Long green vegetable. What are the benefits of vegetables and fruits of different colors? Momordica, bitter cucumber

According to the latest findings of healthy nutrition experts, green fruits and vegetables are the least nutritious, contain almost no sugars, remove toxins, contain a lot of fiber and vitamins, which means they are the most useful. From our article you can find out a complete list of green vegetable crops, their nutritional value and useful processing methods.


In the diet of a modern person, leading a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, vegetables should occupy 60-70% of all food consumed. Regular consumption of green leaves and vegetables will improve the functioning of the body, help to lose weight and even rejuvenate the body.

After a few weeks, a person who eats vegetables of this color daily will feel better.

  • Improved digestion. Many problems associated with constipation, flatulence, discomfort in the intestines are eliminated.
  • Feeling better due to the normalization of cholesterol levels, the removal of excess fluid, leading to a decrease in pressure, the work of the cardiovascular system is also stabilized.
  • Elimination of iron deficiency, giving a feeling of weakness and frequent dizziness.
  • Due to the high content of antioxidants in green leaves and vegetables, slowing down harmful oxidative processes, which are the cause of many diseases, including cancer.
  • Improving the condition and appearance of hair, nails, skin. Mineral compounds have a beneficial effect on nails and hair, reduce swelling, remove toxins, harmful chemical compounds.

In addition, from a psycho-emotional point of view, green food gives peace, calms the nervous system. After its use, the mood rises, this is an excellent prevention from depressive conditions, which is especially important in the autumn-winter period.

Species and their composition

The list of varieties of green vegetables can be divided into fruits and green leafy crops. It is important to know which of them should be frequent guests on our table and why.

  • White cabbage. Without crispy cabbage, it is impossible to imagine both a modest and a rich feast in Russia. It was valued even in Ancient Greece. She is a champion in vitamin C content and includes a lot of fiber. Fresh cabbage juice treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Broccoli. Its green inflorescences contain vegetable protein and essential trace elements - manganese, phosphorus, copper, iodine, potassium, zinc, chromium and others.
  • Savoy cabbage. Its corrugated forks have less fiber than white cabbage, but it tastes more tender. Contains ascorbic acid, minerals, vitamin D.

  • Miniature Brussels sprouts are beneficial to health due to the content of B vitamins, as well as A, E, K, C, dietary fiber, organic acids and minerals.
  • Kohlrabi- Another representative of the cabbage family. This vegetable is burgundy and light green. The juicy greenish fruit tastes like a sweet stalk. Strengthens the nervous system and blood vessels, because of the abundance of vitamin C, it is also called the "northern lemon".
  • Cucumber. Its health benefits are undeniable. This oblong vegetable contains enough potassium for normal heart function, folic acid, zinc, iron, fiber and many vitamins. It is especially useful to include cucumbers in the diet for losing weight because of the large amount of water in them and low calorie content.
  • Asparagus. Its long shoots contain all the important vitamins, very useful trace elements necessary for men's health. The substance from asparagus (the second name of asparagus) - asparagine, increases patency in the vessels, which means it is useful for people suffering from thrombosis and high blood pressure.
  • Green pea. This member of the legume family deserves attention due to beta-carotene, vegetable protein, an abundance of folic acid, lutein and B vitamins in the composition. Indispensable for people who are often exposed to stress, athletes for muscle growth.

  • Celery stalks. The juicy and spicy relative of parsley is endowed with elements that improve metabolism, lower cholesterol, stimulate brain activity, and give energy. Celery, like cabbage, is a negative-calorie vegetable, which means your body uses more calories to digest it than it contains.
  • Green onion. Speaking of stems, let's talk about green onions, the feathers of which are the first to break through in the spring on the site, giving us a big vitamin boost after a long winter. Many varieties of onions are used for greens - chives, leeks, batun, slime, shallots and others. Onion feathers have a more delicate taste than the bulb itself, there are also a lot of useful elements in them. Onion greens contain choline, carotenoids, ascorbic acid, vitamin K, E, A, sodium and rare selenium.
  • Green bell pepper. Another winner in the content of vitamin C, two fruits of which are enough to consume to get the daily norm of this most important antioxidant vitamin that strengthens the immune system. Contains essential oils that give flavor to the fetus, a lot of potassium, good for the heart, iron, sodium, magnesium.
  • Avocado- an overseas fruit of the laurel family. Someone considers it a fruit, someone a vegetable, but the benefits of this oily fruit with a bone inside are undeniable. Vegetable fats, polyunsaturated fatty acids that maintain the elasticity of our blood vessels, a lot of vitamin A, potassium, magnesium and iron are indispensable for the proper functioning of the heart muscle and blood vessels.

  • Zucchini, zucchini. Green fruits from the pumpkin family have a low calorie content (23 kcal per 100 g), contain fiber, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins B, C. They activate the intestines without irritating it, are useful for frequent stress, high blood pressure, obesity, as a prevention of atherosclerosis. Young squash or zucchini are freshly made into thin shavings that are eaten raw.

A large proportion of green vegetables falls on leafy crops. Health benefits are not only little-known overseas species, but even simple tops from some root crops. Let's take a closer look at their useful composition.

  • Spinach. The huge iron content in this leafy vegetable, combined with vitamins K, E, beta-carotene, makes it one of the leading vegetables for a healthy diet. Folic acid, pectins, fiber have a relaxing effect on the nervous system, necessary for women during pregnancy. It has been experimentally proven that spinach helps to lose weight and maintain weight. In the course of the studies, the women were divided into two groups, one of which was often given spinach, and the second - other vegetables. The results for weight loss in the spinach group were more noticeable. Subsequently, a substance was found in the composition of spinach that helps to produce the hormone of satiety in the body.
  • Salads. This large group of leafy vegetables is striking in its diversity. Lettuce, cabbage, vitamin, mustard, watercress, arugula and others come from the cruciferous family, they are relatives of cabbage and radish. Different tastes of leaves have a similar composition. The vitamin set is represented in them by carotene (vitamin A), vitamin B group, K, PP, E. Organic acids and salts, magnesium, phosphorus affect the beauty of nails and hair, strengthen the heart muscle, slow down oxidative processes. A special substance lactucin has a beneficial effect on the functioning of nerve impulses, and pectins remove harmful cholesterol.

