The simplest quadcopter. DIY quadcopter - step by step assembly instructions

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main reason The fact that people are interested in assembling quadrocopters is the desire to save money on buying an original device. However, this is not the only reason. Many are interested in this issue, since the UAV control hobby develops into something more, for example, participation in quadcopter races, and it is possible to win in them only by practicing as often as possible and finalizing the design of your flying drone.

Assembly of the finished kit

Most likely to assemble a quadrocopter with their own hands from those who really want it. To simplify this task to an elementary assembly, it is necessary to acquire an appropriate set of parts. Their cost is several times lower than that of RTF-style quadcopters. The reason for this is that the user is responsible not only for the assembly of the structure, but also for firmware, calibration and fine-tuning of the device. The main advantage of such kits is that there is no need to select the power of motors, chips and case weight.

It also makes no sense to worry about the balance of the design, which directly affects the behavior of the device in the air. In this case, the quadcopter will have all the planned characteristics, including speed and flight time. When choosing a kit, you can choose whether the quadcopter will be monolithic or collapsible, i.e. modular. The latter option will be of more interest to those who want to have a sufficiently large, but at the same time easily portable model. It should be noted that such models often have a very aggressive and unattractive design.

This is because the kit does not include an external case, which performs both protective and decorative functions. Assembly sequence similar structures indicated in the instructions supplied with the parts kits. Usually, the assembly of such quadrocopters begins with the installation of complete motors on an exoskeleton made of plastic, metal or carbon. Following them, PIN cables are installed that act as power regulators for installed motors. Further, the signal receiver and the main think tank - the control module - are fixed on the case.

At the end of the assembly, a battery, clamps, LEDs and other modules are installed that distinguish the model from others. This is where the step-by-step assembly ends, and all the fun begins, namely the process of flashing the device, its calibration and fine-tuning, which, depending on the manufacturer of components, can take from half an hour to three hours. It is important that the battery is fully charged at the time of the firmware update. Otherwise, this process may fail.

Assembly from improvised materials

Regrettably, but still it will not work to assemble a full-fledged quadrocopter completely from improvised materials. In any case, you will have to purchase a kit of parts. But you can buy them not as a whole set, but to take only the most necessary ones. These include motors, screws, a control board with a receiver, and a battery.

This is all that is needed to simply lift the quadcopter into the air and control it with the help of equipment. In order for this set of components not to fall apart in the air, it is required to fix them on a durable but lightweight body. You can make it from improvised materials. Anything can be used, from ice cream sticks to plastic caps and bottles.

As for additional purchases, you will also need to purchase equipment, since without it it will be extremely difficult to manage the assembled device. You can find a quadrocopter scheme on the net, or come up with your own. When creating a hull, it is worth remembering about flight qualities, balance, stability and lightness of construction.

Otherwise, the device may not turn into a UAV, but into a crawling mini fan with remote control. It will be possible to refine the created design indefinitely, so during the first assembly, you don’t have to try too hard so as not to lose interest in the process.

In order for the technical part to be as balanced as possible without the use of complex calculations, you can use a little trick. You can choose a specific common model and order accessories for it from the basic list. When ordering, it is important to specify the details correctly. So, in the order list there should be 2 motors of right rotation and left rotation.

They must be paired with appropriate screws - right-handed and left-handed. Otherwise, the device will not function. There is always the possibility that defective blanks may come across during the assembly of parts, so some can even be ordered in duplicate in case of replacement. Unlike the factory kits described above, it is impossible to assemble such a device from ordinary parts with bare hands and a screwdriver. I'll have to work with a soldering iron, glue gun, electrical tape and double-sided tape.

Only in this way will it be possible to get the desired quadrocopter. Once a working model is obtained, it can be upgraded at will. Add antennas, LEDs, beepers (tweeters) and other details that increase the functionality of your home quadcopter.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step assembly of a quadrocopter: the main advice

Before you throw yourself headlong into assembling your own quadrocopter, evaluate your strengths without looking up from reality. Consider not only the ability to work with such a dangerous tool as a soldering iron, but also financial capabilities, that is, how much you can spend on components for a quadrocopter without harming your personal budget. And only after that start active activity.

