How to spell the name Paul. The meaning of the name pavel, origin, compatibility, nature and fate of the name paul

Brief and diminutive options: Pavelka, Pavlik, Pavlunya, Pavlukha, Pavlusha, Pavel, Pavka, Pava, Pashka, Pashuta, Panya, Palya.

Patronymic names: Pavlovich, Pavlovna; colloquial form: Palych.

Analogues of the name in other languages: English Paul, Hungarian Pal, Spanish Pablo, Italian Paolo, lat. Paulus, German Paul, Polish Pawel, Ukrainian Pavlo, Finnish Paavo, French Paul, Czech Pavel.

Latin transliteration in the Russian passport is Pavel.

Origin of the name "Paul"

Translated from Latin, "Paul" means "small, but this person is not at all simple, since the name gives him the fuse needed to declare himself or stand up for himself, even if he really would be small in stature.

January 28 is the day of the patron saint of all Pauls, the Monk Paul of Thebes, who was the first Christian hermit. Despite a secluded lifestyle, Paul died at the age of 113 years old.

July 12 is the day of the Holy Primate Apostles Peter and Paul, and September 23 is their full namesakes, Peter and Paul, the Holy Bishops of Nicaea.

Despite the difficult nature, communicating with Pavel is quite easy, just a pleasure. He looks benevolent, an excellent assistant, although he himself is rarely satisfied with the outcome of the case and the results of his ingenuity. For Paul, truth and beauty are dearest of all, and this is how he spends his whole life.

Paul- a person who thinks about everything he does. He rarely commits rash acts, usually even in case of anxiety, doing everything in a balanced and seemingly lazy way. Pavel can wait as long as necessary for the results, and if the right mood is maintained in him, he will be the most selfless worker of all possible. Usually in life, including, surprisingly, personal, Paul sets himself specific goals and always achieves them.

Pavel is very excitable, he reacts sharply, although with a delay, to absolutely everything. It is because of this, and also because of the inability to forgive, that he is usually vindictive and takes revenge for a long time, even with pleasure.

Pavel is an intellectual and an excellent administrator, his horizons are very broad, he can be trusted with any business. But since he loves to impress very much, gravitates towards oratory, he should choose professions related to working with people, or become an announcer - Pavel will be most welcome on radio and television.

In ordinary life, the lack of implementation of these skills makes Pavel a natural braggart and gossip, completely unable to keep his mouth shut and stop trying to charm everyone around. However, the charm allows him to get out of the water here too.

Charming Pavel is trusted by everyone, especially women, and they are happy to trust him with all their problems, and Pavel willingly tries to solve them.

At a minimum, since he tends to philosophize, you will get useful advice, albeit in a very vague way. But Pavel will not mind helping with deeds, often he solves the problems of acquaintances more actively and more willingly than his own. He tends to be compassionate and helpful.

Friends should understand how vulnerable Paul is, no matter how he wants to appear strong, bright and charming.

Do not allow him to fall into depression and inactivity, because for Paul this is fatal.

Horoscope named "Paul"

Paul is ruled by Virgo and Sagittarius, and his planet is Mercury. He determines the fact that Paul has been a very earthly person all his life, inclined to build a reliable existence in this world. Paul's lucky color is red. His cherished plants are mountain ash, oak, aster, and totems are rudd and beaver. The lucky stone of charming Paul is a ruby.

Name compatibility

For Pavel, who is often unlucky in his first marriage, pulls to the side, there is still a chance to build a strong relationship if his future wife is called Venus, Juliet, Dina, Maya, Seraphim, Sophia, Ella. But Angela, Daria, Inga, Lilya, Natalya, Nina are unlikely to become Pavel's reliable companions. The same trend will continue with remarriage.

Paul and pets

Pavel loves his family and children, he almost always gets animals in the house, especially often dogs. He prefers to have a breed with a calm disposition, an aggressive dog causes reciprocal cruelty in him. Of the dogs, it is better for Pavel to start a St. Bernard, Collie, Newfoundland.

Pavel's pets are nicknamed Linda, Alvin, Adelia, Ermid, Goston, Harold, Geofan.

