Urethritis in women. What is dangerous urethritis and how to treat it? Urethritis from hypothermia than to treat

Becomes getting into the urethra of pathogens of a bacterial, viral or fungal nature.

Pathogenic bioflora causes inflammation, suppuration, severe ass and burning.

The patient experiences pain not only in the urethra, but also in the scrotum, lower abdomen and even in the lower back. Unpleasant sensations are aggravated when going to the toilet, the patient often experiences an urge to urinate, which does not bring relief.

A characteristic sign of urethritis is discharge from the urethra.

They can be plentiful or very slight, have a light yellow, milky white, brownish or bloody tint.

With a protracted form of the disease, the urethra sticks together, crusts appear on the head of the penis, causing irritation and itching.

If left untreated, the disease becomes chronic, in which unpleasant symptoms become less pronounced, but during exacerbations they make themselves felt with severe attacks. Long-term activity of pathogens damages the walls of the urethra, bacteria and viruses cause inflammatory diseases of other organs of the genitourinary system. The disease is highly contagious and sexually transmitted.

Experts distinguish several varieties of the disease. Before proceeding with treatment, it is important to accurately determine the nature of the ailment.

Urethritis is divided into 2 large groups. They get into one. The cause of the disease can be an injury to the urethra, an allergic reaction, or reduced immunity.

A larger group is infectious urethritis. They occur against the background of sexually transmitted diseases: gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, genital herpes. This group also includes tuberculous urethritis. With attention to one's own health, it is impossible to miss the alarming symptoms, depending on the nature of the disease, they appear on the 3-7th day.

Home treatment: is it possible?

The main tasks in the treatment of urethritis are to eliminate the causative agent of the disease and restore the tissues of the urethra. Only a doctor of the appropriate qualification can cope with a venereal or tuberculosis infection. The issue of hospitalization is discussed on an individual basis, depending on the condition of the patients, the stage of the disease and a number of other reasons.

Urethritis of the infectious group is treated on an outpatient basis, the patient receives a course of antibiotics in tablets or injections. The drugs are able to destroy pathogenic bacteria, eliminate inflammation and prevent recurrence of the disease.

You cannot self-medicate. With the wrong selection of drugs, the acute phase can turn into a chronic one, which requires a longer and more complex treatment.

The doctor selects the necessary funds, he also calculates the course and dosage.

For a successful recovery, a complex of means is needed, including oral preparations and means for external exposure.

Therefore, before treating urethritis at home, a consultation with a specialist is required!

You can use them at home, it is important to be on time for examinations and strictly follow the doctor's instructions. If necessary, the specialist will supplement the therapeutic regimen, replace an ineffective drug or a drug that gives negative side effects.

Choice of medicine: the right therapeutic complex

The choice of drugs depends on the nature of the disease. Acute urethritis of a non-infectious nature and any variants of bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics, selecting them according to the type of pathogen.

Chronic non-infectious urethritis requires a combination of immunostimulants and antibacterial agents, homeopathic preparations give a good effect.

Treatment must be supplemented with balanced vitamin complexes that restore the body's natural defenses.

Antibacterial drugs

The choice of antibiotics depends on the type of infection.

With gonorrheal urethritis, drugs of the tetracycline, cephalospoline, erythromycin group are prescribed.

With complicated acute urethritis, 2 drugs can be used at once, for example, Gentamicin and Azithromycin.

Microplasma or gardenella urethritis requires the use of macrolides (eg Claritomecine) and tetracyclines (Doxycelin). With chlamydial urethritis, Azithromycin helps, which is supplemented with immunostimulants and vitamin complexes.

Viral urethritis is not treated with antibiotics.

It is advisable to use a complex of specialized antiviral drugs: Riboverin, Acyclovir, Famciclovir.

For external treatment of affected areas, antibacterial aqueous solutions are used: Miramistin, Chlorhexilin and their analogues.

The preparations are suitable for washing, lotions, douching.


Strong antibiotics suppress not only pathogenic microflora, but also beneficial bacteria. Complex immunomodulators will help restore the body's defenses. They are taken after a course of antibiotics along with vitamins. The task of immunostimulants is to accelerate tissue regeneration, improve blood flow, stimulate the production of red blood cells, and accelerate lymph outflow.

The choice of drug depends on the doctor.

Among the most popular means are Betaleukin, Ronoleukin, various interferons. The drugs are available in the form of capsules, tablets, solutions for injection.

Homeopathic preparations

In the chronic form of the disease, patients may be prescribed hormonal drugs.

Tablets, dragees and granules based on medicinal plants are well tolerated by the body, have a minimum of contraindications and are combined with other drugs.

Homeopathic medicines can relieve swelling and inflammation, soothe pain and burning, and facilitate the excretion of urine.

Among the popular remedies are Cyston, Canephron, Fitolizin and other drugs.

Vitamin complexes

These drugs can only be taken after taking antibacterial agents, as some macronutrients reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics.

The vitamin course lasts 2-3 months, after six months it must be repeated.

