Observation deck in Detsky Mir on Lubyanka: price, how to get there, photo. Central children's store on Lubyanka Observation deck in the children's world opening hours

The Children's World building on Lubyanka is recognized as a cultural heritage of regional significance. Over its more than half a century of history, it has become the embodiment of ideas and ideologies, ambitions and creative ideas. However, in order: what is the building famous for, what historical decisions are hidden behind its grandiose facade and why guests of the capital must definitely climb on its roof - a short digression to the origins of its cultural heritage will help to get answers.

Where is Detsky Mir located and how to get to it

The Detsky Mir building is located in the very center of Moscow, a 10-minute walk from. You can get to it from, which starts from Red Square. On both sides, Detsky Mir faces Theater Square and Lubyanka Square.

The nearest metro stations are: Lubyanka and Kuznetsky Most. Opening hours can be found on the official website of Detsky Mir.

History of "Children's World"

The idea of ​​"Children's World" was embodied in the construction of the building designed by Alexei Dushkin. The construction was timed to coincide with the festival event of a worldwide scale - the Day of Youth and Students. The opening of the Children's World became the embodiment of the idea of ​​the "happiest" children of the Soviet post-war era. It was immortalized in the form of the most ambitious project in the European space. The central position inside the building was occupied by a two-story atrium with a carousel. Even today, reconstructed to the full height of the new building, it evokes positive emotions.

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The historical building is attributed by experts in the field of architecture to the art deco style, an eclectic direction characteristic of the construction of the middle of the last century. Moreover, in its rather puritanical version - truncated. It was Khrushchev's period of worship of minimalism, and many of the architect's ideas about interior decoration were not developed.

Even more problematic was the place where the idea of ​​"World for Children" was erected. During the construction, the base of the Lubyanka passage was used, the site itself was complex with a large amplitude of the surface drop. The result was logical - after half a century the building received the status of emergency, the issue of reconstruction arose at the beginning of our century unusually acute.

A brief chronology of events in the history of the "Main Children's World" in Russia:

  • 1957 - construction of a store building on Lubyanskaya Square, architect Dushkin;
  • 1992 - privatization of the building. The decline of the idea of ​​a childhood world in favor of banks and car dealerships;
  • 2005 - recognition of the status of the protected cultural heritage behind the building (only its facade was recognized as an object of conservation);
  • 2008 - the beginning of reconstruction according to the project of M. Posokhin. According to his version of the reconstruction, the atrium was not preserved;
  • 2011 - appointment of P. Andreev as the chief architect. A new redevelopment plan is approved, the historic atrium is preserved;
  • 2015 - Opening of a new CDM on Lubyanka.

In just half a century, the building has experienced all the tricks of history: the struggle of styles, reconstruction in the name of flourishing trade and the idea of ​​serving childhood. Common sense and architectural taste won. Today it is a shopping center where everyone became friends. The idea of ​​childhood and branded companies, a modern atrium and a magnificently restored facade of the building. And the new observation deck has become a kind of symbol of the perception of culture from the height of its modern understanding.

Central Children's Museum on Lubyanka: the best for children?

Having retained its historical "face", the modern "Central Children's World on Lubyanka" in its interior embodies modern mega shopping areas. It is difficult to say that this is a special "Children's" zone. Rather, this place corresponds to the interests of family shopping and recreation, which has become an attribute of modern society.

The children's idea of ​​a clock-tower was replaced by the claim of the "largest" clock in the world. Mechanical watches weigh almost 5 tons and are truly a masterpiece of world-class watch mechanics. The new atrium is magnificent with extensive stained-glass ceiling windows decorated with scenes from the Russian painter Ivan Bilibin.

There is a feeling of a holiday - a lot of light, rich decoration, combined with modern attributes of civilization, you can just come here for relaxation and entertainment. They are presented in abundance: the Museum of Childhood, Interactive playgrounds, goodies and usefulness at every turn. You can also admire the prices, they are quite eloquent.

