How to celebrate the New Year of Cancers. How to celebrate the New Year to Cancer Who to wear to celebrate the New Year

born during:
22.06 - 22.07

Mustaches and claws of Cancers in the year of the Rat

The Rat is not at all upset that the signs of Water that she does not love have claws. But the presence of a mustache in Cancers annoys her a little. She's got a mustache too! Considering this circumstance, the Rat will be indulgent towards Cancers. After all, a mustache is a sign of kinship.

Therefore, there will be no frequent thunderstorms over Cancer in 2020!

What can be done with claws and mustaches in the year of the Rat

Crayfish are slow creatures and you will not notice a fiery impulse in their soul. But they are very stubborn. The claws work slowly and surely, destroying the labyrinths of fate. Natural intuition in the form of mustache-antennas finds the right direction.

Mustaches are guides to money places. Where others need to smash their foreheads when looking for financial sources, Cancers, by the will of fate, find the zones they need quickly and painlessly.

Today, the world of technological progress, which for Cancers is the native element. Powerful Internet support gives Cancers back the time lost due to slowness.

But there are disadvantages that can reduce all the acts of Cancers to zero. This is an overestimation of one's own mind and absolute certainty that others are below the level of intelligence. In addition, this sign is often envious. He is upset not by the well-being of others, but by the attention of society to them. He is jealous of feelings. This leads to the emergence of unnecessary formal "friends" who are ready to betray and abandon Cancers at any moment. Actually, to do with them what they themselves easily scroll with others.

Love that breathed...

Who knows Cancers, he notices their omnivorousness in the love sphere. Sometimes it comes to the point of absurdity - Crayfish collect garbage! All this is done to satisfy the powerful "I" that has settled in any of the representatives of this proud sign.

True feelings for them rust in the silt. But sometimes it's too late to turn back. Cancer loses forever those who could really love and respect them. In the year of the Rat, Cancers should change their temper. You should be afraid of yourself and your habits.

Like a trail, the problems in love that they created in previous years stretch for Cancers. There is only one way out - you need to change the reservoir. In a new place, it is important to force yourself not to repeat the mistakes of the past and appreciate really close people.

There is such an expression: "crazy love"! Anyone who tries to find the positive in it does not see its root. The synonym "stupid" more accurately emphasizes its essence. Beware of lack of intelligence in matters of the heart. Don't take intimate relationships to the point of absurdity.

What will please cupids in the year of the Rat Cancers?

The earthly gods will not yield to the heavenly ones if Cancers overestimate their attitude towards Libra. Their lines will run in parallel in March and the union can become reliable and fruitful. Inattention and neglect of this sign will lead to April losses in all areas.

The female half should be more careful to lean on the shoulder of Capricorn in August, October. It may be soapy. Men should not expose themselves to the tests of Virgos in the summer. Disappointments in love quite realistically take away health. The Year of the Rat will help turn love triangles into a vicious family circle if Cancer does not repeat the mistakes of the past. The formula for success will be external and internal accuracy, desire and desire to clean up the "dumps of the past".

When fate leans on the helm, it is difficult to change the course of the ship. Powerful claws of Cancers are able to prepare the ship in advance for a happy voyage.

Cancer career path for 2020

Independence - The best way for signs of water to satisfy their needs financially and morally. Let a small, but own business allows them to move in the chosen direction and not depend on the whims of others.

Cancers, because of their slowness, are loners. It is easier for them not to chase anyone, but to slowly but surely go their way to success. Many are surprised that Cancers can do everything. But if they tried to go part of the way with them, they would hardly have withstood the monotony and painstaking approach to work.

The sign loves order. The basic principle is strict rules, scrupulousness and consistency. They have every item in its place. Any work does not deviate from the previously scheduled schedule.

Collisions are practically non-existent. Therefore, the customer is always happy with the result and with great pleasure recommends Rakov to everyone as performers. Favorable periods for work stretch over the entire Rat year. And the slowness of the processes of work excludes the rest, so necessary for other signs. The sky will become absolutely cloudless during the periods of the new moon in May. Cancer will be able to confidently conclude new deals, take out a loan. But the risk will peak in November. It is desirable to devote this period to summing up in order to lay the start of the next year.

There is practically no sign with which Cancer would not find common ground in the case. Business partners often fail. But Cancers are too experienced not to notice unwanted companions. The Rat will favor prudent undertakings in 2020 for this sign.

