Funny stories with pets. Funny stories about animals from real life

Funny stories almost every owner of a tailed friend can tell about animals. Animals living next to us show miracles of ingenuity and constantly delight us with their unusual behavior.


Funny stories about animals for children demonstrate that our little brothers can be very smart. Here is one of them.

The girl has two cats. The animals are outbred, but the mind and cunning are fantastic. Both lovers steal a piece from the table. She took out a sausage from the refrigerator, put it on the table, and then the mobile in the room rang. She went away for a while, because both cats are sleeping.

Returns - no sausage. The youngest cat sits under the table and looks with honest eyes. The old cat is sleeping. The awake received a scolding. And the sausage was a decent piece, and the cat could not eat the whole thing. God bless her, with sausage, but if he hid a piece somewhere under the refrigerator, but he can’t get it, the whole apartment will stink.

The girl was looking for sausage for about 20 minutes. She climbed the whole kitchen, not a trace. The cat sits in the same place, as if nothing had happened. She was tired and decided to drink tea. Removes the sleeping cat from the chair - and under it lies the sausage! The cunning beetle heard that the hostess was returning to the kitchen, lay down on the prey and pretended to be asleep. And the girl believed that such cases only happen in the humorous sections "funny stories about animals." It is possible that the younger cat colluded with the older one and distracted attention.


A family with two children, a 6-year-old boy and a 9-year-old girl, came to visit distant relatives. Children are quite noisy, often arguing, indulging, screaming. Upon arrival, they were warned that there is a cat in the house, but he does not really like affection and can scratch, so the children should be careful with him.

While the parents unpacked, the children played in the big room. At first they dabbled, they began to laugh out loud. After a while, the house became very quiet. Parents decided to see what the offspring are so busy with.

The guys were sitting on the windowsill, embracing and tucking their legs, and below, with a menacing look, a cat was walking around. It turned out that he really does not like it when they scream, so he begins to "educate" - he runs up and bites his legs. All week the house was quiet.


Funny stories about animals from life can happen with Filming commercial. According to the scenario, a guest animal was needed, namely a hedgehog. The prickly actor had to run up to the apple and sniff it with gusto. But no one familiarized the hedgehog with the script, so after appearing on the site, he curled up into a ball and froze.

Attempts to lure the hedgehog with an apple were unsuccessful. The assistants called a familiar naturalist, he advised blowing on a hedgehog. They brought a hair dryer from the dressing room, blew. Indeed, the hedgehog turns around and starts to run away from the hair dryer. But past the apple. The fruit was both pierced and cut, but the smell does not attract the animal.

Called the naturalist again. He said that apples and mushrooms only seduce cartoon hedgehogs, and real animals eat insects and meat. So, in order for the hedgehog to become interested in our apple, you need to at least anoint it with minced meat.

As a result, the shooting looked like a masterpiece. An assistant with a hair dryer drove a hedgehog to an apple that glistened from greasy minced meat. The hedgehog tried to lick it on the go, but ended up poking under the nearest cupboard. It was taken out and everything started all over again. And the video came out very touching.


Funny stories about pets can happen by chance. One woman's husband got rich quickly. Made a good repair, bought a car. A neighbor on the site quite often came to them and frankly envied their wealth.

Once a woman was preparing for some kind of holiday, and on the occasion she bought a jar of red caviar. I opened it - and the product is clearly spoiled, the smell is unpleasant, a gray coating. Just then the doorbell rang and the jar was placed on the table. The neighbor came. After a few words in the corridor, the women went into the kitchen, and the cat had already managed to get to the caviar.

The hostess was not upset at all (after all, the product is hopelessly spoiled anyway), calmly removed Muska from the table and put a jar in front of her, and even with the words: “Let her eat, she loves fish.” Since then, the neighbor has not visited.

physicist cat

Parents bought a cat for a three-year-old girl. Of course, the baby loved him very much and did not let go of him. She rode in a stroller, dressed up in doll clothes. The cat was not happy, but he could not hide from the little mistress, she got him everywhere.

One day, the parents noticed the cat's strange behavior - he lay on the carpet for a long time, writhing, spinning. The mystery was solved very quickly. When the girl wanted to take the cat, its electrified fur shocked the baby's fingers with electricity. She immediately moved away from the animal. The cat often used this technique.


funny stories from real life about animals can show how well dogs understand people. The driver picked up a dog lying on the side of the road. Obviously the car hit, dragging its hind legs. Either shock or trauma. I felt sorry for the animal, brought it to my garage, made a bedding. Feeding almost with a spoon. The dog lies, eats reluctantly, looks plaintively.

Every day the man was worried about the dog, especially because she did not walk and did not even move her paws. A whole week to her in the garage dangled, morning and evening. And then at work I remembered that I forgot to close the garage, I ran to lunch. He opens the door, and the dog jumps like a puppy, playing with a rag. As she saw her virtue, she froze right in the jump. And then the hind legs buckled, and the “paralyzed” animal, whining softly, crawled back onto its bedding.

Funny stories about animals can tell you that even dogs lie. It all ended with a happy ending. The sufferer was sent to the village, in the company of two more dogs, and there was no trace of the mysterious illness.


And animals demonstrate that children are much more attentive to small things than adults. There lived a cat in the family, an ordinary white nobleman with a gray spot on his side. He was a lover of walking, but he did not stay for more than a couple of days, he ran in to eat and sleep. And then he disappeared for almost a week, his wife and son were worried, they went looking - it was useless.

The father took the child to his grandmother for the weekend, returned home and saw the cat Vaska on the porch of the nearest store. Took the gulen home. The cat ate and slept all weekend.

The child came home and immediately to the cat. She takes him in her arms and asks her mother and father: “Where is Vaska?” The parents were so dumbfounded. It turns out that Vaska's spot should be on the other side. And this cat is one to one, a mirror image. For 2 days, the changeling regularly went to the tray, ate from someone else's bowl, and even slept in the same chair! Vaska himself showed up the next day. He treated his neighbor normally, and now two identical cats live in the family.


Funny animal stories can happen if your pets are very similar in appearance. The girl Marina lives "knitwear", that is, three cats. Or rather, 2 cats and a cat. She inherited the Black Marquis from a flatmate who left for another city and did not want to take the cat with her. Marina did not mind at all, as she was used to it, and she also loves animals. The girl's husband entered into marriage with his "luggage" in the form of the same coal-black cat Mashka.

Both animals are spayed and get along great. The couple also joked that they have the same taste in at least cats. And then they found Bucks near the entrance, a dark gray teenager with a serious paw injury. Could not pass by, cured. Where there are two cats - and the third does not hurt.

But the whole point is that Marina's mother is categorically against animals in the house. From them noise, dirt, smell and so on. The girl heard a lot of notations about the appearance of the Marquis, although she already lived separately from her parents. Mom began to visit Marina more often after marriage and the cat charmed her. The woman even brought him sweets, stroked him and called him an intellectual.

When Marina got married, she was simply afraid to tell her mother that there were already two cats in the apartment. But it turned out that the woman does not see the difference and strokes Masha in the same way as the Marquise. And even Bax she did not distinguish, despite a slight difference in color. I just noticed that the cat got better, lost weight. The main thing was to expel two animals into the bedroom, where the woman never went.

But one day my mother came without a call. In the corridor, she almost sat on the floor when three cat faces rushed to her from the kitchen, waiting for treats. But it is already useless to be indignant - for three years the woman did not notice any increased noise, no smell, no dirt, and she fell in love with cats, albeit in one person.

