Do-it-yourself throwing darts. How to make a dart with your own hands at home

Darts in ready-made games are a construction of four main parts: a metal body (in the form of a torpedo or a drop), a sting, a shank and plumage. A homemade dart can be made from steel wire with a diameter of 2.5-3 mm, and at one end the rod will need to be sharpened. On the tail of such a dart, the tail of whatman paper or feathers is glued with Moment glue. If the paper version of the plumage is chosen, then it is necessary to cut out 4 blanks, the dimensions and shape of which are indicated in the figure.
The blanks are bent along the midline at an angle of 90 degrees and all the elements are glued together. After the glue has dried, the tail unit should be painted a bright color, such as red. The body of the dart is cast from lead. It can be taken from an old cable - cut the core into pieces and melt over the fire in a steel spoon. A mold is needed for pouring, it can be a wooden block with a drilled hole to a depth of 35 mm and a diameter of 6 mm. Molten lead is poured into this mold, and when it hardens, the bar is split, and a hole with a diameter of 3 mm is drilled in the resulting workpiece. The body of the dart is mounted on the rod with glue. In order to prevent this part from moving from impacts, it is necessary to first fix the latch 4 on the rod. At the place of its fixing, an annular groove is made to a depth of 0.5 mm. The lock itself can be a steel washer or a nut with an inner diameter of 3 mm. It is fixed in the resulting groove with light hammer blows. The lead body of the dart must be wrapped with electrical tape, and after that the dart is ready to be thrown at the target.

Ready-made targets for darts are made from special fibers with a compressed pile that does not damage the tips of the darts. The target circle is divided into sectors of four colors: red, white, black and green. And metal leashes divide the circle into sections. Each selected area has its own point value. An example of a target for darts is shown in the photo.

The base of a homemade dartboard can be made from wood. Several (two or three) planks of pine or linden are glued together in the form of a square with a side of 400 mm. A pair of wooden slats are attached to the back of the part. The working side of the target is processed with a planer and carefully sanded with sandpaper. The target can be drawn and painted on the base itself, or it can be printed on a color printer and changed as it wears. The finished target is mounted on a wall or stand. It is recommended to attach the target at a height of about 173 cm from the center of the target to the floor. This is not a whim, but the rules of the international darts federation. Target layout below

Special darts are used to play darts. Products come in various configurations, usually they are made of brass, nickel silver or tungsten.

You can also make darts at home from improvised materials such as paper, matches, needles, etc.

Dart configuration

Shank(feathering) - a necessary part to stabilize the flight of a dart. There are three main types of plumage:

  • solid- It is considered the most durable, as it is made of polyester.
  • Nylon- medium, intermediate option. Pretty strong plumage, darts with it practically do not break.
  • flexible- made of layers of soft plastic, which are connected with a special glue. A budget option.

Photo 1. Configuration of a dart for darts. The product consists of a needle, barrel, shank and plumage.

Rough body darts have their own advantage, especially for people whose hands begin to sweat during intense play.

Shaft shape should be comfortable and selected independently. "Torpedo"- the simplest and most common form, in which it is easy to find the center of gravity.

How to make a dart from a nail, needle or pin at home

Due to the fact that there are practically no costs for the manufacture of such equipment, it is quite possible to assemble several copies for home games with your own hands at once. In the event of a breakdown, the equipment is not a pity to throw away, and not a penny is required for a new one. In addition, it is worth noting that such “needlework” is at least fascinating. It takes to create one dart no more than half an hour.

Required materials for the manufacture of 1 dart:

  • 4 toothpicks or 4 matches;
  • insulating tape;
  • 1 metal pin, needle or nail small size, for example, long 5 centimeters;
  • glue "Moment";
  • sewing threads;
  • cardboard.

Main tool: scissors, and you will also need a pencil, ruler and stationery knife.

The process of creating a product with your own hands

  • Toothpicks are put together in such a way that it turns out square bundle. Tightly tied together with electrical tape. Should be left half length the resulting bundle is free, so that later you can insert cardboard plumage into it.
  • Small metal pin, needle or nail inserted into the front of the ligament, to the center between the linked toothpicks. After the point is in place, the front of the dart is wrapped with sewing thread until the point is stationary.