Health in 2020

The pulse is even, breathing is clean - why not signs good health for Cancer for the Year of the Rat! The Leap Year will take pity on many of them, who became a lump in the throat of the Year of the Pig. Having gone through a series of problems related to violations immune system Cancerians will feel a rush of fresh blood.

Jupiter will remove the "toxicity" of Mars from Cancer in the first half of February. A calming aura will put your mind in order. Plans (with the elimination of the precarious position) will take on clear contours.

Such self-organization will have a positive effect on well-being in the year of the Rat, radically changing the negative trends of the year of the Pig. If Cancers manage to overcome their ambitions, then love troubles will cease to be a hindrance to health.

Those who strive to fill the cup of health to the brim should pay close attention to the study of their own body. The ability to get away from minor troubles, forgetting them, will be an essential step towards strengthening the body. Positivity is given by random joys and regularity of actions.

Good luck in 2020, Cancers!

Aries - do not collect more than one Aries!
On New Year's Eve, Aries are actually very cute, until they "throw". But celebrating the New Year with Aries is always fun.
Where to celebrate the New Year Aries? Aries, never deny yourself the pleasure of celebrating the New Year either at home or with close friends or relatives. New Year in restaurants or clubs is not for Aries, why haven't they seen restaurants? Moreover, every Aries has a friend who cannot be “brought into people”, “into society” or brought into a company ... because it’s a shame. Can't remember this? Then, Aries is about you. Therefore, it is always best for Aries to celebrate the New Year in a warm, friendly company, in which it will be calm and comfortable. True, even in a “home environment”, the desire to stand out and a certain snobbery will force Aries to give preference the best varieties cognac or wine, but in the amount you drink it, does it really matter how old whiskey or cognac has? New Year is a reason, but not a reason to get drunk! When Aries drink enough, it seems to them that they are still in the "in the know", but no one fucking notices this. If several Aries gather at the table, this will expand the circle of new acquaintances ... and "ugliness" and adventures on New Year's Eve. And Aries especially need to remember that everything ends sometime - New Year's Eve and drinking ...
Taurus - the biggest stupidity!

To celebrate the New Year with Taurus is for money, but the biggest stupidity is to celebrate the New Year with Taurus, and even more stupidity is to celebrate the New Year without Taurus. This is such a contradiction, and all because on New Year's Eve of any year, Taurus will surpass even Gemini and Libra in noise and fun, and Aries and Capricorn in terms of the number of adventures.

That is why every New Year Taurus tries to meet in a noisy company, and if they fail, then they create it even from three people! On New Year's Eve next to Taurus, no one will be able to say “Listen” without “Quiet !!!”, and if the Gemini are still in the company, then you can not open champagne, this “explosive cocktail” will blow up New Year's Eve anyway.
Gemini - it's not easy to be easy and pleasant!

Sometimes it seems like the two most common things in the universe are hydrogen and Gemini. Especially on any New Year's Eve! Orgasm is nothing compared to New Year's Eve with Gemini and the feeling of looking through photos on the morning of January 1st. New Year's Eve with Gemini never ends. And it can develop into New Year's morning somewhere around January 3-4. When the Twins get tired of sparkling, dancing, making noise and having fun, and go to a well-deserved sleep in order to immediately arrange a New Year's remix in a couple of hours, and you can be sure that they will have enough strength for this. New Year's advice "in a hurry for Bliznetci": the real art of communication is not only to constantly speak, but also to remain silent when necessary, because Libra and Aquarius next to you continue to wonder how many words Gemini needs to say nothing. But if, nevertheless, someone on New Year's Eve tries to make a remark to you about your excessive noise and activity, answer with your trademark Gemini smile: “It's not so easy to be easy and pleasant, don't you believe it? Try it, you just never tried it….

Cancer - New Year is a few days long!