Hunger is not an aunt

Natalia has a basset hound dog. This dog with a long body and short legs looks awkward and lazy, but in fact a hunting dog, active and agile. The character, however, is not the easiest. Basya simply takes note of all the commands, it is not easy to achieve submission from her. But she has an excellent appetite, eats everything that lies badly. I'm ready to sell my soul for an extra piece. It is simply impossible to keep Basya on a leash during a walk, especially if she smells a dead crow or a rotten fish head nearby.

Natalia lives near a large park. In autumn, walking there is just fine, which she often does in the company of a dog. On one of the walks, Basya rushed to the pond with all her might. The weather was good, there were quite a lot of people on the bridge, the children were feeding the ducks with bread. And then a basset jumps out of the bushes and rushes into the water.

Dogs of this breed do not swim very well, but Basya tried her best. She broke into a bunch of ducks and began to take away their bread. The birds quickly retreated, people laughingly threw bread to the funny dog. Basya became the star of the evening. And her mistress since then goes around the pond in a wide arc.


A very smart cat lived in one family. He independently learned to relieve himself in the toilet, except that he did not flush. Just like a human. People were proud of the cat and often boasted that it was not necessary to strain at all with cleaning the tray.

Only once did something bad happen. Suddenly, a loose toilet lid fell on the cat, and since he did not expect such a turn and was in a relaxed state, he was very scared. But the cat is smart, he continued to use the toilet. That's just to sit down began to muzzle to the insidious cover.

Today we want to tell you about our smaller brothers, who sometimes, at the cost of their lives, saved a person's life. These interesting stories about animals from real life are able to touch the soul of everyone. After all, you never know how your fate will turn out and who will have to save your life! We have collected various sad and funny stories about domestic animals and wild animals from all over the world.
1. In the USA, Winnie the cat saved his family. When the house is full carbon monoxide, he jumped on his sleeping mistress, began to scratch her while meowing loudly. When the hostess woke up with difficulty and was barely able to get out of bed, she got to the phone and called 911. “If it weren’t for Vinnie the cat, who screamed and scratched, we wouldn’t be here today,” the hostess said. The family believes that the gas leak was due to a breakdown in the gas distribution system in the basement of the house. According to the rescuers - 5 minutes and this story would have a sad ending.

2. Dog Tang rescued 92 sailors who ran aground. In 1919, a ship called "Ethie" hit the rocks and ran aground. On board were 93 sailors and Tang, a Newfoundland ship dog. After one of the sailors was carried away to the sea, the sailors handed a rope to Tang's teeth and he jumped into the water and went to land. To the general surprise of the sailors, the dog reached the ground holding the rope in his teeth. All 92 sailors survived and were taken to safe place. Tang was later awarded a medal for bravery.

3. In Krasnoyarsk, a dog saved its owner. The young man went into the river to bathe. The water was cold and his legs cramped because of which he began to drown. When the guy completely disappeared into the water, a labrador named Rem, who was sleeping on the shore, rushed into the water with lightning speed! The dog tried to grab the owner by the clothes, but he did not succeed. Then he grabbed the owner's hand with his teeth and dragged him to the shore.

4. In a coastal village in one of the old wooden houses a fire broke out during the night. A young mother and five of her children from 11 to 2 years old were on fire. They slept peacefully! But domestic cat Keti smelled the smell of smoke in time, crawled under the blanket of the hostess and began to scratch her painfully, trying to wake her up. The hostess threw the cat away and turned on the other side. But the cat did not give up until it woke the woman. The children were evacuated. Everyone escaped ... except for the cat itself. The house burned to the ground along with things and Kathy who saved everyone. Residents of the village collected money, things for the victims of the fire, arranged for them to spend the night. But the savior herself could not even be buried.

5. Mandy the goat saved her owner in Austria. Farmer Noel Osborne fell and injured his hip, he was too far away from anyone who could hear his cries and come to the rescue. Noel lay outdoors for 5 days with a broken hip. But how did he survive? He was saved by a goat named Mandy. She lay down next to him and warmed the owner. In addition, the goat fed him with her milk, thus she helped the farmer survive in the conditions of cold rainy nights. Noel Osborne was rescued by friends on the 6th day.

6. In the 90s in Novosibirsk, an ordinary cat prevented the death of the owner, a big businessman. Climbing under his car, she did not want to get out of there. Then the man himself climbed under the car to get his pet. Imagine his surprise when he discovered that a package was glued to the bottom of the car. The sappers called in determined that it was a bomb connected to a pager. Luckily, she was able to be defused. Later it was found out that the cat saved the life of the owner just half an hour before a possible tragedy.

7. In the suburbs, a shepherd dog sacrificed her life to save the mistress and her 5-year-old daughter. Woman walking at dusk young dog, when suddenly the dog rushed forward and grabbed a bare wire hanging from a power line pole with its teeth. From a strong electric shock, the dog died immediately. According to electricians, if not for the dog, either the girl or her mother could have received a fatal electric shock.

8. In the USA, a rabbit managed to warn the owner about a sneaking thief. In Wisconsin, a woman told police that she woke up because a rabbit drummed its paws, as it always does in the presence of a stranger. The woman jumped up, screamed, and thus frightened off the thief who entered the house.

9. In Germany, a cat rescued a baby left in the winter at night on the street. With its loud meowing, the cat attracted the attention of passers-by and thanks to this, the baby was safely delivered to the local hospital. Nothing threatens the health of the newborn. The whereabouts of the boy's mother is unknown.

10. Doberman Khan did not have time to stay in a new house for four days, as he had already saved his owner's 17-month-old daughter. Charlotte was playing in the backyard of the house, when suddenly Han began to growl. As it turned out later, Khan saw a royal brown snake in the grass. He tried to push the girl aside to take her away from that place, but he failed. Then he gently took her by the diaper and threw her a meter behind him. Khan's sharp movement frightened the snake, and she bit him on the paw, but after the medical assistance provided to him, the Doberman hero fully recovered.

11. A cat named Padding saved the life of his owner Amy Yung on the same day he was taken home from a shelter for homeless animals. The girl suffered from diabetes and when she had an attack, she fell into a diabetic coma. As soon as this happened, Padding immediately began to bite and push the hostess until she recovered a little. Amy was very weak and therefore could not loudly call her son Ethan, who was sleeping in the next room. Then the cat ran into Ethan's room and began to bite and push him until he woke up and called the rescue service for his mother. All doctors admitted that the cat saved the woman's life.

12. A pit bull dog named Kilo saved his owners. Arriving home after another run, American Justin Becker and his girlfriend heard a knock on the door. When they opened it, there was a man in the doorway wearing a delivery service uniform who said his scanner was broken and asked if he could come into the house to use their pen and hand them a package. As soon as the guy crossed the threshold, the delivery immediately turned into a robbery. Without thinking twice, the pitubl rushed at the robber armed with a pistol. The robber managed to shoot the 12-year-old dog in the head, but the bullet ricocheted off his skull and exited in the neck without hitting vital organs. After 3 days, after the medical assistance provided, Kilo was already walking on the street.

13. A pig saved a woman from a heart attack. In 1998, Jo Ann Alzman had a heart attack while on vacation in Pennsylvania. Lulu, her daughter's pig, ran out of the house and lay down on the road, stopping traffic. The pig tried tirelessly to help the woman: she returned home to check on Jo Ann, and then ran back to the street for help. As a result, she managed to attract attention to herself: one man stopped the car and followed the pig into the house, where he found a woman lying on the floor and, realizing what had happened, called an ambulance.

14. German Shepherd Buddy saved his beloved owner. Joe Stalnecker adopted Buddy when he was only 8 months old. Joe also taught him how to use the phone to call 911 when he started experiencing symptoms of impending seizures. If Joe passes out and is unable to call 911, Buddy will have to call 911 by pressing the shortcut button with his teeth. In 2008, the rescue service received a call, but no one spoke on the other end of the line, but it was only audible as someone whined and howled loudly. Medics arrived on the scene a couple of minutes later and found Joe Stalnecker unconscious on the floor of his own house. A couple of days later, Joe was released from the hospital. Thus, the shepherd dog saved a man's life.