You can buy excellent quadrocopters in - free shipping in Russia and the CIS, good prices!

Useful videos on how to assemble a quadrocopter with your own hands

A quadcopter can be purchased at almost any major online store, or you can make a drone with your own hands. It is not known what came first: the mass production of copters or the first attempts by radio amateurs to create a drone on their own. But the fact that this hobby is becoming popular among fans of radio-controlled devices cannot leave indifferent any modeler and collector of quadcopters.

DIY quadcopter model

Many drone users are wondering how to assemble a quadcopter with my own hands. Rather, this desire comes from the desire to have complete control over the flight and control of the shooting process.

AT self assembly copter has a number of advantages: First of all, this is an opportunity to create a device with the parameters that you need. Secondly, such a device is easier to customize, you can always attach new parts or replace, for example, a battery and supply a more powerful power source. Thirdly, it can serve interesting experience and become the first step to a new hobby.

Of the negative sides, it can be emphasized that such an assembly can take a lot of time to find the right parts, study the entire technical part. Moreover, no one can guarantee that "the first pancake will not go lumpy." Although, on the other hand, there are now a large number of specialized stores for radio engineering, and numerous schemes will help to understand the principles of the device and operation of a quadrocopter using the example of ready-made models of home-made versions.

Also, many resort to drone modeling on the basis that it can be much cheaper than buying a branded device. But here, too, a lot depends on what characteristics you want to get the device with, and whether it is important for you appearance quadra. Moreover, frequent modifications that will help make the drone more functional can also cost a pretty penny.

Inventor Jasper van Lenen introduced a kit in 2013 for those who want to assemble a drone on their own. In the suitcase he had everything he needed: electronics, motors, radio, body parts. All plastic parts were printed on 3Dprinter.

Buy or make?

The decision to make a copter yourself can be determined by the so-called sporting interest, or it can also be associated with the desire to save money. In both the first and second cases, it is important to weigh all the pros and cons, as well as to determine the strengths and weak sides in self-assembly.


As mentioned above, the main disadvantage of the DIY drone can be time. After all, it is one thing to order a quadra ready for flight, wait one or two weeks and use it for your own pleasure. But in self-assembly there are a number of nuances that can affect the timing:

  1. Acquisition of all necessary spare parts that cannot always fall into your hands at the same time.
  2. It will also take time to study the technical part in order to clearly understand what the drone consists of and how it works.
  3. The assembly and configuration of the flight controller itself will take time and, of course, patience.
  4. Post-build, which means not only testing, but working on bugs and “rework”, which also takes a lot of time and effort.


Compensate for the first point in many ways will be able to have experience in self-assembly of radio-controlled devices. In addition, if you assemble a drone with a “factory” model, then this can be a visual aid for studying the “stuffing” of a quadra. But for those who are faced with such an assembly for the first time, there are two options:

A) Buy the most inexpensive quadcopter model, which will not only serve as a model, but also whose parts you can borrow for your copter;

B) Ask for help on forums and specialized sites where you can get all the information, as well as read in detail about the step-by-step assembly of the copter, indicating the names of all the necessary parts.


Many decide to assemble a quadrocopter on the basis that such a device will cost less than a purchased one. But there are a few things to keep in mind here:

  • Of course, if you set a goal to assemble a quadric from improvised means at minimal cost, then there will be no problems, since you can purchase all the components from the same price range. But here you need to understand that you will not be able to create a powerful device with a high load capacity.
  • If you rely on the characteristics of the quadcopter, and not on the simple ability to take off and soar in the air for several minutes, then here you are unlikely to achieve a significant difference between a purchased and a homemade copter. Although, of course, there will still be an opportunity to save 10-20% of the cost.

