How to grow a rich pepper crop lazily. How to grow a heroic crop of pepper How to increase the yield of pepper in the open field

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Bulgarian pepper belongs to the family of nightshade crops and is a rather heat-loving plant. Vegetable growers know firsthand how difficult it is to grow a rich harvest of this crop, because it sometimes behaves very capriciously.

In order to grow a good crop of sweet peppers, special attention should be paid to the quality of the seed material, since seeds with low germination vigor will produce weak and slow-growing seedlings.

Seed pretreatment

Before planting, it is advisable to pickle the seeds in order to protect young shoots from the occurrence of fungal, viral and bactericidal diseases. To do this, the seed material should be soaked for 15 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate (0.1 grams of crystals per liter of water) or in a solution of boric acid (0.2 grams per liter of water).

After dressing, in order to accelerate the spitting of seeds, it is advisable to place them for 12 hours in a nutrient solution containing growth stimulants. As an alternative to drugs industrial production, the grains can be soaked for a day in a solution of ash (3 tablespoons of wood ash diluted in 1 liter of water) or in aloe juice, and dry thoroughly at the end of the process.

seedling preparation

As already mentioned, pepper is a heat-loving plant, it is afraid of spring frosts and low temperatures, therefore, in order to obtain a guaranteed harvest, you first need to grow seedlings. For this purpose, the seeds are planted in pre-prepared containers. As containers, you can use cups (preferably paper, opaque), pots, special cassettes, seedling boxes or peat tablets.

When planting grains, it is not worth deepening too much, since the optimal depth for pepper seeds is about 2-3 millimeters (pepper roots have a fibrous structure, therefore they lie shallow).

In order for the seedlings to grow quickly, it is necessary to maintain a sufficiently high air temperature in the room (about 26-28 ° C), under these conditions, pepper sprouts can hatch already on the third day.

An important stage in the preparation of strong seedlings is the gradual hardening of young seedlings. To this end, grown and strengthened sprouts should be gradually taken out into fresh air with a temperature environment around 15°C.

The optimal age for transplanting plants into open ground is just before the start of flowering.

Choosing a place for the garden

Pepper area should be well warmed up and lit. In this case, it is desirable to plant seedlings on the leeward side, otherwise a strong north wind or the presence of drafts can become a serious obstacle to the normal growth of plants.

The temperature regime of the environment is also important, since when the air temperature drops to 15 ° C, the processes of growth and development in plants slow down, which ultimately can lead to a decrease in yield in the future.

When choosing a bed for bell pepper, seedlings should not be planted in the place where solanaceous crops (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants) were grown before. The best predecessors for peppers are legumes, cabbage, cucumbers, onions, green vegetables.

Before planting, the bed should first be cleaned of weeds and fertilized well. As a fertilizer, you can use compost with the addition of superphosphate (about 30 grams of superphosphate should be taken per bucket of compost). Apply the nutrient mixture to a depth of about 20 centimeters.

The root system of pepper is shallow, therefore it responds well to regular loosening, which provides good aeration of the soil.

Before planting seedlings in the ground, the soil should warm up thoroughly (not lower than 15 ° C), and the optimum temperature for the normal development of seedlings is about 25 ° C in sunny weather and about 20 ° C on cloudy days and at night.

landing technique

First, in the garden at a distance of 30 centimeters from each other, it is necessary to make holes, into which water is then poured (about one liter into each hole).

Further, in the prepared and well-moistened holes, it is necessary to carefully transplant the seedlings using the transshipment method, that is, together with the ground, so as not to damage the roots. The planting depth of seedlings should be about 10 centimeters.

After soil compaction, it is desirable to mulch the root zone of plants with peat (up to 4 centimeters thick). A layer of peat will prevent the evaporation of valuable moisture, therefore, it will reduce the number of mandatory subsequent waterings and protect it from weeds. Mulching the beds can be done not only with the help of peat, but also use plastic wrap, straw, wood shavings, and so on for this purpose.

In the absence of mulch, regular loosening will help to retain valuable moisture in the soil, which should be done no deeper than 7 centimeters so as not to damage the roots.

If there are already buds on the seedlings, then it is advisable to first remove them from the plant, since at this stage it is more important that the seedlings take root quickly, and for this they must direct all their efforts to take root well in a new place, without being distracted by the process flowering.

Irrigation organization

The first few days after planting, watering the beds can be done daily, but use a small amount of water. Bulgarian pepper needs moisture and is very sensitive to the drying of the soil, especially during the period of mass bud formation and at the stage of fruit ripening.

The bed should be watered regularly (in dry weather conditions once a week), and it is advisable to stop irrigation 10 days before harvesting.

Plants should be watered with warm water. At the same time, it is desirable to do this in the early morning hours. The water consumption should be about 5-6 liters per square meter, but the specific watering pattern is largely dependent on climate and weather conditions, soil type, and the presence or absence of mulch.

Top dressing of seedlings

Pepper responds well to nutrient mixtures, but plants should be fed very carefully so as not to harm with an excess of nutrients, otherwise they will all go to the development of a powerful green mass, and not to the formation of fruits.

Sweet peppers can be fed with ash infusion (for this, 2 cups of wood ash should be dissolved in 10 liters of water), or mullein (in a ratio of 1:10) or bird droppings (1:15) can be used for this purpose.

On poor soils, a decent harvest of bell pepper cannot be obtained.


In September, it is necessary to leave on peppers only those fruits that are guaranteed to have time to ripen, and it is desirable to remove all flowering buds, which will make it possible for the last crop to ripen safely.

To get a good harvest of pepper, mountains of chemical fertilizers, endless loosening and weeding are not needed. Growing environmentally friendly sweet peppers without any extra effort is quite realistic, given some of the features of this plant. Do you know what peppers love and what to avoid? Are you sure that you are planting seedlings on time? Do you think pepper needs a pick?

If the answers to these questions are difficult, you are in the right place. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the rules for successful cultivation of pepper. And the one who knows the strong and weak sides of this vegetable, there is never a problem with the harvest.

Usually (even very often) peppers are recommended to be planted for seedlings in early February. However, even in the northern regions and in the Urals, February seedlings will not be ideal. Early planted peppers age faster and do not show all that they are capable of. Therefore, it is better to sow pepper seeds for seedlings in early or mid-March.