Observation deck of the Children's World

The main highlight of the new building is a magnificent observation deck on the roof. You can get to it by going up to the 6th floor, then follow the sign. It works, like the store, from 10 am to 10 pm. The spacious "walking area on the roof" consists of two sections connected by a passage. They offer a panoramic view of Moscow, Lubyanka and the Kremlin. Celestial Moscow, as it is seen from this site, gives a new perception of the old city: the historical pharmacy of Ferrein and the magnificent Metropol are seen differently.

For the convenience of children, a special step is equipped, for safety, a glass partition 1.5 meters high is installed, it does not interfere with panoramic perception. Another advantage is the telescopes, which allow you to enhance the impression of high-altitude views of the city streets. All this panoramic splendor is available for a fee of 50 rubles. It is very easy to admire the beauties of the city from the rooftop of Detsky Mir - take a walk from the Lubyanka or Kuznetsky Most metro stations.

In the recently opened Central Children's Store on Lubyanka, you can get to the observation deck, which offers wonderful views of the historical center of Moscow. And you can do it absolutely free.

As soon as the Central Children's Store on Lubyanka opened, of course, we went to see what happened after such a long reconstruction. We thoroughly prepared for the visit - we printed out the guidebook and highlighted what exactly we want to visit. One of the attractions of the Children's Store is the observation deck on the 7th floor. We started there and went.

How to find the observation deck in the Central Children's Store on Lubyanka:

m. Kuznetsky most / Lubyanka. address Teatralny proezd house 5 (Central Children's Store on Lubyanka). 7th floor.

You need to take the elevator up to the 6th floor, then go around all the catering points (almost all the cafes are located exactly on the 6th level). Next - we head to the large atrium, go around it. Next to the atrium there will be a small door and a staircase that leads to the Museum of Childhood (review of the museum) and an observation deck. We go in the door, we rise a little more, and now - Moscow is in front of us, in full view.

Door to the observation deck.

In fact, there are two viewing platforms at the top, and they are connected by a long passage: on the one hand, we have a view of the Lubyanka building, the Polytechnic Museum, and on the other, we can see the Kremlin.

If you go all the way to the right, you can see a huge logo mounted on the roof. For security reasons, keep him closed.

View of the Kremlin.

View from the observation deck of Children's World on Lubyanka. One of the few free sites. #observationMoscow #children's world #rus_photo #rus_places #rtgtv #Lubyanka

Posted by Nina and Natasha, travelers (@shagauru) Jul 20, 2017 at 1:21 am PDT

Those who are afraid of heights have nothing to fear - a fairly high glass rim is installed around the entire perimeter. It is worth noting that it is made correctly, because it does not interfere with taking pictures.

There were a lot of people on the day when we visited the observation deck: there were also many photographers with tripods trying to capture Moscow.

Here are two observation decks connected by such a transition.

For the curious, telescopic tubes are installed on the observation deck so that you can see the old buildings properly.

View of the Lubyanka Square and the Polytechnic.

Night Moscow is Beautiful!

In general, this is a wonderful place, I think in the summer it will not be overcrowded. A visit to the observation deck on the roof is a great reason to stop by the Central Children's Store.

Central Children's World on Lubyanka on the map

(The observation deck is located on the 7th level. The elevator rises only to the 6th floor, then - up the stairs on foot).

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In 2015, after reconstruction, the historic building was reopened at Moscow, Teatralny proezd, 5, building 1. Since 1957, there has been a toy store known throughout the country, Detsky Mir. It was the first and only brand in the USSR for the production of children's toys. In the era of scarcity, you could find everything here, even if you had to stand in lines for this. The stores of the network were located in all major cities of the country and were recognizable by any Soviet, and even Russian resident.