Folk remedies and methods

Proven folk recipes that stimulate urination, prevent inflammation, and increase the body's defenses will help supplement the drug regimen. Patients are recommended decoctions of medicinal herbs: lingonberry, raspberry and currant leaves, bear's ears, nettle, chamomile, yarrow, shepherd's purse, wheatgrass roots, lime blossom.

To prepare a decoction, a handful of dried or fresh raw materials is brewed with a liter of boiling water and infused warmly. Infusions and decoctions are taken before meals, a single dose is 100 ml.

Useful washing of the affected areas with a decoction of chamomile, oak or willow bark, stinging nettle. To enhance the effect, external procedures should be combined with taking the decoction inside.

Right lifestyle

A very important point is the observance of a balanced diet. It is recommended to exclude fast food, smoked meats and pickles, canned food, sausages from the menu. Hot spices and seasonings. Food should be cooked in the oven, double boiler or microwave, refusing to fry in a pan or deep-fry. Food should not irritate the gastrointestinal tract and provoke inflammation.

Foods rich in sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iodine will help speed up recovery: fresh vegetables and fruits.

Seafood, seaweed, dairy products. A complete source of protein will be poultry meat and sea fish.

The menu includes natural diuretic and anti-inflammatory products: fresh berries, watermelons, melons, zucchini, cucumbers, jelly and fruit drinks from cranberries, lingonberries, raspberries, black currants.

It is necessary to abandon foods that retain fluid in the body and drinks with caffeine, which can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

During treatment, alcohol in any form is strictly prohibited; quitting smoking will speed up recovery and help avoid complications.

During home treatment of urethritis in men, the patient should lead a measured life, avoid stress and overexertion, and rest as much as possible. Refusal of sexual intercourse is recommended, since urethritis in any form is very contagious. It is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene, take a shower daily, use antibacterial wipes after each visit to the toilet. You should refrain from visiting the gym, bath or pool.

Treating urethritis at home can bring very good results. In order for the therapy to be effective, it is important to observe the daily regimen, follow the doctor's instructions and in no case interrupt the treatment course.

Urethritis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the walls of the urethra.

Urethritis itself (as an independent disease) is more common in males. Women, along with inflammation of the urethra, also acquire inflammation of the bladder.

As soon as you suspect symptoms of urethritis, do not hesitate to contact your doctor. This disease can be caused by bacteria and viruses, the activity of which can subsequently lead to complications.

Most often, the disease occurs against the background of other diseases of the genitourinary system or pelvic organs, in addition, due to the structural features of the female urinary system, cystitis often develops almost simultaneously with urethritis. Therefore, every woman should know the symptoms and treatment of this disease.


What it is? Causes of urethritis include bacteria, fungi, and in some cases viruses such as the herpes simplex virus. Although usually only the urethra is affected, in some cases the vagina, fallopian tubes, uterus, and ovaries can also be affected. The E. coli bacteria that causes urinary tract infections can also cause urethritis.

Here are some situations or diseases that can cause this disease in women:

  1. : The "Neisseria gonorrhoeae" organisms that cause gonorrhea can move up the female urethra during sex with an infected partner.
  2. and herpes simplex are also common sexually transmitted diseases that can lead to this disease.
  3. Insufficient hygiene: Poor vaginal hygiene can also cause problems. However, you should refrain from using strong-smelling soaps and perfumes in this area.

Forms of the disease

Depending on the cause, urethritis in women is divided into infectious and non-infectious. Infectious urethritis, in turn, can be of several types:

  • nonspecific - most often caused by Escherichia coli, streptococci or staphylococci and proceeds as a classic purulent inflammation;
  • specific - is one of the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases (mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, candidiasis);
  • viral - caused by the herpes simplex virus or human papillomavirus (HPV).

According to the duration of the course, urethritis in women is divided into acute and chronic.

Signs of urethritis

The first signs of urethritis in women include:

  1. Discharge from the urethra(the nature of the discharge depends on the pathogen, most often there are greenish or white-yellow or bloody discharge with an unpleasant odor).
  2. Lower abdominal pain- it is constant, of low intensity.
  3. Burning (itching) in the urethra, redness of the outlet of the urethra.

Most often, the symptoms of urethritis in women appear several hours or days after sexual intercourse.

Symptoms of urethritis in women

In acute urethritis, the characteristic symptoms in women are burning,. In some cases, there may be purulent discharge from the opening of the urethra.

In the future, pain and swelling become less pronounced, and the discharge may stop. Urine is usually clear with single purulent filaments.

In most cases, the acute form of urethritis is accompanied by frequent irresistible urge to urinate, as well as noticeable pain at the end of it.

Common symptoms of urethritis in women:

  1. In acute urethritis, both in men and women, there is a decrease in appetite, weakness.
  2. Subacute is characterized by a decrease in swelling and pain, the discharge becomes less abundant or stops completely. Crusts may come out of the urethra in the morning.
  3. If there is trichomonas urethritis in women, symptoms develop several weeks after infection, while about a third of cases of the disease occur without specific manifestations. The disease is characterized by: itching and burning sensation in the urethra, as well as in the area of ​​the external genital organs. Chronicization of trichomonas urethritis leads to the disappearance of symptoms.
  4. With insufficiently effective treatment, urethritis can provoke chronic development: complaints are usually associated with neurotic phenomena. Most often, these are small sections from the urethra, which increase under the influence of provoking causes: alcohol consumption, hypothermia, sexual arousal. Symptoms of chronic urethritis often resemble the clinical manifestations of torpid urethritis.
  5. Candidal urethritis with yeast infection of the urethra. It is accompanied by mild symptoms: minor, discomfort in the lower abdomen, itching in the urethra.

