Tank stove for the garage. How to make cheap heating in the garage

We make a stove in the garage with our own hands

Unlike electric heaters, garage stoves are cheaper to operate - depending on the design, they can be heated with firewood and wood waste, woodworking waste, used engine oil, etc. To minimize financial investments in organizing heating, craftsmen make a garage oven with their own hands.

A homemade stove in the garage is made mainly of sheet iron, thick-walled barrels or pipes. There are also compact brick stoves. The design is selected based on the availability of materials and fuel, the requirements for the functionality of a garage oven - for example, it can be equipped with a hob.

A homemade stove has an open combustion chamber, which means that oxygen for combustion comes from the room. In addition, part of the flue gases enter the air. For this reason, exhaust ventilation must be provided in the garage. The stove is installed away from flammable objects, the wall and floor finishes must be resistant to combustion.

Consider how to make a furnace in the garage, using the example of the most common designs that have proven their effectiveness and ease of use.

Potbelly stove

The metal wood burning stove for the garage is characterized by:

  • high level of heating with compact dimensions;
  • "omnivorous" - the use of various types of solid fuel is allowed;
  • light weight - installation of the foundation is not required;
  • the ability to use for heating water and food;
  • a simple design that you can do yourself, having the skill of welding.
Metal stove-stove for the garage

Wood-burning home-made potbelly stoves, despite external differences, consist of the following elements:

  • firebox (the size of the firewood and the volume of a serving of fuel depend on the dimensions of the firebox, which affects the burn-through time of one bookmark);
  • grates (a grate on which fuel is placed) necessary to create traction;
  • ash pan (compartment where ash from burnt fuel gets into);
  • chimney (a pipe with a diameter of at least 100 mm, which serves to remove flue gases).
Attention! When planning to install a potbelly stove in the garage, decide in advance on the choice of fuel. If, in addition to firewood, it is planned to use coal, sawdust and other types of fine-grained fuel, the size of the holes or the distance between the bars of the grate should be reduced to 15 mm. For wood-burning stoves, this figure can be 40 mm.

The disadvantage of wood-burning stoves is the high rate of fuel burnout, as a result of which a significant part of the thermal energy escapes along with the flue gases. A metal furnace for heating a garage is equipped with a chimney that leads through a wall or ceiling to the street. If the chimney pipe is mounted from several bends located at an angle relative to each other, the air in the room will additionally warm up. If there is free space, a long inclined chimney is installed for the same purpose.

Scheme for mounting the chimney in the stove

For the manufacture of a cylindrical body of the simplest potbelly stove, a 40-liter propane cylinder, a pipe or a metal barrel with a thickness of at least 2 mm is suitable. Sheet iron allows you to make a rectangular stove.

The cylindrical body can be positioned vertically or horizontally, depending on the available space in the room. The vertical stove is more compact, but the size of the firebox greatly limits the size of the firewood.

The branch pipe for the chimney is welded into the hole on the side or lid of the stove. At the gas cylinder, a hole for the pipe can be cut in the center of the upper rounded part, but in this case the stove remains without a hob. To create a more practical unit in a vertical design, a convex cover is cut off from the cylinder and replaced with a piece of sheet metal.

Cylindrical horizontal gas cylinder furnace

If the cylindrical body is horizontal, to create a hob, a steel sheet is welded to the top and its edges are provided with supports for rigidity. Or a metal burner is welded into the body.

A hole for the firebox is cut out in the side of the vertically located cylindrical body and below - for the ash pan, metal doors are installed on them - ready-made or made from a cut-out piece of metal with welded hinges and a valve. A round grate is laid on the corners welded inside the body.

If the body is located horizontally, it can be divided by a rectangular grate into a furnace compartment and an ash pan, while corresponding doors are installed at the end of the body. The second option is to weld a rectangular box made of sheet iron to the bottom of the body, in which holes are drilled or a grate is welded.

Do-it-yourself cylindrical vertical oven

Potbelly stove with increased efficiency

To increase the heat transfer of an iron stove, it is recommended to make it two-way - that is, to force the hot gas to pass through special channels inside the case, actively giving off heat to the room.

The two-way heater is made of mild steel sheet. It is important to use steel grade St10 or St20, since the construction of high-carbon or alloy steel is less reliable - when heated to high temperatures, the metal hardens, which causes cracking of the welds.

Dimensional diagram for the manufacture of a stove in the garage

Two-way wood-burning garage oven requires the use of:

  • sheet steel 4-5 mm thick (for the body, chimneys, firebox and ash pan doors);
  • sheet steel 6 mm thick (for the roof of the firebox, which experiences the maximum thermal load);
  • pipes with a diameter of 100 mm for the chimney pipe;
  • corrugated reinforcing rods with a diameter of 16-18 mm for grate grate;
  • rolled metal for the manufacture of legs (profile pipe 40x40 mm, corner with a shelf 40 mm, etc.);
  • metal latches, hinges and handles for doors.