  • If necessary, you can apply a little glue to make the thread stronger. In this case, you need to wait about 30 minutes for the glue to dry and fix the part.
  • In the meantime, you can make shank for the future dart from any available cardboard, whether it is a cereal or cookie box or colored cardboard from a creative kit.
  • Cut out a rectangle 3.5 cm by 7 cm. Then fold exactly in half to get double layered square. This method will allow you to make an even plumage.
  • A triangle is cut out of the square with scissors. On one side of the square, the middle is marked - this will be the top of the triangle. The result is 2 identical triangular pieces, which should not be connected by tips.
  • Further, for the convenience of the process, the obtained cardboard triangles are placed side by side.
  • A small incision is made on one of them, from the vertex to half the length of the triangle. The width of the cut should be the same as the thickness of the cardboard used, no more! On the second blank, a similar cut is made, but already from the base to the middle.

  • Then both cardboard parts are inserted into each other along the cuts, thereby creating the necessary plumage.
  • This homemade shank is inserted into the toothpick structure in such a way that so that each part of it fits between two toothpicks. The pressure of the coiled toothpicks will hold the fletching in place during play.
  • Dart is ready!

Homemade projectile from matches and paper

To do matchstick pole, you must first get rid of them. Then matches tied together with thread, fixing between a tip and a pre-prepared shank.

The thread can also be impregnated with glue for reliable fixation and allowed to dry. If desired, you can further sharpen the sting with sandpaper or a file.

Photo 2. A homemade dart made from matches, paper and a needle. The product is stuck in a small piece of foam.

Such a dart flies calmly at a distance up to 5 meters!

Attention! It is important to remember and understand that the dart has a dangerous sharp tip, and therefore not intended for live targets! A homemade item for the game requires care in handling and careful use. It is used only for its intended purpose for gaming purposes. Keep out of the reach of children!

Moreover - a weapon that can not only be made from improvised means, but also to hit a target at a distance. Of course, the best thing to do is to do it, but it's hard to do it in the wild.

Therefore, it is best to remember the weapons of our ancestors, I bring to your attention an excerpt from a survival book about homemade darts. These are not the darts used to play darts, but real military weapons that are easy to make on your own.

The dart is designed to hit the "target" at a distance and throw from the hand. Over the millennia of the development of Human civilization, many varieties of ultra-light, throwing spears have been invented and tested on hunting and in wars.

For a survivalist, the real result is important, and the sooner and simpler, the better. Therefore, from the whole variety of varieties of darts, we will choose one of the simplest and surprisingly well-aimed options.

For example, let's cut a woody, straight twig: willow, walnut, maple, mountain ash, bird cherry ... 120-140 centimeters long and with a butt of one and a half to two centimeters thick. It is not necessary to sand the twig.

Which of you can throw this twig 50-60 meters with your hand? And how many craftsmen are there who will fall into the old stump with a bundle of this twig at a distance of thirty meters? Most likely, there will be few craftsmen, but using a little trick, you can easily throw this twig at a distance of more than a hundred meters, and at a distance of 20 meters, getting into that stump the first time will no longer be a problem.

To do this, you need a lace from berets or another suitable rope, about the same thickness and length (about a meter).

The center of the picture shows how to attach the string to the twig. The knot at the end of the lace through the coil is clamped by the same lace, and if the lace is kept in tension, then a fairly strong fastening is obtained.

A little higher, it is shown how, having wound part of the lace around the index finger, hold a twig to be thrown in the hand.

The dart is thrown with such speed and force with the help of a cord that it seems as if it had been shot from a good bow. However, a bow for such shooting does not need to be made. But for now, even if you have a real string and a real twig in your hands, it's still a theory. Practice will come with time and with a strong desire, probably very quickly.

And now a little more theory. In order for a dart to fly well, its center of gravity should be about a quarter of the length of the entire dart from the tip (the butt, the heaviest part...).

There are two options for throws, for range and for accuracy. When throwing at a distance, it is advisable to hold the dart so that the rear part slightly outweighs. After all, you have to throw at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizon. And if they throw for accuracy and not far, then you need to slightly outweigh the bow. Otherwise, you will have to spend extra effort to keep the dart in the right position during the throw. It seems like a trifle, but it will definitely affect the final result.

There are more nuances. On a real hunt, the "target" can be both above and below. Here, too, it is necessary to take into account, if possible, the decomposition of forces and weight. Pre-training experience is essential. Now let's talk about the easiest way to throw a dart horizontally or from the height of your height at a target on the ground, like in a shooting range.

Especially for the uniform throwing of darts (twigs) in a shooting gallery, it is recommended to mark on the darts the place where the knot is attached (with a cut and shallow notch) and the place where the dart is captured with fingers (usually with a thin, “rough” winding).

