Pine oil medicinal properties and contraindications. Useful properties of pine oil and how to use it

Pine has been known to us since ancient times. It is from it that most furniture structures and other wood products are made, so everyone knows how pine smells. Its aroma can be smelled even through several layers of lacquer coating, and a fresh pine log house smells of a sharp but pleasant aroma of pine needles.

The aroma of this tree is the oils that are contained in it, their concentration in one kilogram of wood is 2%, and in needles and cones up to 6%.

There are about 120 species of pine, and oil is extracted from each. Each type is used in its own field: cosmetology, medicine, the production of hygiene products, perfumery, and so on.

At the same time, not every type of such oil can be used directly for external use in its pure form, since you can get a chemical burn or bring yourself to an epileptic seizure.

For external use, Scotch pine oil (Pinus sylvestris L), which grows throughout Russia, is used.

Oil is extracted both from wood and from needles and cones. Derived from wood extract, has less useful substances, than that which is made by distillation with steam from cones and needles.

In appearance, it is yellowish or transparent in color with a pungent odor. It contains pinene, limonene, borneol and anisaldehyde. Essential oil pines, medicinal properties which are used in many areas of medicine and cosmetology due to the following qualities:

  • antipyretic;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Anti-cold;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • Deodorizing;
  • Tonic;
  • Relaxing;
  • Analgesic.

The area of ​​​​use of the oil is quite wide, but it has found its greatest application in medicine and cosmetology, as well as in the production of perfumes and hygiene products. But 70% of all produced ether is used for the needs of medicine for external and internal use.

Main areas of use:

  1. Massage. Calms the skin, makes it softer;
  2. Burns. Oil reduces pain and has an antiseptic effect, killing bacteria and viruses;
  3. Relaxation. Oil ether is a volatile substance that easily penetrates the lungs and soothes them, and also increases blood circulation, cleansing the alveoli of the lungs and bronchi;
  4. Leather. Restores the natural tone of the skin;
  5. Disinfection and aromatization of premises. Essential oil is added to cleaning solutions to fight bacteria and viruses, aromatize rooms to neutralize infection in the air;
  6. baths. It is used to relax and restore skin tone as the main active ingredient.

The use of pine essential oil must be prescribed by a doctor. Ingestion is necessary for serious diseases of the upper respiratory tract: bronchi, trachea and lungs, as well as for the treatment genitourinary system organism. It is also used in the treatment of scurvy, rheumatism.

This ester has antiseptic properties and pleasant smell, which promotes the inhalation of ether without rejection by the body, which allows it to penetrate into the alveoli and bronchi more substances.

Using pine essential oil for inhalation will be the best natural remedy for treating respiratory inflammation.

Sauna. Inhalation can be carried out in the sauna by dropping a few drops of pine ether on hot stones and inhaling the heated vapors.

Dissolving a few drops in boiling water. Vapors rise up, and covering the head with a towel or other cloth, a person inhales steam, which disinfects and relieves inflammation from the bronchi and disinfects the respiratory tract, in particular the trachea.

Pine essential oil has been used in cosmetology for a very long time, in ancient Egypt and Greece, women used it to combat rashes, and today they treat the scalp, face and hair.

It is necessary to use the ether strictly in the prescribed dosage, if it is exceeded, the opposite result can be achieved. We recommend visiting a beautician for a consultation before use.

Pine oil: application for hair

The use of pine oil for hair will help restore the color, structure and tone of the hair and hair follicles. Prevents baldness or hair loss.

Thanks to the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of pine oil, it has been used for the face for a long time, starting from the 3rd millennium BC. Benefits for the face in relieving puffiness, swelling of the skin, reduces inflammation, has a scrub effect, restores skin tone. The oil protects the face from the effects of the external environment.

The product is also added to cosmetic ice for wiping the neck and face, the ice restores tone, and the oil disinfects the water.

Ether is also added to creams. So, 30% of face creams contain medium or high concentrations of pine or mixed coniferous oils, another 20% of creams contain them in small doses.

