Vintage table with your own hands. How to restore an old wooden table? Stripes with colored tape

We use only fabric and paint for table decoration. You see the result. Like?

To proceed with the restoration, you need to clean the surface of the table. It is advisable to do this work with a grinder, but in the absence of one in the arsenal of tools, it is really possible to get by with sandpaper, only in this case you will have to work hard.

By grinding the table, we get rid of varnish and paint, which, in fact, spoil appearance this piece of furniture. The cleaned surface is treated with wood putty. This step must not be skipped, because otherwise the surface will not be perfectly flat. We close cracks and chips.

Since we did not want to repair the mechanism that made the table fold out, and there was no need for larger furniture, the sliding structure was eliminated. We just securely fastened the table, and sealed the gap with putty so that nothing betrayed the fact that the table was once sliding.

You do not have to do exactly as we do, especially if the sliding furniture parts are in good condition. But if you want to simplify the restoration, take note of our idea.

We cleaned the putty surface with a grinder, and for reliability, applied an additional layer of putty to some parts and repeated the cleaning step again.

Here we have a perfectly flat, but outwardly unsightly table. To make it change beyond recognition, you need to decorate all the surfaces of the table.

What prospects do not open up before the master, who has such a table as in the photo. How to decorate - a lot of options, from simple coloring to decoupage and other designer tricks.

We decided to decorate with fabric. This is because they could not find drawings of a sufficiently large size among the options for decoupage blanks. And the plans were to pick up large sketches. Luckily, I came across a fabric with an interesting floral plot, so we decided to use it in practice.

First of all, we primed the surface of the table. Then they painted it with white paint. White, because it is this color that imposes on us the interior of the room in which the table will be installed. Therefore, you choose the color of paint for your case.

Now we cut out a piece with a pattern from the fabric, which will become the decoration of our table. The fabric is simply glued to the surface with the appropriate type of adhesive. Make sure the fabric is laid flat. That is why we so carefully leveled the surface of the table.

The result is the same decoupage, but our drawing also ensures that the connected and masked gap from the sliding cover does not crack, because the fabric will hold the surface even stronger.

The finishing step will be the treatment of the table with varnish designed for wood.

After drying, the craft is ready. Agree, it turned out to be a very beautiful piece of furniture, which, despite its venerable age, will serve for several decades before a new restoration.

From natural wood- Great for restoration. Assessing her condition is quite simple. First of all, you need to inspect the product for the presence of rot and rotten elements. This is a common occurrence for furniture that has been stored in improper conditions. Moisture quickly destroys wood, making it unrepairable.

Pay attention also to the frame of the product. If the parts are intact and made of natural wood - great news for you. old plywood, sheet materials, covered with peeled veneer can be removed. But the frame will become a reliable support for the entire restoration process.

In addition, remember that the paintwork is of great importance if you are evaluating the product as a subject for further restoration. Furniture varnish is difficult to remove, and even then, mainly on flat areas with a flat surface. The processing of small curly elements requires special equipment and a large number of consumables. It is better not to mess with such furniture if you have no experience.

Finally, paint is not a sentence for a restorer. On the contrary, be prepared to run into several layers of old paint. There are several ways to get rid of it. Building hair dryer and solvents are the most gentle of them. Then the product is polished and after that it is ready for restoration.

Let's see what is needed in order to restore the old desk from this tutorial:


Wooden curly legs - 4 pcs;
- a small pine board to strengthen the frame;
- tabletop according to the size of the frame;
- thin wooden boards no more than 15 mm thick for decorating the side panel of the table;
- primer on wood;
- resistant paint of a light shade;
- paint with a loose coating for a decorative side panel - 2-3 shades;
- glue for woodworking;
- self-tapping screws and furniture screws;
- fittings for fastening the reverse side of the table to the wall;
- plastic handles for drawers;
- wood putty.


- sandpaper;
- paint brushes and roller;
- screwdriver;
- screwdriver;
- electric drill;
- construction roulette;
- hacksaw for metal;
- putty knife.

Step one: preparing the table for restoration work

The table for restoration went to the author free of charge. By the way, as many as four tables. However, his countertop turned out to be completely unusable, so he borrowed another one from a neighbor - with a countertop suitable for the project. All this pleasure cost him $ 35. And part of the money went to the purchase of figured legs and paintwork materials. It turned out to be quite economical.

The author cleared the table of dust and began to re-equip it. To do this, he took out all the drawers. On the side, there are usually levers that should be pressed from both sides. Then the box is easily removed from the cell.

