Start in science. Interesting experiments in physics for children How to make physical devices

Burdenkov Semyon and Burdenkov Yuri

Making a device with your own hands is not only a creative process that encourages you to show your ingenuity and ingenuity. In addition, during the manufacturing process, and even more so when demonstrating it in front of a class or the entire school, the manufacturer receives a lot positive emotions. Application homemade appliances at the lesson develops a sense of responsibility and pride in the work done, proves its importance.



Municipal state educational institution

Kukuy basic comprehensive school №25


Do-it-yourself physical device

Completed by: 8th grade student


Burdenkov Yu.

Head: Davydova G.A.,

Physics teacher.

  1. Introduction.
  2. Main part.
  1. Purpose of the device;
  2. tools and materials;
  3. Device manufacturing;
  4. General view of the device;
  1. Conclusion.
  2. Bibliography.
  1. Introduction.

In order to put the necessary experience, you need to have instruments and measuring instruments. And do not think that all devices are made in factories. In many cases, research facilities are built by the researchers themselves. At the same time, it is considered that the researcher who can put experience and get nice results not only on complex, but also on simpler devices. Complex equipment is reasonable to use only in cases where it is impossible to do without it. So do not neglect home-made devices - it is much more useful to make them yourself than to use purchased ones.


Make a device, installation in physics to demonstrate physical phenomena with your own hands.

Explain the principle of operation of this device. Demonstrate the operation of this device.


Make devices that are of great interest to students.

Make devices missing from the laboratory.

Make devices that cause difficulty in understanding theoretical material in physics.


The made device, installation in physics for demonstrating physical phenomena with your own hands, apply in the lesson.

In the absence of this device in the physical laboratory, this device will be able to replace the missing installation when demonstrating and explaining the topic.

  1. Main part.
  1. Purpose of the device.

The device is designed to observe the expansion of air and liquid when heated.

  1. Tools and materials.

Ordinary bottle, rubber stopper, glass tube, the outer diameter of which is 5-6 mm. Drill.

  1. Device manufacturing.

Make a hole in the cork with a drill so that the tube fits snugly into it. Next, pour tinted water into the bottle to make it easier to observe. We put a scale on the neck. Then insert the cork into the bottle so that the tube in the bottle is below the water level. The device is ready for the experiment!

  1. General view of the device.
  1. Features of the demonstration of the device.

To demonstrate the device, you need to grab the neck of the bottle with your hand and wait a while. We will see that the water starts to rise up the tube. This happens because the hand heats the air in the bottle. When heated, the air expands, presses on the water and displaces it. The experiment can be done with different amounts of water, and you will find that the level of rise will be different. If the bottle is completely filled with water, then you can already observe the expansion of water when heated. To verify this, you need to lower the bottle into a vessel with hot water.

  1. Conclusion.

It is interesting to watch the experience conducted by the teacher. Conducting it yourself is doubly interesting.

And to conduct an experiment with a device made and designed by one's own hands is of great interest to the whole class. In such experiments, it is easy to establish a relationship and draw a conclusion about how a given installation works.

  1. Literature.

1. Teaching equipment in physics in high school. Edited by A.A. Pokrovsky "Enlightenment" 1973

Summary: Experience with a coin and a balloon. Entertaining physics for children. Fascinating physics. Do-it-yourself experiments in physics. Entertaining experiences in physics.

This experiment is a wonderful example of the action of centrifugal and centripetal force.

For the experience you will need:

Balloon (better than a pale color, so that when inflated it shines through as best as possible) - a coin - threads

Work plan:

1. Insert a coin inside the ball.

2. Inflate the balloon.

3. Tie it with a thread.

4. Take the ball with one hand at the end where the thread is. Make several rotational movements with your hand.

5. After some time, the coin will begin to rotate in a circle inside the ball.

6. Now with the second hand, fix the ball from below in a stationary position.

7. The coin will keep spinning for another 30 seconds or more.

Explanation of experience:

When an object rotates, there is a force called centrifugal. Have you been on a carousel? You felt a force throwing you outward from the axis of rotation. This is centrifugal force. When you spin the ball, centrifugal force acts on the coin, which presses it against the inside surface of the ball. At the same time, the ball itself acts on it, creating a centripetal force. The interaction of these two forces causes the coin to rotate in a circle.

