DIY inventions. DIY inventions for the home

Are you firmly convinced that you can create something that will change the lives of many people? Then what are you waiting for?! Follow these simple steps to create your own invention and present it to the world.


Submit your invention

    Search for ideas. The first step to creating a unique and useful invention is an idea. Define your area of ​​expertise - what do you know the most about? What do you like the most? In order to invent something, you must have an extensive knowledge base on the subject. Otherwise, you might have a great idea but not know how to implement it.

    • Make a list of things that interest you. This could include hobbies, professions, or things you do every day.
    • For each activity or item, a list of improvements should be made that can claim the title of invention. For example, a possible variety of some subject, or occupation, or additional functions.
    • Make an impressive list. It's better to have too many ideas than too few, so keep going until you run out of ideas.
    • Keep a notebook with you at all times so that you can add new ideas to it at any time. Keeping all your ideas in one place will make your life much easier and tidy up the data you have, as well as allow you to revise your list later.
    • Don't rush the process of finding new ideas. Inspiration doesn't just fall out of the blue, it can take weeks or months before you come up with something brilliant.
  1. Decide on an idea. After making a list of all possible ideas, choose the best one for your invention. Now you can start thinking about the details of the project. Draw a few sketches or what you imagine your invention to be, and then consider a few things.

    • What can you add to improve this item? What is so special about your invention that people will no doubt give it preference in their lives? Why is your invention so great?
    • Think about the changes you can make. What parts of your invention are superfluous or unnecessary? Is there a way to make it more efficient and cheaper to produce?
    • Consider all aspects of your invention, including all materials needed and details of how it will work. Write down all your thoughts in a notebook so you can come back to them later.
  2. Investigate the invention. When you are confident in your invention and have all the necessary details in mind, you should start researching it to make sure that it is truly unique. If a similar thing has already been patented, then you can't mass-produce or patent it.

    • Search the Internet for products that have a similar description to your invention. If you already have a name for your invention, look it up as well to make sure it hasn't been used before.
    • Visit stores that sell products similar to yours. See if they have similar products, and also ask the store employees if they are going to sell them in the near future.
    • Go to the nearest patent office. Here you can make a full search for patents for any inventions similar to yours. You can also ask employees or consultants to help you with your search.
    • Do a thorough quality search to make sure there is nothing like your invention on the market.
    • The method of obtaining patents in different countries has its own characteristics.

    Patenting an invention

    1. Document your invention carefully. You don't have to be the first to come up with the thing in order to get a patent, but you do need to document the details of the invention, including its specifications and possible uses anyway.

      • Record the entire process of creating an invention. Start with how the idea came to you, what inspired you, how long it took, and why you want to do it.
      • Make a list of all the things you need to create, ie. list of accessories and materials.
      • Write a report on your research - that you have not found on the market products similar to yours in concept and design that would already be patented. You need to prove that your invention is unique in order to get a patent.
      • Determine the commercial value of your invention. You need to pay a certain amount to obtain a patent if you do not use the services of a patent lawyer. Before you pay this amount, calculate the commercial value of your invention and the potential proceeds from its sale. This way you can determine how much potential revenue is greater than patent costs.
      • Create a drawing of your invention. A sketch or technical drawing of the item may be required to obtain a patent. If you can't draw, you can ask a friend or relative to help you with this.
    2. Use the services of a patent lawyer. Although it can be very costly, his help is invaluable. Its main task is to help you in obtaining a patent and resolving all disputes.

      • Patent attorneys are always available to provide advice based on the latest developments in patent laws so you are always up to date.
      • If someone infringes on your patent after you have received it, your attorney will help you legally resolve the issue or sue if necessary.
      • If your invention is in the "technology" category, a patent attorney can help determine if other companies are developing similar technological inventions. Today, technology is one of the fastest growing areas of life, so obtaining a patent in it is much more difficult than in others.
    3. File a provisional patent application. A provisional patent application indicates that your invention is pending a patent. This means that no one else can copy your idea while your patent application is being processed.

      • This step is optional, but it will save you some potential frustration if someone right in front of you manages to patent the same idea as yours.
      • You will be required to pay an amount of $65-$260, depending on the business you are in and the item you want to patent.
    4. Apply for a patent. Having dealt with all the information regarding your invention, you need to file a patent application. To do this, you can contact the relevant office. Just fill in all the required fields and provide all the required information before submitting your application.

    Make your invention a reality

    1. Create a prototype. Once your patent is up and running, it's time to start producing a working model of the invention. Don't worry about costly materials or a time consuming process, just make a model from the available resources.

