after planting seedlings (1 drop\3 l), subsequent times every 10 days with a more concentrated solution (10 drops\10 l).

Iodine, which has fungicidal properties, protects tomatoes from late blight

To disinfect tomatoes indoors, I use tea bags soaked in iodine. I hang them on strings in the greenhouse, 1 piece per m2. Iodine vapor, when evaporated, blocks spores of the late blight fungus, which allows you to grow healthy plants and get a good harvest.

After brewing, tea bags are soaked in iodine and hung in a greenhouse with tomatoes.

Lactic acid products

Phytophthora pathogens are afraid of an acidic environment, so fermented milk products are used to process tomatoes.

Kefir is used for the prevention and treatment of late blight

Antibacterial solutions are prepared from:

  • 1 liter of kefir and 10 liters of water;
  • 2 liters of whey and 10 liters of water.

To increase efficiency, add 30 drops of iodine or brilliant green to the liquid. The soil and tomatoes are cultivated in open ground and in a greenhouse at intervals of 14 days.

Video: late blight - the epidemic has begun!

Garlic infusion is effective and harmless to fruits. After the formation of ovaries, when it is better not to use chemicals, spray the plantings once every 2 weeks with garlic infusion (200 g of chopped garlic and 1 g of potassium permanganate, pour 10 liters of warm water, leave for 24 hours).

Treatment with garlic infusion can also be carried out when ripening tomatoes.

Baking soda

An antibacterial solution is prepared from 2 tbsp. l. soda and 10 liters of water. For better adhesion to the leaves, add 2 tsp. soap You can also use a more concentrated liquid (500 g\10 l), to which 10 g of manganese and 10 ml of iodine are added.

Green grass, familiar to everyone, has also found application in the garden due to its fungicidal effect. 10 ml of brilliant green is dissolved in 10 liters of water and sprayed on the tomatoes once every 10 days. You can add 10 tablets of Furacilin to the solution.

Pharmaceutical green is used by summer residents to spray tomatoes against late blight.

Video: iodine + brilliant green against late blight and tomato diseases

Using Yeast

Yeast solution, while effectively suppressing pathogenic microbes, is also a source of beneficial bacteria. The following compositions are used for spraying:

Yeast fungi are active only at temperatures not lower than +20°C, so processing should be carried out in dry, warm weather.

Late blight often affects tomatoes when agricultural practices are violated or in damp, cold weather. To prevent the spread of a pathogen, prevention is necessary. If the plants are already affected by a fungal disease, spraying with antibacterial solutions will help save the crop.

Kira Stoletova

Foliar application of plants is sometimes more effective and faster than any root application. How is tomato spraying done and why is it necessary? We will analyze in detail the important points of the agricultural event.

Why is this necessary?

Vegetable crops absorb substances not only through underground parts, but also through foliage. In tomatoes, this ability is very developed. Plants react painfully to a lack of microelements and temperature changes. With high humidity, fungi are activated, and in hot weather, the roots can be burned with chemical fertilizers.

Even well-fertilized soil before planting is not able to feed abundantly fruiting tomato bushes until the middle of the season.

Leaf treatment is an emergency solution for tomatoes. Fertilizers, stimulants and fungicides enter the cells directly, bypassing a long period of absorption through the soil. The drugs begin to act in the first two hours, and not after 10 days, as is usually the case.

Foliar feeding is effective at any stage of crop development. Weakened seedlings absorb microelements better and quickly acquire a healthy appearance. You cannot do without spraying the leaves during the periods of flowering and fruiting: plants absorb only the necessary substances and do not accumulate nitrates.


If vegetables develop poorly and have an unhealthy appearance, we recommend alternating root and foliar applications. While the nutrients reach the underground parts, the tops will quickly absorb only everything they need. The procedures are carried out in cloudy weather or in the evening, when the sun is no longer so hot.