On a real hunt, see for yourself if you need special notes. Everything to your taste.

By the way, with a twig 120 (cm) long and with a butt of one and a half centimeters thick, you can kill an adult goose or capercaillie without a tip, with a blow of the butt. There can be no doubt at all about the fatal defeat of a neighbor's chicken, wild duck or pheasant (where they are found). And if you equip such a twig, already a dart, with a travel tip, then with such a dart you can safely hunt roe deer and young boars.

With darts, you can also hunt aquatic creatures such as pike, carp and catfish. For short hunting, the simplest versions of darts and tips for them are made. Below is a variant of a spear dart with a wooden tip.

For a more even flight, the tip of the twig is equipped with a feather stabilizer, like on arrows. You can make classic plumage from split wing feathers or tie a bunch of tail feathers. In reality, on a dart, they simply do not cut off the tail of the twig. The dart is longer, but easier to manufacture.

Chapter from the book "The Basics of Survival", Anatoly Shishkin, 2012

Darts is a sport game in which the players throw three darts at a time at the target, trying to knock out the maximum number of points. Appeared over 200 years ago.

It is one of the most accessible sports, where there are no criteria for the physical condition of the player.

What are darts for professionals made of?

The game is played with darts and special round target, labeled into sectors. The dart consists of several parts: plumage, shank, barrels (the main body of the dart) and the tip. Barrels are brass, nickel-silver, and tungsten. Brass- the metal is cheaper, but less dense than tungsten or nickel. Brass darts will be noticeably thicker than tungsten darts, which is why professionals choose tungsten, since thin darts are more convenient to hold and throw.

Intermediate players tend to get nickel-silver dart. They are stronger than brass. Brass is used by beginners.

Depending on sharpness tips, darts subdivided into "SOFTIP" and "STEELTIP". First variety- darts with a blunt end, which are used for playing electronic darts. Second- with a pointed tip for throwing at standard sisal targets.

The plumage is necessary to stabilize the flight of the dart. Allocate three main types of plumage: hard, flexible and nylon. solid(made of polyester) is the most durable. flexible plumage (made of soft plastic) is the most economical option. Nylon plumage, which is chosen by professional darters, the most durable and practical.

Targets for classic darts made from pressed sisal(fibers of the agave plant). The sisal array is attached to chipboard circles. Professionals use a target made by seamless formation technology canvases. The absence of seams makes the target more durable.

Sectors targets delimited by hard wire mesh. The grid is lamellar, round, or triangular. Pros choose lamellar mesh. It does not deform from hits, does not crawl out of sisal.

Photo 1. Sectional view of a professional sisal dartboard with Harrows Pro Matchplay wire.

Do-it-yourself paper and cardboard target

To create you will need:

  • Thick cardboard.
  • White paper.
  • Acrylic paints or markers.
  • Brush.
  • Pencil.
  • Ruler.
  • Compass.

The target consists of several circles. On a piece of paper with a compass draw three circles:

  • radius = 6.35mm("apple").
  • radius = 107 mm(ring of "trebles").
  • radius = 170 mm(ring of "doubles").

From each ring you need retreat inward by 8 mm and draw circles. Everything is round the field is divided into 20 equal sectors. Under each segment, a number is written indicating the number of points.

Now you need colorize target to be bright and clear. The colors that will be required for this - black, green, red, white. First, the wedges of the field are painted alternately in black and white colors ( segment with 20 points - black, 1 - white etc.). The part of the ring rim above each black segment is painted over in red, and above the white segment in green. The center of the bullseye is red, the ring around it is green.

Attention! There are many options on the Internet, both black and white targets, and colored ones, which can be printed on the printer in full size and, if necessary, colorize.

A sheet of paper is glued to a thick cardboard base. Once the product dries, it can be hung on the wall. Fix the target on the wall in such a way that from the center of the target to the floor was exactly 173 cm. The line from which players throw darts is located at 237 centimeters from the target.

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Making darts


  • toothpicks or small twig.
  • Needle or acute pin.
  • Insulating tape.
  • Knife.
  • A thread.
  • Glue.
  • Paper.
  • Ruler.
  • Pen or pencil.

How to make a wooden shank?

For the manufacture of a dart is taken 4 toothpicks, which are tightly wound with electrical tape in such a way that a square bundle is obtained. Instead of toothpicks, you can take thin branch of a tree(preferably elm). A fragment is cut off from a branch about 8-10 cm long. Further, the bark is removed from the workpiece and the electrical tape is wound on one edge of the wooden fragment, as well as in the middle. From the end, where there is no electrical tape, two perpendicular cuts are made. The plumage will subsequently be attached to these grooves.

