How to make moonshine on your own. We make a mini moonshine still

Almost everyone can create a moonshine with their own hands today. A lot of information in various manuals helps us to correctly assemble the distillation system. We have the opportunity to purchase some components of the structure in specialized stores, everything else can be made at home. How to make a moonshine from improvised means and what is needed for this?

1 Moonshine device - buy or make your own?

Most of those who have tried really high-quality home-made moonshine, whether it be cognac, whiskey or, begin to wonder how to make something similar yourself. The first questions about how to make a moonshine still with your own hands are usually asked to device owners. Having received answers to their questions, people begin to prepare for the assembly of distillation systems from improvised means. Approximately in this way, the replenishment of a large army of fans of high-quality home-made drinks takes place.

It would seem that there is nothing complicated: I prepared the material, looked through the pages on the Internet, found a detailed algorithm for manufacturing the structure and started work. But in practice, everything is not so simple, especially if you clearly analyze your preferences and needs. That is why beginners who want to produce home-made alcohol prefer to buy ready-made moonshine stills. It is worth saying that for this you need to have at least an elementary idea of ​​what this or that device model is, whether it is too overpriced in the store, and how to use it.

We will consider a more economical, but also more time-consuming option - the creation of a distillation device with our own hands. Here we get the opportunity not only to save our money, but also to assemble the design that will fully meet our requirements. Here, as they say, everyone is a mechanic, a technologist, and a designer for himself.

What does the simplest home-made distillation system consist of? What scheme of moonshine is right for you? Below we will provide answers to these and other questions.

2 Distillation tank - an obligatory component of the moonshine still

Before starting work, you need to create a drawing of a moonshine still. In the future, we will add to it the dimensions of a particular part, as well as apply places to create the necessary holes. So we will not make big mistakes, and if we make a mistake, we will be able to fix the malfunction in time.

The first element that should be in every home-made unit is a distillation vessel. The most common options for making a distillation tank at home can be called any suitable electrical appliance, for example, a slow cooker. This device has all the necessary qualities for a distillation vessel.

Along with this, a home-made moonshine from a multicooker will not allow you to overtake a lot of alcohol, since the volume of the household appliance leaves much to be desired. Another available option is any vessel made of copper. For example, it can be a pan with a volume of 5-10 liters. It will fit a sufficient amount of mash, which means that you do not have to add another batch of raw materials each time. In addition, unlike a multicooker, you won’t have to pay for a saucepan, since it’s probably in every house or in the country. Despite the advantages, the copper container has significant disadvantages.

The first of these is the need to cut holes in the lid and bottom of the pan, and this entails additional time and effort. In addition, it is not always possible to find a lid for a vessel that would hermetically close it. This is a big disadvantage, since a pot that cannot be tightly closed cannot be used in moonshine. Another important nuance is that you should not use an old pot made of copper or other metal to make a home-made distillation system. They rust very quickly, which should already serve as an alarm signal for you.

Since copper vessels have many disadvantages, it would be right to opt for a slow cooker. Alternatively, you can use a regular milk can. It is very important that the seals on their lids are made of silicone. If they are rubber, then the taste of your moonshine will be with "notes" of rubber. All kinds of flasks are very good for creating an alembic. When choosing such vessels, you should be guided by the following principles:

  • volume of at least 5 liters;
  • material - stainless food steel;
  • there are holes and fittings to them;
  • internal and external surface without damage;
  • the vessel should be light enough (so the distillation unit will be portable and can be taken with you to nature).

With all these qualities, the flask can become an excellent distillation container. After you select the optimal vessel, you can proceed to the manufacture of another important element - a home-made refrigerator, in which alcohol vapors will be cooled and turned into a liquid.

3 Selection of the optimal element for cooling moonshine vapors

The simplest moonshine unit should be equipped with a refrigerator. Such a design can be either flow-through or non-flow-through. The cooler of the first type is considered more compact, it is much easier to store due to its small dimensions. This type of refrigerator consists of a spiral, called a coil, which is placed in a completely sealed container. Cold water passes through the container, which cools the vapors of moonshine. Because of this, they condense, turning into purified alcohol. The flow cooler can be operated from a direct flow of water. Under normal conditions, it is easier to make such a design, since for this you only need to find a large container into which the coil is inserted. The only negative is the large linear dimensions, which is why racks are needed to use such a cooler. Flow devices are much more productive than non-flow devices.

