Hobbit succulent. Care at home for Crassula - money tree

Tolstyanka got its Russian-language name for dense succulent leaves. I like the tree-like types of fat women for the ease of formation and the possibility of obtaining an original man-made tree. These wonderful plants have a thick, woody trunk, the sections on which quickly overgrow. Crassula formation is best obtained by pruning and stretching.

Fat women are very unpretentious in care. In winter, they almost do not require attention - a cool content is enough (in my conditions it is a window sill, right next to the glass) and watering once a month, when the leaves become slightly lethargic. In summer, without shading, the plants sunbathe on the loggia from the end of March to November, withstanding the differences in night-day temperatures.

In summer, in hot weather, if the fat woman is placed on a sunny windowsill indoors, it should be watered carefully - in the evenings, almost daily. At a temperature of 30–40 ° C, plants fall into stagnation and can easily rot after untimely abundant watering.

The following types of tree fat women have been in my collection.

Crassula ovata (argentea)

Crassula ovata has oval, egg-shaped leaves. Ovata is exactly the fat woman that our grandmothers grew.

Crassula ovata

Crassula ovata obliqua

Crassula ovata obliqua is distinguished by its characteristic pointed leaf tip. A prominent representative of this variety of fat woman is the variegated Crassula ovata obliqua var. Tricolor with pure white chlorophyll-free stripes on the leaves:

Crassula Tricolor grows slower than other species, branching reluctantly. In good light, the underside of the sheet acquires a rich crimson color.

Crassula argentea Lemon & Lime

Crassula Lemon & Lime has a second name - Solana. The fat woman Solana differs from Tricolor not in snow-white, but in yellow variegation. Unfortunately, the variegation of this cultivar is unstable.

Crassula "Sunset" has a pronounced red edging along the yellow edge of the sheet:

The most amazing thing is that my copy, purchased at the store, lost all this beauty after a month on a sunny windowsill and turned into an ordinary green-leaved ovate fat woman. But there is no doubt about the existence of this variety - there are photos of wonderful adult specimens on the Internet.

Crassula blue waves

A tree-like fat woman with curly leaves with a bluish-blue bloom on them is very unusual:

It branches well, grows slowly, forming spherical curtains.

Crassula Coral is also known by the name Crassula Skinny Fingers. Crassula Coral branches well, grows rapidly relative to the rest, has a powerful trunk:

I love Crassula Gollum very much for the leaves in the form of "Shrek's ears" - tubular, with funnel-shaped tips:

It grows very slowly in the sun, and stretches out in the shade. I dream to get in the collection Crassula Hobbit variegata.

Crassula ovata Minor

Other names for Crassula Minor - compacta, Crosby's Compact. The fat woman Minor Compact is distinguished by the small size of the leaves reddening along the edge in the sun - they do not exceed 1.5 cm in length, 1 cm in width:

Crassula Minor

Crassula Hobbit

After a cardinal pruning of an adult specimen of the Hobbit fat woman, I got quite a pretty bonsai:

Crassula Hobbit

Several times I came across the opinion that fat women are a shade-tolerant succulent. I cannot agree with this. Only in the sun they grow as they should, acquiring a wonderful color, short internodes, good unauthorized branching.

Crassula ovata Gollum (Hobbit) is a variety form of a succulent plant from the Tolstyankov family. Crassula (crassula) grow in arid and rocky areas, highlands of the Southern Hemisphere. Succulent plants store water "for the future" in their succulent shoots, thick pulpy leaves.

Crassula Gollum (Hobbit) is a hybrid variety of Crassula, bred by American breeders in the 70s of the twentieth century. It is believed that Crassula ovata and Crassula lactea (milk) became the basis for the new variety form. In general, visually the plants resemble the "classic" oval fat woman. At first, it is a shrub with succulent shoots, then, as it grows, the trunks and branches become woody. It can be cultivated in the form of both a shrub and a tree. In nature, it grows up to 180 cm, but at home it can reach a height of 80 cm.

Differences from - primarily in the leaves. In Crassula gollum (hobbit), they can be in two versions. In the first, the leaves are turned outward and fused from the base to the middle. The second option is characterized by the complete fusion of leaves into tubules, which expand upwards, like funnels. The tips of the leaves are green, often with a reddish tinge. There are also variegated forms with a variety of colors of fleshy juicy leaves.

These very decorative and pretty plants are easy to grow, they are unpretentious and do not need special conditions for successful development. Crassula ovata Gollum (Hobbit) blooms with small pinkish flowers collected in inflorescences. Like other variations of Crassula ovata, "hobbits" are able to live on the windowsill for a long time (two decades or longer), delight the owners and surprise guests.