The above drawings will help determine the basic dimensions of the elements of the stove. To make it, you need to know how to weld metal with a continuous seam. All seams are checked for strength and tightness.

Increasing the efficiency of iron stoves

A potbelly stove of standard configuration or a two-way stove will be improved in order to increase heat transfer. The easiest way to do this is to weld metal corners or pipes to the body, which perform the function of convective fins. The total heat transfer area increases, plus the intensity of air exchange increases, due to which the room warms up noticeably faster.

A rectangular potbelly stove can be bricked on one or more sides - the masonry will serve as a heat accumulator, and the stove will continue to heat the garage even after the firewood has completely burned out. If the furnace body is cylindrical, a barrel-in-barrel construction is made for the same purpose. In this case, a special backfill between the furnace body and the outer shell serves as a heat accumulator.

The design of the furnace "barrel in a barrel" for heating the garage

The furnace in the garage is made from two barrels of different diameters. At the one that will serve as a casing, cut off the lid, cut a hole for the furnace door in the side part, placing it at least 12 cm from the bottom. The edges of the hole are bent inward, as is the upper edge of the barrel itself. The door is made of sheet iron, several holes are drilled in the lower part for air inflow, hinges, a handle and a valve are welded.

The made casing with an attached door is installed on a channel or brick base (it is important to leave an air gap between the bottom of the stove and the floor, so the base should not be solid). A layer of pebbles mixed with sand, dry clay or soil (not peaty) is poured on the bottom of the casing. The backfill is pre-calcined. Do not use stones of rocks that crack when heated or emit harmful substances.

The backfill layer at the bottom is lightly tamped so that there are no voids left. In the barrel, which will serve as the inner body of the stove, a hole is cut corresponding to the hole in the casing, its edges are also bent inward. In the upper end part of the body, closer to the edge, a hole for the chimney is drilled and a pipe is welded in. The rest of the lid space can be used as a hob if necessary.

The inner casing must be installed along the same axis as the casing so that the backfill layer is the same around the entire circumference. Tiles of brick or stone hewn to size are fixed around the holes for the firebox, they are attached to clay mortar. The rest of the space between the housing and the casing is filled with backfill.

Another improvement option is the creation of a heat gun based on a simple vertical-type potbelly stove from a gas cylinder or a pipe with a wall thickness of 4 mm or more. A detailed diagram gives an idea of ​​​​the device of the heating unit.

Diagram of the device of the heating unit: front view, top view
Sectional view of the heating device

The lower part of the furnace from a gas cylinder is made according to standard technology. The future heat gun needs to equip a compartment for heating air. For this purpose, the upper part of the body is cut off, a horizontal round plate is welded in, the diameter of which corresponds to the inner diameter of the cylinder. Strips of steel are pre-welded onto the upper part of the plate - they serve as air exchanger fins and increase the heating efficiency.

Air heating compartment with steel fins

From opposite sides of the cover of the resulting air chamber, holes are drilled and branch pipes are welded. On the supply side, a small fan is required to increase the intensity of the air flow. Fan power depends on the size of the room. The pipe for the chimney is welded below the air chamber.

Homemade oven for heating a garage from a gas cylinder

Such a garage oven is convenient to use and has a high efficiency, but its disadvantages include energy dependence, since electricity is required to operate the fan. The second drawback is that the homemade product does not have a hob.

Heater in operation

A stove in a garage for mining is a convenient option if it is possible to extract liquid fuel inexpensively or for free (such units can run on other oils, diesel fuel). The heater is a fire hazard - it is important to ensure that the fuel does not contain water, otherwise splashes of burning oil will fly out through the holes in the afterburner (perforated pipe).

A do-it-yourself heater is made on used oil from sheet metal, pipes or barrels. The fuel tank and upper chamber may be cylindrical or rectangular.

Waste oil stove design

Guided by the proposed drawing, you can make a classic furnace for testing in the garage. Fuel is poured into the lower tank, a flammable liquid is used to ignite it. The released pyrolysis gases in the perforated afterburner are mixed with air and burn out already in the upper chamber, equipped with an internal partition.

Such a garage stove is easy to assemble, but not very economical - about 2 liters of mining is required per hour of work. During its operation, the smell of burning and fuel is noticeable, the room should be well ventilated.

Dimensional diagram of a homemade waste oil stove

A furnace for working out in a garage can be a design with drip fuel supply. This is a safer option for garage use. There are several options for such heaters, but the principle of the device is general: it is necessary to provide a metered supply of fuel and air flow to the combustion chamber.

Furnace for testing with drip fuel supply

Since the oil pipeline runs along the afterburner pipe, the fuel has time to heat up and evaporate more actively, once it enters the combustion chamber. The walls of a working furnace are red-hot, so the craftsmen from the dropper stove at working out with their own hands create a full-fledged liquid fuel boiler, equipping a water jacket around the body. The water circuit makes it possible to fully warm up your large garage.

