How to build a fireplace in the country yourself. We make a fireplace in the country How to make a fireplace in a country house

In a limited space, a small fireplace is the best solution for creating a cozy atmosphere in every respect. You can build it in private housing construction, in the country, in an office or in an apartment on the 17th floor. The only difficulty is the need to fit the design into the existing architectural ensemble. In addition, it is worth considering the fire aspect, because each room has its own nuances.

First you need to decide on the functional component. Simply put, what kind of small fireplace is needed. The easiest and cheapest option is electric. It requires little space and only a few hours to install.

Depending on the design features, the fireplace comes with or without a heating function. Regardless of this, the visual imitation of fire is quite reliable.

Drywall is used as the basis of a false fireplace. Before you process it with your own hands, you need to make a sketch.

It takes into account the following parameters:

  • The volume of the room - the larger it is, the more actively the fireplace should generate heat;
  • The materials from which the surrounding objects are made - it is not advisable to place even an electric fireplace near them;
  • The prevailing style in the room - the fireplace must match it;
  • Availability of necessary communications.

An electric small fireplace is an opportunity to equip a cozy corner in an apartment or private house at no additional cost. It is recommended to install such a product at the stage of repair. In this case, it is easier to connect communications, because not always all aspects can be foreseen at the design stage. In addition, it is necessary to calculate the required amount of heat generated.

We build a small fireplace with our own hands from brick

More efficient in terms of the use of free space and the generated heat is the brick counterpart of the electric fireplace. As in the first case, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the existing need for heat, the minimum required air circulation, and so on. This information can be found in the technical passport of the house.

After that, a sketch is formed, the purpose of which is to take into account the existing layout. Simply put, a sketch helps to think in advance what and where will be located.

To a certain extent, the use of computer tools will simplify the task. Thanks to this, you can see everything in 3D in advance.

The further course of action is as follows:

  • Drawing up a detailed drawing - it calculates the location of each brick and all related communications;
  • It is necessary to check several times that all dimensions in the drawing are indicated with maximum accuracy, otherwise a brick fireplace cannot be built in a country house or at home;
  • No less attention is paid to the size of the furnace - it corresponds to the parameters of the hearth;
  • Once all the drawings are ready and checked, you can safely go to the building supplies store;
  • Before you buy something, you should make sure that there is a heat-resistant marking;
  • Make sure that there are enough wooden blocks, the dimensions of which can be 4x4 or 5x5;
  • If you plan to install a mini fireplace with the possibility of large heat generation, then in this case, instead of wooden bars, you need to use a metal profile.

To build a small stone fireplace, you need to make a sketch and draw up a drawing based on it. Materials are selected taking into account the maximum possible temperature during the combustion process. In order to reduce installation costs, it is recommended to carry out installation at the stage of repair in the room.

Tips: how to build a small fireplace for a summer residence with your own hands

Before proceeding with construction, it is necessary to consider the last nuance - how long it is planned to use a country fireplace or its counterpart in the apartment.

If we are talking about a country house where the owner lives for several months during the summer, then in this case it is better to add up a simple option. Wood is used as fuel.

The advantages of this option are obvious - no need for frequent maintenance.

In the case when you want to get your own fireplace for the long term, then you need to do the following:

  • Choose the point where the furnace will be located;
  • The minimum distance between the rear wall of the furnace and the building is 15 cm;
  • The volume of the firebox directly depends on the desired amount of heat;
  • Even the most powerful fireplace will not be able to heat a room if it is not equipped with its own internal cast-iron partitions.

The duration of use of the fireplace is a key indicator that allows you to determine the minimum required power of the fireplace. The longer a person uses the device, the more powerful it is to choose stoves and a firebox.

Rules for operating a small fireplace

Electric and wood burning fireplaces need regular maintenance. It is produced with the regularity recommended by the manufacturer, however, there are some nuances here. We are talking about cases where, for example, soot and fumes are formed faster.