A photo

Home care

lighting Needs enough bright and long daylight - at least a few hours a day.
temperature 20 to 25 degrees in spring summer time when the growing season is active. In the cold season, it needs wintering at 10-15 degrees Celsius.
location It is optimal to place on sunny windows (south, southwest, southeast). In summer, you can take it out to the balcony, to the courtyard.
watering It is very important not to overfill, watering in spring and summer as the soil dries out, in winter - once a month or a little less, focusing on the condition of the plant (if the leaves dry out and wrinkle, extraordinary watering is needed).
air humidity Doesn't need special conditions humidity, this plant comes from arid hot areas. Spraying, wiping the leaves from dust is welcome.
top dressing Special fertilizer for cacti and succulents a couple of times a month during the active vegetation phase. Best combined with watering.
the soil The soil needs not to be overly nutritious, loose, well-drained. Can be used purchased soil for cacti and succulents, or make your own mixture of soddy soil, leafy soil and sand. Add pieces broken brick for drainage, a small amount of zeolite and coal to prevent root rot.
pruning Pruning is done to shape the plant to your liking. You can simply trim the shoots, forming a crown, or you can even radically cut the trunk of a young plant and grow a bonsai shape.


Reference. Crassula ovata Gollum (Hobbit) propagates in many ways: cuttings, leaves, shoots with aerial roots, dividing the bush. Everything is in motion. An accidentally broken leaf, cuttings left after pruning to form the desired crown shape - use them to propagate the plant.

However, it must be said that the easiest and most popular way is still cuttings. Seeds are too long and difficult, the rooting of leaves also has its own specifics, but a stalk about ten centimeters long is what you need.

Lightly dry the stalk in the shade, then place in a glass of water (you should add charcoal to avoid rotting). When the roots appear, you can plant the plant in a small container with suitable soil. A small fat woman should receive enough light, and the soil should be moistened daily, unlike adult specimens.


You can transplant a young crassula once a year, each time slightly increasing the capacity. An adult plant is transplanted about once every three years or less.

Do not damage the delicate root system. The fat woman must be removed from the pot along with a clod of earth on the roots and, in this form, moved to a new container. If it is difficult to remove, tap on the bottom and walls of the pot. Do not get carried away with the volume when transplanting crassula: they do not need very large and deep containers. It is better to take a relatively shallow pot with a diameter slightly larger than the plant itself.

Possible difficulties

Crassula gollum (hobbit) is an unpretentious and modest plant in needs. It grows rather slowly, rarely blooms (it may not bloom at all if you do not carry out competently cold wintering).

  1. Crassula can suffer primarily from overflow. Therefore, here, as they say, less is better.
  2. Lack of sunlight can also adversely affect the condition of the plant. But burns from direct sunlight, if a fat woman spends the summer in the yard or on the balcony, are no better. We need to create a balance. Provide light shade if necessary.
  • Crassula lactea. Crassula milky. One of the ancestors of the hybrid variety of the fat woman ovata "Gollum (Hobbit)". This species has only a hint of merging of leaves a la "gollum" - they grow together at the base. The plant is small (up to 60 cm in height maximum). Delicate wide rounded leaves, white flowers - a very nice specimen in the succulent grower's collection!
  • Crassula portulacea. Crassula purslane. Also a popular succulent with elongated, obovate leaves on thick stems. Decorative and practically obligatory in the collection of domestic succulents of the genus Crassula.
  • Adromischus halesowensis. Adromiscus chalesovensis. If you like the exotic, somewhat “alien” look of the “gollums” (“hobbits”) and want something similar in your collection, then you will like adromiscus. Elongated, voluminous, glossy leaves stretching in different directions give this bush a peculiar, special charm.
  • Peperomia graveolens. Peperomia graveolens. A cool plant with thick oblong leaves, as it were folded into “boats”. The shape is not everything: the leaves are green on top and red on the bottom. The decor is overwhelming!
  • Hatiora salicornioides. Salty hatiora. Epiphytic cactus. Its branched green shoots resemble horns and look like cute "hobbit" leaves. If you like Crassula gollum and want something else in the collection in the same spirit, the hatiora will definitely fit.

Crassula ovata Gollum (Hobbit) is a truly non-standard variety with absolutely amazing leaves. Such plants look at the same time original, cute and touching. This unusualness, combined with the usual simple care measures for fat women, makes them very attractive for indoor gardening.

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Recently, in almost any home you can see original talismans made from improvised materials (coins, pebbles, paper, etc.), depicting a money tree. It is believed that such a talisman attracts well-being, prosperity, good luck to the house. However, in nature there is a plant that in the countries of the East is considered a living symbol of wealth and good luck, this is Fatty, or Crassula (Money tree).

