Decorating classrooms. Decoration of the side wall of the primary school classroom

There is no doubt that the formation of a person's personality begins with the family - it is there that the main characterological and behavioral features, worldview, understanding of moral and ethical standards are laid. But no less important role in this regard is played, of course, by the school.

The power of the first call

The acquaintance of the child with the schedule, desks, class and teachers begins, of course, with the line - a holiday that each of us associates with balloons, a huge number of flowers and a concert program. It was at this time that we get the first impression of the school, but it is fixed within the walls of our native office, where immediately after the first bell the children go to be initiated into schoolchildren.

This room becomes a real second home for students, where they encounter their first joys and sorrows, hopes and expectations. That is why the design of the primary school classroom plays such an important role.

Several important features

We each have our own special memories of our first home at school. For some, this is a large auditorium with light walls, filled with desks. Others recall the numerous portraits of writers, poets and scientists placed directly above the board.

The correct design of the primary school classroom determines not only our future associations and taste preferences, but also the educational process, the psychological background that is being formed among students.

Literally every detail is significant in this regard. The design of the primary school classroom should begin first of all with the choice of colors. Psychologists around the world have long proven its effect on the nervous system, so it is extremely important to make the right choice in this regard.

Something About Color

It is no secret that at such an early age, children are very mobile and are sometimes distinguished by simply amazing eccentricity. That is why the right choice of wall color is especially important in such a process as decorating an elementary school office.

Reddish shades, for example, will act on the nervous system as a kind of catalyst, and therefore you should not even count on an order of magnitude during the lessons. The blue scale, on the contrary, leads to a state of calm and stimulates attentiveness, which makes it one of the most successful options. The design of the primary school classroom can also be called correct, but the yellow tint of the spectrum, although it will help strengthen the student team, will have a negative impact.

decorating elements

Decorating the school audience also plays an important role. The design of the primary school classroom, a photo of which can be found in any student album, provides for the presence of any decorating elements.

Bare walls can easily discourage even the most active children from learning, and therefore there must be something within the classroom that the eye can stop at. Remember your school years and the design of the primary school classroom: tables with the alphabet and numbers, and for some, a living corner.

However, a big mistake can be overzealous in the matter of decorating. Too many bright pictures, bizarre figurines, tables and other decorating elements can distract students, which, of course, will not have a positive effect on the learning process.

Illustrative material

What will be the most productive design of the primary school classroom? Stands, tables explaining the diagrams in this respect are the first assistants of the teacher. However, it should be noted that for a student at this age, the main thing is interest, so all educational materials of this kind must be done with a creative approach. Illustrations from fairy tales and illustrative examples are good in this regard.

Concentration in a certain place

In each class, from the first to the last, there must be a so-called. As a rule, it is presented in the form of a small stand, on which a list of students, duty schedules, main victories, class achievements, general photos are recorded. The design of the corner in elementary grades, of course, will be different from similar stands in high school.

The color scheme of the corners of younger schoolchildren, as a rule, turns out to be more variegated, and letter entries organically alternate with pictures.

Design guide

Despite the abundance of recommendations, traditions and personal preferences, there are certain norms and standards that should guide the implementation of any action. The design of the office, in which younger students will spend their first years at an educational institution, is no exception.

The fact or relationship with the style of the school cannot even be disputed in this respect. Most of the decisions regarding decorating and filling school classrooms are made taking into account not only the allocated funds, but also the ideas of the teacher who is assigned to the room.

However, it is mandatory these days to design primary classes according to the Federal State Educational Standard. These standards detail the basic requirements for this event.

Where do norms come from?

First of all, it should be noted that under this abbreviation it is customary to understand the so-called Absolutely all schooling directly depends on the rules and norms provided for in this document. For elementary schools, there is a special standard in accordance with which an office for younger students should be designed.

The educational process in elementary school is primarily a cognitive activity. The task of a primary school teacher is not only the formation of an initial knowledge base in the field of reading and writing. This is also an educational work aimed at modeling the worldview of children, their acquaintance with the structure of the environment.

In accordance with this, the Federal State Educational Standard provides for a number of rules and regulations, the observance of which ensures a full-fledged educational process.

First of all, this standard, of course, describes in detail the mandatory technical arrangement of the cabinet. In this case, we mean the presence of a blackboard, desks, bookcases for textbooks, a teacher's table. Also, the indisputable requirements include the presence of a video player and a TV in the primary school classroom.