A universal option can be called a wood-fired oven and mining. Usually this is a hybrid of a small wood-burning stove, the body of which, if necessary, can serve as the upper chamber of a classic heater for testing. The reservoir for liquid fuel is located outside the body of the potbelly stove and is connected to it by a straight or curved perforated afterburner.

Another option for a hybrid stove:

  • the lower part of the body is a classic wood stove;
  • the upper part of the housing is removable, it consists of a cover, an afterburner and an upper combustion chamber;
  • the afterburner is equipped with a removable casing that turns it into a chimney when the stove is running on wood;
  • inside the housing there is a reservoir for liquid fuel, which is removed or inserted depending on the type of energy carrier used.
Hybrid stove for garage heating

When making such a unit, it is required to qualitatively adjust the size and weld all the elements. The convenience of universal stoves lies in the wide choice of fuel.


Having figured out how to make a stove of one type or another, you can choose the best option, taking into account the complexity of the design and efficiency. Making a heating unit in a garage with your own hands makes it possible to optimize the costs of creating a comfortable environment for car repair and maintenance work.

Video on the manufacture of a stove for working out for heating a garage:

Centralized heating for most garages that are far from home is not technologically provided. In winter, a conventional electric heater almost does not cope with the problem: electricity bills rise, and the amount of heat remains almost unchanged. There is only one way out of the situation - to make a wood-burning garage oven.

This stove is great for warming up in the cold of winter.

Garage heating rules

Garages are almost never insulated from the outside for one reason - this is a rather expensive undertaking for a room in which people are not often. Yes, and this is not always possible to do, for example, in cooperatives, garages are placed quite close to each other, the distance does not make it possible to install thermal insulation.

But the internal insulation of this structure can also be very problematic. During the installation of thermal insulation on metal walls, a “dew point” appears at the contact area, that is, a place where condensate begins to accumulate. Almost always, during contact with moisture, thermal insulation deteriorates very quickly.

Yes, and directly for the garage, this situation can negatively affect. In a metal building, thermal insulation can be made, but it is advisable to install a heater at a certain distance from the wall, approximately 3-6 cm. It is necessary to retreat 6-8 cm from the floor. It is advisable to choose washers as a profile to prevent a closed loop under the floor.

In this video you will learn about the original method of making a potbelly stove for long burning:

During this installation method, condensate will still begin to accumulate, however, due to air circulation, moisture will gradually begin to evaporate without causing significant harm to the room. But for a regularly heated garage, this method will not work, since the humidity inside the building will be very high most of the time. This can put both human health and vehicle condition at risk.

As a material for "ventilated" thermal insulation, it is advised to use boards, for example, chipboard or fiberboard, that is, self-extinguishing wood materials. In this case, the thickness of the plates must be at least 5 mm. Ondulin or its analogues are excellent. These plates have the ability not to transmit infrared radiation, this provides high-quality heating of the room.

But plastic, which even has the effect of attenuation, is forbidden to be installed in the garage. This material emits toxic fumes during a fire, which can cause poisoning to people in the room. It is also impossible to use plates containing asbestos as thermal insulation.

When insulating a cold brick garage, it is recommended that you first plaster the walls to protect them from moisture. The metal walls of the building must be painted in several layers, having primed the surface before that.

Ways to heat a room

Taking into account the peculiarities of the garage heating system, a number of characteristics are presented to the furnace, which it must comply with.

The wood stove is the most economical

The main requirements for heating equipment are as follows:

  • use of liquid and solid fuels;
  • the oven must be small;
  • the ability to maintain a high temperature for a long time;
  • have a quick warm-up;
  • inexpensive cost;
  • simplicity of design;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • ease of operation.

Given these requirements, furnaces are classified into different types.

This division is based on the type of coolant used:

  1. Electric stove. There are no questions about the heating efficiency of this stove, but the cost of heat for a garage room will be quite expensive.
  2. Solid fuel stove. It has low manufacturing costs and creates an excellent thermal effect.
  3. Gas equipment. It is most convenient to use in cases where there is a central gas main nearby.

The best solution, which is popular with many motorists, is a wood-heated stove. This stove can be bought in a store or made by hand.

Let's make an economical oven with our own hands:

Types of wood-burning stoves

There are various ways to make do-it-yourself wood-burning stoves in the garage. For this building, as a rule, the following options for heating equipment are selected:

In any of the methods for making wood-burning garage stoves, there are certain advantages and disadvantages. At the same time, one must not forget that some heating equipment can be combined with each other in order to increase the possibility of heating the garage and make it more profitable and comfortable.

Main advantages:

  1. The versatility of the heating device during operation. You can use a wood-burning garage oven for heating or cooking.
  2. Relatively inexpensive fuel.
  3. For manufacturing, you can use improvised materials.
  4. Easy oven installation.
  5. The small dimensions of the heating device make it versatile during installation in the garage.
  6. During operation, installation of additional devices is not required.
  7. Installing a wood-burning garage heating stove does not require an additional source of energy (electricity).