15. Willie the parrot saved two-year-old girl Hanna Kuusk, who would have suffocated if not for the reaction of the bird. Megan Howard, the child's nanny and the owner of the parrot, prepared the cake, put it on the table to cool and went to the toilet. While in the toilet, she suddenly heard that the parrot was shouting loudly something like this: “Mom! Baby! Mother! Baby!". Megan ran to the kitchen and saw a bitten pie, and next to her was a girl with already blue lips, who was choking. The woman quickly performed the Heimlich maneuver and the girl herself spat out a piece of the pie. For rescuing the girl, Willie the parrot was presented for an award by the local Red Cross service.

16. Jersey Cocker clutched his owner Tom Owen's trousers as he was heading to a friend's place to fly in his private jet. Usually quiet and calm, the dog whined and growled menacingly. Noticing that the owner was still about to leave, the dog bit him on the leg, causing the anger of the whole family, and in the end he did not go anywhere. And in the morning it became known that a friend crashed on a plane, crashing into a rock.

17. A case from Russia - a mongrel saved several families from an earthquake at once, who fed her. Suddenly, the dog began to howl heart-rendingly under the doors of the houses. Residents were forced to leave, and at this time the walls collapsed.

18. Golden retriever Toby saved his mistress. While at home, 45-year-old Debbie Parkhurst was eating an apple and suddenly choked on a piece that blocked her airways. The woman began to choke! At that moment, her 2-year-old golden retriever knocked her to the floor and started jumping on her owner's chest. So Toby the dog did something similar to the Heimlich maneuver until a piece of apple flew out of her throat. After that, he began to lick the woman's face, thanks to which she did not lose consciousness.

19. The rabbit saved a man suffering from diabetes from childhood from a coma. In the UK, Simon Stegall fell into a coma while watching TV. His pet rabbit Dory saw this and jumped on his chest, hitting him hard. Victoria, Simon's wife, noticed Dory's strange behavior, realized what had happened, and called an ambulance.

20. English Cocker Spaniel Honey saved his owner's life. One day, Michael Bosch and his dog Honey got into an SUV accident. Michael soon realized that he and Honey had remained locked in the overturned car. Somehow, the man was able to release the dog into the wild so that she could bring someone to help, although he himself did not really believe in it. A 5-month-old English Cocker Spaniel caught the attention of a man half a mile away from the overturned car and led him to the scene of the accident. Later, the rescuers said that if it were not for Honey, then Michael would have died.

21. In Thailand, in the city of Phuket, the elephant Ningnong saved the life of 8-year-old girl Amber Mason. She vacationed with her mother and stepfather and befriended a 4-year-old elephant named Ningnong. The place where they settled was covered by a tsunami. Once, while playing on the beach along with other elephants, Ningnong felt something was wrong and ran back to the girl, so when the tsunami hit the city, the little girl was not hurt, because Ningnong sheltered her from the elements with his own body.

22. Chihuahua Chi-Chi saved the lives of two women. Mary Lane and her husband were relaxing on the beach, and with them was their chihuahua named Chi-Chi. He had a very calm disposition and sat on a chair. But suddenly the dog jumped up and ran along the beach, barking loudly and dragging along the sand on a leash a small chair to which he was tied. The owners chased him and saw two elderly ladies who fell under the storm waves and drowned in the water, unable to get ashore. Mary and her husband quickly dragged the ladies ashore. Returning back to the resting place, the couple saw Chi-Chi sleeping peacefully in his chair.

23. Beluga whale Mila rescued a 26-year-old diver when he took part in a free diving competition during which no breathing equipment can be used. The competition was held in a pool with a depth of 6 meters among the whales. At the same time, the water was cooled to the temperature of the water in the Arctic. When the diver wanted to return to the surface, he felt that his legs were cramped from the cold and he could not move them. And then the beluga whale gently took the legs of the beluga whale with her teeth and lifted it to the surface. Beluga whales, like dolphins, have telepathy and read minds, which saved the diver's life.

24. Dolphins saved swimmers from a shark in the coastal waters of New Zealand. In 2004, four people escaped death from a great white shark attack thanks to a group of dolphins that swam around them in circles until the shark lost interest and swam away. At first, the swimmers thought that the dolphins were just playing with them, but they quickly realized that in fact, these smart animals saved them from a 3-meter white shark that was trying to break through the “ring”.

25. Lions rescued a girl from kidnappers in Ethiopia in 2005. On her way home from school, a 12-year-old girl was abducted by four men. A few days later, the kidnappers met three lions, who chased away the intruders, who abandoned the girl. But the lions did not harm her. When the police finally found the girl, the predators simply left.

26. A dog saved a man from drowning in Spain. A chocolate Labrador named Nanook noticed a drowning man in the port of Malaga and brought his owner to the scene. The lean man, who appeared to be in his 60s, was almost frozen to death and was close to drowning. If not for the dog, he would hardly have survived in this situation. The Labrador later received praise from the Port Authority.

27. Salia's cat saved a man during a house fire in Australia in 2014. Craig Jeeves was sleeping at his home when the fire started. Suddenly the striped cat Sally jumped on his head and began to scream. Jeeves woke up just in time to get out of the house, which soon burned down completely.

28. A horse named Kerry saved her owner, mother of two children Fiona Boyd. She was alone on the family farm when she heard a calf outside her window. When she went outside, she saw that the calf had lost its mother and could not find her among the other cows. She decided to help him and take the calf to his mother in the barn. But the mother noticed her calf earlier and misunderstood Fiona's gesture, believing that the woman had taken away her calf and wanted to kill him. The cow rushed at the woman, knocking her down, and after that began to stomp on her. Fiona was lying on the ground, covering her head with her hands, but when the stomping stopped, she looked up and saw that her 15-year-old horse named Kerry, who was nearby, began to kick a cow. While the horse distracted the cow, Fiona managed to crawl to safety under the electric fence.

29. In the US state of Arkansas, a calf saved a woman from a snake. Janice Wolf was in the back pasture of the farm where she worked when an 11-month-old Watussi calf suddenly turned towards her and blocked her path. She could not understand why he was doing this, took him by the horns and tried to lead him out of her way. However, the animal tossed its head, causing the woman to lose her balance and fall. Then, when Janice saw a poisonous snake in the grass, she realized that the snake was exactly where her leg would be, if not for the watussi. This is how a calf saved a woman's life.

My friend has a solid, mustachioed-striped Siberian cat in his family. Everyone in the family respects the cat. The comrade also has a beloved uncle. The uncle is in his seventies, but the uncle looks good, dresses elegantly, is free and has money, and is a great lover of sorority. Women love bright, large, energetic. Women, as a rule, reciprocate uncle. That evening, my uncle came to visit, to brag to his nephew about the new (next) "bride". The bride turned out to be a noisy beautiful brunette "in the body", expensively dressed, in gold, with a magnificent hairdo. The age of the bride was a little over forty, she worked as an administrator of one of the Moscow theaters, and her uncle was both proud of her and, as it seemed to everyone, a little afraid of her. When the uncle was taking off his girlfriend's fur coat, the cat also came out into the hallway to look at the uncle's new acquisition. “You are a good cat, fluffy,” his uncle’s friend said cheerfully to him, “it will be necessary to put you on a hat.” The stupid joke was immediately forgotten. The evening went wonderfully: my uncle joked a lot, told funny “cases” from his eventful life, even sang a couple of songs. A friend enjoyed trying a variety of snacks, smoked and drank with taste, laughed heartily. Only the cat was offended, hid somewhere in the apartment, and did not come out to the guests all evening. They began to see off the guests. And the cat, it turns out, competently hid in ambush high on the closet in the hallway. Having seized the moment, he tore off the wig from the woman's head with a long clawed paw and with a growl dragged it on horseback somewhere in the depths of the apartment - either into the pantry, or on the mezzanine. The woman was squealing loudly in a bad way. The wig could not be found right away, and the cat also disappeared somewhere. The wig was found ten days later, tattered, slobbered, covered in dust. But my uncle did not succeed with this woman - there was no need to joke about the cat.