The latter is due to the fact that the learning process should be not only cognitive, but also playful, which is ensured by the presence of multimedia technology.

game moment

As mentioned earlier, this component is one of the most important, which indicates the need to create the most comfortable conditions for students.

In the classrooms provided for the lower grades, there must be items used as game material. In their role can be a variety of crafts, soft toys, cubes and much more. However, in this case, it is very important to respect the rational framework. The items available in the classroom must be included by the teacher in the educational process.

Small toys like blocks or crafts, for example, can be used to teach counting or reading. Soft toys can perfectly serve for organizing all kinds of theatrical scenes.

School design: photographs, drawings, tables and colors of native walls - this is what remains with us for life. In these cabinets, a person's personality, his taste preferences, and character traits are formed. We remember this place for many years with great love and warmth in our souls.

I would like to believe that the era when the school class was a gray lifeless room with shabby desks and old bulky cabinets has passed. New time - new bright ideas! And do not be afraid of difficulties. Making an original class design in elementary school is not at all difficult if you follow our advice.

The main task of any qualified teacher is to teach children a particular subject or subjects. Students of any age may lose their desire to learn, considering the learning process as a duty, naturally, it can hardly motivate them to action. Creating a fresh environment with classroom art is one way to slightly increase students' motivation to learn.

"Weather" design of the school class

You can take the weather outside as an idea for decorating the classroom by decorating the classroom according to the season. For example, during winter time, you could design a class around a winter theme and encourage your students to do research activities on comparing average winter temperatures with average summer temperatures across Russia.

You can also discuss the difference in air temperatures around the world during similar months. But decorating the primary classroom during the winter months can also be done with a summer theme to give students a break from the cold weather outside.

A summer-themed classroom can have beach towels, a picture of the sun with sunglasses on, and even a large parasol in the corner of the classroom to complete the beach vibe.

Reflection of the change in the rhythm of life in the design of the school classroom

The fall, winter, spring and summer breaks are the occasion to once again change the design of the classroom, allowing students to feel like they are in a different environment when they return to the classroom after the holidays. These changes may be minor or, conversely, dramatic, but they should be noticeable.

For example, if you put indoor plants in the corners of the office, this will drastically change the atmosphere in the classroom. Make sure that the plants in the room have enough sunlight, this is necessary for their flowering. Children can take part in gardening the class by watering the flowers, and you can teach students about the life cycle of plants. You can add coziness and comfort in the classroom by placing a sofa and armchairs in it.

School class themes

Before you style a class on a particular theme, divide it into different sections or areas, each of which will perform its own specific functions. These areas are subject to change at the discretion of the teacher.

For example, you can use a jungle theme to decorate a class. In this case name one part of the class "Lion's Den"- it can be a corner for reading and relaxing. If possible, lay a green or brown rug here. Put a hand-made palm tree in a corner: make the trunk from a large sheet of cardboard, rolling it into a tube, use paper towels for the crown, and balls rolled from old newspapers and pasted over with brown paper can play the role of coconuts. A real palm tree can take the place of a homemade palm tree, but it requires constant care. Plant birds and monkeys on your palm tree by cutting them out of cardboard. Sew large seat cushions for the kids using the appropriately themed fabric.

Note. If you are doing class 1 decoration, then it would also be appropriate to place soft toys in this corner, monkeys, snakes, tigers, lions will do.

Another part of the class may be called the "Elephant Wall" and, in fact, serve as an award board on which you will place congratulations, certificates and portraits of students encouraged for success in a particular area. This award board can be a sheet of plywood covered with green fabric and framed with artificial flowers, grapes and greenery.

In the part of the class "under the vine" students can work together on the implementation of a project or assignment. Use artificial grape brushes to decorate this corner of the class, and twist long pieces of wrapping or tissue paper to simulate a vine.


  • Don't forget to decorate the walls in the classroom. Decorate the classroom walls with large animal prints. To do this, you can use a projector: put a slide with an image of an animal and point the projector at a piece of paper, circle the image, then color it and cut it out along the contour.
  • Decorate the existing bookshelves and cabinets in the classroom with scraps of green fabric, run "vines" around the perimeter of the blackboard and window frames.

In a similar way, you can use other themes in the design of primary schools, such as the theme of space or the underwater world. The goal of all these topics is to create a more relaxed and creative atmosphere in the classroom for learning.

The school class is the child's world

Bright display stands in an elementary school will help create a more welcoming environment, but they should all be educational to some extent. Students can make information stands to decorate the class with their own hands.