  • Chard and beet greens. The unusual name "chard" is just a variety of leaf beets. It is not for nothing that cold summer botvinniks have been prepared from beet tops in our country for a long time, because this foliage has a large range of useful substances. Dark green leaves with purple veins contain riboflavin, a huge amount of vitamin A (one and a half daily norms in 100 grams of foliage), vitamin K, fiber, trace elements. The lutein and carotenoids in chard are helpful in maintaining good vision.
  • Sorrel. Fresh, it contains carotene, tannins, ascorbic acid, trace elements. The vegetable is a hemostatic agent, activates the intestines and liver. The juice of a fresh plant is used for gum disease and colds. But green cabbage soup from sorrel is much more familiar, contributing to the fortification of the body in the spring.

Also, as a green health aid, it is useful to use tops from radishes, turnips, rutabaga, turnips, horseradish, which grows in early summer.

We should not forget about spicy greens - parsley, dill, cilantro, green basil, tarragon, which, in addition to vitamins, fiber, minerals, contain essential oils.

Benefit and harm

Eating green vegetables can improve digestion and normalize metabolism. It has been proven that regular consumption of vegetables of this color reduces the risk of developing diabetes by 15%. It also reduces the harmful effects of solar ultraviolet radiation on the body. Although the quality of vision cannot be improved by eating green vegetables alone, it is possible to protect visual function from diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma.

It is impossible to single out the most useful vegetable from all varieties. For the prevention of cancer, broccoli is indispensable, avocado protects the work of the heart, cucumber, spinach, zucchini reduce weight. However, for all their benefits, green vegetables can harm the body if you eat only them, so you can’t sit on a green mono-diet for a long time.

The consumption of many vegetables should be limited to 120-150 grams per day, otherwise indigestion and diarrhea may occur. Large consumption of sorrel can provoke attacks of gout, it is contraindicated in people with urolithiasis. Fresh cabbage and its varieties should be limited to people after gastroenterological operations, suffering from pancreatitis, disorders of the endocrine system.

To avoid side effects, you should consult a specialist before eating green vegetables.

For more information about the benefits and harms of green vegetables, see the following video.

Cooking rules

Greens and vegetables are healthier fresh than thermally processed. Raw vegetables are used to make smoothies, salads, or eaten whole, like cucumbers. But some vegetables need to be cooked.

It is important to do this correctly so that the vegetables retain their attractive bright color. First of all, they should be thoroughly washed. There should be enough water for cooking, before laying vegetables, the water should boil rapidly. To preserve the green color, you should not digest vegetables - just 8-10 minutes of cooking in salted water is enough for them to be ready. White cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower are blanched even less - 3-5 minutes, getting a pleasant elasticity of al dente vegetables.

Another secret to preserving color is to “cold shower” vegetables after cooking. You can rinse them under cold running water or place them in a bowl of water and ice cubes. The color is preserved even with a short steaming, the main thing is not to overexpose the vegetables so that they do not darken.

Green leafy vegetables are great for a healthy weight loss program.

They are unique in nature.

They have numerous benefits for your health.

But among all the variety, which are the most useful and effective green vegetables for weight loss?

It seems to me that it is very difficult to separate them according to their benefits in losing weight. Not to mention the health benefits.

After all, they are all filled with nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants and elements. They have a super cleansing effect.

This suggests that they can easily cope with the most harmful toxins and toxins that make us gain weight.

Were our ancestors right?

After all, almost half of their diet consisted of vegetables, including green leafy ones.

Often, going hunting, they could not catch prey and were content with the fact that they had to feast on healthy vegetables, sometimes berries or root crops.

Here are some of the top benefits of green vegetables:

  • Natural weight loss. Known for being high in fiber and low in carbs, green leafy vegetables are one of the coolest foods you can include in your diet. Due to their high fiber content, greens are slow to digest, helping you feel fuller. This is a great way to lose weight or maintain your current weight.
  • Powerful source of health. Leafy greens help reduce the risk of certain diseases, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, and even cancer. Green vegetables help regulate blood clotting, reduce heart and vascular disease, reduce inflammation, and help improve memory and vision. They support the health of the rectum.
  • Strong source of vitamins. Greens are rich in vitamins and minerals. They will fill your body with almost everything you need for normal life. For example, many green leafy vegetables contain beta-carotene. They are also rich in folate, vitamin C, calcium, vitamin K, B vitamins, and more.
  • natural antioxidants. Antioxidants help fight aging by preventing cell damage and improving cell renewal. Certain antioxidants help improve the appearance of the skin and prevent signs of aging such as sun spots, wrinkles, and more.

These are just the basics...

Now let's take a look at how some of these great foods can help you with weight loss and overall health.

Green vegetables for weight loss

You know, it's very hard to put one of these leafy green vegetables in first place and put one of them in last place. All of them are very good-looking and represent a formidable force in the fight against extra pounds.

Each of the dark green vegetables is capable, one might even say, of a miracle. And we have already seen this above. That is why I will not name the first and last number. They are almost all equal in their effectiveness.

So let's take a look at each of them one by one...


Spinach is one of the staples in Indian cuisine and the king of cuisine in France!

To say that it is useful is to say nothing. After all, spinach contains such powerful antioxidant vitamins as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K and others. In addition, it is rich in many nutrients, fiber, unsaturated fatty acids, natural sugar and even starch.

It's just a treasure trove of useful elements ...