This tree is completely unpretentious, so even someone who has not grown any plants in his house before can take care of it. And those who love out indoor plants using pruning to do something unusual, they can give the Fat Woman a wide variety of shapes.

When buying a flower, you should pay attention to the color and condition of the foliage - it should be fleshy, thick, emerald in color (darker or lighter shade). If the central part of the leaf has a red tint, this indicates that the plant has been in direct sunlight for too long.

Choosing a place for indoor cultivation of Crassula

In the room the best place for a money tree - windows facing east or west. The leaves of the fat woman should not be exposed to direct sunlight, otherwise the foliage will change its color to red, begin to wither and fall off. Also Crassula can throw off foliage if there is not enough fresh air in the room.

In the summer, this flower can be taken out to the balcony, where there is enough fresh air, warmth and enough sunlight. And in winter period it is better to move it to a south-facing window.

During the spring-summer season, the temperature regime in the room should be about 24 - 25⸰С. And in summer, the plant feels best on the street - on a loggia, veranda or balcony.

In the autumn-winter period, the optimal temperature regime is 12-14 degrees and even lower (but not lower than 4-5 degrees). Some flower growers recklessly leave the money tree to winter at a temperature of 20-22 degrees, but in this case the plant may begin to lose foliage.

In no case should you place Crassula near heating appliances in the winter.

In a room, the best place for a money tree is windows facing east or west

Crassula reproduction

Crassula can be propagated by seeds, cuttings, growing from a leaf and dividing the bushes.


When propagating Crassula by cuttings, they must first be placed in water for a while so that they give roots. In order for the roots to appear faster, you need to add to the water charcoal. After the crassula gives roots, it can be transplanted into pots with a diameter of 6 cm. The soil for planting can be made up by yourself, taking leafy soil, turf and river sand in equal proportions. Planted plants are placed in a sunny place, the temperature in the room should be about 17 degrees. Water young plants once a day. This method of reproduction of the fat woman is the easiest, it is used by most flower growers.

When propagating Crassula by cuttings, they must first be placed in water for a while so that they give roots.


Crassula is propagated by seeds much less often than by cuttings, since this method is less popular with lovers of indoor plants. Seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil in containers, lightly sprinkled with soil on top, moistened and covered with glass. soil mix for planting seeds prepare the same as for planting cuttings. After the seedlings sprout, care for them is carried out in the same way as for the growing cuttings.

Gallery: Crassula (25 photos)


This method is the most difficult, because most of the leaves simply rot during the rooting process. How does a money tree reproduce in a similar way? For this purpose, only strong healthy leaves are selected.. Most of the selected leaves, even having grown roots, rot. But if the whole process is carried out correctly, then this can be avoided (or minimize the decay of the foliage).

Crassula leaf propagation is the most difficult way.

First, the selected leaves should be dried for two days in a room where it is warm and dry enough. When the leaves become lethargic, they should immediately begin to root. This can be done using the following methods:

You should take a small glass, a pile, fill it with a solution with stimulants, put a leaf in it so that the leaf stalk is a centimeter in the water. This container must be placed in heat and light.

The leaf is placed on the edge of the pot, digging the stalk a couple of centimeters into the substrate. The earth should be moist, but there should be no stagnant water so that the leaves do not begin to rot.

The substrate can be replaced with moss (sphagnum). It is preliminarily crushed and the bottom of the sheet is immersed in the resulting mixture.

The most effective are the first and third methods of rooting foliage. Roots usually appear after about a month.

Features of growing crassula (video)

Type and varieties of crassula

Crassula sickle-shaped is a slightly branched perennial shrub, up to 0.8-0.9 m high, has sickle-shaped foliage, fleshy 8-9 cm in length. The bright red flowers are collected in inflorescences - umbrellas.

Crassula arborescens

Succulent, the trunk of which is quite thick, and the shoots are powerful. Its natural habitats are the south and southwest of the African continent. Under natural conditions, the flower can grow up to 2.8 - 2.9 m. The foliage is oval-shaped, dense and fleshy. The inflorescence is a panicle with small white or light pink flowers.

Crassula arborescens

Crassula oval (ovata gollum)

Strongly branching herbaceous perennial native to the African continent. The oval-shaped foliage is collected in small rosettes.

Crassula oval (ovata gollum)

Crassula purslane

A perennial that grows in southern Africa. Its foliage is obovate, green in color. The flowers are small, white or pale pink.

Crassula purslane

Crassula mossy (mossy)

Semi-shrub with tetrahedral creeping stems, growing in the South-Western regions of the African continent. The shape of the foliage is triangular - oval, dark emerald color. When the sun's rays hit the young leaves, they may acquire a reddish tint. The flowers are small, located singly in the axils of the leaves.

