Clear a strong blockage in the pipe. How to eliminate a strong blockage in sewer pipes at home: remedies

A blockage in the sewer pipes during the operation of plumbing is a fairly common nuance that sooner or later every owner of an apartment or a private house has to deal with. It is also not uncommon for situations when a characteristic sound comes from the drain in the sink or bath. bad smell.

What to do in case of blockage - call a professional plumber or get by on your own? What tools can be used to clean pipes? First of all, you need to deal with possible reasons causing clogging and only then proceed to solve the problem.

Causes of weed plugs

Depending on the material from which the pipes are made, the following causes of clogging are inherent in them:

  • IN cast iron pipes ah, corrosion growths are formed on the inner surface of the walls, on which dirt and grease are more intensively retained.
  • Plastic pipes are not subject to corrosion, however, the cause of clogging is often improper installation - non-compliance with the angles of inclination with respect to the riser.

There are also common causes of clogging for all types of pipes:

  • Adhesion of grease and dirt on the inner walls of the pipes.
  • emergence limescale- especially with hard water.
  • Ingress of a foreign body into the drain.

How to clear clogged pipes

First you need to determine the location of the clog and get rid of the cause of the problem, only then proceed to eliminate the weed plug.

industrial chemicals

There are effective industrial remedies for blockages in pipes:

  • Liquid pipe cleaners - acid-based, for example, Mole, and alkaline - Domestos,.
  • Powder products - for example, Komet.

The essence of their use is as follows - the agent is poured or poured with the addition of water into the drain hole, settled for a while, and then washed big amount water. It is best to follow the manufacturer's instructions when using them.

Powder products are not always effective for severe blockages, when water does not drain at all.

Folk remedies

Not always industrial tools are available at the time of detection of clogged pipes. What improvised means can be used to eliminate it?

Proven Recipes:

  • Vinegar and soda. Pour soda into the drain hole and then fill it with vinegar in a ratio of 1: 1, after 5-10 minutes, rinse with plenty of water.
  • Alka-Seltzer and Vinegar. An anti-hangover drug replaces soda in this case. We throw a few tablets into the drain and pour vinegar. After 10 minutes, rinse with water.
  • Caustic soda. Soda is poured into a plastic bucket, after which it is filled with water - for 1 kg of soda 3 liters of water. half ready mix pour into the drain, after 1-2 hours pour the remaining half, after which we drain a large amount of water.

Note! Caustic soda should not be used on metal pipes as it may damage them.

mechanical cleaning

Not always chemicals can get rid of clogged pipes. In this case, means for mechanical cleaning are used:

  • Plunger. The most common fixture for cleaning a clogged drain. It is used as follows - water is drawn into the sink, the plunger is pressed against the drain hole and the cork is pushed through with several energetic translational movements, with the last of them we tear off the plunger from the surface of the sink. It is necessary to carefully calculate the forces so as not to damage the elements of the sink. When cleaning with a plunger of a two-section sink, it is required to use two plungers or to close one of the drain holes tightly with a cork or a wet piece of cloth.
  • Plumbing cable. In case of serious blockages in the pipes, a plumbing cable should be used for cleaning. There are industrial designs on sale, but you can also make it yourself by attaching a curved handle to a cable with a diameter of 5-10 mm. To clean the cable, we introduce it into the pipe and, if an obstacle occurs, we give it a rotational movement.
  • Plastic bottle. If there is neither a plunger nor a cable at hand, a clogged toilet bowl can be cleaned plastic bottle with cut bottom. The neck of the bottle must be closed with a stopper. We insert the bottle into the toilet with the cutoff point and push the congestion through with a few vigorous movements.

How to clean a siphon

Often the impossibility of draining the water in the sink is due to clogging of the siphon. It is cleaned as follows:

  • We unscrew the plastic nut securing the siphon, after substituting a container for draining water under it.
  • Disconnect the siphon.
  • We clean it from the accumulated dirt.
  • For prevention, pour any cleaning agent into the pipe.
  • We install the siphon and fix it with a nut.
  • Rinse with plenty of water.

Sometimes, to clean the siphon, it is enough to insert a thin wire with a hook at the end into the drain holes of the sink and give it rotational movements under the pressure of water.

