Do-it-yourself fence from a profiled sheet: step by step instructions. Features of a fence made of metal corrugated board Cathedral of pipes and corrugated board

A fence made of corrugated board is the best solution for protecting the territory of a country house or cottage from prying eyes and unauthorized visits. Fences made of this material serve at least 30 years. The metal profile is extremely easy to process, and a simple installation technique allows you to install a fence around the house or summer cottage quickly and with your own hands, without involving additional labor. Possessing high performance and durability, measured in decades, the metal profile also performs a decorative function, with which you can ennoble a private area, making it not only inaccessible to prying eyes, but also homely.

Construction of a fence from a metal profile: the pros and cons

A distinctive feature of a metal profile (profiled sheet, corrugated board) is versatility. In addition to the arrangement of roofing and the construction of temporary utility structures (hangars, sheds, garages, etc.), this material is widely used in the construction of fences and fences for various purposes.

The metal profile is made from cold-rolled sheet steel, which is coated with a layer of zinc and a protective polymer film of various colors using a special technology. The thickness of the profiled sheet is 0.4–1.2 cm. At the final stage of production, the sheet laid in rolls, using roll forming equipment (manual or automatic), receives a certain profile (trapeze or wave).

Good to know: The steel base and stiffening ribs provide increased material resistance to deformation and force, while galvanizing and polymer coating reliably protect the profiled sheet from rust and mechanical wear.

For the construction of fences, a wall profiled sheet with a profile height of 8 to 44 mm is used. The final cost of the material is influenced by such parameters as:

  • thickness of the steel base;
  • availability and quality of galvanization;
  • the quality of the polymer coating;
  • profile shape and height.

Advantages of a metal profile

The main advantages of using corrugated board in the construction of fences and fences include:

  1. High performance.
  2. Small specific weight.
  3. Ease of processing and installation.
  4. Durability and resistance to aggressive operating factors.
  5. Relatively low material cost.

The profiled sheet is well protected from rust, deformation, damage and climatic factors. The material is produced in a wide range of sizes, which allows it to be used for the construction of fences of any height and length.

Good to know: The lightness of the profiled sheet, as well as its mechanical rigidity, greatly simplifies the installation process. In addition, when building a fence from this material, the requirements for the strength of the supporting frame are reduced.

Cons of wall corrugated board

The disadvantages of the metal profile used in the construction of fences and barriers include:

  1. Low level of sound insulation (a corrugated fence will not be able to protect the internal territory from noise coming from the street).
  2. Low resistance to destructive impact (it is easy to break through a fence made of such material, say, with a heavy car, or cut a hole in it with a special tool for subsequent penetration into the fenced area).
  3. Low presentability (corrugated board is significantly inferior in external attractiveness to traditional materials used in the construction of fences - wooden and plastic fences, metal, brick or stone).

Good to know: Despite the obvious shortcomings, the professional sheet has no equal in terms of efficiency and has absolute fire resistance. The material is produced in a wide range of colors and an extensive range of shapes and profile sizes, which allows satisfying almost any aesthetic needs of the buyer.

Photo: types of fences, ideas for implementation on the site

Profiled sheet as a decorative trim on the entrance gate
Metal profile fence on metal supports: inside view
Decorative design of a profiled sheet as part of a country fence
Metal profile fence with decorative design: inside view
Fence made of profiled sheet with decorative design
Fence from a profiled sheet on a site with a slope of the terrain
Corrugated fence with brick pillars
Fence from a metal profile on a concrete foundation

Fence project and preparation for construction

It is necessary to carefully prepare for the construction of a fence from a metal profile. Errors in the design and installation process are unacceptable, as they entail unplanned expenses of time, nerves and money.

In order for the construction of the fence to be carried out promptly and not to take an unreasonably large amount of manpower and resources, at the preparatory stage of construction it is necessary:

  1. Decide on the type and required characteristics of the metal profile.
  2. Develop a construction project.
  3. Calculate the required amount of materials.
  4. Prepare a set of tools and auxiliary materials necessary for construction.
  5. Perform accurate marking of the fenced area for construction, taking into account the location of gates, entrance gates, terrain slope, etc.

Important to remember: After the purchase and delivery of the base material to the construction site, it must be carefully stacked and covered to protect against premature wear and climatic factors before installation work. The location of the stacks should not interfere with the passage, passage or placement of other building materials, elements of building structures, vehicles, etc.

What decking to choose?

If the decision to build a fence from a metal profile is made, it remains to choose a material that is suitable in terms of cost and quality. To do this, it is necessary to determine the requirements regarding its protective characteristics, as well as the reliability, durability and resistance of the future fence to wear and damage.

But first, it does not hurt to pre-install:

  • conditional life of the fence;
  • priority on the aesthetics of appearance or operational reliability;
  • design features of the fence and the possibility of replacing its individual elements during operation.

The list of key factors determining the choice of profiled sheet for the construction of the fence includes:

  1. Material brand.
  2. steel thickness.
  3. The quality of the galvanized steel base of the profiled sheet.
  4. type of polymer coating.
  5. Sheet dimensions and profile options
  6. Price-quality ratio.
  7. Durability and wear resistance.
  8. Aesthetic preferences of the owner of the protected area.

Profiled sheet marking

The metal profile has a special marking, which determines its main characteristics and purpose. So, for the construction of a fence, material grade C (wall) or HC (universal) is suitable. The numbers in the marking of the profiled sheet mean:

  • profile height in mm;
  • useful sheet width;
  • thickness of the steel base.