If urethritis in women is not cured in a timely manner or the treatment was not prescribed correctly, then the disease can become chronic, in which case it will be much more difficult to treat the disease.

Chronic urethritis

It is accompanied by periodic cramps during urination and sharp pains in the lower abdomen that occur from time to time. Acute symptoms of inflammation of the urethra in women disappear within 2-2.5 weeks. This does not mean that the disease has disappeared. On the contrary, this is a reason to go to a specialist to start treatment, until the pathogens have penetrated much deeper during the “dormant” stage.

The most common causes of this type of disease are local and general hypothermia, excessive alcohol consumption and frequent sexual intercourse.


With untimely access to a doctor and the transition of malaise into a chronic form, complications of urethritis occur. The most serious complication is the condition in which the urethra (urethra) bakes and hurts, the inability to eliminate pain in any way.

Another disease of the urethra in women can give complications to the bladder and kidneys: provoke cystitis or pyelonephritis, transform into purulent urethritis in women. With a neglected form, a urethral cyst may form, its narrowing or restriction of the urethra.

Treatment of urethritis in women

In the case of uncomplicated urethritis, treatment does not require hospitalization and occurs at home. A woman needs to clearly follow the doctor's prescriptions and periodically visit the clinic to monitor the progress of therapy.

Depending on the symptoms of urethritis, the appropriate treatment is prescribed, it will depend on the pathogen.

During the period of therapy should:

  • avoid hypothermia;
  • refrain from sexual intercourse (even with a condom) until a complete cure;
  • strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene.

In most cases, the treatment of urethritis in women is limited to a course of antibiotics, they are actively fighting the causative agent of the disease, which was found during sowing.

How to treat utretritis in women can be divided into 3 main points:

  1. The use of complex actions aimed at restoring the properties of the walls of the urethra. Of particular importance, this action acquires when diagnosing complex forms of the disease, when inflammation is no longer directly associated with infection.
  2. Restoration of the microflora of the vagina. Urethritis will return again and again until the infection of the urethra by certain microorganisms from the vagina stops. There is only one way to break this vicious circle - to populate the vagina with microorganisms that should be there. This action is selected individually for each patient.
  3. Work on the restoration of the immune system. With long-term treatment and inflammation of the urethra, immunity often suffers, both of the whole organism as a whole and of the wall of the urethra. As in the previous paragraph, an individual course of restoration of the immune system is prescribed. Therefore, weak immunomodulators will not give anything without additional actions and drugs.

Drug therapy depends on the diagnosed form of urethritis:

Nonspecific urethritis Broad-spectrum antibiotics are shown: cephalosporins (cefazolin, cefotaxime, ceftriaxone); sulfonamides (sulfazol, urosulfan); macrolides (azithromycin, clarithromycin); fluoroquinolones (clinafloxacin).
Gonococcal Antibiotics are prescribed: erythromycin, spectinomycin, oletethrin, ceftriaxone, cefuroxime, rifampicin, cefacor, etc. those that have a detrimental effect on chlamydia. But in each case, the drug is selected individually.
Trichomonas The doctor may prescribe: the antimicrobial drug metronidazole (trichopol), as well as the drugs of choice - benzydamine, imorazole, ornidazole, chlorhexidine, iodovidone suppositories.
Candidiasis It requires the use of antifungal drugs: levorin, nystatin, natamycin, amphoglucamine, clotrimazole.
Mycoplasma It is treated with antibiotics from the tetracycline group (doxycycline, tetracycline).
Chlamydial Antibiotics from the tetracycline group (tetracycline, doxycycline), erythromycin, clarithromycin, azithromycin, clinafloxacin have proven themselves well.
Viral Treatment with antiviral drugs is often indicated - ganciclovir, acyclovir, ribavirin, famciclovir, penciclovir, etc.

At the end of this course of treatment, in most cases, all symptoms and pain disappear, but there are rare cases when traditional treatment does not help. This usually happens with advanced forms of urethritis, when the infection is gone and the symptoms remain.

A diet should become an obligatory component of treatment - salty and spicy foods, marinades and smoked meats are excluded from the diet, drinking plenty of water and observing a dairy-vegetarian diet during the acute stage (exacerbation of chronic inflammation) is shown.

During this period, it is important to reduce physical activity, exclude alcoholic beverages, smoking and hypothermia, and limit sexual contacts.