He also removed the sidebar of the table. It was fastened on furniture screws and it turned out to be too difficult to unscrew them. Therefore, the author used a hacksaw and cut the screws along the line between the panel and the frame.

To keep the tabletop frame rigid, he reinforced it with a small wooden board, screwed on screws and planted on glue. Always use glue when assembling furniture if you can. This significantly extends the service life of fasteners.

Author deleted bottom panel tables under drawers. In order for the plywood not to crack, he preliminarily pasted the tape along the cut line. The hand saw did the job just fine. For the same purpose, you can use a jigsaw.

Step Two: Refurbishing the Desk

Since the table had lost its support and side panel, they had to be replaced with something. But the decision was already made. The author purchased four curly legs in a supermarket. Three of them he filed on the machine. They will be located under the part of the table where the drawers are located. One leg will partially replace the removed side panel.

The second fixed the short legs under the panel with drawers with screws from the back. Glue is also needed here. Remember that excess glue should be removed promptly, otherwise it will affect the quality of the coloring of the product. This is done with fine sandpaper.

Step three: painting the old table

Before painting, the surface of the product should be carefully sanded. Small elements and hard-to-reach places are usually sanded with sandpaper or disassembled.

He then applied two coats of white paint. The author used acrylic paint. It is not very durable, but it has its advantages. For example, acrylic paint is non-toxic and has no bad smell. Therefore, all work can be carried out in a residential area.

Acrylic paint often needs varnishing. Alkyd, oil and nitro paints are more resistant, but even when using the latter, furniture should be varnished. This will extend the service life paintwork.

Step four: setting up the table

You probably noticed that the table lacks legs. It's all right, you're right. The author used only four supports, instead of six. This is because the table is designed to be used in one specific place - in the corner where the old desk used to be.

And since the table was not planned to be rearranged from place to place, the author decided to save a little and fix the frame permanently to the wall. He started this work before installing the countertop.

Step Five: Installing the Countertop and Final Preparations

The author also replaced the plywood side panel with drawers. Instead, he used several tinted boards that fit perfectly into the overall picture and turned into a highlight of the product. Such toning is carried out using materials that have a loose coating. Their choice among acrylic paints huge. A similar effect can be achieved with some decorative oils.

Finally, the author fixed handles made of black matte plastic on all drawers and varnished the countertop with a glossy varnish. When choosing a varnish for countertops, pay attention to the degree of durability of the coating. If you have the opportunity to compare samples of materials, then a good furniture varnish should form a hard coating that does not scratch with a fingernail after drying. So you will be sure that the countertop will have an excellent fresh look for a long time.

Remember, I told you how I dreamed about round table? And how long did you think and search? And then the “old underframe” almost found me. Beautiful, about the middle of the last century.

And now, a month later, the table is ready, took its rightful place :) and makes us happy :)

And today I will show how the restoration process went.

Let's prepare the tools. I have this small sander, plus separate sheets of sandpaper of different numbers for handmade. All kinds of brushes, napkins and more :).

Let me remind you how I got the underframe. Purchased at an auction "hammer".

First, I sanded all the old coating - it was an old varnish and it succumbed to sanding well (surprisingly).

I processed large planes with a machine, and all the round parts, hollows, small parts manually.

First with large sandpaper, then smaller. and then quite small.

The job took about three evenings :). The result is this beauty.

After the entire underframe was sanded, I carefully vacuumed it, wiped it with a damp cloth, dried it well and once again checked the smoothness and uniformity of the entire surface. Making sure it's ready for finishing got to work :)

Prepared the coating and brush. In my choice of coating, this time I settled on “JOHNSTONE`S Satin Woodstain Protective semi-matte coating”.

Before starting work, I filtered the composition through nylon into a clean disposable bowl. To clean the brush, I prepared a solvent in a separate jar. She also kept a rag soaked in solvent at hand, so that in case of an error she could quickly correct it.

She laid a large sheet of covering material on the floor. Turned the pedestal upside down. And she began to carefully apply “paint”.

There is no need to rush during the coloring process. You can't get too much paint on a brush. Paint or varnish should not pour over the product, otherwise there will be smudges that will then dry out and ruin the product.

It is necessary to cover at least 2 times with a time interval of 1 day (or follow the instructions of the manufacturer of the paintwork material).

So, the underframe is ready, now proceeded to the countertop.

We purchased a round pine table top with a diameter of 100 cm. I also sanded it well. But due to the fact that pine is a soft material, it takes some work to achieve smoothness. After each fumigation, I wiped the countertop with a damp cloth, thereby lifting the pile of soft fibers. And I was satisfied only after the villi stopped rising.

