Non-verbal communication in professional communication. Psychology of non-verbal communication in the work of a lawyer

Non-verbal means of communication in the professional activity of a civil servant.

Yumasheva E.M.,

Assistant of the Department of Humanities and

socio-economic disciplines

The emergence of a new Russian statehood, fundamental changes in all spheres of society, the use of new forms of organization of economic and political structures, orientation towards new social strata and groups place high demands on the professional training of managerial personnel.

Of great importance in these processes are the issues of culture, moral education of managers, business communication in the field of social management and public service.

The manager spends a significant part of his time on communication, collecting, processing and sending information. According to some reports, top managers spend up to 70% of their time on information roles and communication functions 1 . However, despite the existence of various means of transmitting and receiving messages, the most valuable (and most often confidential) information for making managerial decisions is transmitted and processed through direct communication. Such communication is called complete. How is it different from incomplete communication? In the latter case, the sender of the message only expects a confirmation of receipt from the recipient. Full communication is typical for conversations, negotiations, briefings, etc. And it is with full communication that the channels of non-verbal communication function most effectively.

The importance of non-verbal signals in the implementation of managerial communications cannot be overestimated. According to some reports, in the process of communication between people, from 60 to 80% of organizational communications are carried out through non-verbal means of information transfer, and only 20-40% of information is transmitted using words 2 .

Non-verbal communication accompanies the performance by a civil servant of his main functions: making decisions, coordinating the work of subordinates, establishing relations with the external environment of the organization, applying disciplinary procedures and motivating employees, resolving conflicts, receiving and transmitting information, holding meetings, meetings and negotiations. At the same time, it is not difficult to see that all the activities of a civil servant involve communication as the most important element in achieving success. It is also obvious that the skills and experience of non-verbal communication determine the art and the effectiveness of its activities.

An important role in official communication is played by the phenomena involved in the sound organization of speech, as well as kinesic means: gestures, facial expressions and postures of participants in communication. They may duplicate the lexical and syntactic means of the language or contradict them; accompany the statement, supplement it, emphasizing individual words; they can even be used instead of words. Therefore, often the sound of a voice, a gesture, a person's look can say more than the phrase he uttered.

Consider the means of sound design of speech and the actual non-verbal means of communication used in the professional activities of a civil servant.

Sound organization of speech. The sound features of speech constitute the phenomenon that is called the beauty, melody, musicality of a particular language. Even in ancient rhetoric, the requirement of euphony (euphony) of speech was formulated. Aristotle argued that what is written should be easy to pronounce.

Sympathy involves the use of such a combination of sounds that is convenient for pronunciation and pleasant for hearing. Ideas about the euphony of the language have national specifics. For native Russian speakers in business communication, it is necessary to avoid unpronounceable sounds whenever possible, to alternate between short and long words.

A few words about intonation, its components, functions in the language and the possibilities of using it in business communication.

The special role of intonation in communication has been recognized by people for a long time. According to contemporaries, the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates expressed his opinion about a person only after he heard his voice. We do not always think about the intonation with which a phrase should be pronounced and how the meaning of the statement changes due to intonation. Take, for example, the words "yes" and "no" as responses in a dialogue. “Yes” can express agreement with the interlocutor, surprise, delight, doubt, denial ... “No” - categorical disagreement, reflection, doubt ... Bernard Shaw remarked very subtly: “There are fifty ways to say yes and five hundred ways to say No, and there is only one way to write it.

The term "intonation" comes from the Latin verb intonare (to speak loudly), but the modern concept of "intonation" has nothing to do with the etymology of this word. Intonation is a set of sound means of a language: various ratios of the tonal pattern (melody), intensity (loudness), duration (tempo) and phonation (timbre).

In an utterance, intonation performs various functions: communicative (with its help, the main types of utterance are realized: question, narration, motivation), excretory, associated, in particular, with logical stress and emotional. In addition to the listed functions of intonation, one can note its great role in expressing the modality of the utterance, expressing the speaker's attitude to the content of the utterance, its significance, the degree of its expectation and desirability, and its subtext (a meaning that is not equivalent to the content expressed by the lexical series).

Let's dwell on some intonation errors that occur in oral business speech.

First of all, it concerns the melody of the phrase. The fact is that fashionable intonations that imitate English have recently spread. They are typical not only for the youth environment, "greedy" for everything Western, but are also found in the speech of some television commentators and public figures. For example, the use of a rising tone on the stressed syllable of the last word in narrative utterances is not typical of the intonation of the Russian language. Information that is neutral from an emotional point of view, when pronounced in this way, acquires inappropriate expressiveness.

There are other shortcomings of speech associated with melody. Often the speaker's speech is too monotonous, and, therefore, inexpressive. She "lulls" the interlocutor.

Therefore, you need to strive for a melodic variety of speech. It is also important to pay attention to the fact that, according to the laws of etiquette, we do not have the right to seize the initiative in a conversation while we hear the intonation of incompleteness from the interlocutor. Otherwise, we distract, interrupt him.