Drugs for the treatment of urethritis

Now a few words about how to treat urethritis in women, and what drugs are considered the most effective in the fight against this unpleasant disease. In the treatment of inflammatory lesions of the urethra, the following groups of medicines are used:

  1. Antibiotics are essential to help fight infection. Their reception is possible only after a series of tests that determine the sensitivity of the infection to certain antibiotic drugs. Taking a general antibiotic without first determining the pathogen, in some cases, you may not achieve the effect of treatment.
  2. Special antiseptic sitz baths, which will additionally help neutralize the infection.
  3. Physiotherapy, involving the use of electrophoresis on disease areas, heating applications.
  4. Tampons treated with medicated ointments that are inserted into the vagina.
  5. All kinds of means that stimulate, support the immune system - immunomodulators, immunostimulants.
  6. The vitamin complex will also help the body cope with urethritis.

Together with drug treatment, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed (vaginal electrophoresis or on the pubic area with Furadonin solution, diadynamic therapy of the lumbosacral zone). To increase immunity, immunomodulators, multivitamins are used.


Prevention of urethritis in women includes the following activities:

  • hormone replacement therapy for menopausal disorders;
  • avoidance of physical and mental stress;
  • careful observance of the rules of personal hygiene;
  • avoidance of hypothermia;
  • prevention of artificial termination of pregnancy;
  • regular sex life with a regular partner, refusal of casual sex;
  • preventive examinations at the gynecologist at least 2 times a year (according to indications more often).


With timely detection and active treatment, urethritis in women usually ends in recovery. The transition of the disease to a chronic form may be accompanied by the development of complications, which worsens the prognosis.


Men of different ages who are faced with urethritis often turn to a urologist. This disease is manifested by severe symptoms in the form of pain and burning during urination, which brings discomfort. If left untreated, the acute form of the disease can turn into a chronic one, which will give serious complications to the male genitourinary system. Familiarize yourself with the types and principles of treatment of urethritis.

What is urethritis in men

Inflammation of the urethra in men is called urethritis. Under the urethra understand the urinary canal in the form of a thin hollow tube with a bend, the length of which is 16-24 cm, and the width is up to 8 mm. Pathogenic microbes, viruses or fungi are able to settle in the walls of this duct and cause an inflammatory process on its mucous membrane. Pathology is more common in men who have an active sex life, neglecting barrier contraceptives.

Due to the special structure of the male urethra, the pathogenic microflora multiplies rapidly. This leads to swelling of the mucous membrane, retention of urine outflow, and complications are acute pain, intoxication. Urethritis is manifested by severe pain, accompanied by the spread of infection up the genitourinary organs in the absence of treatment.

Causes of urethritis

A specific inflammatory process in the urethra is caused by genital infections. It affects young men who often change sexual partners or who have sex without using a condom. The main causative agents of specific urethritis are trichomonads, Candida fungi, mycoplasmas, gonococci, chlamydia. Other causes of the disease:

  • severe hypothermia - leads to acute inflammation, exacerbates chronic pathology;
  • urolithiasis - injury to the mucous membrane of the urethra when moving sand or stones;
  • catheterization, cystoscopy - diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that can cause complications;
  • allergic reactions - inflammation against the background of the penetration of foreign agents into the body;
  • cystitis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis - inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system of men;
  • chronic foci of infection in the body;
  • congestion in the pelvic organs;
  • Neglect of personal hygiene;
  • weakening of the immune system against the background of stress, psycho-emotional stress, malnutrition, beriberi or hypovitaminosis, bad habits.

Nonspecific urethritis is caused by microbes: E. coli, staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus. The disease takes a chronic form as a result of:

  • weakness of the immune system;
  • spread of pathology to other organs;
  • incorrect or incompletely completed treatment of acute urethritis.


There are several types of classification of the disease, depending on various factors. Known Species:

  1. According to the infectious agent - specific and nonspecific urethritis in men. The first type is caused by bacterial (including gonorrheal), viral, fungal pathogens. Nonspecific urethritis is a purulent inflammation, the development of which is promoted by staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli. The disease develops against the background of a cold, problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Mixed urethritis can cause tubercle bacillus.
  2. According to the course of the disease - chronic and acute urethritis in men. The latter is characterized by severe pain, severe itching and burning. The chronic process starts with improper treatment or its absence, its symptoms are not pronounced, but it is more dangerous.
  3. According to the features of the flow - primary and secondary urethritis. The primary one is formed in the urethra, while the secondary infectious agent enters the urethra from another inflammatory focus.
  4. According to the localization of inflammation on the wall of the urethra - total, anterior, posterior.

Symptoms of urethritis in men

Signs of urethritis in men differ depending on the nature of the inflammation. In the chronic type of the disease, the swelling of the urethra disappears, the discharge becomes smaller in volume. In the absence of therapy, bacterial strains will penetrate into the prostate gland and seminal vesicles, leading to the development of prostatitis, epididymitis, vesiculitis and other complications. The acute course is characterized by symptoms:

  • profuse purulent discharge from the urethra of a yellow-green color;
  • subfebrile condition - a persistent increase in body temperature;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • swelling of the urethra;
  • itching, burning, sharp pain;
  • bleeding at the end of urination.


Suspecting signs of urethritis, a man should contact a urologist for advice and analysis. The doctor takes into account complaints, examines the genitals, studies the causes of the disease. In laboratory diagnostics, bacterial culture is carried out from the urogenital tract. This helps to identify the type of microbe causing the disease. Using the PCR method (polymerase chain reaction), the pathogen is quickly and accurately determined from a urological smear.

