Unpretentious varieties of roses to the country. All about planting roses

Almost all summer residents dream of a cozy flower garden in their summer cottage. But is it possible to imagine it without the queen of flowers - roses? Beautiful flowers with a pleasant aroma have always been and will be the most desired guests on any site.

Types of roses beautiful garden flowers, sung by poets...

For those who have never encountered the choice of a variety of roses for the garden, it will be useful to know that all roses are divided into large groups that differ from each other in care requirements, bud shape, color palette and many other nuances.

Types of garden roses are divided into groups:

  • Miniature and Patio roses;
  • Border, or Multi-flowered;
  • Noble or Large-flowered;
  • Ground cover (Groundcover);
  • Shrub, or shrub roses - Shrub (S);
  • Vintage roses (Old Garden Rose);
  • park views;
  • Climbing roses;
  • Natural species (rose hips) - Species (Sp).

Modern assortment of roses (Modern Garden Roses) has more than 15 thousand varieties. It is extremely versatile in size, color, shape, aroma...

Modern garden roses also include:

  • Hybrid tea (Hybrid Tea);
  • Floribunda "Floribunda";
  • Polyanthus "Polyantha"
  • Grandiflora "Grandiflora", etc.

The most popular groups of roses, having a division based on stable garden characteristics.

Climbing roses (curly)

The type of rose is actively used in garden decor, because it has the ability to grow along vertical surfaces like a bindweed, thanks to creeping shoots (lashes). They can decorate fences or a gazebo, columns, arches, decorate walls. Flowers (2-5 cm in diameter), collected in large inflorescences. When caring for roses, it is important to fertilize the soil. Prefer the sun, heat and light. They do not like frost, but in everything else they are quite practical.

Types of climbing roses are distinguished by:

  • Climers (antique, modern, miniature);
  • Ramblers (large-flowered);
  • Super Ramblers.

Repair roses

Remontant rose bushes are valued for the characteristics of flowers - size, aroma, color. Widely used for cultivation in garden plots. The main sign of roses is the ability to re-bloom in one season (in July-August), but not so abundant. On vigorous (up to 2 m high) upright and sprawling bushes, large, fragrant, double flowers bloom in the second half of June, with a diameter of 8 to 16 cm.

These roses are winter-hardy, but they can still freeze slightly, so they require shelter in severe frosts, and are prone to fungal diseases.

Hybrid tea roses (Hybrid Tea and Climbing Hybrid Tea)

Variations garden roses there is a huge variety, but one feature is suitable for all - nobility and sophistication. These noble roses are obtained from heat-loving Chinese tea roses crossed with remontants. Thanks to this, it was possible to obtain flowers with characteristics that surpassed all previously known species and varieties. One of the most beautiful and elegant species.

The mass and continuous flowering of these magnificent hybrid tea roses lasts from the end of June and the entire month of July. After a short rest, the second wave of flowering begins, continuing until late autumn. However, these beautiful flowers are not always suitable for the garden. Mostly they are grown by experienced gardeners, but, as they say, they do not mold holy pots.

The whole difficulty of growing lies in the fact that hybrid tea roses do not like cold weather and require winter time good shelter.

They are demanding in care and prone to many diseases. It is because of the disease that this type of rose is very difficult to grow in cold weather. climatic zones. It is difficult for an inexperienced gardener to recognize what causes a particular symptom, but experience comes with practice. For this reason, so often on sale you can find "chemically" roses of this type, which quickly disappear in water without the necessary substances.

Roses differ in the color of foliage and flowers, the shape of the leaf plate, the nature of growth and other signs.

  • Shrub species with falling leaves - Damascus, white, French and other roses.
  • Evergreen varieties with fast shoot growth and long flowering- bourbon, hybrid tea, remontant, polyanthus, etc.
  • Climbing plants of various shapes, sizes, types of flowers - these are varieties such as Orange elf, Gloria Day, Ave Maria, Virgo, etc.

park roses

Old roses are classified as park roses, including decorative types wild rose, wrinkled rose (rugosa). This group of roses is considered one of the most unpretentious of all currently existing. And if you do not have the opportunity to visit your garden every day, it is better to choose some variety from this group.

The most important advantage of this group is their frost resistance. In summer they like sunny places, but not direct intense sunlight, and droop when they are in the shade. The best option there will be partial shade for them. Roses of this group do not like wind and should not be planted near trees. Care for them consists in the timely pruning of old branches.