For example, give students the task of drawing a poster dedicated to some historical event, historical person, or scientific fact. Posters should relate to what is being taught in the classroom at the moment or planned to be taught in the near future.

Change posters throughout the year so that each student's poster is on display for all to see. Posters drawn by schoolchildren will allow them to feel their involvement in creating an atmosphere in the classroom.

In addition, children's crafts made at technology lessons will help create an original classroom interior.

Obviously, the importance of how classroom design in elementary school affects student performance should not be underestimated. Therefore, whatever design of the classroom you have in mind, it is important to agree on your option with the students, since what will seem wonderful to you may not be so at all to children. Be sure to take into account their opinions and interests, and then your class will really become a second home for you and for them, where you will want to return again and again, and decorating the class before graduation will be your favorite joint activity.

Primary school

School is one of those places where the first thing to think about is promoting all sorts of innovations. In the end, the world does not stand still and it is becoming more and more difficult to instill in children a love of learning. However, with such innovations - it is quite real!

1. Trampoline

A play area with a trampoline at Vittra Telefonplan in Stockholm, where hyperactive children can have fun, let off steam and actively relax from school.

2. Spirit of freedom

The original design of the open classroom, where there are no walls and the usual arrangement of desks, which created a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere.

3. Open space

Unusual design of the interior space of the Vittra Telefonplan school in Stockholm, where there are no walls and, accordingly, no classrooms, and different zones are separated using thin partitions and original design.

4. Play furniture

Bright futuristic furniture that students can use as play equipment makes the stay at school more pleasant and interesting.

5. Futuristic cabinets

The bright and modern interior of the lecture classes in the new Kyiv school contributes to the good mood of teachers and students, and does not at all look like the faceless walls of most educational institutions in our country.

6. Sports hall

The modern design of the gym with original wall and floor finishes, the latest sports equipment and a climbing wall will surely appeal to students of all ages and inspire sports achievements.

7. Behind glass

A small gymnasium in Copenhagen, which looks like a glass cube from the outside, but inside is a huge multi-level space without walls, divided into zones and islands using wooden partitions and futuristic structures. Such a freedom-loving design is fully consistent with the policy of the school: here students independently form study groups and temporary classes to conduct scientific research and solve real life problems.

8. Office

A small school in Aiken (USA), the working space of which is divided into many separate rooms, separated from each other by low partitions. Each student has their own computer and an individual study plan. The school administration is confident that such a policy will help prepare children for adulthood, teach them to think and solve problems on their own.

9. Stadium

A huge stadium and playground built right on the roof of an elementary school is a great example of school grounds in Zhejiang Province, China.

10. Library

Panoramic windows, light walls, original shelving, comfortable bright chairs and tables are a great way to introduce students to reading and working with books.

11. Masterpiece of architecture

Unlike most of our schools, the building of the high school in Melbourne attracts attention with its unusual design and bright colors. The school is a whole complex of semicircular buildings with complex geometry and a spacious courtyard inside. According to the designers, bright colors excite the imagination of students, charge with positive and inspire scientific discoveries.

12. School bus

A quirky school bus interior with sofas, tables and chairs where kids can get in the mood for work or relax and chat on the way home.

13. Sports complex

As part of the NY-Krohnborg school in Bergen, the stunning design of the sports complex features a huge basketball field, state-of-the-art sports equipment and a spacious lobby with sofas and tables.

14. Art space

An unconventional school in San Francisco, set up in an old warehouse, with lots of climbing structures, makeshift theater and fortresses, building materials and crafts. School policy - no bans. Students can get dirty, climb, set fire to objects, experiment, take things apart and create new ones. According to the creators, such an educational institution will teach children not to consume, but to create.

15. Class for reading

A North Carolina elementary school has a reading room equipped with exercise bikes instead of regular desks. This solution allows to significantly increase the performance of students, promotes concentration and allows you to use both hemispheres of the brain.

16. Stair design

Stylish design of the reading room in one of the schools in Montreal, with round wooden tables, in the center of which large palm trees grow, and original stumps instead of chairs.

19. Dining room

The school canteen, which looks more like a fashionable restaurant with bright wall designs and large tables, will forever break the stereotype of the dull decoration of the canteen and will definitely appeal to teachers and students.

20. Place to rest

Decorated in soothing colours, with stunning hemispherical hanging chairs instead of boring benches and armchairs, this charming space is the perfect place to unwind between classes.

Continuing the theme and surprise every person.

Behavior rules in the classroom (at the lesson)

  • The bell rings - rather in class,

We already have a lesson.

