Lyudmila in different languages ​​of the world. The meaning of the name Lyudmila, character and fate

Names: origin and forms

Ludmila- (from old Russian) dear to people.

Derivatives: Lyudmilka, Luda, Ludusia, Lucy, Lucysha, Ludakha, Lyudasha, Lyudukha, Lyudusha, Lyulya, Mila, Milasha, Milusya, Milusha, Mika.

Directory of Russian names

Dear people(from Slavic).

Caring, forgiving. Educator, zealot of morality. Knows how to correctly assess their capabilities and is slightly crafty. A sane, almost irreproachable hostess. Usually surrounded by friends. Devoted to a loved one, jealous. The desire to please sometimes harms her.

The secret of the name

Ludmila- dear to people (Old Slavic).
Feminine form of the male Slavic name Lyudmil, already unknown in Russia, but used in Bulgaria.
A few decades ago, the name was very popular, now it is not so common, in cities more than in the countryside.
name zodiac: Scales.
Planet: Venus.
Name color: beige.
Talisman Stone: yellow sapphire.
auspicious plant: hazel, chrysanthemum.
name patron: Persian cat.
Happy day: Friday.
happy season: autumn.
Diminutive forms: Lyudmilka, Luda, Lusya, Lyudochek, Lyudushka, Lyulya, Mila, Milasha, Milusha, Mika.
Main features: energy, passion.


Ludmila Czech, princess, martyr, September 30 (17). She was baptized by Saint Methodius, the Enlightener of the Slavs. She spread the faith of Christ in the Czech Republic, raised her grandson Vyacheslav in piety. Murdered by her daughter-in-law, a pagan, in 927.


On Lyudmilin's day, geese fly away - they drag a winter on their tail.


Lyudochka is a charming, neat girl, she loves to play with dolls, from an early age she shows the features of a loving mother. Lyudochka is an owner by nature, she considers herself the only mistress in her toy house, she is not good friends with her sister. The brother is more tolerant. Adult Lyudmila will also trust her brother more than her sister. Luda plays with her peers-girlfriends with pleasure, does not strive to become leaders, but will not let herself be offended either.

Luda has good musical abilities, parents should develop these data. At school, Luda studies diligently, patiently and diligently. There are not enough stars from the sky, but he finishes school well.

Having matured, Lyudmila becomes proud, jealous of her person. She needs encouragement, admiration, approval. Often aggressive, but if aggression is overcome, then it can be persuaded, reassured. Lyudmila is very active, inquisitive, with a good memory. She has an analytical mindset, but often drowns in trifles and becomes unfair and biased. Lyudmila is so excitable that she often loses her common sense.

The first impression of Lyudmila is somewhat rude. But this rudeness is a consequence of her strong and sharp spiritual impulses. Quiet quiet life not according to her, energy and passions boil in her. Lyudmila is very kind, she has many friends, she takes their troubles and experiences to heart. Lyudmila constantly has to save someone. Surrounded by disasters, she is in her place. There is no better nurse, paramedic than Lyudmila. She always strives for success, she can be a good actress, artist, cutter, fashion designer. Lyudmila likes everything beautiful, noticeable. Lyudmila cannot stand painstaking, regulated work. Lyudmila is a very concrete and practical person, she uses her charm consciously, bringing the necessary goal closer.

Lyudmila reads a lot, needs constant communication, loves to visit and receive guests. At home, she always has a cozy atmosphere, she cooks wonderfully, showing ingenuity and originality.

Lyudmila's personal life is often not very happy. Feminine charm helps her up to a certain point. The desire to please her sometimes hurts. Her moral principles are unstable, but this gives her an additional charm. She is married repeatedly or remains alone, then the child is her only consolation. A happy marriage of Lyudmila is possible with Alexander, Andrei, Dmitry, Eugene, Cyril, Ilya.

The energy of the name Lyudmila does not correspond to its meaning. This was also noted by P.A. Florensky: “Everyone knows from life experience that people with overly obviously pious surnames are rarely pious. In the same way, or even more so, Lyudmila - and in relation to her name: “I am not nice, although I am nice, and you, although Lyudmila, but you are not nice to people, and you will not become nice to them.


Lyudmila Vasilievna Tselikovskaya (1919-1992) - famous Russian actress. Her entire creative life was concentrated in the Moscow Vakhtangov Theater, where she went through a school of high acting skills. She played a wide variety of dramatic roles by Soviet and foreign authors, classics. But to millions of viewers, Lyudmila Tselikovskaya is known as a film actress.

If we admit the possibility of the existence of the concept of "movie star" in Soviet cinema, meaning by this the favorite of the public, then with good reason we can say that such a movie star in the forties was Lyudmila Tselikovskaya. The charm of the actress, the soft penetrating style of acting, lyricism combined with warm humor, spiritual purity and spontaneity of Tselikovskaya's heroines made her a favorite of the public.

The very first appearance of Tselikovskaya on the screen in the musical comedy "Anton Ivanovich is angry" (1941) brought her great success. The role of Simochka in this film marked the beginning of Tselikovskaya's work on creating images of lyrical heroines. Easily and naturally, emotionally contagious, Tselikovskaya lived on the screen, singing songs and arias. This was facilitated by the music of D. Kabalevsky, sparkling, melodic, sounding in the key of the film's dramaturgy.

Simochka was soon followed by other roles in the comedies "Hearts of Four" (1941), "Air Coachman" (1943), "Twins" (1945), "Restless Economy" (1946).

She also played the dramatic role of Empress Anastasia in S. Eisenstein's film "Ivan the Terrible".

The real success of Tselikovskaya was the main role in the film by S. Samsonov "The Jumper" (1955). The actress managed to reveal the character of the heroine in all its complexity, she managed to penetrate the soul of Chekhov's image. We see on the screen the sweet, charming Olga Ivanovna, everything in her seems to be full of good feelings. Restrained, soft, but with great inner fullness, Lyudmila Tselikovskaya showed all the pretentiousness, falseness of her heroine, the limitations and squalor of her nature. In "The Jumper", the actress created the image of a person with a deeply individual, unique destiny.

Unfortunately, Lyudmila Tselikovskaya starred in films a little. Her rich opportunities for the embodiment of complex interesting characters were realized on the theater stage.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

According to Mendelev

Reliable, good, feminine name. It is perceived exactly as it should be lexical meaning- sweet people. The already mentioned, as well as other signs - “gentle”, “beautiful”, “round” still manifest themselves in diminutive forms and hardly change over time.

Lyudmila is always in the thick of life, she gets both joys in full measure, and, in particular, worries and sorrows. It would seem that having all the data for a happy life, she should easily overcome obstacles and achieve her goals. But she is constantly pursued by evil fate: when the goal seems to be close, something unexpected happens, and everything goes to dust.

The nature of the name Lyudmila

Strong will, rich intuition, feminine charm help Lyudmila only up to a certain point. Then troubles begin - in love, family or at work - and again she has to strain her strength to get out of another hole. She enthusiastically undertakes to arrange the fate of those people who are dear to her, but these efforts often do not lead to the results that we would like to get. Or, having achieved with great difficulty some stable position in society, Lyudmila commits some small, insignificant act, after which, as if by a chain, its consequences line up, and she loses everything that she got with such great difficulty. The same is true in intimate relationships, a wedding can be upset at the very last moment, the person she relies on acts contrary to expectations ... Such accidents are not an exception for Lyudmila, but the rule.