Name popularity and statistics

The name Pavel, which parents gave their son at birth, is quite popular. For 1000 newborn boys, this name was received (on average by periods, Moscow):
* 1900-1909: (not in the top ten)
* 1924-1932: (not in the top ten)
* 1950-1959: (not in the top ten)
* 1978-1981: 31 (9th)
* 2008: (not in the top ten)

The secret of the name

Paul- baby, small (Latin).
The name has always been popular, it is fashionable now.
name zodiac: Virgo.
Planet: Mercury.
Name color: Red.
Talisman Stone: ruby.
auspicious plant: rowan, aster.
name patron: rudd.
Happy day: Wednesday.
happy season: summer.
Main features: calmness, intelligence.


Paul of Byzantium, lad, martyr, June 16 (3).
, martyr, March 1 or February 29 (16) (in a leap year).
Paul of Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr, July 29 (16).
Pavel Komelsky (Obnorsky), reverend, January 23 (10).
Paul I of Constantinople, patriarch, holy martyr, November 19 (6).
Paul of Corinth, martyr, March 23 (10).
Paul the Corinthian, Reverend, July 4 (June 21).
Pavel Lampsaksky, martyr, May 31 (18).
Pavel Latrisky, reverend, December 26 (15).
Paul of Neocaesarea, Bishop, Confessor, January 6 (December 23).
Paul of Nicaea, Bishop, Confessor, September 23 (10).
Pavel Novy, Patriarch of Constantinople, September 12 (August 30).
Pavel Pechersky, Obedient, in the Far (Feodosiev) caves, September 10 (August 28), September 23 (10).
Pavel Obedient (Successor), reverend, December 20 (7).
Pavel Preprostoy, reverend, disciple of St. Anthony the Great, March 20 (7), October 17 (4).
Pavel Prusiadsky, Bishop, Confessor, March 20 (7).
Paul of Ptolemais, martyr, March 17 (4), August 30 (17).
Pavel of Sinai, hegumen, holy martyr, January 27 (14).
Pavel Fiveysky, Egyptian, hermit, originally from Theban. He was the first Christian desert dweller: for 91 years he labored in the wilderness. He died 130 years old (IV century), 28 (15) January.
Paul the Supreme Apostle ("Apostle of tongues"), Hieromartyr, July 12 (June 29). Formerly he was called Saul and was a persecutor of Christians. But then he was miraculously called by the Lord to the apostleship. Having been baptized, he became a fiery preacher of the gospel doctrine. His passionate faith did not tolerate dissent. Nature is strong, strong-willed, he was in constant struggle with himself, humbled his itch, his pride. In one of the letters there is a phrase that reveals this side of his character: "...having great... boldness to order... for love, I better ask..." For spreading the faith of Christ in different countries endured many sufferings and was beheaded in Rome in the year 67. For our spiritual salvation, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he wrote 14 "Epistles", in one of which there are such wise words: "It is a great gain - to be pious and contented! For we brought nothing to peace, it is clear that we can’t take anything out of it. Having food and clothes, we will be satisfied with that ... for the root of all troubles is the love of money ... "


January 28 - Pavel of Thebes. If the night of January 28 is starry - to the flax harvest. Thebes Paul added a day. If there is a wind on Paul of Favea, it will be a damp year. July 12 - Peter and Pavel Fieldfare: if there are a lot of mountain ash in the forest, the autumn will be rainy, if not enough - dry.


Pavlik is a calm, even phlegmatic child. Like all children, he loves noisy games, but they do not capture him entirely, he quickly gets tired of them and in the midst of the game for everyone, he does not want to continue further. In the classroom at school, he is restless, lazy. The boy must be carried away by some curious historical curiosity, funny story. Then he is drawn into classes, and his laziness disappears.

Pavlik is a kind and sympathetic child, somewhat slow, reacting to what is happening with a delay. He never takes part in dubious games, for example, torturing animals, setting fire to newspapers in the mailbox, moreover, he will dissuade the guys from this.

