Green wall of plants with their own hands. Do-it-yourself phytowalls: necessary materials, execution procedure, photo Making a phytowall

The condition of the interior affects the comfort of housing. There are many ways to improve the aesthetics of the interior, making it unique. Let's talk about one of them - phytowall. You will also learn the nuances of using vertical gardening with the help of phyto-pictures. Consider the process of creating a phytowall on your own.

The popularity of phytodesign is growing every year. One way to increase the efficiency of plant use is represented by vertical gardening. Many use indoor vines for such interior refinement. Phytomodules for vertical planting appeared on the market relatively recently, which immediately proved themselves.

With the help of phytowalls, ordinary walls are decorated (in whole or in part). They can perform the function of a movable partition - zoning the room. Phytomodules can look like a pyramid, a cube, a stele. You can create a chic surface with the help of phyto-pictures. Green modules fit perfectly into the interior of the room with columns.


1. Design features make it possible to plant many plants, not limited to 1-2 species.

2. Land is not required for planting, then the dirt in the room is excluded from the outset.

3. Flower design is light enough to be wall mounted.

4. Compact design.

5. The design has automatic watering, which simplifies the care of the phytowall.

6. Plants are a source of oxygen.

7. Compared to vases, flower pots, phytomodules allow more plants per 1 sq. m.

The main disadvantage of phytomodules is their relatively high cost. For a product whose dimensions are 104x67 cm, you will have to pay about 10 thousand rubles.

Design features

Material - plastic. The back side is sealed, which eliminates the possibility of a negative impact of the irrigation system on the wall, the need to make additional hydrophobic layers. The base is equipped with cells in which plants are planted. Each cell is powered by an irrigation system, which is represented by a water tank, a motor that supplies water to the top, and a humidity sensor. There is a control panel for the irrigation system, with its help you can change the water supply.

Structure dimensions: 300 x 300 mm; 800 x 1800 mm with a thickness of 150-170 mm. The first option is used as paintings, the second - phytowall.


Vertical gardening of the interior can be implemented using any medium and low-growing plants.

Flower planting sequence:

- backfilling of fine expanded clay into the cells (2/3 of the cell volume remains unfilled);

- backfilling of soil - sphagnum moss. It can be purchased at a flower shop. Such soil has a good ability to absorb moisture and retain it. The bactericidal properties of moss exclude fungal diseases;

- extracting a flower from a pot, followed by gentle shaking of the earth;

- trimming the tips of the roots. This should be done by 1-2 cm. In the case of large roots, their length is reduced by 30%;

- washing off the remnants of the earth from the rhizome. For this purpose, you need a basin;

- wrapping the roots with wet moss and placing in a cell.

Similar manipulations are carried out with each subsequent cell.

Plant selection

Phytowall can be made from small plants, such as cacti. How to identify suitable flowers for growth? You need to choose those whose name is supplemented with the prefix mini. If you decide to limit yourself to one species, then pay attention to the spathiphyllum. A good solution would be to buy an anthurium. If you need a picture, then get several types of youth.

plant care

This is simple. It is necessary to control the presence of water in the tank and top it up as necessary. Experts advise supplementing water with various top dressings. Spraying is not necessary, as the moisture evaporated by the peat maintains the humidity at the required level. Periodic pruning of protruding shoots, removal of dry leaves and flowers will be required. That's all!

Installation of phyto-pictures or phyto-modules

For this work, you will need fasteners that are used when hanging cabinets. Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1 - markup is done.

Step 2 - Holes are drilled in the wall.

Step 3 - dowels are clogged.

Step 4 - screws are screwed in (the tip with the hat of each should protrude).

Step 5 - screwing the hangers to the module.

Step 6 - placing the module on the wall.


This is an optional condition, but desirable, as the lighting emphasizes, highlights against the background of the overall design of the room.

Mounting options for fixtures - in the module, on the wall next to it.

A good solution would be to use LED lighting. Sequence of work:

– installation of wooden bars (25×25 mm) on the module frame. Attachment points - on the back and top of the frame;

- fixing the LED strip. This is done on the free edges of the frame, its back part using double-sided tape.

Making a felt module

Recall that the phytomodule costs a lot. There is an alternative - to make a module with your own hands. The materials will require a smaller amount than the finished structure. True, it was not without a minus - a home-made design will not have an automatic irrigation system.

Materials and tools:

1. Felt - for the base. Size - 0.25 x 0.5 m.

2. PVC boards or panels - frame manufacturing.

3. The film used in greenhouses is for waterproofing.

4. Thin felt - for pockets in which flowers will be planted.

5. a reservoir in which the flowing water will be collected after irrigation. You can use a narrow pallet.