A small sharp pin is inserted into the tip of the product or a needle. The tip of the future dart is wrapped tightly with thread until the point is firmly fixed in place. You can add some glue for strength.

Paper plumage attachment

To make plumage, it is taken paper. It depicts a small square (side is approximately 5 cm).

The dotted line inside the square denotes fold lines (only two lines, located either crosswise or perpendicular each other). The square is bent in such a way that an "asterisk" is obtained.

If the body of the dart was made from toothpicks, then the plumage fastened between toothpicks. Due to the fact that they are tightly pressed against each other, fixing the plumage is not difficult. If it is a branch, then the plumage is inserted in pre-made cuts - grooves.


The blowpipe is a lightweight weapon with a hollow cylindrical body that is powered by air-blown darts. This type of weapon has a thousand-year history, in modern times it is also relevant, especially in the wild, when you need to build simple weapons and ammunition for it yourself.

For aimed long-range shooting, light darts are used. With their help, you can hunt small game, which is important in terms of survival in the forest. Projectiles for a blowpipe should have a smaller weight and size than throwing darts for playing darts, and the main thing at the same time is to choose the right diameter for the hole in the tube.

By type, shells can be divided into simple, complex (consisting of three or more components), bullets, and some others. In the simplest of them, the connecting part and the tip are a single whole. The third component of the dart is called the obturator. It serves to obturate the inside of the windpipe in order to avoid the accumulation of moisture from exhalation into it. Read on to learn how to make a blowpipe dart.

Before you start making a dart, you need to take into account the following details:

  • The center of gravity of the propellant ammunition must be balanced. It should be located in the first third of the base of the blown projectile. The balanced center of gravity allows him to fly with the tip forward, and not otherwise.
  • Too light body of the dart contributes to the fact that it flies aimlessly and is blown away by the wind. Sometimes too little weight does not allow him to stick into the intended target. The best option regarding the body weight of the dart is 4-7 grams. The real weight of the blown projectile is determined based on practice, varying the degree of winding of the weighting material during its manufacture.
  • The obturator must be made of a non-hygroscopic material to avoid getting wet. The size of the obturator should be such that it does not create friction on the inner walls of the wind pipe, thereby reducing the power of the shot.

DIY dart

How to make a paper dart

Twisting a paper cone is the simplest form for a projectile shank. To do this, you need to twist a multilayer cone from ordinary A4 paper, gluing the layers with glue to such an extent until it becomes sufficiently rigid. In this case, the paper layers must be wound on some kind of blank, in order to subsequently be moved to the point, which can be an ordinary nail or sewing needle, pin, knitting needle, etc. When the layers are dry, the paper cone is put on the point and tied with threads. Then it must be inserted into the hole in the pipe, and cut off the excess. The outer side of the cone can be covered with several layers of adhesive tape.

Before you make a dart from matches, you should prepare: a needle, thread or wire, four matches, shank material (paper, plastic, etc.). Matches will serve as a shaft for a dart, you first need to remove sulfur from them, sometimes you need to cut them. Next, you need to tie them with a thread or thin wire, fixing a tip (needle) and a shank between them, which must first be made. The thread can be impregnated with glue for secure fixation.

Match dart

A homemade dart can be made using a needle from a syringe. In addition to it, you will need three toothpicks, a piece of paper about 5x5 cm in size. the manufacture is very simple: toothpicks are inserted into the tip of the needle from the syringe, which, in turn, press the paper tip. The shank is made like this: a paper square is bent in half in one direction, then in the other. You should get a design resembling an asterisk. Do not forget that the paper needs to be glued with adhesive tape or glue so that it does not get wet. In principle, for single use, the paper can be left as it is..

Needle dart

In addition to the above, there are other ways to make a homemade dart. One of them is a method using a plastic canister, glue, a nail, and some kind of stick. To do this, you need to heat one side of the canister over a fire or stove if the dart is made at home. When it begins to soften, you need to try to pierce its wall with a stick. Then you need to wait a while until the canister cools down. The place pressed with a stick must be cut out with a knife. The sharp edge of the workpiece is cut off, a carnation is inserted into this place. The nail should get into the resulting shank until it stops. Next, the resulting workpiece must be tried on to the opening of the wind tube, outline the edges for trimming the shank so that it freely enters it. All excess must be cut off, and the nail should be fixed inside the plastic cone with glue.