A non-flow refrigerator consists of a large canister with a volume of at least 35 liters. A tube-serpentine cuts into the container. For home brewing, the vessel is filled with cold water, which must be scooped out as it heats up. After that, immediately add cold water. This is not very convenient, but such a cooling system has its advantages. Firstly, it is very easy to assemble such a structure under any conditions. Secondly, such a refrigerator will be the only option in the absence of running water. And, thirdly, even snow or ice can be a cooler in this design.

You can make a combined version of the refrigerator. To do this, you need to take an ordinary bucket, into which you then need to insert a spiral, and under the top of the container, install a fitting under the tap to drain warm water. The channel for supplying cold water is attached to the bottom of the bucket. This design of the refrigerator is quite compact, as it uses running water. However, it can also work in the absence of running water. True, under such conditions, alcohol will have to be driven a little slower, and more often scoop out and add water.

If you have a water supply connected, you will have to adjust the flow of flowing fluid. This is necessary so that your refrigerator does not "choke" during operation, and you get cold or slightly warm moonshine of high quality cleaning at the output.

4 Don't forget about the steamer

When planning the manufacture of a moonshine unit, do not forget about the steamer. It is best to immediately include it in the drawing. Many moonshiners consider this part optional, but if you are aiming for quality alcohol, then it is better to supply it to your distillation system. The sukhoparnik should be placed between the distillation tank and the cooling system of the unit.

The principle of operation of a steamer is quite simple: in the process of evaporating ethyl alcohols, boiling fractions are captured by vapors, which contain fusel oils. It is the latter that give moonshine an unpleasant odor and cause severe poisoning. When fusel oils are few or completely absent, moonshine has a pleasant aroma and mild taste.

Condensing inside the steamer, moonshine vapors turn into a liquid. After that, the alcohol is heated again, again turns into steam, thereby undergoing secondary purification. In relation to alcohols, this is milder, but completely removes the remaining heavy fractions. Given the principle of operation of a dry steamer, it is simply necessary in any, even the simplest distillation system.

For the manufacture of parts, you can choose any capacity. Under normal conditions, this is a glass vessel with a screw cap. The volume of the can is better to take more than two, but less than five liters. After distillation, more than 3 liters of waste can accumulate in the steamer, so with such an element capacity, we will be able to distill more moonshine. It is necessary to cut fittings into the screw cap, to which we will connect the tubes. Through them, moonshine steam will enter and exit the steamer.

During the distillation process, many moonshiners put various flavors into the steamer. It can be dried fruits, fragrant spices. So, if you are planning a distillation, then you can put 2-3 parts of the peel of this citrus inside the steamer.

After the manufacture of the steamer, you can begin to connect all the elements of the moonshine system. To do this, we connect 2 tubes to the fittings in the lid of the distillation cube. After that, we connect the vessel with a dry steamer, after which we connect the latter to the refrigerator. For connection, it is best to use silicone tubes, as they do not emit odor. At the end, you need to attach a thermometer to the distillation cube, by which we will monitor the boiling point of our alcohol.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in creating a distillation system. The work is very easy to do yourself. The main thing is to make a drawing in advance, according to which you can navigate in all your further actions.

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Preparation of moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the demise of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and an article prohibiting the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law that prohibits you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - making alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ “On the administrative responsibility of legal entities (organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for offenses in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 28 , item 3476).

Excerpt from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

"The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) who do not produce products containing ethyl alcohol for the purpose of marketing."

Moonshine in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Administrative Offenses dated January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. Thus, according to article 335 “Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages”, illegal production for the purpose of selling moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, mash and other alcoholic beverages, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages , apparatus, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal purposes.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten tax-free minimum wages for the manufacture and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for the storage without the purpose of sale of apparatus * for its production.