6. The set of tools is minimal - it is represented by scissors, a construction stapler, a marker.

Sequence of work:

- construction of the frame;

- covering the frame with a film. Make it easier with a stapler;

– production of felt pockets;

- fastening pockets to the frame. Also carried out using a stapler;

- fixing the water tank. The place of attachment is the bottom of the structure;

– installation of the module. This work is carried out in the same way as in the case of a purchased counterpart.

Phytowall is an interesting invention. After reviewing its description and step-by-step photos of the arrangement, you can make this decor element yourself.

Gone are the days when the walls of the rooms were decorated with carpets. A new fashion trend is to arrange vertical flower beds right in the room. Plants are very useful because they produce oxygen. In addition, they are pleasing to the eye, pacify, allowing a person to feel his unity with nature, even in a city apartment.

What is a phytowall?

This is a vertical panel that holds the layered fabric. It is draped in the form of pockets, each of which contains a plant. It is not artificial, but alive. The structure has soil, an irrigation system is provided. The phytowall is located indoors, the lighting devices help the plants develop perfectly.

Such a vertical panel is a picturesque decoration of the interior. Plants produce oxygen, which is very valuable for people, especially where there is a large human flow in the room.

If you look into history, we will find the prototypes of modern phytowalls, which are now newfangled trends, even in ancient times. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon also have a vertical orientation and are one of the eight wonders of the world.

Reasons for the popularity of vertical gardening

It is due to several factors:
  1. Limited space. After all, even on one small wall fits a whole garden.
  2. Plants contribute to the enrichment of the air with oxygen, which is very important in a large office, an institution where there are many people. Plants are also important for megacities, where the purity of the air leaves much to be desired.
  3. Lack of greenery If you look closely at the arrangement of the interior, we will see for the most part artificial materials. In order for the room to have a good psychological climate, landscaping is necessary.
  4. With the correct arrangement of the phytowall, it subsequently requires minimal maintenance.
  5. On a hot day, it will become a natural air conditioner, it will cool the air due to evaporation.

How is a phytowall made from plants?

Here is a diagram of the phytowall device:

  1. frame- its basis, it gives rigidity to the structure. It contains all the main elements, it is attached to the support. Also, the frame gives a gap between the plants and the wall, so that mold does not form.
  2. waterproof material- any plastic is used as it: PVC, polypropylene, a thick layer of polyethylene, polycarbonate.
  3. Irrigation system. Green spaces will receive enough moisture if a tube is brought to each plant. You can simplify the irrigation system by running just one pipe and placing it at the top of the phytowall. Due to the capillary effect, water will reach all plants.
  4. fabric pockets, they are made of durable canvas that does not rot.
  5. submersible pump- helps water rise to the plants from the pan.
  6. Tray for collecting water. Does not allow excess moisture to flow out, promotes efficient water supply.
Here's what you need to make a phytowall:
  • synthetic felt;
  • aluminum profile for the frame;
  • strong threads;
  • sheet of plastic;
  • brackets for fastening;
  • plastic pipe;
  • pump - fountain or aquarium;
  • hose.
Synthetic felt is perfect for fabric pockets. First you need to do the calculations. Cut out the canvas rectangle. Its width should be such that it includes allowances for 2 side seams and pockets.

The length should be about 3 times longer than the phytowall.

Take the canvas, wrap the fabric on one side, sew. Then, in the same way - on the other. Now fold it as shown in the photo to form pockets, stitch.

Use strong nylon threads so that the structure does not spread at the seams under the weight of the plants planted in it.

To stiffen the structure and provide additional waterproofing, attach the canvas with pockets with staples to a sheet of plastic.

Make the frame from an aluminum profile or a wooden beam, pre-impregnated with an antiseptic. Now you can attach the frame to the wall, leaving a distance of at least two cm from it for ventilation.

Insert a plastic pipe into the upper part of the canvas, in which you first make many small holes with a drill or a hot nail. This is necessary so that the water spreads evenly over the canvas.

At one end, close the pipe with a plug, at the other, attach a hose to it, which will raise water from the pan to the top.

Before you buy a pump, read its characteristics. If you have a phytowall, for example, 1 meter high, take one that can raise water to a height of up to 1.5 meters, that is, with a margin.

Attach a pallet to the bottom of the phytowall, install a pump into it, to which connect the hose. You need to connect a timer to it, which is set so that the pump turns on for half an hour 2 times a day.

Everything, the design is assembled.

Vertical flower beds: what flowers are suitable for them?