Removing clogs in the shower

The algorithm of actions for cleaning the blockage in the shower:

  • The lid is removed from the drain and the filter is taken out.
  • We lower the hose into the drain and cover it with a piece of cloth to prevent splashing of water.
  • Open the water, gradually increasing its pressure and temperature to the maximum.
  • Reinstall the filter and cover.

Learn how to prepare and store the sweet treat.

About how to grow an avocado from a stone and how to care for a plant is written on the page.

How to get rid of drain smell

The main reasons for the presence of an unpleasant odor from the drain hole are the absence or failure of the water seal. At the latter, at the moment of draining the water, a characteristic gurgling is heard. The cause of it may be problems with the ventilation of the sewer riser. The absence of a water seal is possible with improper installation of the drain system.

The following methods are suitable for eliminating unpleasant odors:

  • Pour dry mustard into the drain hole and pour hot water. Wait 10-15 minutes and rinse with water.
  • Pour a solution of bleach into the drain, then rinse with plenty of water. After the procedure, the room should be ventilated.

In order to avoid frequent clogging of pipes, you need to adhere to preventive measures:

  • Do not drain fatty liquids.
  • Do not allow foreign bodies to enter the drain hole, including hair.
  • Install protective screens on the drain holes.
  • Rinse drains periodically with hot water.

It is quite possible to deal with clogged pipes on your own with improvised means, without the involvement of qualified specialists. but the best way the above preventive measures will be observed.

After watching the following video, you can learn a few more effective ways clearing blockages in pipes on your own without a plumber:

Now in country house or in the country, you can create all the conditions of comfort, as in a city apartment, especially for utilities. For example, sewerage allows you to remove effluents from the house to the sewer for further disposal. But the presence of this communication from time to time is associated with a common problem - sewer clogging.

Before removing blockages in the sewer, it is necessary to determine the cause of their occurrence. Moreover, there are places where they form most often, for example, in the sink or in the place where the sewer pipe from the bathroom and kitchen goes into a common riser. And given the ability of cast-iron pipes to silt up the inner diameter, the likelihood of blockage in this place is very high. Often the siphon in the sink becomes dirty, due to the draining of food residues into it. Another common problem is the presence of grease on the inner walls of the pipeline.

The reason for the blockage of the riser or other veins of communication may depend on the pipes used, they are of two types:

  1. Cast iron.
  2. Plastic.

In the first case, cast iron tends to collect plaque and rust inside the pipe. Due to corrosion, the walls become uneven, which contributes to the collection of waste. Often, when dismantling them with a diameter of 110 mm, the patency was the size of a little finger (2–3 cm).

Plastic piping is prone to clogging. In most cases, it is necessary to clean the sewer from grease due to improper installation of the route (non-observance of the angle of inclination). Plaque appears, which gradually fills the entire inner diameter of the pipe.

Types of blockages

There are three varieties:
Operational. The congestion is formed in sewer pipe with use and eventually deposits on the walls of various formations. Gradually, they reduce the diameter of the patency of the pipe. Thorough rinsing is necessary for recovery.

Mechanical. The problem appears when a large object, rags, etc., enters the pipeline. To eliminate it, you must completely remove the item.

Technical. Appears due to damage to the pipeline. It is explained by the presence of a counter-angle, insufficient slope or a large number of turns. This type of congestion depends on non-compliance with the technology of installation work.

How and with what to determine the place of blockage?

If the sewer is clogged, then you must first determine the intended location. In a private house, we conditionally divide the entire system into two zones: the house and the street.

In the house it is worth paying attention to such places:

  • In the siphon under the sink in the kitchen and in the bathroom.
  • In a corrugated pipe under the washbasin.
  • At the exit of the riser to the street.
  • At the connection of pipes of a smaller diameter with a larger one.

On the street there may be such places:

  • At the outlet of the pipe in the septic tank.
  • On the stretch between the wells.

To determine the exact location of a clogged system, you need to check for water drains at various points. So you can understand where there is a congestion. According to this principle, other possible locations of clogging are determined.

Types of cleaning at home

There are many ways to clean the sewer:

  1. Mechanical.
  2. Electromechanical.
  3. Chemical.
  4. Hydrodynamic.
  5. Thermal.
  6. pressure.

Consider all the features of these methods for cleaning the sewer when removing blockages.


