Architectural fonts: varieties and scope. General rules for the execution of architectural and construction drawings Architectural wide font dimensions

All inscriptions on the drawings (in the main inscription, dimensions, technical requirements and conditions, etc.) are made in drawing font in accordance with GOST 2.304-81.

Size standard drawing font is defined tall h capital (capital) letters in millimeters. The standard specifies the following font sizes: 2.5; 3.5; 5; 7; 10; 14; 20. For example, the height of the capital letters of font size 14 is 14 mm, size 5 is 5 mm, respectively, and so on. (Fig. 20).

Font line thickness d- thickness, determined depending on the type and size of the font (Fig. 20).

Letter widthg- the maximum width of the letter, determined in relation to the font size h, For example, g=6/10 h, or in relation to the line thickness of the font d, For example, g=6 d.

Fig.20. Basic font parameters: a) direct font; b) italic font.

The standard establishes four types of font: a) type A no slope ( d=1/14 h); b) type A with a slope of about 75 0 ( d=1/14 h); c) type B no slope ( d=1/10 h); d) type B with a slope of about 75 0 ( d=1/10 h). The difference between font types is not in the design of letters and numbers, but only in size. d- the thickness of the font lines. Type A and type B font parameters are shown in Tables 3 and 4.

Table 3. Type A font parameters

Table 4. Type B font options

Auxiliary grid- a grid formed by auxiliary lines into which letters fit. The step of the auxiliary grid lines is determined depending on the thickness of the font lines d(fig.21).

Fig.21. Auxiliary grid for straight and oblique fonts.

Examples of the typeface of the Russian alphabet type A are shown in Fig. 22, 23; font sizes are given in table 5. An example of the style of Arabic and Roman numerals is shown in fig.24.

Fig.22. Font type A with a slope.

Fig.23. Font type A without slant.

Fig.24. Type A font: Arabic and Roman numerals.

Table 5. Type A font parameters


1. Distance A between letters whose adjacent lines are not parallel to each other (for example, GA, AT), can be reduced by half, i.e. for thickness d font lines.

2. The vertical processes of the letters D, Ts and U go at the expense of the spaces between the lines; the lateral processes of the letters Ts and Shch go due to the gap between the letters.

3. The minimum distance between words separated by a punctuation mark is the distance between the punctuation mark and the word following it.

4. A font without an inclination is used relatively rarely, mainly for names, headings, designations in the main inscription, in the margin of the drawing, etc.

1.2. Basic requirements for the design of graphic works

All graphic assignments must be made on standard sheets of drawing paper (A3 or A4) and have a drawing field frame and a title block in accordance with Form No. 1 GOST 2.104-68 (except for the "Title Sheet" assignment). The frame of the drawing field is made by a solid main line with a thickness S at a distance from the outer borders of the sheet: on the right, below and above - 5 mm, on the left - 20 mm. The main inscription is always located in the lower right corner of the sheet. A field of 20 mm on the left side is intended for filing and stitching drawings. The main inscription is made with solid main and thin lines. The dimensions, location and content of the main inscription are shown in Figure 25.

Figure 25. Dimensions of the title block table according to form 1.

In the columns of the main inscription and in additional columns indicate:

- in column 1 - the name of the product in accordance with GOST 2.109-73;

- column 2 - document designation in accordance with GOST 2.101-80 .;

- in column 3 - symbol of the material (this column is filled in only on the drawings of parts);

- in column 4 - the letter assigned to this document in accordance with GOST 2.103-68 (the column is filled in sequentially, starting from the leftmost cell. For training drawings, we use the letter "U");

- in column 5 - the mass of the product in kilograms according to GOST 2.109-73;

- in column 6 - scale (put down in accordance with GOST 2.302-68);

- in column 7 - the serial number of the sheet of the document, if the drawing is made on several sheets. On documents consisting of one sheet, the column is not filled out;

- in column 8 - the total number of sheets of the document. The column is filled out only on the first sheet;

- in column 9 - the name, distinctive index or code of the enterprise that issued the document, for tasks in engineering graphics - VTUZ, gr. XXXX;

- in columns 10 - the nature of the work performed by the person signing the document;

- in columns 11 - the names and initials of the persons signing the document:

- in columns 12 - signatures of persons whose names are indicated in columns 11;

- in column 13 - the date of signing the document;

- in columns 14–18 - the columns of the table of changes made to the document in accordance with GOST 2.503-68 are not filled in on the training drawings;

- in column 19 - document designation (see column 2), rotated by 180 0 for A4 format and for formats larger than A4 when the main inscription is located along the long side of the sheet and by 90 0 for formats larger than A4 when the main inscription is located along the short side of the sheet .