When it comes to weight loss, it is super effective here as well. Scientists from the University of Lund (Sweden) conducted a study on 38 overweight women. The experiment showed that eating spinach really helps to control weight and lose extra pounds.

The subjects were divided into two groups. Every morning, before breakfast, the first half of the subjects drank juice with spinach, while the rest drank just a green drink, getting the so-called placebo effect. At the same time, no one knew exactly what he was using.

All study participants followed a balanced diet and proper exercise.

After 3 months, scientists compared the results of women from the control and experimental groups. And those who drank juice with spinach in the morning lost an average of 5 kilograms, the rest - 3.5 kilograms.

As it turned out, spinach contains substances that contribute to the production of the hormone of satiety. Spinach also slows down the digestion process a bit, which makes you feel full longer.

Spinach is also unique in its protein content. The most interesting thing is that its vegetable protein is easily absorbed by the body without oxidizing you, as animal protein does.

Chard and beet greens

It contains anthocyanins and fiber, which give special protection against gastrointestinal cancers, especially colon cancers. There is recent scientific evidence that chard may protect the kidneys of diabetic patients. Chard helps lower serum urea and creatinine levels.

In addition, it is very rich in vitamins A, C, E and K, dietary fiber, magnesium, manganese, iron and potassium.

This vegetable contains a considerable amount of B vitamins: B1, B2 and B-6. It also contains folic acid, biotin, niacin, pantothenic acid, copper, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, and even protein.

Beta-carotene is an excellent anti-cancer antioxidant. It belongs to the carotenoid family and may protect the body against skin and other cancers.

Vitamin A is helpful in reducing the effects of cigarette smoke on the body and also helps protect the body from emphysema.

Magnesium helps in regulating the nervous system and muscle tone of the body, and is involved in 300 of the body's vital processes.

Vitamin C helps fight inflammation in the body. It is an antioxidant that dissolves in water. It boosts your body's metabolism to burn excess fat. Vitamin C is helpful in preventing free radical damage to cells. It also protects against colon cancer. Vitamin C is very helpful in maintaining a healthy immune system. It helps in preventing and treating infections.

Chard also contains potassium, which helps lower blood cholesterol levels.

This vegetable contains manganese. A micronutrient that is useful in the production of energy, which comes from proteins and carbohydrates, and is also involved in the synthesis of fatty acids. In addition, manganese protects the body from free radicals.

Leaves of all kinds of salads

What are the benefits of lettuce for weight loss? …

In addition to being good for weight loss, lettuce has powerful health benefits.

It contains large amounts of vitamin A and folic acid. Rich in minerals and vitamins of group B, PP, carotene. The content of ascorbic acid is not inferior to apples. Contains a lot of vitamin E. Lettuce leaves are rich in beta-carotene, organic acids, salts of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium.

The specific substance lactucin, which is part of the chemical composition of the salad, calms the nervous system, improves sleep, and reduces salt deposition. And pectins and folic acid stimulate the intestines and remove bad cholesterol from the body, which is also important for healthy weight loss.

According to some reports, fresh lettuce juice, diluted in half with water, helps in the treatment of chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Eating lettuce leaves can improve blood circulation and normalize metabolism.

And some data even call it the king of the diet for weight loss. Add it to a salad and drizzle with a little olive oil and you'll be a superstar in just a few weeks.

cilantro and parsley

Of course, I got a little carried away by adding these herbs to green vegetables. But they are so powerful and useful that I could not resist sharing their properties.

However, often, serving on a plate with meat as a decoration, we forget about them. We just leave them and then throw them in the trash, don't we?

But you should come to your senses now! ...

These herbs have the power to blow your taste buds and give a whole new flavor to a dish, bringing with them numerous health and weight loss benefits.

Cilantro, for example, is an excellent source of dietary fiber, iron, vitamin C, vitamin K, and protein. It is simply excellent for the digestive system. It is excellent for supporting liver function.

And one sprig of parsley can meet your daily requirement for vitamin K. In addition, studies show that the aroma and taste of chopped parsley can help you reduce your appetite. Participants ate significantly less food that smelled strongly of spices such as parsley. It creates the illusion that you ate a lot earlier.

Cilantro also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is especially useful for those who suffer from kidney disease, iron deficiency and frequent nervous disorders.

Green radish (radish)

In a word, this is the tops that we often throw away when preparing salads.

But green radish leaves contain so much vitamin C and beta-carotene that a small intake of them is enough to meet the daily requirement for these vitamins. These greens are also rich in nutrients and are the richest source of calcium.

It is added to salads and stews to enhance flavor. In addition, it helps in better digestion of meat dishes. These are the facts that speak about the benefits of radish greens in weight loss.

Radish tops also have a healing effect and are used in the treatment of fungal infections of the foot. It is dried and ground into a powder, which is sprinkled on the legs and the area between the fingers. The procedures are repeated until complete healing.

The low calorie content of radish makes the fruit itself useful for weight loss. Only 14 kcal per 100 grams. And besides, radish and its greens improve metabolism, preventing the deposition of fats. Like many other vegetables, radish greens contain fiber, which removes cholesterol, toxins and toxins from the body.

All types of cabbage

Do you think cabbage is the queen of the cutting board? … :)

Most likely you will answer in the affirmative. And you will be right. The most common ingredient among all the participants on our list and among all green vegetables for weight loss is cabbage.

It is rich in antioxidants that improve eyesight, along with beta-carotene and vitamin C. Already in ancient Rome, cabbage was among the remedies of healers. It was prescribed for various diseases of the stomach and intestines.

I think you know that you need to attach a cabbage leaf to the place where it fester or hurts. Do you know such a medicine? …

All types of cabbage are good in losing weight. They contain a minimum of calories with a maximum of nutrients. Lots of fiber to help keep your gut healthy, among other things.