Intensity (from the French intensif - reinforced, tense) is also a very important component of intonation. As for business communication, for example, loud speech is completely inappropriate for him: it is not customary to talk loudly in public places. Loud speech is usually emotional, but educated people do not give vent to their emotions in a business setting.

Too quiet voice is also undesirable in business communication. People around will consider the owner of a quiet voice a timid, insecure person or will constantly ask him again. If a person does not want his words to be heard by strangers, he should communicate alone with the interlocutor he is interested in, but not whisper with him in front of other colleagues.

Tempo (from Italian tempo from Latin tempus - time), or the speed of speech, corresponds to the temperament and the so-called pace of human life. Researchers believe that the pace of speech is difficult to adjust, at best it can be done for a short time. Too fast pace of speech indicates that the person is very excited. Listeners require a lot of effort to follow the content of the speech, they quickly get tired. Too slow a pace of speech suggests that the speaker either has difficulty choosing words, or does not want to talk about anything.

A pause (from Latin pausa from Greek pausis - termination) is a temporary stop in sound, a short break. Informal business communication is characterized by both short and long pauses. The more solemn the speech, the more official, the more long pauses in it, for example: the final speech at the court, an official statement, the closing speech at a scientific conference, etc.

The timbre of the voice (from the French timbre - coloring, the nature of the sound) is a kind of "sound gesture", often considered as an extralinguistic (paralinguistic) means. It is very individual and depends on which overtones accompany the main tone of the speaker. The success of many famous people is to a certain extent attributed to the timbre of their voices.

It is believed that a high shrill tone of voice, if it prevails in the speaker, is annoying, if it is too low, it is tiring. But in general, a low voice is often found in people who are calm, independent, self-sufficient, self-confident. It is unlikely that they will be taken seriously as a business partner by the owner of a "squeaky", childish voice.

So, the sound organization of the speech of a civil servant is worth serious work on it.

In official communication, it is necessary to monitor the pace and volume of speech, use the full style of pronunciation (do not “swallow”, that is, clearly pronounce words), follow the rules of euphony of speech; control your voice, which should sound businesslike, confident, but at the same time friendly.

It should be remembered that the intonation characteristics of the speaker's speech are different in public speaking in front of a large audience and in a small group, in strictly official and semi-official communication.

Sloppy, colloquial intonations indicate inattention to one's speech. And the abuse of paraphonisms (mmm ..., uh ..., Oh ...) speaks of the low speech culture of the speaker and has a negative impact on the audience.

A pleasant, melodic voice, correct, appropriate intonation emphasize professionalism, and an unpleasant voice, vernacular intonations can cross out many of a person’s virtues, because others will suspect that the interlocutor is not a very cultured person who does not work on himself. The voice is an integral part of the charisma of a statesman, an important instrument of his professional activity.

Kinetic means of communication. Another significant non-verbal tool in interpersonal contact, which enhances the impact of speech, is kinesics as a set of human gestural and mimic capabilities. Pose, gesture, facial expression, smile, look - this is what often forms the basis of the first impression of a person, which can be very difficult to change. A large number of books have been written about kinesics, many universities around the world teach this discipline, major politicians and businessmen are taught sign language and facial expressions.

For a civil servant, understanding non-verbal language and the ability to use it adequately - necessary condition culture of business behavior. Each gesture in a situation of business communication carries certain information to the interlocutor, which must be correctly deciphered.

For example, a handshake as an obligatory gestural attribute of business and friendly relations is a traditional and ancient form of greeting, as well as a symbol of an agreement, a sign of trust and respect. It is no coincidence that the German philosopher I. Kant called the hand "the visible part of the brain." The intensity and duration of the handshake testify to many things: a short or sluggish handshake is a sign of indifference, too long can cause irritation, superiority is expressed by the hand on top, informal relations are emphasized by a handshake with two hands and only a slightly elongated handshake along with other non-verbal means (smile, look ) demonstrates friendliness and willingness to cooperate.

During communication, the widest range of gestures is observed, expressing not only a specific action, but also the internal state of a person: confidence, discontent, surprise, indifference, embarrassment, and many other feelings: bang your fist on the table, slap your forehead, turn your back, shake shoulders, shrug, point to the door, lower your hands, wag your finger, etc.

Speaking from the rostrum, a civil servant should pay attention not only to the sound and content side of his message, but also to those illustrative gestures that he uses to explain what was said. With the help of such gestures, certain points of the message are reinforced. According to prominent theorists of oratory, expressive gestures should correspond to the meaning and meaning of a phrase or a single word. This is the only way gestures can “revive speech”, enhance its emotional sound. However, not all gestures of speakers produce a beneficial effect on the audience.

Too frequent, mechanical, fussy or abrupt movements distract from the main content, irritate the audience and dislike the speaker. You should try to give up bad habits that manifest themselves in unjustified gestures: twist glasses or a button on a jacket in your hands, touch your ear or nose, walk too fast during a performance, or wave your arms excessively. During a business conversation, as well as during a speech, you should not abuse gestures, as they distract the listener's attention and interfere with the perception of sounding speech. The intensity of gestures may indicate the employee's lack of confidence in himself and his knowledge, his nervousness and emotional instability.