Adult Pavel is still kind and sympathetic, which attracts people to him. They share with him their experiences, secrets, but he does not justify trust, he can blurt out all the secrets, boasting of his knowledge. Pavel can intercede for the undeservedly offended, but you cannot call him a fighter for justice, he does not speak directly for the truth, but will try to find some kind of compromise. From this situation, he will try to take advantage of himself. Pavel is greedy, but tries to hide it. He has a calm, firm look, judgments are categorical, objections are not accepted. He believes that he has the right to do so, there simply should not be another point of view.

Paul lives his inner life, he has an extremely rich imagination, a wonderful memory and a highly developed intuition. He will immediately understand any situation, understand all the undercurrents. Pavel is a man with the deepest intellect, but his mind is somewhat passive. Paul loves to study. He is fascinated by classical sciences, languages, oratory. Pavel has been looking for his place in life for a long time, but having made a decision, he no longer changes it, although he may be disappointed in the profession. Therefore, he does not always achieve high level professionalism in the chosen specialty. He can become a good administrator and lawyer, a radio and television worker, a philosopher, a religious figure, even a teacher, but this is only because the teachers have a long vacation, he usually does not happen to be a successful entrepreneur, because he does not have a strong will.

Pavel is able to love, but he does not understand how this can not respond to his feelings. Defeat in love he experiences especially hard. He attracts the attention of women with his pleasant appearance, intellect, spirituality, however, the latter can also be a mask, at this time he himself thinks about the sensual. Pavel is a remarkably gentle and passionate lover. He usually marries late, helps his wife with the housework, but does not like it when strangers know about it. He likes to receive guests, drink, but in moderation. Appreciates material well-being in the house, does not refuse additional work, if only it is not very burdensome.

It is quite difficult to be Paul's wife, she must have a truly angelic character in order to withstand his whims, resentment, injustice. When communicating intelligently with strangers at home, Paul allows himself to show the weaknesses of his character. His most successful marriage will be with Vera, Dina, Catherine, Elizabeth, Zinaida, Maya, Sophia.

middle name: Pavlovich, Pavlovna.


Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov (1832-1898) - Moscow merchant, founder of the first museum of Russian art.

Tretyakov did not have a special education in the humanities, but independently acquired versatile knowledge of the history of art. He loved music, visited theaters, knew outstanding Moscow and St. Petersburg artists. In the late 1850s, he began to collect paintings of the Russian school. This business became the meaning of his whole life. Convinced of the creative powers of his people, he said: "I somehow believe that our Russian school will not be the last."

Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov was not just a collector-gatherer. Persistently and purposefully, he carried out his cherished idea - to turn his private collection into a folk museum of Russian art, to transfer his gallery to Moscow. This is evidenced by his will, drawn up back in 1860, Tretyakov understood that his collecting should not reflect only personal tastes, it should correspond to the full picture of the development of Russian fine art.

Tretyakov was prudent, prudent and did not hide it. “I always tell you,” he wrote to the artist I. Kramskoy, “that I want to buy as cheaply as possible, and, of course, if I see two numbers, I will always choose the smaller one: it’s not for nothing that I am a merchant, although I often have anti-merchant virtues.” Tretyakov spent over a million rubles on the acquisition of the collection, adding and expanding the gallery building five times.

Possessing impeccable taste, he impressed with his infallible judgment of the artistic merits of a work. This allowed him to choose for his gallery all the best and most talented that Russian painting then gave. Quiet, silent, restrained, he appeared in the artists' studios, where paintings were still on the easel. Who knows how many wonderful artistic ideas would not have been realized if Tretyakov had not supported them financially! Progressive artists appreciated Tretyakov's work, they considered it a great honor for themselves when their best works entered his collection. They understood that in this way they received the highest appreciation for their work and entered the history of Russian art. In relations with artists, Tretyakov acted not only as a buyer, but also as a subtle, thoughtful critic, often an adviser. Basically, he acquired the works of contemporary democratic artists, realists, with whom he deeply sympathized. However, he knew perfectly well the work of significant Russian artists of the previous era and bought their works.

A magnificent result of the selfless work of Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov is the gallery he founded - the beauty and pride of Russian national culture.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

Pavel takes care of his appearance, knows how to dress beautifully, he has good manners - in a word, he has something to charm women with. He is a generous and affectionate lover, tender and passionate. Pavel is looking for a woman worthy of himself, but he has excellent intuition, and he feels what kind of woman can reject him. He puts love high, but no even the most ardent love will serve as an obstacle to his career. For achievement

the desired goal, he is able to abandon his feelings, even if he is threatened with loneliness. Pavel is jealous, but outwardly it almost does not manifest itself, he experiences this feeling in himself.