Unscheduled repairs or maintenance can be caused by several interrelated factors:

  • Use of low-quality firewood;
  • The use of too wet coal with low efficiency;
  • Poorly adjusted damper;
  • Ingress of foreign objects through the chimney.

Types of small fireplaces (video)

The installation of a small fireplace is made on the basis of the sketch and drawing made. In both cases, all dimensions are checked, because even a slight error will lead to problems. An important role is played by heat-resistant materials and the power of the furnace. The latter is selected taking into account the expected duration of use of the fireplace for one year.

In country houses they often do not live permanently (especially in winter), so there is a certain problem with heating. But in this case, a mini-fireplace for a country house will be a good help, with which you can quickly raise the temperature in one room until the entire building is heated from the main heating system.

We will look at some of the designs of such devices, and also see the video in this article, which will indicate the topic clearly.


Note. There is an erroneous opinion that the fireplace is not able to heat the whole house, but in fact it is not.
Despite the fact that the thermal effect is largely due to infrared heating, that is, from the heating of objects surrounding the firebox, a closed firebox allows you to install a water jacket or simply work with the effect of a conventional cooking stove.


  • The U-shape of the built-in portal and the open firebox indicate that you have a classic style of heating structure in front of you.. Although recently the furnace is increasingly being made closed - this increases the efficiency when burning fuel.
    A damper or door that regulates the air flow into the combustion chamber can make it smaller, therefore, the rate of hot gases ejected into the chimney will also be less, thereby keeping the room warm. Marble is most often used to finish classic designs, but it can also be ceramic tiles, steel, cast iron and even wood.

  • Not so long ago, starting from the second half of the 20th century, “modern” and “high-tech” styles began to come into fashion - which, in fact, are difficult to distinguish from each other, since minimalism is inherent in one and the other case, what makes such heaters convenient for a small country house. Most often, metal (steel or cast iron) is used here as a building material, and the structure itself is mounted in a wall or a pedestal specially equipped for this purpose.

  • At the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century, such an architectural style as bionics arose, which, in fact, has no straight lines and angles - all forms are streamlined and as close as possible to natural conditions. Each of these fireplaces, in fact, is a work of art, so their price is quite high and it makes no sense to mount such a heater in a rarely visited room.

  • Electric heaters of this type are fundamentally different from wood and coal fireplaces, which need a chimney.. Here, heating occurs due to the weak injection of hot air by a fan, or with the help of infrared radiation.
    But here it is possible to design the portal for almost any of the above styles, in addition, you see a picture of burning wood or coal, which creates the feeling of using natural fuel. Even if your house is not electrified, renting a diesel generator for a summer residence will solve this problem.

Turning what you want into reality

Note. You can pay attention to the fact that no instruction obliges you to make a fireplace as an exclusively heating device - the presence of a hob will allow you to cook food and boil a kettle, which is very convenient for a country house.

First of all, it should be noted that small fireplaces for giving in any case should perform their heating functions. And this means that such a device should occupy at least 1/50 of the area of ​​the entire room.

Imagine that the total area will be equal to 20m 2, therefore, a heater of this type should occupy 20/50 \u003d 0.4m 2. The height of such a structure will depend on the height of the ceilings, the architectural style, as well as your own preferences.

Note. In the event that you decide to equip a fireplace with an open firebox and a direct chimney (without an attic lounger and draft wells), you get an additional means of natural ventilation of the room.

Let's say that we need to build a fireplace on a previously agreed area of ​​​​20m 2, therefore, its width can be in the range of 70-80 cm, and its height is 55-65 cm with a firebox depth of 35-37 cm, the back wall will have a height of 35 cm and about 50 cm wide.

If the chimney has smooth walls, then its cross section for a room of 20m 2 can be made 14 × 27 cm and 27 × 27 cm with rough walls. In cases where the area exceeds 20m 2, but not more than 25m 2, then both with smooth and rough walls of the chimney, its cross section should be 27 × 27 cm.

As you understand, the draft must be adjustable, therefore, when you need an oven grate, valve or gate. But before proceeding with the installation of the heater, you must make the floor without fail, even if these are country houses from block containers - there should not be flammable or fusible materials on the floor.