The pine is known as an evergreen coniferous tree, the zone of growth of which varies from the middle to northern latitudes of the country. However, few people know that there is an essential oil of pine, the properties of which are characterized by high efficiency. Currently, about hundreds of species of the presented evergreen tree are known, but the aromatic essence is extracted from Scots pine.

general information

In order to obtain pine oil, a water-steam distillation method is used, through which various parts of the tree are processed, but in most cases - buds or needles. To obtain one liter of pine essential mixture, it is necessary to process at least half a ton of raw materials. The result is a colorless liquid of light consistency, which has a fresh and rich aroma. finished product has a high pricing policy: for 10 ml of natural oil you will have to pay about 100 rubles.

Pine essential oil properties

As mentioned above, pine oil has a number of useful properties, characterized by high efficiency. Here are the most memorable ones:

1. Anti-inflammatory

With the local application of pine oil, you can get rid of redness, inflamed and swollen appearances, as well as eliminate pain and discomfort in the joints. In addition, muscle pain is relieved. In order to obtain a general healing effect, it is necessary to add a few drops of the product to the bath with hot water, and in order to enhance the degree of positive impact - dilute with it the base oils represented by almonds or coconut.

2. Expectorant

Also, one of the useful properties of pine essential oil is its ability to provoke a productive discharge of sputum from the respiratory organs, represented by the lungs and bronchi. In addition, the aromatic mixture minimizes the development of diseases that affect the sinuses: sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and others.

3. Purifying

In this case, pine essential oil is indispensable for skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, and acne. The tool effectively copes with dandruff on the head, and also helps to cleanse the intestines, removing toxic elements from it and normalizing the local microflora.

4. Antiviral

Pine oil is widely known as a powerful tool in the fight against flu and cold-type diseases. In combination with a mixture of vitamins of group C, there is a low threshold for morbidity, as well as a quick recovery.

5. Antioxidant

Due to its antioxidant properties, pine essential oil helps to slow down the aging process that occurs in the body ahead of time. Against this background, there is an improvement in overall well-being and the state of the emotional system. In addition, it is worth noting the prevention of cancer. Substances-antioxidants effectively fight diseases of the eyes, muscles and nervous system.

6. Anti-infective and immunomodulatory

Regular use of pine essential essence protects the body from the effects of pathogenic microorganisms. In particular, the risk of infection of the genitourinary system and skin is reduced.

7. General therapeutic

The use of pine oil has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body, stimulating the brain, resulting in a maximum of mental activity. In addition, fatigue and depression are eliminated.

8. Disinfectant

Another of the properties of pine essential oil is disinfection. various surfaces a high degree of efficiency, including the domestic sphere, as well as - skin and head.

9. Revitalizing

Many specialists in the field of medicine prescribe the use of essential pine essence as a means of promoting the speedy recovery of the body after serious illnesses or operations.

Pine Oil Applications and Recipes

A wide range of unique and at the same time versatile properties of the aromatic pine mixture allows it to be used in various medical and cosmetic fields. Short review can be seen in the following video:

The medicine

1. Respiratory tract:

a) In the presence of respiratory diseases such as bronchitis or tracheitis, it is advisable to prepare and use the following composition:

  • Mix honey in the amount of a couple of teaspoons with pine and anise essences in the amount of 2 drops each.
  • Add to these ingredients a drop of oregano and eucalyptus.
  • The finished mixture should be carefully rubbed into the sternum until heat appears.

b) When coughing attacks occur, it is necessary to mix 20 drops of pine oil with 30 ml of olive oil. The resulting mixture is also intended for rubbing the chest.

2. Purulent wounds

In this case, lotions are used, the solution for which is prepared by mixing 5 drops of pine essential oil and 30 ml of water. A cotton pad or a regular napkin is moistened in the resulting product and applied to the affected area. Thus, the inflammatory process is removed and further infection is eliminated.

3. Periodontal disease

Effectively and in a short time to cope with inflammation of the gums, you can use a special rinse prepared on the basis of the essential essence of pine. To do this, in a glass of warm boiled water dilute the aromatic mixture in an amount of 3 drops.

4. Rheumatism

To eliminate inflammation in the muscles, as well as to stop the pain that occurs against the background of the development of arthritis and rheumatism, you can use a mixture prepared by mixing Vaseline in an amount of 10 ml with 3 drops of pine. As a result, blood circulation normalizes in the painful area.

5. Cold

In the event of a cold, aromatic tea will be useful. To prepare it, it is enough to add 5 drops of the essential agent to a medium-sized teapot. Similarly, preventive procedures can be carried out.