Scientific research in the field of linguistics have shown that there is a direct relationship between the social status, power, prestige of a person and his vocabulary. In other words, the higher the social or professional position of a person, the better his ability to communicate at the level of words and phrases. Research in the field of non-verbalism has revealed a relationship between a person's eloquence and the degree of gesture used by a person to convey the meaning of their messages. This means that there is a direct relationship between the social position of a person, his prestige and the number of gestures and body movements that he uses. A person at the top of the social ladder or professional career can enjoy the wealth of his vocabulary in the process of communication, while a less educated or less professional person will more often rely on gestures rather than words in the process of communication.

So, the role of non-verbal means of communication in the professional activities of civil servants is extremely high. A person cannot talk while remaining motionless: without gesturing and without changing facial expressions. Ignoring these kinetic elements deprives speech of emotionality, destroys its logical course, and makes it meaningless in certain cases. Therefore, when communicating, ignorance of the characteristic foundations of non-verbal behavior makes it difficult to understand each other, leads to misunderstandings, and the competent speech behavior of a modern manager (primarily oral speech), supplemented by correct non-verbal behavior, is an indicator of the success and effectiveness of his activities.

1 Hitt M.A., Viddlemist R.D., Mathis R.L. Management: concept and effective practice. N.Y., ect. 1983. P. 221.

2 Piz A. Body language. - M., 1992. P.5.


1. Boluchevskaya, V.V., Povlyukova, A.M., Physician communication: verbal and non-verbal communication(lecture). 2) [electronic resource] // Medical psychology in Russia: electron. scientific journal 2011. No. 2 URL:

In professions associated with human-human interaction, the focus on the other as an equal participant in the interaction is of great importance. The ability for a humanistic, moral reaction in the professional activity of a medical worker is especially important. Since the object and at the same time the subject of interaction is a person, and the nature of knowledge is applied, a high measure of personal responsibility for the results of their activities is required from medical workers.

The basics of psychological knowledge are necessary for medical workers due to the fact that they contribute to the attentive and interested attitude of people towards each other in treatment and prevention activities, the mutual trust that arises on this basis, the ability to participate, empathy, empathy and, therefore, mutual understanding. The latter is also necessary because the medical worker and the patient together solve the same problem - maintaining health, preventing and treating diseases, which implies their cooperation and interaction, that is, active communication.

Properly established psychological contact with the patient helps to more accurately collect an anamnesis, get a more complete and in-depth understanding of the patient. This significantly increases the efficiency in solving the tasks of a medical worker. In the system of interpersonal communication, non-verbal communication is very important, which is associated with the mental states of a person and serves as a means of expressing them.

More than half of the attention is paid to non-verbal accompaniment of speech. A. Meyerabian's studies showed that in the daily act of human communication, words make up 7%, sounds and intonations 38%, non-speech interaction 55%. The situation when the ability to “read” the interlocutor’s non-verbal message can be considered as a professionally significant quality of a physician and allows for more accurate diagnostics, especially in dissimulation behavior, in which the patient deliberately hides the symptoms of his disease. The analysis of non-verbal behavior makes it possible to identify characteristic facial reactions to pain, restrained gestures, static postures - signs indicating the presence of a "protective" style of behavior: the minimum number of movements allows you to limit the impact of painful stimuli.

The presence of non-verbal communication skills is necessary for a medical worker with a “language barrier”, when a physician and a patient, speaking different languages do not understand each other. In this situation, they supplement verbal communication with non-verbal one with the help of gestures, mimic reactions, voice intonations. The development of communication skills also requires the situation of express diagnostics, when a doctor has to examine a large number of patients in a short period of time. A similar situation develops during natural disasters and social cataclysms (war, revolution, mass migration of refugees).

Non-verbal interaction skills can also be useful in the professional interaction of a doctor with young children. A child who does not have developed skills of introspection often has difficulty in describing the nature of pain, cannot determine it (“stabbing”, “cutting”, “pressing”, “bursting”).

Non-verbal behavior can be assessed according to the following main parameters: non-verbal behavior itself (interpersonal distance, relative position of interlocutors, postures, gestures, facial expressions and gaze) and paralinguistic components of communication (sighs, groans, yawns, coughs) - all the sounds that a person utters, but non-speech, as well as such characteristics of speech as the volume of the voice, its pace and rhythm, pauses.

In order for the process of the relationship between the patient and the medical worker to be effective, it is necessary to study the psychological aspects of their interaction. Medical psychology is interested in the doctor's motives and values, his idea of ​​an ideal patient, as well as certain expectations of the patient himself from the process of diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation, and the behavior of a medical worker. At good contact with medical workers, the patient recovers faster, and the treatment used has a better effect, much less side effects and complications. One of the foundations of medical activity is the ability of a health worker to understand a sick person. In the process of medical activity, an important role is played by the ability to listen to the patient, which seems necessary for the formation of contact between him and the health worker. The ability to listen to a sick person not only helps to identify or diagnose the disease to which he may be susceptible, but the process of listening itself has a favorable interaction on psychological contact.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities (profile) of the disease in contact with the patient, since in the therapeutic departments common in clinical medicine there are patients of various profiles. These are, for example, patients with diseases of cardio-vascular system, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, kidneys, etc. And often their painful conditions require long-term treatment which has an impact on the process of the relationship between the health worker and the patient. A long separation from the family and the usual professional activities, as well as anxiety about the state of one's health, cause a complex of various psychogenic reactions in patients.