On the one hand, Cancers can "go crazy" and even on New Year's Eve try to prove that being alone is not at all lonely. Where to celebrate the New Year of Cancers?
Cancers prefer to celebrate the New Year with their families, but not with their parents, but with their family members or friends, whom they consider to be members of their family. Most of all, Cancers love when Love is present on New Year's Eve. In any of its manifestations - Love, light flirting, falling in love and meeting new people, and even spontaneous sex with Santa Claus or the Snow Maiden or other bold sexual fantasies.
A romantic New Year with your beloved or beloved, in extreme cases ... with a cat is also, by the way, a good option for Cancers. It all depends on the New Year's mood of Cancers. Therefore, before the New Year, Cancers should not forget to check the phone - after all, even if the phone does not blink, you still need to unlock it and see if there are any new calls or sms, suddenly the backlight just broke. And before the New Year, Cancers are strictly forbidden to remember and think about the former, even sometimes ... obscene ... this can greatly spoil the New Year's mood for Cancers. Relatives and friends are a lifeline and the most traditional way of celebrating the New Year for Cancers. Therefore, it is better to celebrate the New Year with Cancers at home, and then it will be just as fun with them as with Aries or Gemini, but without adventures on .. oops, but a few days long ...!
Leo is a miracle in the circle of friends.

Lions on New Year's Eve need to be themselves, just like that - extraordinary. Family New Year, or New Year with close friends, just what the Lions need this night the most. Where to celebrate New Year's Eve for Lions? Yes, Lions love to celebrate the New Year in clubs and restaurants, but it is extremely important for them to have “their environment” on New Year's Eve. Even if it “was somewhere nearby at the next table and disappeared somewhere”, the main thing is that Lviv has its own somewhere nearby. And then on New Year's Eve, in a close circle of friends and relatives, and even almost a family circle, Lions will be able to relax, play weird and have fun. And practically without alcohol, Lions are in themselves a source of joy, warmth and light, and in principle, in a good mood, they do not need the services of alcohol at all in order to have fun to celebrate the New Year. But usually they don’t think about it, having fun getting drunk with all the signs of the Zodiac, sitting with Leos at the same table, as well as at a table next to them in a restaurant and with the entire bar in a nightclub.

Leos know that one cannot truly love a person with whom one never laughs, and one cannot celebrate the New Year without fun and carnival. And only Lions know that you can not run a marathon to prove that you can still do something meaningless, and New Year's Eve is the best occasion for this!
Virgo - New Year holidays.

For Virgos, New Year's Eve does not really matter. And although they love to have fun and rejoice with everyone, they understand deep down that the New Year means gifts that you don’t need, a New Year’s outfit for money that you don’t have, in order to impress people who mean nothing to us. Therefore, if possible, they prefer the New Year holidays - a light celebration of the New Year, turning into a few days of pleasant idleness.

It’s just that many people don’t understand that Virgos are dreamers, and they will be indignant: “If you fall asleep again during the celebration of the New Year, I’ll kill, leave, fly away, leave,” and many other words with “U”, to which the Virgos will also answer with the word “U "-" smile! Fools, they just do not know: to appreciate the New Year with Virgo, you need to spend it with either Aries or Gemini, in order to be grateful later for a quiet and calm New Year with Virgo!
Libra - Big Holiday!

Libras always try to organize the New Year in such a way as to get the most out of it. After all, Libra will never get too old to learn new stupidities, eccentricities, and most importantly, an occasion for a BIG holiday. And the word HOLIDAY Libra is very fond of and is ready to spend the entire budget on this word, especially if this holiday is the New Year. That is why Libra very often brings the situation to the point that, lying in bed on January 1 and looking at the stars in the sky, they think hard: “Where did the ceiling go?”. Still, winter is outside, and alcohol is the most likely reason for the absence of some Libra on January 1 and 2. But celebrating the New Year with Libra is even more fun than with Gemini or Leo, because Libra, in principle, doesn’t care where to celebrate it, most importantly, it’s fun, noisy and bright!

Scorpio - new life!

With a good mood of Scorpions on New Year's Eve, only Libra can argue. They even have time to congratulate everyone on the phone, say a lot of things, and hang up before they were understood.

If suddenly Scorpios celebrate the New Year with Capricorns or Aries, they will be surprised to find that they are not at all the center of the Universe. But on New Year's Eve, unlike other days of the year, even this will not spoil the good mood of Scorpions. After all, every New Year is very important for Scorpios. Every New Year for Scorpios is a jump into a new life, or at least into a new hope and dream! Scorpios, better than other signs of the Zodiac, are able to start a “new life” not from a hangover, not from Monday, but from the New Year. Therefore, it is so important for Scorpios. So, celebrating the New Year with Scorpio, you are guaranteed to celebrate it well and it doesn’t matter where ...
Sagittarius is the decoration of the company.