Article 12.43 repeats this information practically word for word. “Production or purchase of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), storage of devices for their production” in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Paragraph No. 1 states: “Production by individuals of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their manufacture (mash), as well as storage of devices * used for their manufacture - entails a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with confiscation of the indicated drinks, semi-finished products and devices.

* It is still possible to purchase moonshine stills for home use, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumes.

The most common design of moonshine was invented several centuries ago and is still popular today. Making a moonshine is not particularly difficult, but this will require four constituent elements.


The first element of the moonshine still is the evaporator, commonly referred to as a cube. It is an enameled or stainless steel container with a hermetically sealed lid and a hole in it. It is possible to equip a conventional large-volume pan under the evaporator by first applying a soft seal to the rim of the lid and drilling a hole in it to connect the tube. You should also consider a clamping mechanism for the lid, which ensures complete tightness. Very often, steam pressure cookers are converted under the distillation cube, which have overhead latches for the lid and a steam release valve. This valve is twisted and a fitting is installed in its place for connecting a tube or flexible hose.

Sukhoparnik (reflux condenser)

The fusel oil sump is necessary to ensure maximum purity of the distillate. It is a small container with inlet and outlet openings in its upper part. The task of the reflux condenser is the physical purification of alcohol vapor from the evaporated liquid containing fusel oils. The boiling point of alcohol is somewhat lower than that of impurities, and therefore they are deposited in the steamer in the form of a yellow precipitate with an unpleasant odor. For this part of the moonshine still, you can use an ordinary glass jar with a tightly screwed lid, in which two holes should be made and the fittings for connecting pipes or hoses should be hermetically fixed in them. You can also attach a small tube to the inlet, which will fall below the middle of the can, which will prevent drops of evaporated mash from entering the cooler.


A cooler, also called a distiller, performs the function of cooling the alcohol vapor, turning it into a liquid. Usually it is a coil of heat-conducting metal, immersed in a container of cold water. The liquid heats up over time and needs to be changed, for which the refrigerator is connected to a water tap, making a supply of cold water at the bottom of the tank. Also, the water in the cooler can be changed manually, but the capacity must be several times larger.

Connection of elements and additional devices

To connect fittings to different elements of the apparatus, it is best to use a tube with a solid thread, on which two lock nuts with silicone gaskets are screwed, between which the tank wall is clamped. Any plumbing transition or fitting-brush can be screwed onto the ends of the tube. The connection of the elements of the moonshine still is best done with rigid metal tubes, although lately silicone hoses with a diameter of 10 mm or more have often been used. At the junctions, maximum tightness must be ensured so that alcohols do not leak into the room - this can lead to fire and even an explosion. To control the distillation process, instrumentation can be included in the moonshine still system: pressure gauges, thermometers, and others.

With your own hands? What materials, equipment to use, how to choose the right containers? This article gives clear instructions, describes the design of the moonshine still with diagrams and accurate drawings. Following the recommendations of experts will help create a unit for distilling mash at home, spending a minimum of money and effort.

The process is fully described here using the example of creating a real unit. This moonshine was made by hand more than 2 decades ago, it still works properly and produces a finished product of excellent quality. In order for your homemade assistant to serve no less, you should carefully choose the materials. Aluminum and copper are not suitable for such purposes. Ordinary steel also reacts with acidic environments. Our choice should fall on those materials that can safely interact with food. These are titanium and stainless steel. Titanium alloys are very expensive, and in many cases it is advisable to choose a store-bought moonshine and build something else with your own hands.

Parts and containers made of stainless food steel are quite easy to find, they are in every home. Do not use rubber hoses and gaskets. Upon contact with alcohol-containing drinks and products, they begin to negatively affect their smell and taste. At the time of the creation of this unit for moonshine, high-quality silicone was not available. Therefore, the sealing elements are made of good quality genuine leather.

The quality of the container for heating the mash greatly affects the quality of the final product. You can use a milk can for this. Industrial containers with a volume of 38-40 liters are made of food aluminum. Sealing is provided due to the presence of a special clamp. If such containers are not available, Alkopribor can purchase special containers and cans and stainless steel High Quality.