However, not only these factors affect the psychological atmosphere and the patient's condition. As a result, psychogeny may complicate the course of the underlying somatic disease, which, in turn, worsens mental condition sick. And, besides, quite often patients with complaints about the activity of internal organs are being examined and treated, often not even suspecting that these somatic disorders are of a psychogenic nature.

Thus, the professional activity of a medical worker is inextricably linked with communication as a process of information exchange, perception and understanding of each other's people. Moreover, in their practice, medical workers come into contact with various spheres of human life and society - the sphere of health (physical, mental, social), rights, education and healthcare systems, preventive work, administrative issues, and others. Therefore, in order to achieve maximum efficiency in his professional activity, a physician should be well aware of the patterns and features of the communication process, as well as the causes of barriers in the process of interpersonal interaction.

Bibliographic link

Savunkina A.A., Latyshev V.A. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION IN THE PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY OF A MEDICAL WORKER // International Journal of Experimental Education. - 2015. - No. 11-6. – S. 933-935;
URL: (date of access: 01/04/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Socio-psychological and ethical characteristics of business communication.

Business communication is a form of communication based on the principles of business etiquette, aimed at interacting with individuals or a group of individuals (organization) to achieve mutually beneficial results.

A certain factor in business communication is the understanding of the personality of the interlocutor, his interests.

People who take part in business communication adhere to the official style of communication and are focused on solving and achieving their goals. The culture of business communication is always appropriate. All this is manifested in the ethics of business communication.

The ethics of business communication prevails not only in business negotiations, but also in everyday life - allowing you to effectively interact with others.

Features of business communication are that the interlocutor in the process of dialogue acts as a significant person. The interest of people in the process of business interaction characterizes a good mutual understanding in the tasks set. The paramount task of business communication is productive and effective cooperation.

Communication is the highest form of mental activity and is characteristic of all rational beings on earth, but only in humans it reaches the most advanced mental processes - it is mediated and conscious, acquiring a sign system of coding images, it becomes speech.

There is no such period in a person's life, even the shortest one, during which he would not be outside the process of interaction with people. The process of business communication is often an important factor in any joint activity of people and serves as a method to improve the quality and result of their interaction. The content of such interaction is what people are doing, which is a common task for them, and not personal problems that concern their inner world.

The norms mean the existence of regulations, that is, the formal adherence to certain rules, which are determined by the peculiarities of the mentality and style of behavior that have developed in the given territory, as well as the professional ethical principles of business communication that have been established in this professional circle of people.

Business communication is conditionally divided into two types:

· Direct business communication, immediate direct contact.

· Indirect business communication.

Direct business communication is more effective, the power of psychological suggestion and influence, indirect business communication, unfortunately, does not have such great potential, it is more formal factors than personal participation. The most commonly used type of direct business communication is a business conversation. A business conversation is understood as an interpersonal verbal dialogue of several participants in order to resolve business problems or establish business relationships.

Business communication is distinguished from informal communication by the fact that in its process specific goals and objectives are set that require certain result, which does not allow us to neglect the process of interaction with the interlocutor or several participants at any time.

None of the people who work in the field of business can avoid the process of business interaction, be it the company's own staff, business partners, government officials, employees of the judiciary or legal services, and all this requires acquired skills and knowledge in the field of business communication psychology .

Qualities and skills that allow you to adequately and correctly behave during a conversation are one of the key components of success. business man. The ability to effectively implement this process of business communication is one of the first necessary skills for someone who wants to succeed in business and personal spheres.

The role of non-verbal means of communication in professional interaction.

Non-verbal communication is a communication interaction between people without the use of words (transmission of information or influence on each other through images, intonations, gestures, facial expressions, pantomime), that is, without speech and language means.

Non-verbal means of communication can convey a wealth of information. This also applies to the personality of the communicator: his emotional state, temperament, personal qualities and properties, social status, communicative competence, as well as self-esteem. the main role non-verbal communication is to obtain a wide variety of information about a person. Such information can be obtained through gestures, facial expressions and intonations, since they are able to convey the mood, character of a person.

Features of non-verbal communication lie in their dependence on the situation, since they allow you to understand the state of all participants in communication in real time. Non-verbal communication is spontaneous and involuntary. She is practically uncontrollable.

The importance of non-verbal signals in the implementation of managerial communications cannot be overestimated. According to some reports, in the process of communication between people, from 60 to 80% of organizational communications are carried out through non-verbal means of transmitting information, and only 20-40% of information is transmitted using words.

Non-verbal communication accompanies the performance by a civil servant of his main functions: decision-making, coordinating the work of subordinates, establishing relations with the external environment of the organization, applying disciplinary procedures and motivating employees, resolving conflicts, receiving and transmitting information, holding meetings, conferences and negotiations. Obviously, the skills and experience of non-verbal communication determine the art and performance of a civil servant.