A man takes a urine and blood test to determine the level of damage to the urinary tract, rheumatic tests are taken. Microscopy of a smear from the urethra is performed to study the material at the cellular level. Of the instrumental methods, ureteroscopy is used, which is performed after the weakening of the acute process to examine the walls of the urethra. It is possible to conduct ultrasound diagnostics to visualize the bladder, prostate, kidneys. In a chronic process, urethrography is performed - an x-ray study of the urethra after the introduction of a radiopaque substance into it.

Treatment of urethritis in men

Most cases of diseases are successfully treated at home, but for some therapeutic procedures, a man will have to visit the hospital. Only severe forms of the disease require hospitalization of the patient. Principles of treatment of urethritis:

  • refusal of sexual activity during therapy;
  • maintaining water balance, drinking plenty of water;
  • refusal of alcohol;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • means of immunotherapy;
  • local treatment after the acute process subsides (instillation (introduction) of drugs into the urethra itself, the use of ointments);
  • nutrition correction: rejection of fatty, fried, spicy, smoked, pickled, salty foods, carbonated drinks;
  • hypothermia, stress should be avoided.

Medical therapy

The medicine for urethritis in men is prescribed only by the attending physician after bacteriological examination and determination of the pathogen. Incorrect selection of the drug can cause complications. Antibiotics are often used in the form of tablets, injections, suppositories:

  1. With nonspecific urethritis - Doxycycline, Erythromycin, Clarithromycin, Tetracycline, Ceftriaxone, fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides.
  2. With specific inflammation of the urethra - Spiramycin, Oletetrin, Doxycycline, Cefodizim, Cefotaxime, Cefoxitin, Rifampicin, Spectinomycin.
  3. With gonorrhea - Miramistin, Natamycin, Nitazol, Chlorhexidine, Tinidazole, Cidipol, Metronidazole, Furazolidone, Cefaclor, Fuzidin, Spiramycin.
  4. With candidal urethritis - Amphotericin, Levorin, Clotrimazole, Nystatin.
  5. With chlamydia - fluoroquinolones, Doxycycline, Levomycetin, Azithromycin.
  6. With trichomonas form - Metronidazole, Nitazol, Trichomonacid. The last drug is administered by insertion into the urethra. A 1% solution is used. The procedure is carried out every day in a course of 5-6 days.
  7. With mycoplasmosis - Tetracycline.
  8. With the herpesvirus form of the disease - Penciclovir, Acyclovir, Ganciclovir, Ribavirin.

Chronic gonorrheal urethritis requires the introduction of an antibiotic solution into the urethra. Therapy is supplemented by taking drugs based on adrenal hormones (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone). Therapy can be supplemented by washing the urethra with antiseptics, prescribing immunostimulants (Timalin, Mielopid), multivitamins (emphasis on vitamins A and E). Physiotherapy is applied outside the stage of exacerbation - magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, laser exposure, treatment with ultrahigh-frequency pulses are carried out.


To maintain immunity, fight the inflammatory process, mitigate the acute signs of urethritis, you can use some methods of traditional medicine. They can be used after consultation with the doctor. The most popular of them:

  1. You need to chop fresh parsley leaves, pour a tablespoon of raw materials with 500 ml of boiling water, leave for several hours under the lid, filter. In case of exacerbation, it is required to take a mixture of 50 ml every two hours.
  2. In a glass of boiling water, you need to take a teaspoon of crushed yellow Zelenchuk (it has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties). It will take 15-20 minutes to insist the mixture, then it is drunk warm instead of tea during the day. As a substitute for Zelenchuk, currant leaves are well suited.
  3. Decoction of oak bark. Used for purulent discharge, swelling, itching. It has an astringent and antiseptic effect. A tablespoon of raw materials should be brewed with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain. The tool is used to wash the urethra.
  4. Cornflower infusion will restore the balance of microflora, destroy pathogenic microorganisms. It is necessary to brew a tablespoon of flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain. Take the mixture should be 50 ml before each meal.

Complication of male urethritis

If the disease is not treated or treated insufficiently, this can lead to the further development of the inflammatory process. From the focus of chronic infection, pathogens will enter other organs and tissues, causing:

  • pyeloferitis (inflammation of the kidneys);
  • cystitis (inflammation of the bladder);
  • orchitis (inflammatory process in the testicles);
  • prostatitis;
  • balanoposthitis (inflammation of the head and foreskin of the penis).

Inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis) can lead to diseases of the reproductive system, lead to sexual dysfunction and infertility. If you do not treat gonococcal urethritis, accompanied by congestion in the urethra, it will end with a complex lesion of the joints, organs of the urinary system, and irreversible damage to the urethra.


To minimize the risk of urethritis, men need to follow certain rules. Prevention measures:

  • avoid injury to the penis;
  • maintain water balance;
  • avoid frequent change of sexual partners, promiscuity;
  • timely treat any infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • observe personal hygiene;
  • use barrier methods of contraception;
  • do not tolerate the urge to urinate, empty the bladder on time;
  • increase immunity, play sports, temper;
  • avoid stress, overexertion;
  • give up alcohol, smoking;
  • stick to proper nutrition.