Talking parrot Kesha and non-speaking cat Ksyusha live at home with friends in the family. When a cat is hungry, she comes to the kitchen and starts begging for food. The mistress of the house tells the children - “someone, feed Ksyusha” (she herself has no time to do this and the function of feeding Ksyusha lies with the children). One day, everyone forgot about Ksyusha, everyone had no time for her, no one fed her, and the cat, remembering her hunting instincts, decided to catch Kesha, who was sitting in a cage. Creeping up to the cage with the yagupop, Ksyusha stuck her paw between the bars and tried to grab the proud bird. The poor bird hid in the farthest corner of the cage and hysterically shouted at the whole apartment: “FEED KSYUSHA!!! SOMEONE - FEED KSUSHA!!!"

A small workshop producing sausages and semi-finished products. Every day, a special car picks up the waste of meat activity, on Sunday it rests and the waste is taken out by a garbage truck, which arrives that day for the usual garbage accumulated over the week. And before his arrival, the meat trash lies in bags near the fence enclosing the territory. Local workers noticed that upon the arrival of the garbage truck, a cat crawls out of the pile and flies half-bent along the fence to the gate. Moreover, this kitty is clearly pregnant and should give birth from week to week. But the month was replaced by a month, and the cat's pregnancy did not want to end in the proper way, turning, for unclear reasons, into a chronic form. The local girls were excited. The guards were brought in. Those little animals were caught and dealt with the situation. The cat turned out to be a cat. Once a week, this cat entered the territory through a small hole in the fence, right next to the meat trash, and pounced on a fresh grub. The unrestrained act of gluttony always ended with the same fear that he would burst. The pregnant cat did not climb back into the hole, so upon the arrival of the garbage truck, he gave a tear along the fence to the gate. And our people have already fallen in love with a pregnant cat. And he gave her a name, of course, girlish. And turning her into a cat did not benefit the cat. In the eyes of the public, he became a fraud, although he was not. And he was punished, the truth is not known how. They left him the name that was given to the cat. For a seasoned yard cat, this is a severe punishment, and if the cat understood this, it would undoubtedly be severely wounded. And a few weeks later, on the arrival of the Sunday garbage truck, our cat ran out of the pile, and suddenly five little kittens followed him, all as one pregnant. And this whole train rushed to the gate. Acquaintance of their offspring with the bread place, and at the same time with the natives, caused a lot of sympathy among these natives. The innocent cat was rehabilitated and named Trump. Why Trump? Well, why, because everyone was sure that it was a cat, but it turned out to be a red cat.

As you know, grandmothers are very energetic. Here is such an energetic grandmother called the animal rescue service: - A pregnant cat is in the garbage, is about to give birth, come. The animal rescue service was in no hurry to go - and they have no free cages, and no gasoline either. But the grandmother was very energetic. After the tenth call, the service finally arrived. However, it was not so easy to catch the poor pregnant cat. However, professionals work in the service. Caught. Examined. Turned out to be a cat. Yes, and castrated.

I walk in the park, a girl with a chihuahua in pink walks ahead, the dog is shaking all over. The hostess hides it in a bag. “Fu, miserable dog, they wear it like a cosmetic bag,” I think, I proudly walk with a Rottweiler on a leash. We approach the stall for coffee, this girl is in front of us. Morning, cold, everyone is silent, waiting. And suddenly a wild roar, a cry! Some unkempt woman jumps to the side, and the chihuahua hangs on her arm. The thief reached into the bag, did not know that there was a dog. We checked the pockets - it turned out that she managed to pull out my phone! And my ear did not lead.

Stories about animals by Tolstoy, Turgenev, Chekhov, Prishvin, Koval, Paustovsky

Leo Tolstoy "The Lion and the Dog"

In London, they showed wild animals and took money or dogs and cats for food for wild animals.

One man wanted to look at the animals: he grabbed a dog in the street and brought it to the menagerie. They let him watch, but they took the little dog and threw it into a cage to be eaten by a lion.

The dog tucked its tail between its legs and snuggled into the corner of the cage. The lion walked up to her and sniffed her.

The dog lay on its back, raised its paws and began to wag its tail.

The lion touched her with his paw and turned her over.

The dog jumped up and stood in front of the lion on its hind legs.

The lion looked at the dog, turned its head from side to side and did not touch it.

When the owner threw meat to the lion, the lion tore off a piece and left it for the dog.

In the evening, when the lion went to bed, the dog lay down beside him and laid her head on his paw.

Since then, the dog lived in the same cage with the lion, the lion did not touch her, ate food, slept with her, and sometimes played with her.

Once the master came to the menagerie and recognized his little dog; he said that the dog was his own, and asked the owner of the menagerie to give it to him. The owner wanted to give it back, but as soon as they began to call the dog to take it out of the cage, the lion bristled and growled.

So the lion and the dog lived for a whole year in one cage.

A year later, the dog fell ill and died. The lion stopped eating, but kept sniffing, licking the dog and touching it with his paw.

When he realized that she was dead, he suddenly jumped up, bristled, began to whip his tail on the sides, threw himself on the wall of the cage and began to gnaw the bolts and the floor.

All day he fought, tossed about in the cage and roared, then lay down beside the dead dog and fell silent. The owner wanted to carry away the dead dog, but the lion would not let anyone near it.

The owner thought that the lion would forget his grief if he was given another dog, and let a live dog into his cage; but the lion immediately tore her to pieces. Then he hugged the dead dog with his paws and lay like that for five days.

On the sixth day the lion died.

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy "Bird"

It was Seryozha's birthday, and many different gifts were presented to him; and tops, and horses, and pictures. But more than all the gifts, Uncle Seryozha gave a net to catch birds.

The grid is made in such a way that a plank is attached to the frame, and the grid is thrown back. Pour the seed on a plank and put it out in the yard. A bird will fly in, sit on a plank, the plank will turn up and slam itself shut.

Seryozha was delighted, ran to his mother to show the net. Mother says:

- Not a good toy. What do you want birds? Why would you torture them?

I'll put them in cages. They will sing and I will feed them.

Seryozha took out a seed, poured it on a plank and put the net into the garden. And everything stood, waiting for the birds to fly. But the birds were afraid of him and did not fly to the net. Seryozha went to dinner and left the net. I looked after dinner, the net slammed shut, and a bird was beating under the net, Seryozha was delighted, caught the bird and carried it home.

- Mother! Look, I caught a bird, it must be a nightingale! And how his heart beats!

Mother said:

- This is a siskin. Look, do not torment him, but rather let him go,

No, I will feed and water him.

Seryozha chizh put him in a cage and for two days he sprinkled seed on him, and put water on, and cleaned the cage. On the third day he forgot about the siskin and did not change the water. His mother says to him:

- You see, you forgot about your bird, it's better to let it go.

— No, I won't forget, I'll put water on and clean the cage.

Seryozha put his hand into the cage, began to clean it, but the chizhik was frightened, beating against the cage. Seryozha cleaned out the cage and went to fetch water. The mother saw that he had forgotten to close the cage, and she shouted to him:

- Seryozha, close the cage, otherwise your bird will fly out and be killed!