Lyudmila's activity and sociability are usually higher than those of her friends, and her reactions are quick and impulsive. Any calculation is alien to her, and even if, after much thought, she decides to behave exactly as intended, it is very likely that in fact she will do something exactly the opposite. The mobile and unstable type of psyche pushes her to completely inexplicable acts that bring her only harm.

She is easily suggestible, often changes her views, and today she can passionately defend what she rejected yesterday. Her reactions to events are very fast and stormy, she spends herself all, and from time to time she may have periods of apathy and indifference to everything.

Mila is slower than Luda and Lucy, but kinder than them.

Lyudmila's colors are bluish, lilac.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: "Dear people", (Russian)

Energy and character named after Lyudmila

This name is similar to the splash of water from a fallen stone and circles diverging on the surface of the lake. So in the name Lyudmila, two heterogeneous beginnings are connected into a single whole. It can be easily seen that the first part of the word has sufficient hardness, while the ending is very, very soft. It is interesting that some Lyudmilas deliberately use the duality of the name, depending on the circumstances, introducing themselves either as Luda or as Mila. Another name is similar to scales, trying to balance both softness and hardness of character at the same time.

Such a search for balance usually leads to the fact that Lyudmila from childhood begins to be distinguished by an analytical mindset, which largely masks her sensuality, at the same time preventing this sensuality from developing into passion. No matter what emotions overwhelm Luda, she still tries to choose the best of all behavior options, in her opinion. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't, but all the same, Lyudmila's nervous breakdowns are rarely too strong. She may make some noise, be offended, but, most likely, she will quickly pull herself together. At the same time, Luda is not without some coquetry, which is also a consequence of her logic and developed pride.

Often, from an early age, Luda knows what she needs to do, what not, as well as what can and cannot be done. At the same time, her rationally balanced sensuality is likely to lead to early thoughts of marriage. Sometimes, already from childhood, she begins to seriously prepare herself for family life, and it is not surprising if this leads to an early marriage, as soon as Luda receives independence from her parents. Here, however, it can very quickly become clear that not everything in life can be planned, especially when it comes to human relationships. Often Lyudmila begins to use her mental abilities in order to fit the character of her husband to her ideas of what her man should be like. It is not surprising if this raises objections on the part of the husband up to an open conflict, and here it is useful to remember that happiness cannot be planned, since happiness is just a fullness of feelings and trust in Fate and close people. If this is not the case, then no matter how the husband behaves, she will still remain dissatisfied.

Often Lyudmila tries to realize herself in her career, and in this she can be well helped by such qualities as the ability to be persistent and diplomatic. Although, of course, sometimes it is much more appropriate to trust your feelings more than your reason.

Communication secrets: When communicating with Luda, it is worth considering that significant sensuality is usually hidden behind her reasonable mask. However, in the event of disputes or conflicts with her, it would still be much more appropriate to appeal to logic than to emotions.

Famous people named Ludmila

Ludmila Zykina

Indeed, it is not easy to believe that one of the most popular performers of Russian folk songs, Hero of Socialist Labor, Lenin Prize winner and People's Artist of the USSR Lyudmila Zykina (born 1929) could have worked as a seamstress all her life and would hardly have received all of the above awards , if not for the case. It all started with the fact that she, an eighteen-year-old girl from a garment factory, suddenly noticed an announcement on Mayakovsky Square about a competitive recruitment to the Pyatnitsky choir, and unexpectedly decided for herself. Soon Zykina was already at the audition, and a few hours later she saw her name among those who had passed the competition.

With this, the stellar career of the singer began. Since then, her beautiful, deep, strong voice has been heard at concert venues in many countries of the world - she toured a lot, and since 1977 she became the artistic director of the Rossiya ensemble. “Now that many years have passed,” the singer sums up in her book “At the Crossroads of Meetings,” “I can say that singing must begin with participation in the choir. The choir is a school for learning the song and the secrets of its performance.” If this is true, then Lyudmila Zykina was lucky that everything in her life turned out that way, and not otherwise. However, it still seems that even if it were not for the choir, her talent and diligence would have led to the same results. But for those who do not have the necessary qualities, even the Pyatnitsky Choir will hardly help to learn the "secrets of performance".

1. Personality: those who measure and weigh

2. Color: purple

3. Main features. Susceptibility - sociability - activity - sexuality

4 Totem Plant: Mistletoe

5. Spirit animal: rooster

6. Sign: scales

7. Type. They are difficult to approach, as is their totem, the fighting cock. These are choleric people who do not listen to words, but they have a good heart.

8. Psyche. These women are characterized by such a quality as love for their neighbor, which, however, sometimes takes strange forms.

9. Will. Not as strong as it seems. If you overcome their aggressiveness, it turns out that they can be persuaded.

10. Excitability. Suppresses other qualities. They give the impression of a ball of nerves.

11. Speed ​​of reaction. Is it possible to judge the nature of the atomic bomb? Either you will survive with it, or you will fly into the air ...

12. Field of activity. Work for them is a battlefield where you can go beyond what is permitted. They like everything beautiful and catchy. They do not endure painstaking regulated work. They can be doctors, artists, sculptors. With great strength striving for success!

13. Intuition. Unusually developed, especially if they make a medical diagnosis or give a psychological assessment of the personality.

14. Intelligence. Excessive excitability often deprives them of common sense. They have an analytical mindset, but often drown in trifles and become unfair and biased. Inquisitive, with a well-developed memory.

15. Susceptibility. Every second they strive for love, they want to be the first in everything. They dream of mastering not only your body and soul, but also your condition.

16. Morality. Somewhat unstable moral principles only add to their charm.

17. Health. Fortunately, iron, as they lead an abnormal lifestyle: they confuse day with night, sleep when they can. They have impaired blood circulation, and this threatens with varicose veins.

18. Sexuality. What can be said about these noble women who want to love and be loved, accept and reject, possess and give?

19. Activity. They are professional players capable of making the most risky bluffs...

20. Sociability. Excessive sociability often leads to a disordered life.

21. Conclusion. If you aspire to a crazy but full of passion life, then marry a woman who bears this name and get what you want!

By Higiru

Slavic name - dear to people. Feminine form of the name Lyudmil.

Since childhood, Lyudmila has shown the features of the keeper of the family hearth. She loves to create comfort, all her dolls are dressed “according to the weather”, and since the age of five or six she has been making clothes for them with her own hands. But he is not good friends with his sister - Lyudochka is an owner by nature and should be the only mistress in her toy kingdom. The brother is more tolerant. Differences in Lyudmila's relationship with her sister and brother, which are laid down from childhood, are also clearly visible in Lyudmila's adults.

The nature of the name Lyudmila

He loves the company of little girlfriends very much, does not strive to be a leader in children's games, but does not follow the lead of more active children.