The infidelity of his wife does not forgive, having learned about the betrayal, mercilessly breaks all ties. In the house, the wife leads him - but only in the house. In his youth, Pavel leads a stormy sex life, trying to prove to himself his sexual abilities. He has some minor setbacks that many men have, but for him it's almost a tragedy. Paul is predisposed to sexual neurosis. He is vulnerable and in intimacy it is important for him that a woman understands his desires, goes towards them, and does not direct his sexual behavior. Pavel is kind-hearted, loves human warmth, he has a developed aesthetic sense, he gives great importance the setting in which his meeting with a woman takes place: quiet music, soft light, flowers in a vase on the table. Paul is a stranger to gross carnal pleasure, he is gentle and affectionate. For him, physical intimacy is important in marriage, it is necessary condition harmonious family relationships. If his feelings for his wife go out, he immediately begins to look for another woman "for the soul." "Winter" Pavel, carried away, becomes impulsive, intemperate. He is loving, but his novels rarely bring him satisfaction. Pavel marries late, his love marriage is often a marriage of convenience at the same time.

By Higiru

It comes from the Latin "paulus" - small (baby). In the Bible, Paul is one of the apostles.

Pavlik is an indispensable assistant to mother in caring for her younger brother or sister. He is kind and responsive. In games with peers, he does not cross the boundaries of what is permitted, he will not only, for example, not go to pick apples in someone else's garden, but will do everything to dissuade his friends from this. Growing up, Paul does not lose these qualities. His ability to empathize attracts many people to him, and they willingly trust him with their secrets. Calm, kind, able to sympathize, he often chooses a profession to match his character. Inclined to philosophizing.

Pavel can work in any field. Colleagues at work captivate with their modesty and diligence, reliability and readiness to replace a friend in difficult times. Pavel does his work in such a way that there is no need to push or force him. Pavel is not a silent man, although you can hardly call him talkative either.

There is nothing too bright and outstanding in the calm and benevolent character of Paul, all qualities are in harmony with each other and the world around him. He loves his wife, but this love is warm and even, and not passionate and stormy, like other men. He helps his wife with the housework, but does it in such a way that the gossips-neighbors do not slander that his wife finally sat on his neck. And Paul drink, but, as in everything else, they know when to stop.

Pavel will never give up the opportunity to earn an extra ruble, but he will go for it only if extra work does not disturb the measured way of his life too much.

A marriage can be successful if his chosen one is called Venus, Vera, Danuta, Juliet, Dina, Catherine, Elizabeth, Zinaida, Louise, Maya, Seraphim, Sophia, Ella. Unsuccessfully - if she wears one of the following names: Angela, Daria, Inga, Lilya, Natalya, Nina.

According to Florensky

In the minds of all Christian peoples, as well as probably non-Christian peoples, the name Paul is inseparable from the Apostle of the tongues; with exceptional force, he minted this name in accordance with his personality; among the names, perhaps, you will not find another, so closely associated with a certain bearer of it.

Living always under the pressure of will, working under high pressure elemental forces in their primary ugly and unmanifested power, Paul, by the roots, or, more precisely, by the internal channels of his being, communicates with the region, which certainly does not know any norms over itself and is immoral in this sense, but precisely because of this, he knows and feels spiritual power with his being. , which rushes over the primary abyss and is itself the design and enlightenment of chaos. Mind matters here only for service purposes.

He can and is able to rotate in abstract areas, but he approaches them as if they were auxiliary, for the sake of something else, or, more precisely, for the sake of that ideal object of faith that is contemplated, but not accessible to reason. Therefore, the mind under consideration is always adaptable to its object and to that task, in its specific conditions, for the sake of which it began to act in general. This mind is flexible in its very purpose, organically not allowing eternal truths, and therefore essentially hostile to metaphysics. Dogmatic thinking, whether it be in science or philosophy, in religion or in the public, causes in Paul irresistible boredom until it is imposed, and an outburst of hatred when it declares its

the right to power.