3. Do you want to answer,

do not be noisy,

But just raise your hand.

2. You sit at your desk harmoniously,

And behave with dignity.

4. Remember that lesson

not a toy

And you can't stretch it.

Be careful

and listen

Everything is said here for you.

6. Call from the lesson -

stand up quietly

Remember, the class

not a gym.

5. At school, in the classroom

don't litter

Sor saw - pick it up!

  • All school items must be

in order, neatly stowed in a briefcase.

3. When you enter

to school, don't push. Dry your shoes thoroughly before entering.

6. If an ADULT (teacher, director, parent) enters the class together, but QUIETLY and QUIETLY should stand up, welcoming the newcomer. You can sit down only after permission.

7. If the teacher asks a question to the class and you want to answer, do not shout out,

and RAISE YOUR HAND. Raise your hand when you want to ask something

anything from the teacher.

Rules of conduct at school

2. We ALWAYS come to school on time,


4. When you enter

to school, to class, you need to say hello first to the teacher, then to your comrades.

5. If you are late

to class and go

to class after the bell, you must ask permission from the teacher.

8. Turning

with a request to a teacher or comrades, you need to use "POLITE" words: please, thank you.

10. Go out

CHANGE is possible only after the permission of the teacher.

13. If an adult met at the door, you need to give him a seat (skip).

16. Papers, bits, all rubbish must be thrown away

in a special basket.

9. Each student must take care of his DESK, do not break, do not write, do not scratch with a sharp object.

12. You should say hello to all the adults you meet at school.

11. In the corridor it is IMPOSSIBLE


14. If nearby

a girl goes with a boy, he must skip

her forward.

Behavior rules

in the locker room

3. Put mittens, gloves in your pocket, headdress -

into the sleeve.

2. Hang up your clothes

and put on your shoes

to a certain place .

4. Hang your clothes neatly.

1. Arriving at school, be sure to change your shoes, take off your hat.

6. I saw the fallen clothes, pick them up.

7. Don't take

and don't spoil

other people's things.

5. When you undress

don't talk, undress quickly, don't disturb others.

8. Don't forget your things!

Behavior rules

in library

4. In the book

don't bend the corners

do not write with a pen

use only


  • Keep order in the library

act QUIET.

Don't speak loudly.

2. Upon entering, say hello

with the librarian

and when you get the book, be sure to say


5. If the book is damaged,



6. Library

Books TAKE CARE ESPECIALLY! KNOW that they are intended not only

for you, but for many

other children.

3. Take the book only with clean hands.

Behavior rules

in the dining room

7. Do not take out of the table buns, sweets, yogurt, fruits.

  • It is necessary to enter the nightingale in an organized manner.

Eat everything at the table.

2. Don't push, don't shout. OBSERVE ORDER.

8. Don't move your dirty plate towards your neighbor.

9. After eating, slide your chair under the table.

10. Clear the table if you are on duty.

3. Always wash your hands before eating.

11. When leaving, say THANK YOU to those who fed you

4. Don't talk while eating.

5. At the table, do not indulge in bread, do not spin, do not interfere with your neighbor.


Behavior rules

in the Assembly hall

1. Come to the holiday in FESTIVE clothes, smart, combed, in polished shoes.

2. Calmly, without disturbing others, take your place.

  • In the hall, don't shout, don't run, don't push,

do not try to get ahead of your neighbor.

4. Waiting for the start of a holiday or concert


5. As soon as the start of the performance is announced,

stop talking, LOOK CAREFULLY and LISTEN.

6. Do not move from place to place until the end of the event.

7. Do not laugh if something goes wrong on the stage,

there was some kind of awkwardness (for example, if the speaker forgot the text, fell during the dance)

8. Don't forget to APPLAUSE!

9. Do not leave trash behind (there is a bin for this).

10. After the end, do not push, leave the hall QUIETLY!

Behavior rules

in the school yard

2. On the sports ground, be careful: swings, sports equipment, stairs, horizontal bar

1. See if there are classes in the schoolyard during your walk, if you will interfere with the guys with your presence.

can be dangerous

in case of mishandling.

3. Stay away from dangerous structures

(transformer booths, pits, etc.)

5. Green spaces decorate

4. Play with friends

6. If you ran to play

in safe games.


to another yard

DO NOT CLIMB on rooftops, trees, fences.




Behavior rules

during the break

During the change

During the change



1. Run around the classroom

and a corridor.

2. push,


call names.