Brick oven will last a very long time


In order to build a wood-burning stove, fireclay and refractory bricks will be needed. Fireclay powder and refractory clay must be added to the masonry mortar. The firebox is installed on the second or third masonry, while the masonry itself, as a rule, does not exceed ten. Naturally, you need a chimney device.

It is also laid out from fireclay bricks, and a metal sleeve is installed inside. The chimney must be led through the roof. When installing a brick oven for a garage, one must not forget that regular changes in humidity in the room after a certain time can worsen the viscosity of the mortar laid, that is, the equipment will last a short time.

Potbelly stove design

A potbelly stove is the simplest way to heat. This oven can be easily made from improvised materials. You can use an empty cylinder, and sheet steel, and a metal barrel. The most important thing is that the wall thickness is at least 4 mm. If products in the form of a cylinder are used, then the diameter must be at least 450 mm.

Potbelly stove will become your indispensable assistant in heating the garage

This simple design consists of the following elements:

  • grate;
  • firebox;
  • metal door;
  • ash pan;
  • blew;
  • chimney.

For a chimney, it is desirable to use a pipe with a metal thickness of at least 4-5 mm and a diameter of at least 130 mm. A chamber for the furnace is cut out of the workpiece. At the bottom, a grate is made for laying firewood, and a container for collecting ash is installed under it.

The chamber is covered from above and a chimney is installed. It remains only to fix the legs of the metal pipe. To increase the efficiency of heat transfer, small metal "wings" can be welded on the side of the furnace. This will increase the area of ​​​​contact of the hot metal with air.

For a potbelly stove, it is necessary to prepare a flat surface, which is covered with fire-resistant materials. Nearby wall surfaces must also be protected from possible ignition. In addition, no foreign objects should be stored in the vicinity of the oven.

The surface of the furnace can warm up to significant temperatures. We must not forget about the danger of getting burned during contact with it. When working with an unnecessary gas cylinder, you also need to be careful. There have been cases of explosion of gas residues during the operation of this tank. Professionals advise first filling the balloon with water so that the liquid can displace the remaining gas.

When using a potbelly stove, you must remember the safety rules

Use of waste oil

The design of this stove is a little more complicated than a potbelly stove, but the effectiveness of this unit is undeniable. Any car owner has used oil, and if this is not enough, then you can buy fuel in almost every service station. Unlike a potbelly stove, this stove is made of several sections, which are connected by a perforated steel tube.

In the lower part, oil burns, giving little heat, turning into gas. Through the pipe, this gas passes into the upper furnace, while mixing with a small amount of oxygen. This mixture during combustion creates a huge amount of heat.

The lower part, where the oil burns, can be made of sheet metal or containers of any configuration. In order for the fuel combustion process to proceed correctly, it is necessary to make a damper in the tank to adjust the volume of oxygen entering the chamber.

At the bottom, you need to attach legs made of thick reinforcement, the most important thing is that they are very strong, since the whole structure is very heavy. From above it is necessary to make a hole and install a perforated pipe into it. Typically, this pipe is the support for the upper compartment, and it is also exposed to elevated temperatures from burning oil.

Therefore, a structure with fairly thick walls will be required so that it can withstand both temperature and overall weight. Most often, the upper compartment is made in the form of a wide and short cylinder. It is necessary to install a chimney from above, the side installation of a pipe to remove combustion products is prohibited in this case.

The requirements for this stove are approximately the same as for a potbelly stove: a flat surface, protection near the space from significant heat. Almost all used oils can be burned in this heating equipment: diesel fuel, fuel oil, transmission mixtures, kerosene, diesel fuel.

But it is necessary to refrain from experimenting with flammable liquids, which are characterized by easy ignition, that is, from burning gasoline or various kinds of solvents in this furnace. A small amount of gasoline can be added to ignite the oil.

The long burning stove will provide heat for a long time

Long burning furnace

The peculiarity of the stove makes it possible to get maximum heat when using firewood. The wood is loaded into the furnace, and a small amount of air is supplied to it. Under these conditions, the fuel does not immediately burn out, but gradually smolders, turning into a gas.

The gas burns directly in the upper part of the furnace at an elevated temperature, which is the reason for the high effect of the furnace. It is necessary to load firewood into the firebox no more than 2 times a day, because this equipment is more suitable for constant heating of a garage room.

The easiest way to make this heating device is from a metal barrel. A container with a volume of approximately 250 liters is optimal for this task. From above it is necessary to make a cover with a chimney and a hole for the air that is required for the combustion process.

The diameter of the chimney must be at least 170 mm, and the pipes for air supply - 130 mm. An important element of this stove is a load that presses down the smoldering fuel. To make it, you need a metal circle a little narrower than the diameter of the barrel, as well as several pieces of a channel that act as a weighting agent.

Such a furnace can be made independently from a gas cylinder or pipe

In this element, it is also necessary to make a hole for oxygen to enter, after which a pipe with a diameter of 130 mm is welded to the hole. The pipe must be slightly longer than the height of the furnace body. On the side, you need to make a hole with a door for loading firewood, and install a grate and a tank for collecting ash at the bottom.