Lyudmila Domovity, home economics lessons are their favorite subject. Endowed with good musical abilities, Lyudmil's parents should pay attention to this. School and home duties are performed diligently, patiently and assiduously. Having matured, Lyudmilas become proud, jealous of their person. He spares neither money nor time to always be on top, better than others. At the same time, she is kind, she will not regret good advice, do not stint on a gift.

Personal life and marriage named after Lyudmila

Lyudmilas achieve good results in the field of art, music, singing, and also where the ability to find contact with people and convince them is required.

Ludmila's husband will not have to eat soups from concentrates. Lyudmila is a wonderful hostess, everything she undertakes passes through her creative mind, enriching herself and acquiring an imprint of a peculiar and unique. The husband will not go broke on her outfits, moreover, Lyudmila herself can make good money with her ability to needlework. Lyudmila's children are always well-groomed, and Luda's relationship with her husband's parents is the best. But Luda is often unlucky with her husband, he does not like Luda's excessive independence and her independent character. Collisions are also possible on the basis of intimate relationships. All this can lead to divorce, which in such women usually happens loudly and noisily. Divorced Lyudmila does not lose heart, continues to persistently look for a life partner.

In Lyudmil with patronymics Nikolaevna, Vladimirovna, Alexandrovna, Dmitrievna, negative character traits are more pronounced.

Alexander, Andrey, Evgeny, Kirill, Ilya, Dmitry - will surely become good husbands Lyudmila. She should beware of marriage with Nikolai, Yegor, Eduard, Yakov, Stepan.

According to Mendelev

Reliable, good, feminine name. It is perceived exactly as follows from the lexical meaning - dear to people. The already mentioned, as well as other signs - “gentle”, “beautiful”, “round” still manifest themselves in diminutive forms and hardly change over time.

Lyudmila is always in the thick of life, she gets both joys in full measure, and, in particular, worries and sorrows. It would seem that having all the data for a happy life, she should easily overcome obstacles and achieve her goals. But she is constantly pursued by evil fate: when the goal seems to be close, something unexpected happens, and everything goes to dust.

The nature of the name Lyudmila

Strong will, rich intuition, feminine charm help Lyudmila only up to a certain point. Then troubles begin - in love, family or at work - and again she has to strain her strength to get out of another hole. She enthusiastically undertakes to arrange the fate of those people who are dear to her, but these efforts often do not lead to the results that we would like to get. Or, having achieved with great difficulty some stable position in society, Lyudmila commits some small, insignificant act, after which, as if by a chain, its consequences line up, and she loses everything that she got with such great difficulty. The same is true in intimate relationships, a wedding can be upset at the very last moment, the person she relies on acts contrary to expectations ... Such accidents are not an exception for Lyudmila, but the rule.

Lyudmila's activity and sociability are usually higher than those of her friends, and her reactions are quick and impulsive. Any calculation is alien to her, and even if, after much thought, she decides to behave exactly as intended, it is very likely that in fact she will do something exactly the opposite. The mobile and unstable type of psyche pushes her to completely inexplicable acts that bring her only harm.

She is easily suggestible, often changes her views, and today she can passionately defend what she rejected yesterday. Her reactions to events are very fast and stormy, she spends herself all, and from time to time she may have periods of apathy and indifference to everything.

Mila is slower than Luda and Lucy, but kinder than them.

Lyudmila's colors are bluish, lilac.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: "Dear people", (Russian)

Energy and character named after Lyudmila

This name is similar to the splash of water from a fallen stone and circles diverging on the surface of the lake. So in the name Lyudmila, two heterogeneous beginnings are connected into a single whole. It can be easily seen that the first part of the word has sufficient hardness, while the ending is very, very soft. It is interesting that some Lyudmilas deliberately use the duality of the name, depending on the circumstances, introducing themselves either as Luda or as Mila. Another name is similar to scales, trying to balance both softness and hardness of character at the same time.

Such a search for balance usually leads to the fact that Lyudmila from childhood begins to be distinguished by an analytical mindset, which largely masks her sensuality, at the same time preventing this sensuality from developing into passion. No matter what emotions overwhelm Luda, she still tries to choose the best of all behavior options, in her opinion. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't, but all the same, Lyudmila's nervous breakdowns are rarely too strong. She may make some noise, be offended, but, most likely, she will quickly pull herself together. At the same time, Luda is not without some coquetry, which is also a consequence of her logic and developed pride.

Often, from an early age, Luda knows what she needs to do, what not, as well as what can and cannot be done. At the same time, her rationally balanced sensuality is likely to lead to early thoughts of marriage. Sometimes, from childhood, she begins to seriously prepare herself for family life, and it is not surprising if this leads to early marriage, as soon as Luda receives independence from her parents. Here, however, it can very quickly become clear that not everything in life can be planned, especially when it comes to human relationships. Often Lyudmila begins to use her mental abilities in order to fit the character of her husband to her ideas of what her man should be like. It is not surprising if this raises objections on the part of the husband up to an open conflict, and here it is useful to remember that happiness cannot be planned, since happiness is just a fullness of feelings and trust in Fate and close people. If this is not the case, then no matter how the husband behaves, she will still remain dissatisfied.

Often Lyudmila tries to realize herself in her career, and in this she can be well helped by such qualities as the ability to be persistent and diplomatic. Although, of course, sometimes it is much more appropriate to trust your feelings more than your reason.

Communication secrets: When communicating with Luda, it is worth considering that significant sensuality is usually hidden behind her reasonable mask. However, in the event of disputes or conflicts with her, it would still be much more appropriate to appeal to logic than to emotions.

Famous people named Ludmila

Ludmila Zykina

Indeed, it is not easy to believe that one of the most popular performers of Russian folk songs, Hero of Socialist Labor, Lenin Prize winner and People's Artist of the USSR Lyudmila Zykina (born 1929) could have worked as a seamstress all her life and would hardly have received all of the above awards , if not for the case. It all started with the fact that she, an eighteen-year-old girl from a garment factory, suddenly noticed an announcement on Mayakovsky Square about a competitive recruitment to the Pyatnitsky choir, and unexpectedly decided for herself. Soon Zykina was already at the audition, and a few hours later she saw her name among those who had passed the competition.

With this, the stellar career of the singer began. Since then, her beautiful, deep, strong voice has been heard at concert venues in many countries of the world - she toured a lot, and since 1977 she became the artistic director of the Rossiya ensemble. “Now that many years have passed,” the singer sums up in her book “At the Crossroads of Meetings,” “I can say that singing must begin with participation in the choir. The choir is a school for learning the song and the secrets of its performance.” If this is true, then Lyudmila Zykina was lucky that everything in her life turned out that way, and not otherwise. However, it still seems that even if it were not for the choir, her talent and diligence would have led to the same results. But for those who do not have the necessary qualities, even the Pyatnitsky Choir will hardly help to learn the "secrets of performance".

1. Personality: those who measure and weigh

2. Color: purple

3. Main features. Susceptibility - sociability - activity - sexuality

4 Totem Plant: Mistletoe

5. Spirit animal: rooster

6. Sign: scales

7. Type. They are difficult to approach, as is their totem, the fighting cock. These are choleric people who do not listen to words, but they have a good heart.

