The local butcher shop starts selling groceries. Grocery

Various kinds of food, suitable for cold appetizers. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. GROCERY equal edibles, all kinds of snacks, dry fruits, jam, etc. A complete dictionary of foreign words, ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

GROCERY, groceries, groceries, dry fruits: raisins, prunes, dates, figs, nuts, jams, honey, molasses, etc., they immediately understand: cheeses, herring, salmon, caviar, sometimes wine. Bakala Turkish. look and take, i.e. there are all sorts of things, the goods are there, take it ... ... Dictionary Dalia

Groceries; shop Dictionary of Russian synonyms. groceries n., number of synonyms: 1 store (67) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin ... Synonym dictionary

- (from Arabic bakkal seller of food supplies) some food products: cereals, flour, salt, tea, coffee, spices, etc ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (collected) various edible goods (all sorts of things). Wed In these streets there were ... shops with groceries, old iron and various junk ... Bitter. Varenka Olesova. 2. Wed. On the trade side? “Something! Let's get groceries!" Boborykin. Vasiliy… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

GROCERY, groceries, pl. no, female, collected (from Arabic bakkal spice merchant). Snack and dessert edibles. Here they traded dried fruits, sugar, tea and other groceries. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

GROCERY, and, wives. 1. collected. Dry food products (tea, sugar, coffee, flour, cereals, peppers, spices, etc.). 2. A store that sells such goods (colloquial). Buy coffee at the grocery. | adj. grocery, oh, oh (to 1 value). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

From the Arabic "bakkal" edible seller. The set of piece, packaged and canned products subject to relatively long-term storage, without special temperature conditions. Typical groceries: salt, flour, cereals, spices… Culinary Dictionary

grocery- Persian - baggali (grocery). Turkish - bakkaliye (grocery). Arabic baql (herbs, plants). In Russian, the word “grocery”, as well as the adjective “grocery”, have been used since the middle of the 18th century. They have been found in dictionaries since 1847. In Russian ... ... Etymological dictionary Russian language Semenov

AND; well. [from Arabic. bakkal food vendor]. collected 1. Some (dry) food products (tea, coffee, flour, cereals, spices, etc.). Bring groceries. Sale of groceries. 2. Expand. Grocery store department or grocery store ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

grocery- Loans. in the 19th century from Turkish. lang., where bakkaliye suf. derived from bakkal "merchant of vegetables and fruits" (primarily dried), dating back to the Arab. bakl "vegetables, fruits" (mostly dried). Grocery literally "grocery shop" ... Etymological dictionary of the Russian language


  • New York style, . A hundred years ago, any talk of New York style would have taken us to the other side of the Atlantic. Then this style was a mixture of European imports, buildings with "Italian" facades and ...
  • Soup for All Soups, Annie Bell. There are just over 100 recipes in Annie Bell's book - only the best of the best. Whatever you want, whatever comes to mind, you will surely find in the table of contents a soup recipe with your favorite ...

This word is heard in everyday life quite often. Everyone knows that this term refers to gastronomy, but not everyone knows exactly what it means. And asking such seemingly simple questions is not always convenient.

Grocery - what is it?

There are two theories regarding the origin of the word:

From the Arabic "bakkal", which means spice merchant.
. From Turkish "bakala". This phrase is translated approximately “look and take”, “goods in sight”.

So, groceries are a broad group of food products. In addition, this is also the name of the department (or the whole store) in which these same products are sold. Previously, there were special shops selling the products of this row, and the seller was called a "grocer". Today, the largest and most diverse section of a supermarket is the grocery. This photo below shows the full picture.

Grocery - what are these products?

In the generally accepted sense, groceries are food products that have undergone special culinary processing, and therefore are subject to long-term storage under normal conditions. This series includes all cereals, pasta, tea, coffee, spices, vegetable oils, sauces, dried fruits and more.

Products in this category may be sold by weight or packaged. Perishable food (fish, meat, cheeses, sausages, vegetables, etc.), as well as juices and alcohol, do not belong to groceries.

Bulk products

Bulk food items include:

1. All types of flour and special flour mixtures for the preparation of certain pastries (cakes, pancakes).
2. Pasta of different varieties (vermicelli, horns, noodles, feathers, spaghetti, etc.).
3. Cereals. This section includes rice, buckwheat, semolina, wheat and oatmeal.
4. Various types of tea, as well as cocoa, instant and natural coffee. Usually, for convenience, this entire range of products is placed in a specific department.
5. Legumes (beans, peas, soybeans, lentils, etc.).
6. Spices. salt, sugar, lemon acid, vanillin are in this category.
7. Spices. This list includes ground pepper, bay leaf, saffron, cloves, cinnamon, coriander, ginger and other substances that add spice and piquancy to dishes.
8. Food additives such as gelatin, baking powder, yeast and other dry concentrates.
9. Dried fruits, seeds, nuts, dried vegetables.
10. Powdered instant drinks and packaged meals fast food and breakfast cereals.
11. Packaged snack foods. It can be crackers, chips, crackers, popcorn, dried small fish, squid rings, etc.