Roses have recently begun to delight us in public places - parks, along roads. One of the most beautiful varieties of park roses is Hansaland. He fell in love with many summer residents due to his lush and long flowering, as well as beautiful bright red buds.

ground cover roses

Their name speaks for this group of roses - they literally cover the soil with their color. It looks especially beautiful when bushes of different varieties of this species are planted together. Ground covers form small buds that grow close to each other, forming a living carpet of roses. Flowers simple, double, semi-double. Most varieties are characterized by long and abundant flowering. As for the habitat, this type of roses is unpretentious, like park roses. Moreover, the rose requires minimal maintenance. So, faded buds can not be cut, they do not need annual pruning, they are not susceptible to diseases.

Shrub roses

The group includes powerful wild-growing shrubs and Austin English roses - with densely double flowers. Unusual appearance, tall, characterized by abundant and long, but single flowering, exuding a rich aroma. Various forms and outlines - some are a bit like peonies, others are hybrid tea varieties.

As for care, they are unpretentious, resistant to cold and frost. Unlike park varieties, this species produces large buds. By the way, scrub roses are easy to grow, they have good immunity from diseases.

In choosing roses for garden plot there is one problem - from the whole variety of species, you need to choose only a few. And this is difficult, because in fact all roses are beautiful and interesting, it is difficult to choose one variety. We hope that the article helped you to orient yourself a little in the magical world of roses.

"What types of roses are there, names and photos ...

Flower lovers (including us) are worried: how are our roses in the country? Winter this year is classically anomalous. In many regions there was no snow for a long time, although there were no severe frosts. Then it got very cold. Then the snow fell, and more than necessary. Now here is the dancing temperature, the streams are flowing. Then frosts will hit again and everything will be covered with a layer of ice ... Poor plants!

We will find out in the spring how they will survive the next bad weather. But so that every winter, I study the weather forecast not to grab my heart, heed the advice of a specialist.

A well-known collector of roses, Muscovite Alexei Stepanov, tested many different roses on his site, and compiled a list of the most reliable ones. It includes 30 varieties. And they all meet 5 main criteria:

1. Excellent health. This is one of the main qualities, since a sick rose not only spoils the look of the flower garden, it also winters badly. And then it dies. After all, the affected leaves fall off ahead of time, and the plant simply does not have time to mature.

2. Stable wintering. In different areas, different conditions and with different shelters, they are still able to survive our severe frosts.

3. Abundant and long flowering. Such roses that bloom without interruption all summer do not exist in nature, but these varieties will inflate for the longest possible time.

4. Resistance of flowers to bad weather. They are not afraid of rain, moisture and heat - in any case, they retain their decorative effect.

5. Good regrowth of shoots. This is important when, after an unsuccessful wintering, the aerial part of the plant dies. After all, the more new stems grow, the more flowers there will be.

So, roses that won't let you down.

Hybrid Tea

Meilland, 1945

This unsurpassed masterpiece is called the number 1 rose in the world. She is really magnificent: her flowers are large, yellow with tints and pink edging of the petals.
The only drawback is that each flower lasts only 3 days.

Olesen, 1984

Gorgeous, dark red, with almost black buds, this is without exaggeration the best red variety for the middle lane. Perfect and inimitable. The bush grows quickly, the flowers last up to 2 weeks and are not afraid of rain at all.

Tantau, 2006

No wonder this rose was named after the goddess of love and beauty - she is the embodiment of beauty! Her flowers are 10–12 cm in diameter, porcelain- Pink colour. They tolerate rain well. The bush is low, up to 80 cm.

Delbard, 1997

Perhaps, best rose in the Delbar collection. Her flowers are a delightful burgundy color with a black coating and wavy petals. On each shoot, 1 bud blooms, but there are always a lot of stems on the bush, the flowers last up to 2 weeks and are not afraid of rain at all.


There are 7 varieties in this group at once. They are delightful. They are stable. They will decorate any garden!

Kordes, 2003

Its delicate, large (up to 9 cm in diameter) flowers in apricot-pink tones look very impressive against the background of dark green foliage. The bush is branchy. Not afraid of disease, heat or rain. It blooms all summer and is very abundant.

Mielland, 1993

As is known. Leonardo da Vinci was a great artist and a brilliant inventor. And the rose, named after him, seems to be striving to justify the high honor shown to her. Her bush is straight and compact. In the first flowering, it is literally strewn with bright pink pom-pom flowers, very close in shape to the old varieties.

The only drawback of this beauty is that it almost does not smell. But it never fails.

Kordes, 2002

She is always in the top ten charts, compiled by a survey of rose lovers - she is not equal in reliability! Creamy white flowers bloom slowly on large racemes and change shape daily.