Firewood in this stove burns almost completely, leaving a small amount of waste, so a large ash pan is not required. In order to start the stove, it is necessary to lay firewood on top, press it down with a load, and then cover it with a lid, passing an oxygen supply pipe through the hole. Taking into account smoldering, the amount of firewood decreases, while the load begins to fall.

The options for various homemade garage stoves are quite diverse, and the designs of these heaters are not very difficult to manufacture. You will need experience with metal products, a welding machine and improvised materials. A properly made do-it-yourself stove can work for a long time and efficiently.

How to make a do-it-yourself oven:

In the garage, especially combined with the workshop, motorists spend a lot of time, so it is important create a comfortable environment, to provide fast and safe heating of the room.

Often, for this purpose, gas or electric heaters.

But such devices have a number of disadvantages: high cost of equipment and resources, relatively low efficiency, low durability in conditions of temperature difference, high humidity, exposure to an aggressive environment.

Therefore, one of the easiest solutions for garage heating remains the use of a wood-burning stove. Ideally, it should provide fast, uniform heating of the air without smoke in the garage and excessive waste of firewood.

Nuances of insulation and diagrams of wood-burning stoves for a garage

To maintain a comfortable household temperature inside single garage it will be necessary to install an oven capable of producing 2-2.5 kW thermal energy, for operating temperature in 16-18 degrees will be enough 1.8-2 kW.

Significantly improve heating efficiency wall insulation. Usually, the heat-insulating layer is placed outside, but this is expensive and technically impossible when the garages are wall to wall.

Suitable for internal insulation self-extinguishing types of fiberboard and chipboard, but not plastic - when heated, it can release toxic gases, which means that such material is incompatible with wood stoves.

Brick wood-fired garage ovens

Brick ovens are rarely installed in garages because of their bulky design. The devices take up a lot of space, and the large internal heat capacity increases the time lost to heat the furnace to operating temperature. for 1-1.5 hours. However, in some cases, the installation of a brick oven is justified. Here are the most common ones:

  • garage used as a workshop or semi-residential premises;
  • the building has sufficient area and high ceilings
  • near no others garages, residential and household buildings;
  • in the garage no excess moisture, which can harm the solution during long-term downtime of the furnace.

For laying a wood-burning stove is used refractory and fireclay bricks, and in the binder solution is added fire clay.

fuel chamber equip below, usually at the third row, if necessary, provide windows for the cleaning and blowing chamber. Particular attention should be paid to the chimney - its design must ensure the effective removal of smoke and soot to the external environment.

The design of a classic wood-burning brick oven with a cleaning window and without blower provides long burning of firewood and high heat transfer. Due to the relative ease of installation, devices are often encountered in practice.

sheet metal products

Metal wood stoves are popularly known under the name "potbelly stoves".

They represent single chamber design from sheet steel, equipped with a chimney and an ash pan, in which solid combustion products accumulate.

Often a potbelly stove is supplemented with a platform for cooking. Compared to brick ovens, metal devices have the following advantages.:

  • compactness and mobility;
  • low cost of raw materials;
  • high rate of heating of the room;
  • ease of implementation of the chimney, removal of ash and ashes.

To make a potbelly stove yourself, it is enough have basic welding skills And locksmith tools. Designs designed for installation in single garages are very simple.

In modern hypermarkets of building and household goods, you can find industrial-made potbelly stoves. It's obvious that their price will be higher than homemade devices, but such products are reliable and durable.

Use of used cylinders, device drawings

From empty gas cylinders you can make a very convenient wood-burning stove in just a few days. This design combines the advantages of brick ovens and potbelly stoves, allowing you to create a not too bulky, convenient device with long and intense heat transfer.

Photo 1. Drawing of a stove-stove for a garage from a gas cylinder. Represents a horizontal design type.

If properly assembled, such an oven provides heat output more than 5 kW, which is enough to heat a large garage. firewood guarantees 3-4 hours stable burning- this indicates the efficiency of the furnace. The design, if desired, can be easily equipped with a platform for cooking. Among the types of wood-burning stoves considered, it is the balloon stove that has the optimal ratio of the price of materials, efficiency of use and ease of manufacture.

Photo 2. Drawing of a wood-burning stove from a gas cylinder. The design is vertical, the dimensions of the device are indicated.

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The main criteria that characterize a wood-burning stove are thermal power, expressed in kilowatts, and the average burning time of firewood in hours. Power is selected in accordance with the area of ​​​​the heated room, usually based on 1 kW for every 10 square meters.

If the garage has high ceilings or a viewing hole, power must be increased. The burning time depends on the type of wood used, the thickness and quantity of firewood, and the intensity of the flame. It must constitute at least 2 hours in the temperature maintenance mode with an average load of the firebox.

It is important to take into account the dimensions of the furnace and its shape, the quantity and cost of materials needed for assembly, the complexity and laboriousness of the work. It is best to create an oven with proven technology, after reviewing the design drawings and photographs of the finished product.