Signs of Deficiency

A deficiency of any of the elements is often accompanied by noticeable symptoms. This is especially visible at the stages of formation of green mass and fruits. Of course, in each case there are exceptions, but all signs of shortage are systematic.

  1. Nitrogen. The foliage turns yellow at the edges and then falls off. The veins on the underside of the tops take on a red-blue hue.
  2. Magnesium. The defect manifests itself in the form of a plate turned up.
  3. Phosphorus. The above-ground parts of the plant darken, acquiring a greenish-blue color. The foliage becomes deformed, the stem becomes brittle, and the roots wither.
  4. Potassium. As is the case with magnesium deficiency, the leaves curl and turn yellow at the edges.
  5. Bor. The tops curl and the flowers fall off without forming ovaries.
  6. Zinc. Brown gray spots appear on the plant, turning into necrosis. The shape of the plates changes in the same way as with a lack of magnesium.

It is worth remembering that an excess of any of the substances is just as dangerous as a deficiency. nitrogen-containing preparations activate the formation of tops to the detriment of the fruits. Tomatoes also have an unpleasant habit of accumulating microelements in the form of nitrates in their pulp.

Expert comment:

Iron deficiency (chlorosis) is often confused with nitrogen deficiency. Chlorosis also causes leaves to turn yellow. Mistaking this for a nitrogen deficiency, gardeners begin to intensively feed ammonium nitrate or urea. Nitrogen deficiency manifests itself primarily on the lower leaves, i.e. in this case, the leaves of the lower tier turn yellow first, whereas with iron deficiency the tops of the plants turn yellow.

Start of growth

Nitrogen is the most important component that is responsible for the absorption of other minerals. With a lack of substance, plants become pale and thin, the foliage acquires a yellow tint. In advanced cases, the culture sheds its ovaries and gradually dies.

Spraying tomatoes with a urea solution has a beneficial effect on the development of seedlings. To do this, dilute a teaspoon in a bucket of liquid and pour it into a spray bottle. The procedure is carried out after replanting to a permanent place of growth and before flowering begins. Remember that the product is contraindicated during the setting of buds and tomatoes.

Phosphorus helps in the formation of roots and promotes better development of bushes. If there is a shortage, the plant stops absorbing nitrogen, which negatively affects immunity and fruit ripening. All the microelements that vegetable crops need are contained in the nitrophoska preparation. A spoonful of the product is diluted in 10 liters of liquid, after which it is applied one sheet at a time.

For lovers of organic fertilizers, we do not recommend using humus for spraying. Vermicompost is more suitable for processing tops than manure or chicken droppings. Of course, it is not so concentrated, but after the procedure the condition of the plants and soil improves.

Flowering and fruiting

As soon as buds appear on the bushes, you must immediately move on to the next stage. During this period, products are needed that improve the quality of pollen and ovaries. Boric acid is often used as a microfertilizer, which:

  • provides fruits with nutrition;
  • saturates the pulp with sugar;
  • protects against pests and diseases.

You should not use borofoska, which is designed for watering under the roots of trees. Acid is more economical than fertilizer and leaves less residue on the plant. One gram of powder is diluted in 1 liter of hot liquid. On average, 10 ml of solution is consumed per bush. The events are held during the period of mass opening of flowers.

To improve fruit formation, one of the proven folk remedies is wood ash. To prepare the extract, pour boiling water over a glass of the substance, let it sit for a day, filter it, and add it to a bucket of water. The resulting solution is thoroughly sprayed onto the tomatoes – leaves and stems. If you supplement the recipe with 20 ml of iodine, the ripening of tomatoes will accelerate.


Inside each plant there is a certain set of phytohormones that are responsible for growth, flowering or fruit formation. Based on these natural elements, scientists have developed artificial analogues. Biological products in small doses have a beneficial effect on tomatoes. Of course, they will not replace nutritional supplements, but they will help the crop cope with stressful situations.