But how to eat more green vegetables to lose weight?…

While the aforementioned green plants are a source of many beneficial substances, many nutritionists still do not advise eating one of the plants all the time. This can lead to allergic reactions in the body. Therefore, try to alternate in your diet different types of green vegetables for weight loss.

And now, a few ways to eat more of them and how to increase the variety of them in your diet:

  1. Salad: This is the easiest and most common way to increase the presence of a lot of greens in your diet.
  2. Green juice: This is probably the coolest and best way to fill up on vegetables. Think about it, could you eat 5 carrots at a time. It is difficult, especially to eat her greens. But by squeezing the juice out of it and adding an apple with an orange, for example, you will be happy to get enough of these healthy vegetables.
  3. Smoothies: Another good way to fill your body with more nutrients from raw vegetables. Spinach, chard, kale are probably the main components of your slimming smoothie.
  4. Soup: Of course, when boiling, many useful substances are lost. However, if you're just getting started in healthy eating, this is a super way to fill up on healthy greens.

Final Thoughts

This small list of greens that have strong healing properties can be continued. However, I would like to point out those green vegetables for weight loss, which are very close to us and which you can see on the shelves of shops and local markets every day.

This is the list of green foods that is available almost always. They are easy to grow yourself.

And most importantly, they have powerful protective properties for our body, protecting against toxins and poisons and thus allowing us to lose weight naturally.

“If vegetables are the gifts of the earth, and fruits are the gifts of the gardens, then why should they be paid for?”
Mark Melamed

“Eat more greens,” my mother used to say as a child. And she did it right! After all, greens are a rich source of vitamins, minerals and valuable trace elements that are necessary for the normal functioning of the whole organism, as well as maintaining a beautiful figure. In our article, we will tell you why you just need to include fresh herbs and green vegetables in your diet. Moreover, in the summer it is not at all difficult to find them!

Green vegetables and herbs contain iron, calcium, antioxidants, beta-carotene, lutein, folic acid and other beneficial substances that strengthen the immune system and make you look even better. Cucumbers, spinach, green peas, cabbage, parsley, dill and other vegetables and greens are simply bound to become your friends! And that's why.

  • Negative calorie. When digesting greens, the body spends much more energy than it receives from food. Therefore, green vegetables can be safely consumed while on a diet or arrange a fasting day with them.
  • Lots of antioxidants. Which is also very good! They prevent the development of cancerous tumors and premature aging.
  • A record amount of fiber. Green vegetables have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, cleanse the intestines, remove toxins and normalize metabolism. Most fiber in green beans, broccoli, spinach and green peas.

  • Reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Among all green vegetables, we will highlight the avocado. This vegetable reduces blood cholesterol levels and improves eyesight due to vitamin E in the composition.
  • Greens are not just a condiment. Did you know that parsley has 4 times more vitamin C than lemon? Parsley boasts an impressive composition: potassium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, vitamins A, E, B vitamins, selenium, fluorine ... And that's not all! Regular consumption of parsley normalizes blood sugar levels, relieves swelling, regulates blood pressure and is considered a powerful aphrodisiac. No less healthy are cilantro, sorrel, asparagus, arugula, dill and celery.

  • Mood boost. The green color of vegetables has a calming effect, helps fight depression and stress.
  • Use in cosmetology. Green plant extracts are often used to make face creams, shampoos, masks, and tonics. Some types of greens help fight wrinkles, age spots and even baldness!

So run to the garden to be enriched with vitamins. Well, or to the nearest supermarket for green treasures. We wish good health to everyone!

leafy vegetables These are vegetable crops in which the leaves are used as food. Leafy vegetables are a fairly broad category of vegetables, often overlapping with others, because in a number of vegetable crops, not only some specific part of the plant is edible, but several (for example, the rhizome and the aerial part).

So, leafy vegetables primarily include vegetables that are grown exclusively for the sake of leaves (lettuce, spinach), used mainly as one of the main components of the finished dish; also in this category are vegetables from other categories (for example, root vegetables, pumpkins), in which, in addition to another part of the plant (for example, bulbs, tubers), leaves are also eaten, and spicy plants, whose leaves are used to give a piquant taste fresh.

To true leafy vegetables include the following vegetables:

  • Salad (lettuce)
  • Watercress
  • Purslane (dandur)
  • Spinach (garden spinach)
  • Sorrel
  • Chard (leaf beet)
  • Nettle
  • Quinoa
  • Endive (chicory salad)
  • Mustard leaf
  • Cucumber herb (borage, borage)
  • fennel vegetable
  • Radicchio (radicchio, escariole, Italian chicory)
  • Chinese spinach (tricolor amaranth)
  • Water Spinach (Ipomoea water)
  • Bok choy (stalked cabbage, pak choy, mustard cabbage, Chinese collard greens)
  • Kale (grunkol, kale, brauncol, brunkol, green kale)
  • Arugula (arugula, sowing caterpillar, sowing indau, sowing eruca)
Vegetables from other categories, in which the aerial part is used like leafy vegetables:
  • scorzonera (Spanish goat, black root, sweet Spanish root)
  • daikon (Japanese radish, white Chinese radish, bailobo, muli, sweet radish, white radish)
  • :
    • winged beans (spread peas, winged beans, square peas)
  • :
    • Oshanin's bow
    • Vavilov's bow
    • chives (chives, onion skoroda, onion sibulet, Siberian onion)
    • tiered bow
    • bear onion (wild garlic, wild garlic, levurda, flask, kalba)
    • Altai onion (sagono, stone onion, wild batun, small onion)
    • bow strange
    • onion sandy
    • rock bow (rock bow)
    • onion roundhead
    • victorious bow (victorious bow, Siberian wild garlic, flask, kalba)
    • garden onion (vegetable onion, field onion)
    • branched onion (dzhusai, fragrant onion, odorous onion, wild onion, Chinese onion, garlic onion, field garlic)
    • large-stamen onion
  • :
    • dill
    • tarragon (tarragon wormwood, tarragon)
    • basil (reagan, rayhon, rean, fragrant cornflowers)
    • marjoram
    • savory
    • cilantro (coriander)
    • oregano (oregano)
    • cumin (timon)
    • thyme (thyme)
    • hyssop (blue hypericum)
    • Melissa
    • spadeweed (spearwort, alliaria, garlic grass, wild garlic)
    • fennel
  • other:
    • okra
  • Salads, cold snacks are most often prepared from leafy vegetables; they are also added to the first, second courses, used in canning.