The disadvantage of the rose is that in the middle lane it wakes up much later than other roses, develops slowly and blooms only at the end of July. Therefore, the second time does not have time to flourish. But in our harsh conditions, this shortcoming turns into a huge plus, because, having failed to lay the buds again, the rose has time to prepare for the cold and always winters well.

Tantau, 2004

The bush of this wonderful variety is very beautiful, with bright dark green foliage. The flowers are 7–8 cm in diameter, of an unusual creamy white color with pinkish and green hues. They are collected in multi-membered brushes that bloom profusely and for a long time. Rosa has excellent health and winters well.

Mielland, 2000

The main advantage of this rose is its “long-playing” flowers, each of which lasts up to 2 weeks and at the same time constantly changes color: at the time of dissolution, they are white with a red border, then turn red, and become white-green as they fade.

The rose has two drawbacks - it does not smell and in unfavorable years it is affected by black spot. But it feels great in gray latitudes.

Kordes, 2007

This rose has been awarded the ADR quality mark, which is given to the most decorative and resistant varieties. Her flowers are a unique yellow-orange-red color. Small, 6-7 cm in diameter, but always collected in large brushes. It always creates a bright accent in the garden, so it is better to plant it separately from other roses, for example, against the background of conifers. Otherwise, she will draw all the attention to herself and other varieties next to her will be lost.

Kordes, 2005

It is not tall, but blooms very profusely. Her flowers are small, pompon-shaped, intense pink in color, collected in large brushes of 15-30 pieces!


This group also has a fairly extensive selection of resistant and unpretentious roses - 7 varieties that will not let you down and will delight with health and abundant flowering.

Kordes, 1969

A very spectacular and unusual rose - her bush grows quickly and blooms in two pronounced waves. The flowers are semi-double, copper-orange. And although each of them lasts only 3 days, they take in quantity - there are a lot of buds in the brushes and new ones constantly replace the fallen ones. In very severe winters, it can freeze slightly, but quickly recovers. It has the ADR quality mark for high decorativeness and durability.

Kordes, 1984

The flowers of this wonderful rose are medium-sized, up to 4 cm in diameter, but they form an incredible amount. They are bright pink in color, collected in numerous brushes that cover the leaves with themselves. In the catalogs in the photographs, she usually does not look very presentable, and flower growers often bypass her with their attention. But those who planted it were not disappointed - this is a real queen! Nothing sick and all in bloom. No wonder she was awarded the ADR quality mark.

Mielland, 1985

The perfect rose for beginners! She easily forgives mistakes in pruning and shelter for the winter, and every summer pleases with abundant flowering. Her flowers are light pink, slightly fading. They are not large, 5–6 cm in diameter, but they open constantly, in any weather right up to the snow!

The only downside is that it doesn't smell at all.

Frank R. Cowlishaw, 1999

This is the only "blue" rose in the top thirty. And this is the bluest of all existing roses! It's actually blue-violet. The flowers are not large, but are collected in large brushes. Rain resistant. The bush grows up to 1.5 m and looks very impressive surrounded by dense yellow roses.

Margottin, 1851

Pay attention to the year when it was bred - it is more than half a century old! This is an old Bourbon variety that will give odds to many modern ones. Very hardy and winter hardy. It can even be left in the winter without shelter. The bush, of course, freezes above the snow level, but quickly recovers. With good shelter, the plants are tall and very dense. The flowers of this old cupped rose, 5–7 cm in diameter, are dark pink in the center and lighter at the edges. And what a smell! Saturated, strong.

By the way, it is from this variety that rose oil is most often made and jam is made.

Kordes, 2008

She appeared on the market relatively recently, but has already managed to conquer gardeners with excellent health and abundant flowering. Her flowers are small, 5–6 cm in diameter, pale pink, densely double, of an old form, collected in large brushes. This variety will perfectly complement English roses with large flowers.

Delbard, 2001

The only rose with striped petals on the list of reliable varieties. It is so powerful that in France it is recommended to make hedges from it. In our conditions, it is, of course, a little more modest, but, nevertheless, it grows up to 1.5 m, forming very tough shoots. They cannot be bent down for the winter, so the bush has to be cut to the height of the shelter. The flowers of this rose are slightly double, but large, of a rare pomegranate hue with white strokes. Each brush contains 9-20 buds.


This group included 5 varieties that showed themselves at their best in the harsh conditions of Russian reality.