Before she had time to say, the siskin found the door, was delighted, spread his wings and flew through the room to the window. Yes, he did not see the glass, he hit the glass and fell on the windowsill.

Seryozha came running, took the bird, carried it to the cage. The chizhik was still alive, but lay on his chest, spreading his wings, and breathing heavily. Seryozha looked and looked and began to cry:

- Mother! What should I do now?

“Now you can’t do anything.

Seryozha did not leave the cage all day and kept looking at the chizhik, but the chizhik still lay on his chest and breathed heavily and quickly. When Seryozha went to sleep, the chizhik was still alive. Seryozha could not sleep for a long time; every time he closed his eyes, he imagined a siskin, how he lies and breathes.

In the morning, when Seryozha approached the cage, he saw that the siskin was already lying on its back, tucked its paws and stiffened. Since then, Seryozha has never caught birds.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Sparrow"

I was returning from hunting and walking along the alley of the garden. The dog ran ahead of me.

Suddenly she slowed down her steps and began to creep, as if sensing game ahead of her.

I looked along the alley and saw a young sparrow with yellow around the beak and down on the head. He fell from the nest (the wind shook the birches of the alley strongly) and sat motionless, helplessly spreading his barely sprouting wings.

My dog ​​was slowly approaching him, when suddenly, plunging from a nearby tree, an old black-breasted sparrow fell like a stone in front of her very muzzle - and all disheveled, distorted, with a desperate and pitiful squeak, jumped twice in the direction of her wide-toothed mouth.

He rushed to save, he shielded his offspring with himself ... but his whole little body trembled with horror, his voice grew wild and hoarse, he froze, he sacrificed himself!

What a huge monster the dog must have seemed to him! And yet he could not sit on his high, safe branch ... A force stronger than his will threw him out of there.

My Trezor stopped, backed away... Apparently, he also recognized this power. I hurried to call the embarrassed dog away and left, reverent.

Yes, don't laugh. I was in awe of that little heroic bird, of its love impulse.

Love, I thought, is stronger than death and the fear of death. Only it, only love keeps and moves life.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov "White-browed"

The hungry wolf got up to go hunting. Her wolf cubs, all three of them, were fast asleep, huddled together, and warmed each other. She licked them and went.

It was already the spring month of March, but at night the trees cracked from the cold, as in December, and as soon as you stick out your tongue, it begins to pinch strongly. The she-wolf was in poor health, suspicious; she shuddered at the slightest noise and kept thinking about how someone at home without her would offend the wolf cubs. The smell of human and horse tracks, stumps, piled firewood and a dark manured road frightened her; it seemed to her as if people were standing behind the trees in the darkness, and somewhere behind the forest dogs were howling.

She was no longer young, and her instincts had weakened, so that it happened that she mistook a fox's track for a dog's, and sometimes even, deceived by her instincts, lost her way, which had never happened to her in her youth. Due to poor health, she no longer hunted calves and large rams, as before, and already far bypassed horses with foals, but ate only carrion; she had to eat fresh meat very rarely, only in the spring, when, having come across a hare, she took away her children or climbed into the barn where the lambs were with the peasants.

Four versts from her lair, by the postal road, there was a winter hut. Here lived the watchman Ignat, an old man of about seventy, who kept coughing and talking to himself; he usually slept at night, and during the day he wandered through the forest with a single-barreled gun and whistled at hares. He must have been a mechanic before, because every time he stopped, he shouted to himself: “Stop, car!” and before going any further: "Full speed!" With him was a huge black dog of an unknown breed, named Arapka. When she ran far ahead, he shouted to her: "Reverse!" Sometimes he sang, and at the same time he staggered strongly and often fell (the wolf thought it was from the wind) and shouted: “I went off the rails!”

The she-wolf remembered that in summer and autumn a ram and two ewes grazed near the winter hut, and when she ran past not so long ago, she thought she heard bleating in the barn. And now, approaching the winter hut, she realized that it was already March and, judging by the time, there must certainly be lambs in the barn. She was tormented by hunger, she thought about how greedily she would eat the lamb, and from such thoughts her teeth clicked and her eyes shone in the darkness like two lights.

Ignat's hut, his barn, barn and well were surrounded by high snowdrifts. It was quiet. The arapka must have been sleeping under the barn.

Through the snowdrift, the wolf climbed onto the barn and began to rake the thatched roof with her paws and muzzle. The straw was rotten and loose, so that the she-wolf almost fell through; she suddenly smelled warm steam and the smell of manure and sheep's milk right in her muzzle. Down below, feeling cold, a lamb bleated softly. Jumping into the hole, the wolf fell with her front paws and chest on something soft and warm, probably on a ram, and at that moment something suddenly squealed in the barn, barked and burst into a thin howling voice, the sheep shied against the wall, and the wolf , frightened, grabbed what was first caught in the teeth, and rushed out ...

She ran, straining her strength, and at that time Arapka, who had already sensed the wolf, howled furiously, disturbed chickens clucked in the winter hut, and Ignat, going out onto the porch, shouted:

- Full speed! Went to the whistle!

And he whistled like a machine, and then - ho-ho-ho-ho! .. And all this noise was repeated by the forest echo.

When, little by little, all this calmed down, the she-wolf calmed down a little and began to notice that her prey, which she held in her teeth and dragged through the snow, was heavier and, as it were, harder than lambs usually are at this time; and it seemed to smell differently, and some strange sounds were heard ... The she-wolf stopped and put her burden on the snow to rest and start eating, and suddenly jumped back in disgust. It was not a lamb, but a puppy, black, with a large head and high legs, of a large breed, with the same white spot all over his forehead, like Arapka's. Judging by his manners, he was an ignoramus, a simple mongrel. He licked his rumpled, wounded back and, as if nothing had happened, waved his tail and barked at the she-wolf. She growled like a dog and ran away from him. He is behind her. She looked back and clicked her teeth; he stopped in perplexity and, probably deciding that it was she who was playing with him, stretched his muzzle towards the winter quarters and burst into sonorous, joyful barking, as if inviting his mother Arapka to play with him and with the she-wolf.

It was already dawn, and when the she-wolf made her way to her thick aspen forest, each aspen tree was clearly visible, and the black grouse was already waking up and beautiful roosters often fluttered, disturbed by the careless jumps and barking of the puppy.

"Why is he running after me? thought the wolf with annoyance. “He must want me to eat him.”

She lived with wolf cubs in a shallow hole; about three years ago, during a strong storm, a tall old pine tree was uprooted, which is why this hole was formed. Now at the bottom of it were old leaves and moss, bones and bull horns, which the wolf cubs used to play, lay right there. They were already awake, and all three, very similar to each other, stood side by side on the edge of their pit and, looking at the returning mother, wagged their tails. Seeing them, the puppy stopped at a distance and looked at them for a long time; noticing that they, too, were looking at him attentively, he began to bark at them angrily, as if they were strangers.

It was already dawn and the sun had risen, the snow was sparkling all around, but he still stood at a distance and barked. The cubs sucked their mother, shoving her with their paws into her thin stomach, while she gnawed at the horse bone, white and dry; she was tormented by hunger, her head ached from the barking of dogs, and she wanted to rush at the uninvited guest and tear him apart.

Finally the puppy got tired and hoarse; seeing that they were not afraid of him and did not even pay attention to him, he began timidly, now crouching, now jumping, to approach the cubs. Now, in daylight, it was easy to see him. His white forehead was large, and there was a bump on his forehead, such as happens in very stupid dogs; the eyes were small, blue, dull, and the expression of the whole muzzle was extremely stupid. Approaching the cubs, he stretched out his broad paws, put his muzzle on them and began:

“Mya, me… nga-nga-nga!..