8. Psyche. These women are characterized by such a quality as love for their neighbor, which, however, sometimes takes strange forms.

9. Will. Not as strong as it seems. If you overcome their aggressiveness, it turns out that they can be persuaded.

10. Excitability. Suppresses other qualities. They give the impression of a ball of nerves.

11. Speed ​​of reaction. Is it possible to judge the nature of the atomic bomb? Either you will survive with it, or you will fly into the air ...

12. Field of activity. Work for them is a battlefield where you can go beyond what is permitted. They like everything beautiful and catchy. They do not endure painstaking regulated work. They can be doctors, artists, sculptors. With great strength striving for success!

13. Intuition. Unusually developed, especially if they make a medical diagnosis or give a psychological assessment of the personality.

14. Intelligence. Excessive excitability often deprives them of common sense. They have an analytical mindset, but often drown in trifles and become unfair and biased. Inquisitive, with a well-developed memory.

15. Susceptibility. Every second they strive for love, they want to be the first in everything. They dream of mastering not only your body and soul, but also your condition.

16. Morality. Somewhat unstable moral principles only add to their charm.

17. Health. Fortunately, iron, as they lead an abnormal lifestyle: they confuse day with night, sleep when they can. They have impaired blood circulation, and this threatens with varicose veins.

18. Sexuality. What can be said about these noble women who want to love and be loved, accept and reject, possess and give?

19. Activity. They are professional players capable of making the most risky bluffs...

20. Sociability. Excessive sociability often leads to a disordered life.

21. Conclusion. If you aspire to a crazy but full of passion life, then marry a woman who bears this name and get what you want!

By Higiru

Slavic name - dear to people. Feminine form of the name Lyudmil.

Since childhood, Lyudmila has shown the features of the keeper of the family hearth. She loves to create comfort, all her dolls are dressed “according to the weather”, and since the age of five or six she has been making clothes for them with her own hands. But he is not good friends with his sister - Lyudochka is an owner by nature and should be the only mistress in her toy kingdom. The brother is more tolerant. Differences in Lyudmila's relationship with her sister and brother, which are laid down from childhood, are also clearly visible in Lyudmila's adults.

The nature of the name Lyudmila

He loves the company of little girlfriends very much, does not strive to be a leader in children's games, but does not follow the lead of more active children.

Lyudmila Domovity, home economics lessons are their favorite subject. Endowed with good musical abilities, Lyudmil's parents should pay attention to this. School and home duties are performed diligently, patiently and assiduously. Having matured, Lyudmilas become proud, jealous of their person. He spares neither money nor time to always be on top, better than others. At the same time, she is kind, will not regret good advice, will not stint on a gift.

Personal life and marriage named after Lyudmila

Lyudmilas achieve good results in the field of art, music, singing, and also where the ability to find contact with people and convince them is required.

Ludmila's husband will not have to eat soups from concentrates. Lyudmila is a wonderful hostess, everything she undertakes passes through her creative mind, enriching herself and acquiring an imprint of a peculiar and unique. The husband will not go broke on her outfits, moreover, Lyudmila herself can make good money with her ability to needlework. Lyudmila's children are always well-groomed, and Luda's relationship with her husband's parents is the best. But Luda is often unlucky with her husband, he does not like Luda's excessive independence and her independent character. Collisions are also possible on the basis of intimate relationships. All this can lead to divorce, which in such women usually happens loudly and noisily. Divorced Lyudmila does not lose heart, continues to persistently look for a life partner.

In Lyudmil with patronymics Nikolaevna, Vladimirovna, Alexandrovna, Dmitrievna, negative character traits are more pronounced.

Alexander, Andrei, Eugene, Cyril, Ilya, Dmitry - will surely become good husbands to Lyudmila. She should beware of marriage with Nikolai, Yegor, Eduard, Yakov, Stepan.

The beautiful, feminine name Lyudmila gained popularity thanks to Vasily Zhukovsky's ballad "Lyudmila" and Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila". It endows the girl with character traits, temperament, which determine her fate.

Origin and meaning of the name Lyudmila

The name Lyudmila comes from the common Slavic words "dear" and "people" and means "dear to people." Is an female form masculine name Lyudmil, and now used in Bulgaria.

The name Lyudmila is one of the original Russians.

Transliteration, nicknames, short and diminutive forms

When applying for a passport, ordering goods in an online store or booking a hotel room, you may need to write the name in Latin: LIUDMILA.

  • ღAngel Lucyღ;
  • ۩Ludmila۩;
  • MILA;
  • Luda_007.

Diminutive and short forms of this name:

  • Luda;
  • Ludasik;
  • Lyudasha;
  • Ludka;
  • Lyudmilka;
  • Ludok;
  • Lyudonka;
  • Lyudochka;
  • Ludun;
  • Ludusya;
  • Luduha;
  • Lyudusha;
  • Ludushka;
  • Lyulya;
  • Lyusenka;
  • Lusechka;
  • Lusenok;
  • Lusik;
  • Lucish;
  • Luska;
  • Lucy;
  • Mika;
  • Mila;
  • Milasha;
  • Milka;
  • Darling;
  • Milusya;
  • Milusha;
  • Cutie;
  • Mile.

Names are consonant with short forms:

  • Lucinda;
  • Lucy;
  • Lucia;
  • Lusina.

Their meaning, however, is different.

Table: name Lyudmila in other languages

ArmenianԼյուդմիլա Ludmila
PolishLudmila, LudzimilaLudmila, Ludzhimila
CzechLudmila, LidmilaLudmila, Lidmila

Photo gallery: name options

Mila is called not only Lyudmila, but also Milena Mika - a short form of the name Lyudmila, as well as the Japanese name Mikami Milochka, Milushka - so parents affectionately refer to their daughter Luda, and Russian fans to actress Milla Jovovich If Luda loves English, she can ask friends call her Lucy The diminutive name Lyusyonok is consonant with the word "fox cub" Lusya is one of the shortened versions of the names Lyudmila and Lucia

Suitable middle names

They go well with the name Lyudmila patronymic, formed from names of Slavic origin:

  • Borisovna;
  • Vyacheslavovna;
  • Rostislavovna;
  • Svyatoslavovna.

Lyudmila Bogdanovna is patient, good-natured, and wants to be the center of attention. Boris Khigir describes Lyudmila Pavlovna as arrogant, arrogant, irreconcilable in disputes, but at the same time kind, always ready to help.

Church name, name day dates

On August 28, 1937, the Orthodox martyr Lyudmila Vladimirovna Petrova was sentenced to capital punishment on charges of anti-Soviet activities. In the Catholic tradition, St. Ludmila of Bohemia, who was killed in 927 by her own daughter-in-law, is the intercessor of the Czech Republic.

Princess Ludmila of Czech was baptized by Saint Methodius

For girls and women named Lyudmila, Orthodox name days are celebrated on September 16, and Catholic ones on September 28 and 29.

There is folk omen: on Lyudmilin's day, geese fly away - they drag a winter on their tail. That is, since the geese began to fly away, it means that frosts will soon hit.