It is important to remember: The thicker the steel base and the higher the zinc content in the protective layer, the more resistant to corrosion and deformation is the profiled sheet. However, at present, galvanizing technology is used less and less in the production of material. A much more reliable protection against corrosion, damage and wear is a special polymer coating, which, moreover, can be set in color and even texture, corresponding to the purpose of the metal profile.

Polymer coating and value for money

The polymer can be applied both on one and both sides of the sheet, which significantly affects the total cost of the material. In addition, the price of the metal profile is determined by the type of this very polymer coating:

  1. Polyester (PE) - film thickness is about 25 microns. The coating is used to protect the inner surface of the material. The film has low resistance to mechanical damage and ultraviolet radiation, which is offset by the low cost of the profiled sheet.
  2. Matte Polyester (PEM) is a 35 µm coating that is gloss-free and resistant to direct sunlight.
  3. Pural (Pural) - a protective film about 50 microns thick. Differs in elasticity, high degree of anticorrosive protection and excellent color quality.
  4. Polyvinyl fluoride (PVF, PVDF, PVF2) is a coating with high strength and elasticity. Meets increased performance requirements, with excellent resistance to ultraviolet radiation, as well as rust and mechanical damage.
  5. Plastisol (PVC200) is a universal film with a thickness of 200 microns, designed to protect surfaces of any type. Possesses high decorative qualities and elasticity, providing reliable protection of steel against corrosion.

Important to know: The dependence of the price on the type of polymer coating, which largely determines the durability and wear resistance of the material, is obvious. The greatest demand in the construction of fences and barriers is used by a metal profile coated with matte polyester, which has an optimal price / quality ratio. Pural-coated material is also popular, since the latter provides not only high aesthetic performance of the profiled sheet, but also increases the service life of the fence.

Profiled sheet parameters

The strength of wall corrugated board depends not so much on the thickness of the steel base (0.1 cm is enough for the construction of a fence), but on the size, shape and thickness of the ribs (waves) of the profile. Therefore, the main attention when buying should be paid to the height of the latter. For the construction of a fence in an area with normal wind loads, a material with a rib whose height does not exceed 21 mm is suitable. As for the required sheet dimensions and the amount of material, they are determined based on the required height of the fence, as well as its perimeter. In this case, it must be borne in mind that the profiled sheet will be mounted with an overlap.

For the construction of fences and barriers, four grades of wall corrugated board are used. Their calculated parameters are given in the table:

Good to know: Wall corrugated board is produced in sheets 12 m long, but before sale it is cut into pieces 2–3 m long that are more convenient for transportation and installation.

Proper design of the fence and calculation of materials, scheme

Before you go to the hardware store for materials, you should correctly calculate their quantity, as well as determine the amount of work on the manufacture of the main elements of the fence design. This can be done only if there is a detailed project. The latter is easy to develop on your own, without involving expensive specialists.

The first and main thing that is necessary for the design is the value of the perimeter of the fenced area. If it is not indicated in the cadastral plan, it will have to be measured independently. For this you will need:

  • hammer marks (metal or wooden pegs) into the ground at the corners of the site, as well as at points where the fence changes direction;
  • tie the tags with nylon or linen cord;
  • calculate the length of the cord between the marks, which will correspond to the value of the perimeter of the site.

The next step is to determine the location and required dimensions of the entrance gate and gate. On the sides of the latter, it is necessary to set marks, measure the distance between them and subtract the obtained value from the total perimeter.

Calculation of the number and size of sections

  1. For example, let's assume that the site has a rectangular shape with sides of 20 and 15 m. Let's take the width of the gate equal to 2.5 m, and set the value for the gate to 1.5 m. In this case, the length of the fence will be equal to: L=(20+15) * 2 - (2.5 + 1.5) \u003d 66 m.
  2. The standard length of the profiled sheet is 12 m, so for ease of transportation and installation it will have to be divided into segments. Therefore, at this stage, it is necessary to calculate how many segments will fit in one section along the length.
  3. Set that the gate will be located next to the gate on the 20-meter side of the perimeter. In this case, the length of the fence in this section will be: l=20–4=16 m. Thus, we take the number of sections equal to 3 meters: 2 sections will have a 5-meter length, and the size of the remaining will be 6 m.
  4. If we take the length of the sections on the opposite side of the perimeter as 5 m, their number here will be 4.
  5. It remains to calculate the number of sections on the 15-meter segments of the perimeter. The calculation is carried out in a similar way: we take the length of the section equal to 5 m. This means that only 6 sections will be obtained along the width of the rectangle - 3 on each side.
  6. Let's calculate the total number of sections: n=2+4+6+1=12+1. Thus, the fence will have 12 sections 5 m long and one 6 m section adjacent to the gate.

Support calculation

Having the value of the number of sections, we calculate the required number of supports using the formula:

From this it follows that for the installation of the fence you will need: K \u003d 13 + 1 \u003d 14 supports.

Important to know: It is convenient to use a profile pipe of square (50 * 50 mm) or round (d = 50 mm) section as supporting posts for a corrugated fence. It should be noted that the length of the supports is a composite value. The outer part should be at least 10–15 cm longer than the corrugated board sheet. This is necessary in order to leave a clearance of 5–10 cm high from below and a height margin in the upper part of about 5 cm. So, for a 2 m high fence, the height of the supports will be 210–215 cm. For installation in the ground, another 80–120 cm will be required (depending on the type of soil, freezing depth and groundwater level), and if the fence is installed on a strip foundation - 40–50 cm.