Do you love physics? You love experiment? The world of physics is waiting for you!
What could be more interesting than experiments in physics? And of course, the simpler the better!
These exciting experiences will help you see extraordinary phenomena light and sound, electricity and magnetism Everything necessary for the experiments is easy to find at home, and the experiments themselves simple and safe.
Eyes are burning, hands are itching!
Go explorers!

Robert Wood - the genius of experiments..........
- Up or down? Rotating chain. Salt fingers.......... - Moon and diffraction. What color is the fog? Rings of Newton.......... - Top in front of the TV. Magic propeller. Ping-pong in the bath.......... - Spherical aquarium - lens. artificial mirage. Soap glasses .......... - Eternal salt fountain. Fountain in a test tube. Spinning spiral .......... - Condensation in the bank. Where is the water vapor? Water engine.......... - A popping egg. Inverted glass. Whirlwind in a cup. Heavy paper..........
- Toy IO-IO. Salt pendulum. Paper dancers. Electric dance..........
- Ice Cream Mystery. Which water freezes faster? It's cold and the ice is melting! .......... - Let's make a rainbow. A mirror that does not confuse. Microscope from a drop of water
- Snow creaks. What will happen to the icicles? Snow flowers.......... - Interaction of sinking objects. The ball is touchy ..........
- Who quickly? Jet balloon. Air carousel .......... - Bubbles from the funnel. Green hedgehog. Without opening the bottles.......... - Candle motor. A bump or a hole? Moving rocket. Diverging Rings..........
- Multi-colored balls. Sea dweller. Balancing Egg..........
- Electric motor in 10 seconds. Gramophone..........
- Boil, cooling .......... - Waltzing dolls. Flames on paper. Robinson Feather..........
- Faraday experience. Segner wheel. Nutcrackers .......... - Dancer in the mirror. Silver plated egg. Trick with matches .......... - Oersted's experience. Roller coaster. Don't drop it! ..........

Body weight. Weightlessness.
Experiments with weightlessness. Weightless water. How to reduce your weight..........

Elastic force
- A jumping grasshopper. Jumping ring. Elastic coins..........
- Crawler coil..........
- A sunken thimble. Obedient ball. We measure friction. Funny monkey. Vortex rings..........
- Rolling and sliding. Friction of rest. Acrobat walks on a wheel. Brake in the egg..........
Inertia and inertia
- Get the coin. Experiments with bricks. Wardrobe experience. Experience with matches. coin inertia. Hammer experience. Circus experience with a jar. The ball experience....
- Experiments with checkers. Domino experience. Egg experience. Ball in a glass. Mysterious skating rink..........
- Experiments with coins. Water hammer. Outwit inertia..........
- Experience with boxes. Checkers experience. Coin experience. Catapult. Apple momentum..........
- Experiments with inertia of rotation. The ball experience....

Mechanics. Laws of mechanics
- Newton's first law. Newton's third law. Action and reaction. Law of conservation of momentum. Number of movement..........

Jet propulsion
- Jet shower. Experiments with reactive pinwheels: air spinner, jet balloon, ethereal spinner, Segner's wheel ..........
- Balloon rocket. Multistage rocket. Impulse ship. Jet boat..........

Free fall
- Which is faster..........

Circular motion
- Centrifugal force. Easier on turns. Ring experience....

- Gyroscopic toys. Clark's wolf. Greig's wolf. Flying top Lopatin. Gyro machine ..........
- Gyroscopes and tops. Experiments with a gyroscope. Spinning Top Experience. Wheel experience. Coin experience. Riding a bike without hands. Boomerang Experience..........
- Experiments with invisible axes. Experience with staples. Rotation matchbox. Slalom on paper..........
- Rotation changes shape. Cool or raw. Dancing egg. How to strike a match..........
- When the water does not pour out. A little circus. Experience with a coin and a ball. When the water is poured out. Umbrella and separator..........