      • You don't have to build your prototype from the same materials as you would for mass production, except if you need to.
      • If you cannot create a prototype on your own, you can contact the company with an offer to make it for you. However, this can be quite costly, so try to make a prototype yourself.
    2. Make a presentation. With a patent and a prototype in hand, you are already on your way to success! The next step is to create a presentation that highlights all the benefits of your invention. You can show it to a potential manufacturer and buyer, including creating different versions of the presentation for different target audiences.

      • Make sure your presentation is professional - no matter how you created it. You can do it as a video, a PowerPoint document, or live using a whiteboard.
      • Use a lot of useful information, diagrams and images. Be sure to address the technical characteristics of your invention, its uses, and its long-term benefits.
      • While not required, you can hire a graphic designer to create an impressive presentation. The more visually interesting it is, the more interest will be shown by manufacturers and buyers.
      • Also make sure you carefully craft your presentation speech. It's not enough to have pretty graphics and images, you also need to be a good speaker. It is not necessary to write down the speech - you can write a short abstract, but have an idea of ​​what you want to say in the presentation, and also prepare answers to possible questions that may be asked.

Convenience and comfort appreciated by people are created by trifles. This is not only furniture, but also various items that help in cleaning and repairing the home. for the home help to quickly complete the necessary actions and begin to relax. Such devices improve the quality of life, with them the apartment becomes more comfortable, and things are done without difficulty.


A resident of America has invented a unique device that will help in the repair of absolutely any breakdown. This is the Sterank wrench (named after the inventor), which is special in that it can change its internal dimensions.

It is able to replace many fixed diameter wrenches. With the help of such an invention for the home, you can repair gadgets, household appliances or furniture. In addition, the device will help when creating your own household items. And also an adjustable wrench can be used when working with faulty plumbing. It's pretty easy to learn how to use it. In addition, consumers will be pleased with the opportunity to save space and money. One item instead of a whole toolbox!

Appliances for cooking

In the process of cooking, it is very important to measure the exact amount of the product. Usually a kitchen scale is a somewhat cumbersome thing, and they determine the mass with an error of several grams. But sometimes in cooking it is necessary to know just small fractions of weight. For example, it is almost impossible to measure 16 grams on a conventional scale. Therefore, a spoon-scale appeared for the house. It is enough to scoop up a loose or liquid product with it, and the numbers will be shown on the handle - the exact number of grams. Such a spoon will be a convenient purchase for housewives and everyone who periodically has to cook.

Another home invention that will come in handy in the kitchen is the pancake and scrambled egg pan. Dishes in it will acquire an original and aesthetic appearance, which will please loved ones, especially children. Most often, these items are made of silicone. They can be in the shape of a heart, animal muzzle, sun, flower. The imagination of designers can be limitless. But another feature of this thing is that the form can be made by hand. An ordinary tin can is suitable for this. The bottom is cut out, and quite easily the edges fold into a heart shape. Another way is to make an edible scrambled egg mold. For this, an ordinary sausage, cut lengthwise, or a slice of bread without a middle, is suitable. Such a creative solution will help you make a delicious and beautiful breakfast without having to spend money on buying a silicone part.

For comfort and relaxation

For those who keep up with the times, it is necessary that their favorite gadget is always at hand: a phone, tablet or laptop. But it is not very convenient, being in the kitchen, to keep the tablet computer in your hand all the time. Therefore, you can make an invention for the home with your own hands. They will be a convenient holder for a tablet computer, made from an old cutting board.

The lower part of the board will have to be sawn off and attached to the base with good glue. Such an amazing device can always be kept in the kitchen. None of the guests will even guess about his appointment. And the stand will be another invention for the home, increasing the convenience and comfort of living.

Do-it-yourself desktop fan from CDs (with video)

In the July heat, there is a lack of coolness. To provide yourself with a pleasant breeze, you can use a compact desktop fan, which is easy to do with your own hands.

Such simple, but extremely useful things make life much easier and do not require any special costs. It is enough to find 2 unnecessary CDs, which almost everyone probably has, and a couple of such details:

  • a small motor from a toy that a child has long thrown into a distant drawer;
  • 2 wires;
  • unnecessary USB connector along with the cable;
  • wine cork;
  • ruler;
  • marker;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • cardboard sleeve from a toilet paper roll.

The fan is made very simply: use a marker and a ruler to mark one disk into 8 equal parts and cut along the lines, as in the video. In order for the blades of a homemade fan to turn around, they need to be heated over a fire. Then the cork should be firmly glued in the center of the disc.

Glue a cardboard sleeve to the second disk. It will act as a stand for the future fan. We glue the motor to the free end of the sleeve, and to it, by means of a cork, we attach a disk with “blades”. The only thing left to do is to connect the motor to the power supply and turn on the small table fan made by yourself. You can see the production process in more detail in the video.