Rule 2. Sprouting seeds

Sow on seedlings you need pre-sprouted pepper seeds. So seedlings appear after 2-4 days and the seedlings quickly start growing. It is not difficult to germinate the seeds. It is enough to put a cotton pad on a saucer, put pepper seeds on it, cover them with another cotton pad and sprinkle water on top. It will be very good if organic water is added to the water (aloe juice or HB-101). A saucer with seeds should be placed on the refrigerator in the kitchen or on a shelf in the bathroom and do not forget to check the seeds twice a day and spray with water if necessary.

After three to four days, the pepper seeds will sprout and be ready for planting.

Rule 3. We plant in individual opaque containers

Pepper is a “selfish” and “ardent supporter of individuality”, therefore it is better to immediately refuse to grow seedlings in a common box. Pepper seedlings are recommended to be grown in individual cups or peat tablets. Moreover, a maximum of two seeds are planted in each glass (tablet). We also draw your attention to the fact that they should be opaque - the roots do not need extra light.

Rule 4. We do not deepen the seeds

It is very important not to bury the pepper seeds when planting. They should practically lie on the surface. It is quite enough to slightly sprinkle them with soil. The optimum sowing depth for pepper is 2 mm.

Rule 5

We have already discussed the importance of picking to improve the quality of seedlings, but what about peppers that do not like transplants? For them, the standard picking procedure with digging is not suitable: they will immediately stop growing for two weeks. There are two alternative paths:

The first- immediately plant the seeds in large containers (500 ml cups). Then no picking is simply required.
Second- we sow the seeds in peat tablets or small paper cups, and then simply transfer them to a larger container, without disturbing the root system of young seedlings, and fill it with soil.

Rule 6. We water the seedlings during

When growing pepper seedlings, the most important thing is to prevent the soil from drying out. Skipping watering and letting the pepper leaves wilt means missing the crop in the future.

Rule 7. Choosing the right place for pepper

Pepper loves neutrals fertile soils, warm and light, but not very happy with drafts. So for the beds we choose a well-lit and heated place. If there is any doubt about the fertility of the soil, then prepare compost in advance to fill the holes with it when planting seedlings.

Rule 8. We grow pepper in warm beds

And once again ... pepper is very, very thermophilic. The optimum temperature of the earth and air for it is 26 ° C. Peppers in particular like to keep their roots warm. And what else can provide “warmth from below”, if not? Even when growing peppers in a greenhouse, it is better to plant them in a warm bed. In addition, pepper is sensitive to temperature changes, so many gardeners lay out “heat accumulators” on the beds - plastic bottles of water. During the day, bottled water heats up, and at night it gives off the accumulated heat to the garden. Instead of bottles, you can use large cobblestones.

Rule 9. Water, feed, mulch

As well as when growing seedlings, adult pepper plants should not be left without moisture. Pepper loves moisture, but it should not be poured. So we turn to our favorite way to maintain normal soil moisture - mulching. After planting the pepper in a permanent place with the appearance of the first weeds, mulch the beds with a layer of 20 centimeters. Place mulch under the peppers about once every three weeks. This technique will protect the soil from drying out, and it will be possible to water less frequently.

Rule 10. We form the pepper correctly

Pepper seedlings should not have flowers. If the seedlings have bloomed, feel free to pick off the first flower: at this stage, it is important for the plant to direct all its forces to rooting and growth, and not to flowering.

After landing in the ground, we wait until each bush has three or four branches, and pinch the branches after the fifth leaf. On each branch, we leave as many ovaries as we need, cut off the extra ones. In this case, the pepper will have time to fully ripen. On tall peppers, you can remove all the lower leaves.

In September, we leave only those fruits that have managed to start, we cut off all the flowers to enable the last autumn harvest to grow and ripen.

By the way, undersized peppers do not need shaping.

We wish you success and great harvests!

​Related articles​​It is worth talking about watering separately, because pepper has one peculiarity: its flowers are pollinated on their own. Therefore, watering by sprinkling will lead to sterilization of the flowers and the absence of a crop. You should be very careful and direct the water directly under the root, however, making sure that the earth does not erode.

If you have a film greenhouse for spring plantings, then growing early ripening varieties of medium height (up to 110 cm) will be optimal: "Accord", "Cornet" and hybrids. They are quite resistant to such a disease as vertex rot and ripen together.

​Photos of pepper varieties and a scheme provided by Manul Breeding and Seed Company LLC.​

The density of planting peppers in the garden depends on the habit of the plants. Low-growing (30-50 cm) varieties with compact dense bushes are planted up to 10 plants per 1 sq.m. They can also be used for compacted plantings (planting two plants in one hole or planting them with another crop - tomato, cucumber). In this case, the number of seedlings is increased to 15 plants per sq.m. The planting density of medium tall (50-70 cm) varieties is 5-8 plants per sq.m. Plants of tall (70-100 cm and above) varieties with powerful sprawling bushes cannot be planted more than 3 pieces per sq.m.

Sowing seeds of pepper

The need for moisture increases during dry hot periods.

It is hot during the day and cold at night, the earth cools quickly. Pepper does not tolerate such temperature swings well.

Pepper contains K, Na, Fe, Zn, Mg, I and is a necessary component for baldness, manifestations of osteoporosis, and a low level of the body's immune defense.

The flowering process in pepper lasts until the very frost. Do not allow the plant to overheat during flowering. The norm of temperature indicators is + 24- + 26 degrees.​

On the sixtieth day, seedlings can already be planted in the ground. The ideal time for planting pepper seedlings in open ground is the first half of June, because by this period the danger of frost is reduced to almost nothing.

Seedling feeding

The birthplace of pepper is America - in areas where a tropical climate prevails, you can still find wild-growing individuals of pepper. ​

Pepper is sensitive to waterlogging and drying out, so the most the best solution for irrigation - drip system. As they grow older, the water rate increases from 1 liter to 2 liters per bush. The water should be warm, it is useful to add complex mineral fertilizer to it several times a month.

But in winter heated greenhouses it is better to grow tall varieties - although they are late, they provide high yields.

How to plant seedlings and create favorable conditions for growth?


It is not recommended to grow sweet and hot peppers together in a greenhouse. During pollination, when hot pepper pollen hits sweet pepper flowers, the fruits of sweet pepper acquire a burning taste.

F1 Pinocchio

Watering is desirable to carry out under the root or between the rows, combining with top dressing.

So that there is no delay in development, and the plant does not notice the transplant, when planting in a greenhouse, it is necessary to use non-woven covering materials. This will protect the plants from overheating during the day, and from the cold at night.

When planting, plants should not be thickened. You need to navigate according to the recommendations for a particular variety.