Austin, 1983

This is one of the best varieties of David Austin selection. A few years ago, he was the last, 14th in a row, to take a place in the World Rose Hall of Fame. Blooms very profusely. Its flowers are bright yellow, do not fade and are considered the standard yellow color at the roses In our climate it will grow very quickly, reaching a height of 2 m.

Austin, 1999

An incredible variety - during the flowering season, its shoots are covered with caps of densely doubled light orange flowers of an old form with a strong aroma. It can be grown as climbing rose, with minimal pruning, keeping the last year's shoots. At the same time, it will bloom almost along their entire length.

Austin, 1985

This variety in warm countries forms a powerful bush 2 m high and the same size in circumference. However, in Russia it doesn’t work like that - the shoots are very tough and it’s impossible to bend them to the ground, so you have to cut them to the height of the shelter. The flowers of this rose are cold pink, very fragrant, collected in brushes.

Austin, 1985

This is one of the first varieties that brought David Austin worldwide fame. The quality of the variety is outstanding. Tall and strong arcuate shoots create a beautiful bush shape. They are easy to winterize. Cold pink flowers with a lilac tint fully convey the charm of real vintage roses. One of the first to bloom in the garden, and one of the last to finish flowering.

Austin, 2000

The most popular profusely flowering rose in our country. A vigorous spreading bush grows quickly - this variety has never had problems with the replacement of shoots. Her flowers are white, with an orange center - they look just amazing!

ground covers

There is only one variety here - only it has fully shown itself to be reliable and very decorative.

Kordes, 2001

This variety fully justifies its name (“sunny” in English means “sunny”) - if you want to have a yellow carpet in the garden, then it was created especially for you! Pleases with abundant, almost continuous flowering. In the racemes up to 12 large rich yellow, fading to cream flowers. An adult bush covers an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 1 square. m. It has the ADR quality mark.


There are quite a lot of reliable roses in this group - 6 varieties at once showed themselves at their best in our difficult climatic conditions.

Kordes, 1955

Very showy rose with red petals. It blooms once, but so abundantly that it literally outshines other roses! Her flowers are resistant to rain, open in any weather and stay on the bush for a long time. It grows well on its own roots and is well cut, so it wanders from garden to garden.

Kordes, 1977

Is growing fast. It blooms profusely all season with bright crimson flowers. It is considered petite, but in our climate it does not grow to the stated size and is usually grown as a scrub. Looks great and blooms on the trunk. Over time, its shoots become thick, it is difficult to lay them, so the bush for wintering has to be cut to the level of shelter.

Mielland, 1987

In our conditions, its lashes reach 1.5–2 m. It looks beautiful on a lattice support if the shoots are distributed on it in the form of a fan. But you can grow it in the form of a bush, tying it to vertical supports to protect it from the wind. By the way, it is often called "Paradise rose". Indeed, when you stand near an adult flowering bush, which is decorated with an abundance of creamy white flowers with a bright pink edge, it seems that such beauty can only be in paradise.

But this rose has 3 drawbacks: a weak aroma, the instability of flowers to rain, and thick shoots that have to be bent down for the winter in 2-3 doses.

Kordes, 2005

This rose impresses with excellent health and abundant flowering - there are caps of up to 50 buds on new shoots! The flowers are medium-sized, cup-shaped, with the most delicate pink-lilac tint and amazing aroma! And what’s even nicer is that the shoots fit well in the winter.

Jacksaon & Perkins USA, 1901

It is not for nothing that this climbing rambler rose has been so popular in the world for over 100 years - its powerful bushes 3 m high and more than 2 m wide from top to bottom are strewn with cascades of small, 3–5 cm in diameter pink flowers. The foliage is small, glossy and completely covered with flowers during flowering. Blooms once. It looks great on a high trunk - its long shoots gracefully hang down like a luxurious waterfall.

Kordes, 1936

This outstanding rose is more than 80 years old, but it still drives flower growers all over the world crazy. Belongs to the group of ramblers. Blooms once but very profusely. The flowers are medium-sized, 5–6 cm in diameter, reminiscent of pompoms in shape - it seems that they have come down from old paintings. The shoots are very prickly and flexible, they easily bend in any direction, so there are no problems with laying them for the winter.

P.S. Please note that most of the roses in the list of rose collector Alexei Stepanov belong to the selection of Kordes. And this is not surprising, because the climate of Germany is closest to ours. Heat-loving French women are still lagging behind in terms of resistance to diseases. And one more thing: in this list of reliable roses, as you noticed, there are no varieties of Canadian selection. But they are ideally suited for our harsh conditions. Yes, only their decorative effect, to put it mildly, is an amateur.