An excellent tool for adapting to unfavorable living conditions - sunburn, cold and heat. The advantage of the substance is that it is absolutely non-toxic for people and animals; there is no “habit” of accumulation in tissues or fruits. For use, it is enough to dilute 10 drops of the drug in a liter jar of water. Since the active elements decompose under ultraviolet light, all work is carried out after sunset.

"Epin" cannot eliminate the lack of nitrogen, magnesium or potassium, but it will minimize the consequences for the plant. Thanks to the stimulant, seedlings are planted without complications and mass death of seedlings. You should not get carried away with the drug, otherwise the overfed crops will stop producing natural hormones on their own.


An excellent activator of growth, root formation and flowering, increases resistance to dangerous diseases such as late blight and powdery mildew. Unlike Epin, this product accumulates in tissues, so the dose and number of sprays must be precisely dosed. Three drops of the medicine are added to a liter of slightly warm water, after which the plants are treated.

Due to the fact that important elements are activated by sunlight, procedures are carried out in the first half of the day. “Zircon” is gradually removed from tomatoes, after which the event can be repeated again. We do not recommend using several hormonal medications at the same time.


No matter how much farmers care for their vegetables, one mistake is enough for diseases to appear. Diseases threaten tomatoes starting from seedlings and ending with the period of fruit ripening. Here it is not enough to simply water the roots or sprinkle chemicals on the affected specimens. If you notice the signs of fungus in time, there is a chance to get rid of the disease painlessly and quickly.

HOM(Chlorine Oxide Copper)

The copper-based preparation resembles the popular Bordeaux mixture in its characteristics. The concentrated substance covers the leaf and prevents the pathogen, which is hiding under the sawdust of the mulch, from penetrating into the plants. Most often used for prevention and treatment:

  • late blight;
  • brown spot;
  • macrosporiosis.

To prevent diseases, dilute 40 g of “HOM” in a bucket of water, mix thoroughly and spray the plants. If you see the first signs of illness, then the number of treatments is increased. Agricultural work is carried out in the morning or evening, preferably in cool weather without wind. The drug does not have protection from rain, so after precipitation the measures are repeated. The fungicide must not be used during flowering and fruit formation.


An excellent remedy for combating fungal diseases. Active elements suppress the proliferation of late blight and powdery mildew pathogens. In addition to poisons, the composition contains humic acids, which have a beneficial effect on the root system. The main advantage of the drug is its low toxicity, which allows it to be used to protect seedlings.


To treat one leaf at a time, dilute 5 g of Fitosporin-M in a bucket of liquid, mix thoroughly and pour into a spray bottle. The interval between preventive measures is two weeks. When treating with the drug, the actions are repeated every 10 days until visible signs disappear.


To grow healthy vegetable crops, you need to know what procedures exist and why they are needed. If you regularly spray tomatoes with nutritious, stimulating or medicinal agents, you will reap a bountiful harvest by the end of the season.

Every gardener who grows seedlings, in any case, performs foliar feeding several times a season. And when growing tomatoes, it also prevents or treats fungal diseases. But not everyone knows how to spray correctly so as not to harm the seedlings and reduce the yield.

How to spray tomatoes correctly?

It’s not enough to spray the tomatoes on time; you also need to do it correctly so as not to harm them. When performing the next spraying, carefully ensure that the tip is at least half a meter from the plants themselves and do not hold it in one place for a long time. Spraying should be in small drops.

During very strong winds, before or immediately after rain, it is not recommended to spray plants. If you decide to spray your tomatoes in the morning, wait until the dew dries.

All solutions must be used on the day they are prepared. Before preparing, read the instructions carefully; strict adherence to concentration is very important. If you are making a suspension or emulsion, remember that they need to be mixed and filtered very thoroughly.

Spray tomatoes - in the morning or in the evening?

What time of day is best to spray tomatoes is a controversial issue. Basically, it depends on the purpose of spraying and the product you will use. Typically, all chemical preparations are recommended to be used in the evening or even late evening. And you can spray plants with solutions of “traditional medicine” at any convenient time - both in the morning and in the evening.