A drawing is not only the lines that make up the image, but also dimensions, explanatory inscriptions. The font is an important component of any drawing, it helps...

By Masterweb

11.08.2018 20:00

The font is an important component of any drawing, it helps to convey information that is impossible to convey in other ways. This is a kind of skeleton, the basis for further work. Therefore, while medical students study textbooks on anatomy, students of architectural and construction universities have to disassemble each letter by bones.

Fonts in architectural and construction drawings

There are many types of fonts and design options for drawing work. You need to understand exactly where this or that style is best applied. In architectural and construction drawing, this is especially important, because the font complements any image.

Narrow architectural font

A simple and discreet narrow architectural typeface fits perfectly into any project. It does not have a division into uppercase and lowercase letters, in addition, the elements do not have a slope. This type of font is the most elementary in writing, which explains its popularity. It does not have strictly established sizes, but there are certain proportions that must be observed:

  • the ratio of the width of the letters to its height should be equal to 1/4÷1/6;
  • between adjacent elements, the distance should not be less than their width;
  • the spacing between words is at least twice the width of the letters;
  • symbols: W, Y, W, M, W, Y - one and a half times wider than the rest.


This is another type of font that is sometimes used in works. For its image, you do not need to use special tools, that is, it is drawn by hand. A handwritten font is recommended when you need to write small numbers or letters (less than 7 mm high), then using a ruler is simply impractical and time-consuming.

Architect Font

Unlike handwritten, the architect's font is made with the help of drawing tools. It is used for inscriptions on architectural drawings, it is considered the most beautiful and has, among other things, a decorative function.

The architect's font contains both uppercase and lowercase letters. For ease of construction, symbols are entered into a square, and then they are built according to proportions. The height of the letters is usually taken equal to 1/20 - 1/30 of the size of the image: details or structures.

How to make an inscription on the drawing?

In order for the inscription on the drawing to look organic, you need to choose a place for its placement and a font size. It is necessary to take into account the scale of the image, the nature of the drawing, the type and thickness of the lines. The inscriptions should not dominate and attract undue attention to themselves, they only complement the work.

The font for inscriptions and dimensional numbers on construction drawings must be clear and legible. As a rule, inscriptions are made in a drawing font (GOST 3454-59), which is distinguished by simplicity, clarity and uniformity of the outline of the corresponding groups of letters of the alphabet. An example of this font is shown in fig. 2. The font size is determined by the height (/h) of the capital letters in Mm, Which can be equal to 2.5; 3.5; 5; 7; 10 and 14 Mm. The ratios of the sizes of the elements of letters and numbers are indicated in Table. 3. It is allowed to use other types of fonts on construction drawings: architectural narrow, cursive, straight, etc. Shown in fig. 3 cursive font is made with a slope of 60°. Uppercase and lowercase letters of this font have the same styles. Uppercase letters are 1.5 times higher than lowercase ones. The width of letters and numbers (except for the number 1) is taken equal to 2/3 of their height, with the exception of the letters D, Zh, M, F, W, Sh, Y, Yu and W, the width of which is equal to their height. The distance between each letter should be 1/3 of its height. The distance between words must be at least the width of a letter, and between sentences this distance must be equal to the width of two letters. The spacing between lines must be at least the height of a lowercase letter. Font size (height of lowercase letters, equal to 6; 3; 2.5; 2; 1.5 Mm) Accepted depending on the sheet format, scale and purpose of the inscription.

On fig. 4 shows an architectural narrow font used in architectural drawings. The font is straight, the letters are narrow and tall. The width of the letters is taken in the range from L/4 Up to 1/6 of their height.

The inscriptions on the title pages of projects or the names of architectural drawings are made in a decorative font (Fig. 5).

The lines on the construction drawings have a style corresponding to GOST 3456-59. On construction, as well as on engineering drawings, there may be the following lines: solid main thickness b, Solid thin thick B/3 And less, solid wavy thick B/2 And less dashed thick B/2-B/3, Thin dash-dot thick B/3 And less. To designate a section line, an open line with a thickness is used B- 1,5b. Meaning B Accepted from 0.6 to 1.5 Mm depending on the size of the image, scale, purpose and content of the drawing.

However, the stroke of the lines of construction drawings is somewhat different from that adopted in engineering drawing: not all lines of the visible contour are outlined with a solid main line. When performing construction drawings, they are usually guided by the following rule: the contours of the element to be selected are outlined in the drawing with a thicker line than other lines of the visible contour. For example, on floor plans, floor elements are highlighted with a solid main line, and wall contours are outlined with thin solid lines. On the plans of sanitary equipment, a line of thickness b is drawn around the pipes, the floor plan serves as a background and is surrounded by a thin line. On the reinforcement drawings of reinforced concrete structures, reinforcement is indicated by a solid main line.