Subject to the necessary requirements for the design of the supports, their length will be:

L og \u003d 200 + 15 + 80 \u003d 295 cm (when installing supports in the ground);

L op \u003d 200 + 15 + 40 \u003d 255 cm (when installed on a foundation).

Calculation of corrugated board

Using the values ​​​​of the height of the fence, as well as the number and length of sections, the required dimensions and the number of profiled sheets are determined.

The height of the fence is equal to the length of the section of the profiled sheet. If the fence being designed is 2m high, a standard 12m sheet will need to be cut into 6 2m pieces. If a profiled sheet of the C21 brand is chosen for construction, 5 such sheets will go to each 5-meter section and 6 more sections of 1 m wide for the remaining 6-meter section.

As a result, the total number of profiled sheet segments 2 m long will be:

N=n 5 *5+n 6 *6=12*5+1*6=66 ​​segments

where n 5 and n 6 are the number of 5- and 6-meter fence sections.

It is important to remember: The installation of the profiled sheet is carried out with an overlap. This means that each of the sheets will lose a little in length during installation. Thus, when calculating the number and size of sheets relative to the length of the section, the value of the joint size, multiplied by 2, should be subtracted from the total length of the sheathing.

Calculation of transverse logs

For fences made of corrugated board, a metal profile pipe with a cross section of 40 * 20 mm and a length corresponding to the dimensions of each section is used as a transverse log. At the same time, for the installation of a fence with a height of 2 m, no more than 2 tiers of crossbars will be required.

This means that the number of lags for the calculated fence will be:

k=k s *2=13*2=26 lag

where k c is the number of fence sections.

Final result

As a result of the surveys, it was found that for the construction of a fence around the site in question, it is necessary:

  • 26 crossbars;
  • 14 support pillars;
  • 66 sheathing sheets 2 m long.

Then it remains to re-draw the diagram of the site and put on it a projection of the fence with the designation of the number and size of sections, the location of the gate and gate and other important data. The construction project can be considered ready.

Necessary tools and auxiliary materials

In order to independently manufacture and install a fence from corrugated board, it is necessary to prepare in advance the tools that you cannot do without in the process of work.

This list should include:

  • bayonet and shovel;
  • concrete mixer (if the fence is installed on the foundation or the supports will be installed on concrete);
  • earthen drill (for mounting support pillars in the ground);
  • electric scissors;
  • metal scissors;
  • electric drill with a set of drills for metal;
  • screwdriver;
  • welding machine;
  • circular saw with discs for metal;
  • construction tape measure;
  • measuring cord;
  • building level;
  • plumb.

In addition to the basic materials of corrugated board and a profile pipe for the manufacture of supports and transverse logs, auxiliary tools will be needed for the construction of a fence.

The last list contains:

  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • cement;
  • primer for metal racks and crossbars;
  • paint;
  • metal screws or other fasteners for mounting the cladding.

It is important to remember: When cutting metal, in the process of building a foundation or installing supports in the ground, as well as when installing crossbeams and fixing a profiled sheet, it is very important to observe safety precautions. This will avoid injury, as well as damage to the material and breakage of the tool. Protective goggles, gloves and overalls should be used when performing work operations. And most importantly: you need to prepare a free area for work, on which nothing will interfere with the manufacture of fence elements, and bring electricity to it to connect power tools.

How to build a fence from corrugated board with your own hands: step by step instructions

After marking the territory and preparing materials, it's time to start building. The general algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • pouring the foundation with the installation of vertical supports on it;
  • installation of support pillars in the ground;
  • installation of transverse logs;
  • priming and painting of the metal frame;
  • cladding installation;
  • decorative fence.

Good to know: If the installation of the supporting frame is carried out by welding, the welds must be cleaned. Also, plugs of the appropriate shape should be welded onto the support posts, which will prevent moisture from entering the pipe. Holes in metal are best done before assembly, although with a powerful drill and a quality drill, they can be made after. It is advisable to apply a primer and paint on a metal frame before installing the crate so as not to stain the new profiled sheet.

Laying the foundation for a corrugated fence

If the conditional life of the fence exceeds 20 years, or the nature of the soil or the layout of the site does not allow installation in another way, the fence is installed on a strip reinforced concrete foundation.

The foundation is poured in several stages:

With the help of a concrete mixer, a concrete solution is made from sand, crushed stone, cement and water, with which the trench is poured to the desired level. In the process, you should periodically check the vertical of the support posts or fix it to the formwork with a lock from the waste boards.

Important to know: The soil will not take away moisture from the concrete if the bottom of the trench is abundantly moistened before pouring. The finished foundation should be allowed to dry for at least 3 days, after which you can proceed with the installation of the transverse logs.

Installation of support pillars in the ground

If the fence is planned to be used for no more than 15–20 years, the fence is temporary, or the soil or site layout allows installation without pouring the foundation, the support posts are installed in the soil.

There are several ways to install supports, the choice of which depends on the nature of the soil, the depth of groundwater and the height of the fence:

  • driving;
  • partial concreting (combined installation);
  • butovanie (installation on a pillow of sand and gravel);
  • full concreting (with reinforcement);

The algorithm for installing fence supports into the soil looks like this:

  1. Plugs are welded on the upper and lower ends of the supports, which will prevent moisture and soil from entering the pipe.
  2. The corner supports and poles are installed first at the edges of the gate and gate. In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor the observance of the vertical level of the supports.
  3. Installed corner posts are knitted with twine or rope to mark the fence line.
  4. The remaining supporting posts of the fence are mounted along the perimeter in the same way, observing the vertical level and the line set from the corner supports.