According to Mendelev

Implicit signs (except, perhaps, the qualities of “quiet” and “short”, that is, conservative, thorough, not loving change) can be interpreted as indicators of Paul’s tendency to withdraw: he has little interest in external circumstances and the people around him. Being forced to solve his problems, build his own destiny, choose a field of activity, he may become not very pleasant and comfortable in communication, as evidenced by the signs of “sad”, “dangerous”, “base”, “sad” in the name of Pasha (there they more pronounced). There are few bright events in the life of Paul, he is often mysterious and incomprehensible to others, perhaps he will remain undisclosed.

Professionally, Pavel rarely achieves heights and great skill in his chosen specialty, many of his undertakings end unsuccessfully, which can contribute to callousness of character and pessimism, causing a bitter feeling of disappointment. As a result, it is quite possible to withdraw into oneself, to be fascinated by non-traditional sciences, occultism, Eastern philosophy; his behavior in the eyes of others can become inexplicable and strange. This is how a contradiction, a discrepancy between the properties of character and the requirements of everyday life, manifests itself. Pavel is not capable of an explosion, a stormy protest, as a rule, he burns all the sorrows inside himself, which is completely unsafe for his health. He can rarely influence external circumstances and, lacking a strong will, often becomes a passive toy in the hands of a stronger person.

Pavel is a very uncomfortable partner in both business and personal relationships precisely because he is focused on himself. Few people manage to “open” him and become a necessary and close person for him.

Name color is dark orange.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: "Small" (lat.). The name became widespread in connection with the activities of the Apostle Paul

The energy of the name and character: The energy of this name can best be expressed by responding with a simple shrug to the nervous breakdown of your boss - something like this in the name Pavel manifests a balanced calmness. This, of course, does not mean that with age Pavlik will turn into a kind of impassive and cold person, but nevertheless, most bearers of this name throughout their lives are characterized by a fairly noticeable phlegm.

As a child, like all children, Pavlik loves all kinds of games, but they are unlikely to be addictive to such an extent that he will forget everything in the world. At home and at school, he is usually quite accommodating and sociable, although he does not differ in particular perseverance. Rather, on the contrary, the calm energy of the name often inclines him to thorough laziness. It should be noted here that this is a completely natural state for the child, since he does not experience fear of the future, which at that age seems infinitely far away. But if you captivate Pavlik by telling a few funny or romantic stories about scientific curiosities, then laziness will disappear with interest. Take, for example, Lomonosov, whose name is associated with a great many all kinds of stories - after all, this can perfectly brighten up scientific boredom! However, it’s not so scary if you fail to captivate Pavlik, since the balance of thoughts, although it inclines him to laziness, at the same time does not cloud the brain, making it receptive to information, which means that Pavel will always have a chance to catch up on lost knowledge.

As an adult, Paul's balance can swing one way or the other. He, for example, can become somewhat withdrawn and even sullen, especially in a strange circle. It happens that he becomes quite strict towards close people or subordinates, which usually happens in those cases when they tried to wean Paul himself from laziness with strict or even "punitive" measures, but more often it happens otherwise, and Paul grows up calm and balanced optimist. The latter, of course, is the most favorable, since in this case such features of Paul as calmness and good nature will arouse the sympathy of others for him and will greatly help both in his personal life and in his career.

Secrets of communication: It is interesting that in most cases it is difficult to achieve anything from Paul by influencing his pride, but this does not mean that he does not have this feeling, it is just that usually it is satisfied good attitude surrounding and does not need extra evidence. If you want to win the attention of Pavel, then it would be good to remember that, like most balanced people, he certainly has a craving for the theme of adventure and, of all emotions, prefers good-natured humor.

The trace of a name in history:

Pablo Picasso

Now, few people will deny that Picasso is a genius, but not everyone knows that at one time this very genius hated school so much that he did not even learn how to write properly. It's just that the future artist was little interested in everything that was not connected with art; from the age of eleven he was engaged in only one thing - drawing.