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Anna Mironova

Reading time: 12 minutes


A woman who suffers from urethritis can only be pitied. With this disease, life expectancy, of course, does not decrease, but the quality of life drops so much that a woman does not want anything at all, except for recovery - no sex with her husband, no beautiful clothes, no delicious food. What kind of disease is this - urethritis? How does she manifest herself? And how to deal with it?

What is female urethritis?

This disease is inflammation in the urethra , manifesting itself as pain and burning. Urethritis is often confused with, although the diseases have different symptoms. With urethritis, the urethra can hurt without any connection with urination and constantly, with cystitis, the main symptom is pain in the very bottom of the abdomen when urinating. It is worth noting that diseases can occur at the same time .

Chronic urethritis. Risk group

Such a diagnosis can put absolutely any woman. And the more factors conducive to the disease, the higher the chances of getting sick. Main Factors:

  • Periodic or one time hypothermia.
  • Violent sexual intercourse, the onset of sexual activity (under specific conditions).
  • Wrong. The consequence of irritation of the urethra by substances that enter the urine from sour, salty, etc.
  • Violation of the microflora of the vagina (gynecological diseases).
  • Decreased local immunity.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • medical interventions (for example, smears from the urethra, cystoscopy, etc.).
  • toxic factors.

How does chronic urethritis develop in women?

Conditionally, the disease occurs in three stages. Each of them can last for a very long time, and it is not a fact that one stage will flow into another.

  • First stage. Accompanied by periodic exacerbations of the disease, expressed in different ways. Such exacerbations appear rarely, pass quickly and do not bother much. Removed with mild antibiotics.
  • Second phase. Antibiotics help worse and worse, the frequency of exacerbations increases. Pain is relieved only by potent drugs. Life begins from exacerbation to exacerbation and going to doctors who find anything but urethritis.
  • Third stage. The woman is feeling worse. Pain is felt constantly, antibiotics not only do not help, but even provoke an exacerbation. There is a fear of sex, cold and delicious food.

Symptoms of chronic urethritis

Compared to men, women have a shorter urethra, as a result of which urethritis manifests itself more weakly. That is why sometimes it is asymptomatic, and special attention is not paid to minor signs at all. Main symptoms:

  • Purulent discharge from the urethra.
  • Itching, burning and pain during urination.
  • Pain at rest.
  • Redness.

The danger of chronic urethritis for women's health, complications

There are not many complications of this disease.

  • The most serious the transition of the inflammatory process to a stage at which no treatment can helpe .
  • Inflammation can go to the bladder and provoke the development of cystitis which, in turn, may contribute to the development pyelonephritis .
  • Launched urethritis is able to turn around deformity of the urethra and its narrowing.

Treatment of urethritis in a woman should be carried out by specialists such as gynecologist and urologist . But only with the professionalism of doctors can a cure be achieved. Practice shows that the goals pursued by two specialists lead to the fact that the disease remains untreated. Therefore, the best option is to visit urogynecologist . There are few such specialists, but with them there are more chances for successful treatment. What are the main stages of treatment?

  • Restoration of the functional properties of the wall of the urethra.
  • Restoration of the natural microflora of the vagina.
  • Restoration of immunity.

Prevention of chronic urethritis

Based on the exclusion (reduction) of factors affecting the violation of the microflora of the vagina and reduce immunity:

  • Hypothermia.
  • Hormonal shifts.
  • Stress.
  • Irregular sexual relations.
  • Sexual infections.
  • Neglect of hygiene.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Chronic constipation.
  • Wrong nutrition.
  • Sleep disorders.

It is clear that it is almost impossible to exclude these factors. So the best way out is regular examination And preventive treatment with minor symptoms.

Means for the treatment of chronic urethritis

The choice of drug depends on the causes of the disease: antiseptics- for washing the urethra, treatment of the underlying disease, antibiotics- with non-infectious urethritis. Drugs are prescribed only by the attending physician.

Folk remedies for the treatment of urethritis in women

  • In addition to infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants, eat greens and parsley roots, cranberries with lingonberries, beets, celery and carrots.
  • With exacerbation of urethritis Medicinal fees are accepted for at least a month.
  • With additional courses collections of plants should be alternated with single plants.

shown drinking plenty of water, strict diet , the categorical exclusion of alcohol and spicy foods, the intake of methylene blue, antibiotic therapy.

Site site warns: self-medication can harm your health! Use all the tips presented only after examination and on the recommendation of a doctor!

In order to completely rid the patient's body of various kinds of infectious agents, complex treatment is required, aimed at the cause of the disease, as well as at eliminating various links of pathogenesis.

The treatment of urethritis is a rather complicated event that requires the patient to adhere to the prescribed therapy and follow a number of necessary recommendations. It must be understood that in the case of a sexually transmitted infection, adequate treatment of both partners is required.