6. Inhalation

Inhalation measures become indispensable in the presence of asthma, runny nose, tonsillitis. In order to carry out hot type inhalation, it is necessary to add a couple of drops of pine oil, and for cold type - 5 drops.

7. Compresses

They are most effective for skin diseases, when it is urgent to relieve inflammation, peeling, and also to achieve the speedy healing of cracks and wounds. As a compression composition, jojoba oil, diluted with a couple of drops of pine, is suitable.


1. Skin:

a) acne and pimples

To combat such unpleasant skin manifestations, you must use a special tonic:

  • In order to disinfect the affected areas, it is necessary to mix the essential oil of pine and tea tree in the amount of 10 drops each with 5 drops of bergamot essence and pure alcohol, which should be about 50 ml.
  • After using the resulting composition, it is necessary to prepare a mixture for longer wear. For this purpose, the following aromatic extracts are dissolved in 50 ml of jojoba oil: one drop of thyme, 5 drops of lavender, 3 drops of mint and pine in the amount of 5 drops.
b) Cellulite

There are two ways to fight cellulite manifestations: through aromatic baths or massage treatments:

  • To prepare a bath, dilute pine essential oil in the amount of 10 drops in hot water.
  • The massage mixture is prepared by mixing 30 ml of olive oil with 6 drops of pine extract.

2. Nails

Weak nails, characterized by increased brittleness and layering, require special care. To maintain their beauty and health,
use a special strengthening composition based on 30 ml of wheat germ oil and pine oil in the amount of 6 drops. In this composition, the nails should be kept for no more than five minutes.

3. Hair

And, of course, one cannot fail to mention the beneficial effects of pine ethereal essence on strands. Pine for hair is used in the following cases:

Pine for hair becomes especially effective when preparing various therapeutic masks based on it:

a) Strengthening:
  • Olive oil in an amount of 15 ml is diluted with 6 drops of pine essential oil.
  • The finished composition is applied along the entire length of the curls.
  • After an hour, the mask is washed off with a regular shampoo, after which the hair is rinsed with warm water diluted with a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
b) From falling out:
  • Pine essence in the amount of 30 drops is placed in 3 tablespoons of burdock oil.
  • The presented mask can be used several times a week.
c) For growth:
  • Any base oil is taken, in which the following essential extracts are dissolved: cloves in the amount of 2 drops, pine - 3 drops, rosemary and cinnamon in the amount of 4 drops each.
  • Apply the mask along the entire length of the hair and leave for half an hour.
  • After the specified time, wash off the oil composition with running water using shampoo.
d) For fatty type of curls:
  • It is also necessary to have base oil, which should be in the amount of 3 tablespoons.
  • Essential mixtures of rosemary and geranium are diluted in it in the amount of 3 drops each, also a couple of drops of pine and lavender.
  • After application medical composition on the hair, it is necessary to make warming in the form of a towel or a hat made of polyethylene.
  • The mask is washed off after half an hour.

Be sure to read about other ways to use .

household sphere

In everyday life, pine essential essence perfectly copes with the role of an air freshener due to its light and unobtrusive aroma. Also, with this tool, you can get rid of various harmful insects. To do this, a few drops of oil should be added to an aromatic lamp.


Since pine essential oil has a peculiar composition, and also has a pleasant, but very specific smell, its use should be careful or completely excluded in the following cases:

  1. With individual intolerance to the individual components of the drug.
  2. In case of predisposition to allergic manifestations.
  3. During the period of gestation and breastfeeding.
  4. The use of the essential mixture on an empty stomach is excluded. This is especially true of acute forms of gastritis and ulcerative manifestations.

This coniferous, resinous, woodsy aroma of one of the most popular woody representatives is familiar to almost everyone firsthand.

Since ancient times, people have appreciated the healing power of these mighty evergreens, and the essential oil extracted from pine is still very popular.

Its use is not limited to its presence in medical and cosmetics, but also in aromatherapy, he plays one of the leading roles.

Usually, for healing, aromatherapy or giving a special spirit in a bath, they choose the ether of Scotch pine. However, along with such a popular “colleague”, you can often find yellow, mountain, Corsican or marsh pine oils on sale, which have completely different properties and have a narrower focus.

In general, there are over one thousand species of these conifers in the world, but, whatever one may say, it was the ether of ordinary pine that had the honor of standing guard over human health and beauty, covering many aspects of these issues.