The store in the building on Lubyanka was the largest children's store in the Soviet Union and the first building built to world standards. It was here that the first escalator in Moscow appeared, located in a public building. It can also be noted that in the "Children's World" there were not the most common vending machines in the USSR for the sale of piece goods. They could buy a variety of little things for children: notebooks, pencils, etc.

The interior of the renovated "Children's World". Scenes from Russian folk tales are used in the design.

"Children's World" grew up on the site of the old commercial building "Lubyansky passage" and occupies a whole block directly above the metro station "Lubyanskaya" (until 1990 - "Dzerzhinskaya"). The construction of the department store was supervised by Anastas Mikoyan himself, the Minister of Trade of the USSR. At the beginning of the construction of the store, he said:

"It will be a children's GUM for small Soviet consumers."

The building on Lubyanskaya Square was privatized in 1992. In the 1990s, according to the recollections of Muscovites, there were little organizations related to children: a car dealership, an online store, a bank.

In 2008 "Children's World" was closed for reconstruction and for seven years was not accessible to the public. The renovation was completed on March 31, 2015. Muscovites took opposite positions in relation to the building after the repair: someone argued that the reconstruction had changed the "Children's World" beyond recognition, deprived the interiors of that very nostalgia for a carefree childhood. Others are sure that the developer company keeps up with the times. By the way, the very name "Children's World" was changed to "Central Children's Store on Lubyanka".

General view of the central part

We will not get carried away by the controversy about the changes that have taken place in the "Children's World" in recent years, but rather pay attention to the new part of the building that appeared after the repair - the observation deck. It is located on the roof of the building, which can be accessed from the 6th floor. You can immediately give advice: if you want to get to the observation deck, and the street is more than 20 degrees - do not be lazy, go upstairs on the escalator. There are a lot of people in the elevator, it stops at almost every floor, the ventilation works very poorly. On the sixth floor of the department store there is a food court, where there are usually not as many visitors as, for example, in the same Okhotny Ryad.

Observation deck
View towards the Kremlin

From the site, beautiful views of the historical part of the city open up - the building on Kotelnicheskaya embankment, the Kremlin, the main building of Moscow State University, the Moskva Hotel.

How to get there

The site is open to visitors daily from 10.00 to 22.00. And the most pleasant bonus: the entrance to the observation deck is free. You can get to Detsky Mir by driving to the nearby Lubyanka station, or walk around the city center from the Kuznetsky Most, Okhotny Ryad, Kitai-Gorod, Revolution Square, and Teatralnaya stations. The journey will take 5-10 minutes depending on the chosen station.

Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Kremlin, Moscow State University, Moscow Hotel

Children's World on Lubyanskaya Square in Moscow is a whole era, a whole history and a part of every Muscovite whose childhood was spent in the capital.

The building was built in 1957 in the very center of Moscow and at that time was considered the largest children's store in the USSR.

It was also the largest shopping center built according to world standards. Since 2005, the building has received the status of a cultural heritage site at the regional level. In 2008, the building was under reconstruction, which lasted 7 years.

After restoration work, only the shape of the building remained from the former building, while the perimeter and external design of the walls were changed. The internal elements of the architecture have also undergone a change.

Today, Detsky Mir on Lubyanka is a popular place where both tourists from different parts of the country and local residents like to spend time. The interior of the building deserves special attention. In the main atrium, unique bronze floor lamps were recreated, as well as stairs and railings made of marble were restored.

On the walls you can see many paintings - they all convey illustrations from children's fairy tales. One of the sights of Detsky Mir is the monumental Raketa clock, the largest mechanical clock in the world.

Address: Moscow, Teatralny proezd, 5/1.

Detsky Mir on Lubyanka on the map (location map)

How to get to Children's World on Lubyanka

Since the shopping and entertainment center is located in the heart of the capital, it will not be difficult to get to it. Whichever type of transport you choose, the time spent here will be remembered for a long time.


Getting to Detsky Mir by metro is very convenient. First of all, this is the fastest mode of transport, so you save time. You can also avoid traffic jams if you choose ground transportation or a car.