    Leafy vegetables are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, and dark green leafy vegetables are the champions in this regard among all vegetables. They contain the most important minerals (potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium) and vitamins K, C, E, B vitamins, beta-carotene, omega-3 fatty acids, lutein.

    Regular consumption of leafy vegetables stimulates digestion, regulates the endocrine system, cleanses the blood vessels and liver, reduces the risk of chronic diseases, and contributes to weight loss and normalization. The mechanism for weight loss is as follows: Green vegetables are low in carbohydrates (few calories) and high in fiber; fiber, due to the volume and slow digestion, provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

    A bit of botany

    Leafy vegetables are members of many botanical genera. Consider, Which genera and families do true leafy vegetables belong to?(botanical classification of vegetables from other categories is discussed in the relevant sections).
    1. Salad (lettuce)-genus Lettuce of the family Astrovye order Astrotsvetny class Dicotyledonous department Flowering. Lettuce is an annual plant cultivated everywhere. There are 2 varieties of lettuce: leaf and head lettuce, each of which is represented by many varieties. One of them - Roman lettuce (romaine lettuce) has very loose heads.
    2. Watercress- the genus Klopovnik of the Cabbage order Cabbage-flowered class Dicotyledonous department Flowering. An annual or biennial plant up to 60 cm high, known in ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece. Glycosides give the leaves a specific bitter spicy taste.
    3. leaf celery, stem celery- the genus Celery of the Umbelliferae order Umbelliferous class Dicotyledonous department Flowering. Cold-resistant moisture-loving biennial plant, reaching a height of up to 1 meter, with a thickened root.
    4. spinach- the genus Spinach of the Amaranth family of the order Carnation flowers of the class Dicotyledons of the Flowering department. Spinach is an annual herbaceous plant, especially popular in China, which accounts for the lion's share of the annual crop.
    5. Chinese spinach- the genus Amaranth of the Amaranth family of the order Carnation flowers of the Dicotyledonous class of the Flowering department. It is a herbaceous annual plant, 50-90 cm tall. Grown in tropical Africa and Indochina.
    6. Sorrel- the genus Sorrel of the Buckwheat family of the order Carnation flowers of the Dicotyledonous class of the Flowering department. In the food industry and medicine, sorrel (common sorrel) and horse sorrel are most often used. Both are perennial herbs, up to 1-1.5 meters high. Sorrel leaves have a characteristic sour taste.
    7. Chard- the genus Beetroot of the subfamily Marev family Amaranth order Clove-flowered class Dicotyledonous department Flowering. Chard is a leaf subspecies of the beet, a close relative of the table, sugar and fodder beets. The leaves and stems of chard are similar to spinach.
    8. Endive, radicchio- the genus Chicory of the family Asteraceae order Astroflower class Dicotyledonous department Flowering. Endive is a species of the genus Chicory, there are curly (cut-leaved) and broad-leaved (scarol) endive. Radicchio is a salad variety of common chicory, the same one whose rhizome is used as a surrogate for coffee. The radicchio plant looks like a cabbage.
    9. Arugula- the genus Indau of the Cabbage order Cabbage class Dicotyledons of the Flowering department. Rucola is an annual plant with a straight, branched stem up to 40 cm high and dissected lower leaves. Arugula, as a vegetable, is closely associated with Italian cuisine.
    10. Purslane- the genus Purslane of the family Buckwheat order Clove-flowered class Dicotyledonous department Flowering. Purslane is a small annual succulent plant with a branched stem, up to 30 cm long, elongated fleshy oval leaves and yellow flowers.
    11. Nettle- a genus of nettles of the family nettles of the order Rosaceae, a class of dicotyledons of the Flowering department. Nettle, which grows everywhere in Russia, is nettle dioica - a perennial plant with leaves and stems covered with burning hairs. Valuable food, medicinal and fodder plant.
    12. Quinoa- the genus Quinoa of the Amaranth family of the order Carnation flowers of the Dicotyledonous class of the Flowering department. Orchard quinoa (a cultivated species of quinoa used for food) is a productive, drought-resistant annual plant with oval leaves and an upright stem.
    13. Parsley leafy - the genus Parsley of the Umbelliferae order Umbelliferous class Dicotyledonous department Flowering. Cold-resistant biennial herbaceous plant (rarely annual), moisture-loving, native to the Mediterranean coast.
    14. Kale, bok choy, kai lan, tah tsoi, mizuna, portuguese cabbage, mustard leaf- the genus Cabbage of the Cabbage family of the Cabbage order of the class Dicotyledons of the Flowering department. Mustard is a cold-resistant, drought-resistant plant, one of the most important oilseeds. Traditionally, the seeds of the plant are used to teach the oil and seasoning. In leaf varieties of mustard, young leaves are used for food. Kale has green or purple curly leaves that do not form a head. Bok choy also does not form heads, instead they have ugly leaves on thick stems. Portuguese cabbage is famous for its traditional Portuguese soup. Kai-lan is a small plant that is harvested whole and cooked like asparagus. Tatsoi and mizuna are eaten as a green salad, these vegetables also do not form a head.
    15. borage grass- the genus Borage of the Borage family of the order Lamiaceae of the Dicotyledonous class of the Flowering department. Cucumber grass is an annual herbaceous plant with an upright stem branched at the top up to 1 meter high, oval rather large leaves. Stems and leaves are covered with coarse hairs. It is grown as a vegetable in Europe.
    16. Fennel- the genus Fennel of the Umbelliferae order Umbelliferous cash desk dicotyledonous department Flowering. Outwardly, the plant looks like dill. Unlike dill, fennel has cylindrical seeds and lighter long leaves. Fennel smells and tastes like a sweet mixture of dill and anise.
    17. water spinach- the genus Ipomoea of ​​the family Convolvulus order Solanaceae class Dicotyledonous department Flowering. A semi-aquatic annual or perennial herb native to the Asian tropics. Young shoots, reminiscent of spinach in taste, are harvested for 3-8 months. A popular summer vegetable in China.