Sagittarius usually until New Year's Eve are looking for themselves, the meaning of life, a forgotten mobile phone and where to celebrate the New Year. And although the best option for Sagittarius there will be a meeting of the New Year at home, it is there that they meet him least of all. Because if Sagittarians want to, then they will decorate any company even at three in the morning. Perhaps someone will consider Sagittarius strange, because they are not like everyone else. Do not be offended by these "someones" - they are actually strange, because they are all so the same. And, unlike other signs of the Zodiac, if Sagittarius even on New Year's Eve loses a "roof", they will not bother the finder, but will ask them to keep it for themselves. Sagittarians are extremely sociable people, and this, of course, is wonderful, but this is what often brings them on New Year's Eve, especially in a large company, when Sagittarius manage to drink five glasses with one and the other, while the rest are still after the second " didn't eat." On New Year's Eve, Sagittarians need to try to take care of themselves and not overload their personal glass with hard work. After all, everything in this life is much more complicated than celebrating the New Year - drinking, drinking - celebrating the New Year!

Capricorn - a very fast New Year

Capricorns - even on New Year's Eve they will talk about work with pleasure. Capricorns New Year's Eve is not a Monday, so relax and celebrate the New Year there, and in an environment where you can completely relax and forget about work. Therefore, before each New Year, Capricorns simply need to change the situation. And as soon as Capricorns change the situation, they immediately better side the mood will change. Especially if in order to celebrate the New Year you do not need to make an effort! But for a fun meeting of the New Year, Capricorns need the right company, and then Capricorns will gladly support both the eccentricities of Leo, and the crazy ideas of Gemini and the offer to drink from Sagittarius. The only danger is that next to Capricorns everything happens somehow quickly suddenly and unexpectedly, including the morning of New Year's Eve. So if you are celebrating the New Year with Capricorns, try to make a wish right away - then you just might forget or not have time ...

Aquarius is a good table and "show program".

It is best for Aquarius to celebrate the New Year under a palm tree, surrounded by non-Russian-speaking mulattos and mulattos. Although many Aquarians will feel just as comfortable near the snow-capped peaks. And, even if Aquarius stays at home, a "tropical hot" party is what Aquarius needs the most. But preferably not at Aquarius's house, but where Aquarius will be called. But they won’t call ... Aquarius will “call” themselves, and everything with the question of where to celebrate the New Year for Aquarius will work out in the best way. The main thing for Aquarius is not to get into a company where they shout all the time: “come on, let's pour it soon”, but where it is warm from fun, laughter and smiles. In addition, it is very important for Aquarius that there is a “good table”, because there is nothing wrong with gluttony, especially on New Year's Eve, most Aquarians believe. Therefore, where Aquarius celebrate the New Year, there are no problems with salads on the morning of January 1. Sometimes Aquarius gets bored on New Year's Eve, Aquarius, don't forget - not all goodbyes are sad, for example: "Goodbye, old year! The best option for meeting the New Year with Aquarius is a restaurant or a club with a good show program, this can cheer up Aquarius to such an extent that they can leave Libra, Sagittarius and Gemini far behind in a storm of fun.

Pisces - make a wish!

For those who are going to celebrate the New Year with Pisces, we advise you to prepare a couple of wishes. And not for Santa Claus, but for Pisces. The main thing is that in order for them to come true, it is not necessary to cast a “net” - a few compliments are enough, and Pisces will influence the fact that they are heard on New Year's Eve. Where to celebrate the New Year, Pisces absolutely does not care, they will be “magic for the New Year”, wonderful and festive everywhere. In addition, on New Year's Eve next to Pisces it will be extremely fun, because Pisces knows for sure that when a person smiles, he uses less muscles than when he frowns. And don't be discouraged that all you want is a little more than you can ever get. Maybe just this “everything” is not necessary for Pisces on New Year's Eve.

And for all the signs of the zodiac, I would like to remind you: everyone celebrates the New Year in different ways, and almost everyone plans to start after it new life, but almost no one's life changes. And everything from the fact that people are not planning something - you need to plan how to celebrate the New Year - it is just changing, like our life, and, God forbid, for everyone for the better!
Happy New Year!