Mechanical is carried out by a cable for punching and cleaning the sewer. There are several types of it:

  • Cable.
  • Tape.
  • Spring.
  • Spring with rod.

Cable. sewer cable standard size has a cross section of Ø6 mm. Made from galvanized steel. It is strong, durable, resilient, flexible. The end of the cable is specially crimped so that it does not unwind. It looks like a brush, you can wrap hair pollution on it. It is best to clean them at home when its length is up to five meters.

Tape. Flat cable for cleaning sewer pipes. The width of the tape reaches up to 40 mm. Due to this specific shape, it is difficult for them to go through a large number of turns (due to the ability to bend in only one plane).

Given this feature, a tape plumbing cable is used to punch pipes of large diameter and length, since it will definitely not twist along its course.

Spring with rod. It is used by professionals.

Mechanical cleaning of the home sewer with a spring cable allows you to remove complex and large blockages. It is based on a wire and a spring.

A galvanized cable is used as a rod, located inside the spring.

The rope diameter ranges from 13 to 16 mm. As for the length, it reaches up to 60 m.

spring. The cable consists of one spring.

It's hollow inside. Diameter not less than 9 mm. The cable must be equipped with a handle for its rotation. It is used for pipes of small diameter, as well as for minor blockages.

How to pierce the sewer yourself with a cable?

One end of the cable should be directed into the pipe and gradually pushed through. At the same time it is necessary to scroll the handle.

Due to this, the cable will sink further, and due to rotation, break the clogged area.

Advice! Cleaning the sewer in a private house with this equipment should only be done by two people. One turns, and the second pushes the cable in the right direction.

To achieve the best result, this equipment is equipped with additional nozzles. Their use allows you to quickly remove the accumulation of debris. Nozzles:

  • Hook.
  • Harpoon.
  • Pick.
  • Pear-shaped drill.
  • Shovel-arrow.
  • Cone drill and others.


Removal of blockage can be performed using electromechanical equipment. The essence of the technology is in the spinning steel wire. To achieve the best result, various nozzles are put on its end:

  • Drilling.
  • Scraper.
  • Pear-shaped.
  • Hook-shaped.

The choice is made on the basis of the goal or the nature of the problem. They can remove impurities. The spiral is rotated by an electric motor, and this special equipment has a gearbox that feeds the wire. cleaning large sewer networks this way allows you to achieve best results, since the length can exceed 100 meters with a pipe diameter of up to 600 mm.

Electromechanical cleaning easily passes the turns and bends of the pipeline. The installation itself is of two types:

  1. Drum. The spiral is wound on a special coil. You can adjust the power of rotation.
  2. Sectional. The spiral unfolds.


Chemical cleaning agents are divided into two groups:

  1. Acid. Such chemistry dissolves hair, grease and soap deposits.
  2. Alkaline. Effective agents for dissolving fats and similar deposits.

There are many products on the market, here are some of them:

  • "Mole".
  • "Tiret".
  • "Floop".
  • "Bagi Pothan".
  • "Rowdy".
  • "Sterile chimney sweep".
  • "Draft".

As for the method of their use, this can be found on the label from the manufacturer. In all cases, each product indicates the method of application and dosage. By following the instructions, you can do the job yourself.

There are quite a few folk remedies for cleaning:

  • Caustic soda.
  • Soda + vinegar.
  • Soda + salt.
  • Soda + boiling water.
  • Acid.
  • Citric acid + vinegar.

What is the best and most effective cleaning agent to choose?

If you have soda, vinegar, citric acid on hand, then you can first try them. If they do not fix the problem, then you need to purchase a special remedy for blockages in the pipes. In this case, one of the chemicals listed above is bought.


Hydrodynamic flushing of sewers requires special equipment. A machine is used that sends a jet of water under high pressure pump. Hydrodynamic cleaning of pipes is effective with a diameter of 50 to 300 mm.

Important! Flushing the sewer in an apartment by the hydrodynamic method is impossible, or rather problematic. This the best remedy for cleaning pipelines in private homes. Although there were compact models this equipment.

The principle of use is very simple:

  1. Attached to a flexible hose special nozzle, which is directed to the cork.
  2. It is fed under high pressure by a jet of water from a pump.
  3. Water begins to flow out of the nozzles in a jet, which is directed to the walls of the pipes.
  4. Due to the formation jet thrust the hose gradually moves forward, breaking up all the contaminants on its way.