Historical facts

Even in Arabia and on the territory of Ancient Egypt, extracts from pine wood and needles were highly valued from a medical point of view. From the resulting healing juice, decoctions and mixtures were prepared for coughing, inflammation of the bronchi and lungs, and even tried to fight tuberculosis, which was deadly in those days.

Coniferous oil in censers was considered true and the only effective tool from any pathology of the respiratory tract.

At the same time, various ointments, creams, infusions and balms of a wide spectrum of action based on pine needles were in great demand among ancient healers.

However, the medicinal use of the coniferous elixir was not limited to territorial boundaries, and even the American native Indians knew this healing miracle tree, which gives good health and strength to 20 warriors.

In addition, these mighty representatives of the flora were honored with great honor in terms of sacred rituals. Pine aromatic mixtures were often the main figures in the ritual ceremonies of the Inuit and Indians. And in the Middle Ages, coniferous aroma mixtures were the main barrier and protector from the plague.

And to this day, pine with its healing essential drops appears to be an effective tool in the fight against many diseases, and is also a frequent "guest" in skin and hair care products.


The productivity of the production of essential pine oil is largely determined not only by the area of ​​​​growth of the plant and the characteristics of the climate in which it "lives", but also by the period of harvesting. Harvest does not mean cones at all, but needles and young shoots, because it is pine “leaves” that are the main carriers of esters.

However, oddly enough, even with five, and sometimes six hours of steam extraction during the distillation of raw materials, the yield of valuable extract is negligible, only 0.2-0.3%.

Like all coniferous esters, pine oil can wait in the wings for more than 5 years in sealed packaging. However, do not forget that it is better to give priority in use to a product whose age does not exceed 24 months, because even a slight violation of storage can cause oxidation of the liquid.

At the same time, this oil is absolutely not phototoxic, and in a 12% solution with water does not cause any allergic reactions, which indicates the minimum toxicity of the drug.

Pine aromatic extract is surprisingly liquid, fluid, quite light and almost crystal clear. Only in rare cases, and with very careful spectral study, can a slight hint of a yellow tint be caught.

But the smell of this liquid does not look so nondescript. Intense woody, pronounced coniferous, deep resinous, fresh aroma with spicy motifs with a bitter undertone. This smell is difficult to confuse with any other.

The coniferous aroma can rightly be called an “emotional equalizer”, since it is the pine ether that can relieve anxiety and irritation, stop stress and depression, cheer up and restore the emotional state. This elixir is ideal for the creation of philosophers and for the sober thinking of leaders.

At the same time, pine esters were found wide application not only in the psychological field, but also in therapy, where they have proven themselves as an excellent analgesic, regenerating, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent.

And if you touch on such obsessive ailments as acute respiratory infections, colds and flu, then these “companions” of winter will have to retreat if coniferous ether is nearby: viruses and bacteria do not like it very much.

  • Inhalations and baths with the addition of coniferous drops can relieve even the most neglected cough, help in the separation of sputum and relieve inflammation of the respiratory system.

  • But what is especially important, pine aroma pendants (2-3 drops) and aroma lamps (5-7 drops) contribute to quick recovery protective and internal forces of the body, can bring down the heat in a matter of minutes, relieve dizziness, migraine and nausea.

However, the possibilities of pine ether are not limited to a beneficial effect on the organs of the respiratory system and the treatment of catarrhal pathologies.

  • The oil is very effective in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, due to the diuretic effect of the oil, coupled with an antibacterial effect.
  • Plus, it relieves swelling, and removes bile, relieving hepatic ailments.


And with all this extensive list of advantages, there is only one limitation to the use of this essential oil.

Pine essential oil: home use

All praises of the oil have been sung and I would like to give some specific recommendations for using pine ether in a home first aid kit.

Massage mixture for respiratory pathologies

Bronchitis, tracheitis

  • To prepare the composition, mix 2 tsp. honey with 2 drops of pine ether, 2 drops of anise ether and 1 drop of oregano with eucalyptus extract.

The resulting drug should be actively rubbed on the chest. This tool helps to alleviate the condition with bronchitis and tracheitis.


  • Olive oil (30 ml) mixed with pine ether (20 drops) will help relieve a choking cough and relieve a cold.