The cubs did not understand anything, but they waved their tails. Then the puppy hit one wolf cub on the big head with its paw. The wolf cub also hit him on the head with his paw. The puppy stood sideways to him and looked askance at him, wagging his tail, then suddenly rushed from his place and made several circles on the crust. The cubs chased him, he fell on his back and lifted his legs up, and the three of them attacked him and, squealing with delight, began to bite him, but not painfully, but in jest. The crows sat on a tall pine tree and looked down on their struggle. And they were very worried. It got noisy and fun. The sun was already hot in the spring; and the roosters, now and then flying over a pine tree that had been felled by a storm, seemed emerald green in the glare of the sun.

Usually, she-wolves teach their children to hunt, letting them play with their prey; and now, looking at how the cubs were chasing the puppy across the crust and wrestling with him, the she-wolf thought: "Let them get used to it."

Having played enough, the cubs went into the pit and went to bed. The puppy howled a little with hunger, then also stretched out in the sun. When they woke up, they started playing again.

All day and evening the she-wolf recalled how the lamb bleated in the barn last night and how it smelled of sheep's milk, and from appetite she kept clicking her teeth and did not stop nibbling greedily on the old bone, imagining that it was a lamb. The cubs suckled, and the puppy, which wanted to eat, ran around and sniffed the snow.

“Take it off…” the wolf decided.

She approached him and he licked her face and whined, thinking she wanted to play with him. IN old time she ate dogs, but the puppy smelled strongly of dog, and, due to poor health, she no longer tolerated this smell; she became disgusted, and she moved away ...

By night it got colder. The puppy got bored and went home.

When the cubs were sound asleep, the she-wolf again went hunting. As on the previous night, she was alarmed by the slightest noise, and she was frightened by stumps, firewood, dark, solitary juniper bushes that looked like people from a distance. She ran away from the road, along the crust. Suddenly, far ahead, something dark flashed on the road ... She strained her eyesight and hearing: in fact, something was moving ahead, and measured steps were even audible. Isn't it a badger? She carefully, breathing a little, taking everything aside, overtook the dark spot, looked back at him and recognized him. It was slowly, with a step, a puppy with a white forehead was returning to its winter hut.

“No matter how he doesn’t interfere with me again,” thought the wolf and quickly ran forward.

But the winter hut was already close. She again climbed onto the barn through a snowdrift. Yesterday's hole had already been patched up with spring straw, and two new slabs were stretched along the roof. The she-wolf began to quickly work her legs and muzzle, looking around to see if the puppy was coming, but as soon as she smelled warm steam and the smell of manure, a joyful, flooded bark was heard from behind. It's the puppy back. He jumped to the wolf on the roof, then into the hole and, feeling at home, warm, recognizing his sheep, barked even louder... with her single-barreled gun, the frightened wolf was already far from the winter hut.

- Fuyt! Ignat whistled. - Fuyt! Drive at full speed!

He pulled the trigger - the gun misfired; he lowered again - again a misfire; he fired it a third time, and a huge sheaf of fire flew out of the barrel, and there was a deafening “boo! boo!". He was strongly given in the shoulder; and, taking a gun in one hand and an ax in the other, he went to see what was causing the noise ...

A little later he returned to the hut.

“Nothing…” replied Ignat. - Empty case. Our White-fronted with sheep got into the habit of sleeping in warmth. Only there is no such thing as to the door, but strives for everything, as it were, into the roof.

- Silly.

- Yes, the spring in the brain burst. Death does not like stupid people! Ignat sighed, climbing onto the stove. “Well, man of God, it’s still early to get up, let’s sleep at full speed…”

And in the morning he called White-fronted to him, patted him painfully by the ears, and then, punishing him with a twig, kept saying:

- Go to the door! Go to the door! Go to the door!

Mikhail Prishvin "Fox bread"

Once I walked in the forest all day and returned home in the evening with rich booty. He took off his heavy bag from his shoulders and began to spread his goods on the table.

- What kind of bird is this? Zinochka asked.

"Terenty," I replied.

And he told her about the black grouse: how he lives in the forest, how he mumbles in the spring, how he pecks at birch buds, picks berries in the swamps in autumn, warms himself from the wind under the snow in winter. He also told her about the hazel grouse, showed her that he was grey, with a tuft, and whistled into a pipe in a hazel grouse and let her whistle. I also poured a lot of porcini mushrooms on the table, both red and black. I also had a bloody stoneberry in my pocket, and blueberries, and red lingonberries. I also brought with me a fragrant lump of pine resin, gave the girl a sniff and said that trees are treated with this resin.

Who is treating them there? Zinochka asked.

“They are curing themselves,” I replied. - Sometimes a hunter comes, he wants to rest, he will stick an ax into a tree and hang a bag on an ax, and he will lie down under a tree. Sleep, rest. He takes out an ax from a tree, puts on a bag, leaves. And from the wound from the ax made of wood, this fragrant tar will run and this wound will be tightened.

Also on purpose for Zinochka, I brought various wonderful herbs by leaf, by root, by flower: cuckoo's tears, valerian, Peter's cross, hare cabbage. And just under the hare cabbage I had a piece of black bread: it always happens to me that when I don’t take bread to the forest, I’m hungry, but I take it, I forget to eat it and bring it back. And Zinochka, when she saw black bread under my hare cabbage, was stunned:

“Where did the bread come from in the forest?”

- What's so amazing about that? After all, there is cabbage there!

- Hare...

- And the bread is lisichkin. Taste.

Carefully tasted and began to eat:

- Good fox bread!

And ate all my black bread clean. And so it went with us: Zinochka, such a copula, often doesn’t even take white bread, but when I bring fox bread from the forest, she always eats it all and praises:

- Chanterelle's bread is much better than ours!

Mikhail Prishvin "Inventor"

In one swamp, on a hummock under a willow, wild mallard ducklings hatched. Shortly thereafter, their mother led them to the lake along a cow trail. I noticed them from afar, hid behind a tree, and the ducklings came up to my very feet. I took three of them for my upbringing, the remaining sixteen went further along the cow path.

I kept these black ducklings with me, and soon they all turned gray. After one of the gray ones came out a handsome multi-colored drake and two ducks, Dusya and Musya. We clipped their wings so that they would not fly away, and they lived in our yard with poultry: we had chickens and geese.

With the onset of a new spring, we made hummocks for our savages from all sorts of rubbish in the basement, as in a swamp, and nests on them. Dusya put sixteen eggs in her nest and began to hatch ducklings. Musya put fourteen, but did not want to sit on them. No matter how we fought, the empty head did not want to be a mother.

And we planted our important black hen, the Queen of Spades, on duck eggs.

The time has come, our ducklings have hatched. We kept them warm in the kitchen for a while, crumbled their eggs, and took care of them.

A few days later, very good, warm weather set in, and Dusya led her little black ones to the pond, and the Queen of Spades to the garden for worms.

— Swish-swish! - ducklings in the pond.

- Quack-quack! - answers the duck.

— Swish-swish! - ducklings in the garden.

- Kwoh-kwoh! the chicken answers.

The ducklings, of course, cannot understand what “quoh-quoh” means, and what is heard from the pond is well known to them.

"Swiss-swiss" - this means: "ours to ours."

And “quack-quack” means: “you are ducks, you are mallards, swim quickly!”

And they, of course, look there, to the pond.

- Yours to yours!

- Swim, swim!

And they float.

- Kwoh-kwoh! - an important chicken rests on the shore. They all swim and swim. They whistled, swam, joyfully accepted them into her family Dusya; according to Musa, they were her own nephews.