One of the important elements of a moonshine still is a cooler. In the simplest drawings, you can see that it is represented by a metal coil. The recommended diameter is 8-10 mm. But it all depends on the dimensions of the entire structure and the volume of the distilled mash. The figure shows how to make a coil for a moonshine with your own hands. As a base on which a thin-walled tube is wound, you can use any even and smooth object with a round even cross section. A glass bottle, for example, from wine, is also perfect for such purposes.

The figure shows the creation of a cooler from a stainless tube, which is wound on a bar with a diameter of 35 mm. Initially, it is necessary to fill the future coil with sand so that it does not deform or break during the winding process. The ends can be closed with corks or clamped with pliers. 2 meters is the optimal length of the workpiece. On one side, a nut of a suitable diameter must be welded to the bar, as shown in the figure. After the coil is ready, the ends should be released, the sand should be poured out. Then thoroughly rinse the cooler with running water.

In the example, a 75mm diameter pipe is used for the refrigerator body. Holes with a diameter of 8 mm were made in the lower and upper parts, through which the ends of the self-made moonshine serpentine will subsequently be removed. The cooler must be placed according to the drawing, then covers and pipes are put on, all parts are well welded. The next step is to check the tightness of the structure. It is necessary to weld a fitting with an external type thread, it must be in the hole in the water supply. A homemade refrigerator for moonshine is ready.

The device in question showed in practice an excellent throughput of condensate - up to 8 liters per hour. But for this it is important to adhere to the scheme, the tube must be at least 2 meters long. If you want to get good homemade moonshine, you should drive moonshine at a speed of no more than 3 liters per hour. At higher rates in home-made devices, intense boiling of the mash can be observed. And this is the entry of excess impurities into the moonshine, which is a negative point. When assembling the cooler, it is important not to break the rules: cold water is supplied from below, and the waste is drained through the top hole. If you do the opposite, the efficiency of the heat exchange unit drops significantly, due to the counterflow of the liquid.

The CSG line (vapor-gas mixture) must be equipped with a sump, which is located between the cooler and the distillation tank. This is necessary to delay and collect heavy fractions (fusel oils).

Between the tank and the cooler on the line of the vapor-gas mixture (SGM), it is desirable to put a sump that traps heavy fractions, while the quality of the product is significantly improved. For lack of a better way, you can use a standard glass jar with tubes connected to it to dump the fuselage.

The drawing of the moonshine still shows a body that is made of stainless steel. In the cylinder, the role of which is played by a pipe with a diameter of 57 mm, 2 holes with a diameter of 8 mm should be drilled. They should install curved tubes, as shown in the sketch. A fitting is welded to the upper tube, it is important that it has an external thread. The seams must be well welded to ensure the tightness of the sump. The inner part of the cylinder is equipped with 2 swirlers located on opposite walls. When connecting the covers at the ends of the sump, remember that the top must be deaf. And a branch pipe is mounted in the lower part through a pre-prepared hole, as shown in the drawing of the moonshine still, or rather, the sump for it.

The principle of operation of this block: ASG enters the cylinder. At the same time, the mixture expands and passes through the created labyrinth, during which fusel oils precipitate, they are discharged through the lower pipe through a rubber tube. At the time of product selection, the tube can be pinched with a regular clothespin. The sediment can be drained once an hour, during which time it does not have time to rise to the nozzle and spoil the finished product.

Having completed all the individual elements according to the drawings of the moonshine still, you can assemble the entire structure. Initially, it is necessary to make a hole in the lid of the milk can, through which a tube with an external thread should be passed inside. From the inside, the cover must be sealed with a gasket. A stainless steel nut is screwed on top of the thread. The upper part is also sealed with a silicone (leather) gasket, a fitting is installed and fixed. Then it is necessary to weld the tube coming out of the bottom of the sump. It is good to check its connection with the fitting for tightness. By means of a nut, a union nut is attached to the tube leading from the sump of the home moonshine still.

Now the moonshine still, made with your own hands and efforts, is completely ready for work. Before pouring the mash, it is necessary to once again check the tightness of all seams and threaded connections.