In this case, blockage can be eliminated under the influence of high temperature. Thanks to boiling water, you can completely eliminate the problem area. Before you dissolve the fat in the sewer, you need to make sure that there is no liquid in it. Bring the water to a boil and pour it into the clogged pipe. It will help dissolve the fat.

By pressure

Removing small blockages can be done by pressure. The following materials are used:

  • Plunger.
  • Plastic bottle.
  • A vacuum cleaner.

Plunger. A simple tool that will help break through the sewer with a small blockage. Typically used for bathtubs, sinks, washbasins and toilets. If the sewer is clogged, then the pressure plunger pushes the debris further into the riser. The cleaning device itself has a wooden / plastic handle and a rubber nozzle. The way to use is simple:

  1. Press the nozzle firmly against the hole on the washbasin/bath.
  2. Pour in enough water to cover the nozzle.
  3. Next, you need to sharply lift and press the plunger.
  4. Due to this, water vibrations will be created, whereby the debris is gradually pushed through.

If, after several attempts, nothing happened, then it is worth considering another way, the better to clean it.

Bottle. If the sewerage in a private house is clogged directly in the toilet bowl, then the bottom is cut off on the bottle. The lid must remain in the closed position.

Then lower the bottle with the cut side into the water and with sharp movements direct it up / down. It will be possible to remove the blockage with your own hands using a bottle if the problem was in the kink of the toilet bowl. If not, then a cable is used.

A vacuum cleaner. Cleaning sewer drains can be done with a vacuum cleaner. This method will be possible if the unit has the function of reverse air flow direction.

A rubber nozzle with a plunger is put on the pipe from the vacuum cleaner. It must have a tight connection to get rid of the problem for sure. After that, you apply it to the hole and turn on the vacuum cleaner. The air should blow in the opposite direction, the purification process will gradually take place.

How to clean and rinse the siphon?

A clogged siphon is considered a simple task, and even a schoolboy can get rid of it on his own.

Advice! The easiest way is to disassemble the siphon. If this is not possible or there is simply no desire to get your hands dirty, then chemical and mechanical methods are used.

Can be used for siphon - plunger. With sharp up/down movements, dirt can be pushed through. If not, then the sewer is cleaned with vinegar and soda.

Vinegar and soda

Cleaning the sewer with vinegar and soda is performed in the following sequence:

  • Pour a small amount of dry soda (half a pack) into the siphon through the drain hole.
  • It is important that the soda does not get stuck through the protective grid. To do this, you can push it with a stick or build a funnel out of paper.
  • Then pour half a liter of vinegar.
  • Then a hissing reaction will occur.
  • As soon as the reaction stops, pour out the boiling water.

If the result is not achieved, the procedure can be repeated.

Advice! Before you clean the siphon with soda and vinegar, you need to make sure that the problem is in this place.

Lemon acid

Citric acid is first poured into the siphon hole, and then water is poured, and preferably vinegar. The hissing process will remove contamination very quickly.

How to clean the riser?

If the problem is fat, then you can use a steel cable with a nozzle that will help break up the fat. Additionally, you can use special chemicals or soda with vinegar. Boiling water is also used to help melt the fat.

If the problem is not fat, then the use of hydromechanical cleaning may be required. But this is in case you have made every effort to eliminate the blockage in the riser.

Blockage Prevention

It is best to prevent a problem than to figure out how to clean your own from pollution. Therefore, experts recommend carrying out preventive work:

  • Once a month pour boiling water. Just don't pour it down the toilet, it will crack.
  • Clean the siphons once a month using baking soda and vinegar, or disassemble them.
  • When washing dishes, use warm water and detergents.
  • Pump out effluent from the septic tank in time.
  • Use for prevention.


You have learned what to do if the sewer is clogged in a private house or apartment. We looked at all sorts of ways to solve this problem, as well as how to properly get rid of debris in the pipeline. If you know other technologies and cleaning methods, then share them in the comments to this article. In conclusion, we offer for viewing the prepared video material in order to consolidate the whole theory.

Useful video

Watch the videos and maybe you are using something.

Method with vinegar, soda and boiling water:

Electromechanical method:

With rope:

During the use of sewerage, troubles in the form of clogging can occur. The first sign will be an unpleasant smell and a slow drain of water in the sink, bathroom and toilet. Of course, if such problems arise, it is best to contact the Housing Office. If the master does not come for a long time, you can try to remove the blockage in the pipes at home on your own.