Alternatively, for protection of this kind, a flooring of fireclay bricks is laid or a sheet of galvanized sheet is simply spread.

Regardless of whether the fireplace will be on a pedestal or on a flat floor plane, the refractory part of the base must protrude at least 1/3 of the firebox along with the walls. For example, with a firebox depth of 36 cm plus the walls, it will be about 50 cm, which means that the protrusion must be at least 18-20 cm from the outside of the door.

When counting bricks, be sure to take into account the layer that will go to the base, therefore, the amount of fireclay will be determined by the base and height of the firebox. For the rest of the structure, you will need an ordinary ordinary or decorative (front) brick.

As a rule, laying starts from the back wall (after arranging the pallet) and makes it in two layers - the inner one is made of fireclay, and the outer one is made of ordinary bricks, that is, we erect the masonry from the portal base to the base of the chimney. In order to create a thermal reflection angle towards the floor, the back wall is made with a smooth slope of about 20⁰, so you direct the heat flow to the fuel mirror.

After that, the fuel mirror itself or the pallet is laid out, which will rise 15-20 cm above the base. Next, put a smoke box (“smoke tooth”) in the shape of a pyramid, where there will be a chamber for collecting and cleaning soot.

Do not forget about the stove valve, which should be located either in the chimney structure, or slightly lower, but in any case above the “smoke tooth”. With this design, a shelf is formed on the outside of the chimney, which can be used both for decorative and household purposes.


You can fold a fireplace in the country with your own hands, even without much experience in furnace construction, since here you do not have to invest in a complex system of traction wells, without which they cannot do. As a last resort, you can purchase a small-sized electric fireplace, which will save you not only from construction work, but also from the garbage that certainly accompanies the installation of such a device.

Almost every person dreams of a hot home where the whole family can gather on cold evenings. And if it is quite difficult to install it in an apartment, then it will look great in a country house. A fireplace in the country is needed not only to heat the room, but also to create a special atmosphere of comfort and warmth. You can trust professionals who will pick up the design and take care of all the installation chores, or you can do it yourself.

Types of fireplaces

There are several main types of fireplaces:

Wood. The traditional model of the hearth, perfect for summer cottages.

Consists of a fire chamber, a chimney and a portal. The design of the latter can be changed, adjusting to the interior of the room, which allows you to fit the model well into a room of any style. It is quite difficult to build such a fireplace, any mistakes lead to a lack of traction, which is why the smoke will remain in the room.

It is necessary to plan the installation of this model even at the construction stage, it is recommended to install a foundation of brick or concrete.

Gas - equipped with an atmospheric gas burner. Relatively inexpensive and safe option. They have many advantages, such as ease of installation and no difficulties with installing a chimney. Among the shortcomings - low efficiency, the need to have permission to install.

Electrical. Most often they play a purely decorative role, since there is little heat from them. Quite popular due to fire safety, easy maintenance and lack of a chimney.

According to the location, the foci can be:

  • Wall. As the name implies, they are located near the wall, they can be installed after construction.
  • Suspended. They do not have a horizontal support, and together with the chimney are fixed on the wall. Outwardly, such a model resembles a picture, the portal is made so that its design resembles a frame.
  • Embedded. In this model, the firebox and chimney are completely hidden in the wall, only the portal is visible. They are installed in a special niche in the wall, it is advisable to plan their acquisition at the stage of construction or overhaul.
  • Island. They stand separately, open from all sides. Known as the most beautiful hearths, however, they are difficult to make and take up a lot of space.

Criteria for choosing a fireplace

A fireplace for a summer residence must be made in accordance with the following criteria:

  • area of ​​the room;
  • time of residence in the house during the year;
  • installation and its cost;
  • design and its cost;
  • model efficiency;

Traditional fireplace for a summer residence

Long burning stove

Consider how to make a traditional wood-burning fireplace in the country with your own hands. First of all, it is necessary to carefully design it, calculating the dimensions, location and cost. The latter is highly dependent on the following criteria:

  • The type of fireplace and the material of its decoration. For example, a brick or stone finish will cost more than a drywall or ceramic finish.
  • Ceiling height and number of floors in the house.
  • The material from which the walls are made, the need for additional insulation.
  • Building foundation.