    Application of leafy vegetables

    Leaves and heads lettuce, rich in vitamins and mineral salts, are used as vitamin greens in salads. Lettuce improves digestion, tones, has a slight laxative effect, hematopoietic, lactogenic, diuretic, sedative, antispasmodic effect.

    Leaves watercress, which have a piquant tart-bitter taste reminiscent of radish, are used in the preparation of various dishes (soups, salads, main courses, gravy) to give a spicy taste.

    Watercress is also valued as a medicinal plant with a diuretic, antimicrobial, antiscorbutic effect. Watercress stimulates the appetite and improves digestion. An ointment based on watercress in folk medicine is used for scabies and for wound healing.

    Leaves leaf parsley have a characteristic taste and aroma, they are used fresh in salads and as a spicy additive to the first and second courses. As a medicinal raw material, parsley seeds are used, which have a diuretic and choleretic effect.

    Greenery leaf and stem celery, which have a pronounced specific taste, are used to prepare salads, first and second courses, sauces and seasonings, vegetable juices. Celery is an aphrodisiac. Its use is useful for kidney diseases and poor appetite.

    Spinach used in food all over the world. Young spinach leaves can be added to a salad, coarser leaves should be stewed, boiled in a small amount of water (no more than 8 minutes), and fried.

    Spinach is one of the most nutrient-dense vegetables. Its leaves contain a lot of protein, organic fatty acids, many vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, iodine, manganese, selenium and other minerals. However, we must remember that spinach leaves lose most of their vitamins after 8 days of storage in the refrigerator.

    Spinach contains a lot of oxalic acid, especially in older leaves. For this reason, it is not recommended for frequent baby food, as well as for people with diseases of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder and duodenum. In order to neutralize the oxalic acid, a little milk or cream should be added during the heat treatment of spinach.

    Spinach is able to slow down the aging process, it protects eyesight, improves digestion, blood formation, the activity of the nervous system, and serves as a prevention of hypertension and gastric diseases.

    young leaves Chinese spinach, slightly reminiscent of the taste of an artichoke, eaten raw in a salad, coarser and larger leaves are stewed or boiled for two minutes, added to soups and sauces.

    Leaves sorrel used for salads, cabbage soup, soups, as a filling for pies. Sorrel contains a lot of vitamin C, it was previously used as an antiscorbutic agent. Eating raw leaves improves digestion. As medicinal raw materials, different parts of horse sorrel are harvested; this plant is used in the treatment of a number of diseases (eg hypertension, constipation, stomach ulcers).

    Young leaves and stalks of chard are mostly eaten raw in a salad, hot dishes (eg soup, cabbage rolls) can be prepared. Chard useful in obesity, nephrolithiasis, diabetes, anemia, to strengthen the heart.

    nettle used to prepare salads, soups, cabbage soup, sauces, stuffing for pies, as well as salt and sour. Young tender inflorescences are brewed into tea, dried.

    Nettle has long been used in Russia as food for humans, farm animals (of course, after a certain treatment that removes the pungency) and as a medicinal plant. Shchi is cooked from young shoots and leaves of nettle. Nettle contains a lot of protein, fiber and vitamin C. Nettle is a multivitamin vegetable that is good for hypovitaminosis and to improve digestion.

    Medicinal raw materials are the leaves of stinging nettle. The liquid extract is used to stop internal bleeding. Nettle leaf is a part of many herbal preparations: hemostatic, renal, gastric, vitamin. A decoction of nettle leaves is a recognized cosmetic remedy for hair loss and dandruff; Nettle is an ingredient in herbal shampoos.

    Quinoa has long been used in Russia for food, and even specially grown. Previously, its leaves were used as food fresh and boiled, stewed, porridge was cooked from the seeds of the plant to taste reminiscent of buckwheat. Quinoa was added to the composition of flour to reduce its consumption during baking and improve the nutritional value of baked goods. Fresh shoots and leaves of quinoa do not have a pronounced taste and smell. Therefore, when adding it to a dish, its nutritional value increases, and the taste does not change. Now, the quinoa is practically not used; garden quinoa leaves are sometimes put in salads.

    The swan contains a lot of protein, vitamins and mineral salts. The use of quinoa increases immunity, improves heart activity, strengthens blood vessels, and has an anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Leaves radicchio and endive have a bitter taste, they are used in green salads and hot dishes. Both vegetables are extremely popular in Europe.

    At purslane raw or boiled young shoots and leaves are eaten. Salads, side dishes, soups are prepared from them, pickled and salted. The plant accumulates a lot of nutrients in the leaves: proteins, sugars, fatty acids, vitamins (a lot of A, E, C, PP), macro- and microelements, as well as other valuable substances. Purslane improves liver and kidney function, lowers blood sugar levels.

    Young mustard leaves rich in vitamin C, they are used fresh in salads and as a side dish. The inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom salt and pickle the young shoots of this plant.