Statics. Equilibrium. Center of gravity
- Roly-ups. Mysterious matryoshka..........
- Center of gravity. Equilibrium. Center of gravity height and mechanical stability. Base area and balance. Obedient and naughty egg..........
- Human center of gravity. Fork balance. Funny swing. Diligent sawer. Sparrow on a branch..........
- Center of gravity. Pencil competition. Experience with unstable balance. Human balance. Stable pencil. Knife up. Cooking experience. Experience with a saucepan lid ..........

The structure of matter
- Fluid model. What gases does air consist of? The highest density of water. Density tower. Four floors..........
- Plasticity of ice. A popped nut. Properties of a non-Newtonian fluid. Growing crystals. Properties of water and egg shells..........

thermal expansion
- Expansion of a rigid body. Ground stoppers. Needle extension. Thermal scales. Separation of glasses. Rusty screw. Board to smithereens. Ball expansion. Coin Expansion..........
- Expansion of gas and liquid. Air heating. Sounding coin. Water pipe and mushrooms. Water heating. Snow heating. Dry from water. The glass is creeping..........

Surface tension of a liquid. wetting
- Plateau experience. Darling experience. Wetting and non-wetting. Floating razor..........
- Attraction of traffic jams. Adhesion to water. Miniature Plateau experience. Bubble..........
- Live fish. Experience with a paperclip. Experiments with detergents. Color streams. Rotating spiral ..........

Capillary phenomena
- Experience with a blooper. Experience with pipettes. Experience with matches. Capillary pump..........

- Hydrogen soap bubbles. Scientific preparation. Bubble in a bank. Colored rings. Two in one..........

- Transformation of energy. Curved strip and ball. Tongs and sugar. Photoexposure meter and photoelectric effect ..........
- Transfer of mechanical energy into heat. Propeller experience. Bogatyr in a thimble..........

Thermal conductivity
- Experience with an iron nail. Tree experience. Glass experience. Spoon experience. Coin experience. Thermal conductivity porous bodies. Thermal conductivity of gas ..........

- Which is colder. Heating without fire. Heat absorption. Radiation of heat. Evaporative cooling. Experience with an extinguished candle. Experiments with the outer part of the flame ..........

Radiation. Energy transfer
- Transfer of energy by radiation. Experiments with solar energy

- Weight - heat controller. Experience with stearin. Creating traction. Experience with weights. Spinner experience. Spinner on a pin..........

aggregate states.
- Experiments with soap bubbles in the cold. Crystallization
- Frost on the thermometer. Evaporation on the iron. We regulate the boiling process. instant crystallization. growing crystals. We make ice. Ice cutting. Rain in the kitchen....
- Water freezes water. Ice castings. We create a cloud. We make a cloud. We boil snow. Ice bait. How to get hot ice..........
- Growing crystals. Salt crystals. Golden crystals. Large and small. Peligo's experience. Experience is the focus. Metallic crystals..........
- Growing crystals. copper crystals. Fairy beads. Halite patterns. Home hoarfrost..........
- Paper bowl. Experience with dry ice. Experience with socks

Gas laws
- Experience on the Boyle-Mariotte law. Experiment on Charles' law. Let's check the Claiperon equation. Checking Gay-Lusac's law. Focus with a ball. Once again about the Boyle-Mariotte law ..........

- Steam engine. Experience of Claude and Bouchereau..........
- Water turbine. Steam turbine. Wind turbine. Water wheel. Hydro turbine. Windmills-toys..........