The plant has been grown, but now, for the purpose of good pollination, it needs a slight shaking during flowering. When fruits are formed, flowering slows down. Pepper stalks should be tied up during fruiting - this way you can protect them from breakage.

It is necessary to plant a plant in one row, keep the distance between plants - 30 - 40 cm, and between rows - 45 - 60 cm. It is undesirable to plant sweet pepper in hot weather, this will cause the leaves to dry out and the plant will wither.

How and what to feed?

The plant is very thermophilic and at the same time moisture-loving. It represents the nightshade family and is distinguished by its capriciousness.

After planting in a permanent place in the greenhouse, it is necessary to regularly feed the pepper, because when it receives enough nutrition, it can endure diseases more easily than weakened stunted bushes. First, it will be phosphorus nutrition, then nitrogen fertilizers are added to it. The first feeding should be no earlier than 30 days after disembarkation, and then every 10 days. Plants respond best to fertilizers with mullein diluted with water in a ratio of 1:6.

Usually this vegetable is grown in seedlings, so you need to take care of high-quality seeds that have not been damaged by any diseases, and containers for planting. Sowing dates depend on the climate, for example, in the middle lane these are the last days of February - the beginning of March. They are sown in containers filled with nutrient soil and planted no deeper than 1.5 cm. Usually, 60-70 days pass from the appearance of the first shoots to a plant with a full-fledged root system, the presence of 9 leaves and a height of up to 25 cm.

Pepper is a vegetable crop loved by many. there is a huge variety of varieties that can be divided into sweet and bitter. Bitter ones are used exclusively as a seasoning, but an incredible variety of dishes can be prepared from sweet peppers.



Everyone knows that pepper is a thermophilic culture. But in our time, excellent yields of the southern "sissy" can be obtained in the north, even without a specially equipped greenhouse, but simply under arcs or in a greenhouse. The whole secret is

Under normal weather conditions, watering is carried out less often than on cucumbers, but more often than on tomatoes. Usually 2 waterings per week is sufficient. But overdrying of the soil in the zone of maximum root development should not be allowed.

Pepper, from my point of view, does not like bright sunlight. This is a short day plant and needs some shade. nonwoven fabric even helpful. It improves fruit set, the plants will be illuminated with soft diffused light and will tolerate the adaptation period well.

Pepper's little enemies

Large-fruited hybrids, in which the fruit weight reaches 500 g, I rarely plant (90x50 or 70x70). This allows you to realize the full potential of plants. In addition, care for them is facilitated, and the harvest will be of better quality.

When the fruits are ripe, carefully pick them up, as they are very fragile. If, after harvesting the first crop, complex top dressing with mineral fertilizers is carried out, then a secondary crop awaits you ahead.

However, this fertilizer should not be abused, because the green mass of peppers will grow, and this will affect the yield. Grass mulch can serve as a kind of fertilizer, which is laid out in a layer up to 10 cm thick under the plants. Once a month you need to do foliar feeding, that is, on the leaves.

About the beneficial properties of pepper

  1. The soil mixture should be very nutritious and consist of soddy soil and humus in a ratio of 1: 3, and another 5% mullein is added to this. It is also useful to add 3 g of ammonium nitrate, up to 20 g of superphosphate and 5-6 g of potassium chloride to a bucket of the mixture. For seedlings to appear, the temperature must be at least 250C, after the sprouts have sprouted, it is lowered to 160C for a week, and then maintained in the range of 280C (when sunny) - 200C (when cloudy), at night it is reduced to 150C.
  2. It is not surprising that growing peppers in a greenhouse is a question of interest to many gardeners. Indeed, thanks to planting in protected ground, you can get a much earlier harvest of delicious fruits.
  3. In greenhouses and under arcs in open ground pepper is formed into three stalks. All shoots are removed from the main trunk (stem), and after the first branching of the stem for better ventilation and lighting remove shoots that have fruited and are directed inside the plant. Plants must be tied up so that they do not break under the weight of the crop. Each shoot is tied up separately and attached to the trellis, as it grows, the shoots are wrapped around the twine. Undersized peppers are simply tied to pegs. Varieties
  4. varieties
  5. Watering should be carried out in sufficient doses to soak the entire root layer and in such a way that the plants leave dry at night. Otherwise, an outbreak of disease cannot be avoided.

Growing pepper in a greenhouse - how to do it right?

Greenhouse Pepper Care

The scheme of planting pepper in greenhouse conditions

Covering material can be kept until mid-June.

You do not need to plant the plant deeper than it grew in the container, because. root system in pepper above the cotyledon leaves, it practically does not form.

Planting depth of pepper in the greenhouse

Pepper has the property of pollination, in this regard, do not plant bitter and sweet peppers next to each other. This can lead to the fact that bitterness can be transmitted to sweet.

Sweet pepper is a plant that loves moisture, it is important to water it regularly. If you water the plant irregularly during the appearance of fruits, then cracks appear on the fruits.

​If you are partial to the process of planting cultivated plants, then tips on growing peppers will be very useful information.

Watering and fertilizing at planting

This vegetable is affected by almost the same diseases and pests as tomato:

Pepper seedlings are watered infrequently - about once every 7 days to avoid root rot and the appearance of a disease such as "black leg". It is better to use settled, warm water. Experienced gardeners do not recommend diving seedlings, because the root system does not recover well after damage. Do not forget to also carry out two top dressings: the first - when 2 leaves appeared, and the second - two weeks before planting in the greenhouse.

Pepper is considered one of the most "capricious" crops in terms of demands on soil, lighting, temperature and watering.


Top dressing can be used both organo-mineral and organic.

Relieve transplant stress

When stable warm weather sets in, I raise the covering material higher, to the top of the greenhouse.

Deep planting will even be harmful: the lower the plant is planted, the deeper the root system gets into the colder layers of the soil, and the greater the delay in development. And with a very early planting, seedlings can even die.

Pepper pests: (1-aphid, 2-Colorado potato beetle, 3-mites, 4-scoop).

Constant access to sunlight will allow the plant to develop and grow normally. In order for the pepper to develop well, provide additional illumination, provide seedlings with a 12-hour day.

So, we read about the secrets of growing sweet peppers.

Pepper care in the greenhouse


It is best if you plant seedlings in those beds where cabbage or cucumbers grew last season, but growing after tomatoes is not recommended. Pepper does not like dense plantings, and the number of plants per 1 sq.m. depends on their growth

Best of all, the culture grows in fertile, loose, breathable and soft soils. Therefore, the beds in the greenhouse should be dug deep enough, and the following components should be added to the ground:

The optimal seedling age for early peppers is 60 days, so it is easy to calculate the sowing time, taking into account the time the seedlings are planted in the ground. If this is the second half of May (landing under cover), then it is necessary to sow not earlier than mid-March, etc. Seedlings that have grown on the windowsill take root worse and can slow down in growth for a long time; in this case, there is no need to talk about an early harvest.