For a civil servant, understanding non-verbal language and the ability to use it adequately is a necessary condition for a culture of business behavior. Each gesture in a situation of business communication carries certain information to the interlocutor, which must be correctly deciphered.

For example, a handshake as an obligatory gesture of business and friendly relations is a traditional and ancient form of greeting, and in addition, a symbol of an agreement, a sign of trust and respect. The intensity and duration of the handshake testify to many things: a short or sluggish handshake is a sign of indifference, too long can cause irritation, superiority is expressed by the hand on top, informal relations are emphasized by a handshake with two hands and only a slightly elongated handshake along with other non-verbal means (smile, look ) demonstrates friendliness and willingness to cooperate.

During communication, the widest range of gestures is observed, expressing not only a specific action, but also the internal state of a person: confidence, discontent, surprise, indifference, embarrassment, and many other feelings.

Speaking from the rostrum, a civil servant should pay attention not only to the sound and content side of his message, but also to the illustrative gestures that he uses to explain what was said. With the help of such gestures, certain points of the message are reinforced. According to prominent theorists of oratory, expressive gestures should correspond to the meaning and meaning of a phrase or a single word. Only in this way can gestures “revive speech”, enhance its emotional sound.

Too frequent, mechanical, fussy or abrupt movements distract from the main content, irritate the audience and dislike the speaker. The intensity of gestures may indicate the employee's lack of confidence in himself and his knowledge, his nervousness and emotional instability.

Scientific research in the field of linguistics has shown that there is a direct relationship between the social status, power, prestige of a person and his vocabulary. In other words, the higher the social or professional position of a person, the better his ability to communicate at the level of words and phrases. Research in the field of non-verbalism has revealed a relationship between a person's eloquence and the degree of gesture used by a person to convey the meaning of their messages. This means that there is a direct relationship between the social position of a person, his prestige and the number of gestures and body movements that he uses. A person at the top of a social ladder or professional career may use the wealth of their vocabulary in the process of communication, while a less educated or less professional person will rely more on gestures rather than words in the process of communication.

So, the role of non-verbal means of communication in the professional activities of civil servants is extremely high. A person cannot talk while remaining motionless: without gesturing and without changing facial expressions. Ignoring these kinetic elements deprives speech of emotionality, destroys its logical course, makes it meaningless in certain cases. For this reason, when communicating, ignorance of the characteristic foundations of non-verbal behavior makes it difficult to understand each other, leads to misunderstandings, and the competent speech behavior of a modern manager (primarily oral speech), supplemented by correct non-verbal behavior, is an indicator of the success and effectiveness of his activities.


· Large explanatory psychological dictionary / Artur Reber. T. 1-2.- M.: Veche, AST, 2000.

Efimova N.S. Psychology of communication. Workshop on psychology: textbook. allowance / N.S. Efimova.- M.: ID "FORUM": INFRA-M, 2006.-192p.

Kravchenko A.I. General psychology: textbook. allowance / A.I. Kravchenko.- M.: Prospekt, 2009.-432p.

Non-verbal communication is a non-verbal form of communication that includes gestures, facial expressions, postures, visual contact, voice timbre, touch, and conveys figurative and emotional content1.
The language of non-verbal communication components: the primary languages ​​of the non-verbal system: the system of gestures, which differs from the language of the deaf-mutes, pantomime, facial expressions, etc.; secondary languages ​​of the non-verbal system: Morse code, music, programming languages.
Non-verbal language is a type of communication when words are not used: facial expressions, gestures, intonations are the most important part of communication. At times, much more can be said through these means than through words. A specialist in “body language” A. Pease claims that 7% of information is transmitted with the help of words, sound means (including tone of voice, intonation, etc.) - 38%, facial expressions, gestures, postures (non-verbal communication) - 55% 2. In other words, we can say that it is important not what is said, but how it is said.

1.1. Non-verbal communication. 3
1.2. The value of non-verbal communication. five
2.1. Human facial expressions. 10
2.2. Pose and its details. 16
2.3. Gestures and body movements. 19

The work contains 1 file


1.1. Non-verbal communication.

Non-verbal communication is a non-verbal form of communication that includes gestures, facial expressions, postures, visual contact, voice timbre, touch, and conveys figurative and emotional content 1 .

The language of non-verbal communication components: the primary languages ​​of the non-verbal system: the system of gestures, which differs from the language of the deaf-mutes, pantomime, facial expressions, etc.; secondary languages ​​of the non-verbal system: Morse code, music, programming languages.

Non-verbal language is a type of communication when words are not used: facial expressions, gestures, intonations are the most important part of communication. At times, much more can be said through these means than through words. A specialist in “body language” A. Pease claims that 7% of information is transmitted with the help of words, sound means (including tone of voice, intonation, etc.) - 38%, facial expressions, gestures, postures (non-verbal communication) - 55% 2. In other words, we can say that it is important not what is said, but how it is said.