    Rich, slightly bitter, specific taste arugula makes it a desirable ingredient in salads. Arugula leaves are added to pasta, meat and vegetable dishes. Arugula has a diuretic and antibacterial effect, improves digestion.

    borage grass the aroma resembles cucumber, and the taste is cucumber with a slight hint of onion. The leaves are used fresh for food, adding to salads, sauces, side dishes, cold soups, to add spice to fish and meat. The oil extracted from the roots is used as a spice. Fresh or candied flowers are also eaten.

    Cucumber grass has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps with pain in the joints and muscles, improves metabolism, reduces irritability and nervousness.

    vegetable fennel has a thickened stem, which is called in cooking either a head of cabbage or an onion. This stalk is stewed, fried, added to salad, added to soup. Vegetable and common fennel greens are added to salads, vegetable soups, fish and meat dishes. The stems are pimented in pickling cucumbers.

    Fennel is a medicinal plant used in both official and folk medicine. It has a choleretic, carminative, laxative, antispasmodic effect.

    bok choy- a popular vegetable in China, Japan and Korea. Bok choy is pickled, steamed, added to soup. Bok choy is a dietary vegetable that is low in carbohydrates (2.2 grams) but rich in fiber, protein (1.5 grams), calcium, iron, sodium, and magnesium.

    Leaves kale become tastier after freezing, they are eaten raw and after heat treatment as part of various dishes. Kale boasts a high content of vitamins C, K and calcium. Kale has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects and helps the body eliminate toxins.

    Onion vegetables are used to add spice to salads and hot dishes. The leaves of spicy vegetables give the dish a special spicy flavor. The leaves of rhizomatous, root and tuber vegetable crops are used in fresh salads as vitamin greens.

    A diet rich in dark green leafy vegetables can provide many benefits to the body, including reducing the risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and mental health problems ().

    Here is a list of the 14 healthiest green leafy vegetables to include in your diet.

    1. Curly cabbage

    Kale is considered one of the most nutritious vegetables on the planet due to its numerous vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

    For example, one 67 gram serving of raw kale contains 684% of the recommended daily intake (RDI) for vitamin K, 206% of the RDI for vitamin A, and 134% of the RDI ().

    It also contains antioxidants such as lutein, carotenoids and beta-carotene, which prevent diseases caused by oxidative stress ().

    To get the most out of eating kale, it's best to eat it raw, as cooking can reduce its nutritional profile ().


    Kale is rich in minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins, especially vitamins A, C, and K. It is best eaten raw for the most benefits, as cooking reduces the nutritional profile of vegetables.

    2. Microgreens

    Microgreens are young shoots of vegetable and herb seeds. They are usually 2.5-7.5 cm long.

    They have often been used as a garnish or decoration since the 1980s, but they have many more uses.

    Despite their small size, they are full of color, flavor and nutrients. In fact, one study found that microgreens have 40 times more nutrients than their mature counterparts. Some of these nutrients include vitamins C, E and K ().

    Microgreens can be grown at home all year round, making them an easily accessible product.


    Microgreens are young shoots of vegetable or herb seeds that have been popular since the 1980s. They are tasty and rich in nutrients such as vitamins C, E and K. What's more, they can be grown all year round.

    3. Broccoli

    Broccoli is part of the cabbage family. This green vegetable has a large flower head as well as a stem, making it similar in structure to a cauliflower.

    This vegetable is rich in nutrients - a 91-gram serving of raw broccoli provides 135% and 116% of the RDI for vitamins C and K, respectively. It is also an excellent source of calcium, folic acid and phosphorus ().

    Of all the vegetables in the cabbage family, broccoli is rich in the plant compound sulforaphane, which can improve your gut bacterial flora and reduce your risk of cancer and heart disease ().


    Broccoli is part of the cabbage family and contains several nutrients, including the plant compound sulforaphane, which can reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer, and improve your gut microflora and even autism symptoms.

    4. Leafy cabbage

    Leaf cabbage also belongs to the cabbage family and is related to curly cabbage and. It has slightly bitter dense leaves that are similar in texture to regular cabbage.

    Kale is a good source of calcium and vitamins A, B9 (folic acid), and C. Among other green leafy vegetables, it is also one of the best sources of vitamin K. In fact, one 190-gram serving of cooked kale contains 1,045% of the RDI for vitamin K ( ).

    Vitamin K is known for its role in blood clotting. In addition, more research is being done regarding its ability to improve bone health ().

    One study that looked at 72,327 women aged 38-63 found that those with vitamin K intakes below 109 mcg per day had a significantly increased risk of hip fractures, indicating a link between this vitamin and bone health ( ) .


    Leafy cabbage has dense leaves and is bitter in taste. It is one of the best sources of vitamin K and may reduce the risk of blood clots and promote healthy bones.

    5. Spinach

    Spinach is a popular green leafy vegetable that is easily incorporated into a variety of dishes, including soups, sauces, smoothies, and salads.

    Its nutritional profile is impressive - one 30-gram serving of raw spinach contains 181% of the RDI for vitamin K, 56% of the RDI for vitamin A, and 13% of the RDI ().

    It is also rich in folic acid, which plays a key role in the production of red blood cells and the prevention of neural tube defects during pregnancy ().

    One study looking at spina bifida (incomplete closure of the neural tube) found that one of the most preventable risk factors for this condition was low folic acid intake during the first trimester of pregnancy ().

    Along with taking a prenatal vitamin, eating spinach is a great way to increase your folic acid intake during pregnancy.


    Spinach is a popular green leafy vegetable that can be used in a variety of ways. It is an excellent source of folic acid, which may prevent neural tube defects such as spina bifida during pregnancy.

    6. Cabbage

    Cabbage consists of clusters of dense leaves that are colored in green, white and purple hues.

    It belongs to the plant genus Cabbage (lat. Brassica), along with Brussels sprouts, kale and broccoli ().

    Vegetables in this plant family contain glucosinolate, which gives them a bitter taste.

    Animal studies have shown that foods containing this substance may have anti-cancer properties, especially in relation to lung and esophageal cancer (,).