Video: the secret of the name Lyudmila

Fate and character

Lyudmila is a typical choleric. She knows how to adapt to circumstances, to extract her own benefit from them. With difficulty endures loneliness, without communication falls into depression. She does not want to live like everyone else, she tries to stand out from her surroundings, because she believes in her uniqueness and knows that she came into this world with a special purpose.

Description of the characteristics of the name by different researchers

Boris Khigir considers unpredictability to be the main feature of Lyudmila. Almost all women with this name at least once abruptly change their fate. It happens spontaneously: a combination of circumstances, insight, but not a planned event. Surrounding then for a long time wondering what was the impetus. It is useless to dissuade a woman from the decision made. The rejection of the usual way of life usually changes everything for the better: an emotional outburst mobilizes internal forces to achieve the desired.

Nadezhda and Dmitry Zima compare the energy and karma of this name with a splash from a stone that has fallen into the lake and circles radiating from it across the water surface. The second part of the name is much softer than the first, and Lyudmila, like scales, tries to balance two heterogeneous principles: hardness and softness of character.

According to Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, behind the analytical mindset and poise of Lyudmila lies a sensual nature

P. A. Florensky pointed out the discrepancy between the meaning and energy of this name: “I am not nice, although I am nice, and you, although Lyudmila, are not nice to people, and you will not become nice to them.” In the same way, people with pious surnames can rarely be called blameless.

L. Tsymbalova notes Lyudmila's energy, passion, self-esteem, excellent musical ear. She is energetic, inquisitive, has an excellent memory and an analytical mindset, but often drowns in trifles and loses objectivity.

Interpretation of the meanings of each of the letters in the name

It is believed that each letter brings its own trait to the name:

  • "L" means the desire for physical comfort, love for the good, beautiful things, talkativeness;
  • "Yu" - purposefulness, love of truth, naivety, romance, the ability to sacrifice, a tendency to fanaticism;
  • "D" - loyalty to the family, responsiveness, passion for collecting. The owner of this letter in the name extremely rarely commits rash acts;
  • "M" - thirst for impressions, restlessness, the desire to try everything in this life. Sometimes there is shyness;
  • "I" - subtle spirituality, impressionability, peacefulness;
  • "L" - this letter occurs twice, which means that the qualities that it gives to the name (pragmatism, love of bodily comfort, eloquence) are squared;
  • "A" at the end - touchiness, inability to accept criticism in one's own address, arrogance, capriciousness.

On August 30, 1908, the American astronomer Joel Metcalf discovered the asteroid and named it Ludmila in honor of the heroine of the opera Ruslan and Ludmila.


He does not get along with his younger sister, he is more condescending towards his brother. In the company of peers, he does not seek to become a leader, but he does not allow himself to be pushed into the shadows. Thanks to the mind, diligence, resourcefulness, he studies well at school.

My classmate Luda, although she was not a straight A student, received only good grades.

Youth and adulthood

In her youth, Lyudmila can throw something out of the ordinary, hitting her parents and teachers. For example, he will leave the institute shortly before graduation.

Lyudmila can suddenly break away from her familiar place and go hitchhiking around the world

She seeks to please, to make a good impression, in order to settle down in life with the greatest comfort in the future. She plays the role of a sweet, modest, courteous girl, hiding her temperament for the time being. Skillfully manipulates others, removing rivals from the path. Many speak of her as a selfish, selfish person. With friends, Luda is generous and kind, but she will never put other people's needs above her own.

Significant years of life: 15, 28, 35.

Adult Lyudmila does not tolerate hypocritical, deceitful, inert people. In her environment there should be active, bright, purposeful personalities. The rigidity and integrity of this woman do not find understanding either among men or among colleagues. He reacts painfully to criticism, blossoms from praise. Due to the duality of character, Lyudmila is credited with inconstancy.


The lifestyle and diet of Lyudmila leave much to be desired, but this practically does not affect her health. She has had good immunity since childhood. Feeling worse due to lack of sleep and worries over trifles. In adulthood, due to impaired blood circulation, varicose veins can develop.

To avoid health problems, Lyudmila needs to get enough sleep.

Work and hobby

Mila reads a lot, does needlework, loves and knows how to cook. On weekends, he watches his favorite cooking show.

IN All the Lyudmilas I know are really hospitable hostesses and excellent cooks. It is interesting to communicate with them, but they are reserved, and it is rather difficult to understand their inner world. These charming, intelligent women follow the fashion, carefully look after themselves.

The desire to save, to be needed makes Lyudmila an ideal doctor, trustee, social worker. Thanks to her aesthetic instinct, she can become an excellent actress, designer, fashion designer. This woman hates monotonous, painstaking work. Such qualities as perseverance and diplomacy help Lyudmila to make a successful career.

Love and marriage

The beauty and charm of Lyudmila attract many admirers to her, but she will choose the strongest, most reliable, faithful, preferably without bad habits. Successful relationships will develop only with those who cope with her difficult character.

In a controversial issue, it is better to convince Lyudmila with reasonable arguments, logic, and not emotions.

Lyudmila's attempts to adjust her husband's character to her ideals often lead to family strife or divorce.

In sex, Lyudmila is relaxed, open to experiments. She does not require love confessions and she herself is in no hurry to give a heart, for a long time being content only with carnal pleasures.

The first marriage is rarely successful. Pushing her to marriage is not so much love as a life plan developed in childhood. Relations with her husband are gradually cooling down, Lyudmila begins to treat him as a roommate or even a familiar piece of furniture. Marriage becomes a disappointment. Lyudmila has a wonderful relationship with children, her whole life is in them.

Table: compatibility with male names in love and marriage

How the seasons affect the name

Lyudmila, born in one of autumn months, freedom-loving, independent, prefers relationships without obligations. She cannot imagine her life without adventures, interesting acquaintances and vivid impressions. Thanks to the gift of eloquence, he can convince anyone and anything.

The Winter Lady will never give up her principles, she is demanding both to others and to herself. Some colleagues call her a tyrant behind her back. Only relatives and friends know that behind the mask of arrogance lies a sympathetic soul, longing for love and warmth. for the sake of native person this woman is ready for anything.

Spring Luda is impressionable, sentimental, extremely receptive to other people's troubles, and she endures her own for a long time. She is easily thrown off balance. The disadvantage is the inability to admit their mistakes. Career is often more successful than family life.

Summer Lucy is kind, smart, not lost even in seemingly hopeless situations. She seems to be made for flirting and compliments. She has few friends, but this circumstance is more than compensated by male attention. The girl has a great sense of style, she does not allow herself to leave the house without makeup on her face, even if it is a walk to the next entrance.

Lyudmila, born in the summer, is not deprived of male attention

Name horoscope

When compiling a zodiac horoscope of a name, first of all, the influence on the personality of the elements and the patron planet is taken into account.

Venus endows Lyudmila with a desire for partnership and physical comfort, an inner need to surround herself with beautiful people and things. Mercury bestows business qualities, curiosity, sociability.