With the help of a level, the tabletop was installed on the underframe and secured with dowels and special glue for wood.

After it “sticked” I applied the first coat of paint.

The next day, when the coating was absorbed and dried, I sanded the countertop again with the finest sandpaper. And applied another coat of paint. A day later, I wet the countertop with water and sanded it “wet” again.

So it turned out for me 4 layers, until the surface began to satisfy me completely. It turned out perfectly smooth and even.

By restoring old pieces of furniture, you can not only save money, but also get a unique piece of furniture for the interior. In this article, you will learn how to restore an old wooden table with your own hands.

Buying, whether it's a table for the kitchen or for an office, is not always the right decision. This is especially true of high-quality models made of expensive wood species. In such situations, it is much more profitable to restore the table, which will cost much less than buying a wooden product of comparable quality. Plus, antique models are valued more and more over time, and in ten years your table can increase in value significantly.

Of course, it is not at all easy to restore the table on your own, but with due desire and the presence of certain skills, it is quite possible. If you are not sure of the successful outcome of this venture, then it is better to immediately turn to professionals. Well, if you crave to do it yourself, now we will talk about existing ways restoration and renovation of the table.

Ways to update the table

There are several traditional ways to update the surfaces of old tables. The most common of these is the application of a new paintwork, or in other words, regular painting. Next, we will present step by step instructions for the implementation of this process. For those who wish to give their table a unique and creative design, stencil surface painting is suitable. Patterns or pattern you can choose yourself.

Laying on the table top ceramic tiles gives it an attractive appearance, and also makes it more durable and practical: it is not afraid of elevated temperatures and exposure to moisture, which allows you to put hot pots on the surface and use any washing methods. The most aesthetic way is to use the decoupage technique, which consists in applying various color patterns to the surface. The most budgetary way is sticking PVC film. It allows you to change the appearance of the product and hide existing surface defects.

Restoration of the table by painting

Before proceeding with the restoration, you must make sure that the table is subject to this process and does not have critical damage. The supports must be reliable, if possible, it is necessary to tighten or glue the connecting elements. The tabletop should not have strong cracks and chips. In some situations, you can replace the legs or base of the table. Thus, its reliability and stability will be precisely ensured.

Removing old paint

To complete the following restoration steps, you will need a grinder, sandpaper, enamel paint, brushes, a primer, and wax or varnish. After doing preparatory work and checking the reliability of the fasteners, we proceed to remove the old paintwork. This is a laborious process that requires a lot of effort. It is recommended to use grinder tape type, as it is easier to work with it.

Grinding should be along the fibers, which will avoid scratches, and inaccessible areas should be processed manually with sandpaper. To remove the top layer, coarse-grained paper is suitable, and to give smoothness, you need to use fine-grained paper. When working, a lot of wood dust is generated, so be sure to use safety glasses and a respirator.

Elimination of defects

After removing the paint layer, you need to clean the surface of dust and check it for hidden defects. Everything, even the smallest cracks and chips, must be repaired with a special wood putty, and then re-sand the patches that have arisen. The end result should be perfect. Smooth surface without any defects.

Preparation for staining

The next step is to prepare the surface for painting. To do this, it is necessary to thoroughly clean it from dust and degrease. Then several layers of primer are applied, which will allow the paint to lie evenly, as well as extend the life of the product. You can prime with a brush or roller. The drying time of the primer is about 10-12 hours, after which you can proceed directly to applying a layer of paint.


For high-quality staining, it is important to choose the right paint. It is not recommended to use cheap paints, as they are often not the most best quality and can crack quickly. Water-based or acrylic-based enamel paint will do. The brush is also an important factor: it should not shed during use. Instead of a paint brush, you can use a large art brush. The paint is applied in 2-3 layers, after which it remains to dry for several days.

Surface protection

After the paint has dried, be sure to protect the surface from scratches, water and other influences. For this, a special protective varnish is suitable for water based or wax paste. The varnish is applied in several layers, each of which is slightly sanded after preliminary drying, which takes about 4 hours. Upon completion of the operation, the surface will have a pleasant glossy sheen, and the paint will be protected from mechanical stress.

The second option is to protect the surface with a wax paste. In this case, the surface will have an elegant matte sheen. Wax is applied to the surface by rubbing with a cotton cloth in several layers. After that, it is polished in a circular motion and left to dry for a week. During this time, the absorbed wax will give the countertop the required properties. After the protective coatings have dried, the restoration process can be considered completed, and the table is ready for use.