The Yellow Earth Dog runs away beyond the horizon, the New Year of the Pig of the same suit is coming. Or Boar, if you prefer. The gender of the totem animal does not affect the choice of festive attire at all. And you can't use last year's. There is a great chance to disappoint the new owner, fall out of favor, lose good luck for as much as 12 months. It would seem that a dog and a pig, both domestic, four-legged and the same color. But that's where the similarities end, they're completely different characters. It is easy to decide what to celebrate the New Year 2019 in if you think through the whole image in advance in detail - color, style, makeup, accessories, hairstyle. detailed instructions with a photo will help to understand the details. And a bonus - recommendations for each zodiac sign.

In this article:

The pig sets the tone

Someone will meet the coming year of the Pig, and someone will be the year of the Boar. Feminine and masculine do not conflict here. Both animals are inquisitive, appreciate the family, sometimes they like to indulge in gluttony, tastefully relax and have fun. They are frugal in small things, and they know how to make big expenses wisely. It looks like a sane and happy person - it is.

Another one important feature. AT Chinese horoscope The pig has a special role to play. It completes a full 12-year cycle. This event should be celebrated in a big way. Set a rich table, decorate the house, buy gifts and enter the year 2019 exclusively in a new outfit.

The extravagant Yellow Pig, despite its roundness and seeming earthiness, knows a lot about fashion and is endowed with excellent taste. She won't be impressed by a modest outfit, and the colors of 2019 are not as limited as they seem at first glance. What to wear and how to meet are paramount questions that should not be left to chance. Otherwise, instead of luck, a financial hole awaits.

Motley Boar or what color to celebrate the New Year

There is an opinion that every new totem is delighted with the outfit in his color scheme, defined in ancient China. What's in the future - New Year 2019 in yellow and brown?

Do not rush to conclusions and do not listen to homegrown advisers. Times are changing, patron animals are increasingly guided by fashion trends and allow themselves liberties. Do not believe me - ask the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom. They know and know how to celebrate their Eastern New Year.

But it is not necessary to break stereotypes sharply. Pay tribute to tradition if these colors suit you:

  • yellow, golden;
  • ecru, beige, coffee with milk;
  • orange, terracotta;
  • brown, chocolate.

By adding warm or cold tones to the yellow-brown palette, you can get a lot of interesting shades. Not happy and not suitable - use the colors of grass, water, summer meadow, dawn or sunset sky, anthracite night, early twilight. All this is on earth, which means it does not contradict the terms of the Chinese treaty.

There is also an original point of view. Perhaps the Earth Pig is considered yellow because it rolled in the dust? If you wash it properly, you get a completely different picture. Apparently, the designers were guided by this, including pink, black, and white in the list of current colors of 2019. Achromatic tones are used both independently and in combination.

Style from a picky guest

The pig is not in vain the most popular prototype for the piggy bank. Women can shine in new year's eve and attract financial luck by choosing a stylish and comfortable look:

  • outfit with a fluffy skirt;
  • elegant;
  • white blouse with complex decor;
  • spectacular jumpsuit;
  • loose pants in light colors;
  • bright leggings or tights.

Make a childhood dream come true by wearing a dress with a full hem, like a princess. The style is not impressive or does not fit - voluminous sleeves-lanterns, with flounces and ruffles will be a full-fledged replacement.

If you choose a little black dress, let it be embroidered with gold. Overalls are preferred in the evening. Combine complex blouses with a laconic cut of trousers and skirts. Colored tights require a simple top.

What should men do? Consider that the Yellow Pig came to them - a dandy, fashionista, a strong personality who knows his own worth, and celebrate the New Year according to his rules. Financial and other well-being will provide an elegant suit in beige and brown tones and shoes made of soft leather.

Home option - loose trousers, shirt, jumper. Any spectacular detail will complement the image - a tie with an original clip, cufflinks, a buckle on a belt, a ring, a bracelet, a chain. It is undesirable to use accessories made of rough leather.

Important little things for a whole image

We figured it out, it remains to think over the details - accessories, makeup, hairstyle. The image should be complete and harmonious. And do not forget to set aside a couple of hours to rest, the Pig loves contented and relaxed.

Doubt that a frisky boar will appreciate the outfit - shoes will save the situation. Shoes or sandals beige colour they will confirm that you are of the same blood with him, and at the same time they will lengthen and show off your legs in a favorable light. In general, it is advisable to celebrate New Year's happiness in comfortable shoes made of soft leather or suede.