Crassula mossy (mossy)

Crassula perforata (perforata)

Semi-shrub perennial up to 0.8 - 0.9 m high, growing in the South-Eastern regions of the African continent. The foliage is oblong, triangular, pointed in shape, can grow up to 13-14 cm in length. Flowers of a red or white shade are collected in umbrella inflorescences.

Crassula perforata (perforata)

Crassula milky (lactea)

Shrub or semi-shrub, whose shoots spread along the ground, grows in the southern and southeastern regions of the African continent. This dwarf plant does not grow above 0.6 m. Foliage grows together at the base, oval shape, pale emerald color. Small white flowers are collected in inflorescences - panicles.

Crassula milky (lactea)

Crassula dotted

Herbaceous perennial with branched creeping stems, grows in the southern regions of Africa. Foliage collected in loose rosettes. Leaves above - emerald color with red speckles, below - purple with a red tint. The flowers are located in the axils, small white.

Crassula dotted

Crassula Marnier

Refers to dwarf perennial shrubs with erect main stem. The foliage is located opposite, has a blue color, densely arranged around the main shoot. Numerous small flowers are located at the top of the shrub.

Crassula Marnier

Crassula Sunset

Has a wonderful decorative look due to the unusual color of the foliage- it is yellow-white in the center, and a red border runs along the edges.

Crassula Sunset

Crassula Buddha Temple

This plant has an unusual shape. It does not have a stem, and the foliage grows as if from each other, such a “structure” can reach a height of 0.4 - 0.6 m. The color of the leaves is light green.

Crassula Buddha Temple

Crassula Hottentot

Grows on the Australian continent, stems and foliage - thick, fleshy.

Crassula Hottentot

Crassula the Hobbit

Almost all foliage is turned outward, and the edges are fused from the base almost to the middle. As a result, the foliage looks like little bags rolled up by someone's not very skillful hand. Blooms in winter, flowers - small, light pink, collected in inflorescences.

Crassula the Hobbit

Crassula Spring Time

Stems are erect. Foliage - regular, slightly elongated, dark - emerald color. small white flowers are collected in inflorescences, exude a delicate pleasant aroma.

Crassula Spring Time

Crassula Minor

Hybrid variety, bred on the basis of the fat woman ovata. Small foliage, oblong in shape, in the middle - dark emerald color, along the edges - a red border on top and bottom of the sheet.

Crassula Minor

Crassula Mix

Shrub with a massive trunk, many shoots and oval-shaped foliage. A red border runs along the edge of the leaves.

Crassula Mix

Crassula care secrets at home

The genus Crassulus is one of the most numerous of all plant species. These include even those that grow in aquariums. All varieties of crassula belong to, which are easy and simple to grow. Even those lovers of indoor flowers who are just starting to breed them will not have trouble with this plant. After all, taking care of him is quite simple.

Features and frequency of watering

In the summer, the flower is watered every 7 days, but if it gets too hot, then the number of waterings is increased to two times in 7 days. You should carefully monitor the soil in the pot - it should dry out a lot, but you can’t fill it with an earthen ball. This is the most important point when caring for a money tree - do not overdry the soil and do not flood the plant.

How Crassula breeds (video)

In winter, the number of waterings is reduced - the fat woman should be watered no more than once every 12 - 14 days. This flower is indifferent to air humidity, so you do not need to spray the foliage. But you need to wipe them with a damp cloth from dust at least once every two weeks.

top dressing

Usually top dressing is applied under the plant in the summer once every two weeks. You should purchase special fertilizers for cacti and succulents. The rest of the time, the amount of fertilizer is halved, and the plant should be fed once every 30 days, and the concentration of top dressing should be halved. Usually, fertilizers are applied only to moistened soil, so the flower should be fed immediately after watering.

Top dressing is applied under the crassula in the summer once every two weeks

Soil and drainage

Usually it is not possible to make a nutrient substrate for this flower on your own, usually they simply purchase a special mixture for succulents in a specialized store.

The pot should have a hole at the bottom to allow excess moisture to escape during watering., and a drainage layer (4-5 cm thick) should be poured onto the bottom of the pot, small pebbles, medium-sized expanded clay or coarse river sand are suitable for this.

Methods and timing of trimming a fat woman

Cut the bearberry in order to give it a decorative look. The formation of the crown is carried out in spring or autumn, cutting off strongly overgrown shoots. Usually, when pruning, 4-5 leaves are left on each shoot.