Video. Disk fan

Floor and walls made of saw cuts (round timber) of wood

With your own hands for the home, you can make not only such simple, but undoubtedly useful inventions. If you have imagination and the ability to handle carpentry tools, you can completely decorate your home - finish the walls and floor of the house, create decorative wooden panels, furniture, even original coasters for pens and pencils.

If your house or dacha has recently been renovated and there is wood left that has nowhere to go, it is worth sawing it into small “round timber”. It is very good if there are remains of a tree of different diameters (not only trunks, but also thick and thin branches). All of these are great decor items. Saw cuts of a larger diameter will serve as the basis; roundels of smaller diameter are suitable for filling the gaps between them.

First, clean the floor surface and spread the saw cuts on it. After the entire space is filled and the pattern of the future natural wood flooring becomes distinct, you need to glue each cut to the floor. To do this, you can use liquid nails.

When the glue dries, the wood should be sanded (a grinder is required), fill the space between the cuts with ceramic tile grout and, when it dries, thickly apply 3-4 layers of polyurethane wood varnish on the resulting coating. Each layer must be allowed to dry properly. Paul is ready!

Smoker from flower pots

There are even more unusual, but very useful inventions for the home. For example, if you have 2 voluminous flower pots and a small electric stove, you can build a small home smokehouse out of them. One pot will act as a lid to which you need to attach the handle.

Another flower pot will be directly a smokehouse.
Its bottom will need to be closed with a steel plate and an electrical wire connected to it through a hole in the bottom of the pot. An electric stove is laid inside the pot and wiring is connected to it. On the tile you need to put a small steel baking sheet, pour chips into it and cover the whole thing with a grate. Miniature smokehouse is ready. All these simple inventions will come in handy in the household.

« Everything flows, everything changes”, Heraclitus once said and was, of course, right! If the famous ancient Greek philosopher knew how fast everything is changing these days, he would probably take his head. Progress does not stand still, and every day designers come up with new useful inventions designed to make our life easier. Thus, what was only a dream yesterday, today becomes the very reality.

Team today "So simple!" will introduce you to amazing things from the world's leading designers. Many of these inventions have long dreamed of any housewife. I give a tooth, some things from this collection you will want to immediately purchase. And no wonder, because this is all that we have been dreaming about for so long.

Unusual inventions for the home

I love the seperate pan and the clear toaster! These inventions are both useful and stylish - they will indispensable in any home. If you have some ideas in your head, then rather bring them to life! Inventing something new is so great...

If you are amazed by these inventions, show others!

This is a real creative lab! A team of true like-minded people, each of which is an expert in his field, united by a common goal: to help people. We create materials that are really worth sharing, and our beloved readers serve as a source of inexhaustible inspiration for us!

Human creativity is an amazing thing. Of course, in order to appreciate ideas in mathematics or chemistry, one needs special knowledge, which I do not have, but the more acute is the feeling of admiration that you experience when faced with a new vision of the most ordinary things. You look and think about how ingeniously simple it is, but it would never have occurred to me in my life. It's good that there are such people - designers. They sent me a selection of photos, I have been looking and reviewing for a week now.

Here's a variable length extension cord built into a wall socket. Want!

There are many under the cut.


A bike that can be carried like a backpack.

For awkward housewives and hosts.

Traffic light with timer.

Mirror with extended view. Why don't they put these on all cars? It is also mega-convenient and increases traffic safety.

Motorcycle for wheelchair users.

Wireless mouse.

Backpack with a hood. It will not cover completely from unexpected rain, but it will protect your back and head.

But such an umbrella is much more effective than usual.

independent child.

Hidden block of sockets.

Roulette - ruler and compasses in one bottle.

Eco toilet. Half of the water in the toilet tank is used water from the sink.

Rechargeable batteries charged via USB port.

A castle for those whose hands are trembling. Inserting the key into the well can be difficult not only for a drunk, but also for people with hand tremors.

For those who like to get all the pleasures at once.

Smart jeans for smartphone owners.


Digital measuring cup. Great idea! Quite often there is a need to accurately measure a certain amount of liquid. There was no description attached to the photo, but judging by the button marked "t", this thing should also determine the temperature of the liquid. I want a mag! Tell me where to buy or give as a gift by the New Year.

Clothespins - coasters for glasses. Very useful for those who like to pour coffee on the keyboard from time to time.

Compact sneakers.

digital ink. How do they change color? Are there multiple cartridges in there?

Window stickers, they are solar panels.

Manual shredder. I don’t really understand why it might be needed in everyday life, but for those who are constantly hunted by green men competitors even in the toilet, it may be of interest. You can carry it in your pocket and destroy everything, even checks from the grocery store.

Set of 4 knives. It looks like an amazing design to me.

Rubik's cube for the blind.

Headphones with zipper.

Cool cup.

Self-locking bike.

The door is a tennis table.