Various succulents are ideal for her, which do not require frequent watering and can easily endure the lack of light. If it is present, but scattered, then you can plant ferns, for example, plants such as:

  • nephrolepis;
  • pteris;
  • maidenhair;
  • pellet.
Choose the ferns you like from those listed and feel free to plant them in your vertical flower garden. To make it easier for you to decide, take a closer look at them.
  1. Nephrolepis belongs to the classic ferns. It gives a lot of greenery, so it looks good both in an individual planting and in a vertical flower bed.
  2. Pteris also belongs to the group of ferns. But this is not one plant, but a whole group, whose representatives differ in appearance. The leaves of these green spaces can have both variegated and green colors of various shapes and sizes.
  3. Adiantum has beautiful delicate carved leaves.
  4. Pelleya grows well even near heating appliances, tolerates dry air. There are several representatives of this species of ferns.

Also undemanding to intense lighting and easy to care for:
  • dracaena Gotseff;
  • fittonia;
  • pilea (do not confuse with pellet).

  1. Dracaena Gotseff differs from other representatives of this type of dracaena. It has speckled leaves, low. For better branching and renewal of the bush, it is enough to pinch the tops of its shoots. By the way, they can be used to breed new flowers.
  2. Fittonia is a low plant with spectacular leaves with nets of red, white, pink veins.
  3. Pilea has variegated leaves. There are several types of this plant - bush and creeping forms 20–60 cm high. Low types of pelea are more suitable for vertical flower beds.

If you arrange the phytowall so that light from the window falls on it or provided for its artificial sources, then feel free to choose other plants. Such vertical flower beds look beautiful if they grow:
  • zebrina;
  • callisia;
  • tradescantia;
  • spathiphyllum;
  • peperomia.
Peperomia has many varieties, which can be bushy, ampelous, upright.

Peperomia: blunt, clusion-leaved, shriveled, silvery, excellent for growing on a phytowall. All these plants are compact, low, non-capricious, and the leaves are green, colored, variegated or striped.

Zebrina, callisia, tradescantia are similar to each other, as they are included in the same group. In order for these plants to bush well, they break off the tops.

Spathiphyllum is also resistant to the proximity of heating devices, it grows well under artificial lighting. Therefore, it enjoys well-deserved success in the construction of vertical flower beds. Among the glossy leaves of rich green, its white flowers look beautiful, clean and festive. For phytowalls, compact forms up to 30 cm high are used.

How to plant plants for vertical gardening?

It is important not to injure the roots of the flowers so that they take root well. To do this, you must first, in the evening, shed the soil well, and in the morning proceed to plant them on the phytowall.

Turn the pot upside down, cut the felt into rectangular pieces of linen, moisten them. Put an earthen ball in which the roots are located on one of these blanks, wrap it in a cloth. Carefully insert the workpiece into the pocket.

Do the same for all other pockets. Plant a flowering plant in the center or side of the composition to make a bright accent if it is surrounded by solid greenery.

Pleasant and useful work completed.

If you want to use the fruits of such labors not only to purify the air in the room, for decoration, but also so that you can cut the greens and use it in the kitchen, arrange the phytomodule in this way.

Then at any time you can pick fragrant herbs, brew tea or use it in the preparation of desserts, salads.

Phytodesign is currently very popular. It is a special type of interior decoration. Most often, vertical gardening is used, that is, plants are planted in a vertical direction.

The simplest version of a do-it-yourself phytowall is the cultivation of ordinary indoor vines. Today, in any landscape company, you can purchase phytomodules - a special design for planting plants, thereby forming a "living" area of ​​greenery.

If we talk about the main advantages of phytomodules, then they take the form:

  • Unity of composition;
  • Plants are planted without the use of soil, which helps to keep the house clean;
  • Light weight;
  • Compact dimensions;
  • Automatic watering system, which simplifies the maintenance process;
  • Enrichment of the room with oxygen;
  • A complete interior decoration.

If we touch on the topic of shortcomings, then they are associated only with a high cost, so not everyone can buy a phytomodule. For example, the cost of one such module with a size of 1040x670 mm reaches 10-12000 rubles.

Design and arrangement of the phytomodule

Most of the phytomodules offered on the market are made of plastic, their back side is sealed. That is why you can not worry and calmly mount the modules on the set - it definitely will not get damp. You won't need any additional hydraulic layers.

There are cells on the vertical surface - it is in them that it is planned to plant plants. The cells are equipped with an automatic watering system. It is represented by a water tank, a small motor that allows you to raise water higher, as well as a humidity sensor. You can set any watering program using the control panel. As soon as the sensor determines the lower limit of humidity in the system, it will immediately respond to the signal and supply the plants with the necessary amount of moisture.