Quick navigation through the article

Anyone can make a moonshine with their own hands. The heart of any distiller is the alembic. In fact, it is a container where the mash boils, evaporating that very valuable substance. First, decide on the volumes: how much finished product you need and how often you will drive.

Also, the choice of capacity depends on the conditions of production: if you have your own garage or cottage, you can also swing at a 40-liter can. This is very convenient: I expelled 10-20 liters every three months and it’s enough for myself and guests, and the product goes well as a presentation.

For home production in an apartment, a smaller capacity is needed - up to 10 liters will be enough. This is the optimal cube size for the conditions of small kitchens located in cramped high-rise buildings. Now you understand that before you make a moonshine, you need to understand all aspects: how the moonshine will work, where, what is your experience and all other points. And then we turn to the choice of materials and components.

container material:

  1. Aluminum: good quality material, able to work for a long time without significant damage and deformation, almost eternal material for a cube.
  2. Enamelled packaging is quite common, but does not like aggressive environments very much, it withstands an average of 3-5 years, then repair issues begin: from the action of temperature, shocks, the enamel first comes off, and then rust corrodes the metal. It is repaired with wooden “chopics” (insert from wood chips) for another 2-3 years, and then thrown away. This container wears out especially quickly when it is used together for “winning” mash and further distillation.
  3. Stainless steel. This is, of course, aerobatics. But a completely stainless alloy is expensive. Often under the guise of "stainless steel" they sell galvanized steel, nickel-plated steel, and anything else. When assembling the structure, you will need to break this coating (drill a hole, weld something, etc.). And in places where the coating is broken, rust will form over time, which will destroy the container. This option is enough for different periods: from 2 years (if just a stainless steel alloy) to eternal use with the right to inherit to grandchildren (very expensive).
  4. Glass cauldron. This is a very rare "laboratory option" for domestic use. Beautiful, aesthetic, but impractical. For moonshine aesthetes.

Type of container:

  1. An aluminum milk can is an excellent, time-tested container for an alembic. Your task: to replace rubber gaskets with silicone ones, for food products. So it will be safer for health, moonshine will not smell like rubber. This is the most popular cube when they mean moonshine, which will be made by hand.
  2. Pressure cookers are a favorite type of container for a cube for urban conditions of small kitchens. You do not need to change anything, just add a fitting for the coil. Minus - low productivity, the design is inefficient for full-fledged production.
  3. Enameled pan: if there is no other container, then you can use it. You will have to deal with the tightness of the lid thoroughly. The best reliable option: make a gasket, hinges with holes are installed on the lid and walls of the pan, through which the entire structure is connected with studs with wing nuts. Cheap, cheerful, reliable. All hinge attachment points are also sealed with food grade silicone.
  4. A full-fledged cube made of real stainless steel: you can buy it ready-made (but only in trusted places), you can find friends and acquaintances in the bins who not only come from the USSR, but also lived in it most of their lives. The volume should be 30 liters at a minimum, otherwise there is no point in talking about mass production to meet the needs of one cell of society.

Important note! When choosing a container, pay attention to the neck: at least a hand should fit into it so that you can wash the device after use. .

A few words about the theory of moonshine

The myth that moonshine is the lot of only the Slavs, to put it mildly, is disingenuous. The production of strong alcohol by distillation is part of the culinary and household culture of many peoples living in different parts of the world. Suffice it to name such drinks as:

  • whiskey;
  • Calvados;
  • brandy;
  • gin;
  • chacha;
  • tequila;
  • cognac.

to make sure that our domestic moonshine is not alone in the list of products obtained by distillation.

Homemade moonshine will not differ in any way from factory-made drinks, if you follow the recipe for making mash and strictly follow the distillation technology. We will talk about the raw materials for sourdough mash another time, and in this material we will talk about the distillation process and, based on this, we will tell you whether it is possible to make a simple moonshine still at home, and what is required for this.

How does distillation work?

distillation process

This chemical process is extremely simple technologically, it is easy to reproduce it at home. The bottom line is that substances dissolved in water (mash) have different vaporization temperatures and are released from the solution sequentially - first lighter, then heavier, and only at 100C does the water itself begin to actively evaporate.