    Another health benefit of kale is that it can be fermented and turned into cabbage, which has numerous health benefits, such as improving your digestion and supporting your immune system. It can even help you lose weight ( , , , ).


    Cabbage has dense leaves and different colors. It can prevent cancer and can be made into sauerkraut, which has additional health benefits.

    7. Beet tops

    Since the Middle Ages, beets have been considered beneficial for health.

    Indeed, it has an impressive nutrient profile, but while commonly used in a variety of dishes, the leaves are often overlooked.

    This is sad, given that they are edible and rich in calcium, riboflavin, fiber, and vitamins A and K. A 144 gram serving of cooked beet greens contains 220% of the RDI for vitamin A, 37% of the RDI for potassium, and 17% of the RDI for fiber () .

    Beet greens can be added to salads, soups, or fried and eaten as a side dish.


    Beet greens are the edible green beet leaves. They are full of nutrients, including antioxidants, that can support eye health.

    8. Common watercress (watercress)

    Watercress is an aquatic plant in the Cabbage family and thus similar to arugula and other mustard greens.

    It is known for its healing properties and has been used medicinally for centuries.

    Studies have shown that watercress extract is beneficial in targeting cancer stem cells and impairs cancer cell reproduction and invasion ( , ).

    With its bitter and slightly spicy taste, watercress is a great addition to neutral-tasting foods.


    Watercress has been used medicinally for centuries. Some studies have shown that watercress may be helpful in treating cancer.

    9. Romaine lettuce (Romaine lettuce)

    Roman lettuce (romaine, romaine, romano, romaine) is a common green leafy vegetable with strong, dark leaves with a hard center.

    It has a crunchy texture and is a popular salad dressing, especially in Caesar salad.

    This is a good source of vitamins A and K - one 47 gram serving provides the body with 82% and 60% of the RDI in these vitamins, respectively ().

    Moreover, studies have shown that water intake from liquids, vegetables and fruits plays an important role in reducing excess body weight ().

    So with only 8 calories and 45 grams of water per serving, romaine lettuce can be a great addition to a healthy diet if you're trying to lose weight ().


    Roman lettuce is a popular vegetable that can be found in many salads. It is full of water and fiber, making it a great weight loss product. It is also rich in vitamins A and K.

    10. Swiss chard

    Swiss chard has dark green, thick-stemmed leaves that are red, white, yellow, or green. It is often used in Mediterranean cuisine and belongs to the same family as beets and spinach.

    It has an earthy taste and is rich in minerals and vitamins such as potassium, manganese and vitamins A, C and K ().

    In two small studies in diabetic rats, oral administration of syringic acid for 30 days improved blood sugar levels ( , ).

    However, it is important to note that these were minor animal studies and that there are no human studies to support the claim that syringic acid can help control blood sugar levels.

    Try adding all parts of Swiss chard to dishes like soups, tacos, or casserole.


    Swiss chard is rich in color and often included in Mediterranean cuisine. It contains a flavonoid called syringic acid, which may be helpful in lowering blood sugar levels. However, there are no human studies on its effectiveness.

    11. Arugula (Arugula)

    Arugula is a green leafy vegetable in the Brassicaceae family that goes by many different names such as Caterpillar, Indau Sat, or Eruka Sat.

    It has a slightly peppery flavor and small leaves that can be easily included in salads or used as a side dish. It can also be used for cosmetic purposes and as a medicine ().

    Like other green leafy vegetables, it is rich in nutrients such as vitamins A, B9 and K ().

    It is also one of the best sources of dietary nitrates, compounds that are converted to nitric oxide in your body.

    Although the benefits of nitrates are debated, some studies have found that they can increase circulation and lower blood pressure by dilating blood vessels ().


    Arugula is a green leafy vegetable that goes by several different names. It is rich in vitamins and natural nitrates, which can help lower blood pressure and improve blood flow.

    12. Endive

    It is also a good source of kaempferol, an antioxidant that has been shown in test-tube studies to reduce inflammation and inhibit the growth of cancer cells ( , ).


    Endive is a lesser known green leafy vegetable. It contains several nutrients, including the antioxidant kaempferol, which may reduce the growth of cancer cells.

    13. Bok Choy

    Bok choy is a type of Chinese cabbage.

    It has thick, dark green leaves that make a great addition to soups and stir-fries.

    Bok choy is one of the few leafy green vegetables that contain the mineral. Selenium plays an important role in cognitive function, immunity and cancer prevention ().

    In addition, selenium is important for proper thyroid function. This gland is located on the neck and produces hormones that play a key role in metabolism ().

    An observational study has linked low selenium levels to thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism, autoimmune thyroiditis, and enlarged thyroid ().


    Bok Choy is popular in China and is often used in soups and stir-fries. It is one of the only green vegetables that contains selenium, which benefits your brain and thyroid health, as well as boosting your immune system and protecting against cancer.

    14. Turnip tops

    Turnip tops are turnip greens, which are a root crop similar to.

    These green leaves contain more nutrients than the turnip root itself, including calcium, manganese, folic acid, and vitamins A, C, and K ().

    They have a strong and spicy flavor and are often eaten cooked rather than raw.

    Turnip greens also contain several antioxidants, including gluconasturtin, glucotropaolin, quercetin, myricetin, and beta-carotene, which play a role in reducing stress in your body ().

    Turnip greens can be used as a substitute for kale or spinach in most recipes.


    Turnip is a cruciferous vegetable whose roots and leaves are edible. Studies have shown that turnip greens can reduce stress in the body and the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, cancer, atherosclerosis, and inflammation.


    • Green leafy vegetables are rich in important and powerful nutrients that are critical to good health.
    • Luckily, many leafy green vegetables can be found all year round and can easily be incorporated into your meals.
    • To get the many impressive health benefits of leafy greens, be sure to include the variety of vegetables on this list in your diet.