And later, having already become famous, Pablo Picasso did not fundamentally seek to expand the range of his interests, but his work was very diverse - he took on any job: from the design of performances to the manufacture of ceramic trinkets, from sculpture to order to illustrating books.

Contemporaries say that both in work and in everyday life, Picasso was often illogical from the generally accepted point of view, violating the boring rules of behavior with his bright way of thinking. However, apparently, his parents were also distinguished by extraordinarity. So, they say that the father of Pablo Picasso, who was a very good artist, once asked his son (who had not yet become famous) to finish the painting he started with pigeons. When the picture was ready, he looked at it, then turned to his son, silently handed him his brushes and palette, and never painted again. Pablo Picasso was only thirteen at the time.

1. Personality: men burned by the sun

2. Color: purple

3. Main features: sociability - sexuality - intuition

4. Totem plant: hazelnut

5. Totem animal: already

6. Sign: twins

7. Type. Sentimental or phlegmatic.

8. Psyche. Introverts. They live an extremely rich inner life, have a violent imagination. They claim that they are homebodies, but they travel a lot, sometimes even emigrate. Capable of sacrifice, but proud. Despite this, they are a little fearful.

9. Will. Gibki, like their hazelnut totem plant. They do not attack themselves, but rather defend themselves.

10. Excitability. Weak, often they get it for laziness.

11. Speed ​​of reaction. Very slow, which is associated with weak excitability.

12. Field of activity. They love to learn, but often "turn off", for example, in algebra lessons they "travel" through the sultry sands of the Sahara! It is necessary to closely monitor their studies, which are given to them more due to ingenuity than knowledge. Having matured, they become excellent journalists, capable mathematicians, they also like the profession of a teacher, especially because teachers have such a long vacation. They will be excellent cashiers, as they love everything related to money.

13. Intuition. They have excellent intuition, instantly grasp the hidden background of the case. Nothing is surprised.

14. Intelligence. Usually highly developed. They have a synthetic mindset, which allows them to assess the situation at a glance. They have a good memory, and curiosity is always on the alert. But, unfortunately, it is difficult for them to move from planning their actions to their implementation.

15. Susceptibility. Fear prevents them from expressing their feelings in matters of the heart. They do not occupy the depths of feelings, but they mask their impulses because of their inherent delicacy.

16. Morality. Kind, although much depends on the circumstances, they are interested in everything related to religion, even the occult.

17. Health. Satisfactory, but mental overexertion must be guarded against. Weakness - digestive tract, poor metabolism. Prone to obesity.

18. Sexuality. Strong, but depends on other factors. Some aspects of harsh reality can lead them to a nervous breakdown. To do this, parents should inform them about life problems in a timely manner.

19. Activity. Their first reaction is always resistance, an excuse, but they have enough reason to refuse senseless disputes and discussions.

20. Sociability. They gladly receive guests and pay visits themselves, but on the condition that they do not have to play the first violin. They enjoy quiet conversations in chic living rooms. They love the family, in family relationships they are not too despotic and demanding.

21. Conclusion. If you are friends and relatives of men with such names, do not let them become depressed and passive.

1. Personality: one who wins

2. Color: red

3. Main features: will - intellect - activity - morality

4. Totem plant: oak

5 Spirit Animal: Beaver

6. Sign: Sagittarius

7. Type. Pavel holds dynamite in one hand, and a fuse in the other, but in moments requiring an instant reaction, he says to himself: “Attention! Don't do anything in a hurry." These are builders, like their beaver totem, they build their own lives, interests, even love. 8. Psyche. These are people of specific goals and desires, who always manage to carry out what they have planned. They are patient and know how to wait for the results of their work.

9. Will. A strong will allows them to become excellent workers, however, it is strong only when they are in a good mood.

10. Excitability. Extreme excitability makes these men rebellious. It cannot be said that they have an easy character!

11. Speed ​​of reaction. They react sharply, although belatedly. They are vengeful, persist for a long time, then build relationships, but never forgive insults.

12. Field of activity. They love classical sciences, although they are also fond of languages. They make excellent administrators and lawyers. They are interested in everything related to oratory, so they often become employees of radio and television.

13. Intuition. Very strong. Their curiosity borders on curiosity.

14. Intelligence. Such men have a deep, but somewhat inert mind. They love and can impress, have a great sense of humor. Accept them as they are.