Organic are usually used in the form of solutions and only when the above-ground mass grows intensively (the first half of the growing season). During the fruiting period, the proportion of nitrogen should decrease, and the proportion of potassium, phosphorus and trace elements, on the contrary, increase (the second half of the growing season).

Soil overheating

This measure helps to reduce Negative consequences from sudden changes in temperature, remove condensate outside the plants, prevents the occurrence of diseases.

The determining factor when planting seedlings in a permanent place is the temperature of the soil at the depth of the root system, and not the air temperature in the greenhouse. It is better to be late for a couple of days and plant the plants in warm, warm soil than to hurry up and ruin the seedlings.

Like any plant, pepper has its enemies. Representatives of flora harmful to pepper are aphids, mites, scoops, Colorado potato beetles, etc.

The frequency of watering pepper in the greenhouse

The plant does not tolerate strong winds or drafts, you can not plant it in partial shade. Under such conditions, it will stretch in length, which will interfere with the normal development and fruiting of the plant.

You can grow peppers by seedlings. And for this it is necessary to sow the seeds in advance, 50-60 days earlier than the seedlings begin. Choose only fresh seeds for seedlings.


undersized - up to 8 pcs.;

Application of fertilizers for pepper when grown in a greenhouse

Compost or humus - 5-6 kg per 1 m2, this should be done in the fall;


Collection of fruits of hothouse pepper

It is better to immediately lay out the seeds in 1-2 pieces in small pots to do without picking. Pepper does not tolerate damage to the root system, which is inevitable when picking, so it is better to carefully transfer the grown seedlings over time from small pots to large ones, trying not to injure the roots. To do this, the earth is slightly dried so that the contents of the pot can easily separate from the walls. You can sow seeds in disposable peat pots. During transplantation, they are simply carefully broken apart, releasing an earthen ball with roots.

Subject to the above conditions, the crop in the greenhouse, compared to the crop in the open field, will be many times greater.


It is better to apply fertilizers superficially before digging and then mix well with the soil volume. When planting, it is necessary to avoid applying complex mineral fertilizers to the hole so as not to burn the root system.

The scoop is one of the most common pepper pests. It is difficult to fight with it, since there are a large number of its varieties and the period for the release of larvae is extended for a long time.

If you want to grow a bountiful crop of pepper, then you need to consider that for this plant need warm soil. To do this, treat the beds and raise them to a level of 40 to 70 cm. Timely weeding will help the pepper develop faster.

Pepper seeds are capricious, and therefore you need to take the process of growing seedlings with all responsibility. They can be sown in trays or pots, and then put in a warm place.

Scoop and many others.

Early Sweet Peppers: From Seedling to Harvest

Medium-sized - 5 pieces in cold greenhouses and 3-5 in heated ones;

ammonium nitrate- 30 g per 1 sq.m;​ ​,​ Seeds in a warm room germinate about 7-10 days after sowing. It is important not to let the seedlings outgrow and stretch out. Therefore, immediately after the appearance of the first shoots, the pots should be placed in the brightest and, if possible, cool place in the house. Well, if it is a glazed loggia or a winter garden.

Growing seedlings of pepper

This also happens because in August there is insufficient temperature for peppers on the street: the nights are cool, and the peppers do not have time to ripen. In the greenhouse we can manage temperature regime and get a much larger harvest.​

The first bud on the first fork must be removed even during the seedling growing period.


Aphids and the Colorado potato beetle can harm the plant less, however, a high degree of infestation with these pests leads to slower growth and deformation of the fruit. Moreover, affected plants become a place for the spread of fungal and viral diseases.

When pepper shoots appear, the weak ones are often removed and the stronger ones are left. During the next branching of the shoots, each of them is pinched again, leaving strong and strong shoots.

Before sowing, it is necessary to prepare the seeds of the plant, for this, treat the seeds in a 1% solution of manganese for 15 minutes, then rinse and place the seeds in a wet cloth for 2-3 days.

Planting pepper in the ground

However, the most serious disease can be called dry vertex rot. It affects the fruits of pepper during their development, and first appears in spots, which then dry out, forming a thin crust. This can be avoided if you maintain optimal soil moisture in the greenhouse, and for prevention, treat the ovary with calcium nitrate every 14 days.

tall - 3 pcs.

ash - 1 glass;


Feeding seedlings should begin after the appearance of the first true leaf with a solution of a complex water-soluble fertilizer, which necessarily contains a set of trace elements (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water), replacing watering with them. Such regular weak feeding does not violate the osmotic pressure in tender seedlings, and at the same time the plants receive all the necessary nutrients in a timely manner. At the first stages, seedlings can be additionally fed with a solution of calcium nitrate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) to strengthen the stem.

If you constantly remove green peppers, the total yield will be greater, because the pepper blooms and sets fruit constantly. Each gardener makes his choice: either he will get a larger crop, but at the same time he will harvest the fruits green, or the crop will be smaller, but he will wait until the peppers on the bush turn red. Next, we form the pepper into 2 stalks. We remove small shoots that thicken, grow inside the plant. We remove all stepchildren throughout the growing season from the ground to the fork. Pepper, unlike tomatoes, does not like drafts. He needs more high humidity and a temperature of about 25 C. Under these conditions, he feels good. In order to avoid infection of pepper with pests, you should not miss the time of their first appearance. Treat the plant immediately if you notice them. After all, receiving good harvest only healthy seedlings of pepper are guaranteed.Many gardeners recommend removing the first flower so that the plant grows better, develops and brings a good harvest.Pepper seeds are sown in containers at a short distance from each other, then covered with a film until the sprouts sprout. Try to keep the beds clean, weed out the weeds in time and protect the greenhouse windows with a special mesh or gauze. By following these simple precautions and agricultural techniques, you will definitely learn how to grow this delicious and healthy vegetable and achieve rich crops of pepper in your greenhouse.​ Seedlings of bitter pepper - up to 10 pcs. double superphosphate - 20 g;

As the pepper pots grow, they should be arranged so that the plants do not shade each other and develop evenly.

Growing peppers in a greenhouse: varieties, planting, care, diseases

  • Those fruits that are tied very late (after August 15-20) will not have time to grow, so I remove all the tops. This makes it possible for previously set fruits to gain a large mass.

