Canteen duty corner in kindergarten. Setting up a duty corner in a kindergarten

A beautiful and interesting duty area in a kindergarten will allow children to enjoy learning about household chores, as well as instill discipline and hard work. Such a corner will also teach children to be neat, independent, and confident in their actions. The design of the duty corner should be colorful and include bright aprons and, if desired, caps. You can post a duty schedule and assign each child a sticker with an animal's face, or print out photographs and paste them into fun frames. Then the kids themselves will understand who is on duty today. Basically, teachers and parents make duty corners with their own hands, because kindergartens do not provide them, or they are sparsely decorated and are of no interest to children. As an option, you can decorate the duty corner not only with colorful drawings, but with fresh flowers and an aquarium, in order to instill love and respect for living nature.

Responsibilities of the kids on duty

Good educators try to turn the duty process into a real adventure, giving children significance in this process, which makes them feel responsible and proud of their actions. Of course, children’s responsibilities are simple: tidy up toys, take care of food, help arrange napkins and cutlery before meals.

As was said earlier, the corner should interest the kids, so when choosing decorations, the imagination is not limited by anything, but it must necessarily correspond to the theme. It is good to involve children in the design of the duty corner in the group. You can discuss your favorite cartoon characters with them and include them in the decoration of the corner, and also invite them to glue pictures together on the stand. You can make pockets in the duty signs and put in them colored squares or circles with associative drawings and stickers that mean the different responsibilities of the kids, for example, to take care of a living corner, draw a flower on a card, for the dining room attendants - plates and forks with spoons, etc. .d. In many kindergartens, they try to reflect its name in interior design and other details. For example, if the garden is called “Goldfish”, then you can have a goldfish in the living corner, if “Bee”, then frame the stand in the form of a honeycomb, etc.

Decorating the duty corner in a preschool educational institution is as easy as shelling pears; the main thing is to involve the pupils in this and correctly perceive their wishes. The article provides only general examples, but once you start, you can make any additions that the teacher deems necessary.

The duty corner in kindergarten is an excellent opportunity to teach a child to work, to instill in him discipline and responsibility. Among other things, accuracy, confidence in one’s actions and independence develop. Designing such a useful corner is as easy as shelling pears; it won’t take much time, especially since you can find examples of nice stands on the Internet. Such a stand is no less important than, for example, one that introduces children to the surrounding world of flora and fauna.

Several works will be presented for you below, but first we will look at a couple of important aspects.

Bright and colorful

What are the duties of the attendant?

  • Take care of a corner of nature (water flowers);
  • Set the table in the dining room;
  • Put away toys.

Good educators strive to make the process an adventure so that children feel engaged rather than obligated. Here it is important to understand that the design of the duty plays a very important role: the brighter and more colorful it is, the more interesting it will be for the child.

What information should be present at the stand?

The stand is a duty schedule. It is a canvas with special voluminous pockets. Cards for children are laid out here, each of whom is assigned their own picture (however, instead of cartoon characters and drawn animals, you can use photographs of children). Each pocket must be labeled according to the day of the week. It is better if a certain duty has its own color and slots for cards.

Types of duty areas

There are different types of corners:

  • it can be one-day, then you will have to change cards at the end of each working day;
  • three-day;
  • for a full week (depending on the institution’s work schedule).

The number of responsibilities is determined by the equipment of the kindergarten. Prices vary greatly depending on the number of cells. The more convenient, the more expensive. It is much more profitable to design such a stand yourself. For this we need whatman paper, markers, paints, paper, glue, cardboard, scissors, a ruler, pencils and a little imagination.

DIY duty corner – where to start?

You already know what should be of interest, so try to find out what cartoon characters the kids like - you can ask them to talk about their favorite character. This information will be very useful in the future.

In general, it’s not that difficult. Of course, these are general tips - how the duty corner will be designed depends only on your imagination and ability to understand children.

A duty corner should be organized in each kindergarten group. After all, from preschool age, every child must take part in work and perform simple duty duties. Being on duty instills in children organization, independence, and accuracy, thanks to which children become more confident in their actions.

To design a duty corner in a kindergarten, the National company offers special stands that will help make the duty process organized and interesting. We offer several directions for designing a duty corner in a preschool educational institution.

Stands Duty corner with pockets

The stands for the duty corner have voluminous pockets where you can put them according to the type of duty. These could be cards with children's pictures or photographs of children. In specially designed ones, you can enter the names and surnames of children opposite their personal pictures. And special ones will help indicate the directions of duties in kindergarten, for example, in the dining room, in classes, in a corner of nature. Due to the design features of National equipment, stands in the duty corner of preschool educational institutions can be supplemented with hooks for aprons or towels.

Exhibition of children's crafts and drawings City of Masters with a Duty Corner

For a comprehensive design of a group locker room, you can combine the gallery of children's works City of Masters with the Duty Corner. This placement of stands will be the most convenient for teachers, children and their parents. Parents will be able to admire the creative achievements of their children, as well as monitor their children’s participation in the group’s work.

Exhibition of children's crafts and drawings City of Masters with a Duty Corner RUB 10,140. Code 21513
City of craftsmen for 28 crafts 8190 rub. Code 21511 1.8 x 0.8 m
Duty corner 1690 rub. Code 21512
ATTENTION! When ordering a City of Masters stand, get Disney Heroes stickers as a GIFT!

Duty corner by day of the week

To decorate the Duty Corner in a preschool educational institution, the National company offers a special stand for days of the week and types of duty. Screensavers allow you to thematically designate areas of duty. And the voluminous pockets are designed to accommodate days of the week.

We're on duty! 6630 rub. Code 21532

Mini stands Duty corner with laminated pictures

Any National mini stand can be supplemented, thereby turning into a stand for those on duty. They are inserted into the cell of the stand, on which you can use a marker to enter the names and surnames of the children on duty.

Duty corner in a group stand

Yulia Pogodaeva

Duty roster preschoolers in the preparatory group become more complex both in the content of work and in the forms of unification of children, in the requirement for independence and self-organization in work.

One of the important tasks of the organization duty is the formation in children of responsibility for the assigned work, the desire to work for the benefit of the team, and the habit of systematically performing duties.

An important assistant in the organization duty in the preparatory group is corner, where pupils, coming to kindergarten in the morning, can see what benefit they can bring to their group today.

In the practice of our kindergarten, children regularly are on duty in the dining room, on preparation for classes, on corner of nature. Usually for every type duty two children are assigned. Change duty officers is carried out daily. It is from this practice that I designed a duty corner.

I have developed and a duty corner has been decorated in the preparatory group.

The corner was decorated on white ceiling tiles with acrylic paints. I have identified three zones duty roster: "IN corner of nature", "Lay the tables", "Help the teacher" - help prepare for classes.

I made a pocket out of cardboard for photographs of children.

Photos will be attached using Velcro tape.

The corner is ready, all that remains is to draw up a schedule duty.

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