Based on materials from the journal "Herald of the gardener", April 2013.

The novice part of gardeners should know the rules used to successfully grow flowers in harsh winter conditions. The first rule used by experienced gardeners is that the seedling must be purchased from local nurseries.

Selection criteria for cultivation in Siberia and the Urals

Siberia and the Urals are characterized by a spring that starts too late, a winter that is harsh in nature. Warm days here are not so often and they do not last long.

In order to withstand harsh weather conditions, plants are needed that are adapted to such conditions, namely those plants that have been grown in a given climatic region.

Growing frost-resistant roses in Siberia and the Urals

The second rule is the cultivation of Canadian roses. The climate of the country where these frost-resistant roses are grown has the same climate as the country of Russia. It is preferable to buy flowers of the Canadian variety not in the market, but from a reliable supplier.

Note! Another criterion to be followed is vaccination.

It was found that the flowers grafted in the Urals (and in Siberia) had the most favorable wintering. They do not freeze out due to increased immunity. In order for the immunity of a plant to be increased, it is grafted with another plant that has a much more enduring immunity. In this case, the rootstock for the rose in most cases is the wild rose.

Important! A flower for planting in Siberia and the Urals must have high winter hardiness, resistance to diseases and pests.

The site for wintering must be prepared in advance. The hilling of the land where the flowers are located is carried out, and additional shelter is also provided. Plants are covered with spruce branches, film, roofing material, and then covered with snowdrifts on top.

Roses grafted in the Urals (and in Siberia) have the most favorable wintering

Another way to ensure a favorable wintering in Siberia and the Urals is to cover the flowers with a box. A properly sheltered bush will overwinter well, and airing the plant before the onset of cold weather will not be a problem. Need to pick up cardboard box, which has a suitable medium size, and cover the cropped seedling with it. The top of the box is covered with plastic wrap to prevent the box from getting wet.

Description of roses for growing in the suburbs

When choosing plants for growing in the Moscow region, you need to consider the following parameters that a plant should have:

  • Since all four seasons of the year are characteristic of the Moscow region, with the corresponding temperature for each of them, the plant must be hardy to changing climatic conditions;
  • Having disease resistance. High humidity in the region under consideration, rare sunny days increase the development of various ailments;
  • Since more than 6 months in this region, daylight hours are much shorter than expected, you should choose varieties that do not need long-term sunlight.

Charles Austin

Ideal for the climate of the Moscow region and will decorate any garden rosette Charles Austin. It has increased resistance to adverse weather conditions.

Criteria for selecting roses for growing in the Middle lane

The middle lane has very severe winters. Throughout the period, a sharp fluctuation in temperature is characteristic.

If the gardener has a dacha where he plans to grow flowers, it is important to take into account the parameters of the plant that will help him successfully endure adverse weather conditions. For cultivation in the Middle lane, species grafted on winter-hardy wild rose are best, and frost-resistant varieties of roses are suitable.

Thus, flowers for growing in the territory of Central Russia must meet 5 main requirements:

  • Have excellent health. This is their main requirement, since a sick plant will not tolerate the winter well or may die altogether.
  • Flowers should not be afraid of severe frosts and should have a stable wintering. Frost-resistant varieties are selected.
  • Must have long term flowering, which should be abundant.
  • Flowers must be resistant to bad weather conditions. They should not be afraid of rain, moisture and heat, and in any case retain their decorative effect.
  • The shoots of the plant should grow well. This is important when, after an unfavorable wintering, a part of the plant located on the ground may die. The more new stems grow, the more flowers there will be.
  • About winter-hardy roses without winter shelter (non-covering roses)

Roses winter-hardy-non-covering

There are flowers in nature that do not require shelter for the winter, the so-called "uncovered roses". Roses that do not need to be covered for the winter can easily survive winters down to -40 degrees.

The most frost-resistant varieties of roses that do not require shelter for the winter are divided into 4 groups:

  • shrubby;
  • floribunda;
  • climbing;
  • ground cover.

The category of the most winter-hardy varieties of roses should also include Canadian or “Canadian”, as rose growers call them among themselves. They can also easily hibernate without winter shelter. They belong to the climbing group and are the most unpretentious species.

Roses wintering without shelter winter well in the absence of snow with severe frosts:

  • Alexander Mackenzie. The flower is able to withstand temperatures up to -40 degrees.
  • Teresa Bagnet. Winters well in the absence of snow with severe frosts. The bush does not require shelter.