Choosing materials and tools

The main raw material for the manufacture of a balloon furnace is used gas cylinders. Instead of a vertical balloon, you can use a thin-walled ( about 5 mm) steel pipe with a diameter of 300 mm.

In addition, you will need reinforcement bars or steel pipes of small diameter, sheet metal with a thickness 3-5 mm, fastener details, as well as hook-latches for fixing covers on the windows of the firebox and ash pan.

Tools necessary for the manufacture of the furnace, there are almost every garage, These include:

  • hacksaw for metal;
  • file and sandpaper;
  • grinder with abrasive cutting discs;
  • drill with drills for metal;
  • welding machine with electrodes;
  • screw clamps.

Before starting work, need to measure the room and make sure that the installation of a fairly large wood-burning stove in it will not create any inconvenience. Then you need to prepare the cylinders.

Attention! Cutting a gas cylinder can be dangerous to life and health if not followed safety regulations.

First of all, one should fully open the valve and release the remaining gas by controlling its output with a soapy solution. Then, with a hacksaw, carefully cut off the valve at the very base, constantly adding water to the cutting site. The cylinder freed from the valve is filled to the top with water, shaken, the liquid is drained, and only then they begin to cut the walls with a grinder.

Building a wood burning stove

Further steps for making a wood-burning stove from cylinders can be reduced to a simple algorithm:

  1. In place of the valve of the first cylinder cut out a rectangular woodshed window, long thin slots of the grate are made in its wall, and on the contrary - the window for attaching the secondary chamber.
  2. From the second bottle make a secondary chamber, wedge-shaped cutting off its bottom. In place of the valve, a hole is cut for the chimney pipe.
  3. sheet metal cut out the patterns of the ash pan and the receiving window, partitions of the secondary chamber, as well as 10—15 long stripes wide about 50 mm- they will serve as radiator fins.
  4. Reception window and ash pan weld on the first bottle, supports from pipes or fittings are welded to the ash pan and the lower part of the woodshed.
  5. Partitions are welded into the secondary chamber, and an adapter for the chimney pipe is installed on it.
  6. The secondary chamber is welded to the firewood above the corresponding window, the outer surfaces are scalded with radiator fins, the doors of the receiving window and the ash pan are installed.
  7. The structure is covered with heat-resistant paint to prevent oxidation and destruction of the metal.
  8. The stove is installed in the garage and equipped with a full chimney ejecting combustion products into the environment.

The result is a strange looking, but very efficient heating agent.

A garage for motorists is a personal space for doing what you love. The space is equipped for your own needs, whether it is a workshop or even a place to relax. Therefore, it is so important to come up with high-quality garage heating. We will try to find the most economical way in this review. With the right approach, the heating system in the garage will be economical and safe.

High-quality heating allows you to create comfortable conditions in any garage

If the outbuilding is located next to the main building, gas heating is often used. In this case, the heating system can be connected to an existing one in the house.

To make garage heating economically with your own hands, you can use the heating option using different options for solid fuel raw materials. As which you can use firewood, peat, coal and diesel products. At the same time, you can save on resources, but it is important to consider the storage of raw materials.

For your information! A simple solution is a gas convector. In such equipment, heat circulation occurs due to convection. The device is connected to a cylinder, but it will need to be filled every few days.

What types of garage heating are there?

The most economical way to heat a garage is determined by many factors: the availability of fuel, financial capabilities, and remoteness from the main home.

Heating of the machine shelter can be carried out by such devices:

  • mobile equipment: heat guns and fans for heating;

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The advantage of such equipment is mobility. After all, they are easy enough to move where you need. How to choose the right device, and what you should pay attention to, read the article.
  • infrared heaters;
  • electric boiler is suitable for spacious rooms; stationary heaters.

High-quality heating equipment is essential for creating a favorable environment in the garage.

The benefits of heating from electricity in the garage

  • ease of installation and availability of electricity;
  • a wide range of devices of various types;
  • you can choose a device with a suitable power;
  • rapid heat dissipation.

The disadvantages of such equipment include high cost. Keep in mind that the quality of heating depends on the uninterrupted operation of the electrical network.

You can use these methods:

  • heat guns are an inexpensive option, in which air masses after heating are distributed under the influence of a fan;
  • infrared equipment heats surfaces and all kinds of objects, and they give heat. Infrared rays will not harm the painting of the car;
  • the convector warms up itself and distributes heat around. It warms the space worse than a cannon, but the heat lasts for a long time;
  • The most expensive options include inverter split systems. They save electricity.
Helpful information! Thermal models are recommended for small spaces. Fan heaters and heat guns not only warm up, but also help to dry the wheels and the bottom of the car.

Water heating

If the garage is built close to the main building, then the most economical option is heating the garage with reference to the main heating system.

In this case, you do not need to install a boiler, but you will need to stretch the pipeline. This option will lead to loads and an increase in the amount of fuel. If a separate boiler is used, then full power can be used if necessary, and in other cases the equipment operates at a nominal level.