If the solution is not brought to a boil, and the vapors entering a separate container are cooled, then individual substances separated from others that differ in boiling point will condense in it. The process was invented a long time ago, it is difficult to say who invented it first. Superiority is attributed to Arab scientists, but this is a rather controversial statement.

Temperature regime of distillation of alcohol (moonshine)

Braga, in its essence, is an aqueous solution of alcohol, resulting from the activity of special fungi - yeast, well known to everyone who has seen bread being baked at least once in their life. Yeast in the process of life processes the sugar in the wort into ethyl alcohol and related substances - acetaldehyde, methyl alcohol, various kinds of esters.

When the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the mash is 13-14% of its volume, the fermentation process stops naturally, and it becomes completely ready for distillation - the extraction of alcohol, which is about 1.4 liters in 10 liters of sourdough.

The difficulty lies in the fact that when the mash is heated, along with alcohol, its companions - aldehydes and ethers, which are completely undesirable in the composition of moonshine, evaporate. They begin to evaporate at a temperature of 65C and accompany alcohol to T = 73C. After reaching this point up to T=85C, only alcohol evaporates. At higher temperatures, heavier components appear in the moonshine, popularly called "fusel oils". They spoil both the color and the taste of the drink, so you should get rid of them as radically as possible.

Serpentine transport artery system

We go further in the constituent parts: we have a coil coming out of the distillation cube to the refrigerator. It is in the coil that the magic of condensation takes place: alcohol vapors turn into liquid. But not immediately: before that, they must get into the refrigerator.

The coil is made of stainless or copper tube. Here the choice of material is up to you: copper gives off heat better, but is more expensive. There are also fears that copper, as a very active element, reacts with alcohols, after which aldehydes and other harmful substances are formed. But these concentrations are extremely small: to get aldehyde poisoning, you need to drink at least 100 liters of moonshine. (But you will die before the concentration of aldehydes from the ingested alcohol becomes lethal). Copper is ideal as the most technologically advanced material.

Food grade stainless steel is also expensive, but still more affordable and safer. True, there is another problem with it: the quality can “limp” even if you purchased the handset at a high price.

Under the selected tubes, select the required size fittings. Often this is a ¾ pipe, so be guided by it.

Last: it is forbidden to use non-metallic hoses under the alcohol line. Any PVC, rubber tubes react very actively with alcohol, break down and pollute moonshine.

moonshine refrigerator

In order to properly manufacture a refrigerator, several parameters should be taken into account:

  • Material. The first requirement that applies to the coil material is that it does not react with alcohol. In addition, it must withstand temperatures up to 100 degrees without problems and have high thermal conductivity. Copper meets all these qualities better than others. Stainless steel is also suitable, but its thermal conductivity is much lower. Copper makes more sense because it is easy to bend into a spiral. In many countries, copper is considered the best material for making distillers. The disadvantage of copper is that it requires constant cleaning.
  • Dimensions and thickness of the tube. The longer the tube, the stronger the moonshine is cooled on the way to the receiving tank. But there is a side effect: the colder the liquid, the slower it moves. Again, with a large internal diameter, alcohol cools faster, but moves more slowly, a small one is difficult to process. Thus, the following parameters will be optimal: length - 1.5–2 meters, inner diameter - 8–12 mm, thickness - 0.9–1.1 mm. In some moonshine stills, the coil has a horizontal arrangement - this does not make sense at all. Vertical is the best option.

Refrigerator specs:

  • Substance: air, water or ice is usually used. It is preferable to use water as the most practical medium.
  • Heat dissipation scheme: open and closed. In open circuits, water circulates. Such a structure of the apparatus is the most advantageous.
  • Direction of water supply. It is correct to supply water from below, and take it from above. Then the water will move towards the steam, and the cooling efficiency will be as high as possible.
  • To make a refrigerator, you will need a tube for the coil and a pipe with a diameter of 75–80 mm. First of all, sand is poured into the tube for the coil so that the metal does not flatten during curling. The ends must be hammered in so that the sand does not spill out; a nut can be immediately welded onto one of them.