Each form of the disease, both infectious and non-infectious, requires its own approaches to therapy, because this takes into account the etiology of the pathological condition. Therefore, in order to cure urethritis, it is necessary to contact the appropriate specialist in a timely manner, and not try to fight the disease at home, using the advice of friends or information from unverified sources.

Treatment of bacterial, viral and fungal urethritis is carried out in accordance with the sensitivity of these microorganisms to certain groups of drugs (antibacterial agents, antiviral and antifungal).

Pathogenetic therapy includes measures to eliminate anatomical defects in the urethra and adjacent organs that can affect the passage of the urethra (for example, inflammation in the prostate or periurethral glands).

Treatment of urethritis includes both drug therapy and methods of physiotherapy and traditional medicine. Only then will it be most effective. Patients are given a general and local effect on the infectious agent (instillation with solutions).

All patients in the acute period of the disease are prohibited from any sexual intercourse, especially without the use of barrier contraception. It is worth following certain recommendations that relate to nutrition.

You can not drink alcohol, spicy, overly salty and fatty foods, as this contributes to the accelerated reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms and the deterioration of the patient's well-being

Hospitalization is indicated for all patients who have signs of a complication of the disease (acute prostatitis, acute cystitis, urination disorders such as urinary retention, and others). An unfavorable outcome can be observed in both gonorrheal and non-gonorrheal urethritis.

The main principles of patient management are as follows:

  • clinical and laboratory examination of the patient for the presence of the underlying disease and concomitant infectious pathology (chlamydia, syphilis, trichomonas and others), these diseases are simultaneously treated;
  • therapeutic measures should be etiological and pathogenetic, and an individual approach to each specific patient is also necessary (taking into account age, the course of the disease and its severity, the presence of complications, etc.);
  • contact and trusting relationship with the patient, who is explained in detail the treatment algorithm and follow-up measures aimed at preventing the recurrence of the pathological process (compliance with the level of physical activity, diet, etc.).

Treatment of bacterial urethritis

gonorrheal urethritis

Before talking about how to treat urethritis of this nature, it is worth mentioning that the disease belongs to the sexually transmitted process, therefore, it requires adequate therapy for both sexual partners at once (regardless of whether he has complaints or not).

The causative agent of gonococcal infection is quite easy to detect by microscopic examination, which is the initial stage in diagnosing patients.

Antibiotics for urethritis occupy a major place in the proper treatment of the disease. There are several possible treatment regimens (for an uncomplicated process):

  • First line: Ceftriaxone 125 mg (IM) or Cefixime 400 mg (oral) as a single dose.
  • Second line: Ofloxacin 400 mg or Levofloxacin 250 mg orally once a day.

For local treatment, various kinds of antiseptic solutions are used that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine and others).

All patients undergo immunostimulating therapy, the purpose of which is to activate the protective properties of the patient's body.

The gonococcal vaccine has found its application, because thanks to it, specific antibodies against this pathogen are produced in the patient's body.

Cure Criteria

In order to be completely convinced that the medicine for gonorrheal urethritis had the necessary effect and completely cured the patient, special provocative tests are carried out.

10-14 days after the full course of treatment with the above drugs is completed, an examination of the prostate and seminal vesicles is carried out (palpation and laboratory diagnosis of a secret isolated from them).

If the material obtained does not contain gonococcus, then silver nitrate is injected into the patient's urethra, and intramuscularly - a vaccine against the pathogen. Thus, a “provocation” of the latent course of the disease is carried out, which makes it possible to identify the infectious agent. For the same purpose, bougienage of the urethra and the use of spicy food are carried out.

Material sampling after provocative samples is carried out after 24-48-72 hours (using fluid obtained from the urethra, seminal vesicles or prostate).

If there is no gonococcus in these samples, then the next similar study is carried out after 4 weeks, and the last one after a month (relative to the second examination).

Chlamydial urethritis

Chlamydia is the most common cause of non-gonococcal urethritis in patients. A feature of the clinical course of this type of infection is its oligosymptomaticity, or the complete absence of any complaints, while quite often the process is complicated.

The debut of chlamydial infection can begin with the defeat of several systems and organs of the human body (urethritis, arthritis and conjunctivitis), which requires a longer and more complex therapy.

In the treatment of the disease, antibacterial drugs and immunostimulating agents are used. Among all antibiotics, Azithromycin proved to be the most effective, which is taken once at a dose of 1 g. You can also use Doxycycline (first day 200 mg once a day, and then 100 mg 2 times a day for a course of 7 days).

There are alternative treatment options:

  • Josamycin 500 mg 3 times a day for a week;
  • Ofloxacin 200 mg twice a day for a week.

Criteria of cure

All patients are re-examined immediately after the end of the course of treatment. Subsequently, the woman is tested for 2 menstrual cycles, and the men are observed by the doctor for the next 2 months.

A complete cure is said in the case when any elements of chlamydia are completely absent in the studied materials.

Gardnerella urethritis

The disease is most often recorded among women who have an infection of the vagina with this microorganism (bacterial vaginosis). The pathogen is easily transmitted sexually, so men are also at risk of infection.