Traditional fireplace device

Fireplace masonry scheme

The hearth consists of many elements, the main of which are the firebox and the chimney. The firebox is the most important part of the fireplace, it is in it that the fire burns. From the inside, it is lined with some heat-resistant material, for example, fireclay brickwork is often found.

This is necessary to regulate temperature fluctuations - so the hearth can heat the room even after it is turned off. In addition, it protects the other materials from which the device is made from deformation.

The chimney is the second most important element of the fireplace, providing air circulation.
In addition to them, there is a smoke collector, a grate and an ash pan in the hearth. Models with a closed firebox have a protective door that allows you to admire the flame without fear of sparks and soot.
The outer part of the device consists of a portal that defines the design of the product.


To make a fireplace yourself, you will need materials such as sand, cement, clay, brick, etc. etc. When choosing a brick, it is important to pay attention to its quality, it should not have flaws.
Necessary tools: grinder, trowel, notched trowel, rubber mallet and building level.

Installing a fireplace

First of all, you need to determine the location of the fireplace. It is important to remember that the hearth should not be placed in a draft, near stairs or in small rooms. The size of the room in which the device is installed should be at least 15 - 20 square meters. m.

It is necessary to draw drawings to mark the foundation. It is important that the base area should exceed the planned dimensions of the fireplace by 10 cm.

The foundation is installed as follows: First, sand is poured in layers. Each layer must be moistened and compacted. The cheapest option would be a concrete base. For this reason, it will be necessary to make formwork from boards, sheathe it from the inside with roofing material and install it in a trench. After that, you can start laying rubble concrete.

Then the gaps between the stones are covered with rubble and filled with cement mortar. After one layer dries, you need to install the second. The top layer is leveled and closed with polyethylene. After installing the foundation, you must wait a week before starting work on laying the fireplace. Before installing the hearth, the clay must be soaked for several days. It is then mixed with sand to form a masonry mix. The brick must also be soaked to eliminate air bubbles.

The laying itself is carried out from the corner to the outer row, then to the center. The firebox must be laid out of fireclay bricks. After that, the chimney is removed and the holes are protected from leaks with the help of special caps and chimneys.

The last step is grouting and finishing.

It is quite simple to build a fireplace in the country by yourself, you just need to know the basic rules for choosing a place and installation.

Video: How to choose a fireplace stove for home and garden?

Home improvement involves the implementation of a wide variety of work related to finishing, laying communications, arranging various systems, etc. There are a number of universal solutions that allow you to simultaneously perform several important tasks. And one of them is laying out a fireplace with your own hands. A well-built unit will become not only a source of heat, but also an excellent addition to the interior.

For self-calculation of the fireplace, you need to use the highest quality materials possible. They must be refractory, so the process of choosing the necessary materials should be approached with the utmost responsibility.

Fireplaces are made of metal and brick. Metal structures are the easiest to arrange - you just need to buy the model you like and install it on a prepared base.

However, for all its ease of installation, metal fireplaces cause a lot of inconvenience during further operation, primarily related to the safety of the residents of the house. The metal gets very hot and can cause severe burns and other damage. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to refrain from installing such equipment where small children live.

With intensive use, metal products burn out quite quickly. On average, after a few years, such a fireplace becomes unusable. Therefore, it is better to approach the issue thoroughly and lay out a full-fledged brick fireplace.

Such a design will require the arrangement of an individual foundation. Masonry is carried out using a special solution, which will be discussed later.

Special attention should be paid to the choice of the main building material. Only fireclay bricks are suitable for laying a fireplace. The manufacturing technology of this material is such that, as a result of numerous treatments, its properties become similar to those of natural stone. The brick becomes as resistant as possible to high temperature and its differences.

Before use, the product must be left in water for about three days. This will remove excess air from the bricks and get the highest quality masonry.