It plays a big role in the exchange of emotions both between people and between animals, including between a person and his trained pets. Observations show that in the processes of communication 60% - 95% of information is transmitted precisely with the help of the non-verbal system 3 .

It consists of: tone of voice, timbre, pitch, speed, intonation and other various characteristics of non-verbal, song, your appearance, your clothes, your posture, your facial expression, your smile or lack of it, your look, your movements, dances, your gait, the depth and speed of your breathing, your gestures during a conversation, nodding and shaking your head, the direction of your arms and legs, applause, touching during a conversation, handshakes and hugs, behavior. As well as actions: confidence during a conversation, the absence of aggressiveness or its presence. Mimicry is an imitation of the behavior of your interlocutor. Preservation of the personal space of the interlocutor.

On the one hand, during communication, conversations, negotiations, you need to be able to control your own movements, your own behavior and facial expressions, on the other hand, you need to be able to read the information of non-verbal means of communication of your partners in a conversation, so the language of non-verbal communication must be studied by everyone who is interested in positive and successful negotiations and conversations. However, "reading information" of gestures, postures and other means of non-verbal communication is not always unambiguous; in each specific situation, a specific approach to this process is required. Non-verbal means of communication are studied by the following 4 sciences:

a) kinesics (gestures, facial expressions, gait, posture, visual contact);

b) prosodic and extralinguistic (intonation, loudness, timbre, pauses, sigh, laughter, crying, i.e. intonation characteristics of the voice);

c) tokesika (tactile interactions);

d) proxemics (orientation, distance, i.e. spatial organization of communication).

Most researchers share the opinion that the verbal channel is used to convey information, while the non-verbal channel is used to “discuss” interpersonal relationships, and in some cases is used instead of verbal messages. Non-verbal communication is valuable in that it appears, as a rule, unconsciously and spontaneously and is due to the impulses of our subconscious; that is, the inability to fake these impulses allows us to trust this language more than the verbal channel of communication. In the process of communication, it is necessary to take into account the general atmosphere of the conversation, its content, general mood and atmosphere. The components of non-verbal communication are also very significant in the very first seconds of acquaintance. At the time of the acquaintance, not a single word had yet been uttered, and the first assessment of the interlocutor had already been obtained by “reading information” of the components of non-verbal communication, such as your gait, your general appearance, facial expressions, and subsequently this assessment of non-verbal communication will change very problematic.

Researchers believe that the first four minutes of the meeting are important, during which a general portrait of the interlocutor is formed, and it is during this short period of time that you must make a positive impression on your interlocutor, and non-verbal will be the basis for this 5 .

First, it is necessary to show interest in the upcoming conversation, your willingness to cooperate, your openness to new ideas and suggestions. When communicating, you should pay attention to the posture, look, gestures - as these are the most obvious methods of non-verbal communication. Your behavior should be natural, not tense, should not make your interlocutor tense up and wait for a catch.

When communicating with an interlocutor, you should not take a pose that shows your closeness to communication and aggressiveness: these are frowning eyebrows, elbows wide apart on the table, clenched into fists or fingers clasped together, crossed legs and arms. Do not wear glasses with tinted glasses, especially at the first meeting, if there is no urgent need for this - bright sun, strong wind, because without seeing the eyes of a communication partner, your interlocutor may feel embarrassed, since a significant amount of information turns out to be for him closed, and the person begins to involuntarily strain. As a result of all this, the atmosphere of direct communication can be disturbed.

1.2. The value of non-verbal communication.

Gestures, postures, facial expressions, intonation are non-verbal components of communication, they sometimes mean much more than what is said by speech (i.e. verbally). It is very important for a person to properly control his body and convey, with the help of facial expressions and gestures, exactly the information that is required in a given situation 6 .

In psychology and pedagogy, they usually distinguish, firstly, communicative means of non-verbal communication, that is, those that are perceived and understood by one of the partners in accordance with the intention of the other, and, secondly, informative means of non-verbal communication, understanding them as those that "read" by the second partner in addition to the desire of the first. By carefully observing a person's behavior, you can learn a lot about his true intentions. Psychologists have found that in the process of interpersonal communication, we draw from 60 to 80% of information about the interlocutor through the so-called non-verbal means of communication - gestures, facial expressions, glances, gestures, body movements, intonation, choosing a certain distance between partners. A person controls his gestures and postures much less than his words; that is why they can tell more about him than direct statements.

Non-verbal communication is communication through non-speech sign systems. Non-verbal communication is usually represented by the following systems: visual, acoustic, tactile, olfactory 7 .

The visual communication system includes:

  • gestures, gestures;
  • facial expressions, postures;
  • skin reactions (redness, blanching, sweating);
  • spatio-temporal organization of communication;
  • eye contact (visual contact);
  • auxiliary means of communication, including: emphasizing or hiding body features (signs of gender, age, race), using means of transforming natural physique (clothes, hairstyle, cosmetics, glasses, beard, small objects in hands), etc.

This general motor skills of various parts of the body reflects the emotional reactions of a person, due to which communication acquires nuances.

The acoustic system is divided into the following aspects:

  • paralinguistic system (vocalization system, i.e. voice tempo, its range, tonality);
  • extralinguistic system (inclusion of pauses in speech, as well as other means, such as coughing, laughter, crying, speech rate).