First, try to understand what causes tubal obstruction. There may be several reasons:

I would like to note that if you do not perform cleaning work regularly (cleaning the toilet bowl, sinks, bathtubs, dishwashers), then over time an unpleasant and persistent smell will form, which is very difficult to get rid of. For example, if water does not drain in the sink in the kitchen, then first you need to remove safety valve sinks and clean it of visible food debris. The cause of clogging may be a fatty plug - in case the tap is constantly flowing cold water. All that is needed in this case is to heat the water and pour boiling water into the hole in the sink.

If it is not possible to clean the pipe the first time, you will have to repeat the procedure until the stock works. As soon as the water begins to drain well, a thick concentrate of detergent can be poured into the hole, left for 10-15 minutes and poured with boiling water again.

If that doesn't help, you can use baking soda and vinegar. A few tablespoons of soda and about a glass of vinegar are poured into the hole, then left for a quarter of an hour. The components will react, neutralize fatty deposits and restore patency. Then everything is poured with boiling water. It is important to know that you need to work very carefully: you can use a simple protective mask and be sure to use gloves. If the household does not have vinegar, it can be replaced with lemon juice or citric acid diluted in water. Many experts argue that these cleaning methods are desirable to be carried out every two or three months.

Now the household chemicals market offers a lot of tools that will help eliminate blockages in the sewer pipe in a few minutes. This method is effective when it comes to fat, lime and earth deposits. If the problem is too serious (a foreign body, a lump of hair or lint, sifting or displacement of the pipe), then you can’t do without a master. As for cleaners chemicals they are of two types:

When the blockage problem is not serious, the method will give a positive result the first time. If the cause is mechanical, then special tools and tools will be required for cleaning pipes or punching sewers. This can be checked during the flow of water, for example, in the bathroom. Previously, the liquid drained quickly and formed a funnel during the drain, which indicates a good condition of the sewer. If the water leaves slowly, and there is no funnel, then the blockage is quite strong.

Mechanical cleaning methods

At present, the most commonly used durable plastic pipes, which is not afraid of temperature extremes, mechanical stress, chemistry. Very often, hair or shaving stubble, mixed with soap, can cause blockages in the pipes. The elimination of this trouble can be assigned to an ordinary plunger: perform vacuum pumping several times and spill everything with hot water and detergent. Such manipulations are carried out until the water begins to drain quickly, forming a deep funnel. If you don't have a plunger, you can make your own at home.

Today, in every comfortable housing there is a sewerage system, which means that there is a risk of clogging of sewer pipes. Therefore, each person should learn how to eliminate the blockage in the pipe on their own, without waiting for the arrival of a plumber. There are many ways to clear a blockage, and many of them are easy to perform. When self-cleaning is most often used chemical or mechanical methods clearing the blockage.

The formation of a blockage in the sewer pipe is a common thing. An obstacle to the movement of effluents is a coating of grease, soap residue, debris and rust on the inner walls of the pipes. When using the sewer, you should carefully monitor the condition of the pipes, especially since this is not difficult to do.

It is enough just to pay attention to how quickly the water leaves the tub and sinks. If it began to leave more slowly than usual, you should immediately take action, without waiting until the plug completely blocks the pipe lumen and makes it impossible to use the sewer. But even if the pipes are very clogged, and the water has stopped leaving, you can eliminate the blockage in the pipes at home.

Chemical cleaning methods

Using chemical cleaning methods is the least time-consuming way to get rid of blockages, so it is often used at home.

Using Home Remedies

To eliminate blockage and as a preventive measure, you can use simple means:

  • Citric acid or soda ash. Boil three liters of water, pour two packets (20 g each) into hot water. citric acid or half a glass of soda ash. Pour the hot liquid down the drain.
  • Baking soda and vinegar. Soda is poured into the drain in the amount of one glass. Then the same volume of ordinary table vinegar is poured there. After that, the neutralization reaction will begin with abundant foam. During this process, fat deposits are dissolved and blockages are eliminated.

Both of these products should be used as a preventive measure in the kitchen, where the sewer is often clogged with fatty deposits, as they dissolve fat well. But still, such simple means will not help to eliminate a strong blockage.