Alexander Mackenzie.

And park varieties are winter-hardy roses without winter shelter. They do not need special care and have a high vitality. Shelters for the winter require only young seedlings.

About roses that bloom all summer

Roses continuously blooming begin their active growth in late spring - early summer. They can bloom for a long time (all summer and autumn) and most often belong to the following groups:

  • wrinkled;
  • park;
  • polyanthus.

Long flowering from late spring to late autumn also boasts a bush look. This type includes:

  • roses of the English type;
  • French roses;
  • hybrid tea roses;
  • floribunda;
  • climbing varieties.

Among the ground covers there are also unpretentious roses that bloom all summer until the onset of frost. These include, for example, Scarlet (Scarlet). It is a ground cover variety that is the most hardy. It blooms profusely all summer and autumn.


Additional Information! Ballerina is the most persistent and blooming. It begins its flowering in mid-June and stops it only in November. This flower also has the additional virtue of being able to successfully endure cold, heat, rain, or the presence of shade. It is resistant to diseases and harmful insects. For all these qualities, the plant was awarded the title of "Best Classic Scrub".

About roses resistant to rain

Rain-resistant roses are not afraid of moisture or hot weather and always retain their decorative effect. These include the following varieties:

  • Hybrid Tea (Ingrid Bergman, Aphrodite, Hommage a Barbara);
  • Floribunda (Sangerhause Jumbilium rose);
  • Rhapsody in blue is a cultivar of the Shrub class.
  • Climbing (Flammentanz).

TOP 10 most unpretentious and winter-hardy varieties of roses

Often, flower growers growing plants in the cold regions of Russia wonder which roses are the most unpretentious and winter-hardy. These include frost-resistant varieties:

Paul's Scarlet

  1. Paul's Scarlet is a kind of rambler, that is, a climbing rose that blooms once.
  2. New Dawn is a climbing rose of American selection.
  3. The Fairy - has good winter hardiness and excellent landscaping qualities.
  4. Flammentanz - this variety is distinguished by frost resistance. The flower can be successfully laid under cover, as a result of which it will endure even very severe frosts.
  5. Westerland is a great scrub. It tolerates winter very well.
  6. Rosarium Uetersen - characterized by lush flowering before the onset of frost.
  7. Wrinkled rose variety Hansaland. It tolerates wintering without problems and practically without shelter.
  8. Rosa Angela - has excellent endurance. She is not afraid of rain or heat. Frost is also not terrible for this flower.
  9. Gloria Dei is the most famous cold-resistant hybrid tea variety in the world.
  10. Pierre de Ronsard, also known as Eden Rose, is a spectacular climber. Has good winter hardiness.

Roses are beautiful flowers that can delight with their beauty and aroma not only residents of the warm and sunny regions of the country. Exists huge selection varieties, among which there are those that can feel favorably in regions with severe frosts or high humidity, or delight with their beautiful buds all summer and even autumn. The main thing is to take into account the weather conditions and parameters of the plant, which you need to familiarize yourself with before planting, and then it will look beautiful, healthy and give beautiful flowers to a caring owner.

When thinking about which variety of roses is better to choose for your site, you should pay attention to the characteristics of the soil and climate in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence. Roses with complex colors are very demanding on the composition of the soil and on unsuitable soil they become unsightly. For example, Mainzer Fastnacht on insufficiently acidic soil, instead of a noble shade of lilac, turns into a dirty gray plant. And Martin Frobisher pleases with its flowering only in cool and dry conditions.

What three floribundas must be on the site

The Floribunda class combines profusely flowering varieties, characterized by large inflorescences collected in a brush, and a neat bush shape. When planning which varieties of roses are best planted in your garden, do not forget about the following feature of this class. Floribunda flowers are not as beautiful and graceful as those of hybrid tea varieties, however, these crops are much more resistant to diseases and are highly winter hardy.

Mainzer Fastnacht colors

Golden Elsa in the garden

Goldelse is a golden cloud with caps of flowers 6–8 cm in diameter and a pale orange sunset color. This rose grows up to 70 cm, blooms twice, each time delighting with abundant flowering for three weeks. The first flowering is from mid-June, and the second - from mid-August.

Distinctive features of the unpretentious Goldelze:

  • strong pleasant aroma, rarely found among floribundas;
  • the flowers remain in their original form for up to seven days, after which they turn pale;
  • buds are resistant to rain;
  • bush with dense foliage proportional and compact;
  • frost-resistant variety;
  • suitable for hot climates.