From the metro station "Lubyanka"

The nearest metro station to the shopping center is Lubyanka. No matter which subway exit you take, the signs will lead you to the right place. However, to save time, you should carefully study the diagram.

When exiting the car, take the escalator and pay attention to the sign on the left side. Then turn right and walk along a long passage that will take you to the zero level of the shopping center.

From the metro station "Kuznetsky Most"

This metro station is also located near Detsky Mir. When exiting the turnstiles, turn right. Go up the street and immediately turn left. Next, you will see an arch, you need to enter it. Then go straight to Pushechnaya Street until you see the square and the wall of the "Children's World".

From Okhotny Ryad metro station

When exiting the subway, navigate to the street. Okhotny Ryad. Then move straight ahead and a little to the right until you reach Theater Drive. Then go straight, without turning anywhere, on the left hand side there will be "Children's World"

From the metro station "Teatralnaya"

Exit the subway on the square. Revolutions. Next, turn 180 degrees to the left, walk along the park so that it remains on the right hand, exit onto Teatralny Proezd and turn right. Go straight, without turning anywhere, on the left side there will be "Children's World"

From the metro station "Kitay-Gorod"

When exiting the metro, navigate to Novaya Ploshchad (you can go through Ilyinskiye Vorota Square). Exit to the square. New and go straight to the intersection with Maly Cherkassky Lane.

In a couple of minutes you will see the Children's World building, it remains only to cross the road.

By car

Getting there by car, although more comfortable, but longer and more problematic. However, if you have personal transport, the main thing is to follow the signs on the roads. Thus, you can easily find "Children's World".

Another important factor is that the entrance for cars to the shopping center is carried out from Rozhdestvenka street. So, moving from the center, you need to go around the "Children's World" from the side of the street. Cannon.

"Children's World" on Lubyanka is not just a shopping center, but a whole complex where entertainment is concentrated for every taste for the whole family. Many visitors are also attracted by the observation deck located on the roof of the building. It offers a breathtaking view of the center of Moscow. For convenience, binoculars and telescopes are located around the entire perimeter.

All visitors can choose all kinds of entertainment for themselves - a cinema, dinosaur shows, numerous cafes, robot shows, a children's city of professions, a playground with slot machines and much more. Plunge into the amazing atmosphere of happiness and fun, along with the best traditions of the "Children's World".

An open observation deck is located on the roof of the Central Children's Store on Lubyanka and, despite its novelty, has already become one of the most popular viewing platforms in Moscow. Unlike many other viewpoints offering to view the center of the capital from the side, the observation deck of the Central House of Museum allows you to see it from a slightly different angle - from the inside.

A good view opens in the direction of the Kremlin and Red Square. It is not possible to see the Moscow fortress and its surroundings in full growth, since their lower part is obscured by roofs, but the view of the Kremlin towers (including Spasskaya) and the bell towers of the Kremlin cathedrals, towering above the roofs of other buildings, is impressive. The sensations are also enhanced by atypical neighbors that appeared near the historical center when viewed from this angle: for example, St. Basil's Cathedral (Cathedral of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, on the Moat) and the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin are visible in conjunction with the Shukhov Tower on Shabolovka, the Grand Kremlin Palace and the Senate Palace got the building of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the background, the building of the Historical Museum stood on the same line with the Nikolskaya and Troitskaya towers of the Kremlin and, and the GUM and the Corner Arsenal tower surrounded the main building of Moscow State University on Sparrow Hills.

Also, the observation deck on the roof of the Central Children's Store allows you to see the hotels "Metropol" and "Moscow", the high-rise hotel "Svissotel Krasnye Holmy", many churches and bell towers and endless residential areas to the horizon.

At the service of visitors is a pair of viewing binoculars, however, practically inaccessible due to high attendance. The observation deck is available daily, from 10.00 to 22.00. The best time to visit is in the afternoon when the Sun is shining from behind.

Free admission.