Table: influence of the sign of the Zodiac

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesBright, purposeful, quick-tempered, bold and somewhat frivolous. She tends to fall in love at first sight, but avoids serious relationships. Strives to become a leader and be the first in everything. Fights against injustice, risks not only for the sake of victory, but also for the sake of thrills.
TaurusEndowed with a subtle aesthetic sense, her house is warm, calm and comfortable. She is stubborn, hates quarrels, will never forgive betrayal, betrayal. She loves when she is looked after, her beauty is sung.
TwinsGemini is like lightning. They have an excellent reaction, a mobile psyche, a bright head, volunteer inclinations. Lyudmila of this sign knows how to surprise, she is brave, active, ambitious, cheerful, friendly. It is very easy to communicate with her. She does not even consider weak men as potential partners. She needs a man who is brave to the point of recklessness, a real hero.
CancerThe keeper of the hearth and patriot: she is kind to the history and culture of her native country. This is an affectionate, romantic, dreamy, sensual woman. She loves children, believes in mysticism, hates to feel alone. In a difficult period, there may be problems with alcohol, in which she is looking for a way to escape from reality.
a lionSurrounded by radiant majesty. Even at an ordinary party, she looks and behaves like a socialite. She is a leader, maximalist, has unquestioned authority. Status, image, money are important for her. She does not tolerate when she crosses the road, extremely rarely makes concessions. The desire to protect family members sometimes turns into total control. From the spouse expects respect and understanding.
VirgoIndependent, secretive, pragmatic. She makes an exemplary business woman. She is a great original, has a sense of harmony, has her own opinion about everything. Likes to chat with interesting people but avoids noisy parties. He prefers to work alone, in everyday life and relationships he appreciates simplicity and clarity. If she gave her word, she would definitely keep it.
scalesRefined lady-muse, a person of mood. She is easy to communicate, freedom-loving, well-read, non-conflict, hospitable. Avoids responsibility, rarely commits impulsive acts. Loves to travel, knows how to charm. He hesitates for a long time before making a choice.
ScorpionHot-tempered, mysterious, domineering, violent and jealous. Her life is a volcano of passions. The owner of this sign is often called a femme fatale. She is not characterized by hesitation, she resolutely moves towards the intended goal.
SagittariusPersistent, sensual, quite practical. Appreciates comfort, protects personal space, avoids hard work. Remains young at heart until old age. A man who decides to conquer this independent woman should take Shakespeare's comedy "The Taming of the Shrew" into service.
CapricornBold, sharp-tongued, knows how to stand up for herself, she cares little about the opinions of others about her person. She is hardworking, temperamental, serious, stubborn, principled, adheres to strict moral laws. Disadvantage: does not know how to relax, have fun.
AquariusCurious, diversified, it often happens to her interesting stories. She is successful in every field. She is attracted by ancient languages, archeology. It is easy to earn money, but for a long time they do not stay with the representative of this sign. In relationships, she is oppressed by boredom, predictability.
FishesReceptive, unforgiving, endowed with a rich inner world. She is devoted, open and naive, easily attached to people, difficulties unsettle her. The girl needs a man who will guide and protect her.

My friend Luda is a Gemini. It suits her, no matter what she wears. Thanks to perseverance, she made a brilliant career and, together with her husband, built a happy marriage.

Symbol Conformity auspicious dayFriday Unlucky dayWednesday SeasonAutumn WoodBeech Zodiac signscales Talisman stonesYellow sapphire, jade MetalIron patron planetsVenus, Mercury PlantMistletoe, hazel FlowerChrysanthemum ElementAir Lucky number6 Name number7 totem animalsPersian cat, rooster Name colorBeige lucky colorsGreen, tan

Jade is a source of additional energy, courage, helps in making important decisions. Yellow sapphire is considered in the East as a stone of prosperity and health.

Photo gallery: famous Lyudmila

Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Putina - ex-wife The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, Lyudmila Artemyeva, is an Honored Artist of Russia, who fell in love with viewers thanks to her roles in the TV series “Matchmakers”, “Who is the boss in the house?” Lyudmila Belyakova - hockey player, the first Russian woman to sign a contract with the National Women's Hockey League club New York Riveters Lusya Chebotina - finalist of the Ukrainian analogue of the musical show "Voice" Lusya Stein - model, actress, daughter of director Peter Stein LuSEA (Lyusya Alekseenko) - seaside singer , Miss FENU-2007

Poems and songs

Agnia Barto has a poem “Give, give ...” about the girl Lucy:

Lucy entered the room
Sat on the sofa
And gets down to business:
Starts begging.
From dawn to dawn
IN summer day and in winter
Lucy asks: - Give,
Mom, give me...
Give me, give me
These beads are amber.
What are the beads for?
Give it to Lusenka.
- Igorek, Igorek,
Give me a bubble!
You are my comrade
Will you give me a bubble?
Grandma walks in winter
In a warm scarf with a fringe,
Begging, begging Lusenka:
- I'm tiny,
You give me a scarf,
Buy yourself another one.
Shut up for a minute...
(Start reading from the beginning.)

Agniya Barto

Luda is dedicated to the work of Lyudmila Tatyanicheva "Eighteen sonorous years" - probably autobiographical:

Is it a lot or not
Judge for yourself...
Eighteen sonorous years.
The sun over the forests.
Black rain straight hair
Mom's legacy.
Yes, shaggy good dog,
Warming my childhood...
And smiles are full of mouths.
Songs - to failure.
At the unlocked gate
Shade of gray elm.
He walks near the elm,
For whom I am a miracle.
It's a pity that he calls me
Prosaically "Luda".
And always looks after me
Smoky eyes...
Is it a lot or not
Judge for yourself!

Ludmila Tatyanicheva

Lyudmila rhymes with words such as “fell in love”, “rewarded”, “asked”.

Alisa Freindlikh, Lyudmila Sokolova, Valery Obodzinsky, Mikhail Krug, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Yuri Vizbor and others sang about Lyudmila.

Video: Uma2rmaH - "You left"

Among Lyudmila there are many actresses, singers, writers. Creativity inherent in Luda in many areas of her life. Charm, mystery, unpredictability attract confident, strong men to this woman. She never gets bored.

Forms of the name Lyudmila

Short form of the name Ludmila. Lyuda, Lyudochka, Lyudka, Lusya, Lyudmilka, Lyudusya, Lusya, Lyudasha, Lyudukha, Lyudusha, Lyulya, Mila, Milya, Milasha, Milusya, Milusha, Mika, Lidka. Brief and diminutive variants: Lyudmilka, Luda, Lyudasik, Lucy, Lyudochek, Lyudushka, Lyulya, Mila, Milya, Milasha, Milusha, Mika.

First name Ludmila different languages

Consider the spelling and pronunciation of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 盧德米拉 (Lú dé mǐ lā). Japanese: ルドミラ (Rudomira). Armenian: Լյուդմիլա (Lyudmila). Yiddish: לודמילאַ (Lwdmylʼa). Ukrainian: Ludmila. Korean: 루드밀라 (ludeumilla). English: Ludmila (Ludmila).

origin of the name Ludmila

Planet– Venus

The color of the name Lyudmila- beige

Auspicious tree - hazel

treasured plant– chrysanthemum

Patron named after Ludmila- Persian cat

Talisman Stone– yellow sapphire

Numerology Of The Name Lyudmila

Owners of the name number 6 are distinguished by calmness and sanity. "Sixes" value stability, customs and traditions. For them, honesty good name more than immediate benefits. They never resort to radical methods of solving problems, preferring the liberal path. "Sixes" are no different leadership qualities, however, are capable and diligent workers. There are arrogant and self-satisfied "sixes", but for most of them the main guideline in life is the family and a small circle of loyal and devoted friends.


