Aragonite stone properties. Aragonite - guardians of family ties and a miraculous healer

Origin of name: Named after the place of discovery - the province of Aragon in Spain.

Varieties of the mineral:

Aragonite coral-like or iron flower (flos-feri) with white branches resembling coral. Aragonite pisolithic in the form of spherical constrictions. pea stone, caviar stone, sprudelstein - cemented aragonite oolites. Conhit - the main component (along with chitin) of pearls and the mother-of-pearl layer of mollusk shells. Nicholsonite - zinc variety of aragonite, has a red-brown or purple color. Tarnovicite A lead-containing variety of aragonite.

Sample photos


Syngony: Rhombic

Composition (formula): CaCO 3 , typical impurities are Sr, Mg, Fe, Zn, Pb.


White, colorless, grey, yellowish, reddish

Dash color (powder color): White

Transparency: Transparent, Translucent

Cleavage: Imperfect

Fracture: Conchoidal

Gloss: Bold, Glassy

Hardness: 3.5-4

Specific gravity, g / cm 3: 2,9-3,0

Special properties:

If aragonite is heated in dry air, then at a temperature of 400 ° C it will begin to transform into calcite. Thermoluminescent.

Selection form

Aragonite crystals are acicular, prismatic, spear-shaped. Often, aragonite forms crystalline intergrowths, radially radiant, columnar and stellate aggregates, accumulations of oolites, and spherulites. Aragonite is typical for karst caves, occurs there in the form of crystalline crusts, forms helictites, crystallictites and corallites. Mother-of-pearl and pearls are made of thin layers of aragonite.

Main diagnostic features

Aragonite "boils" in dilute cold acids. Unlike calcite, it does not have perfect cleavage along the rhombohedron. Separate samples of aragonite luminesce in ultraviolet rays.


Low-temperature hydrothermal, sedimentary, supergene, biogenic

Deposits / manifestations

Aragonite deposits are known in Germany(Harz), Austria(Carinthia), Czech Republic(Karlovy Vary), Italy, Spain, France and many other places


A pearl composed of aragonite is a first class gemstone. In addition, aragonite is a spectacular collection material.

Aragonite is a mineral of the carbonate class. The chemical formula is CaCO3 (calcium carbonate). It is similar in composition to calcite, however, due to the difference in crystal lattices, their properties differ. Included in the basis of pearls, the mother-of-pearl layer of mollusk shells (sometimes the shell consists entirely of this mineral). For this, the mineral was called the "mother of pearls."

History of origin and deposits

There is a legend about a girl who fell in love with a beautiful young man, but her parents decided to marry her off to someone else. Separated from her beloved, the girl burst into tears, which turned into precious stones. This stone was named after her. hometown, Molina de Aragon - aragonite.

Only the origin of the name of the stone is true in this legend, since it was indeed first found near the city of Molina de Aragon.

The formation of aragonite is due to a significant decrease in sea level in the territory of modern Spain about 230 million years ago. As a result of this, there was a large-scale deposition of salts and gypsum, which subsequently led to the formation of extensive deposits of a valuable mineral. The very name "aragonite" appeared in 1796 thanks to the German geologist A.G. Werner.

In addition to Italy, in which, over two hundred years of mining, the deposits are still rich, deposits of this mineral are found in some countries of Europe and North America.

But in the thermal springs of Karlovy Vary, aragonite can crystallize on any surface. For example, paper flowers are popular with tourists, on the petals of which aragonite crystals flaunt.

In Russia, there are deposits in the Urals (Baikalskoye) and Taimyr (Kayerkanskoye), mining is carried out in karst caves.

physical characteristics

Aragonite is an unstable form of calcium carbonate and over time, under the influence high temperatures or natural solvents, it transforms into the more stable calcite.

Most often you can find white aragonite, which is characterized by intensity, the exception is not a completely colorless stone. Sometimes, due to impurities, it can also have a different color: yellow, pink, purple, occasionally you can see green aragonite.

Aragonite crystals shine like glass and are translucent until completely transparent.

Cleavage, or the ability to break along certain axes, is imperfect. This means that when broken, the chip has a bizarre and uneven shape. In some deposits, blue aragonite is mined, or the stone may have a white color with a pink tint.

The hardness of the mineral on the Mohs scale is 3.5-4, which means that it is easily scratched by glass or a knife.

The shape of the stone is determined by the temperature during crystallization. Most often it occurs in the form of radial-radiant aggregates, as well as oolitic mass - the so-called caviar stone or sprudelstein. But single crystals are extremely rare.