Tactile system - touching, shaking hands, hugging, kissing.

Olfactory system - pleasant and unpleasant odors of the environment, natural and artificial human odors.

The following main functions of non-verbal communication are distinguished 8:

  • expression of interpersonal relationships;
  • expression of feelings and emotions;
  • management of verbal communication processes (conversation);
  • exchange of rituals;
  • regulation of self-presentation.

A feature of non-verbal communication is that its appearance is due to the impulses of the human subconscious, and a person who does not know how to control his non-verbal means of expression cannot fake these impulses, which allows him to trust this language more than the usual verbal communication channel. It is believed that it is practically impossible to fake or copy gestures and other non-verbal signs, since for a long time it is impossible to control their entire set and at the same time spoken words. Knowledge of non-verbal language allows not only to better understand the interlocutor, but also (more importantly) to anticipate what kind of reaction the heard even before the interlocutor speaks, to feel the need for changes to achieve the desired result. Non-verbal communication allows you to show that you understand the signals sent by others and the responses to them; test your own assumptions about signals suppressed by others; give feedback signals. There are a number of factors that affect non-verbal language and its individual elements 9:

  • nationality (for example, the same gestures can mean different things for different peoples);
  • state of health (in a sick person, the look, sound of the voice changes, gestures are usually more lethargic, although there are diseases accompanied by increased excitability, emotionality);
  • a person’s profession (a weak handshake is not always a sign of weakness: maybe the profession requires you to take care of your fingers);
  • the level of culture, which affects the composition of gestures, ideas about etiquette, proper education;
  • the status of a person (the higher he stands on the hierarchical ladder, the more stingy with gestures, more in terms of words; gestures become more refined);
  • belonging to a group (group traditions, norms, rules can significantly modify the pantomime of a group member);
  • acting skills (many are able to play not only with words, but also with non-verbal signs);
  • age (in early age the same state can be expressed by different gestures; in addition, the age factor often plays the same role as the status. With age, the speed of movement may decrease);
  • a combination of non-verbal signs (usually the state is transmitted not by one, but by several elements of pantomime. If the harmony between these elements is violated, one gets the impression of insincerity; the same applies to the coordination of words and gestures);
  • the ability to manifest and perceive non-verbal means of communication (a physical barrier between partners makes it difficult to fully perceive them, such as when talking on the phone).

So, we can conclude that although verbal symbols (words) are our main means for encoding ideas intended for transmission, we also use non-verbal symbols for broadcasting messages. Non-verbal communication uses any symbols other than words. Often, non-verbal transmission occurs simultaneously with verbal transmission and can enhance or change the meaning of words. The exchange of glances, facial expressions such as smiles and expressions of disapproval, raised eyebrows in bewilderment, a lively or fixed look, a look of approval or disapproval are all examples of non-verbal communication.


2.1. Human facial expressions.

Most often, the main object of research is the face of a person. The study of basic mimic states, such as joy, anger, fear, disgust, surprise, suffering, has developed a unit of facial expression analysis - a mimic sign. The combination of such features forms the structure of various facial expressions. Let's consider the most typical emotional states 10 .

The first and often the main impressions of a person can be formed from observing the grimace of his face. Pleasure - occurs when savoring taste impressions. The most pronounced facial expressions occur in those people who have developed kinesthetic abilities of perception. A probing grimace (lips are stretched forward, may be ajar or loosely closed) occurs during evaluation, examination. Protest (the corners of the mouth are slightly raised, the mouth may be slightly open) is often accompanied by wide open eyes.

Surprise - the mouth is open as much as possible. If this grimace is accompanied by wide open eyes, raised eyebrows, horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, it expresses the highest degree of surprise - stunned.
Concern (lips stretched into a "tube") is often accompanied by an evaluating look, staring into the void. An open mouth ("drooped" jaw) means not only surprise, but also the inability to make a decision at the moment, the inability to make strong-willed efforts. This grimace can also express relaxation, passivity. An emphatically closed mouth (tense) indicates a firmness of character, often a lack of desire to continue the conversation, a denial of the possibility of a compromise. A compressed mouth (often whitened lips are retracted, a narrow strip of the mouth) means refusal, denial, perseverance and even cruelty, stubbornness and annoyance. A "stretched" face occurs when the hanging corners of the lips are relaxed. Such relaxation speaks of disappointment, sadness, longing, lack of optimism. The degree of relaxation, complemented by dull eyes, a parted mouth, vertical wrinkles on the forehead, speaks of the depth of such an emotional state, up to suffering. The lowered corners of the lips with a tense mouth (the gap between the lips is closed) characterize an active-negative position, anger, neglect, disgust, annoyance, mockery, mockery.

Event on the specialty on the topic: "Non-verbal communication"

Prepared by the teacher of the Russian language and literature of the secondary school No. 133 Smolenskaya Anna Mikhailovna

Target: 1) to acquaint students with the concept of "Non-verbal communication", to update and replenish basic knowledge about communication, to realize the connection between written and oral broadcasting, between verbal and non-verbal communication;

2) to develop the ability to draw current conclusions based on the behavior of others, to be attentive to aggressive people; to form a tolerant attitude towards interlocutors;

3) to cultivate communication etiquette, respect for others, interlocutors.