What to prepare a mortar for laying a fireplace?

The first stage is the choice of clay. To prepare the solution, a small amount of elementary and widely available components is used. The traditional option is an aqueous solution of clay. Special attention must be paid to the choice of the main component of the solution. In nature, this material can have different characteristics, according to which it is divided into normal, lean and oily.

Only normal clay is suitable for the preparation of masonry mortar. In other cases, it will be necessary to include additional elements in the composition, which will not have the best effect on the final financial costs.

The second stage is the preparation of clay for work. Take normal clay and soak it for 2-3 days in a large container of water.

The third stage is the preparation of the masonry mortar. Usually the solution is kneaded with a shovel. If desired, this can be done with your feet, after putting on high rubber shoes. Carefully monitor the condition of the solution and promptly remove various debris when it appears. If you can’t find normal clay, you can take skinny clay and add oily clay to it. It is impossible to use oily and lean clay separately.

The fourth stage is checking the readiness of the clay. Before use, the resulting mass must be checked for strength. To do this, make a couple of small balls. Put one of them in some dry dark place to dry. Flatten the second into a cake and place next to the first product. After a couple of days, evaluate the condition of the cake and the ball. If the material is cracked, the solution is too greasy and some kind of binder must be added to it, for example, cement. In the absence of cracks, the mortar is normal or lean.

Skinny clay "in its pure form" is not suitable for use. To deal with this moment, try to break a clay ball on a table, floor or other similar surface. If the ball breaks, the solution is thin and some more fat clay needs to be added to it. If the ball does not break, you can start laying.

A step-by-step guide to self-laying a fireplace

The first stage is the choice of a place for the construction of a fireplace. First of all, remember that the fireplace should not be placed in close proximity to flammable products. Examine the ceiling and roof of your home. To install a fireplace, you need to choose a place so that the chimney does not pass through the beams and cuts.

The second stage is preparation for the foundation. The fireplace is built on an individual foundation. First, a recess is prepared for pouring concrete. Add to the dimensions of the future fireplace 100-150 mm on each side, and you will get the optimal dimensions of the foundation.

The depth of the pit is selected individually. Traditionally, it is 300-500 mm. The specific value is determined in accordance with the characteristics of the composition of the soil. For example, if there is a lot of sand in the ground, a 30-centimeter deepening will be enough. Otherwise, you'll have to dig a little deeper. First, the bottom of the pit is covered with a small layer of sand, which must be compacted. After that, a layer of rubble is poured.

The third stage is the preparation and pouring of the solution. For such a foundation, a simple cement mortar is suitable. Prepare it from a piece of cement, the same volume of water and 3 times as much sand. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained and pour it into the prepared pit. Level the solution with a trowel. Wait until the cement hardens, lay a waterproofing material on top of the fill (usually roofing material is used, it fits in 2 layers) and proceed to masonry.

The fourth stage is the formwork device. At this stage, you need to install the formwork. Prepare wooden boards, beams, plates and wedges. The wedges are placed under the wooden blocks.

The fifth stage is the laying out of the supporting parts. Mark the rows on the formwork, taking into account the thickness of future seams. The fireplace will consist of an odd number of rows of masonry. The central brick is called the castle brick. It is installed vertically, at a central point.

The sixth stage is the creation of a wedge-shaped jumper. This element must be laid on both sides in the direction of the lock brick. Laying is done so that in the central part the jumper can be easily wedged with the center brick. Use a string to check if the seams are correct. Fix it at the junction of the jumper with the side partitions.

The side walls must be of sufficient thickness and width, otherwise they simply cannot cope with the incoming loads. Where the wedge-shaped jumper mates with the side partitions, you need to make ties. Steel strips are used to create them. The ends of such strips should be bent up.

The seventh stage is the device of arched and arch type jumpers. The structure of these elements differs from the design of the wedge-shaped jumper. The surfaces of the jumpers under consideration should form arcs with a certain radius. In the case of beam-type jumpers, their radius must exceed half the distance between the side posts. The considered jumpers are evenly laid out on both sides. Pay attention to the seams - they should be wedge-shaped.