Floribunda Goldelse

Rose with royal dignity

Jubile du Prince de Monaco is a two-color floribunda 70–80 cm high, from a distance resembling a festive fireworks cap. Its crimson-white flowers delight the eye with continuous blooms from May to late autumn with the onset of the first frost.

Features of the Anniversary of the Prince of Monaco variety:

  • densely double large flowers, reaching a diameter of 12 cm and blooming for up to three weeks;
  • in full shade it becomes dazzling white, and in the sun the petals acquire a burgundy-raspberry border;
  • self-cleaning variety (faded petals fly around themselves, without creating a feeling of sloppiness);
  • resistant to both heat and frost;
  • unpretentious, rarely gets sick and tolerates rain well.

Floribunda Jubile du Prince de Monaco

An ingenious variety for the garden collection

Red Leonardo da Vinci is an unpretentious crimson handsome man, a lush bush reaching a height of 1 m. When considering which variety of roses is best to plant in your rose garden, consider the fact that Red Leonado keeps its shape much better than its close relative Leonardo da Vinci.

Variety characteristics:

  • blooms profusely and continuously throughout the summer and until frost;
  • flower (about 8 cm in diameter) lasts up to 2 weeks;
  • resistant to rain and fungal diseases;
  • winters well;
  • refers to self-cleaning varieties - the flower falls off along with the peduncle, without creating debris on the site.

Floribunda Red Leonardo da Vinci

Roses for beginner gardeners

Many experienced flower growers recommend that rose lovers start their “thorny” path by growing rosehip hybrids. Their flowers are not as lush as, for example, those of the floribunda or the hybrid tea class, but they are also more forgiving of beginners' mistakes.

The most unpretentious among the flower queens is the voluminous shrub rose Robusta. It belongs to the class of scrubs and is distinguished by abundant flowering, incredibly bright color of the petals, which attracts the eye, and beautiful foliage. Robusta is absolutely undemanding to growing conditions and does not need special care. This frost-resistant variety also recovers well after infrequent freezing.

Shrub Robusta

The Hansaland park rose can also be a successful “pen test” for a novice designer. Its main disadvantage is very prickly thorns, however, amazing winter hardiness and resistance to fungal damage compensate for this minus.

Hansaland in all its glory

The beauty Rugelda, when choosing a variety of roses, is a kind of compromise between rosehip hybrids and more noble plants. Its delicate lemon-yellow flowers with wavy edges of a bright red hue exude a light aroma. The shape of the Rugelda flower resembles a bowl, and its densely double structure gives the plant extraordinary tenderness. The rose is very frost-resistant and many gardeners do not cover it at all for the winter.

Shrub Rugelda

Black list of roses - what is better to refuse

In order for the choice of roses for planting to be successful, you also need to know about varieties that rarely leave their owners satisfied:

  1. Eiffel Tower. Despite its delicate crystal-pink hue and pleasant aroma, it is unloved by many flower growers. Its two main drawbacks are the inability to form a beautiful bush due to too thin branches, and weak flowers that burn under the sun and rot in the rain.
  2. Vendela - very unstable to fungal diseases, during rainy periods, its buds are completely covered with gray rot.
  3. golden showers. Single flowers of this rose are beautiful only in buds, when blooming they take on a sloppy look. The variety fades in a week, while the petals have time to burn out, and the flowers become loose.

Rose Golden Showers

When choosing a variety of roses for planting in your area, also consider the general patterns. So, Austin roses grow best on clay soils in partial shade, and sandy soils and the sun are not very good for them. White or very light plants are more susceptible to attack by pests. To choose the best specimens, look at the plots of your neighbors - perhaps they have already planted rose gardens and suggest something useful that is typical for your region.

Which roses are the most unpretentious and winter-hardy - this question is of interest to many novice summer residents and flower growers. To decorate your personal plot it is necessary to choose suitable varieties of roses. For the Moscow region, for Siberia, for the Urals, as well as for other northern regions, you can purchase seedlings of cold-resistant varieties. They perform well in low temperatures.