- Solid body pressure. Punching a coin with a needle. Ice cutting..........
- Siphon - Tantalum vase..........
- Fountains. The simplest fountain Three fountains. Fountain in a bottle. Fountain on the table..........
- Atmosphere pressure. Bottle experience. Egg in a decanter. Bank sticking. Glass experience. Canister experience. Experiments with a plunger. Bank flattening. Experience with test tubes..........
- A blotter vacuum pump. Air pressure. Instead of the Magdeburg hemispheres. Glass-diving bell. Carthusian diver. Punished curiosity..........
- Experiments with coins. Egg experience. Newspaper experience. School gum suction cup. How to empty a glass..........
- Pumps. Spray..........
- Experiments with glasses. The mysterious property of the radish. Bottle experience..........
- Naughty cork. What is pneumatics. Experience with a heated glass. How to raise a glass with the palm of your hand..........
- Cold boiling water. How much water weighs in a glass. Determine the volume of the lungs. Persistent funnel. How to pierce a balloon so that it does not burst ..........
- Hygrometer. Hygroscope. Cone barometer .......... - Barometer. Do-It-Yourself Aneroid Barometer. Ball barometer. The simplest barometer .......... - Light bulb barometer .......... - Air barometer. water barometer. Hygrometer..........

Communicating vessels
- Experience with the picture..........

Law of Archimedes. Pulling force. Swimming bodies
- Three balls. The simplest submarine. Experience with grapes. Does iron float?
- Draft of the ship. Does the egg float? Cork in a bottle. Water candlestick. Sinking or floating. Especially for the drowning. Experience with matches. Amazing egg. Does the plate sink? The riddle of scales ..........
- A float in a bottle. Obedient fish. Pipette in a bottle - Cartesian diver..........
- Ocean level. Boat on the ground. Will the fish drown. Scales from a stick ..........
- Law of Archimedes. Live toy fish. Bottle level..........

Bernoulli's law
- Funnel experience. Water jet experience. Ball experience. Experience with weights. Rolling cylinders. stubborn sheets..........
- Bending sheet. Why doesn't he fall. Why does the candle go out. Why doesn't the candle go out? Blame the air flow..........

simple mechanisms
- Block. Polyspast ..........
- Lever of the second kind. Polyspast ..........
- Lever arm. Gate. Lever scales..........

- Pendulum and bicycle. pendulum and Earth. Fun duel. Unusual pendulum ..........
- Torsional pendulum. Experiments with a swinging top. Rotating pendulum..........
- Experience with the Foucault pendulum. Addition of vibrations. Experience with Lissajous figures. Pendulum resonance. Hippo and bird..........
- Funny swing. Vibrations and Resonance ..........
- Fluctuations. Forced vibrations. Resonance. Seize the moment..........

- Gramophone - do it yourself ..........
- Physics of musical instruments. String. Magic bow. Ratchet. Drinking glasses. Bottlephone. From the bottle to the organ..........
- Doppler effect. sound lens. Chladni's experiments ..........
- Sound waves. Spreading sound..........
- Sounding glass. Straw flute. String sound. Reflection of sound..........
- Phone from a matchbox. Telephone exchange ..........
- Singing combs. Spoon call. Drinking glass..........
- Singing water. Scary wire..........
- Audio oscilloscope..........
- Ancient sound recording. Cosmic voices....
- Hear the beat of the heart. Ear glasses. Shock wave or clapperboard ..........
- Sing with me. Resonance. Sound through the bone..........
- Tuning fork. Storm in a glass. Louder sound..........
- My strings. Change the pitch. Ding Ding. Crystal clear..........
- We make the ball squeak. Kazu. Drinking bottles. Choral singing..........
- Intercom. Gong. Crow's glass..........
- Blow out the sound. Stringed instrument. Little hole. Blues on the bagpipe..........
- Sounds of nature. Drinking straw. Maestro, march..........
- A speck of sound. What's in the bag. Surface sound. Disobedience Day..........
- Sound waves. Visible sound. Sound helps to see ..........