Planet: Mars.
Element: Fire, warm-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Fiery red, bloody, glandular.
Day: Tuesday.
Metal: Iron.
Mineral: Magnetite, jasper, amethyst, Lappish blood.
Plants: Garlic, onion, tobacco, radish, mustard, nettle, asparagus, heather, bean, hot pepper.
Beasts: Wolf, rooster, raven, vulture, horse, dog.

The name Lyudmila as a phrase

L People
Yu (YU \u003d U) Uk (Ouk, Decree, Point, Order)
D Welcome
M Think
AND AND (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
L People
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Lyudmila

Characteristics of the name Lyudmila according to B. Khigir

Translated from Slavic - "dear to people."

Lyudmila is a sociable, proud, active, homely person, striving with all her might to achieve a position in society, to be in the thick of things. But a strong will, rich intuition, feminine charm help her only to a certain extent. She is constantly pursued by evil fate: when it seems that the goal is close, something unexpected happens and everything goes to dust - in love, family or at work. She again has to gain strength to get out of another hole. Having achieved with great difficulty a relatively stable position in society, she performs some small, insignificant act, behind which, as in a chain, its consequences line up. So she loses everything that she got with great difficulty.

about temperament Lyudmila is a choleric person who does not always listen to the words of other people. Lyudmila fully gets both joys and sorrows. Unpleasant surprises are not the exception for her, but the rule. At the same time, Lyudmila is a very prudent person. She surrounds herself with people she can use to her advantage and is attentive to them as long as she needs them. She cannot predict her own actions in advance, since her mobile and unstable psyche often pushes her to completely inexplicable actions that only harm her. However, Lyudmila can be kind to people, help with advice, do not be stingy with a gift, although she is tight-fisted by nature. Naturally endowed with talent and ability. She has a creative mind.

Lyudmila can achieve professional success in painting, music, acting, design, modeling and demonstration of clothes, in those areas where the ability to find contact with people and convince them is required. Lyudmila is jealous of her person and for the sake of a career she is also capable of betrayal. In the interests of the case, he can transgress through moral principles.

She marries out of love, but not always successfully, since her husband may not like her excessive independence. He likes to do needlework, which he can even earn a living, housekeeping, cooks well. In the house, Lyudmila maintains exemplary order, her children are always well-groomed. She tries to get along with her mother-in-law. She is sexy, wants to love and be loved. In the event of a divorce, he does not lose heart and seeks to remarry.

The secret of the name Lyudmila according to the theory of Father Pavel (P.A. Florensky)

Lyudmila is a rude woman and is not such by any chance. She has strong impulses, but rude ones. Lyudmila does not want anything specific, does not achieve this, and generally does not know what she wants. Quiet speech is painful for her, but cries are needed. Warmth, comfort, contentment with her are not only not sought after, but, on the contrary, are rejected with indignation. Lyudmila always wants an effect.

This is an honest nature, exaggerated in its honesty, even rude in honesty. Everyone seems to her flabby, sluggish, false, she recognizes only heroes and is inclined to see in this or that person the ideal image of a hero from time to time.

Lyudmila is a heroic nature, perhaps not so much even heroic as desiring to be such. She hates contentment, but where there is misfortune and grief, she is in her place. Sister of mercy, paramedic, chick, revolutionary activist - here she is in her place. Not distinguished by a deep mind at all, alien to contemplation, she often finds herself here by her impulse, her rudeness.

Characteristics of the name Lyudmila according to P. Rouge

Character: 96%

Radiation: 99%

Vibration: 93,000 vibrations/s

Color: purple.

Main features: receptivity - sociability - activity - sexuality.

Type: women named Lyudmila are difficult to approach. These are choleric people who do not listen to words, but they have a good heart.

Psyche: these women are characterized by such a quality as love for their neighbor, which, however, sometimes takes strange forms.

Will: not as strong as it seems. If you overcome their aggressiveness, it turns out that they can be persuaded.

Excitability: suppresses other qualities. They give the impression of a ball of nerves.

Speed reactions: is it possible to judge the nature of the atomic bomb? Either you will survive with it, or you will fly into the air ...

Activity: they are professional players capable of making the most risky bluffs.

Intuition: unusually developed, especially if a medical diagnosis is made or a psychological assessment of the personality is given.

Intelligence: excessive excitability often deprives them of common sense. They have an analytical mindset, but often drown in trifles and become unfair and biased. Inquisitive, with a well-developed memory.

Susceptibility: every second they strive for love, they want to be the first in everything. They dream of mastering not only your body and soul, but also your condition.

Moral: somewhat unstable moral principles only give them charm.

Health: fortunately, iron, as they lead an abnormal lifestyle: they confuse day with night, sleep when they can. They may have impaired blood circulation, and this threatens with varicose veins.

Sexuality: what can be said about these noble women who want to love and be loved, accept and reject, own and give?

Field activities: work for them is a battlefield where you can go beyond what is permitted. They like everything beautiful and catchy. They do not endure painstaking regulated work. They can be doctors, artists, sculptors. With great strength striving for success!

The meaning of the name Lyudmila for life

Lyudmila is economic and homely. Since childhood, he loves to look after someone, takes care of the weaker, takes care of those in trouble. At the same time, she is proud, jealous, selfish, far from disinterested, keeps in dependence those to whom she has done some kind of favor. She does not tolerate people who manage to escape her fetters, exposes them in the eyes of others as ungrateful and dishonorable. It's hard to be friends with her! But in a family that Lyudmila cherishes very much, she is completely different - kind, generous, compliant, although she will never give up the role of leader to her husband. But the husband is mostly always satisfied with his wife Lyudmila. After the wedding, there is no special love between them, but complete agreement reigns. They are their own people - friends, comrades, partners in business and sex, and there is nothing to dream of a better hostess. In addition, Lyudmila is quite sexy, she can be passionate, but only if her husband allows her to rule. Meanwhile, it is impossible to yield to this woman in any way - her authority has no limits, the desire to keep everyone in her hands can turn into unbridled, unceremonious. Children of different sexes are born to Lyudmila.

The meaning of the name Lyudmila for sex

Sex for Lyudmila is a combination of spiritual, psychological and physical elements, as well as a necessary factor in maintaining health. The feeling of superiority over a partner is an integral part of success in sexual relationships. She is not afraid to take the initiative during sexual intercourse, she often manages it herself. She prefers an environment conducive to prolonged love fights, coziness and comfort. Too rapid excitation of a partner, his swift actions can dramatically change her mood. She is able, while remaining calm, to cool gracefully and tactfully overflowing emotions. If a man wants to keep her interest in himself, he must be extremely attentive and courteous, affectionate, gentle and physically strong.