We plant plants

Plants, both very small and medium in size, are suitable for creating a vertical phytowall. Before planting plants, it is necessary to pour a little expanded clay into each cell, which acts as a drainage.

Sphagnum moss in this case acts as a soil. You need to buy it at any flower shop in your city. It perfectly absorbs moisture and, no less valuable, retains it well, like a sponge. You will never overwater plants, you will not provoke the appearance of a fungus, because moss is resistant to various kinds of fungal diseases.

In order to plant a plant in a cell, simply take it out of the pot and shake it well to remove any remaining soil. Having slightly cut the tips of the roots (1-2 cm), we wash off the remnants of the earth with the help of ordinary tap water. Now we just wrap the roots in moss and in this state we insert them into the cell. The remaining space can also be covered with moss.

Proper care

All care for the phytowall consists only in timely watering, not even watering the plants, but filling the water tank - the automatic watering system will do the rest for you. Fertilizers can be added to the same tank to help your plants gain strength. There is no need for additional spraying, because, as noted earlier, moss perfectly retains moisture. To maintain the shape, it is necessary to periodically remove new shoots, as well as cut dried and yellowed leaves.

If you have long wanted to decorate your home, add greenery and freshness to it, be sure to consider building a phytowall. You only need to spend money on cells and plants, and then they will delight you both in winter and in summer with their freshness and juiciness.

Green island in the apartment

Vertical gardens, lively paintings are like oases among the concrete walls of new buildings. Is it possible to create a green wall in an apartment on your own, how to choose plants, how difficult it is to care for them, read on.

A living wall of greenery is a fashionable trend in the world of interior design. Harmoniously created compositions delight the eye, purify the air from dust and harmful substances.

A piece of nature in the house: what is a green wall

The phytowall is a huge structure, similar to a puzzle, which consists of cells with plants - phytomodules. A trendy green carpet has many advantages for indoor flower lovers:

  • saves space;
  • increases humidity, saturates the room with oxygen;
  • does not require special care, as it is usually equipped with an automatic irrigation system;
  • excellent screen when zoning the space of the room;
  • gives a feeling of summer all year round.

Where can be used in the interior of the apartment

Vertical installations of greenery will perfectly fit into the interior of the apartment, made in eco style. Phytoconstructions look spectacular in the living room or bedroom. Norwegian designers were the first to offer this option, lining the wall behind the head of the matrimonial bed with moss.

You can create islands of greenery in the bathroom, toilet. The kitchen is another place created for landscaping. Modern designers offer to decorate the interior not only with large plant structures, but also with lively paintings, as well as inscriptions created using moss.

What plants make a living wall in the apartment

For a vertical garden, it is better to choose plants with a developed root system that can support the weight of the leaves. The stem should be short or curly. Lush bushes with small leaves will also come in handy. Here is a list of greens that fit these criteria:

  1. Ampelous plants. Their distinctive feature is rapid growth both in height and in breadth, they curl well.
  2. Varieties of ornamental grapes. Great decoration for the kitchen. Some of them bear fruit, although they are not worth eating, but they are quite suitable for decoration.
  3. Saptiphyllum, chlorophytum, other plants like these.
  4. Small succulents, low sansiviers are simply indispensable in apartments whose windows face the sunny side, and the room is constantly hot.

Use only one type of plant or combine several. For your first living wall project, it's best to choose hardy plants that don't require a lot of light or heavy watering.


This plant is suitable for beginners in phytodesign. It is unpretentious, shade-loving, does not need fertilizer. If the apartment has thin walls, make a moss wall and forget about noisy neighbors. This plant has excellent soundproofing properties. Moss moss is usually used, but you can make a composition from ordinary forest moss.

Yagel is subjected to special treatment. It is preserved, that is, special solutions and dyes are applied to the surface so that its texture is bright, elastic, durable, and also does not rot, is reliably protected from mold and bacteria. Yagel does not need soil. It is glued to the MDF board.

Green structures should be kept away from children and pets. Parts of the green wall can cause poisoning of the body.

flower plants

The green wall can sometimes bloom in lush, bright colors. To diversify the rich green color, it is necessary to provide places for saptiphyllum and anthurium in phytomodules. These two flowers are called female and male happiness. The combination of white and red will advantageously emphasize the greenery of the florarium.