- Electrification. Electric coward. Electricity repels. Soap bubble dance. Electricity on combs. Needle - lightning rod. Electrification of the thread ..........
- Bouncing balls. Interaction of charges. Sticky ball..........
- Experience with a neon light bulb. Flying bird. Flying butterfly. Living world..........
- Electric spoon. Saint Elmo's fire. Water electrification. Flying cotton. Soap bubble electrization. Loaded frying pan..........
- Electrification of the flower. Experiments on the electrification of man. Lightning on the table..........
- Electroscope. Electric theater. Electric cat. Electricity attracts...
- Electroscope. Bubble. Fruit Battery. Gravity fight. Battery of galvanic elements. Connect the coils..........
- Turn the arrow. Balancing on the edge. Repulsive nuts. Turn on the light..........
- Amazing tapes. Radio signal. static separator. Jumping grains. Static rain..........
- Wrap film. Magic figurines. Influence of air humidity. revived doorhandle. Sparkling clothes..........
- Charging at a distance. Rolling ring. Crack and clicks. Magic wand..........
- Everything can be charged. positive charge. The attraction of bodies static adhesive. Charged plastic. Ghost leg..........

In school physics lessons, teachers always say that physical phenomena are everywhere in our lives. We just often forget about it. Meanwhile, the amazing is near! Do not think that you need something supernatural to organize physical experiments at home. And here's some evidence for you ;)

magnetic pencil

What needs to be prepared?

  • battery.
  • Thick pencil.
  • Copper insulated wire with a diameter of 0.2–0.3 mm and a length of several meters (the more the better).
  • Scotch.

Conducting experience

Wind the wire tightly turn to turn on the pencil, not reaching its edges by 1 cm. One row has ended - wind the other one from above in the opposite direction. And so on, until all the wire is finished. Do not forget to leave two ends of the wire 8–10 cm each free. To prevent the turns from unwinding after winding, secure them with tape. Strip the free ends of the wire and connect them to the battery contacts.

What happened?

Got a magnet! Try to bring small iron objects to it - a paper clip, a hairpin. Are attracted!

Lord of the water

What needs to be prepared?

  • A stick made of plexiglass (for example, a student's ruler or an ordinary plastic comb).
  • A dry cloth made of silk or wool (for example, a wool sweater).

Conducting experience

Open the faucet so that a thin stream of water flows. Rub the stick or comb vigorously on the prepared cloth. Quickly bring the wand close to the stream of water without touching it.

What will happen?

A jet of water will be bent in an arc, being attracted to the stick. Try the same with two sticks and see what happens.

spinning top

What needs to be prepared?

  • Paper, needle and eraser.
  • A stick and a dry woolen cloth from a previous experience.

Conducting experience

You can manage not only water! Cut a strip of paper 1-2 cm wide and 10-15 cm long, bend along the edges and in the middle, as shown in the figure. Insert the needle with the pointed end into the eraser. Balance the workpiece-top on the needle. Prepare a "magic wand", rub it on a dry cloth and bring it to one of the ends of the paper strip from the side or top, without touching it.

What will happen?

The strip will swing up and down like a swing, or it will spin like a carousel. And if you can cut a butterfly out of thin paper, then the experience will be even more interesting.

Ice and fire

(the experiment is carried out on a sunny day)

What needs to be prepared?

  • A small cup with a round bottom.
  • A piece of dry paper.

Conducting experience

Pour into a cup of water and place in the freezer. When the water turns to ice, remove the cup and place it in a bowl of hot water. After a while, the ice will separate from the cup. Now go out to the balcony, put a piece of paper on the stone floor of the balcony. With a piece of ice, focus the sun on a piece of paper.

What will happen?

The paper should be charred, because in the hands it is no longer just ice ... Did you guess that you made a magnifying glass?

Wrong mirror

What needs to be prepared?

  • Transparent jar with a tight-fitting lid.
  • Mirror.

Conducting experience

Pour excess water into a jar and close the lid to prevent air bubbles from getting inside. Place the jar upside down on a mirror. Now you can look in the mirror.