15. Susceptibility. Responsive, but at the same time can be cruel. Change is very hard to bear.

16. Morality. These people think that they have the right to do things, regardless of the opinions of others. They have a developed sense of camaraderie, they are able to love, but they try almost by force to force others to respond to their feelings. Defeats are experienced very hard, especially moral failures. They strive for perfection in everything, and this can lead to disaster.

17. Health. As long as they are full of enthusiasm, they feel healthy, but as soon as they fall into pessimism, everything is disturbed. Weak spots- vestibular apparatus and hearing.

18. Sexuality. Often they try to look like people who think only about the spiritual, while they are possessed by a demon of sensuality, which has to be muffled for moral or religious reasons. It is very difficult to instill in them a sober approach to this sphere of human life.

19. Activity. They are very active, but show activity with some delay. They should not be rushed, it is better to let them feel that everyone should live according to their own rhythm.

20. Sociability. Intelligent in communication. They love family and children.

21. Conclusion. Paul's wives must have angelic patience to endure their scrutiny...

Paul. This ancient and noble name is quite popular in Russia. Its meaning reveals the owner as an intelligent, self-confident and friendly person. The name Paul will be discussed in this article.


The origin of the name Paul does not raise questions. It originates in Latin and means "insignificant", "small" or "baby". There is an opinion that it can be interpreted as "younger", which became relevant when the names of the father and son coincided. The name Pavel has female counterparts: Paula, Polla, Pavla.

In Christian calendars, Paul is a name that appears in connection with one of the greatest teachers of the Church. Later than the other Apostles, he turned to faith in Christ, but later glorified Him with great zeal. According to legend, the first name of the Apostle Paul was Saul. He was an ardent opponent of Christian doctrine. However, when the Lord called him, Saul became an adherent of the new faith and began to zealously spread it around the world.

Appearance in Russia

The origin of the name Pavel in Russia is connected with the adoption of the new faith. It came here from Byzantium in the 10th century, among other Christian names, and quickly appeared in the everyday life of Russians. The fact is that Paul and Peter are considered one of the most revered saints, since the day of commemoration of these apostles coincided with the pagan Slavic holiday of the completion of haymaking. Later appearance contributed to the fact that foreign church names no longer considered strangers. Already by the 15th-17th centuries, the name Paul became widespread in all sectors of society. Among the people, it even acquired "domestic", purely Russian forms. The archival documents of that period mention the peasant Pavlyuk Mokhonko (1593), the judge Pavsha Boguhval (1555), the Cossack Pashka Bespaltsev (1654) and many other Russians baptized with this noble ancient name.

Famous people

In the history of Russia, there are many people who were baptized with the name Pavel. Among them are Pavel Yanenko, Colonel, nephew of the tragically deceased Emperor Count Pavel Dmitrievich Dolgorukov; Count Pavel Vasilyevich Golinishchev-Kutuzov; historian Pavel Nikolaevich Milyukov. Among our contemporaries famous people painter Korin Pavel Dmitrievich, poet Grigoryevich, artist Fedotov Pavel Andreevich, hockey player Pavel Bure, creator of the social network "VKontakte" Pavel Durov and many others.

Name characteristic

The male name Pavel gives its owner a calm and friendly character. From childhood, he has a difficult character. By nature, he is a rather responsive person, ready to gladly help elders in business. Pasha grows up as a child who listens to his parents and strictly observes all prohibitions. He easily communicates with others, always finds with them mutual language. The character of Paul is quite harmonious: he combines morality, sociability, sexuality and intelligence. The owner of this name is also not devoid of intuition.

People are usually drawn to Paul. Many try to trust him with their secrets and hear useful advice. However, this should not be done. Pavel can be overly talkative and, on occasion, boast of his own knowledge. It is impossible to be angry with the owner of this name. He conquers those around him with his charm. Such a person never goes ahead, but finds safer workarounds. Pavel likes to talk on philosophical topics.

With age, the owner of this name becomes mercantile. When he begins to pursue his own interests, he becomes very unpleasant in communication. The essence of this person is not easy to reveal. His rich inner world is combined with a good imagination. Pavel is a name that gives its owner great patience. Thanks to this trait of character, he often manages to realize his goals.