As mentioned earlier, the thickness of the stroke lines also depends on the scale of the drawing. The smaller the scale, the thinner the lines of the visible contour should be. The stroke of dimension, extension lines, hatching lines, axial and center lines, callouts, construction lines and section lines is carried out, as in engineering drawings, in accordance with GOST 3456-59.

GOST 2.304-81

Group T52


Unified system of design documentation


Unified system for design documentation. Letters for drawings

ISS 01.080.30

Introduction date 1982-01-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated March 28, 1981 N 1562

Change No. 2 was adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification by correspondence (Minutes No. 23 dated February 28, 2006)

The national standardization bodies of the following states voted for the adoption of the change: AZ, AM, BY, KZ, KG, MD, RU, TJ, TM, UZ, UA [alpha-2 codes according to MK (ISO 3166) 004]

3. (Deleted, Rev. N 2).

4. REPLACE GOST 2.304-68

5. EDITION (August 2007) with Amendment No. 1, approved in March 1989, June 2006 (IUS 7-89, 9-2006)

This International Standard establishes drawing fonts applied to drawings and other technical documents of all industries and construction.



1.1. Font size- the value determined by the height of capital letters in millimeters.

1.2. The height of capital letters is measured perpendicular to the base of the line.

The height of lowercase letters is determined from the ratio of their height (without processes) to the font size, for example, = 7/10 (Fig. 1 and 2).

1.3. Letter width- the largest letter width, measured in accordance with drawings 1 and 2, is determined in relation to the font size, for example, 6/10, or in relation to the thickness of the font line, for example, 6

1.4. Font Line Thickness- thickness, determined depending on the type and height of the font.

1.5. Auxiliary grid- a grid formed by auxiliary lines into which letters fit. The pitch of the auxiliary grid lines is determined depending on the thickness of the font lines (Fig. 3).

Crap. 3


2.1. The following font types are installed:

type A without slope (=1/14) with the parameters given in Table 1;

type A with an inclination of about 75° (=1/14) with the parameters given in Table 1;

type B without slope (=1/10) with the parameters given in Table 2;

type B with an inclination of about 75° (=1/10) with the parameters given in Table 2.

Table 1

Type A font (=)

Font options


Relative size

Dimensions, mm

Font size:

capital letter height

lower case height

Letter spacing

Font Line Thickness

table 2

Type B font (=)

Font options


Relative size

Dimensions, mm

Font size:

capital letter height

lower case height

Letter spacing

Minimum row spacing (auxiliary grid height)

Minimum spacing between words

Font Line Thickness


1. The distance between letters whose adjacent lines are not parallel to each other (for example, GA, AT) can be halved, i.e. on the line thickness of the font.

2. The minimum distance between words separated by a punctuation mark is the distance between the punctuation mark and the word following it.

When executing documents in an automated way, it is allowed to use fonts used by computer technology. In this case, their storage and transfer to users of documents should be ensured.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

2.2. The following font sizes are set: (1.8); 2.5; 3.5; 5; 7; 10; 14; 20; 28; 40.

Note. The use of font size 1.8 is not recommended and is only allowed for type B.

2.3. The construction of the font in the auxiliary grid is shown in Figure 4.

2.4. Limit deviations of the sizes of letters and numbers ±0.5 mm.


3.1. Font type A with a slope is shown in Figure 5.

3.2. Font type A without tilt is shown in Figure 6.

3.3. Font type B with a slope is shown in Figure 7.

3.4. Font type B without tilt is shown in Fig. 8.


4.1. Font type A with a slope is shown in Figure 9.

4.2. Font type A without tilt is shown in Figure 10.


4.3. Font type B with a slope is shown in Figure 11.

Damn 11

4.4. Font type B without tilt is shown in Figure 12.

Devil 12

4.5. Types, form and arrangement of diacritical marks for fonts of types A and B without italics are given in the reference appendix.

Diacritics for italic fonts should follow the same rules.


5.1. Font type A with a slope is shown in Figure 13.


5.2. Font type A without tilt is shown in Figure 14.

Devil 14

5.3. Font type B with a slope is shown in Figure 15.


5.4. Font type B without tilt is shown in Fig.16.

Devil 16

5.5. The names of the letters of the Greek alphabet, shown in Fig. 13-16:



6.1. Font type A is shown in Figure 17.


6.2. Font type B is shown in Fig.18.



1. Roman numerals L, C, D, M should be performed according to the rules of the Latin alphabet.

2. Roman numerals may be limited to horizontal lines.


7.1. Font type A with a slope is shown in Figure 19.


7.2. Font type A without tilt is shown in Figure 20.


7.3. Font type B with a slope is shown in Fig.21.


7.4. Font type B without tilt is shown in Figure 22.


7.5. The names of the signs are given in Table 3.

Table 3

Numbers of characters in the drawings

Name of signs



Exclamation mark

Question mark



Value after rounding


Asymptotically equal to

Approximately equal to

Less or equal

More or equal

Minus, dash

plus or minus







Square brackets

Round brackets

Fraction dash

Similarity sign



8.1. Fractions, indicators, indices and limit deviations are performed in accordance with Table 4, font size:

one step smaller than the font size of the main value to which they are assigned;

the same size as the font size of the main size.