Using Ready Tools

You can deal with constipation with modern means household chemicals. As part of such preparations - acids and alkalis, which react and dissolve deposits on the pipes. There are many of these in stores. These are powders, liquids, and gel-like products. All funds can be divided into three groups:

  • Prophylactic preparations with a minimum content of active substances. They are recommended to be used periodically to prevent the formation of blockages.
  • Active drugs. Such products are recommended to be used if the water drains into the sewer drain more slowly than usual.
  • Emergency drugs. These funds contain maximum amount active substances, they are used to eliminate serious blockages.

The drug is poured into the drain hole, it is allowed to act for some time (the exact exposure time is indicated in the instructions), then the system is washed with plenty of water.

Advice! Pipe cleaners contain caustic substances, so protective gloves should be used when working with them.

When choosing how to clean the sewer, carefully read the instructions. Manufacturers produce several options for cleaning products. There are universal drugs, and there are special-purpose drugs.

For example, actively dissolving hair. This option is ideal if the pipe in the bathroom is clogged. And for cleaning the outlet under kitchen sink it is worth choosing a drug that dissolves fat. In addition, when choosing, pay attention to the shape of the tool. On sale are:

  • Powders. Powdered cleaning agents are packaged in plastic bags. They are used as follows: powder is poured into the drain hole, then 2-3 cups are poured into the same place hot water. After that, foam may begin to stand out from the drain hole, you should not be afraid of this, just a reaction has begun that will dissolve deposits on the walls of the pipes. After waiting 2-3 hours (the time is indicated in the instructions), you need to rinse the pipe with plenty of water, preferably hot.
  • Liquids. This form is applied in much the same way as the powder, only it is not necessary to pour water after the gel is introduced into the pipe.
  • Gels. This form is considered the most economical and efficient, as a thick gel coats the inside of the pipe, dissolving deposits formed on the inside walls.

Mechanical cleaning methods

Pipes can become clogged not only due to the gradual accumulation of deposits on the walls, but also due to the ingress of foreign objects - rags, bags, etc. In this case, chemical cleaning methods are unlikely to help. Requires mechanical cleaning of pipes. For self-cleaning of sewer pipes, a plunger or a plumbing cable is used.

Plunger cleaning

With the help of a plunger, it is possible to cope with small blockages. The principle of this cleaning method is to force air into the pipe. The air pressure breaks the plug blocking the pipe and pushes debris further down the pipe.

The process of cleaning with a plunger is very simple, anyone can master this operation.

  • Some water is drawn into the sink.
  • Install the plunger, making sure that the drain hole is completely blocked.
  • By pressing the handle, air is pumped into the drain hole. You need to do 5-8 swings.
  • With a sharp pull on the handle in an upward direction, the plunger is removed. If the pre-collected water quickly leaves, then open the tap to flush the system. If the blockage cannot be removed, you can try again several times.

Cleaning with plumbing rope

You can deal with a blockage with a plunger if a plug has formed near the drain hole. But after all, pipes become clogged along their entire length, and sometimes a cork appears at a distance from plumbing fixtures. In this case, the elimination of blockage is carried out using a cable. When performing work, the presence of two people is required.

First of all, you need to determine the location of the cork. Most often, blockages form in the siphon at the junction of the outlet pipe with a tee or angle. All blockages can be divided into three groups:

  • Local. In this case, water does not drain from only one appliance, for example, from a kitchen sink.
  • General. In this case, water may not leave several plumbing fixtures at once.
  • Global. In this case, there is a complete stop of the drainage system. This situation can occur when a plug forms in the sewer riser.

Advice! A blockage in the sewer riser of an apartment building is already a local emergency, since wastewater from apartments located on upper floors, will pour out of the toilet and other plumbing fixtures of the apartments below.

To eliminate local or general blockage, you need to disassemble the siphon of the device, from which water has stopped leaving, opening access to the sewer pipe. If cleaning of the riser is required, then access to this pipe is provided by revisions - special fittings with removable covers.

In multi-storey buildings, such revisions are located in apartments through 2-3 floors, for example, on the 1st, 5th and 9th floors. Cleaning with a cable is carried out as follows:

  • Remove the siphon, opening access to the pipe.
  • A cable is inserted into the pipe and they begin to push it inward. At this time, the second person should rotate the handle of the cable, this helps to wind hair and other debris around the cable.
  • After the tip of the cable rests on the blockage, it is necessary to gently move it back and forth until the blockage is destroyed.
  • After completing the work, install the siphon in place and flush the system.