You should also pinch the top of the flower so that the plant produces more side shoots. In order for the crown of the fat woman to grow evenly and evenly, it is regularly turned on all sides to the sunlight.

The formation of the crown of a fat woman is carried out in spring or autumn, cutting off strongly overgrown shoots.

money tree transplant

Do not repot this flower often. Usually, a similar procedure is done only if the fat woman has grown greatly, or it is necessary to divide the bush - no more than once every three years. Best time for a flower transplant - mid-spring. For transplanting, a larger pot is taken, and suitable soil - purchased soil for cacti and succulents.

What to do if Crassula leaves fall

Many novice flower growers begin to panic when the foliage dries and falls off at the fat woman. They cannot understand what is the cause of leaf fall. Of course, in this plant, as well as in others, periodic leaf fall is a completely natural process, then the plant loses old foliage. But if young foliage begins to fall, then you should think - what is the reason?

And the reasons for leaf fall are as follows:

  1. Too little light, especially in autumn and winter. During this period, the flower is transferred to the south window, or fluorescent lamps are installed nearby.
  2. Drafts or sudden temperature fluctuations in the room. You should not put a flower next to an open window in winter, or place it on a cold window.
  3. Remember the "three pillars" on which the care of this capricious plant is based: heat, light and moderate humidity. And in this case, this flower will not have leaf fall.

Crassula leaves fall if there is too little light, especially in autumn and winter.

Diseases and other problems when growing a fat woman

The main pests that can affect the money tree are:

  • spider mite;
  • scab;
  • mealybug.

The methods of dealing with these insects are as follows:

  1. If a barely noticeable cobweb appeared on the foliage and stems, it means that a spider mite has settled there. You can fight it with the help of soapy water or special preparations (Fufanon, Fitoverma, etc.).
  2. If yellow or brown spots appear on the foliage, then this indicates the appearance of a scale insect on the foliage. The methods of dealing with it are similar to those carried out against the spider mite.

Crassula (Crassula) is a succulent plant belonging to the Crassula family. Many flower growers are so unpretentious indoor flower also very well known under the name Fatty.

Botanical description of crassula

All representatives belonging to the genus Tolstyanka are very diverse in external characteristics. A significant number of species are indoor perennials with monocarpic shoots of different heights. The foliage is opposite, in some species collected in a kind of basal rosette, simple, entire, often ciliate. Leaves at the base are free or fused.

The flowers are small, white, whitish, yellowish, red or bluish in color, collected in terminal or lateral, paniculate-umbellate or racemose inflorescences. There are varieties with single axillary flowers. Caring for the plant and propagating the Crassula is very easy.

Planting and caring for Crassula (video)

Popular species, varieties and hybrids of the fat woman

The Tolstyanka genus includes more than two hundred species, many of which are very popular in home floriculture. For the external similarity of leaves with coins, plants of this genus are often called the "money tree". In addition to the popular marginalis, there are many worthy, highly decorative and relatively unpretentious varieties, forms and cultivars.

Crassula perforata (perforata)

C.perforate is a low-growing variety with diamond-shaped leaves arranged in pairs. The stem part is slightly branched and rigid. Leaf coloration is light green, with a characteristic bluish bloom. There is a reddish border on the edges of the leaves. The height of the above-ground part does not exceed a quarter of a meter. Variegated forms have yellowish stripes on the foliage.

C.lysorodoides, or C.muscosa, is a compact plant with an aerial part of a shrub type, no more than a quarter of a meter high, with fleshy, tetrahedral, creeping shoots and a slightly rising apical part. The leaves are small, scaly, tiled-folded in several rows.

Crassula arborescens

C. arboressens is a relatively large variety with almost rounded foliage of a very characteristic bluish coloration with a red border. The height of the above-ground part of the indoor tree can be one and a half meters. The variety is one of the most decorative, but demanding care and needs good natural light.

Photo gallery

C.lastea Ait. - shrub and semi-shrub plant, with a height of the above-ground part a little more than half a meter. Shoots of creeping type, with thick, obovate, fused at the base, bare leaves. The leaf plate is green in color, with whitish dots at the edge. Inflorescences are paniculate, represented by numerous white flowers.

Crassula purslane

C.portulasea is an unusual variety with, which are formed on the stem and branches. Flowering is extremely rare. paniculate inflorescences, represented by small, whitish or pinkish flowers.

C.ovata is a bushy plant with a height of the aerial part of not more than a meter and strongly branching woody stems. The foliage is oval, fleshy, with a green upper leaf plate and a reddish tint on the underside.

Crassula Sunset

C.ovata cv. Hummel's Sunset is a popular cultivar that has foliage that is streaked with white or yellow. The leaves have a pronounced red edging.