Fold your phone, lipstick, mirror and other feminine little things into a classic clutch. This accessory should be simple in form and effective in color solution. In jewelry, it is better to prefer gold, complex decor, large size. Suitable jewelry made from natural materials - wood, bone, ceramics.

AT New Year 2019 declare a categorical no to complex hairstyles, obvious asymmetry, varnish and styling. Maximum naturalness and freedom:

  • loose ponytails;
  • various weaves and bundles;
  • careless styling with light texturing;
  • soft curls and vintage smoothness.

Hair accessories are welcome - hairpins, headbands, combs, tiaras, ribbons.

Makeup pick up waterproof, so as not to "float" during the evening. Shadows to match the color of the eyes, blush and powder to match the skin tone, it is desirable to highlight the lips with bright lipstick or shimmering gloss. Relevant smoky eyes makeup and vintage a la 70s with thin expressive arrows.

New Year's outfits according to the signs of the zodiac

In addition, enlisting the support of stars is not a bad idea. Suddenly, the Yellow Pig will be out of sorts and consider your outfit not original enough or appropriate for the earth theme. A brief briefing to all the signs of the zodiac, in what to meet the year of the Earth Pig, will serve as a saving straw if something does not go according to plan.


It is recommended to slightly muffle, but not to suppress the fiery energy. On New Year's Eve, give up the red color, preferring bright yellow or golden. The best choice fabrics - natural silk, flowing and weightless.


An earth sign will intuitively understand how to meet an earthly guest. As an option - a dress or jumpsuit with a laconic cut in the color of amber or ripe truffle. Massive gold jewelry in large quantities will save you from excessive simplicity and rigor.


Your symbol in the year of the Boar is a couple. Symmetrical jewelry, decor on clothes, repeating ornaments and prints, an even number of rings or beads in a thread. A good option is paired bracelets or hair clips, large earrings with pendants.


Modest Cancer should shine. On New Year's Eve, an unusual event awaits you - a romantic meeting or the fulfillment of a wish. Attract good luck with rhinestones, feathers in your hair, an unusual hat, golden shoes. The dress should be simple and elegant.

a lion

The motto of Leo 2019 is to command and rule. It is not necessary to show a dictatorial character, it is enough to bring a regal note to the New Year's image. The best choice for this is a tiara in a high hairstyle or loose, slightly disheveled hair.


Feminine by nature, the Virgin on New Year's Eve will be charming in delicate shades ecru or light beige. Choose from lightweight fabrics, flowing silhouettes, soft cut lines that create a constant illusion of movement.


Play on duality and contrast - fur and chiffon, velvet and silk, white and black. As an option, open shoulders and a fur boa or boa made of exotic feathers against the background of a smooth straight dress in a restrained shade.


Get ready to show the Boar legs, or rather, extravagant shoes. These can be elegant pumps, but on a stiletto heel of incredible height. Suitable low original heel, unusual color, bright buckle, fur trim.


The highlight of Sagittarius is the hairstyle. On long hair, you can make an unusual weave, spice up short hair with plenty of sparkles, decorate medium hair with hairpins, headbands, ribbons. The most chic is a miniature hat with an exquisite veil.


Vintage jewelry, voluminous necklaces, large earrings, rings, bracelets will make your New Year's look. A catchy make-up can become a replacement for spectacular accessories. Not war paint, but a bright accent on the eyes, lips, nails.


The lightness of being Aquarius is emphasized by transparent gems. Diamonds, cubic zirkonia, rock crystal in jewelry, Swarovski crystals or rhinestones on clothes, handbags, shoes. As a last resort, appease the Boar by decorating the hem or belt of the dress with New Year's tinsel.


Silver and gold - the union of two noble metals will balance the complex energy of Pisces. These can be combined jewelry, silver nail polish and a golden clutch, shiny lurex on the matte fabric of the dress.

How to celebrate the New Year 2019 will tell your own mood. And to do this according to the rules of the Yellow Pig or the Earth Pig is not difficult. A friendly couple recommends having fun, loving yourself, appreciating loved ones, not worrying about what will most likely never happen. Happy New Year and may all your wishes come true!