Having completed the restoration of an old wooden table yourself, you can be proud of the result. donate old furniture new life much more correct and more profitable than just throwing it away and buying a new one.

Buying good furniture can sometimes be expensive. if you have old table, which you do not use because its appearance has deteriorated over the years, we will tell you a few simple ways how to restore its former beauty with your own hands, and, perhaps, make it a highlight of your interior.

Before decorating a table in one way or another, you need to inspect it in order to assess its condition, then carry out the necessary repair work with your own hands, and then prepare the surface for decoration.

How to prepare the table surface?

Surface preparation - essential restoration step. It is produced in the following sequence:

Option 1. Coating with paint and varnish

This option great for beginners, it does not require any special knowledge or skills from you.


A simple do-it-yourself table restoration for beginners is completed.

And since there is lots of various technologies for the restoration and alteration of furniture, we will consider other options.

Option 2. Mosaic cladding

If table top in use was scratched, or dents appeared on its surface, you can veneer it with your own hands with a mosaic that will hide all defects and return the table to its former beauty.

Prepare for work:

Repair procedure:

  1. Check if the legs are holding well. If necessary, secure them properly with self-tapping screws.
  2. Degrease the surfaces of the tabletop and legs with alcohol or acetone.
  3. Sand and sand surfaces.
  4. Places that cannot be sanded, putty, and then sand.
  5. Cover all surfaces with a coat of paint. Leave until dry. For work it is better to use paint in an aerosol.
  6. Apply glue in a good layer on the surface of the table.
  7. Mosaic cut and glue mesh down. Press the mosaic and smooth. Postpone work until the adhesive has completely hardened.
  8. Carefully seal the painted edges with adhesive tape and grout the mosaic.
  9. Wipe the surface of the table with a damp sponge.
  10. After a day, wipe the table with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Our table, lined with mosaics with our own hands, is ready.

Option 3. Decorating with a pattern

If the tabletop has no obvious defects, then it is quite possible to get by with decorating the surface with drawings.

We will need:

Work order:

  1. We grind the old surface, sand and putty.
  2. We cover the countertop with base color paint.
  3. Let's draw a picture. You can use a special stencil, apply asymmetrical multi-colored splashes or depict an elaborate ornament. You can make multi-colored stripes by sticking tape in even lines on the countertop and painting over the stripes between the tape.
  4. After the pattern has completely dried, we varnish the finished tabletop and leave to dry.

A table decorated with do-it-yourself drawings can be used for its intended purpose.

Option 4. Wallpaper decoration

One of the most easy, low cost ways restoration of the furniture surface - pasting the table top with wallpaper.

For this you will need:


  1. Degrease the countertop.
  2. We cover the surface with paint and leave to dry.
  3. We measure and cut a sheet of wallpaper to the size of the countertop.
  4. We glue the wallpaper, carefully smoothing it to avoid the appearance of bumps and bubbles.
  5. We bend the ends of the wallpaper under the countertop and glue it.
  6. On top of the wallpaper, if desired, you can apply a frame or some kind of pattern.
  7. We fix the wallpaper along the contour with nails.
  8. Coat the product with varnish and leave to dry.

Decorating the tabletop with wallpaper with your own hands is completed.

Option 5. Decoupage

Decoupage technique is great suitable for restoration old furniture. On sale there is a huge variety of napkins and applications for decoupage. Using this technology, you can decorate not only the table top, but also the sides and even the legs.

Prepare for work:

  • Decoupage napkins
  • PVA glue
  • tassel

If napkins for decoupage you could not find, instead of drawing from them, you can transfer an image from newspapers or magazines to the surface of the table.


  1. Prepare the surface of the table.
  2. We transfer the drawing with glue to the countertop and other surfaces. We are waiting for everything to dry.
  3. We cover the table with varnish.

It remains to wait for complete drying and the design of the table using the decoupage technique is ready.

Option 6. Restoring with varnishing

If your the table is not too damaged by time, however, its appearance is no longer very good, and the varnishing needs to be replaced, you can do this:

A week later, our restored table is ready.

Other ways to restore old tables

  1. Stick a self-adhesive film on the surface of the table.
  2. Cover the countertop with oilcloth, nailing it under the table with a construction stapler.
  3. If the table top cannot be repaired, you can replace it with glass and install a beautiful backlight from below or cover the table surface with ceramic tiles.

As seen from practice table restoration process does not tolerate fuss. A lot of time can pass between the start of work and the receipt of the finished result. But if you approach the matter with all responsibility and thoroughness, your table will turn out no worse than a new one.