Crassula the Hobbit

C.Hobbit - hybrid form, obtained by American breeders almost half a century ago. Characterized original form foliage, which is turned outward and grows together from the base to the very middle. Highly ornamental plant very well suited for creating bonsai.

C.ovate Minor is a compact variety with reddish, very attractive foliage. The species is slow growing therefore optimally suited for the design of mini-gardens.

Crassula dotted

C. picturata - highly decorative variety, which has lodging, abundantly branching shoots and foliage with an original appearance. On the general green background of the leaf plate, there is a huge number of red or purple-red dots, and the marginal part is decorated with thin and transparent cilia.

C. Buddha’s Temple - above-ground shoots of the cultivar are represented by the so-called column of tightly pressed leaves, as if strung on the stem bases triangular shape and dark green color. The height of the aerial part does not exceed 10-15 cm. Flowering is represented by apical inflorescences collected from red flowers.

Crassula mix

This group combines several hybrid forms and cultivars., which have an original appearance and are undemanding in care. Most often, the group is represented by the popular highly decorative varieties "Minor", "Hobbit" and "Oblikva".

C. cv. Spring Time is a hybrid form characterized by a compact aerial part and belongs to highly succulent plants. Mature plant prone to lodging. The foliage is very juicy, bright green coloring. In the process of flowering, attractive light lilac flowers are formed.

Crassula Marnier

C. marnieriana is a variety characterized by a straight, slightly branched stem base and opposite, sessile, heart-shaped foliage of a bluish color. Flowers numerous, whitish, located in the apical part of the plant.

Crassula sickle

C.falcata Wendl is one of the most spectacular representatives, having rather large, scarlet-red coloring, umbellate inflorescences that bloom at the top of a fleshy and tall stem. The foliage is very thick, characteristic crescent shape with blunt ends. Flowering comes every year.

This variety compares favorably with relatively small leaves that sit densely on relatively numerous stems. The grown shoots hang very effectively over the edges of the flower pot, so the species is very often grown in hanging planter.

Crassula care at home

Growing many varieties of Crassula at home is not at all difficult, and it is this circumstance that largely explains the high popularity of the culture among domestic and foreign amateur flower growers.

Lighting, temperature and humidity

All varieties need fairly bright natural light, even at the stage of winter dormancy. The stems and foliage of the plant do not need special shading from direct sunlight. South and southeast windows are perfect. Lack of light causes thinning of stems and shredding of foliage.

The optimal temperature regime for a fat woman in spring and summer is approximately 20-25 ° C, and in winter - 10-15 ° C. Humidity does not matter much, so the decorative perennial easily tolerates dry, but Fresh air. The foliage is periodically wiped with a damp soft cloth that will keep an attractive and well-groomed appearance.

How Crassula breeds (video)

Soil and planting pot for a fat woman

soil in flower pot must be special, suitable for growing succulents. The culture has a shallow root system, so the planting pot should not be too high.

A nutritious soil substrate based on four parts of soddy soil, one part of humus soil, one part of leafy soil and one part of sand with the addition of pieces of coal and brick chips is perfectly suitable for planting and growing. There should be enough drainage at the bottom of the flower pot.

Rules for watering the money tree

The perennial is rarely watered in autumn and winter, and much more often in spring and summer, but after checking the soil moisture in a flower pot at a depth of two fingers. You have to remember that an excess of moisture often causes fungal diseases. Water for irrigation should be well settled, at room temperature, without a high chlorine content.

When and how to transplant Crassula

In order to properly transplant a fat woman, a number of specific requirements must be observed. Young plants are transplanted annually, and adult specimens about once every two or three years. Transplantation should be carried out in the spring, by transferring the root system with an earthy clod into a new flower pot.

In the process of transplanting, it is recommended to carefully examine the root system. If the roots are excessively elongated, they should be cut, and the sections of the cuts should be sprinkled with crushed coal. After planting, the plant is carefully watered with settled water at room temperature. To keep the plant compact, repotting should be done extremely infrequently. A good result is a partial replacement of the top layer of soil in a flower pot.

crown formation

If necessary, to obtain the thickest stem part and dense crown, regular pruning and pinching of the tips of the shoots is performed. Regular pruning with sharp and clean pruning shears causes correct formation aboveground part.

top dressing

Perennials should be fed with a solution based on universal fertilizer, or using special fertilizer for cactus and succulents for this purpose. Top dressing is carried out from April to September, about once or twice a month. In autumn and winter, top dressing is done once a month., fertilizers in half concentration.