Self-assembly of a quadcopter, hexacopter or tricopter is an opportunity to try yourself as an engineer and mechanic, allowing you to create a unique model with the characteristics that are most relevant to you. But to have hopes that this is an easier and cheaper way than buying a ready-made device is still not worth it.

Details, assembly process, nuances

So you've decided to build your first quadcopter. To begin with, it is best to turn to the experience of "experienced" designers. Here, various forums, websites, video “life hacks” will come to the rescue.

Any drone consists of two main parts - the mechanism itself that launches it, and the frame on which this “stuffing” is attached. In order for the copter to fly you need:

  • flight controller;
  • Battery;
  • Motors and propellers that are attached to them;
  • Speed ​​controllers;
  • Servo line for creating a rotary mechanism;
  • As well as various consumables: screws, connectors, anti-vibration sponge, glue, elastic tape.

The frame can be cut out of plywood or durable plastic, its shape largely determines the type of drone: whether it will be a tri-copter, quadro-copter or hexacopter. It consists of a main frame on which the controller and battery are attached, and beams with motors, a swivel mechanism and a structure for a speed controller. It is best if the beams are movable, especially if you are going to make a large quadcopter, then there will be no problems with transportation later.

Creating your own quadcopter is an opportunity to try yourself as an engineer and designer. The copter can be given the most different shape, using both a ready-made frame and a home-made one, try to equip it with additional structures that will help to carry various items on board.

If the copter will be used for aerial photography, then you should take care of the presence of suspensions for the camera. The load capacity of the device will depend on the power of the motors and the size of the propellers. This fact is especially important to consider when it comes to heavy digital or semi-professional cameras.

The flight controller is configured via a PC, on which you must first install special program for MultiWii or Arduino, depending on the model of the purchased controller. And, of course, in order for you to control and receive a signal from your quadcopter, you will need to purchase a radio transmitter, for example, DSM2.

The quadcopter is a very interesting toy for adults. It is a real embodiment of new technologies in the entertainment market.

You can order a quadrocopter without any problems in China, on the same Aliexpress, the electronics for it are affordable. It will be absolutely easy to control such a flyer, because there are different simulators to hone your skills. But let's also consider the option of how to assemble a quadrocopter with your own hands, which will be inexpensive.

So, all spare parts will still have to be ordered from the Chinese, here is their list:
First, you need to buy engines. They need 4 units. Model D2822/14 1450kv.
Speed ​​regulators are also needed, they will also need 4 pieces. Recommend model Turnigy Multistar 30 Amp Multi-rotor Brushless ESC 2-4S.
You also need left and right rotation propellers. Models Slow Fly Electric Prop 9047 SF CCW (4 pc - Green) and 11x4.7SF respectively.

The Multistar controller requires a wiring cable with a 3.5 mm plug. Model (XT60 at 4 X 3.5mm).

It will be possible to control the quadrocopter using the board MultiWii NanoWii ATmega32U4, which can be remotely controlled by a PC via a USB port.

You also need to provide power to the device - take several batteries Nano-Tech 2200 30C. Why several? In order not to be disappointed when the charge runs out and you can continue to enjoy flying. If you want to work in open areas - take at least 4 units. You also need a charger for the batteries, we recommend the brand HobbyKing Variable 6S 50W 5A.

Radio control requires Turnigy 9x - best value for money. The device will make it possible to control a quadcopter at a distance of up to 900 m. You buy a receiver together with the transmitter, it comes in one set.

Connectors are used to connect the board to the receiver. Turnigy 9x.

You will also need additional cords to extend the connection to the motor, take several colors of the cable to make it easier to connect later.

Before you make a quadrocopter with your own hands at home, you need to consider whether you will buy a frame, or make it yourself.

If you do not want to fool around for a long time, then you can buy a frame. Just keep in mind that in the event of a breakdown, you will still have to order parts for it.

A frame for a quadrocopter with your own hands is an opportunity to eliminate a breakdown within half an hour, it does not require additional work in the manufacture of quadrocopters.