Name Pavel for a boy - good choice. He can make a good career in any field of activity. The owner of this name has a rare gift to objectively assess the current situation. Developed intelligence and excellent memory help him always find the right solution. In addition, Pavel knows how to make the right impression on others. He can joke when necessary and defuse tensions. However, the owner of this name is proud. He can do things without being interested in the opinions of other people. In his work, Paul strives for absolute perfection. He takes defeat very hard. They can lead to deep depression. Pavel is able to take place in a variety of fields of activity: he is able to work in production, work as a bank employee or turn the steering wheel of a car. Much depends on his abilities and the salary offered.

Personal life

Paul loves women. With them, he becomes sentimental, shows affection and tenderness. He is very generous, cherishes the atmosphere of the meeting and is always ready to create a romantic atmosphere. The owner of this name loves to give gifts. In married life, both spiritual harmony and physical intimacy are equally important for Paul. He is quite jealous, but keeps his emotions under control. He also loves taking care of children and helping his wife with the housework. This is how Paul shows his concern for the family. suggests that he will develop a strong relationship with Vera, Dina, Elizabeth, Catherine, Maya, Sophia, Ella, Zinaida, Seraphim. But an alliance with Nina, Natalya, Lilya, Inga, Daria or Angela may be unsuccessful.

You now know the origin of the name Paul. It was worn by many famous people. Therefore, naming a child by this name is very a good choice for loving and caring parents.

The male name Paul comes from the Latin word “paulus”, meaning “baby”, “small”. It in various sounds (Paul, Paul, Paolo, Pablo) is quite widespread in the world. This name is well known in Russia, but at present it has somewhat lost its popularity.

Characteristics of the name Pavel

The character of Pavel can be called very calm, as he is usually a solid, conservative, balanced, slightly reserved man who has the charm of a modest man. IN childhood parents have absolutely no problems with him. He loves to help around the house, never gets into conflicts, does not overstep the bounds of what is permitted, and is diligent in his studies. Among the boys, Pavel is distinguished by the fact that he knows how to gain respect, without having performed any childish “feats” for this in the form of mischief or hooliganism. Adult Pavel is also able to leave a very good lasting impression, although he is not some kind of bright personality. He is a simple, kind-hearted, not very confident man who has a good sense of humor. His inner world is in harmony, so it is almost impossible to unbalance Paul. He does not know how to shine in society, he keeps modestly, silently. But with close friends, the owner of this name is open, generous and caring, you can always rely on him.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The name Pavel is suitable for a boy born under the zodiac sign of Taurus, that is, from April 20 to May 20. Taurus will make Paul a simple, sentimental, friendly person, who at the same time will be able to show decisiveness, reliability and even some pragmatism in business.

Pros and cons of the name Paul

What are the pros and cons of the name Paul? On the one hand, this name is familiar, and therefore goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics. It is also positively characterized by the presence of abbreviations and diminutive forms that can be chosen for the name Pavel (for example, Pasha, Pavlik, Pavlusha), in addition, the nature of many owners of this name makes them simple, and therefore nice people. However, for many parents looking for a name for their son, the name Pavel may seem very old-fashioned and boring, which will negate all its advantages.


Paul is in good health. He rarely gets sick, does not give in to stress, but some owners of this name suffer from problems with digestion or metabolism.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Paul prefers not to be a leader. He needs an active wife, able to take over all the responsibilities around the house. He will also enjoy the comfort and calm atmosphere created by her. This does not mean at all that Pavel brazenly uses his wife, because he is always reliable in helping her in any matter. Pavel loves his children very much and often pampers them.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Pavel shows diligence and responsibility. He is suitable for work related to money, for example, an accountant, cashier, bank employee, economist. He will also easily be given work related to the organization of the workflow, say, an administrator, or activities related to trade.

name day

Paul celebrates his name day so many times a year, as this name is revered by the Orthodox Church. For example, Paul can celebrate Angel Day on January 5, February 6, March 1, April 9, May 16, June 21, July 9, August 12, September 10, October 8, November 19, December 20.