Note! To avoid defrosting, it is worth using antifreeze instead of water in the system.

Gas heating

Gas is the most efficient option. This is a good solution in cases where a gas pipeline passes nearby. To install such a heat source, it is necessary to draw up project documentation and obtain a special permit. The use of gas requires compliance with all safety measures. It is forbidden to use a homemade device, and connect any equipment.

With the help of gas, you can create a complete heating system with a boiler and pipes. It is also used for various types of heaters.

Helpful information! Alternatively, you can use liquefied gas for convectors, infrared heaters or guns. When using gas burners and heat guns, do not forget to ventilate.

Solid fuel - a budget option

In the presence of solid fuel, you can even make a design for home-made heating in the garage. Coal and firewood are superior in terms of saving characteristics to other options. Various waste from production, combustible waste, as well as plant residues are used as fuel. This option does not depend on energy lines.

As a heating device, you can make a stove with your own hands from sheet material, barrels or fittings. This method of heating is more fire hazardous than the others. It is necessary to constantly maintain combustion. Some devices are not environmentally friendly.

The wood burning stove comes in a variety of options. These are potbelly stoves, long-burning devices, brick structures and pyrolysis devices. Potbelly stove is perfect for small spaces, and it also dries the air. Boilers are the safer option. They can work without the constant presence of a person.

Equipment in operation

Used oil appliances are an economical option. They are used not only in garages, but also for heating private auto repair shops. You can see how a do-it-yourself heater for heating in a garage is made in the video. For this, metal pipes, all kinds of tanks and gas cylinders are suitable. Even on the basis of the furnace, you can make a design with radiators and pipes.

Remember that such structures require good care. They need to be cleaned of soot at least once a week.

Note! To install the stove, a chimney is required, the height of which should be about 4 meters. Its installation is carried out under a certain slope.

Related article:

A heating device using used engine oil is an economical and simple solution to the problem of heating a garage, workshop, greenhouse, and even at home. How to make it yourself, we will consider in the article.

Overview of popular garage oven models

There are a variety of garage stove options on the market. They differ in the principle of heating and constructive solutions. Some models deserve special attention:

  • The Bullerian stove is made to run on solid fuel. The design has a convection mechanism for high-quality heating of air masses that move through pipes;
  • a durable option is the Stavr oven. It is made of cast iron, a material that can withstand high temperatures;
  • Termafor furnaces have convection pipes in their design, which are placed in the combustion chamber. Such models are designed for both standard and pyrolysis combustion;
  • Alaska stove has a stylish design and good heat dissipation. The design is equipped with a hob;
  • a cheap alternative to Buleryan is the model of the domestic manufacturer Breneran. It is able to work on wood and on the waste of the manufacturer.
ImageModelConstruction typePrice, rub
"Delta" D-81Gheat gun3930
Ballu BHDN-80Diesel indirect heating device55900
ELITECH TP ​​3GCeramic gas hob2960
Resantagas heat gun6700
Breneran AOT - 06/00wood burning stove10500

How to make garage heating with your own hands cheap and fast: choosing the right place

The place for installation of equipment is selected taking into account fire safety. Gas-fired heaters can be used in rooms with excellent ventilation. In addition, it is important to consider the chimney device. The selected device should be attached to the main wall. It is important to correctly calculate the performance of the hood. It is important to provide free access to heating equipment.

Note! When using hearths with open flames, do not close the blower until the fuel is completely burned out. Heating devices for the garage must not be forgotten to turn off at night.

Using an economical heating method will allow you to fully use the garage at any time of the year.

The most economical garage heating option (video)

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The easiest and most convenient way to heat the garage in winter is to install some kind of electric heater. Many car enthusiasts do this, but then they have to deal with electricity bills that are not comparable to the received heat due to the high tariff. On the other hand, a wood-burning or mining garage stove is not so comfortable to use, but it will certainly cost less. This material will outline how to save even more and make such a stove yourself.

Wood burning stove

There are very few requirements for such stoves:

  • to give off heat well;
  • was suitable for burning any wood;
  • fit on the patch allocated for her.

Since simple garage ovens do not really need aesthetics, they are usually welded by home craftsmen from what comes to hand or can be found on scrap metal. So the shape of the body can be arbitrary, I found a piece of a large pipe - the stove will be round, sheet metal caught - we will make it rectangular. By and large, it does not matter much, the design itself is much more important.

The Internet is full of drawings of various stoves, but they are all derived from the traditional metal potbelly stove. The body of the heater can be oriented in a horizontal or vertical plane, this has almost no effect on the efficiency of work. The fact is that a do-it-yourself vertical homemade garage oven takes up less space. While long logs are placed in the horizontal one, it burns longer with one load. Choose which option suits you best.