Table 4

Implementation options


Execution examples


fractions, bye-
zatels, etc.

The font size is one step smaller than the base size

The font size is the same as the size of the main value





Polish language

Romanian language

Czech and Slovak

Electronic text of the document
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
Unified system of design documentation:
Sat. GOSTs. - M.: Standartinform, 2007

When performing architectural and construction working drawings, be guided by the requirements of SPDS standards, as well as the requirements of ESKD standards, which supplement and do not contradict SPDS standards. Working drawings of a building or structure must be made on drawing sheets of paper in standard formats established by GOST 2.301-68.


The sheet format is determined by the size of the outer frame, drawn with a thin line. The inner frame is drawn with a solid main line at a distance of 20 mm from the left side of the outer frame and at a distance of 5 mm from the other sides (Fig. 2).

Figure 2 - Examples of side sizes in A4 and A3 formats.

The designations and sizes of the sides of the main formats must correspond to the data in Table. 1.

Table 1

Designations and dimensions of the sides of the main formats

The main inscriptions are located in the lower right corner of a graphic or text document. On sheets of A4 format in accordance with GOST 2.301-68, the main inscription is located along the short bottom side of the sheet.

The main inscriptions and frames are made with solid main and solid thin lines in accordance with GOST 2.303-68 *.

The name of the product is written in the nominative case of the singular. In the name of the product, consisting of several plums, a noun is placed in the first place, for example: “Strengel farm”.

Abbreviations of words in the inscriptions on the drawings are allowed in the cases specified in GOST 2.316-68 and in the appendix to the book.

Figures 5 and 6 show examples of filling in the main inscription.


The scales of images in the drawings, taken in accordance with GOST 2.302-68 ESKD, are as follows: reduction scales A: 2; 1:2.5; 1:4; 1:5; 1:10; 1:15; 1:20; 1:25; 1:40; 1-50-1:75; 1:100; 1:200; 1:400; 1:500; 1:800; 1:1000); 1 magnification scale B:1; 2.5:1; 4:1; 5:1; 10:1; 20:1; 40:1; 50:1; 100:1) at natural size 1:1.

When designing master plans for large objects, it is allowed to use scales of 1:2000; 1:5000; 1:1000; 1:20000; 1:25000; 1:50000.

table 2

Image scales on construction drawings

The name, style and thickness of the lines in relation to the thickness of the main line and the main purpose of the lines must correspond to the data in Table. 3. Examples of the use of lines are shown in Fig. 7-12. In construction drawings in sections, visible contour lines that do not fall into the section plane are allowed to be drawn as a solid thin line.

The thickness of the solid main line should be within 0.5 ... 1.4 mm, depending on the size and complexity of the image, as well as the format of the drawing.

The thickness of lines of the same type must be the same for all images in this drawing, drawn at the same scale.

The smallest thickness of the lines should correspond to the data in Table. 3.

Table 3

The smallest line thickness

The thickness of the stroke lines for drawings of plans and sections is given in Table. 4, and for facades - in table. 5.

Table 4

Stroke line thickness for plan and section drawings

Table 5

The thickness of the stroke lines for drawings of facades - in table. 6

Drawing fonts

GOST 2.304-81 establishes drawing fonts applied to drawings and other technical documents of all industries and construction.

The following font sizes apply: 2.5; 3.5; 5; 7; 10; 14; 20; 28 and 40. Font size is a value determined by the height of capital letters in millimeters. The font is built on an auxiliary grid.

Damn it. 7 shows Type A font with italic.

It is possible to use a narrow architectural font-devil on architectural and construction drawings. 8.

Architectural (narrow) font is used when performing architectural and construction drawings. It is characterized by simplicity, clarity of outline and ease of reading.

This font is called direct. The letters are narrow, their width is determined by taking from 1/4 to 1/8 of the height. The font does not have a division into uppercase and lowercase. The distance between letters in words is taken not less than half of their width. In headings, the space between letters in words is increased to 4/5 of the height of the letter. The thickness of the stroke of the letters is 1/15 -1/20 of their height.