Important to know: To enhance the bearing capacity of concreted or partially concreted supports, the hole can be reinforced with thin (d = 10 mm) reinforcement.

Installation of fence posts on a site with a slope

If the land plot has a slope, a number of additional steps must be taken when pouring the foundation or installing support pillars. In particular, with a slight slope, the soil should be simply leveled.

When installing a fence on a foundation on a site with an average slope, the procedure will be as follows:

When installing supports in the ground on a site with a slope, the depth of the holes is adjusted in the same way: the bottom of the hole of the first support of the next level should be at the level of the middle of the hole of the last support of the previous one.

Important to know: The level difference in height should be the same along the entire length of the fence.

Installation of the supporting frame

After the support pillars are installed in the ground or on the foundation, the transverse logs are installed. They can be installed by welding or by means of special “crab” fasteners.

When mounting on "crabs" in supports and transverse lags, it is necessary to make holes of the appropriate diameter for bolted connections.

The installation of crossbars for welding is carried out in one of three ways: the logs are butt-welded, on the sides of the support column, or fixed using a holder pre-welded to the support (a section of a U-shaped profile of the required dimensions).

Good to know: The location of the lag and the distance between them depends on the height of the fence. If the latter is 2 m, 40-50 cm must be subtracted from the upper edge of the support - at this level the upper line of the crossbars will be attached. Further down, we retreat 100–120 mm and mark the installation level of the lower lag. Then the distance from the lower crossbar to the ground will be: l=200–40–120=40 cm.

Sheathing with metal profiles and finishing, painting the fence

If the installation of the frame is completed, and plugs are welded on top of the supports, you can proceed to the final stage of construction of the fence sheathing. To do this, in the transverse lags with a step equal to the step of the profiled sheet profile, holes are made for fasteners. Before starting work, it is important not to forget to calculate the location of the joints of the metal profile; its sheets are attached directly to each other, bypassing the crossbars.

After installing the sheathing, the fence can be decorated with decorative elements. For example, forging or bumpers along the upper and / or lower edge of the profiled sheet. You can also additionally protect the caps of self-tapping screws and bolted connections with special plastic plugs.

It is important to remember: When joining sheets with an overlap, installation is carried out on the upper wave of the profile. Fixing the profiled sheet to the crossbars is carried out in the center of the lower profile wave.

The construction of a corrugated fence requires thorough preparation and, most importantly, correctly performed calculations. Then, if you do not make gross mistakes during installation, the work does not take much time and effort. For example, it will take only 3-4 days to fence off a site with a perimeter of 60–70 m, of course, provided that you don’t have to dig a lot to level the soil. As a result, a reliable and durable fence should be obtained, which will serve as an excellent protection of the site from prying attention and greatly complicate unauthorized entry into the fenced area.

Each owner of a suburban area tries to protect his territory with a fence. Even if friendly relations have developed with the neighbors, you still want to hide from prying eyes. You feel much more pleasant when you are sure that strangers are not watching you. And the property stored in the yard is more secure. Therefore, the decision to build a fence from corrugated board with your own hands along the outer perimeter of the site is the best option.

Advantages of a corrugated fence

Of course, many people are somewhat skeptical about the installation of a profiled sheet fence, considering such a structure to be a weak protection of the courtyard area. And it’s completely in vain - a corrugated board fence has many positive qualities that make it very popular:

There are some disadvantages of using a profiled sheet for the construction of a fence. One of them is low resistance to physical impact, that is, with the help of a special tool it is easy to cut a hole to penetrate the fenced area.

The choice of profiled sheet for the construction of the fence

Before you deal with the question of how to build a fence from a profiled sheet with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with the features and properties of the material used. The canvas is a steel sheet of a certain thickness, on which an anti-corrosion zinc coating is applied. Such sheets are rolled on special machines, as a result of which a conceived profile is formed. It is the thickness of the steel sheet and the shape of the profile that predetermine the purpose of the final material.

The increased resistance of the sheet to deformation is provided by a steel base and stiffeners. A special zinc and polymer coating reliably protects it from mechanical wear and rust.

Marking corrugated board for the fence

There are various types of corrugated board, so when choosing the appropriate material, you need to pay attention to the marking, which consists of letters and numbers. The letters indicate the purpose of the profiled sheet, and the numbers indicate the dimensional parameters of the material.

The main designations for marking corrugated board:

After the letter in the marking there are numbers that indicate the height of the stiffeners in millimeters. Often, the thickness of the steel sheet is also noted in the marking (indicated by a fractional number). For fencing a private area, a metal thickness of 0.45-0.6 mm is quite enough.

Coating of profiled sheets

There are few owners who wish to build a fence from a simple galvanized sheet. Sheets covered with a modern polymer coating look much more comfortable and beautiful. What they can be:

The most affordable for the average host is profiled with polyester coating.

Fence mounting materials

Before making a fence from a profiled sheet, it is necessary to calculate the amount of material that will be needed for all installation work. The calculation is based on the total size of the area along the perimeter and the planned height of the fence.

For high-quality performance of all construction work, you will need:

The technology of building a fence from corrugated board

The process of building a fence must be prepared with great care. Even small mistakes during the design and installation of the structure can lead to unplanned expenses of time, money and nerves.