It is best for Aries to meet the year of the Yellow Earth Dog in wide or long things. However, this does not mean that you need to wear baggy and nondescript dresses. On the contrary, elegance is welcomed. Despite the length, the dress can have impressive slits and neckline. To fix the image is worth beautiful accessories. Dress with taste, but do not cross the line of extravagance.


Taurus should choose clothes of cool shades. Ideal colors: blue, green and turquoise. In essence, not only the color of the sea wave is suitable, but the wavy styles themselves will come in handy. An elegant, graceful outfit that emphasizes the figure will be just as appropriate on New Year's Eve and will favorably affect your relationship with the hostess of the coming year.



Gemini should remember that they belong to the element of Air. On New Year's Eve, developing, light, airy clothes will be appropriate. You can choose bold outfits that will please you. Blue-green shades in clothes are preferred. It is better to let your hair down to emphasize your airy nature even more.


Cancers hostess of the coming year will be happy regardless of the style of their clothes. Both short and long dresses of any colors will do. The main requirement is that they should not be too modest. Try to complete the look with accessories. Here, too, it is better to forget about discreet options. Rhinestones, decorative inserts, openwork - all this and much more can and should be used to celebrate the Year of the Dog the best way. Do not forget that Cancer is under the auspices of the Moon. So clothes that will resemble the night sky in colors will come in handy.

a lion

The lions will not have to invent something and change the usual festive style for some new solutions acceptable for the hostess of the year. She will be glad to meet the king of beasts in his usual luxury. Dress tastefully, catchy, richly. Jewelry should be used in abundance. The patroness of 2018 will imbue you with respect.


In relation to Virgo, the Dog is not demanding. She will be glad to meet you both in strict clothes and in defiant outfits. The main thing is that the thing looks good on you. You can use accessories yellow color- to match the mistress of the coming year. The dog will appreciate this choice and will gladly patronize you.


Libra should approach his along with fantasy. Dresses made individually for you or decorated with some kind of inserts are perfect for celebrating the New Year. The Yellow Earth Dog welcomes exclusive items, and if you decide to meet him in such an outfit, he will be fascinated. Perhaps the only requirement that should be met is the blue-green shade of clothing.


Scorpios are the only sign of the zodiac that the Dog is ready to let come to the holiday in a pantsuit. But do not overdo it, jeans are already too much. However, the mistress of the year knows perfectly well that Scorpios will prefer to dress brighter and more attractively than everyone else in the evening, and therefore has nothing against seeing you in extravagant dresses with deep cutouts. Materials should be expensive, it is better to choose eye-catching and heavy jewelry. For contrast, you should use light airy accessories, for example, a transparent shawl. Dark colors are desirable in clothes.


To appearance Sagittarius Yellow Earth Dog is not demanding at all. She welcomes modest but well-fitting clothes, without frills, with a minimum of jewelry. The preferred color is blue. It is very good if lightness and airiness are emphasized in your clothes.


Capricorns should meet the New Year's Eve, having in their clothes a contrast between rigor and flashiness. It will be best if you, for example, choose a bright dress and a minimum of jewelry. Or, on the contrary, use extravagant accessories, but dress at the same time not flashy at all.


Aquarians should wear things that resemble water in color and style or create an association with lightness and air. However, Aquarians would not be themselves if extravagance was not present in their image. Even a dog, for all its mischievous nature, cannot forbid you to be the center of attention. Dress in such a way that it is you, and not the New Year tree, that become the main decoration of the holiday.


Pisces have complete freedom as to what to wear for the 2018 reunion. Yellow Earth Dog will be glad to see you in any clothes. Still, there are a number of general recommendations that are worth listening to. Clothing should be plain, the desired colors are green or blue. Everything else is up to your taste and choice.

: yellow, black and brown. As well as their shades - sand, olive, golden, coffee, ocher, khaki. White, cream or milky are neutral colors for the Dog.

The dog is positive and playful by nature. In the first place, the symbol of the coming year is sincerity and goodwill. Therefore, you should not spend a lot of money on a New Year's outfit. The main thing is that the clothes are chosen with taste.

This animal appreciates beautiful and unusual things.

How to celebrate the New Year 2018 Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces

These signs refer to representatives of the water element. In 2018, the Yellow Earth Dog should pay attention to sand and lilac shades - it is believed that these colors can attract wealth, help in matters of health and arrange personal life.