All day long a large combined duck family swam in the pond, and all day the Queen of Spades, fluffy, angry, cackled, grumbled, dug worms on the shore with her foot, tried to attract ducklings with worms and cackled to them that there were too many worms, so good worms!

- Dirty-dirty! the mallard answered her.

And in the evening she led all her ducklings with one long rope along a dry path. Under the very nose of an important bird, they passed, black, with big duck noses; no one even looked at such a mother.

We collected them all in one tall basket and left them to spend the night in a warm kitchen near the stove.

In the morning, when we were still sleeping, Dusya got out of the basket, walked around on the floor, screamed, called the ducklings to her. In thirty voices, whistlers answered her cry.

The walls of our house, made of a sonorous pine forest, responded to the duck cry in their own way. And yet, in this commotion, we heard separately the voice of one duckling.

- Do you hear? I asked my guys. They listened.

- We hear! they shouted. And we went to the kitchen.

It turned out that Dusya was not alone on the floor. One duckling ran next to her, was very worried and whistled continuously. This duckling, like all the others, was the size of a small cucumber. How could such and such a warrior climb over the wall of a basket thirty centimeters high?

We began to guess about it, and then a new question arose: did the duckling itself come up with some way to get out of the basket after its mother, or did she accidentally touch it somehow with its wing and throw it away? I tied the duckling's leg with a ribbon and put it into the common herd.

We slept through the night, and in the morning, as soon as the morning duck's cry was heard in the house, we went to the kitchen.

On the floor, along with Dusya, a duckling with a bandaged paw was running.

All the ducklings imprisoned in the basket whistled, rushed to freedom and could not do anything. This one got out.

I said:

- He's up to something.

He is an inventor! Leva shouted.

Then I decided to see how

In the same way, this "inventor" solves the most difficult task: to climb a sheer wall on his duck's webbed feet. I got up the next morning before light, when both my children and ducklings were sleeping soundly. In the kitchen, I sat down near the light switch so that I could turn on the light immediately, when necessary, and examine the events in the back of the basket.

And then the window turned white. It began to get light.

- Quack-quack! Dusya said.

— Swish-swish! - answered the only duckling. And everything froze. The boys were sleeping, the ducklings were sleeping. The factory horn blew. The world has increased.

- Quack-quack! Dusya repeated.

No one answered. I understood: the "inventor" now has no time - now, probably, he is solving his most difficult task. And I turned on the light.

Well, that's what I knew! The duck had not yet risen, and its head was still level with the edge of the basket. All the ducklings slept warmly under their mother, only one, with a bandaged paw, crawled out and, like bricks, climbed up on the mother's feathers, onto her back. When Dusya got up, she lifted him high, to the level with the edge of the basket. A duckling, like a mouse, ran along her back to the edge - and somersault down! Following him, his mother also fell out on the floor, and the usual morning commotion began: screaming, whistling for the whole house.

Two days later, in the morning, three ducklings appeared on the floor at once, then five, and it went and went: as soon as Dusya grunts in the morning, all the ducklings on her back and then fall down.

And the first duckling, who paved the way for others, my children called the Inventor.

Mikhail Prishvin "Children and ducklings"

A little wild duck, the whistling teal, finally decided to transfer her ducklings from the forest, bypassing the village, into the lake to freedom. In the spring, this lake overflowed far, and a solid place for a nest could be found only three miles away, on a hummock, in a marshy forest. And when the water subsided, I had to travel all three miles to the lake.

In places open to the eye of a man, a fox and a hawk, the mother walked behind, so as not to let the ducklings out of sight even for a minute. And near the forge, when crossing the road, she, of course, let them go ahead. Here the guys saw them and threw their hats. All the time while they were catching ducklings, the mother ran after them with her beak open or flew several steps in different directions in the greatest excitement. The guys were just about to throw their hats on their mother and catch her like ducklings, but then I approached.

- What will you do with the ducklings? I asked the guys sternly.

They got scared and answered:

- Let's go.

- Here's something "let go"! I said very angrily. Why did you have to catch them? Where is mother now?

- He's sitting there! - the guys answered in unison.

And they pointed me to a close mound of a fallow field, where the duck really sat with its mouth open from excitement.

“Quickly,” I ordered the guys, “go and return all the ducklings to her!”

They even seemed to rejoice at my order, and ran straight up the hill with the ducklings. The mother flew off a little and, when the guys left, she rushed to save her sons and daughters. In her own way, she said something quickly to them and ran to the oat field. Ducklings ran after her - five pieces. And so through the oat field, bypassing the village, the family continued their journey to the lake.

Joyfully, I took off my hat and, waving it, shouted:

— Good luck, ducklings!

The guys laughed at me.

“What are you laughing at, fools? I said to the guys. “Do you think it’s so easy for ducklings to get into the lake?” Quickly take off all your hats, shout "goodbye"!

And the same hats, dusty on the road while catching ducklings, rose into the air; All the children shouted at once:

- Goodbye, ducklings!

Mikhail Prishvin "Chicken on poles"

In the spring, the neighbors gave us four goose eggs, and we put them in the nest of our black chicken nicknamed the Queen of Spades. The proper days for incubation passed, and the Queen of Spades brought out four yellow geese. They squeaked and whistled in a completely different way than chickens, but the Queen of Spades, important, ruffled, did not want to notice anything and treated the goslings with the same motherly care as to chickens.

Spring passed, summer came, dandelions appeared everywhere. Young geese, if their necks are extended, become almost higher than their mother, but still follow her. Sometimes, however, the mother digs up the ground with her paws and calls the geese, and they take care of the dandelions, poke their noses and let the fluffs fly into the wind. Then the Queen of Spades begins to glance in their direction, as it seems to us, with some degree of suspicion. Sometimes, fluffy for hours, with a cluck, she digs, and at least they have something: they only whistle and peck at the green grass. It happens that the dog wants to go somewhere past it, where is it! He will throw himself at the dog and drive him away. And then he looks at the geese, sometimes he looks thoughtfully ...

We began to follow the chicken and wait for such an event, after which she would finally realize that her children did not even look like chickens at all and it was not worth it because of them, risking their lives, to rush to the dogs.

And then one day in our yard an event happened. A sunny June day saturated with the aroma of flowers has come. Suddenly the sun went dark and the rooster crowed.

- Whoosh, whoosh! - the hen answered the rooster, calling her goslings under a canopy.

- Father, what a cloud it finds! the housewives shouted and rushed to save the hanging linen. Thunder roared, lightning flashed.

- Whoosh, whoosh! the Queen of Spades insisted. And the young geese, lifting their necks high like four pillars, followed the hen under the shed. It was amazing for us to watch how, at the order of the hen, four decent, tall, like the hen itself, goslings formed into small things, crawled under the hen, and she, fluffing her feathers, spreading her wings over them, covered them and warmed them with her motherly warmth.

But the storm was short-lived. The cloud broke, went away, and the sun shone again over our little garden.

When it stopped pouring from the roofs and various birds began to sing, the goslings under the chicken heard this, and they, the young ones, of course, wanted to be free.

- Free, free! they whistled.

- Whoosh, whoosh! the chicken replied.

And that meant:

- Sit a little, it's still very fresh.

- Here's another! the goslings whistled. - Free, free!

And suddenly they got up on their feet and lifted their necks, and the chicken rose, as if on four pillars, and swayed in the air high from the ground.

From that time on, everything ended with the Queen of Spades with the geese: she began to walk separately, and the geese separately; it was clear that only then she understood everything, and the second time she no longer wanted to get on the poles.

Very often there are stories about animals that people saved on the Internet. But pets are able to repay a person with the same coin, and save his life in the way that they know how.