After the development of the construction project, it is necessary to accurately mark the entire territory intended for the construction of the fence. In this case, it is imperative to accurately calculate the number and location of the entrance gates and gates. All markings must be carried out taking into account the slope of the terrain.

Installation of support poles

There are several options installation of mounting supports, the choice of which depends entirely on the nature of the soil, the height of the fence and the depth of groundwater:

  • full concreting (with reinforcement);
  • partial concreting (combined view);
  • butovanie (strengthening with crushed stone and sand);
  • piling of supports.

The most reliable way is the installation of supports with full concreting. First of all, it is necessary to install the extreme supports. It is necessary to dig holes for poles 150 mm wide and 1-1.5 m deep. Earthwork is easier to do with a hand drill. The depth of penetration depends on the planned height of the fence: the greater the height of the fence, the deeper the supports will have to be lowered.

The hole filling technology is carried out according to the standard scheme. First, the roofing material is laid so that the soil does not shed, then the pipe is set strictly according to the level. The next step is to fill the pit with concrete, while periodically tamping the mixture.

After the concrete has completely dried, we stretch a cord between the extreme posts, which will show the entire fence line. Observing strictly the distance between the supports, we install the remaining pillars around the perimeter, while not forgetting to control them by level.

Three days later, after the concrete has completely dried, you can begin to fasten the crossbars.

Fastening crossbars

The installation of the log is carried out after reliable concreting of the vertical racks. It is not worth rushing to start the process of attaching the crossbars so that the supports do not deviate from the vertical.

If there is a welding machine, and also skills to operate such equipment., you can securely fasten the crossbars by welding.

And you can also screw the logs to the vertical racks using special brackets. Thus, the special X-bracket is screwed to the support post. The transverse lag is screwed to the bracket plate. This type of fastening makes the whole structure a little longer, which must be taken into account at the design stage of the fence. But the mount is considered more reliable in terms of operation, and also simplifies repair work.

There are three main ways to attach the crossbars to the uprights:

A fully assembled railing frame must be treated with an anti-corrosion primer and paint.

Installation of corrugated board on the frame

The sheet is fastened using galvanized or painted rivets or self-tapping screws. If desired, fasteners can be matched to the color of the fence, which will significantly improve the appearance of the entire fence.

Fastening through a sheet wave is considered reliable. To increase strength, fasteners can be installed in a checkerboard pattern.

It is very important during installation to set the first sheet strictly vertically. Compliance with this condition will avoid problems during the further installation of the entire fence. Each next sheet overlaps the one installed on one wave, while the self-tapping screw is installed in the lower part of the wave strictly perpendicular. Tilt fasteners can cause paint peeling and rust.

The fence made of profiled sheet is resistant to any type of precipitation and temperature changes. Has an aesthetic appearance. This fence is secure. and a durable structure that can protect any suburban area from external factors.

Any homeowner seeks to surround his home with a fence, which is not only a means of protecting property, but also helps protect the privacy of those people who live behind it.

When choosing a material, each person proceeds from his own criteria, the most universal among which are durability, practicality, ease of installation and processing. It is these properties that the corrugated board has, which, unlike the chain-link mesh, the fence from which, allows you to completely hide the house from the eyes of others.

Consider how to take up the construction of a fence from such a common and beloved by many material.

Preparing to Install a Fence

In order for the installation of the fence to take place without interruptions and delays, it is necessary to carry out some preparatory measures.

The main of these activities are:

  • Calculation of the required quantity and purchase of material. To this end, the perimeter of the fenced area should be determined and the height of the planned fence should be taken into account.
  • Determination of places for installation of gates and gates for the entry of vehicles.
  • Determination of the installation step of the supporting pillars. The step is determined based on specific conditions, but it should not exceed 3 meters.
  • Site preparation for work. To this end, all objects and elements that are a hindrance must be removed from the zone of upcoming work, and the zone itself must be leveled.

The procedure for installing a fence from corrugated board


First of all, the places where the fence will be installed are determined and marked. For this purpose, a cord is stretched between the corners of the future fence, along which the installation of support pillars is marked.

Metal pipes or square profiles are usually used as support pillars. Of course, it is also possible to use wooden poles or beams, but at the same time it is necessary not to forget about their short service life. In the case of using metal elements, great attention must be paid to. To this end, all elements must be painted before installation, and their upper sections closed with any material that can prevent moisture from entering the internal cavities.

Support elements must have the following dimensions:

  • diameter at least 75 mm if pipes are used
  • section of the order of 60 × 60 mm, if square profiles are used.

Installation of support poles

The installation of posts begins with the preparation of holes, which can be made with a hand drill. The depth of the pits can be from 70 to 100 cm, which is determined by the height of the fence. As a rule, the depth is equal to 30% of the height of the fence.

The very same installation of support pillars can be done by tamping or concreting. Moreover, the first method is cheap, and the second is reliable. In the case of concreting, the concrete solution is prepared from a mixture of cement, sand, gravel in a ratio of 1:3:4, diluted with water.

The installation of pillars must be done in the following sequence:

  • Install the extreme poles and pull the cord along their upper cut.
  • Align the height of the intermediate posts with a stretched cord.
  • Using a building level or plumb line, check the correct fixation of each pillar.
  • Install the next pillar only after the concrete has hardened under the previous one. This period can be from 2 to 3 days.

Lag installation

Having installed the pillars, it is necessary to proceed to the installation of inter-column logs, on which the corrugated board will be attached. This operation is usually performed by welding. However, it can also be done with bolts.