The healing properties of the stone

Lithotherapists (specialists who heal with stones) use aragonite to treat various skin conditions such as acne, pimples, skin allergic reactions. For this, baths with water saturated with particles of this stone are prescribed. Also, such baths will help if the cause of the skin disease is unknown.

However, it is not for nothing that aragonite is called the stone of love. Its more significant use is the treatment of diseases of the genital organs. It helps men improve potency and restore sexual desire. Helps women suffering from frigidity.

It is also effective for prostatitis, uterine tumors. For these purposes, the stone should be close to the body; rings and pendants are well suited.

Aragonite helps the elderly very well, its proximity will improve performance genitourinary system, will help with problems with pressure, activity of the cardiovascular system.

Some researchers believe that the healing power of the waters of Karlovy Vary is due to the fact that they pass through several layers of aragonite.

The healing properties of the mineral are due to the fact that it is a source of calcium, which is essential for a person. So, for example, if you add aragonite to water and leave it for a while, you get a solution saturated with calcium.

The magical properties of aragonite

Except medicinal properties, which are easily explained, from the point of view of science, some magical properties are also attributed to the mineral. It is believed that he helps spouses resolve disputes that arise, reduce tension caused by misunderstanding. If a husband and wife want to return passion and past feelings to the relationship, then this stone is the best fit. But you should not hope that the amulet will return the person who decided to leave to the family, he will only improve the relationship of loving spouses.

According to the canons of Feng Shui, an aragonite figurine is placed in a house in a conspicuous place, where the whole family usually gathers. In this case, the likelihood of buying a home will increase, the chances of starting your own business will increase.

If the spouses have problems in intimate life or a child is conceived, it is recommended to install a figurine in the bedroom.

Aragonite helps a person to concentrate on the task at hand, enhances self-discipline. At the same time, memory improves, and if you wear it constantly, then a bright mind will remain until old age.

The meaning of Aragonite in the signs of the zodiac

The mineral has no special significance in the horoscope. Astrologers do not attribute given stone any zodiac sign or planet. The amulet is suitable for everyone, the main thing is that the wearer should not be alone. AT family life, regardless of the zodiac sign of the spouses, you can safely use it.

Aragonite is contraindicated for lonely people. Wearing jewelry with this stone, they will feel unhappy that they will not be able to reveal its positive properties.

stone products

Aragonite belongs to precious stones and is valued by jewelers. Complex intergrowths of crystals, the shape of which resembles buds, are especially valued. From such specimens, beautiful rings, earrings, pendants are obtained in which they are used without processing.

Mineral white color they are often turned into pearls that are indistinguishable from real ones. They are great for making beads. For men, rings are made of silver or platinum with darker specimens of the mineral.

In addition to jewelry, various decorative items are made from stone.

Collectors seek to acquire a stone in its natural form. For example, the so-called iron flowers (fancy coral aggregates consisting of intertwining white crystals).

Storage and care

When heated, aragonite turns into calcite, so for prolonged use of jewelry or decorative elements from this stone, you should not leave it on the fireplace or near heating appliances. Diluted hydrochloric acid will also have an irreversible effect - the stone will boil.

In addition, due to its low hardness, it is necessary to protect the product from mechanical stress, otherwise scratches on the surface cannot be dispensed with.


Chemical composition aragonite stone has the same as calcite. Their differences are in the form of crystal lattices, which explains the difference in the properties of minerals from each other.

Description of aragonite

The mineral was named after the area of ​​Aragon in Spain, where its deposit was first discovered. Aragonite is a natural polymorphic modification of calcium carbonate (CaCO 3). According to the chemical composition, 65% falls on CaO, 44% CO 2 .

The stone contains impurities of iron, strontium, magnesium. Soluble in HCL acid, the chemical reaction is accompanied by a characteristic hiss.


Due to its instability, after several tens of millions of years, aragonite transforms into calcite, having increased in volume. On an industrial scale, this period is reduced when the surface of the stone is heated to a temperature of 400°C.

The mineral does not have a specific type - its crystals come in various shapes:

From the foregoing, we can conclude that there are no aragonites with a smooth surface - most often it occurs in the form of thickets of shrubs with white and yellowish stems.