It is important to maintain the correct width of the seams: in the upper part it should be about 2.4 cm, at the bottom - 0.3 cm.

Use a string to check the accuracy of brickwork and joints. Wedged the jumper with a locking brick.

Jumpers must be allowed to brew in the formwork. Waiting time will vary. The specific period depends on the ambient temperature and the quality of the solution. For example, in the summer it may take 1-3 weeks. The colder it is, the more time it will take.

The eighth stage is the layout of the firebox. At this stage, special attention must be paid to the back wall of the firebox. If screens are planned in the wall, the laying is carried out according to the pattern. A cutting board is suitable for making patterns.

Choose the appropriate shape and dimensions of the template in accordance with the existing drawing of the unit being built.

Be extremely careful when laying a fireplace. Refer to available drawings. Errors in laying even a single brick will inevitably lead to a violation of the laying of further rows, and it will not be possible to correct defects in all situations. Therefore, it is better to immediately do everything as required by the technology.

Unit finishing

Think about finishing issues in advance. If desired, the fireplace can not be finished at all, but it is better to decorate the structure with tiles, or at least process it with plaster.

The design made with the use of decorative bricks looks beautiful. However, for the installation of such a cladding, certain skills and experience are needed, therefore, it is not recommended for beginners to undertake its implementation. Even the slightest mistake can lead to damage to the decor and simply a waste of money.

Very beautiful and simple in its execution is the decoration with tiles. It is not recommended to use tiles for facing the fireplace. Temperature drops will gradually destroy even the highest quality glue. It is recommended to pay attention to this option only if you are ready to periodically repair and restore the finish.

The chimney traditionally has a size of 1.5x1 brick. To improve and stabilize traction, it is recommended to use additional devices. For example, with the help of wind vanes and deflectors, the chimney can be protected from precipitation and various kinds of debris.

Thus, self-laying of the fireplace is possible. Take the time to study the theoretical part, be patient and follow the recommendations received at each stage. The reward for your efforts will be a reliable, beautiful, efficient and durable fireplace, in front of which you can gather with family, friends or relax alone.

Successful work!

Video - How to lay out a fireplace with your own hands

The presence of a fireplace in your country house will provide you with warmth, coziness and comfort on winter and autumn evenings, as well as add romance to your everyday life. We will talk about how to build a fireplace with your own hands in this article.

How to build a fireplace with your own hands in the country or in a private house

Essential elements

The fireplace consists of several main elements, which include the body, foundation, smoke box, firebox and smoke channel. In order for the fireplace to function properly, the correct ratio of the sizes that its elements have is necessary.

The fireplace foundation is made both from rubble stone or red brick, and from rubble concrete and concrete blocks. If you are building your fireplace in wet ground, it is recommended that the foundation be built from rubble stone. In the same case, if you are laying the foundation in dry soil, it would be advisable to use limestone mortar, which is 1 volume of lime and 1 to 3 volumes of sand (depending on the degree of moisture content of the lime).


To prepare the solution, lime is mixed with water to the density of sour cream, after which sand is added there. For foundations that are laid in wet soils, the cement mortar should consist of 3 volumes of sand and 1 volume of cement. Dry components are pre-mixed thoroughly, then diluted with water.

foundation pit

The pit, which is supposed to be used for the foundation in length and width, should be approximately 50 mm larger than the foundation for the fireplace. Its bottom is leveled with a level. The first row of the fireplace foundation is laid out dry from stone or brick rubble.

Stones or crushed stone are rammed into the ground, after which they are poured from above with a liquid solution. In the future, the laying is carried out in the correct rows, in compliance with the dressing of the seams. To prevent the process of moisture penetration into the masonry over the foundation, an insulating layer is made from a pair of roofing sheets at least 150 mm above the ground level, after which the fireplace is laid.

fireplace body

Typically, the body of the fireplace is laid out from high-quality red or refractory bricks. When using a red firebox, it will later be better to line it with refractory bricks. The thickness of the brick walls should be no less than half a brick.