As a lag can be used:

  • corner size 40×40 mm
  • rectangular profile 25×40 mm.

For every meter of fence height, there must be at least one log. After completing the installation of the frame structure, it is necessary to cover it with a layer of paint in order to prevent possible corrosion.

Installation of corrugated board

Installation of corrugated board on the prepared frame is the final stage of all work.

Sheets are fastened using self-tapping screws for metal, twisted or with an electric drill with a bat into the recessed part of the wave at a distance of 100-150 mm from one another. With the help of tensioned cords, you can control the installation height of corrugated sheets and the level of screwing screws.

In the course of work, precautions must be taken, since all metal edges are sharp. These edges must be tinted with special polymer paints, and all work should be done in protective gloves.

To cut the corrugated board, you should use a grinder, after putting on goggles. The edges resulting from sawing must be processed with a file.

A huge variety of building materials present on the construction market makes it possible to build a fence of any modification. But today, a fence made of profiled sheet is very popular.

The high popularity of fences of this type is based on several positions:

  • simplicity of construction;
  • small construction budget;
  • a huge variety of color filling of profiled sheets;
  • the opportunity to place an order for the manufacture of sheet material that imitates various building materials, landscapes, any patterns and paintings.

There are practically no drawbacks to fence structures made of corrugated board. The only thing to note is that in terms of strength it is inferior to stone or brick structures.

Installation of a fence with metal posts

First, consider a step-by-step instruction for erecting a fence from corrugated board with your own hands, based on metal supports.

This type of fence is based on racks, which today use a profile pipe with a section of 40x40 mm with a wall thickness of 2-3 mm. They are installed in prepared holes in the ground at a certain distance from each other, where they are poured with concrete mortar.

After that, a frame is made from the same pipe in the form of horizontally laid pipes of the same section or with dimensions of 40x20 mm. The number of horizontal elements, they are also logs, depends on the height of the fence:

  • if this indicator does not exceed 1.7 m, then two parallel circuits are installed;
  • if the height exceeds this value, then three.

After that, professional sheets are installed on the frame with an overlap on each other in one wave. Fastening is carried out with roofing screws with caps matched to the color of the sheet material. But before you make a fence from a profiled sheet, you need to calculate the exact number of all elements.

Calculation of the required amount of building materials

The calculation is based on the perimeter of the site, which is fenced with a fence. At the same time, from this indicator, that is, the length of the fence, the width of the entrance gate and gate is removed. It turns out the net length of the fence structure.

It is divided into "2-2.5", this is the distance between the support posts, measured in meters. “1” is added to the obtained value, because there will always be one more rack, taking into account the two extreme ones. And the final number is the number of racks required.

Now about the length of the supports, which will affect the number of purchased profile pipes. Everything will depend on the height of the fence structure. For example, if the height is 1.7 m, then the length of each rack varies in the range of 2.2-2.4 m. That is, the outer part is 1.7 m, the inner part, which is buried in the ground, is within 50-70 cm .

To determine the number of pipes for racks, you need to multiply the length of each support by their number. All the same with lags. Only here it is necessary to understand that the length of each contour is equal to the length of the fence. The number of contours is multiplied by the length of the lag, ultimately obtaining the total length of the pipe for the lags.

As for profiled sheets, their working (useful) width, and not the total, plus the height of the structure, is taken as the basis for the calculation. Eg:

  • corrugated board width - 1 m;
  • fence length 100 m;
  • construction height - 2 m.

It turns out that to close the fence, it is necessary to install one hundred two-meter panels vertically. That is, the total length of the required profiled sheets is 200 m.

And the last - the number of roofing screws. Here the calculation is simple - 8-10 fasteners are needed for each profiled sheet. Additionally, decorative caps mounted on racks may be required. Their task is not to let atmospheric precipitation inside the profile pipes. Their number is equal to the number of supports.

Pole installation

It all starts with markup. Usually it is led from the pillars installed under the gate. 2 m are measured with a tape measure, and in these places a garden drill with a diameter of 200 mm makes wells up to 1 m deep.

Small gravel or sand is poured into them as a pillow, which is rammed. It is better to lay a durable building material on the pillow. It can be a flat stone, a brick or a piece of paving slabs.

The prepared profile pipes for the racks must be installed so that their upper ends are at the same horizontal level. You can do it like this:

  • the first rack is installed, which is poured with concrete mortar of the classical recipe: 1 volume of cement, 2 volumes of crushed stone, 4 volumes of sand;
  • in the same way, the fifth or tenth rack is set strictly vertically, the main thing is to set them both exactly at the same vertical level, for which you can use the water level (the easiest option);
  • a strong thread is stretched between the installed supports without sagging;
  • it is along this thread that intermediate metal posts are installed.

There is another option that uses a water level. With this tool, adjacent support posts are checked during installation. Or in another way. A long rule with a level bubble indicator is laid on the upper edges of the first and second columns. It is they who check if the difference in the ends of the pipes or not.

If one pipe is lower than the other, then pillow material is poured under it. Otherwise, a small layer is removed.

Attention! The recessed part of the racks must be treated with waterproofing material so that they do not rust in the ground. To do this, today they use bituminous mastic, which must be applied in 2-3 layers.

Lag fastening method

It is not difficult to build a fence from corrugated board with your own hands. The main thing is to choose the right way to attach the lag. There are three of them:

  • with the help of electric welding;
  • using self-tapping screws;
  • with the help of special devices.