The Spanish Aragon mine is not the only place. But due to the fact that the mineral is rare and is formed mostly in water, its deposits are not so large:

Education and types

Aragonite is formed in several ways:

Application in jewelry

In jewelry, aragonite is found in the form of pearls, which do not have the form of a crystal. In addition to sea pearls, you can find white aragonite, which is no different from it, turned in the shape of pearls. But the resulting stone on the surface of the earth does not differ in the breadth of the color palette.

The form of a crystal in the form of a bud, inflorescences is used by jewelers without processing. This is a rare crystal and its value is very high. The color of aragonite varies. Less common are green tones that shimmer in blue. These stones have a dark mother-of-pearl surface and are used to make jewelry.

Nature gives interesting forms to aragonite - these are both flowers and thickets of shrubs. Only such crystals cannot be processed, due to their fragility. The density of the material is very low. Its fracture, though conchoidal, is very fragile. Crystals found in nature with an interesting shape can serve as an interior decoration without jewelry polishing.

For jewelry, brown, black, purple, reddish transparent aragonite stones are used. Lead and other mineral dyes give them their color.

Rings, earrings, diadems, beads are made from aragonite. Bracelets. Any metals are suitable for framing a semi-precious stone. In jewelry, platinum and gold are used to frame the stone. It is impossible to forge this stone, or create another stone with it. When heated, it simply crumbles into aragonite powder.

Magical and healing properties

magical properties crystal resonate with its healing characteristics. According to magicians and doctors, it helps to restore the former understanding in the family, relieves women of frigidity, and helps husbands restore male strength.

This stone helped magicians in the practice of spiritualism and communication with the other world. Nowadays, it is believed that it helps to build relationships with children, parents and other relatives.

The healing springs in Karlovy Vary derive their healing power from calcite, a stabilized phase of aragonite. This is the version of scientists. The springs, in fact, overcome rocks that contain aragonites in large quantities.

As healing property it is also possible to “charge” water filtered through aragonite chips. Baths with particles of this mineral in water contribute to the healing of skin diseases of a different nature.

The mineral aragonite is a family stone. As an amulet, it helps only people who are married. For lonely people, he does not carry any useful properties and remains neutral towards its owner.

Aragonite- is one of the natural polymorphic modifications of calcium carbonate (rhombic polymorphic modification of calcite). Trimorphene with calcite and vaterite, but less common. Chemical composition - content (in%): CaO -56; CO 2 - 44; impurities of strontium, magnesium, and iron are noted.
Prismatic crystals, from short to long prismatic, acicular-pyramidal and lamellar intergrowths-bundles of acicular crystals; spear-shaped, needle-shaped. Often forms crystalline intergrowths, columnar and parallel fibrous, sheaf-like, radially radiant and stellate aggregates, spherulites, accumulations of oolites. It is common in karst caves, where it occurs in the form of crystalline crusts, forms helictites, crystallictites and corallites (the so-called "iron flowers" - aggregates of branching white or yellowish stems found in karst caves). Forms polysynthetic twins and tees. Mother-of-pearl and pearls are made of thin layers of aragonite.

The origin is low-temperature hydrothermal (in association with serpentine, opal, chalcedony, other carbonates), sedimentary, supergene (in association with gypsum, dolomite, clay minerals), biogenic. It often forms in voids in basalts, in deposits of hot carbonic sources, is deposited from low-temperature solutions during weathering, also in amygdules and along cracks in basaltic lavas and tuffs. It is typical for hydrocarbonate thermal springs and geysers with water temperatures up to 100°C, where it forms scales (calcareous tuffs), stalactites and oolitic pea stones. Inorganic sediments of CaCO 3 composition in shallow areas of the modern ocean in arid zones consist almost entirely of aragonite, represented by radially radiant concentric-zonal oolites formed in the wave-cut zone with constant water movement. In diagenetic calcareous sediments, marbles and carbonate metamorphic rocks, aragonite is an important constituent. The valves of sea mollusk shells are partly built from aragonite, the thinnest layers of aragonite are the basis of mother-of-pearl and pearls.
Behavior in acids dissolves in HCl with effervescence.