There is no grate in traditional potbelly stoves, this stove is a hearth. The chimney is located at the rear and is supplied from above, as shown in the drawing:

In a garage where flammable liquids and oils are stored, the lack of an ash pan is not the best option. When cleaning the hearth, hot coals can crumble, which is inconvenient to perform the procedure. For this reason, a simple wood-burning stove received grates, an ash pan and a cleaning door, and even a drawer. As for the pipe, it is boiled in the usual place or on the back wall.

But the improved two-way potbelly stove has a pipe in the front. The design of the furnace contributes to increased heat transfer, since the flue gases inside it make two passes in different directions, intensively exchanging heat with the metal walls.

The last course of gases ends at the front wall, so the pipe is in front. Such a furnace in the garage is very effective, it can be made according to the drawing presented above:

An increase in the exchange surface will additionally increase heat transfer. Craftsmen have long resolved this issue by welding 4-5 mm thick strip steel ribs to the body, as shown in the photo:

Without going into details and a description of the production of welding, we will give a few general recommendations:

  • try to take thicker metal, if possible, then 4-5 mm. Then the wood stove will last longer;
  • when attaching the chimney from above, it is better to strengthen the wall, this joint burns out most often;
  • external ribs significantly improve heat exchange, they can be welded to any stove;
  • inside you can install at least one partition, like a two-way furnace;
  • it is better to make many small holes in the grate than large holes where unburned coals will wake up.

Waste oil furnace

The simplest used oil garage stove is well known to everyone. And, although her drawing is not difficult to find in RuNet, just in case, we will present it again:

As you can see, such a heater is not difficult to manufacture, but there are nuances in operation. The main enemy of such stoves is water, which, due to various circumstances, got into the used oil. A very small amount of it causes strong pops in the perforated afterburner (vertical pipe with holes), which can lead to a fire. It turns out that before use, the fuel must be defended in order to separate the water.

Important. Any furnace for mining, as well as for wood, requires a chimney with good draft for stable operation, so it is recommended to raise it to a height of at least 4 m.

The second drawback of the heater is a pungent smell at the stage of ignition and heating. Otherwise, the use of a miracle furnace, as it is called on specialized forums, does not cause any particular complaints. She heats pretty well. But on the same forums, craftsmen have long proposed a more reliable and efficient design. And not as flammable. The principle by which such an oil stove functions is shown in the figure:

The fuel burns in a metal bowl located at the bottom of a vertically standing pipe (or gas cylinder). It is fed into the bowl in drops from a dosing device. Thanks to this scheme, if necessary, the oil-fired oven can also burn diesel fuel, you just need to adjust the air supply and dosage. Part of the oil vapor burns out inside a vertical perforated pipe - afterburner when secondary air is supplied. The furnace device is shown in the drawing:

As a housing, you can use a thick-walled steel pipe or a propane tank. The range of the rest of the metal is indicated on the drawing, we will not list it again. Instead, let's focus on the method of air supply, it can be of two types:

  • natural, due to chimney draft;
  • forced blowing by the fan.

A homemade drip stove from a pipe can also work at low traction if there is no way to raise the chimney higher. This is facilitated by the installation of a fan that blows air into the afterburner. Then, looking into the working furnace from above, we can observe the following picture:

The method is considered more effective and quite reliable, proven by more than one garage owner. If desired, such a diesel stove is enclosed in a water jacket, turning into a hot water boiler. This will allow you to arrange radiator heating in the garage and significantly increase comfort during a long stay indoors in winter. The caveat for oil heaters is the same as for wood-burning ones: if there is a high-rise residential building in the immediate vicinity, then you will have to return to the idea of ​​​​heating with electricity.

Self-installation of the stove in the garage must be carried out according to certain rules. Firstly, it is necessary to ensure the operability of the heater, and secondly, to take measures for fire safety. As for the first point, it concerns the correct installation of the chimney, which must create normal draft. Here are the recommendations:

  • pipe height - at least 4 m, counting from the grate;
  • turns - no more than 3, while avoiding the installation of 90º elbows, try to use 45 or 30º;
  • if there is a horizontal section, then its length is not more than 1 m;
  • it is better to insulate the pipe section on the street with basalt wool to prevent condensation;
  • fasten the chimney to the wall so that it does not load the body of the furnace.

During the installation of a wood or oil stove with your own hands, observe fire safety requirements. Here is their list:

  • on the floors under the stove, lay a sheet of metal protruding from the side of the door by 1 m;
  • combustible wall structures near the stove must be protected with metal or brick screens;
  • passing a wooden floor through the chimney, ensure a gap between it and the pipe of 250 mm, filling it with basalt fiber;
  • in order to protect the flue from wind blowing, install a deflector or a special nozzle on it;
  • natural supply and exhaust ventilation should function in the garage.


Compared to electric furnace garage heating is much more economical, and sometimes more efficient. But in the installation and operation of oil and solid fuel heaters, there are some peculiarities that must be taken into account. Making stoves with your own hands will not present much difficulty for a person who has the necessary skills. In extreme cases, the manufacture can be entrusted to a familiar master by choosing a suitable design.