Beautiful compositions with the participation of begonias. This plant has many species, a variety of colors. Christmas cactus (Decembrist), Kalanchoe, violet are well suited for the role of bright accents.

artificial plants

Many allergy sufferers, pet owners, people who are often forced to leave home for a long time, prefer artificial greenery to natural greenery. It does not create a special microclimate, but it has a number of other advantages:

  • durable, does not require maintenance;
  • safe, does not emit odors;
  • thanks to modern materials, plants look like living ones;


Spicy herbs that thrive outdoors can decorate walls inside a home. Most often, housewives grow chives, peppermint, basil, cumin, rosemary, cilantro, lemon balm, sage, etc. in the kitchen. Some arrange a vertical garden, harvesting onions, garlic, parsley, celery, radish from the phytowall.

Ordinary lawn grass, wheat sprouts, seeds of other cereals are used to make the phytowall look like a football field. Seedlings grown from grains are planted in pocket-modules fixed on the wall.

Green phyto-corner of plants and flowers in the apartment: how to do it yourself

To make a living corner of the house, it will take several hours of time, skillful hands and suitable materials with tools. Consider how to make a phytowall from felt. This design is easy, and to make it you need:

  1. Metal or wooden frame.
  2. Waterproof film. Better greenhouse. In order to create a waterproofing of the rear wall of the structure.
  3. Plastic pipe for irrigation with many small holes and a plug on one side.
  4. Hose. It is attached to the water supply pipe.
  5. Aquarium or fountain pump.
  6. Tray for collecting excess moisture and supplying water to the pump.
  7. Cloth made of felt or other non-rotting material with pockets.

First, sew a fabric organizer with pockets. For seams, use nylon thread. It is strong enough to support the weight of the flowers. The canvas is attached to the frame either with a construction stapler or with glue. Between the frame and the felt, you need to lay waterproofing - a greenhouse film.

The distance between the phytomodule and the wall must be at least 2 cm for ventilation.

Install a plastic pipe between the fabric and the frame, attach a hose to one end of it. Install a tray at the bottom of the canvas, it will perform two functions at once: provide plants with fresh moisture, collect excess water after watering. To plant plants, they need to be pulled out of the ground, shake off the roots from the soil and, wrapped in a piece of felt, inserted into the pocket. In a couple of days they will grow through the fabric.

Is it possible to create a picture of flowers in the kitchen

Fitokartina can decorate any room, including the kitchen. This part of the house is designed to be decorated with flowers and plants. They can be both living and artificial. A composition of succulents, stones and moss framed by a tree, placed in the dining area, will look great. The main rule - in a small kitchen, create a small picture of flowers.

What are the conditions for the growth of living plants on a panel of greenery

Phytowalls are unpretentious structures. All that is needed for living green plants is timely watering. Spraying the florarium is not required, as flowers and herbs have enough moisture that evaporates from the soil. But installing additional lighting does not hurt. This will not only make the green corner even more attractive, but will also favorably affect the growth of greenery. It is also necessary to feed the plants in a timely manner and cut off excess shoots and dried leaves.

Painting of blooming flowers at home: what you need

To create a masterpiece of natural art, you will need an ordinary picture frame, a sheet of plywood of the right size, a wire mesh with small holes. The mesh is usually fastened with a stapler to the wrong side of the frame, moss, a universal primer with perlite, is laid on it. All this is fixed with plywood.

Features of compliance with the interior ethics of the neighborhood with a living green corner

In an effort to create a beautiful picture, create comfortable conditions for the inhabitants of the house, it is important not to forget about the rules of the ethics of neighborhood with living herbs and flowers. Before planting a plant at home, it is important to know its features, to care for each of the species accordingly.

Stick to a few rules:

  1. You should not grow plants with a pungent odor at home, otherwise you are guaranteed headaches.
  2. Say "no" to flowers and herbs that contain poisons that cause allergies.
  3. Give preference to unpretentious green friends, so as not to inadvertently ruin valuable specimens.

Creating a green zone in a city apartment is easy and simple. Use the services of phytodesigners or make a small island of green harmony yourself. The main thing is to choose unpretentious plants and regularly care for them.

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Home > Useful information > Green indoor plant phytowall: an unusual phytodesign solution

In addition to the standard ways of arranging flowers in a room, there are also original options. For example, a green wall of plants is one of the methods of vertical gardening. The main feature of the design is the cascades of greenery that decorate the room.

The basis of the "living" wall is a vertical structure, stable and securely fixed. It has special boxes that are filled with soil. Selected plants are planted in them. The result is a solid green surface that looks very decorative.