Mineral properties

  • Origin of name: At the place of discovery in the province of Aragon, Spain.
  • Opening place: Gallo river, Molina de Aragon, Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain
  • Opening year: 1797
  • Thermal properties: Begins to convert to calcite around 400°C when heated in dry air.
  • Luminescence: thermoluminescent; pale pink, yellow, white or bluish, with greenish or white phosphorescence (LW UV); yellowish (SW UV).
  • IM status: valid, first described before 1959 (before IMA)
  • Typical impurities: Sr,Pb,Zn
  • Strunz (8th edition): 5/B.04-10
  • Hey's CIM Ref.: 11.4.2
  • Dana (7th edition):
  • Molecular weight: 100.09
  • Cell options: a = 4.95Å, b = 7.96Å, c = 5.74Å
  • Attitude: a:b:c = 0.622: 1: 0.721
  • Number of formula units (Z): 4
  • Unit cell volume: V 226.17 ų
  • Twinning: Crystals are usually twinned cyclically along (110) with the formation of pseudo-hexagonal forms of intergrowth and germination of subindividuals. Polysynthetic twinning is also not uncommon, with the formation of lamellar multilevel packs in parallel
  • Dot group: mmm (2/m 2/m 2/m) - Rhombo-dipyramidal
  • Density (calculated): 2.944
  • Density (measured): 2.947
  • Optical axis dispersion: weak
  • Refractive indices: nα = 1.529 - 1.530 nβ = 1.680 - 1.682 nγ = 1.685 - 1.686
  • Maximum birefringence:δ = 0.156
  • Type of: biaxial (-)
  • angle 2v: measured: 18° to 19°, calculated: 16° ​​to 18°
  • Optical Relief: high
  • Selection form: prismatic, acicular-pyramidal, spear-shaped crystals, lamellar intergrowths-bundles of acicular crystals; crystalline intergrowths, radial-radiant and stellate aggregates, spherulites, accumulations of oolites.
  • Classes according to the systematics of the USSR: Carbonates
  • IMA classes: Carbonates
  • Chemical formula: CaCO 3
  • Syngony: rhombic
  • Color: white, gray, pale yellow, green, blue, purple, black.
  • Dash color: white, light grey.
  • Shine: glass resin
  • Transparency: transparent translucent translucent
  • Cleavage: average over (010)
  • Break: conchoidal
  • Hardness: 3,5 4
  • Fragility: Yes
  • Literature: Alexander (1940) American Journal of Science: 238: 366. Haberlandt (1940) Chemie der Erde, Jena: 13: 212. Kleber (1940) Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und paleontologie, Beil.-Bd., Heidelberg, Stuttgart: 75: 465. Alexander (1941) Gemmologist: 10: 93. Alexander (1941) Science: 93: 110. Yugovics (1941) Földtani Közlöny, Budapest (Magyarhone Földtani Torsulat): 71: 23. Andrew and Schaller (1942) American Mineralogist : 27: 135. Melmore (1942) Nature: 150: 382. Bray (1945) Journal of the Royal Society of new South Wales: 78: 113. Hugi (1945) Schweizerische mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen, Frauenfeld: 25: 114. Zavaritzky (1948) Doklady of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Earth Science Sections: 63: 725. Faust (1950) American Mineralogist: 35: 207. Palache, C., Berman, H., & Frondel, C. (1951) , The System of Mineralogy of James Dwight Dana and Edward Salisbury Dana, Yale University 1837-1892, Volume II: Halides, Nitrates, Borates, Carbonates, Sulfates, Phosphat es, Arsenates, Tungstates, Molybdates, Etc. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 7th edition, revised and enlarged: 182-193. American Mineralogist (1971): 56: 758-772. Gaines, Richard V., H. Catherine, W. Skinner, Eugene E. Foord, Brian Mason, Abraham Rosenzweig (1997), Dana's New Mineralogy: The System of Mineralogy of James Dwight Dana and Edward Salisbury Dana, 8th. edition : 442. Reviews in Mineralogy, Mineralogical Society of America: 11. Jiménez, R., Calvo, M., Martínez, M.A. and Gorgues, R. (2005. Yacimientos de aragonito del triásico español. Bocamina,(16), 28- 93

Photo of the mineral

Natural precious pearls are made of this mineral. The coloristic and volumetric variety is amazing, the price is pleasantly surprising. Aragonite stone is loved by collectors, jewelry aficionados and magicians.

What is a mineral

The mineral aragonite is a modification of calcium carbonate. Its chemical formula is similar to calcite, and impurities determine the exact composition. For example, iron dominance creates a yellow mineral. Zinc provides a red-brown-violet palette.

The mother-of-pearl layer of shell valves is made of aragonite. It builds up in layers, forming a pearl inside the mollusk.

The origin of the mineral is recognized by the outlines: rounded or other smooth samples are the product of the sea. Sharp crystals, hexahedral prisms, "twigs", "flowers" are formed in caves, like streaks of carbonate dissolved in water. They are also known as stalactites.