The blockage in the sewer pipe can be eliminated independently. To do this, you can use household chemicals or use mechanical methods by using a plunger or plumbing cable.

Often blockages, especially in the kitchen, occur due to grease, dirt and small debris. If you have installed steel pipes, pour boiling water into them directly from the kettle. If the pipes are plastic, just open the hot water tap for 10-20 minutes. A small cork will not withstand such an attack.

With the help of a plunger, air and water are forced into the pipe, and the blockage collapses under their pressure.

Fill the sink or a little water or drain it: the liquid should cover the bottom by 1-2 cm. If the problem is with the toilet, wait until the water subsides, or scoop it out, no matter how unpleasant it is: do not splash its contents all over the room.

The plunger must completely cover the drain hole, leaving no gaps for air to escape. Then firmly grasp the plunger (you can use both hands) and make several up and down movements. You will feel the pressure build up in the pipe.

Raise the plunger sharply by removing it from the drain hole. If the blockage has collapsed, the water will begin to flow normally through the pipe.

Repeat if necessary.

If the problem is in the double sink, you will have to arm yourself with an additional plunger. They need to cover the second drain hole to block air from entering the pipe. If a spare plunger is not available, cover the empty drain with a rubber-gloved hand.

How to remove clogs with chemicals

If you don’t feel like messing with a plunger, choose one of the proven recipes.

  1. soda + vinegar. Pour 150 g into the drain hole baking soda and immediately pour the same amount of table vinegar (for a clogged toilet, boldly increase the dosage of ingredients by 1.5-2 times). The chemical reaction that has begun will be accompanied by the active release of thick hissing foam, so you should not be afraid. Cover the drain hole with a rubber glove or something else so that the mixture penetrates deep into the pipe, corroding the blockage, and does not come out. After 10-15 minutes, open the faucet (or drain the water) and check if the blockage has been cleared. If the water still does not drain well, repeat the procedure.
  2. Lemon acid. Boil a liter of water and dissolve 1-2 sachets of citric acid (about 40 g) in it. If you have metal pipes installed, the liquid can be immediately poured into the drain hole. If the pipes are plastic, wait until the water cools down to 70-80 degrees. The acid will dissolve the deposits on the pipe walls and clear the clog in 10-20 minutes. Repeat if necessary.
  3. Store-bought pipe cleaner. Choose any to your taste and wallet and use following the manufacturer's instructions. But remember: such liquids are toxic. Work with them with gloves and make sure that the product does not get on the skin and mucous membranes.

How to clear a blockage with a plumbing cable

If the blockage does not want to give up, take a plumbing cable. Maybe you or someone you know has it. As a last resort, if you are not afraid to damage the pipes, use a long wire or a bending brush.

Look under the sink and find the siphon (the curved part of the pipe) there. The water in it does not allow sewer smells to enter the apartment, and through it you can get to the blockage. Unscrew or remove the siphon (depending on the design) and give yourself access to the pipe. If a bathtub or toilet needs to be cleaned, the process is simplified: you don’t even have to unwind anything.

Insert the cable carefully into the pipe. The help of another person is desirable here: he will scroll the cable handle, winding hair, dirt and small debris from the pipe walls around it.

Push the cable inward until it hits the blockage, and then gently move it back and forth to break the plug.

Pull out the rope. Replace the siphon and turn on the faucet to flush the pipe and remove any remaining blockage.

How to prevent clogging

  1. Remove any leftover food from the sink before putting it in the sink.
  2. Do not drain leftover cooking oil down the sink. He belongs in a trash bag.
  3. Install a protective mesh over the drain hole.
  4. Make sure that the hair does not fall into the sewer: in the pipes, they can cling to all kinds of protrusions and stray into balls. Comb your hair before taking a shower, collect it and throw it in the trash.
  5. Don't flush too much toilet paper down the toilet. Perhaps the sewer system in your home is not designed for this at all. If the plumbers confirm this, we will have to put an additional bin in the toilet.
  6. For prevention, flush pipes with hot water or special household chemicals. This will help remove salt and fat deposits.