Zoom in on your face and look inside. There will be a thumbnail. Now start tilting the jar to the side without lifting it from the mirror.

What will happen?

The reflection of your head in the jar, of course, will also tilt until it is turned upside down, while the legs will not be visible. Pick up the jar and the reflection will flip again.

Bubble Cocktail

What needs to be prepared?

  • A glass of strong salt solution.
  • Battery from a flashlight.
  • Two pieces of copper wire about 10 cm long.
  • Fine sandpaper.

Conducting experience

Clean the ends of the wire with fine sandpaper. Connect one end of the wires to each pole of the battery. Dip the free ends of the wires into a glass of solution.

What happened?

Bubbles will rise near the lowered ends of the wire.

Lemon battery

What needs to be prepared?

  • Lemon, thoroughly washed and wiped dry.
  • Two pieces of insulated copper wire approximately 0.2–0.5 mm thick and 10 cm long.
  • Steel paper clip.
  • Bulb from a flashlight.

Conducting experience

Strip the opposite ends of both wires at a distance of 2-3 cm. Insert a paper clip into the lemon, screw the end of one of the wires to it. Insert the end of the second wire into the lemon 1-1.5 cm from the paper clip. To do this, first pierce the lemon in this place with a needle. Take the two free ends of the wires and attach the bulbs to the contacts.

What will happen?

The lamp will light up!

Fomin Daniel

Physics is an experimental science and the creation of devices with one's own hands contributes to a better assimilation of laws and phenomena. Many different questions arise in the study of each topic. Many can be answered by the teacher himself, but how wonderful it is to get answers through your own independent research.




SECTION "Physics"


Do-it-yourself physical device.

8th grade student

GBOU secondary school No. 1 town. Sukhodol

Sergievsky district of the Samara region

Scientific adviser: Shamova Tatyana Nikolaevna

Physics teacher

  1. Introduction.
  1. Main part.
  1. Purpose of the device;
  2. tools and materials;
  3. Device manufacturing;
  4. General view of the device;
  5. Features of the demonstration of the device.


4. Conclusion.

5. List of used literature.

1. Introduction.

In order to put the necessary experience, you need to have instruments and measuring instruments. And do not think that all devices are made in factories. In many cases, research facilities are built by the researchers themselves. At the same time, it is considered that the most talented researcher is the one who can put experience and get good results not only on complex, but also on simpler instruments. Complex equipment is reasonable to use only in cases where it is impossible to do without it. So do not neglect home-made devices - it is much more useful to make them yourself than to use purchased ones.


Make a device, installation in physics to demonstrate physical phenomena with your own hands.

Explain the principle of operation of this device. Demonstrate the operation of this device.


Make devices that are of great interest to students.

Make devices missing from the laboratory.

Make devices that cause difficulty in understanding theoretical material in physics.

Investigate the dependence of the period on the length of the thread and the amplitude of the deflection.


The made device, installation in physics for demonstrating physical phenomena with your own hands, apply in the lesson.

In the absence of this device in the physical laboratory, this device will be able to replace the missing installation when demonstrating and explaining the topic.

2. The main part.

2.1. Purpose of the device.

The device is designed to observe resonance in mechanical vibrations.

2.2.Tools and materials.

Ordinary wire, balls, nuts, tin, fishing line. Soldering iron.

2.3. Manufacture of the device.

Bend the wire into a support. Stretch the common line. Solder the balls to the nuts, measure the fishing line 2 pieces of the same length, the rest should be shorter and longer by a few centimeters, hang the balls with their help. Make sure that pendulums with the same line length do not end up next to each other. The device is ready for the experiment!

2.4. General view of the device.

2.5.Features of the demonstration of the device.