If you cannot handle the welding machine, then choose the second or third option. But even here it will not be easy, because screwing in metal screws is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Firstly, it will be required metal screws, in the design of which there is a drill at the end of the fastener. You can't go wrong with this. Secondly, a screwdriver is required for screwing.

Now about the location of the lag. Regardless of how many circuits will be installed in the fence from the profiled sheet, two or three, it is necessary to have two extreme ones: the lower one at a height of 20-40 cm from the ground, the upper one below the end of the racks by the same 20-40 cm. The third middle circuit is mounted in the middle fence. The main thing is the horizontality of the laid logs and the strength of their fastening to metal posts.

Criteria for choosing corrugated board

A fence is a structure that is subjected to all natural loads. Therefore, the ideal choice is professionals coated with a polymer composition on the front side. Pleasure is not cheap, but with a guarantee that the whole fence structure will serve on the street for more than a dozen years.

As for marking, sheets marked with the letters "C" or "HC" are usually used for the fence structure. The first is a wall modification, the second is universal.

The basis of the strength of corrugated board is determined by the height of its wave. It must be indicated on the product label. For example, C8, that is, it is a wall material with a wave height of 8 mm. For the fence, grades C8, C10, C18 and C20 are suitable.

Attention! The greater the wind loads acting in the construction area, the higher the grade of profiled sheets should be used in the construction of the fence structure. If the latter has a height of 2 meters or more, then it is optimal to use C20, and preferably C21.

As for the thickness of the profile material, it is optimal for fences - 0.45-0.5 mm. The width of the sheets, which is used in the process of calculating the required amount of material, is standard and corresponds to the selected brand.

Rules for fastening corrugated board

Before you make a fence from a profiled sheet, you need to understand some of the nuances of fastening the sheet material itself.

  • To do this, use roofing screws with a hexagonal head and a washer made of neoprene rubber, which does not change its technical characteristics under the influence of natural loads.
  • Fasteners are screwed into the logs after 2-3 waves.
  • Fastening is carried out in the lower profile.
  • The overlap of adjacent sheets is also fixed, but with ordinary galvanized metal screws. Mounting step 30-40 cm.
  • Fasteners must be screwed in strictly perpendicular to the intake plane, without distortions.
  • Do not twist or twist the screws is prohibited. They just have to press the profiled sheets to the joists, holding them in one position.

Installation of a fence with brick posts

The simplicity of building a fence from corrugated board with your own hands is not always such, especially if a brick is chosen as the support posts. Such pillars are already heavy structures in themselves, so a foundation must be poured under them. And since a heavy pillar has the ability to collapse, a strip foundation is poured under the fence structure around the entire perimeter of the fenced area.

Strip foundation device

To do this, dig a trench half a meter wide and 40-50 cm deep along the perimeter. Its bottom is covered with gravel or sand 10-15 cm thick, which will act as a pillow. Further:

  • If the soil on the site is clayey, that is, strong, then the formwork is not installed in the trench. Mount a small formwork for the outer part of the foundation.
  • If the soil is soft, for example, sand, then the formwork is placed in a trench to the entire height of the foundation structure.

The pouring is carried out with a concrete solution of the classical recipe, which was mentioned above. Ideally, if the filling is carried out without interruptions in one day. If the fence is long, and the foundation cannot be poured under it in a day, then the concrete at the end of the site is poured with a slope. To ensure the bonding of two layers, several reinforcing bars with a diameter of 8-12 mm are stuck into the poured mixture. They will firmly hold the previously poured (already hardened mortar) with the new one being poured.

Construction of brick pillars

The complexity of the process depends on how wide the columns will be raised. But in any case, for this operation, standard technology is used - with a bandage. This is when the bricks seem to be intertwined with each other. You can see it clearly in the photo below.

As for fastening the log to brick pillars, embedded metal parts must be installed in the construction of the latter during the construction process, to which the logs will subsequently be attached by welding or bolts. As mortgages, they usually use a steel corner 32x32 or 40x40 mm, a strip, a pipe.

Conclusion on the topic

So, in the article, a step-by-step instruction for erecting a fence from corrugated board with your own hands was considered. The apparent simplicity is erroneous, because the quality of the final result will be influenced by the nuances that are the main building operations. They did not take into account one of them - they received a decrease in the quality of the entire structure as a whole.

As materials for the manufacture of the fence of a private house or in the country, many materials of various strength levels are used. These are concrete slabs, wooden and metal fence, composite material, corrugated board, solid board. Decking is one of the lightest materials in terms of weight. A corrugated fence is good for many - its advantages are simple installation, affordable price, durability, strength.

Fence and gate made of corrugated board blue

Almost anyone can build a fence from a profiled sheet with their own hands. Installation of a fence from corrugated board can be done both with an assistant and by yourself. The weight of the material allows this. The durability of the finished structure will be in no way inferior to the service life of a heavy concrete fence, and it will take much less money to build it.

Material for the manufacture of a fence from corrugated board

To make an aesthetic and durable fence from corrugated board with your own hands at home or in the country, you need to prepare the following building materials in advance:

  • Decking. It has a wide, and light weight, like wood, so it is easy to work with it. For vertical installation of a fence up to 2.5 m high, any brand of sheets is suitable. If it is planned to create an impregnable fortress around the house, then the height of the fence can be made greater. To do this, you need to use the brand of profiled sheet C20 or even C21. These grades are very tough. You also need to choose a polymer coating on the sheets.