All stands are of two types:

  1. Purchased design, developed by phytodesigners specifically for vertical gardening. This is the easiest and most convenient option that does not require effort and time. They produce modules with a built-in automatic watering system, which is very convenient for those who are not used to regularly taking a watering can in their hands. After the acquisition, it remains only to plant the plants and care for them.
  2. Homemade stand. If you have technical skills, you can try to make an analogue of purchased structures with your own hands. But "craftsmen" and flower lovers have found an easier option: to make them from dense fabric. Pockets are sewn onto a large canvas, arranged in the desired sequence. True, the service life of the "rag" green wall in the room is short-lived. Due to exposure to moisture, the fabric quickly becomes unusable.

Both options look decorative: their beauty depends primarily on the planted plants.

The place of the "living wall" in the interior

Phytodesign is a popular trend in interior design. Living plants give the premises a special cosiness and charm, cheer up. Proper placement of flowers makes them full-fledged elements of decorating the space.

A green wall for the home is indispensable in small spaces where there is no free space for pots. It occupies height, not area. You can choose the size of the structure based on the dimensions of the room. Phytopanno is also used - a “picture” of living plants that is hung on the wall.

If square meters allow, you can build large green walls in the room. It will be a real living corner of nature in the house.

Plants used for design are diverse. These are both upright and drooping species. The leaves of ornamental flowers can have a bright and unusual color (for example, coleus or calathea). At the stand there is a place for flowering species.

Advantages of a green wall of plants in an apartment

What makes a green plant wall popular?

  1. Fresh flowers, grouped in one place, look very attractive and create the effect of being in nature. Combining species with each other, you can achieve unusual combinations. Solid walls made of ivy or moss look no less attractive.
  2. Plants enrich the air with oxygen, necessary for the brain to work, and release useful substances.
  3. Space saving.
  4. Green color calms the nerves, while a beautiful stand with flowers evokes positive emotions.

Therefore, a "living wall" will be useful in any room.

How to make a green wall at home?

First you need to find a suitable place where the green wall of plants in the apartment will “feel” good and at the same time decorate the room. It is recommended to give preference to a corner of the house where there is a sufficient amount of diffused light. Decorative leafy plants with green foliage will certainly suffer from direct sunlight: dry burns will appear. And species with variegated colors lose the brightness of their colors in the shade. Therefore, the best option is the golden mean.

Drainage is made in each compartment so that the roots do not rot, and then it is filled with nutrient soil. Now you can start landing!

Plant selection

You need to know not only how to make a green wall at home, but also to choose suitable plants for it. In vertical gardening, mainly decorative leafy varieties are used, creating an emerald carpet with bright accents or a fancy mosaic. For example, arrowroot, calathea, tradescantia, "stone rose", calathea, small begonia, alocasia, compact ferns are suitable. If desired, you can plant flowering plants. Anthuriums and spathiphyllums, hanging fuchsias are suitable.

The main requirement for flowers is that they must have a compact root system and not grow to large sizes. After all, this way they will crowd out their neighbors. From time to time, one instance can be changed to another, adjusting the composition, because each flower is in an isolated "pocket".

A green wall of plants is a stylish and spectacular decoration of the interior of the house. They make it with their own hands or order a ready-made module, and then fill it at their discretion.

Solution from Ardi

Thanks to the vertical garden, there will be more clean air and bright colors in the room. Our company is ready to organize any kind of indoor landscaping. If you need consultations, preliminary calculations and high quality of work performed, please contact us. We value every client.


Home gardening with vertical plant walls

Luxurious gardens of Babylon - a wonderful legend or true story, one of the famous wonders of the world. It was this green fairy tale that inspired modern designers to create vertical walls for plants.

The Hanging Gardens of the Ancient East appeared in the West quite a long time ago. Due to the milder climate, vertical phytowalls with living plants in Europe are installed not only inside, but also on the facades of houses.

DIY vertical garden

Today, few people imagine what vertical gardens are.

Those who are fond of indoor plants most often fill them with horizontal planes - window sills, tables, shelves.

The vertical garden, as an interior element, has just become fashionable.

"Carpeted" vertical garden

If you decide to make your own vertical garden in an apartment based on polymer felt (invention by P.

What is a phytowall and how to make a phytomodule with your own hands

Blank), buy a polymer felt cloth and form the required number of pockets, as shown in the photo.

This can be done thermally or mechanically (using a construction stapler) in a way. Or you can simply sew ready-made cut pockets onto a piece of felt.

Vertical gardens in the form of panels, paintings

For this type of vertical garden, succulents are the preferred choice, as they are more adapted to dry conditions. After all, such a panel hanging on the wall cannot be poured abundantly, there is a risk of ruining the wallpaper.

In addition, succulents have many color shades, and if you land them as a colored mosaic, then such a “picture” will look very picturesque.

Vertical garden made of wooden pallets

Yes, yes, exactly from those with which loaders work in warehouses. From such a pallet, you can easily and quickly make a miniature country-style garden.