Leaves do not need to be removed.

You can divide the entire dose of fertilizer into 2 parts. One to bring in for digging, the second to be used in top dressing during the period of plant growth.

Pepper contains a large amount of ascorbic acid and vitamin A. According to the content of vitamin C, it is ahead of both lemon and blackcurrant.

  • The soil for pepper is chosen rich, with a high degree of fertility. To grow seedlings, it is important not to forget that the soil must be warm. So, the temperature of the soil should be at least 25 degrees Celsius. In addition, it must be kept moist until the seedlings emerge.
  • Question from our subscriber:
  • The arrangement of plants in the garden depends on the size of the greenhouse. But to deepen the stem, unlike tomatoes, is not worth it - this way the root system can slow down the development and the growth of the plant will be inhibited (it will be weakened and more susceptible to disease). The lower leaves of the bush should be placed at ground level, carefully filling the roots and compacting the soil around the stem.
  • Potassium sulfate - 45 g (these fertilizers are applied in the spring).
  • Jung

"Mature" seedlings should have 8-9 true deep green leaves and single buds. The crown bud, located at the site of the first branching of the side shoots, must be immediately removed by pinching. If this is not done, then the growth of the remaining shoots will slow down, which will not allow the main crop to form in time.

Choosing the right varieties

Have a good harvest!

Usually in the second half of June, when hot weather sets in, the problem of overheating of the soil arises. If in the spring we raise the bed to warm the earth faster, then in the summer the situation changes. On a raised bed, moisture quickly evaporates and the soil overheats.

Watering should be carried out only with warm water.

seedling preparation

The presence of a substance called "rutin" has a beneficial effect on the human blood vessel system.

It is necessary to feed the plants every seven days with mineral fertilizers or compost, having prepared a solution in advance with the addition of water and a small concentration of fertilizer. After 15 days after planting, the first top dressing is carried out. You can use mullein, diluted in ten parts of water, with the addition of 25 g of superphosphate.

Pepper seeds are sown in a warm and moist soil substrate (a depth of 1-2 cm is enough). To prevent the topsoil from drying out, cover the crop with polyethylene film. And after the first shoots of pepper sprout, the film can be removed.

Rules for planting seedlings

Good day!

  • The best time to land is in the evening hours when the sun's rays are not so intense. In a few hours, the seedlings need to be well watered, and it is desirable to place the plant in the hole so that the roots are covered with an earthen clod. To prevent the formation of a crust, it is better to mulch the earth after watering: with earth, peat or humus, you can also take agrofibre.
  • The beds need to be well loosened again to a depth of at least 12 cm. Interestingly, the most successful crops of sweet pepper are obtained in film-coated greenhouses (when it comes to cold shelters), and even the color of the film affects the number of fruits. Although, subject to agricultural technology and a sufficient amount of nutrients in the soil, the crop will be consistently high in a greenhouse of absolutely any type - even a film one, even a polycarbonate one. culture does not like acidic soils, therefore, it is necessary to carry out liming in the fall or add dolomite flour in the amount of 2 tablespoons per 1 sq.m. in the spring
  • do not require shaping.
  • Seedlings can be planted in a permanent place as soon as weather conditions allow (usually from mid-May to mid-June). But growing early peppers on warm ridges under film shelters makes it possible not to depend so much on the vagaries of the weather and significantly extend their fruiting period.


Pepper reacts very negatively to these conditions: it may drop or not set fruits at all.

Beginning summer residents are often interested in how to grow a good crop of pepper in their area. This culture is, of course, a bit capricious. But after all, quite a few summer residents grow in their garden not only potatoes and tomatoes, but also another heat-loving nightshade crop - vegetable pepper. The sweet pepper that came to us from the Balkan countries is also called Bulgarian. This plant bears fruit well in the middle zone, giving a stable harvest every season.

15 Ways to Grow a Good Harvest of Sweet Peppers

In order for your plants to feel good in the beds and in greenhouses, we recommend that you adhere to agricultural practices and perform a number of simple activities throughout the growing season.

We bring to your attention a selection effective ways increasing the yield of bell pepper:

  1. Never plant hot chili and vegetable next to each other, as the fruits of the sweet culture will become sharp.
  2. Strong and healthy plants, characterized by a high degree of fruiting, in our climate can only be obtained by the seedling method (we wrote about pre-sowing seed treatment earlier). Moreover, regardless of whether the pepper bushes live in open beds or greenhouses.
  3. Pepper seedlings should be planted in the beds no earlier than the beginning of June, as the culture is very sensitive to temperature changes.
  4. In closed structures (hotbeds and greenhouses), pepper can be planted in early May, and in heated ones - from the end of April.
  5. Seedlings are to be transplanted to the main place at the age of 60-65 days from the moment the sprouts appear. From here, consider when to sow seeds for seedlings. Bushes are planted together with a soil clod in planting holes, placing the root neck at ground level.
  6. During the growth of seedlings, the lower leaves located below the fork of the central stem are subject to removal.
  7. The distance between the bushes in the beds should not be less than 0.3 m, so that the plants are spacious enough.
  8. Many modern varieties are quite tall, so it is advisable to tie the developing bushes to supports - wooden pegs driven in near the trunks, or install stationary trellises.
  9. After the appearance of 2-4 brushes with ovaries, pinch the top of each bush. So you redirect the nutritious juices to the ripening fruits for their full filling.
  10. Vegetable pepper, like tomatoes, loves rare watering (once every 5-7 days, and in drought - once every 3-4 days), but deep enough. Make sure that the soil gets wet to the depth of the root layer (0.25 m). Surface and frequent watering, especially at the beginning of the growing season, leads to the fact that the suction roots do not go deep, drawing moisture and nutrition from the lower soil horizons, but are located in the upper soil layer.
  11. When growing bell pepper, you should not get carried away with nitrogen fertilizing, which stimulates the growth of the leaf apparatus to the detriment of fruiting. We remind lovers of chemical dressings that watering with a solution of nitrogen fertilizers (carbamide, ammonium nitrate) at the stage of growing seedlings and in the first 20 days after transplanting to a permanent place makes sense only if there are signs of nitrogen starvation (stunting, faded color of greenery, pulling seedlings ). Adherents of natural farming resort to fertilizing extremely rarely, as they prefer not to take care of plant nutrition, but of the fertility of the mail. Nevertheless, top dressing with weed infusion will not cause harm.
  12. Feed the pepper bushes with ash. The first application of ash infusion is recommended at the stage of ovary formation. To prepare top dressing, a glass of sifted ash is poured into 10 liters of water and insisted for a day. The second time, spill the beds with infusion of ash when the fruit is being poured. Who loves mineral water, instead of ash, you can use a solution of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (superphosphate, potassium sulfate or complex potassium monophosphate).
  13. In order to prevent the development of fungal and bacterial diseases of the culture, in particular, late blight, it is required to spray seedlings with biofungicides (Fitosporin-M, Alirin-B, Baktofit, etc.) 1-2 times per season. Who adheres to traditional agricultural technology, prevention is carried out using copper-containing agents, for example, a solution blue vitriol (5%).
  14. Spraying pepper bushes with a solution of boric acid (1%) during flowering and the formation of ovaries allows you to increase the yield by 10-20%.
  15. After removing the ripened fruits, trim the empty flower stalks (fruit-bearing branches) to minimize the consumption of nutrient juices on them.