Profiled sheets of different types and colors
  • Support pillars. Ordinary round pipes can be used in this capacity, but their analogues of square or rectangular section look preferable. Dimensions: 50 x 50, 40 x 60, 60 x 60 mm. The thickness of the metal should be 2-3 mm. Pipes with a section of 80 x 80 mm are used as supports for the gates of the house.

Square profile pipe - affordable and practical material
  • Cross beams. They are necessary when installing any type of fence, both from a picket fence and from a profiled sheet. Moreover, if only wooden beams are needed for a picket fence, then the corrugated board construction allows the use of metal pipes as well. Pipes must have a section of 20 x 40 mm. If wooden logs are used, then their cross section is taken equal to 50 x 50 mm.
  • Fasteners. Sheathing from a profiled sheet is attached using special roofing screws. These self-tapping screws come with metal washers with rubber gaskets. Their design allows you to protect the attachment points from moisture. During installation, the washer fits snugly with its rubber side to the corrugated board.

Installation of a fence from a professional flooring

The device of a light and durable fence for a private house will be impossible without preliminary calculations and marking the site. In order to make a fence from corrugated board correctly, you need to prepare well

Preparatory work

When all building materials are prepared and delivered at home or in the country, they begin to mark the site. Pegs are driven into the corners of the future fence. A marking cord is stretched between the pegs. Intermediate pegs are installed along the cord. They indicate the location of the support pillars. The distance between adjacent pillars should be about 2.5-3 m. Spans of more than 3 m will be exposed to wind due to the increased windage. Installation of supports can be done in several ways, listed below.

The supports can be metal, in the form of ordinary round or, or they can be stone or brick columns. Such combined profiled sheet fences look very presentable and reliable, but require additional financial investments and additional efforts. Combined fences are an excellent protection for a private house, but in the country it is better to make a simpler fence.

If the fence is built on, then they can be built up with pipes to the desired height or overlaid with bricks.

Installation of support poles

The construction of supports for fences can be carried out in three ways:

  • On a strip foundation. A trench with a depth of at least 70 cm is dug along the perimeter of the site, which is poured with concrete mortar. Previously, support pillars are placed in the trench. Filling is done after all the pillars are aligned in height.

The scheme of the strip foundation for the fence
  • on separate supports. Every 2.5-3 m, deep holes are dug into which supports are installed. After agreeing on the height of the supports, the pits are clogged with stones or broken bricks, after which they are compacted. From above, at 30-40 cm, the pits are filled with concrete mortar.
Pole concreting

Watch a video with an alternative option for pouring and strengthening the post without concrete mortar (using a rigid foaming polyurethane resin).

  • . This installation method is the least labor-intensive and does not require earthworks. To make fences from a profiled sheet on screw piles, you need to have drilling equipment and a set of piles. The supports are simply screwed into the ground to a certain depth. They can be built up with pipes or cut off. Houses on screw piles have existed for many decades, so you don’t have to worry about the integrity of the fence.
Corrugated fence on screw piles

Installation of crossbars

Fences made of corrugated board require the presence of transverse beams in their design, to which the sheathing will be attached. The distance between the lags must be maintained at about 1.5 m. At the same time, gaps from the top and bottom of the sheets should be made at least 5 cm.

Pipe crossbars are almost always used when it is necessary to build a fence on dug pipes or on screw piles. A metal fence can also be attached to them, the advantages of which are obvious compared to a wooden one. The frame structure is quite simple. The fastening of the cross beams is carried out by welding either between the supports or along their front part. In the second case, savings in materials and time are achieved.

If you have to make a fence from wooden crossbars, then their installation on poles or screw piles is carried out using welded metal plates. The device of such fasteners is simple. Holes are drilled in them through which the beams are attached to the pillars with bolts.

The lag design may have another device. This is a combined method of attaching cross members from any material without using a welding machine. On support pillars or screw piles, a mount is mounted into which logs are inserted. Lags are fixed with self-tapping screws.

Installation of corrugated board on the fence frame

Starting the construction of a fence made of corrugated board, and indeed any fence made of a picket fence or other material, must be done with an eye to the fact that the material does not reach the ground by at least 5 cm. This will prevent its damage. And if the picket fence is simply not brought to the ground, then the corrugated board can be mounted both in a suspended state and installed on any support. For support, a border made of brick, stone, concrete is perfect. This adds aesthetics to the appearance of the fence. Such a support is especially impressive if we are building a combined fence, where the supports are made of brick or stone. In this case, it is recommended to immediately use the strip foundation.

Installation of sheets starts from the gate or gate. Each sheet is set strictly horizontally, after which it is attached to the logs with roofing screws. Fastening step - through one wave. That is, it is necessary to make two rows of fasteners - along the lower and upper lags. The overlap of each subsequent sheet should be one wave. The last sheet often has to be cut to give it the desired width. Use a grinder for this.

When mounting metal sheets, work should be done with gloves, since the edges of the metal are very traumatic.

When the installation of a corrugated fence is almost completed, you need to make plugs on the pipes to protect them from corrosion. All metal parts of the fence must be primed and then painted with high-quality paint.

We dismantled a fence device from a profiled sheet, which can be used to protect and decorate the area around a private house or in the country. If the installation of a fence from a profiled sheet is carried out in accordance with all the rules, such a fence on a strip foundation, pillars or screw piles will serve you for more than a hundred years. During this time, the wooden picket fence will need to be replaced at least 2 times.