In addition, heat-resistant concrete, ceramic blocks or natural stone (excluding silicon and limestone) can be used for the construction of the fireplace body. They line the surface of the body with valuable rocks of stone, or plaster it.


You will also need to build a firebox

The depth of the firebox is recommended to be taken equal to about half a meter. At a shallower depth, smoke can enter the room, and at a greater depth, the strength of thermal radiation becomes weaker. The efficiency of the fireplace can be increased by lining the back wall of the firebox with a cast-iron stove or sheet steel. In order to achieve better heat radiation, the upper part of the back wall is laid out with a certain inclination forward, while the side walls expand forward towards the hole. The walls of the firebox are usually laid out from fireclay refractory bricks, while such a fireplace will have an efficiency of up to 17%.

For firebox flooring


usually some kind of fire-resistant material is used - for example, concrete, granite, clinker. It is necessary to provide for the presence of a ash pan for collecting ash and coal. The ash pan is located under the firebox. Between them lay a cast-iron grate. The basket is made of steel with a section of 10–15x10–15 mm or a diameter of 10–15 mm. The elements of the basket are located after 15–20 mm. Its legs should have a height of about 80–120 mm. In the process of burning firewood on a basket, fine coal and ash are collected on the hearth and removed after the fireplace has cooled down.

Now let's talk about what is a portal

Portal- an element of the fireplace, on which its functions as a heating device largely depend. The portal can be installed on one, two or three sides, depending on the architectural design of the fireplace and its location. In the event that the fireplace stands separately, it may have a circular portal. The shape and proportions of the portal are set, taking into account the harmonious solution of the fireplace as a whole.

From firebox hot gases enter the smoke box


A smoke collector is a pyramid-shaped extension located at the bottom of the chimney, which serves to prevent the rapid lowering of cold air flows down the chimney.

Soot and soot are collected here when cleaning the chimney, which are then removed through a hatch located in the back wall. At the same time, the damper, located slightly lower, provides protection against soot and soot entering the room.

The smoke collector is laid out of red brick (grade 200). In addition, it can be made from iron sheets, which will provide rapid heating of the room. To improve the aesthetic qualities of the fireplace, as well as to cover the hot metal smoke box and ensure its fire safety, a protective casing is made of copper sheet. A burned-out metal smoke box is replaced; at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of such a replacement when thinking through the design of the fireplace.

gas threshold


Cold air descending down to the chimney can, bypassing the smoke box, enter the room, while dragging smoke along with it. To avoid this, a gas threshold is arranged in the back wall of the chimney - a barrier in the form of a protrusion, which contributes to the fact that cold air mixes with hot air and the resulting mixture is discharged upward into the atmosphere. In width, the gas threshold should be equal to the chimney, or be 10–15 mm larger than it. The required width of the gas threshold will ensure its normal functioning and allow it to retain soot that falls off the chimney. The cross section of the chimney must not be narrowed by the threshold.

smoke damper

A smoke damper is placed between the smoke collector and the firebox, which prevents cold air from entering the room when the fireplace is not working. This shutter provides coverage of the entire width of the channel. Its width should be approximately 1/16 of the height of the portal.

Its area is assumed to be 1.25 times greater than the cross section of the chimney. Opposite the gas threshold, a cleaning is constructed, hermetically sealed with a door. Through it, soot is removed, which is collected on the threshold.


It is forbidden to build horizontal chimneys, so the chimney must be vertical. If the fireplace is attached to a wall in which there is a smoke channel, then in extreme cases the chimney can be with a slope of no more than 60%. Chimneys are usually made of red brick.

To improve draft and prevent precipitation from entering the chimneys, deflectors are installed on them. Chimneys must be insulated with asbestos gaskets from the wooden elements of the building. The smallest distance between wooden elements and chimneys must be at least 250 mm.

Floor protection

In addition, part of the floor (at least 0.5 m), which is located in front of the fireplace, must be covered with sheet iron or constructed from non-combustible material.

Fireplace Size Chart