Ways to breed a fat woman

Ease of reproduction is one of the advantages of this type of decorative perennial. Most often, an indoor flower is propagated by cuttings, but the seed method is also used. You can cut a plant regardless of the time of year., but it is most convenient in spring or summer. The harvested cuttings are dried for a couple of days, after which they are planted in planting containers filled with a permeable and light soil substrate. Rooting in water with the addition of activated carbon is also allowed.

Seed propagation involves sowing in seedlings filled with a mixture based on part of the sand and a couple of parts of leafy soil. Crops should be covered with foil. Before the emergence of mass seedlings, crops are regularly sprayed with settled water at room temperature and ventilated daily. Mass shoots appear after a couple of weeks, after which they dive.

Why do crassula leaves fall

Leaf fall is the most common problem when growing Crassula in indoor floriculture. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, including improper irrigation measures. Succulents are able to accumulate moisture, which makes them undemanding to watering.

Excessive moisture causes foliage to fall. However, too long breaks in watering are also unacceptable. Stagnation of moisture often provokes rotting of the root system. Also, a massive fall of foliage is noted when non-compliance temperature regime indoors and damage to the plant by diseases or pests.

Plant pests and diseases

At proper cultivation culture is rarely affected by diseases and pests, and all problems are the result of care errors. The appearance of a light coating on the leaves is the result of high humidity and very cold air, which causes the development of powdery mildew or mealybug infestation.

How to form a crassula crown (video)

The appearance of small growths may be the result of excessive watering or damage to the scale insect. Loss of elasticity of the foliage, as well as a change in coloring, most often indicates an overabundance of fertilizers, and when root rot is affected, the foliage becomes lethargic. Thus, in order to keep the decorative appearance of the fat woman on long years, the cultivation technology should be fully observed at all stages of the perennial vegetation.

Hobbit or Gollum?

Crassula ovata is the main species of the Tolstyankov family. Its main types have thick leaves that resemble coins in their appearance. Because of the external similarity, the popular name of Crassula came about - the money tree. Crassula itself can be called the fundamental plant in the family, since there are already more than 300 species and varieties of this succulent.

Crassula ovata The Hobbit and Gollum, outwardly similar, were bred by American breeders in the 50s of the last century, when J. R. R. Tolkien's book "The Lord of the Rings" was published and produced a real "boom".

New unusual varieties were named after the heroes of this book. Varieties Hobbit and Gollum are very different from their ancestors in the form of leaves. These are two similar varieties: in the Hobbit, most (but not all) of the leaves are turned outward and fused from the base to the middle and resemble a funnel, while in Gollum they are already completely tubular with a funnel-shaped extension at the end.

Crassula ovata the hobbit (Crassula ovata Hobbit)

A common variety, most likely bred from Crassula oval. Some flower growers believe that its wonderful plump leaves resemble the ears of one cartoon character - Shrek. That's what they call the leaves - "Shrek's ears". Well, what can you do if they really have similarities.

The color of the foliage can change from emerald green to a shade of crimson if the succulent is in full sun.

The plant is quite compact, has an average growth rate. Itself (without pruning and shaping) takes the intricate shape of a bonsai plant. Therefore, it is perfect for compositions of succulents. A rich burgundy hue on the back of the leaves also gives originality, this is not noticed in other species. The original leaves attract attention both in shape and color. Especially if you keep the plant clean in time. Leaves up to 4 cm long, bush compact, up to 60 cm high.

Crassula ovata Gollum (Crassula ovate Gollum)

This cultivar is very similar to Crassula ovata Hobbit, it differs in the shape of the leaves, which have cup-shaped extensions only at the tips. It grows more slowly than its "brother" Hobbit. It also independently forms the shape of the crown of the original type. It grows on windows oriented to any direction of the world.

The height of an adult bush reaches half a meter in height. Of all the types of crassula, these two types - Hobbit and Gollum - are the most loved by interior designers, as they have original greenery and are not demanding to care for. Everything the necessary conditions it is quite possible to create even in the office.



Watering this succulent from mid-autumn, winter and the first week of spring is rarely carried out. Crassula ovata comes from deserts and semi-deserts, so even a temporary drought is experienced quite easily. It accumulates all the moisture in the leaves. Even if the plant is forgotten and not watered for a very long time, it loses the elasticity of the leaves, and even throws off part of them, but remains alive.

In summer you need to water more often. Once every two weeks, but you need to check if the top layer of soil has dried out by about half. If the soil does not dry out in due time:

  • It is necessary to check the drainage, perhaps it is so caked and clogged that it does not pass excess water quickly enough.
  • With constant soil moisture, there is a threat of rot or mold, which can destroy the entire plant.

It is better to water with soft, settled water at room temperature. You can use a household filter and water with filtered water.