Aragonite crystals

The fragility of the mineral was noted even by the first stone-cutters. Trying to improve aesthetic conditions, aragonite was heated. But instead of improving, they received calcite powder: an increase in volume destroyed the crystalline structure.

ColorColorless, white, grey, yellowish, reddish
Dash colorWhite
TransparencyTransparent, translucent
CleavageImperfect by (010)
kinkconchoidal; fragile
Density2.93 g/cm³
SyngonyRhombic (planaxial)

History of aragonite

The origin of the mineral is usually and romantic at the same time.

The science

Aragonite is formed in cool karst caves, other voids, at the bottom of rivers or oceans.

Another place is geysers and other sources, the water of which is saturated with carbonate compounds. The most striking examples are the waters of Baden-Baden and Karlovy Vary. The calcite film on their surface makes it possible to turn any object immersed in water for several minutes into a “mother-of-pearl” jewel.


The popular name of aragonite is a stone of tears. According to legend, the tears of a girl who was separated from her lover became pebbles. The drama took place in the Spanish city of Molina (Province of Aragon).

According to the name of the area where deposits were discovered at the end of the 18th century, the stone was also christened - it became aragonite. In fact, it was not Aragon, but neighboring Castile, but the name was not changed.

Aragonites are not older than 10 million years: the crystal lattice is reborn, turning the mineral into ordinary calcite.

Place of Birth

Aragonite is found wherever there are karst caves:

  • The best material is mined in Spain, Sicily, Morocco.
  • The USA, Japan, Asian countries (Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan) have mineral reserves. Russian deposits are concentrated in Taimyr and Southern Urals. It's more of a collectible.
  • Instances from different places have their own colors. For example, Mexico supplies colorless and white, China supplies blue zeyringites (one of the most aesthetic and expensive varieties).

However, the main deposits of the mineral are accumulated on the ocean floor.

Varieties of aragonite

Aragonite is classified according to the place of formation, shape, color. The main types of stone:

  • Heliclitus."Coral" twigs and similar branched formations. There are specimens from milky white to black.
  • Iglit. Blue-green prism crystals.
  • Pisolite. It is formed in caves as a result of precipitation of calcium from aqueous solutions. Recognized by its spherical shape. It is appreciated by jewelers as an insert of rings, earrings, beads, bracelets. Other names are marble onyx, cave pearls, caviar stone.

Aragonite "roses" are the official symbol of the Czech spa town of Karlovy Vary.

Knowledgeable people appreciate aragonite "flowers", pisolite peas, and other bizarre mineral formations.

Compatibility with other minerals

Formally belonging to the elements of Earth and Water, aragonite is "friends" with almost all gems.

Its combination in talismans, amulets with minerals of the same elements is considered ideal. Especially good compatibility with coral, carnelian, turquoise. Favorable neighborhood with elite alexandrite, emerald, sapphires.

Where is the mineral used?

The characteristic of the mineral as fragile, problematic in processing did not become an obstacle to its use. Coloristically rich aragonite is in demand by jewelers, stone cutters, and collectors.

Everyone has a reason to love the mineral aragonite:

  • Jewelers make an assortment of jewelry, including bracelets and ring inserts. The frame is chosen noble: silver, gold, platinum. Blue aragonite is often indistinguishable from turquoise, and well-polished peas replicate elite pearls.
  • Stone cutters carve balls, pyramids, and other figures. There are bigger things - caskets, desk writing instruments, photo frames.
  • Every piece makes collectors happy: the uniqueness of color and shape makes it unique.

Pendant with aragonite

At the same time, the price of the mineral is democratic, even from distant corners of the planet.

Rules for wearing and care

Aragonite is delicate: it is afraid of mechanical influences, aggressive household chemicals, direct sunlight, and heat.

Care needs to be taken care of:

  • Dust is wiped off with a dry soft cloth. Serious contamination is easy to clean with soapy water and a napkin (you can pre-soak for a few minutes, rub). Then rinse clean. When cleaning the frames of jewelry, the inserts are protected or made sure that the cleaning agent does not get on them.
  • Jewelry is removed before washing dishes and similar household chores, going to the pool, sauna, or the beach.
  • They put on rings, necklaces, earrings after applying makeup, when cream, varnish, other cosmetic substances have been absorbed or dried.
  • Jewelry is stored in a dark tightly closed box, upholstered on the inside. soft cloth. It is better to highlight a separate box or cell.