Based on our experience, compliance with these simple recommendations will allow you to enjoy the juicy fruits of this vegetable with almost no dacha hassle, since even a novice gardener can grow a good crop of pepper. Easy work for you on the plot!

Growing sweet peppers in the photo

Of the variety of types of pepper in the culture, the most common pepper is annual, or capsicum. It is to this species that the so-called sweet (or Bulgarian) pepper, widely known and popular among amateur gardeners, belongs.

There are two groups of varieties of pepper - vegetable and spicy (hot). In the former, the fruits are used in an unripe form as a vegetable, in the latter they are very sharp and are used as a spice.

Pepper fruits are very different in shape - from round to elongated-cone-shaped with a two-, four-chamber middle. In technical ripeness (before the seeds ripen), the color of the fruit, depending on the variety, is dark green, green, light green, cream, yellow. When the seeds ripen, the fruit turns red, in some varieties - orange.

The birthplace of pepper is the tropics, so it is distinguished by increased requirements for heat, humidity, soil fertility; is, along with cucumbers and tomatoes, productive greenhouse culture.

In the southern regions it grows and gives a good harvest in open ground. In the central (middle) lane it is grown in glass greenhouses.

Pepper belongs to the nightshade family, like tomatoes and eggplant. Therefore, the cultivation of pepper and other solanaceous crops is largely the same. The best predecessor in the garden bed can be cabbage, beets, carrots, radishes, radishes, cucumbers, onions, garlic and green crops.

The fruits become edible 25-45 days after flowering, at which time they are green or white in color.

Ripe green fruits are considered ripe. It makes no sense to wait until they turn red - their taste will not improve from this.

Pepper is a light-loving plant, grows poorly in the shade. The optimum temperature for development and fruiting is +18...+25°С. At +15...+20°С plant growth slows down, and at +13°С it stops. Prolonged cooling negatively affects flowering and the formation of generative organs. Sharp diurnal temperature fluctuations cause a massive fall of flowers and ovaries.

The culture does not tolerate even short-term frosts. Plants die when the air temperature drops to -0.5°C. Therefore, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for growing pepper.

Sunny, warm days are necessary for peppers during the fruiting period. It does not tolerate high humidity either. At a temperature of +35 ° C, the buds and flowers fall off.

Pepper plants grow slowly at the beginning of the growing season, the root system grows longer than the leaf mass. Flower buds begin to form on the plant when the fourth leaf is unfolded. The ripening phase occurs 15-45 days after the appearance of the first bud.

According to the technology of growing pepper in the open field, the plants do not stepchild, only the first bud is removed. Fruits are formed in places where the stems branch, therefore, well-developed plants with a large number of branches produce, as a rule, more fruits.

When caring for peppers in the open field, regular watering under the root is required. Optimal Humidity soil enhances fruit formation, promotes the release of quality products. With a lack of moisture, the fruits become smaller, deformed, they are often affected by vertex rot.

The correct technology for growing pepper does not allow mixed plantings of sweet and bitter species, since cross-pollination will occur, and sweet forms will taste bitter in appearance.

The growing season of the culture is long (150-200 days). Therefore, even in the southern regions, the cultivation and care of pepper is done through seedlings. To grow seedlings for open ground start in the second half of February. Sow in boxes or bowls with drainage holes.

The sowing depth when planting pepper seeds for seedlings is 1.5-2 cm. Until the seeds germinate, the crops are kept at a temperature of +25...+28 °C. After the appearance of mass seedlings, the crops are transferred to a cool room (+17 ... + 20 ° C) for a week so that the seedlings do not stretch. In the future, seedlings grow at room temperature +20...+24°C.

Seedlings of bell pepper in the photo

Seedlings dive in about 20 days into pots 7 x 7 cm, one plant at a time. Weak seedlings are discarded. The pots are filled with nutrient soil. Mineral fertilizers are not added to the soil when growing seedlings. After planting seeds for seedlings for growing peppers with a small volume of pots, plants do not need fertilizers. In the garden bed they are brought into the hole.

When growing pepper seedlings from seeds, seedlings are looked after in much the same way as tomato seedlings. But given that peppers begin to be grown a month earlier, it is necessary to lengthen the daylight hours with the help of illumination up to 12-14 hours.

Watch the video "Planting Pepper Seeds" to better understand how this agricultural technique is performed:

How to grow a good crop of peppers outdoors

  • Do not use seeds purchased from a random source for sowing. The basis for obtaining high-quality seedlings, and therefore a good harvest, is high-quality seeds. Purchase seeds in specialized stores. The seed packet should be clearly labeled with the variety, number of seeds and expiration date.
  • Do not sow seeds in dense, heavy soil mixture unknown origin. The best mix is ​​garden soil plus store-bought special seedling soil. Remember to water the soil in the boxes first before sowing the seeds, otherwise the seeds with water will be pulled deep into the soil and the germination period will be extended.
  • Do not thicken seed crops; always sow the norm, otherwise the plants will stretch out, be weak, and may be affected by the "black leg".
  • Do not place containers with seeds on the radiator - the soil dries up instantly and the hatched seeds die. Crops are placed only next to the battery and must be covered with a film.
  • Do not use pots or other containers without drainage holes for sowing. Stagnation of water leads to the death of seeds, as well as seedlings in the initial stage of seedlings.
  • Do not be late with picking seedlings. For most vegetable crops, this should be done after one or two true leaves have appeared. After picking, the plants are watered and shaded for 1-2 days.
  • Do not forget to harden the seedlings before planting them in a permanent place. 7-10 days before planting, containers with seedlings are taken out for 2-3 hours on loggias, verandas, windows in the room are opened. The time the seedlings are in the open air is gradually increased. Seedlings are planted in the evening or on cloudy days.