In case of untimely treatment of inflammatory diseases in the vagina, there is a risk of urethritis, since the process easily spreads to different parts of the genitourinary system

In the treatment of patients, Metronidazole is used, which has proven its effectiveness (is the drug of choice). It is prescribed at a dose of 2 g once or 500 mg 2 times a day for 7 days. Women are recommended to use Metronidazole suppositories, which are injected into the vagina in the same dosages.

Alternatively, use Clindamycin tablets 300 mg twice a day for a week.

Mycoplasma and ureaplasma urethritis

These states are characterized by a chronic course of the process. Most often, pathogens are found in males, which often leads to complications such as prostatitis and vesiculitis.

As a therapy for patients, antibiotics from the group of tetracyclines (for example, Doxycycline) or macrolides (Azithromycin, Erythromycin and others) can be used according to the schemes described above.

Antimicrobial agents of the nitrofuran series (in particular, Furazolidone) are also widely prescribed. It is recommended to take the drug for 3 days at a dose of 100 mg 4 times a day.

A control examination of sexual partners is necessary for 2-3 months, since the risk of recurrence of the pathological process is high.

Treatment of viral urethritis

Herpetic urethritis

The disease is associated with infection with the herpes simplex virus (type 2), which is transmitted through close sexual contact and intimate relationships. Infection occurs from a patient with different clinical manifestations and in their complete absence.

Therapy of patients with viral urethritis is a rather difficult task, since the disease can be secretive for a long time.

Treatment must begin at the first clinical episode of herpes infection (genital herpes)

The following antiviral drugs are used in therapy:

  • Acyclovir 400 mg 3 times a day - 7-10 days.
  • Valaciclovir 1 g 2 times a day - 7-10 days.

If this course of treatment is not enough, and the patient has signs of an infectious process, therapy is continued until clinical improvement.

In order to reduce the sensation of itching in places of rash on the genitals, folk remedies are used. It is recommended to use an ointment based on propolis and olive oil, sitz baths with potassium permanganate and string.

Condylomatosis of the urethra

Warts are most often localized around the opening of the urethra, the cause of their occurrence is a viral agent. They can spread to all genital organs, as well as the overlying sections of the urinary tract (for example, the bladder).

The process of treating the disease is quite complicated and requires the use of not only antiviral drugs, but also methods of laser exposure and electrocoagulation. Therapy is carried out simultaneously in all sexual partners, but there is a tendency to frequent recurrence.

Treatment of fungal urethritis

The candidal nature of the process is extremely rare, most often we are talking about patients with diabetes mellitus or those taking long-term antibacterial or immunosuppressive therapy.

In the treatment of fungal urethritis, local procedures are carried out, namely, washing the urethra with a solution of Clotrimazole.

Treatment of trichomonas urethritis

Trichomonas is the most common sexually transmitted pathogen. In women, the infectious agent lives in the walls of the vagina, and in men in the tissues of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles. Quite often, the disease proceeds in the form of asymptomatic bacteria.

Metronidazole is considered the first-line drug, which is prescribed 2 g once a day or at a dose of 0.5 g twice a day (the course of therapy is a week).

As folk methods of treatment, infusions with herbs (flowers of elderberry, chamomile and St. John's wort) and propolis are used. The crushed ingredients are well mixed and poured with boiling water (3 tablespoons per 500 ml of water), left to infuse for 1.5-2 hours. After that, it is well filtered and taken 1 glass before bedtime.

Healing control

Treatment is carried out simultaneously for both sexual partners, at the end of the course of therapy, a second study is carried out at certain time intervals:

  • 10-14 days after the last day of therapy;
  • after that, the woman is examined for three menstrual cycles, and men 1 time over the next 3 months.


In order to avoid questions about how to cure urethritis, and which doctor to contact, you must adhere to certain recommendations for the prevention of the disease:

  • Limit your sexual intercourse, especially without the use of barrier contraception (condoms). Practice sex with one sexual partner.
  • Observe the hygiene of the genitals. For women, the correctness of the washing procedure (from the vagina to the anus, and not vice versa) plays a role.
  • Timely rehabilitation and treatment of all foci of infection in the organs of the urinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis, and others) is necessary.
  • With identified metabolic disorders (oxalaturia, phosphaturia, etc.), special attention is paid to the principles of proper nutrition, which is aimed at normalizing all processes and preventing stone formation.
  • If there are any anatomical defects, for example, urethral strictures, then surgical intervention is performed to eliminate them.
  • Avoid severe hypothermia, do not stay in places where there is a draft, do not sit on a cold surface, dress warmly in winter.
  • Particular attention is paid to rational and fortified nutrition, adherence to a healthy lifestyle, strengthening immunity, hardening, etc.

Check yourself and your partner regularly for infectious diseases, mostly sexually transmitted


Never let a disease such as urethritis take its course and do not try to treat it on your own, using the advice of those who once cured this disease. It must be understood that the treatment of the disease is strictly individual in nature, because it directly depends on the main cause of its occurrence.

Contact a qualified specialist (urologist, venereologist, gynecologist) who will conduct the necessary examination, tell you how to treat urethritis, and how to protect your body from a possible recurrence of the process.