Figurines or other aragonite samples should not be placed near radiators, cooker, other heat sources. From the heat, the mineral will crumble or turn into ordinary calcite. His magic is gone.

How to recognize a fake

The price of aragonite is available, but it is counterfeited. Instead of a natural mineral, glass or plastic is offered.

The following methods help to distinguish a mineral from a fake:

  1. Hold in your hands. Glass or plastic will heat up immediately, unlike a natural mineral.
  2. Estimate weight: natural stone always hard.
  3. Take out in the sun or put under ultraviolet. Natural aragonite will glow orange-reddish.

It is better to buy jewelry or figurines from trusted sellers.


According to the jewelry classification, aragonite is a semi-precious (lower segment) or ornamental stone. This circumstance, plus the prevalence, ease of extraction, led to the availability of prices for the mineral (rubles):

  • crystals (7.5x6x5.5 cm) - 2,550-2,800;
  • ball (4.8-6.3 cm) - 1,700 - 3,560;
  • egg (3x4-4x5 cm) - 820-1 240;
  • white tumbling (2-3 cm) - 240-290;
  • intergrowths of crystals (3–4 cm) - 380–650.

The price is also determined by the deposit and the type of mineral. For example, a sample of sky-blue vanadium aragonite from Morocco (size S, that is, 5–7 cm and weighing 14 g) costs Beginning of Form 5,890 rubles.

Average cost of products (rub.):

  • earrings - 600–780;
  • rosary (onyx + aragonite) - 1,970;
  • white bracelet (diameter 14 mm, Mexico) - 1,090;
  • white beads (14 mm, Mexico) - 2,490;
  • silver ring - 860-2360;
  • gold ring with aragonite - 7 900-21 300.

Aragonite Ring

Price jewelry from aragonite depends more on the frame material: the cost of gold and silver accessories with similar inserts varies by an order of magnitude.

Therapeutic effect

Practitioners of lithotherapists have identified the following properties of aragonite:

  1. The mineral has a complex effect on nervous system human: anxiety, aggressiveness, depression disappear.
  2. As a result, immunity and general physical health are strengthened.
  3. Moist aragonite powder lotions help with skin problems that cannot be treated due to an unknown origin.
  4. The mineral treats joints, diseases of the spine. Prevents cramps, spasms.
  5. Aragonite strengthens, makes nails and hair beautiful.
  6. Helps with fevers, heat, internal inflammation.
  7. The mineral is suitable for older people: it facilitates the manifestations of menopause, dementia, nervousness.
  8. The beneficial effect of the mineral on the sexual sphere: men and women become more liberated. Along the way, female frigidity is neutralized, male potency is strengthened.

The miraculous properties of the waters of German Baden-Baden or Czech Karlovy Vary are also the merit of aragonite. They are literally saturated with local healing springs.

But such (or almost such) one can make any clean water: it is enough to filter it through a layer of crushed mineral.

To achieve a healing effect, lotions, drinking charged water or wearing jewelry with aragonite in silver are suitable.

magical properties

The magical properties of aragonite are in demand by practicing sorcerers and other esotericists. They calculated that the mineral perfectly concentrates and grounds energy, balances the energy of the human body.

Therefore, the mineral is used as a channel of communication with the other world, an enhancer of the effect of meditation or prayer.

Earrings with aragonite

The mission of aragonite at the household level is to store, strengthen the hearth and family foundations:

  • Between spouses, representatives of different generations of the family (children-parents) there will always be agreement if one of them wears a pendant, bracelet or other jewelry with aragonite.
  • The mineral amulet is placed in the bedroom if the spouses have sexual problems or they intend to become parents.
  • It will help teenagers and middle-aged people survive age-related cataclysms.
  • Figurines, druses of crystals, other aragonite fragments, placed in a conspicuous place, will attract a financial river to the house.
  • Daily household routine will seem easier with a figurine or a pebble in the kitchen. Even a novice hostess will feel more confident.

Any aragonite talisman is important as a means of preserving the family hearth.

But lonely people from the mineral are only harmed: they will feel flawed, unhappy, unclaimed.

Aragonite and Zodiac

Astrologers say that according to the horoscope, the mineral is suitable for all signs of the zodiac.

Compatibility table of aragonite with zodiac signs (“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - categorically contraindicated).

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

But only if the person is family. Civil marriage or officially registered, does not matter.


Aragonite is useful for almost everyone. It helps to keep the family idyll, eliminates skin problems, before which medicine is powerless.

With it, you can start the formation of a personal mineralogical collection.