To prevent the wires from breaking, use plastic pipes. They will strengthen the wires, making the structure more durable. You can buy fasteners to the wall, you can also turn parts. As a result, you can get a fairly durable design that will make it possible not only to transport electronics, it will be a do-it-yourself quadcopter with a camera.

Watch a video story about assembling a frame for a quadrocopter from pipes.

Video: do-it-yourself budget quadcopter assembly

The quad can hang in one place and take photos and videos, which is why many photographers keep up with the progress and buy quadcopters for video shooting.

Quadcopters burst into our lives along with technological progress. Today, ordering electronics for a quadrocopter from China is very cheap. Assembling a quadrocopter frame with your own hands from improvised materials is not at all difficult. You can learn how to fly with the help of flight simulators. So the main thing is the desire to make a quadrocopter with your own hands.

It is best to buy ready-made electronics for a quadrocopter.

Details of a homemade quadrocopter

Quadcopter motors, 4 pcs - D2822/14 1450kv

Of course, the additional purchase of a small quadcopter is a little expensive, but by flying on this one you will learn how to control and be able to fly a large quadcopter with a camera without falling! A small toy can always be given to a child.

And finally, short video quadcopter flight, camera recording.

In this article, we looked at the basic principles of making homemade quadcopters. If you want to know more, see the section

iskra comments:

how to make a quadcopter so that it flies within a radius of 500 meters with a real-time camera that displays the image on the screen

chelovek comments:

Guys help!
I want to assemble a quadric on the arduino mega platform using these components:

First, having chosen the size of the square, I started sketching the drawing on a piece of wallpaper.

By the way, I chose size 45 - universal, since this is my first drone, and in which direction I will develop I don’t know yet.

Having collected all the fiberglass at home, I started cutting out two identical bases, between which the rays will be sandwiched.

The material for the manufacture of beams was an aluminum square profile 10 * 10mm

Preview version...
I fixed the beams between the bases with screws and nuts, I didn’t think of anything else)

Let's go further...
Legs, the chassis was also made of fiberglass. Having drawn a sketch, I started cutting blanks

Then he began to torture the screwdriver

Despite everything, the drone still got on its feet)

And now - weighing. The weight of the frame, without any equipment, was 263 grams. I think that this is a fairly acceptable weight, but what do you think?

Now that the frame is assembled, you can proceed to install the components.
I chose these motors and regulators:
EMAX XA2212 820KV 980KV 1400KV Motor With Simonk 20A ESC
Product Brain known to all cc3d
CC3D Flight Controller
Product Battery:
Battery lithium-polymer ZIPPY Flightmax 3000mAh 3S1P 20C
I attached motors with standard crosses to the beams on bolts and nuts

The motors are installed. I tied the regulators to electrical tape, with radiators to the rays.

Then I placed the power distribution board between the fiberglass plates

Soldered all the necessary wires (regulators, parking lights).
Perfectionists do not watch)))

Checked the functionality...

Having installed the power distribution board, I started mounting the brains. Trite stuck them on 2-sided tape.

Also arrived with the receiver

Battery fastening is carried out thanks to Velcro on the bottom base of the quadra.

That's all! The flight weight of the quadrocopter is 993 grams. Having flashed the flight controller, I went outside for the first tests.

Watch the flight video from 2.50 minutes

The quadcopter was built at the end of the summer of 2016, now it is the beginning of 2017. During this period, the quadrocopter has been in the sky for a sufficient amount of time. AT this moment the copter is intact, there was not a single crash, I upgraded it a little to install a camera on its board. In the future, I want to learn how to fly fpv on it. Now I am slowly starting to assemble an Fpv system, a video transmitter, a receiver have already been ordered))

Thanks to everyone who read the above, if you have questions, advice, wishes - write in the comments. Below are photos taken by the camera installed on the quadcopter, and of the copter itself.

With Uv. Alexei