You don't have to choose solid colors; a dress or suit can be made in several contrasting shades. Prints and drawings look original and unusual - the hostess of the holiday welcomes such decisions. One of the most successful for representatives of the water element will be drawings on oriental or geometric themes.

Beautiful ladies will look great in dresses made of weightless fabrics - silk, organza, chiffon, lace. For men, everything is much simpler: a win-win option is an unforgettable classic: trousers, a stylish jacket and shirt. At least one item of clothing must be yellow or sand: a tie, a scarf around the neck or a trouser belt.

As for accessories, it is better to give preference to classic jewelry made of gold or amber. Yellow shades will come in handy and will surely arouse the sympathy of the Dog - the symbol of the next year. Astrologers are ready to give advice to each sign separately in order to place accents, emphasize the individuality and exclusivity of each image:

Crayfish can bring a carnival mask to the party, decorated with flowers, sparkles and rhinestones. The horoscope promises the representatives of this sign an amazing romantic story, and a mask, if necessary, will help hide sudden emotions;

For the meeting of 2018, Scorpio women are advised to wear stilettos, and the more original and unusual the shoe model, the better;

Pisces can wear a dress or blouse with a delightful tropical print. The abundance of flowers will become the personification of fun, joy and mutual love.

How to celebrate the New Year 2018 Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn

Representatives of the earth element were more fortunate than others: this element is the closest and dearest for the wise Dog.

Designers offer skirts, dresses and shirts in beige, brown, golden colors. The palette also captures other shades close to the earthly beginning - graphite, gray, terracotta. These tones are especially effectively embodied in smooth, sliding fabrics - knitwear, silk, satin. Decoration elements should not be overlooked either: motifs of flowers, greenery, forbs and the sky are very welcome - they evoke associations with outdoor walks.

When discussing styles for women, fashion designers highlight sheath dresses or A-line outfits. Such options are moderately restrained, but can look incredibly advantageous if they are decorated with stylish jewelry.

Virgos, accustomed to dressing brightly, for the New Year 2018 are simply obliged to emphasize their femininity and romance. It is better to celebrate the holiday in delicate, flowing dresses in the floor of sand shades;

ladies of the Taurus sign need to pay special attention to accessories. The best option there will be massive, voluminous gold earrings - they personify wealth and success in all financial endeavors;

The main accent in the image of Capricorns should be an original handbag or clutch, this attribute will play the role of a luxurious cherry on the cake and attract the attention of others to its owner.

How to celebrate the New Year 2018 Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

"Dress brightly" is a constant motto for representatives of fiery signs. When meeting the New Year, it is better for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius to move away from established rules and give preference to more restrained burgundy and pink tones. It is better to do without dresses with hard corsets, deep necklines, trains. If the outfit with open shoulders already bought, you can add it with a light tippet or a weightless scarf - this way the harmony of the image will be preserved and a kind of tribute to the rules established by the Yellow Earth Dog will be paid:

For romantic Aries, the best option would be long dress deep coral. A blouse or suit made of noble natural silk is also suitable. As a decoration, you can buy long earrings, a ring with a large stone or an original hair clip;

Leo women, as in any other setting, should feel like real queens. A luxurious diadem or crown will come to the rescue; the accessory will not only emphasize the beauty of the hairstyle, but also make the image more regal;

For Sagittarius, a spectacular hat will be the perfect finishing touch. Models with a veil look very original - perfect solution for those who want to surround themselves with an atmosphere of mystery and mystery.

How to celebrate the New Year 2018 Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

For fickle Aquarius, cheerful Gemini and optimistic Libra, green and blue shades are best suited. The same applies to prints - all variants of tropical, floral ornaments will be more than appropriate. After all, the dog loves to walk!

Paired bracelets made of gold or other yellow metal will help emphasize the individuality of Gemini. The accessory will become a symbol of openness and will demonstrate to the Universe that Gemini is ready for new meetings and acquaintances.

Lace gloves - that's what must be on the charming hands of Aquarius. They can be worn with almost anything; even a simple dress will look truly aristocratic if you complement it with such an exquisite detail.

When choosing holiday decorations, Libra is advised to pay attention to beautiful dresses and blouses with shiny sequins and lurex. The main thing is that there should not be too much sparkle - you do not need to outshine the New Year tree with an outfit. Dazzling elements will definitely attract the attention of the Earth Dog and help to achieve its location.