All crassulas love good sunlight. It is better to place them on the south and southwest windows. But, even without sufficient lighting all the time, the succulent can develop perfectly if you put it in a sunny place for a couple of hours.

In summer, you can move pots with plants to the veranda or terraces and give them a small corner there. With a strong lack of light, the plant I loses leaves and stretches. At the same time, it loses its decorative effect, and it will be quite difficult to restore it.


As with all Crassulaceae, the temperature in summer can range from 20 to 25 degrees. In winter, when the plant is resting, the temperature should be significantly reduced to -10-15 degrees.

  • Leaf succulents can withstand both temperature drops and rises for a short time. In natural habitats, this happens, and although these are bred varieties, they have inherited this quality.
  • In winter, it is imperative to arrange a cool period for the plant - this will help to fully bloom in spring or summer. If there is no such period, then flowering should not be expected - the plant will only increase the leaf mass.


In practice, it does not play a big role for the plant. Easily tolerates the dry air of our city apartments and the summer heat country houses. Only when a lot of dust accumulates on glossy leaves can be wiped with a damp sponge.

In summer, a warm small shower is possible, as a replacement for natural rain. After this procedure, you must gently shake the flower pot. This is necessary so that all the droplets of water roll off the leaves.

The succulent should dry out indoors - you can’t expose it to fresh air after a shower and, especially, to the sun. Drops of water on the plant can cause sunburn.

The soil

The soil in the flower pot should be specially selected for succulents. Store-bought mixes may also work, but of good quality.

You can make a mixture in the old fashioned way, with your own hands. All components are not so hard to find, but you will be sure of the quality of the mixture. You will need:

  • 1 part of leafy earth, sifted through a sieve with large cells (you can take the purchased earth from the store, any neutral one will do);
  • 1 part coarse river sand (also sold in flower shops);
  • 1 part of sod land, taken away from autobahns and major roads;
  • Expanded clay of fine fraction, crushed charcoal and a little zeolite should be added to this mixture.

Do not forget to put a significant layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot. Stagnation of water has a detrimental effect on plants. One of the causes of leaf shedding is precisely the excessive moisture of the plant, which occurs if the drainage is poor.


In order to properly transplant Crassula, you need to follow some rules:

  • Only young plants are transplanted annually. At the same time, the new pot should be slightly larger than the old one - 2-3 cm in diameter.
  • Adult and old plants are transplanted every three years. Replace (or wash the drainage well), change the earthen substrate. Be sure to look through the root system and cut off too long roots. Slices are sprinkled with crushed charcoal;
  • Very nice results gives replacement of the topsoil to a depth of 2-5 cm, depending on the age of the plant.


To fertilize Crassula, you can use a traditional complex fertilizer for cacti and succulents. It can be easily bought at a specialized flower shop.

  • In the spring-summer period, you can feed the plant twice a month, following the instructions for using the fertilizer.
  • In winter, feeding should be reduced, and it is better to remove it completely.


One of the advantages of this type of succulent is the ease of reproduction. It is easiest to propagate it by cuttings or leaves. This procedure can be carried out at any time of the year, but it is better to do it in the spring.

Can be combined with pruning when forming a crown. Cuttings or leaves suitable for planting should be dried for two to three days. Then plant in small containers filled with the necessary substrate. There must be good drainage - this is important for young plants.

Seed propagation is less common. Fresh seeds are sown in a small greenhouse with suitable soil and covered with foil. Spray crops daily and ventilate a little. When the seedlings get stronger, they dive into separate containers.

Germinated cuttings/leaves


If you want to form a thick trunk, then you need to start trimming the side shoots quite early. In order for the crown itself to be thick, formed in the form of a certain shape, it is necessary to constantly cut off and pinch the shoots with a clean pruner.

It is possible to form a plant in a fantasy style, especially if you are going to use it in mini-gardens. Or when decorating an office, you will need an unusual type of succulent.


The most reliable way to identify a Crassula variety is to look at the flowering.

  • Crassula Gollum blooms with white and pink flowers. It blooms in winter, the duration of flowering is medium. Star-shaped flowers, loose buds.
  • Crassula the Hobbit has pure white flowers, very neat little stars. The buds are dense and add some decorative effect. Flowering also occurs in winter. In summer, the plant mainly increases its green mass.

To see flowering, when forming the crown, several shoots must be left intact so that flower buds form on them.

Diseases and pests

Subject to the norm of watering, Crassula is quite resistant to bacterial and viral infections, therefore it rarely gets sick.

Pests also rarely infect this succulent, but even if you notice a mealybug or spider mites just wash the leaves with soapy water. And check the neighboring flowers. Although most often the infection occurs in a flower shop.