This tool is intended for rubbing the chest.

Lotions for purulent wounds

If a napkin is moistened in a solution of water (30 ml) with pine essential oil (5 drops) and applied to the affected area for 5 minutes, then inflammation can be removed and the infection removed from the open wound.

With periodontal disease

Pine mouthwash is a very effective remedy for gum disease.

  • You can make a conditioner like this: add 3 drops of essential coniferous oil to 1 cup of warm boiled water.

Rubbing for rheumatoid pain

  • Mix 10 ml of vaseline with 7 drops of pine ether.

This composition, when rubbed into a sore spot, is able to relieve muscle inflammation, pain in rheumatism and arthritis, and also restore impaired blood circulation in the tissues.


For prevention and treatment colds, and just for the soul, the aromatization of tea leaves will be a very useful discovery. Just 5 drops of pine ether is enough for a whole teapot.

Hot inhalations

Inhalation activities with the participation of pine essential oil act as a reliable remedy for colds and flu, asthma and bronchitis, rhinitis and tonsillitis.

  • For hot inhalation, only 2-3 drops of coniferous extract are required, for cold inhalation - 4-5.

Do not delay the procedure for more than 7 minutes.

Compresses from dermatological pathologies

Eczema and psoriasis are a real test for a person. To relieve peeling, inflammation and irritation, as well as speed up the healing process of cracks in the skin, apply jojoba oil enriched with pine ether (2 drops) (2 tablespoons) to the affected areas.

Pine essential oil for skin

Caring products with the participation of pine aroma oil are ideal for all skin types, demonstrating powerful tonic abilities, as well as increasing the firmness, elasticity and youthfulness of the epidermis.

Compositions based on this oil normalize metabolic processes, and very effectively cope with seborrhea, furunculosis and acne.

Acne tonic complex

First you need to prepare 1 remedy for the treatment of affected areas. To do this, mix 10 drops of pine and tea tree ether and 5 drops of bergamot extract with 50 ml of medical alcohol.

After the initial procedure, it is necessary to apply a mixture of thyme (1 drop), lavender (5 drops), mint (3 drops) and pine (5 drops) esters based on 50 ml of jojoba transport oil to the entire face.

Anti-cellulite measures

Behind cold winter the beach season will come, but you need to put yourself in order and think about how to get rid of cellulite in advance.

Aroma bath (10 drops of pine ether per bath) and a massage mixture will help us with this: 30 ml of olive oil + 6 drops of pine ether.

Baths for nails

Nothing adorns women's hands like beautiful, strong and well-groomed nails, which can be maintained in proper form with the help of aromatic oil baths.

You can prepare a strengthening composition as follows:

  • 10 drops of pine ether are diluted in 20 ml of wheat germ base oil.

Soak the nails in this mixture for 5 minutes, and the procedure is not recommended more than 2 times a month.

Pine ester also shows excellent results in relation to hair. It is simply amazing how effective these products enriched with coniferous extract are. They can not only give healthy look, shine and shine to curls, but also stop their fragility, loss, stimulate growth and fight dandruff.

Firming mask

This mask can even out the texture of the hair shafts, as well as give the hair a natural strength and beauty.

  • Mix with 15 ml of olive oil 6 drops of pine essential oil and apply the composition along the entire length of the hair.

After 1 hour, wash off the mask with shampoo, and rinse your hair with warm water with apple cider vinegar diluted in it (2 tablespoons).

Anti-fall mask

This mask recipe is just right for the spring, when vitamin deficiency makes our hair grow dull, break and fall out.

  • To correct all these troubles, we apply a mixture of 3 tbsp once or twice a week to the hair for half an hour. burdock oil and 30 drops of pine ether.

After the allotted time, wash off the oil layer with shampoo.

Strengthening rinse

Very effective for a beautiful hairstyle and enriched rinse, which can be done like this:

  • for 1 liter of warm boiled water, add 10 drops of pine essential oil.

domestic use

At home, these aromatic drops play the role of a freshener and air purifier. In addition, in tandem with eucalyptus extract, pine oil will drive away all parasitic insects and mosquitoes from the house, you just need to drip 5 drops of the product into an aroma lamp or into water to wipe the floors.