The video "Growing pepper seedlings" shows how to properly plant seeds and care for seedlings:

Planting seedlings of sweet pepper in open ground

Pepper seedlings are planted in open ground at the age of 55-60 days. By the time of planting, it should be strong, have a height of 16-20 cm, 8-10 developed leaves, buds and form a well-developed root.

Seedlings are planted in double rows (ribbons) with distances between tapes of 60 cm, between rows of 30 cm and between plants of 20 cm. Wide aisles are made for passage during harvesting and caring for plants, and in narrow ones, furrows are made for irrigation.

Low-growing varieties of this crop can be planted thicker, tall ones - give more distance. The main thing is that adult plants should close in crowns.

When planting in open ground, pepper seedlings are not buried, since additional roots are not formed above the root collar on the stem, like in eggplant. Buried plants grow poorly and do not give a good harvest. For the same reason, growing peppers never spud.

Proper care of sweet peppers in the open field: watering and fertilizing

When caring for peppers, top dressing and regular watering are necessary.

Watering. FROM early age and during the entire growing season, pepper needs frequent watering and obligatory loosening of the soil after each watering or rain.

Excess moisture, as well as its lack, are contraindicated in pepper. Excessive watering reduces air access to the roots, the leaves turn pale green and the plants wither.

Insufficient watering of sweet pepper inhibits plant growth, leads to the dropping of flowers, ovaries and the formation of small fruits. The frequency of watering depends on weather conditions and the phase of plant development, but generally at least 1-2 times a week.

Proper watering of pepper is carried out only with warm water. From wells and wells, water for irrigation should be preheated in the sun in containers for 2-3 days.

Fertilizer and top dressing. Peppers need fertile soil. It successfully grows on light loamy and chernozem soils, well supplied with nutrients, including nitrogen. Solonetzic and heavy loamy soils are not suitable for pepper.

Peppers, like tomatoes, need phosphorus. He needs both organic fertilizers and mineral fertilizers. To feed peppers in open ground, when planting seedlings, a tablespoon of superphosphate mixed with humus or simply with earth is added to each well.

During the period of budding, flowering and fruiting, every two weeks they give top dressing with complex water-soluble fertilizers (Sudarushka, Agrolux, Aquarin, Mortar or Zdraven, etc.). They are alternated with organic fertilizers.

In the second half of summer and autumn, sweet peppers are fed by Kaliyfos.

Harvesting is carried out selectively when the fruits reach consumer (technical) maturity (green). Collection - weekly, preventing the formation of seeds in them, as this will slow down the emergence of new ovaries. Remove the fruits carefully with both hands, so as not to break off the plant shoots along with the pepper.

The video "Growing Peppers" demonstrates how to properly water the crop:

In this section of the article, you will learn about pests and diseases of pepper, as well as measures to combat them in the garden.

Stolbur (small-leaved) pepper leaves in the photo

Stolbur (small-leaved) - viral disease manifested by chlorotic coloration of leaves, internodes are shortened. Then the leaves wither, hang down and fall off. Stolbur is not tolerated either with the juice of a diseased plant or with seeds. The main carrier of the disease is the cicada.

Planting high-quality seedlings in the ground, systematic watering followed by soil loosening, weed control are the basis for the prevention of this disease.

Top rot of peppers in the photo

Blossom rot- a disease of a physiological nature. It occurs at high temperatures and low relative humidity air.

Regular even watering. Root and foliar top dressing with calcium nitrate, as well as superphosphate during the period of intensive fruit growth, allows you to get a full harvest.

Black bacterial spot of pepper. Not only fruits are affected, but also leaves and stems. On the leaves, the spots are small, at first watery, and then blackening, the tissue around the spots turns yellow. The disease is carried with seeds and plant debris. Preventive spraying with the copper-containing preparation "Abiga-Peak", starting from seedlings, allows you to get healthy pepper fruits.

During the harvest period, to contain the spread of the disease, use the biological preparation "Gamair", which has a therapeutic effect.

Fusarium wilt. Symptoms first appear as slight yellowing of the leaves and wilting of the upper leaves. As wilting progresses, the leaves may turn dull green to brown and remain on the plant. When the stem or roots are cut, reddish-brown stripes are visible in the conductive tissues. Sick plants must be removed.

Look at the selection of photos "Diseases of pepper and measures to combat them":

spider mite on the pepper in the photo
Spider mite in the photo

Spider mite. In the steppe zone, pepper plants are often colonized by spider mites. When a pest appears, treat the plants with Iskra-M or Fufanon. If the harvest is on the way, use Tuoeum Jet, colloidal sulfur or Bitoxibacillin.

Aphids on pepper (photo)
Aphids in the photo

Aphid. This pest can also create problems when growing a crop. To fight, use Iskra Zolotaya or Konfidor, Komandor with a waiting period of at least 20 days. During the harvest period - "Fitoverm", "Iskra Bio", "Akarin" (waiting period 2-3 days).

Here you can see photos of diseases and pests that threaten the crop:

Spider mite on sweet pepper leaves (photo)
Aphids on sweet pepper leaves (photo)

The best varieties of sweet pepper for open ground: photo and description

Traditional varieties of sweet pepper combine excellent fruit set, large fruit and excellent taste. They differ in ripening time, fruit color, their weight is up to 200 g, with a fleshy, juicy wall. Characterized by a friendly return of the harvest.

These varieties include:

Pepper seeds "Gift of Moldova" in the photo
Pepper "Gift of Moldova" in the photo

"Gift of Moldova",

Pepper seeds "Swallow" in the photo
Pepper "Swallow" in the photo


Pepper seeds "Belozerka" in the photo
Pepper "Belozerka" in the photo


Pepper seeds "Winnie the Pooh" in the photo
Pepper "Winnie the Pooh" in the photo

"Winnie the Pooh",

Pepper seeds "Venti" in the photo
Pepper "Venti" in the photo


Pepper seeds "Caramel" in the photo
Pepper "Caramel" in the photo


Pepper seeds "Golden Jubilee" in the photo
Pepper "Golden Jubilee" in the photo

"Golden Jubilee"

Pepper seeds "Yaroslav" in the photo
Pepper "Yaroslav" in the photo


Pepper seeds "Alyosha Popovich" in the photo
Pepper "Alyosha Popovich" in the photo

"Alyosha Popovich".