It would be appropriate to place it on the balcony or in the courtyard of the house.

2 variants of a vertical garden made of gutters

If you want to grow greens and herbs, but you don’t have a summer cottage, it doesn’t matter - you can grow them right in your apartment.

It is enough to build a mini garden on the balcony or in the kitchen, and you can use the gifts of nature.

Modular vertical garden - an option for the lazy

Unlike homemade vertical gardens, in this case, you will have to do almost nothing with your own hands.

A sort of "for the lazy" option. You just need to buy a certain number of modules and plant plants in them.

It is getting colder outside the window, and the city streets become empty and lifeless without green plants and flower beds. And on long winter evenings, sitting in our apartment, we dream of returning to summer, inhaling fresh air saturated with oxygen, admiring the greenery of plants.

Today, these dreams may well become a reality in an ordinary city apartment. All you need is desire.

Living plants not only enliven the space, but also improve the microclimate in the apartment. They purify the air and humidify it. Some plants, releasing phytoncides, heal the air, absorb harmful impurities and dust, and, therefore, protect the human respiratory organs from diseases.

The question arises: “How to place a sufficient number of plants in a limited space of an apartment to create a comfortable and healthy microclimate?”

Such a modern solution as vertical gardening comes to the rescue. This is, in fact, a "green" wall, consisting of plants planted on a vertical base attached to the wall of the apartment.

Such a living wall will help refresh the interior, improve the indoor climate, and save space on window sills, shelves and floors. And it is quite possible to make such a composition on your own, without resorting to the help of designers, knowing the basic principles of its creation.

Plants for the green wall

The basis of a living wall are plants, so the main task is to choose them correctly.

DIY phytowall and phytomodule: features of modern eco-design

For the composition, unpretentious plants that do not need frequent watering are better suited.

Such plants include :

- climbing (ampel) plants: Amur grapes, ivy-shaped philodendron, scindapsus, hoi, Chinese magnolia vine, columna;

- compact spathiphyllum, chlorophytum, asparagus, fittonia, fatsia, nephrolepis, eschinanthus, passionflower;

- orchids;

- edible greens: dill, lettuce, parsley, basil, mint.

You can make a living wall from plants of the same species, or you can combine different types of L - flowering and decorative L - as you wish.


When creating a composition from plants, lighting must be taken into account. The best place for her would be the wall opposite the window. If such placement is not possible or there is not enough light, then additional lighting should be provided. This is easy to do with energy-saving fluorescent lamps.

The need for illumination increases especially in winter, since even shade-tolerant plants need at least 12 hours of daylight.

Placement methods

There are a lot of options for landing and attaching the structure to the wall. And you have the opportunity to choose the right one for you.

The main ways to create a living wall are :

- fastening to the wall of cornices, on which containers with plants are hung.

- living pictures, which use felt cloth with sewn pockets for planting, fixed in a frame. With this method, the plants are placed in pockets without soil, so they require regular feeding.

- assembly of a structure from drainpipes. To create it, you will need gutters, plugs, as well as elements for attaching to the wall. The main thing in such a system L is moderate watering in order to prevent overflow of water.

– professional vertical gardening systems equipped with automatic watering, the installation of which requires qualified assistance from phytodesigners and considerable financial costs.

In conclusion, it must be recalled that, regardless of the chosen method of creating a living wall and the type of plants, it needs proper and timely care. And then the living wall in your apartment will become not only a source of oxygen and positive emotions, but also an interior decoration for many years.

Flowers are the decoration of any celebration, it is not for nothing that they are given for all holidays and decorate any event. Such a flower pann O can be made from both natural flowers and artificial ones . Live ones look more impressive, but the cost of such a design will be much higher. A flower wall will make a great photo zone at a wedding, anniversary and other events, it can decorate a studio for a photo shoot or a wall in a house (why not). And you can do it without involving any services, with your own hands. Decorate e takes a certain amount of time, but it's worth it.

Flower wall made of paper flowers.

With a little effort, you can diversify the decor of your event by creating such beauty:

So, to make such a panel, you will need:

  • sheets of thick colored paper (one large flower needs A1 paper);
  • simple pencil;
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • glue for paper;
  • double sided tape.

On a thick piece of colored paper, draw a pattern, cut it out and fold it with an accordion, as shown in the figure below:

Make an incision at the base of each petal and overlap the petals, which should be 6 in total. Glue the bottom three first, then the top ones.

Make a core out of paper of a different color. To do this, cut out 2 circles of different sizes. Then we make cuts in a circle from the edge to the center, leaving the middle and twist the edges with scissors.