Great mighty trees become a symbol of a harsh land. Clean air and natural resources allow coniferous giants to grow. Fragrant pine oil for the face gives it a piece of natural beauty. Rejuvenates and tones, removes signs of fatigue, while maintaining elasticity and freshness.

Benefits of pine essential oil for skin

  1. Moisturizing and nutrition;
  2. acne treatment;
  3. Rejuvenation of sagging skin;
  4. Whitening pigmentation.

The composition contains:

  • cadinene;
  • bornyl acetate;
  • sylvestren;
  • pinene;
  • Karen;
  • camphor;
  • resin acids.

Contraindications - individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation. Possible harm from a composition that has not been tested for allergies. Use only quality products, buy in trusted places.

Ways to use pine oil for the face

To care for oily, problematic and sensitive skin, you should use pine essential oil. Can be added to creams, tonics, lotions, for the treatment of acne, enrich ointments and cleansing gels. In cosmetology, pine oil is effective as part of rejuvenating nutrient mixtures for daily moisturizing or massages. Ice with coniferous ether will give freshness and elasticity.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. Frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Facial massage

Used to eliminate various types wrinkles, activation of collagen synthesis.


  • 6 drops of pine oil;
  • 12 ml peach oil.

Preparation and method of application: combine the ether with warm stone oil, distribute on a clean dermis. Movements in the direction of the lymph flow are sliding, smoothing. Use a course of ten / fifteen sessions twice a year.

cosmetic ice

Excellent helps fight swelling, has a refreshing and rejuvenating effect of ice with pine needles oil.


  • 50 ml of herbal decoction;
  • 7 drops of pine ether.

Preparation and method of application: after preparing and straining the herbal liquid, add coniferous oil, pour into molds and send to the freezer. Wipe the surface of the face along the massage lines with ready-made ice cubes. Use cryotherapy for no more than twenty days, after that, take a break of several months.

Homemade Pine Oil Face Mask Recipes

At home, it can easily cope with the main aesthetic problems of the skin, restore and maintain elasticity and youth. Using pine oil is effective for all skin types and ages, it solves the problems of oily and wrinkled dermis. Processes in the deep layers are normalized, oxygen respiration and water-lipid balance are restored.

Acne mask

Result: the fragrant liquid helps in the fight against acne and pustular rash, smoothing uneven texture, refreshing and improving complexion. The natural remedy has healing bactericidal properties, soothes inflamed areas.


  • 3 drops of pine oil;
  • 8 gr. clay;
  • ampoule of pantothenic acid.

Preparation and method of application: add anti-acne oil and vitamin B5 into gray powder, dilute with concentrated herbal decoction. Steam the surface of the face thoroughly and distribute the finished home remedy. Wash after half an hour cold water Apply antiseptic ointment to pimples.

Wrinkle mask

Result: natural skin care recipes provide a lasting rejuvenating effect. Pigmentation is bleached, deep static wrinkles are smoothed out, the oval line is corrected.


  • 3 drops of pine oil;
  • Art. spoon kelp;
  • coffee spoon of cocoa.

Preparation and method of application: grind dry kelp into powder in a coffee grinder, steam with warm tea for half an hour. Then add fragrant powder and coniferous liquid to the composition. Apply to the skin over the entire surface, avoiding only the eyelid area. After resting for about forty minutes, you can complete the caring procedure.

Mask for age spots

Result: successfully copes with age spots, refreshing and whitening the epidermis. It has a light peeling effect, removing the stratum corneum of the epithelium.


  • 3 drops of pine oil;
  • 6 cranberries;
  • 5 ml cream.

Preparation and method of application: grind fresh berries through a fine sieve, add chilled cream and coniferous ether. Distribute and leave the mass for twenty minutes. When finished, wash your face and apply a moisturizing emulsion.

Mask for oily skin

Result: a mask with essential oil has a cleansing and bactericidal effect. Home recipes contribute to the normalization of the secretion of the sebaceous glands, the restoration of an even tone, and the narrowing of enlarged pores in the T-zone.


  • 4 drops of pine ether;
  • 5 gr. salt;
  • 10 gr. pea flour.

Preparation and method of application: combine yellow powder with pine liquid and finely ground sea crystals. Spread the cleansing mask on the surface of the face with rubbing movements, leave for ten minutes, complete with a cold wash.