3. Open a window.

4. Sit

on the windowsills.

5. Get out

out of school

without permission

class leader.

6. Play

in room

to street games.

  • Prepare for the next lesson.
  • Chat with friends.

3. Play calm, board games.

Behavior rules

on the stairs

On the stairs


  • Attentively

watch where you're going.

2. Hold on

for the railing.

3. Go separately

from each other

(can be a couple).

On the stairs


  • hold hands

in pockets.

2. push,

talk or

to wait for someone.

3. Look around or up.

4. Lean over the railing.

5. Use

railing for descent

Charger for eyes No. 1

Perform each exercise 4-5 times

Charger for eyes No. 2

sit right

Correct fit

while reading

Correct fit

when writing

IN Monday I erased dust in Tuesday wiped IN Wednesday I baked kalach Whole Thursday looking for a ball cups on Friday washed, And in Saturday bought a cake All friends

birthday I called to Sunday.

4 2 4 is greater than 2 " width="640"


4 2

4 more than 2


3 = 3

3 equals 3


3 5

3 less than 5


I am a plus

And I'm proud of that.

I'm fit for addition

I am a good sign of connection

And that is my purpose.


I am negative.

Also a good sign.

After all, it’s not from evil that I take away,

I'm only doing my part.

How to prepare homework

1. Actively work in the lesson: listen carefully and answer questions. 2. If something is not clear, do not be shy to seek help from the teacher, adults and classmates. 3. Carefully and in detail write down tasks for each subject. 4. Learn to use reference books and dictionaries in order to be able to figure out the meaning of unfamiliar words and expressions. 5. Learn to find the information you need using a computer. 6. Difficult lesson material should be repeated on the same day in order to immediately fix it and remember it. 7. When doing homework, one must not only think about what needs to be done, but also decide with what means and methods this can be achieved. 8. On the desk should be only what is needed to complete one task. After its completion, already used materials are removed from the table, and those educational supplies that are necessary to complete the task in the next subject are placed. 9. In the process of preparing homework, you need to take breaks. 10. Before doing written work, you need to do some work on the mistakes and learn all the rules that you may need. 11. A large task must be broken down into parts and worked on each of them separately. 12. It is necessary to prepare for essays and reports in advance, evenly distributing the load, and not leaving such responsible work for the last day.

What you need to buy for a first grader:

  • Briefcase (empty weight no more than 700 - 800 gr.)
  • Notebooks in an oblique line - ordinary non-gloss, without pictures (20 pcs.)
  • Notebooks in a cage - ordinary non-gloss, without pictures (20 pcs.)
  • Colour pencils.
  • Ballpoint pens (plain) blue, 1 green.
  • Simple pencils 3 pcs.
  • Eraser.
  • Sharpener with container.
  • Pencil case (so you can fold accessories and rulers)
  • Ruler 10, 20 cm.
  • Covers for notebooks.
  • Covers for books.
  • Bookmarks.
  • Diary for a student 1 - 4 cells.
  • Albums for drawing - 2-3 pcs.
  • Watercolor paints - 1 pc.
  • Gouache (with white color) - 1 pc.
  • A set of brushes for drawing.
  • Do not spill a glass (2nd).
  • Glue - pencil, PVA.
  • Colored paper and cardboard (white/color).
  • Scissors (so that they cut well, and do not tear the paper).
  • Sportswear and shoes.
  • Folder for notebooks (A 4).
  • Plasticine + plank and knives for working with plasticine.

Registration of the physics and astronomy classroom with stands and visual aids

Many stands in the physics classroom are reference and information aids on the subject, tables on physical quantities. Portraits of great physicists, descriptions of their discoveries, like nothing else, will decorate the room and arouse students' interest in the subject. The atmosphere of "living" physics will be created by fresh materials on the discoveries and work of scientists. It is interesting to place optical illusions in the pockets of the stand, which can be taken, for example, from this site. A nice cool corner in a general style will complete the look of the physics classroom.

As a rule, there is a laboratory assistant's room at the physics cabinet, where demonstration and laboratory instruments and materials are stored. It is good to place some subjects and manuals in the classroom in an accessible place; the live interaction of such a manual with schoolchildren will help the teacher in explaining a whole topic in physics.

Do not forget about the space in front of the office, the bare walls of recreation are not good, placing on them, for example, a large stand "Solar System", see on the manufacturer's website, will not only decorate the school, but will give a lot of necessary knowledge. When the image is executed in the form of a panel on a banner fabric, the cost will be 3 times lower.