Early ripe hybrids of sweet pepper.

Pepper seeds "Latino" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Latino" F1 in the photo

Latino F1- from shoots to technical ripeness of fruits 97-110 days. Plants up to 100 cm high. The fruits of this variety of pepper for open ground are cube-shaped, 3-4-chambered. In technical ripeness it is dark green, in biological ripeness it is bright red.

Pepper seeds "Peresvet" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Peresvet" F1 in the photo

"Peresvet" F1- from seedlings to technical ripeness 92-105 days, to biological - 120-135. The plant is medium-sized, 50-60 cm high, compact, standard.

Pepper seeds "Sonata" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Sonata" F1 in the photo

"Sonata" F1- from germination to technical maturity 95-100 days. The plant is up to 100 cm high. The fruit is cuboid, 3-4-celled, glossy, dark green in technical ripeness, bright red in biological ripeness, weighing 180-200 g.

Pepper seeds "Orange miracle" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Orange miracle" F1 in the photo

"Orange Miracle" F1. Hybrid for open and protected ground (100-110 days) Plants 90-110 cm high. Fruits are large, cube-shaped, bright orange color.

Seeds of pepper "Jubilee Semko" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Anniversary Semko" F1 in the photo

"Jubilee Semko" F1- hybrid for open and protected ground (90-100 days). The plant is standard, medium-sized, 50-60 cm high, compact, slightly sprawling and slightly leafy. The fruits are light green in technical ripeness and red in biological.

Pepper seeds "Montero" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Montero" F1 in the photo

"Montero" F1- 90-108 days pass from germination to technical ripeness of fruits. The fruits are long, prism-shaped, green in technical ripeness, bright red in biological ripeness.

Pepper seeds "Snowfall" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Snowfall" F1 in the photo

"Snowfall" F1- cone-shaped fruits, up to 15 cm long, creamy white at the technical stage, red at the biological stage.

High yields give and hybrids

Pepper seeds "Grenada" in the photo
Pepper "Grenada" in the photo


Pepper seeds "Seville" in the photo
Pepper "Seville" in the photo


Pepper seeds "Casablanca" in the photo
Pepper "Casablanca" in the photo

Seeds of pepper "United" in the photo
Pepper "United" in the photo

"Single" with large cube-shaped fruits.

Seeds of a mixture of pepper hybrids "Siesta" in the photo
Peppers hybrids "Siesta" in the photo

Among the best varieties of pepper, a special mixture of Siesta hybrids is distinguished.

Hybrids of sweet pepper of the original color:

Pepper seeds "Cardinal" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Cardinal" F1 in the photo

"Cardinal" F1 with large purple-colored cube-shaped fruits.

Pepper seeds "Aries" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Aries" F1 in the photo

Aries F1- with large dark red fruits weighing up to 300 g, prism-shaped.

Pepper seeds "Fidelio" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Fidelio" F1 in the photo

Fidelio F1- with silvery-white fruits.

Large-fruited sweet pepper hybrids include:

Pepper seeds "Russian size" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Russian size" F1 in the photo

"Russian size" F1. Without much additional effort, giants grow over 20 cm long.

Pepper seeds "Yellow bull-NK" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Yellow Bull-NK" F1 in the photo

"Yellow Bull-NK" F1- fruits of an elongated shape, large, up to 200 g, 9x20 cm in size, consist of 3-4 lobes, green, yellow when ripe.

Pepper seeds "Red bull-NK" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Red Bull-NK" F1 in the photo

"Red Bull-NK" F1- fruits are large, weighing up to 200 g, elongated shape 8 x 20 cm, consist of 3-4 lobes, light green, red when ripe.

Sweet pepper "Black bull-NK" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Black bull-NK" F1 in the photo

"Black Bull-NK" F1- Differs in defiant brilliant black color. Fruits weighing up to 400 g.

Pepper seeds "Indalo" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Indalo" F1 in the photo

Indalo F1- mid-season hybrid. From shoots to technical ripeness of fruits 110-120 days. Plants 110-120 cm high. This is one of the best varieties of sweet pepper with large cube-shaped fruits, beautiful bright yellow color, weighing 280-300 g. Wall thickness up to 10 mm.

Pepper seeds "Flamenco" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Flamenco" F1 in the photo

Flamenco F1- early maturing, high-yielding. The variety has cuboid thick-walled fruits measuring 10 x 14 cm, consisting of 3-4 lobes. The fruits are light green in color, when ripe, it acquires an intensely bright red color. The variety is suitable for various types closed and open ground.

The following hybrids deserve attention: Minotaur F1, Sevilla F1, Athena F1, Flamenco F1.

look the best varieties pepper in the photo below:

Pepper variety "Seville" F1
Pepper variety "Flamenco" F1

Uses of sweet pepper

According to the content of vitamin C, sweet pepper ranks first among vegetable crops. Its fruits in technical ripeness contain 100-150 mg% of vitamin C per 100 g of fresh weight, and in biological - 250-480 mg%. Vitamin P (rutin) is of particular value to pepper; in fruits it is 70-380 mg% per 100 g of wet weight. Contains sweet pepper and vitamin A - 0.5-16 mg%. It contains from 2 to 6% sugars and starch, about 1.5% proteins, fat, fiber, ash compounds.

Sweet pepper contains valuable carotene for the body (red pepper is especially rich in it), vitamins B1, B2, E, PP, as well as minerals, among which there are sodium and potassium. It is also rich in glucose, fructose, useful organic acids and mineral salts.

The use of all varieties of sweet pepper for food is permissible at the onset of technical ripeness. These are already fully formed fruits of at least 6-8 cm, with thick fleshy walls, light green or green in color and with a characteristic peppery aroma.

Red, yellow, orange, rose yellow, black, lilac or green peppers are beautiful in all forms. Fresh fruits decorate dishes with bright multi-colored colors, taste and aroma. You can also use pepper leaves in the preparation of soups, green cabbage soup, borscht. They contain vitamin C.

Sweet peppers are eaten raw, fried, baked, stuffed, pickled, pickled and even dried. Ripe fruits can be crushed and dried. Dry fruits of this culture and powder from them are a vitamin product used as a seasoning for second courses and for making sauces.

Sweet peppers can also be kept fresh. To do this, the fruits are cut carefully together with the stalk. Each fruit is wrapped in paper, placed in a cardboard box in 1-2 layers, placed on a shelf in a dry cellar. Fruits harvested at the stage of technical ripeness gradually ripen, and their content of vitamin C increases.