Mask for dry skin

Result: facial care with natural ingredients allows you to provide cellular structures with life-giving minerals, vitamins and acids. The ether helps to tone the dermis, accelerate all metabolic processes, maintain moisture and lipid levels.


  • 5 drops of pine oil;
  • 15 ml of aloe juice.

Preparation and method of application: after cutting off the aloe shoots, wrapping them in paper, put them in the lower drawers of the refrigerator for ten days. After squeezing out the viscous juice, add African nourishing oil and pine liquid. After cleansing the face of cosmetics, process ready mix the entire surface without exception. After an hour, wipe with a damp cotton pad.

Rejuvenating mask

Result: wrinkles are smoothed, pigment formations are whitened.


  • 5 drops of pine oil;
  • 6 ml pomegranate juice;
  • 10 gr. cottage cheese;
  • egg.

Preparation and method of application: combine natural ingredients, distribute the mass in a dense layer on the cleansed dermis. Leave for thirty-five minutes, at the end, remove the residue and wash with cold water.

Video: Beneficial features and how to use pine oil at home

Pine oil, obtained by extracting essential oils from pine needles, is a powerful healing agent. Pine extract is a powerful antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal protection along with oils such as tea tree essential oil and eucalyptus oil. It certainly deserves separate place in every first aid kit.

The powerful effect of pine oil is associated with a high content of phenols and acids in it, which can effectively fight pathogenic microorganisms and eliminate the disease. It also has a curative effect on endocrine system and is used as an aid in skin cleansing from various impurities. Pine hydrosol is an excellent immune stimulant and body tonic, and balances the psychophysical state.

Pine oil - useful properties

Pine oil has a fairly wide application due to its special beneficial properties.

1. Eliminates redness and inflammation

When applied topically, pine oil is able to eliminate redness, inflammation and swelling in people experiencing pain and discomfort in the joints. It can also relieve muscle pain. For an overall health benefit, add pine essential oil to a hot bath. Also, to enhance its beneficial effects, pine oil is recommended to be added to base massage oils, such as almond or coconut.

2. Expectorant action

Pine essential oil contributes to a more efficient discharge of sputum from the lungs and bronchi. Its use also reduces the likelihood of sinus diseases such as sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis and sphenoiditis.

3. Skin care

Pine oil can be useful for various skin conditions due to its powerful cleansing effect. It has been successfully used for psoriasis, acne, acne, boils, eczema and pruritus. Pine oil can also be applied to the scalp for dry skin and dandruff.

4. Antiviral and antimicrobial action

Oil extracted from pine nuts can provide powerful protection against flu and colds. And if it is used in conjunction with the use of a sufficient amount of foods rich in vitamin C (lemons, rose hips, currants, bell pepper, potatoes, etc.), then health problems in the autumn-spring period will become much less, and the recovery time will be significantly reduced.

5. Powerful antioxidant protection

Pine oil has antioxidant properties, thanks to which it effectively neutralizes free radicals. Thus, the aging process of the body is slowed down, general well-being improves and cancer prevention is carried out. Antioxidants in the oil prevent eye diseases, muscle degeneration, and many disorders of the nervous system.

6. Detrimental to pathogens

When used regularly, pine oil can protect against many types of harmful microorganisms, including urinary tract infections and skin infections.

7. Aromatherapy

8. Disinfectant properties

It is an excellent surface cleaner and disinfectant added to sprays and air fresheners. Pine oil is effective against many household germs, mold and E. coli.

Study of the beneficial properties of pine oil

Studies have shown that pine oil can effectively eliminate bronchial infections. In aromatherapy, it is often used to prevent lower respiratory tract infections. Research conducted at the Medical Center at the University of Maryland has shown that the effectiveness of pine essential oil in the treatment of respiratory infections is very high. As a steam inhalation, pine oil helps to cleanse the sinuses of mucus, which is very useful for various types sinusitis.

Warnings and Side Effects

Pine oil should be used with caution due to its powerful effects. Do not use it in its pure form, it can irritate the skin and mucous membranes. Ingestion can be hazardous to human health.

How to use pine essential oil

  • Add 4-6 drops of undiluted pine essential oil to a warm bath;
  • Dilute in a ratio of 50/50 with coconut or olive oil and massage the chest during acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory infections;
  • You can also use pine oil for aromatherapy by placing a few drops diluted with water in an aroma lamp.