Lesson type: Combined.

Equipment: Handout (cards), presentation, illustrative material.

During the classes.

Teacher's word: Do you know what non-verbal communication is? Okay, let's get to know each other.

An important element of human life and relationships are psychological contacts and communication. The need for contact with those similar to oneself also exists in the animal world, but communication is a huge gift, the property of human social existence. Thanks to communication, a person learns the world, his own spirituality, maintains a psychological connection with other people through mass media and direct relationships, without which it is difficult to maintain an emotional life status.

Communication - a multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, which provides for the exchange of information, certain tactics and strategies for interaction, perception and understanding by the subjects of communication of each other.

It historically developed in the process of joint activities of people, where at first it played an auxiliary role: it organized and accompanied certain actions.

With the complication of activity, it acquires relative independence, begins to perform the specific function of transferring forms of culture and social experience to the next generations.

Human communication is supported by certain means. A person is able to express and consolidate his feelings, thoughts in words and gestures, giving a communicative space in which her inner world and the external, objective world unite, coexist. Such means that a person uses in his communication are verbal (verbal) and non-verbal means (facial expressions, pantomime, expressive body movements).

Verbal communication uses language as a sign system - the most universal means of human communication, which provides a meaningful aspect of interaction and mutual understanding in the process of joint activity. The accuracy of the listener's understanding of the content of the statement can become apparent to the communicator only when there is a change in "communicative roles", that is, when the recipient becomes a communicator and, by his statement, will let you know how he revealed the content of the information.

One of the means of communication is non-verbal (non-verbal) communication. These are various body movements (gestures, facial expressions, pantomime), other means of external non-verbal transmission of a person's emotional states (for example, redness, blanching, changes in breathing rhythm, etc.), which serve as a means of exchanging information between people. Sometimes people talk about non-verbal behavior of a person. At the same time, we are talking about forms of his behavioral activity that are not related to language, but those that perform a communicative function (for example, the placement of a person in space, manners of holding some objects, etc.).

Understand what verbal and non-verbal communication is? Good! Let's try to independently determine the behavior and intentions of people by postures, facial expressions and gestures? Divide into groups (students receive cards).

While you're at work, I'll give you some examples of non-verbal communication.

More than two thousand years ago, the Chinese sage Lu Wang accidentally met an unfamiliar young man, with whom he hurried to establish friendly relations, moreover, he married his daughter to him. The foresight of the sage can only be surprised: a few years later, an unknown young man proclaimed himself the ruler of the Celestial Empire, the first emperor of the Han dynasty. The happy father-in-law claimed that he read exceptional abilities and a great future in the features of the young man.

It is known, for example, that in the circus the performers talk to each other with the help of gestures and certain body movements. Sometimes the life of a person who works under the dome depends on how accurately his gestures are understood by those people who insure him below. This sign language is understood by all circus artists, regardless of nationality and language.

There are such non-verbal signals that one people carry one information, and another - another. So, for example, most European peoples convey consent by shaking their heads from top to bottom. The Bulgarians convey disagreement with this gesture, and the Japanese only confirm that they are attentively listening to the interlocutor. The use of such gestures often causes misunderstandings, and if the exact meaning of gestures in the culture of a particular people is unknown, then it is better not to use them when communicating with foreigners.

Our compatriots who now live and work in the United States of America say that one of the basic rules that they had to learn there was the rule to smile always and in all cases. But, observing the American principle of constantly smiling, one should not forget that the smile should be adequate to the situation and not cause irritation in the interlocutor.

A. Makarenko admitted that he felt like a teacher only when he was able to give the same order in twenty different intonations.

In means mass media we find material about one Italian actor, while on tour in Poland, he read a monologue. It seemed to the listeners that it was a monologue of a terrible criminal who repents of his deed and sincerely asks for forgiveness. There were tears in the eyes of many of the listeners. Then it turned out that the actor had not prepared a spare number and simply pronounced numbers from one to a hundred in Italian, but with different intonations and gestures.

Not less than interesting fact, in my opinion, is that Vladimir Vysotsky, with his hoarse voice and high emotionality, turned words that were simple in meaning into an emotional anguish, forcing other people to look differently around them.

I hope you have already finished. We are ready to listen to your options and analyze them. We start with the first group (while students answer and analyze their answers, we prepare a presentation for viewing).

I thank you for your work, you were quite attentive to the task and gave many correct answers. Now we will clarify the interpretation of images that turned out to be difficult. Attention to the screen (teacher's story behind the presentation).

Final word from the teacher: Unfortunately, lack of time does not allow us to consider all means of non-verbal communication, so if you are interested in the topic of our event, please contact me. I will gladly recommend interesting literature on this subject. Now, I am sure, you will no longer make mistakes and correctly determine the reaction of the interlocutors to your words and carefully monitor the behavior of the people around you.

Thank you for attention. Goodbye.