The best winter-hardy varieties of roses are:

  • Rosarium Uetersen. The most unpretentious roses, easy to care for and not demanding on the climate. The only feature is that the colder the air of the external environment, the smaller the inflorescences. However, these are roses of indescribable beauty, blooming all summer. Winter-hardy varieties, like Rosarium Uetersen, deserve attention from beginner gardeners. Abundantly flowering bushes can be placed anywhere in the garden. Rosarium Uetersen belongs to the climbing group (Climber). With proper stacking of powerful stems, which sometimes reach 3 meters in length, they can be grown using the standard method.
  • William Sheakespeare 2000. It is known for its velvety, rich and fragrant flowers. It is this variety of rose flowers that the world-famous breeder David Austin recommends for beginner gardeners. English William Sheakespeare 2000 is absolutely not whimsical. When growing seedlings, during care, as well as during the growing season in open ground does not require special attention. In addition, this variety of Austin roses (the catalog of varieties of this grower also contains another variety type of the same name without the prefix “2000”, which has less advantageous properties and requires more careful care), is resistant to cold, winds, drafts and other vagaries and climate changes. He is not afraid of many infections and ailments.
  • Westerland. Another option for the most unpretentious roses to give. Main hallmark This variety of roses (see photo) is a continuous flowering. The first inflorescences appear relatively early. At first, the color of the flowers is bright orange. Abundant flowering allows you to decorate the country yard and delight the eye of the owner. Any landscape solution using Westerland will be original. Mature flowers take on a dark apricot hue. It should be noted that the plant was bred by German breeders.
  • Golden Celebration. Bred by breeder David Austin, they are very popular all over the world. These Austin roses are the best variety for the Moscow region. The bush blooms twice a year, but it is very plentiful and it looks indescribably beautiful. The flowers are round and bright yellow in color. They emit a caramel aroma, with an admixture of the smell of lemon juice. Stems are small. The average height does not exceed 60 cm. They are practically not exposed to diseases and feel good when climatic conditions change.
  • New Dawn. It can be safely attributed to the best varieties hybrid roses. It was bred on the basis of distant American relatives of this flower. New Dawn is designed for all weather conditions and is endowed with many advantages for a novice summer resident - frost-resistant, resistant to diseases and pests, very fragrant and beautiful. Abundantly flowering bush has lush flowers of cream or pale orange hues. Sometimes there are varieties of white New Dawn roses. Recently, a variety has appeared that blooms only once a year. They are used, to a greater extent, for beds of continuous flowering.
  • Chippendale. It is one of the three leaders of winter-hardy varieties of roses for the Moscow region and Siberia. It is a very beautiful plant with complex flowers and a delicate aroma. Perfectly fits into any landscaping infield. Chippendale is not whimsical at all and is very resistant to cold, heat and changeable climate in general. The flowers are quite large and reach about 12 cm in diameter. The bushes are very beautiful, easy to form. Notable is the fact that cut flowers of Chippendale can be stored in a vase for up to 2 weeks. The main color is orange saturated and at the same time light.
  • Black Magic. A beautiful variety of roses that bloom all summer. German breeders began breeding these flowers back in 1997. They are bred for commercial cultivation. Entrepreneurs appreciate these flowers for their unpretentiousness, frost resistance and incredible beauty. They can be stored cut for up to 3 weeks in water. When the flower blooms, its center has a dark red (scarlet) hue, and the edges remain black-red with a smooth transition. Velvet, large petals fascinate with their beauty. Black Magic is the most unpretentious variety of roses for the Moscow region.
  • Robusta. One of the most sought after plants among flower growers. It grows in a lush bush and belongs to the class of scrub roses. The color of its flowers is very bright and rich in various shades. Petals of various shapes will allow you to choose the right plant for yourself. Robusta does not require a lot of time for care and is frost-resistant. In the description of this resistant variety of roses to the cold, even the predominant property is listed - it can recover even after a slight freezing.
  • Rugelda. A variety of fragrant roses Rugelda also has a strong frost resistance. Their main color is yellow (light lemon). At the edges, the petals have a wavy, densely double structure with a light red tint. The flowers of the Rugelda variety are cup-shaped, which gives them a unique look. This litter does not require special care. Many summer residents note that you can not even shelter them for the winter. Even the most severe frosts are not terrible for her.
  • Hansaland. Lovers of graceful flowers are offered the choice of the most unpretentious variety of roses for giving under the name Hansaland. Their compact, low bushes with large, lush, rich red flowers will be a real decoration. country garden or flower beds. The average height of the bush - a little less than one and a half meters - is ideal for creating a hedge in the country. Very easy to form.

You can buy winter-hardy varieties of roses in the network of online stores or from large breeding companies. Least of all, you should trust the purchase of seedlings “from hand”.

It should be noted that for beginner flower growers it is recommended to choose unpretentious varieties of roses. The description of such flowers indicates their resistance to an unstable climate. Also, they are not inferior in beauty to the delicate exotic species of this plant, they require a minimum of experience in gardening.