To demonstrate the device, it is necessary to choose a pendulum, the length of which coincides with the length of one of the three remaining ones, if you deviate the pendulum from the equilibrium position and leave it to itself, then it will oscillate freely. This will cause the fishing line to oscillate, as a result of which a driving force will act on the pendulums through the suspension points, periodically changing in magnitude and direction with the same frequency as the pendulum oscillates. We will see that a pendulum with the same suspension length will begin to oscillate with the same frequency, while the amplitude of oscillation of this pendulum is much greater than the amplitudes of the other pendulums. In this case, the pendulum oscillates in resonance with pendulum 3. This happens because the amplitude of the steady oscillations caused by the driving force reaches the greatest value precisely when the frequency of the changing force coincides with the natural frequency of the oscillatory system. The fact is that in this case the direction of the driving force at any moment of time coincides with the direction of motion of the oscillating body. Thus, the most favorable conditions are created for replenishing the energy of the oscillatory system due to the work of the driving force. For example, in order to swing the swing harder, we push it in such a way that the direction of the acting force coincides with the direction of the swing. But it should be remembered that the concept of resonance is applicable only to forced oscillations.

3. Thread or mathematical pendulum

Hesitations! Our gaze falls on the pendulum of the wall clock. Restlessly he hurries in one direction, then in the other, with his blows, as it were, breaking the flow of time into precisely measured segments. “One-two, one-two,” we involuntarily repeat to the beat of his ticking.

The plumb bob and the pendulum are the simplest of all instruments used by science. It is all the more surprising that truly fabulous results have been obtained with such primitive tools: thanks to them, a person has managed to penetrate mentally into the bowels of the Earth, to find out what is happening tens of kilometers under our feet.

Swinging to the left and back to the right, to its original position, is a full swing of the pendulum, and the time of one full swing is called the period of oscillation. The number of vibrations of a body per second is called the vibration frequency. A pendulum is a body suspended from a thread, the other end of which is fixed. If the length of the thread is large compared to the dimensions of the body suspended on it, and the mass of the thread is negligible compared to the mass of the body, then such a pendulum is called a mathematical or thread pendulum. An almost small heavy ball suspended on a light long thread can be considered a thread pendulum.

The period of oscillation of the pendulum is expressed by the formula:

T \u003d 2π √ l / g

It can be seen from the formula that the period of oscillation of the pendulum does not depend on the mass of the load, the amplitude of oscillations, which is especially surprising. After all, with different amplitudes, an oscillating body travels different paths in one oscillation, but the time spent on this is always the same. The duration of the swing of the pendulum depends on its length and the acceleration of free fall.

In our work, we decided to test experimentally that the period does not depend on other factors and to verify the validity of this formula.

Study of the dependence of pendulum oscillations on the mass of the oscillating body, the length of the thread and the magnitude of the initial deflection of the pendulum.


Devices and materials: stopwatch, measuring tape.

The oscillation period of the pendulum was measured first for a body mass of 10 g and a deflection angle of 20°, while changing the length of the thread.

The period was also measured by increasing the deflection angle to 40°, with a mass of 10 g and different lengths of the thread. The measurement results were entered into the table.


Thread length

l, m


pendulum, kg

Deflection angle

Number of vibrations

Full time

t. c


T. c














From experiments, we have seen that the period does not really depend on the mass of the pendulum and the angle of its deflection, but with an increase in the length of the pendulum thread, the period of its oscillation will increase, but not in proportion to the length, but more difficult. The results of the experiments are shown in the table.

So, the period of oscillation of a mathematical pendulum depends only on the length of the pendulum l and from free fall acceleration g.

4. Conclusion.

It is interesting to watch the experience conducted by the teacher. Conducting it yourself is doubly interesting.

And to conduct an experiment with a device made and designed by one's own hands is of great interest to the whole class. INsuch experiments, it is easy to establish the relationship and draw a conclusion about how this installation works.

5. Literature.

1. Teaching equipment for physics in high school. Edited by A.A. Pokrovsky "Enlightenment" 1973

2. Textbook on physics by A. V. Peryshkina, E. M. Gutnik "Physics" for grade 9;

3. Physics: Reference materials: O.F. Kabardin Textbook for students. - 3rd ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991.