Winnie the cat

When the house filled with carbon monoxide, Winnie jumped on his sleeping mistress and began to scratch her and meow loudly. When she barely woke up, she could hardly get out of bed and dial 911.
"If it wasn't for Vinnie screaming and scratching, we wouldn't be here today," Winnie's owner said.
The family believes that the gas leak was due to a breakdown in the gas distribution system in the basement of the house. The doctors said that another 5 minutes and this story would have had a sad ending.

Doberman Khan

Before Khan had time to stay in the new house for four days, he had already saved the 17-month-old daughter of his master. Charlotte was playing in the backyard of the house, when suddenly Han began to growl. As it turned out later, Khan saw a royal brown snake in the grass. He tried to push the girl aside to take her away from that place, but he failed. Then he gently took her by the diaper and threw her a meter behind him.
Khan's sharp movement frightened the snake, and she bit him on the paw, but after the medical assistance provided to him, the Doberman hero fully recovered.

Beluga Mila

The 26-year-old diver participated in a freediving competition in which no breathing equipment of any kind can be used. The competition was held in a pool 6 meters deep among whales, in water that was cooled to the temperature of the water in the Arctic.
When the diver wanted to return to the surface, he realized that his legs were cramped from the cold and he could not move them. At that moment, a white whale took him by the legs with her teeth and lifted him to the surface.
Fortunately, beluga whales that live in the Arctic and subarctic waters feed on small fish and squid and they have small teeth, so the diver was not injured.

Pitbull Kilo

Arriving home after a run, Justin Becker and his girlfriend heard a knock on the door. When they opened it, there was a man in the doorway wearing a delivery service uniform who told them that his scanner was broken and asked if he could come into the house to use their pen and hand them a package. As soon as the guy crossed the threshold, the delivery immediately turned into a robbery. Without thinking twice, the pitubl Kilo immediately attacked the robber armed with a pistol. The robber managed to shoot a 12-year-old pit bull in the head, but the bullet ricocheted off his skull and exited in the neck without hitting vital organs. After receiving medical attention, Kilo was already walking on the street after 3 days.

Domestic pig Lulu

When Joanne Altsman had a heart attack, she fell to the floor like a wreck. Seeing this picture, Lulu, her daughter's pot-bellied pig, ran out into the street, after which she went straight to the roadway, trying to clear the traffic. Among the indignant drivers and onlookers, there was a man who followed the pig into the house and found Joanne on the floor. The woman was immediately taken to the hospital.

German Shepherd Buddy

Joe Stalnecker adopted Buddy when he was only 8 months old. Joe also taught him how to use the phone to call 911 when he started experiencing symptoms of impending seizures. If Joe passes out and is unable to call 911, Buddy will have to call 911 by pressing the shortcut button with his teeth.
In 2008, the rescue service received a call, but no one spoke on the other end of the line, but it was only audible as someone whined and howled loudly. Medics arrived on the scene a couple of minutes later and found Joe Stalnecker unconscious on the floor of his own house. A couple of days later, Joe was released from the hospital. Thus, his friend Buddy saved his life.

parrot willy

Two-year-old Hanna Kuusk would have suffocated if not for Willy the parrot.
Megan Howard, the child's nanny and owner of the parrot, made the cake, put it on the table to cool, and went to the toilet. While in the toilet, she heard the parrot begin to shout loudly something like "Mom! Baby! Mom! Baby!". When Megan ran into the kitchen, she saw a bitten pie and blue-lipped Hannah, who was choking on the pie. The girl almost suffocated, but Megan quickly performed the Heimlich maneuver and the girl herself spat out the ill-fated piece of the pie.
Willie the Parrot was nominated for an award by the local Red Cross.

Newfoundland Tang

In 1919, a ship called "Ethie" hit the rocks and ran aground, along with 93 sailors. After one of the sailors was swept out to sea, the sailors handed a rope to the teeth of Tang, a Newfoundland ship dog, and he jumped into the water and went to land.
Imagine the surprise of the sailors when Tang reached the ground, still holding the rope in his teeth. All 92 sailors survived and were taken to safety.
Tang was later awarded a gallantry medal in London.

goat mandy

Austrian farmer Noel Osborne fell into a pile of manure and injured his thigh, he was too far away from anyone who could hear his cries and come to the rescue. Noel lay outdoors for 5 days in a pile of dung with a broken hip. How did he survive? He was rescued by a goat named Mandy, who lay by his side, keeping him warm. Moreover, she even fed him with her milk, and helped the man survive the cold rainy nights. In the end, Noel Osborne was saved by his friends.

Golden Retriever Toby

Debbie Parkhurst, 45, was eating an apple at home when she suddenly choked on a piece of fruit. A piece of apple blocked the airways and the woman began to choke. At that moment, her 2-year-old golden retriever Toby knocked her to the floor and started jumping on her owner's chest. So Toby was doing something similar to the Heimlich maneuver. As a result, Toby jumped on the mistress's chest until a piece of apple flew out of her throat. After that, he began to lick Debbie's face, and thanks to this, the woman did not lose consciousness.

A horse named Kerry

Fiona Boyd, 40, mother of two, was alone on the family farm when she heard a calf outside her window. When she went outside, she saw that the calf had lost its mother and could not find her among the other cows. She decided to help him and take the calf to his mother in the barn. But the mother noticed her calf before he saw her and misunderstood Fiona's gesture. The cow rushed at the woman, knocking her down, and after that began to stomp on her. Fiona was lying on the ground, covering her head with her hands, but when the clatter stopped, she looked up and saw that her 15-year-old horse named Kerry, who was nearby, began to kick the brutalized cow. While Kerry distracted the cow, Fiona managed to crawl to safety under an electric fence.

English Cocker Spaniel Honey

One day, Michael Bosch and his dog Honey got into an SUV accident. Michael soon realized that he and Honey had remained locked in the overturned car. Somehow, the man was able to release the dog into the wild so that she could bring someone to help, although he himself did not really believe in it. A 5-month-old English Cocker Spaniel caught the attention of a man half a mile away from the overturned car and led him to the scene of the accident. Later, the rescuers said that if it were not for Honey, then Michael would have died.

Elephant Ningnong

8-year-old Amber Mason, along with her mother and stepfather, went to rest in Phuket, Thailand. There she became close friends with a 4-year-old elephant named Ningnong. It is unlikely that any of them knew that in 2004 the place where they settled would be covered by a tsunami.
One day, while playing on the beach along with other elephants, Ningnong felt something was wrong and ran back to the girl, so when the tsunami hit the city, the little girl was not hurt, as Ningnong sheltered her from the elements with his own body.

Chihuahua Chi Chi

Mary Lane and her husband were relaxing on the beach with their chihuahua named Chi Chi, who had a very calm nature and just sat on a chair. Suddenly, the dog jumped up and ran along the beach, barking loudly, and dragging along the sand on a leash a small chair to which he was tied. Following the dog, the couple noticed two elderly ladies who fell under the storm waves and drowned in the water, unable to get ashore. Mary, along with her husband, quickly dragged them ashore, thereby saving the women's lives. When the couple returned back to their resting place, they saw Chi Chi sleeping peacefully in his chair.

Cat Padding

A cat named Padding lived his life for his owner Amy Yung on the same day that he was taken home from a shelter.
Amy Jung suffered from diabetes and when she had an attack, she fell into a diabetic coma. As soon as this happened, Padding immediately began to bite and push the hostess until she recovered a little. Amy was very weak and therefore could not loudly call her son Ethan, who was sleeping in the next room. Then Padding ran into Ethan's room and began to bite and push him until he woke up and called the emergency services for his mother. All the doctors agreed that the cat had saved Amy's life.