Glue the core to the flower.

The next step is to cut out the flower petals and glue them on the bottom.

Vertical gardening in the apartment

The result should be something like this:

Other options for making walls from paper flowers can be viewed at the links below:

Panel of natural flowers

Making a wall with fresh flowers is a little more difficult than paper flowers, as fresh flowers are more delicate and require special care.

You can not make the decor much in advance of the event, because the flowers may wither. Roses, peonies, carnations, lilies, chrysanthemums are ideal, you can also take orchids, but this plant is very whimsical and expensive. But, for example, the Dior company used them at its show:

You can decorate an event by fixing a flower panel in a frame, while not bad saving.

For registration you will need:

  • flowers;
  • frame made of metal (mesh) or wood;
  • wire;
  • ladder;
  • floral sponge;
  • film.

Video selection about creating a flower wall below:

Now you know how to make a wall of flowers: voluminous paper flowers or live ones, both options will be unforgettable for you and your guests. A photo wall made of flowers is not new in the world of decorators, but it occupies a leading position. If you want to become a decorator, then this is one of the first things you will have to learn and we hope that this article will help you with this.

Phytowall in the interior of the apartment

Mankind looked at itself from the outside and was horrified - how little natural and natural around! Man turned away from nature, forgot the beginning of all beginnings. But some bright minds again invite people to look into the clear eyes of the lakes and place real jungles or tropics in their apartments.

An interesting find in the field of interior housing is a phytowall. In fact, it is a houseplant grouped in one plane - vertical. This is a specially created space of fresh flowers for comfortable placement in an apartment or a country house.

Phytonovinka for the interior

Phytowalls opened the possibility of indoor flowers staying in a favorable climate and the necessary humidity. You can arrange such a phyto-island anywhere in your home, for example, hoist a phyto-wall in the living room space or hang a living carpet on the wall behind the sofa.

But before starting work, it is necessary to think over the entire project in detail so that the rest of the details of your house do not fall under the watering systems of the phytowall. You can build this simple structure with your own hands, but for starters, you can order a small complex from "phytobuilders" who, with pleasure and knowledge of the matter, will act as experts for your future designs.

10 More Beautiful Vertical Gardening Ideas

For city apartments, which, as a rule, do not shine with large spaces, compact examples of landscaping housing in the form of phytomodules or phyto-pictures are provided. Unlike a stationary phytowall, this option does not differ in scale and does not require input into the water supply system. The creation of such structures will be cheaper and they have more placement options. For example, a small phytopicture can be quite arranged on a desk.

Typical design of a phytowall

Stationary options are designed for large rooms, where the placement of a wall of fresh flowers would be appropriate and justified. Materials for phytowall:

Plastic gutter - 4 pieces
Mounts for gutter and lining
 Wooden lath - 2 pieces (length up to 200 cm)
 Dowels, screws
Simple pencil and ruler
Drilling tool
Hand file

Slots are drilled in the gutters to drain irrigation water. The bars are attached along the wall from top to bottom in parallel, at a distance of no more than half a meter. End plates are fixed on the bars, and gutters are in them. Plants here can be arranged in two versions: directly in pots or seedlings in the ground.
To avoid dampness in the room, the phytowall is placed at a distance of at least 5 cm from the wall surface. It is not difficult to install a phytowall, the main thing is that it pleases the eye and brings a minimum of hassle.

Sowed the seeds, the wall grew

The founder of green walls, Patrick Blanc, has developed and created more than a dozen variants of phytowalls in his homeland. In such walls, it is good to use plants in seeds and “grow” your living wall yourself.

As an expert in this field, he recommends building a structure of light and strong materials based on a metal frame fixed to the wall. A system of thin tubes for watering plants is attached to the frame, covered with waterproof material, which is connected to a submersible pump at the bottom. The tubes are hidden under a layer of fabric pockets, placed in a strict order so that future plants can form the desired visual image. Plants that you choose for your living picture are planted in the pockets.

It is necessary to take care of the phytowall carefully and regularly. If you have used the services of professionals, then you only have to control the operation of the equipment. And if your option is self-service, then caring for a green wall will require a lot of effort and special care from you:

  1. It is necessary to monitor the frequency of watering
  2. Maintain air humidity (spray plants in hot weather)
  3. Control the purity and freshness of the soil and solutions for watering flowers
  4. Pinching plants in time, preventing them from growing
  5. Get rid of missing shoots by replacing them with new ones
  6. Adjust the light level

Let's hope that the idea of ​​a phytowall will firmly occupy its niche in a person's life, helping him to turn to his origins more often, to be reborn and replenish his strength from nature.

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