Sociability: Excessive sociability often leads to a disordered life.

Additionally: if you aspire to a crazy, but full of passion life, then marry a woman who bears this name and get what you want!

Positive traits of the name

Lyudmila is characterized by love for her neighbors, tolerance, daydreaming, kindness. She seeks to find a foothold in herself, to maintain balance. She has an analytical mindset, good intelligence, a good memory and Creative skills. Somewhat unstable moral principles only add charm.

Negative traits of the name

The duality of nature is the main problem of Lyudmila. It can combine courtesy and almost frank rudeness, strength and weakness, fun and despondency, great efficiency and hopeless laziness, sensuality and passion, combined with emotional coldness. Lyudmila is touchy, coquettish, sly.

Choosing a profession by name

Lyudmila knows what she needs, what is possible and what is not. With great strength, she strives for success, but does not like painstaking work. It refers to people-martyrs and to people-seekers, tired of monotony, monotonous work. Lyudmila prefers creativity, a constant change of work or a combination of several activities. Her intuition is unusually developed, especially when she makes a medical diagnosis or gives a psychological assessment of a person.

The impact of the name on business

Lyudmila is ambitious and with dignity perceives the fruits of her well-deserved fame. She is willing to take risks for money. Because of her habit of thinking for a long time about what to do and how to do it, she rarely makes mistakes. Sometimes she is stingy to the point of pettiness, and sometimes generous, even too much.

The impact of the name on health

Lyudmila has a vulnerable lumbar region, the upper part of the pelvis,.

Name psychology

Lyudmila is usually peaceful, dreams of tactfully mastering your body and soul. She will go to great lengths in order not to be lonely and have a good interlocutor with her, but in extreme situations she is capable of rudeness and aggressiveness. In disputes, try not to bring Lyudmila to an emotional outburst.

Compatibility of the name Lyudmila and patronymic

Lyudmila Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yurievna is proud, envious. He does not know how to teach himself profitably and is very angry that other women can easily do it. She is quite pretty, but tends to be overweight. He does not know how to dress beautifully and fashionably. Ambitious, trying to look significant, which sometimes looks ridiculous in the eyes of others. If it doesn’t work out like that, he plays a “white crow” out of himself - not like everyone else, misunderstood and underestimated. Alas, there are people who, for the sake of ridicule, support her in this, and openly pity her behind her back or consider her a stupid woman. Despite all this, such Lyudmila still manages to get married quite successfully, although her husband does not always turn out to be from the layer of society that she would like to get into. She manages her husband, feels superior to him in every way. She is the first to give birth to a daughter, and her son, both externally and in character, completely copies his mother. Such Lyudmila usually happens in one marriage, does not risk changing her life.

Lyudmila Alexandrovna, Arkadievna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna - a kind and sympathetic woman. Usually gets along with everyone, but wants people to worship her and remember how she has done them good. Marries out after twenty-five years and not always successfully. After the divorce, she can be left alone with the children. She has a firstborn son. "Winter" Lyudmila with such middle names is an attentive wife, she loves to eat deliciously, and it is not difficult for her to cook lunch or dinner. "Spring" - stingy, saves on everything. Savings spends on all sorts of nonsense, without which you can easily do without. Husbands leave such Lyudmilas precisely because of stinginess.

Lyudmila Bogdanovna, Vilenovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna is patient, good-natured, but proud and conceited. He always strives to be in the center of attention, does not miss a single event, is constantly aware of everything. Her desire to stand out, to be more interesting than others turns almost into megalomania. The weaker are suppressed by their authority. She does not tolerate weak men, they become the subject of her ridicule and bullying, especially if they try to win her over. And with strong men - irreconcilable, uncompromising. It's hard to please her. However, she may be intrigued by a man who has shown indifference to her - she will try to captivate, win such a feeling of contradiction. Such Lyudmila gets married only because it is accepted in society. She feels great out of marriage, has many friends and girlfriends, is never alone. She has daughters.

Lyudmila Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna is proud, artistic, a good storyteller, has a subtle sense of humor. But quick-tempered and vulnerable, sensitive to trouble. For a long time going through a break with loved ones. Cunning, knows how to hold men in her hands, vigilant and jealous. It's hard to fool her. He does not let his husband out of his sight, he always knows where he was and what he did. To do this, he establishes friendly relations with his colleagues, enters into the trust of his friends. He skillfully weaves intrigues, with the help of which he sweeps away all possible rivals from his path. The husband is always pleased with her and does not even suspect that all the breakdowns in his love affairs are due to the fault of his wife. Such Lyudmila knows how to earn money, does not expect funding from her husband, supports her husband in all his endeavors, gives him good advice. Her daughters are born.

Lyudmila Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stenanovna, Feliksovna is contradictory, emotional, unbridled in passions. Sometimes harsh, can offend. Does not like weak-willed men. She marries only a person with a strong character, because only with him does she feel like a person. In the family, she, like all Lyudmilas, is in the lead, but she is smart enough not to focus on this, respects the opinion of her husband, allows him to feel his importance. This woman is a bright personality, the driving force in her husband's career, his inspirer, support and support in all matters. She is highly sexual, temperamental, but restrained in feelings, not intrusive. Sex for her is also a necessary factor for maintaining health. Lyudmila is a wonderful mother to her daughters, she knows how to do everything, she manages everything, she never waits for someone's help.

Famous people named Ludmila

Lyudmila Zykina (singer)
Lyudmila Kasatkina (actress)
Lyudmila Gurchenko (film actress)
Lyudmila Pakhomova (figure skater, Olympic champion in sports ice dancing (1946–1986))
Ludmila Savelyeva (actress)
Ludmila Rudenko (world chess champion)
Lyudmila Petrushevskaya (writer and playwright)
Lyudmila Lyadova (composer)
Lyudmila Pavlichenko (Hero of the Soviet Union, one of the best snipers of World War II)
Lyudmila Semenyaka (ballerina)
Lyudmila Senchina (singer (soprano) and actress)
Lyudmila Tatyanicheva (Russian poetess, prose writer, public figure)
Lyudmila Turishcheva (gymnast)
Ludmila Ulitskaya (writer)
Lyudmila Shaposhnikova (Russian writer, orientalist, popularizer of science, public figure)

Ludmila and pets

Lyudmila can be a professional dog handler, but she prefers to have calm dogs with a good disposition in the house: chow-chow, St. Bernard, poodle.

Dogs with nicknames are suitable for Lyudmila: Nelly, Natalie, Zita, Greta, Berta, Chapa, Alan, Alex, Edith.

Name popularity and statistics

The name Lyudmila, which parents gave their daughter at birth, is quite popular. For 1000 newborn girls, this name was received (on average by periods, Moscow):
1900-1909: (not in the top ten)
1924-1932: 44 (7th)
1950-1959: 55 (7th)
1978-1981: (not in the top ten)
2008: (not top ten)

Orthodox name day Lyudmila celebrates

Catholic name day Lyudmila celebrates

Compatibility name Ludmila

Possibly an early marriage. Complications may arise in marriage due to Lyudmila's excessive independence and pride. A successful marriage is possible with, Bazan, Belyaem,