The presented list is far from complete, it is only a brief digression into the field of bulk groceries, the range of which is extremely wide.

Preservation and liquid products

This category of goods can be presented for sale in bottles, sealed plastic bags, in cans, plastic and glass jars. First of all, we should mention vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, cottonseed), which you will certainly meet in the grocery department.

Groceries also include all types of canned food: fish, meat, vegetables, legumes, etc. In addition, various ready-made seasonings are placed in this department of the supermarket, such as mayonnaise, ketchup, adjika, mustard, all kinds of sauces, and vinegar.

Very often on the shelves of the grocery department you can see household goods for small household needs. It can be soap, candles, matches, napkins and similar trifles.


Although the products in this category are products long-term storage, it also has a number of requirements. The quality of products must comply with GOST for this group of goods. The packaging must be sealed and not damaged. The package, bottle or jar should contain detailed information about the weight, composition, terms and conditions of storage, release date and details of the manufacturer.

Packaged products today are massively replacing bulk sales in stores. Packed groceries are, no matter what conservative-minded citizens say, very convenient, hygienic, and also attractive. Moreover, this method significantly reduces labor and time costs, thus increasing

We are all familiar with such concepts as a grocery store, groceries and groceries in general, but who really knows what they mean? Often, this group means the entire range of retail outlets, regardless of the product range of a particular store. Although the list of groceries includes a long and varied list of foodstuffs, it is still not endless, and the assortment of groceries can be classified.

What is a grocery?

The buyer, having come to any grocery store, simply cannot help but buy something from the category of groceries. Goods falling under this category make up the lion's share of the entire range of counters. Of course, among other departments, the store will have a confectionery, and a dairy, and a gastronomy, and a showcase with alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, but still, groceries are the foundation of any retail or wholesale store.

In dictionaries and manuals for the organization of outlets, it appears that groceries are the assortment of food products that do not require the creation of special conditions for their sale and storage. Mostly it is a "dry" product with long term validity.

The very word "groceries" came to us from overseas Turkey (bakkal - the original, in some sources it is interpreted literally as "goods on the face - look and take"). Grocers were those sellers in whose windows you could buy whatever your heart desires. It can be concluded that the once food group called “grocery” presented on store shelves was even more diverse than it is now, but this is most likely not an omission and a shortcoming of the modern market, but an exaggeration of past years.

List of goods

On the this moment a much wider range of products is available to customers than several centuries ago, and it would be ridiculous to compare the variety of even the largest shop of the nineteenth century with a modern supermarket. In addition, the current sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements for sellers have become incomparably stricter, so the classification of the assortment in retail outlets has become more regulated and unambiguous.

The grocery group of goods is rich in such positions:

  • coffee, tea, cocoa, including packaged and instant concentrates;
  • all kinds of cereals, pasta and their derivatives (mixtures, cereals, muesli, cereals,;
  • flour from different types of grain, pancake mixtures;
  • spices and seasonings, also salt and sugar;
  • nutritional supplements such as gelatin, citric acid, dried yeast, etc.;
  • hermetically sealed dressings (sauces, ketchups, mustard, horseradish, tomato paste);
  • vegetable oils;
  • soups, potatoes, cereals and instant vermicelli.

Stitch and "loose"

As you can see, grocery is a rather diverse concept. However, it can be classified according to another principle. Most of the groceries are piece units, already packaged in small packages of food portions. Manufacturers offer their customers the most optimal and convenient weight of packs, in addition to speeding up the sales process, because the seller does not need to use scales every time and make complex calculations, each packaging has its own price and mass justification.

Expensive spices and seasonings are sold in small portions of 5-15 grams, but you can always buy large packages if necessary. Cereals, sugar and flour are another matter - often in each package there is a standard portion of one kilogram, but the constant increase in prices makes manufacturers go for a trick and a large number of packaged cereals and other bulk goods presented on the windows of supermarkets and shops can weigh 750 or 900 grams .

Despite the large spread of self-service stores, in which it is much more convenient for customers to buy packaged goods. Many stores still sell bulk goods, and in the markets you can even buy vegetable oil on tap, coffee, teas and spices are also weighed and sold by the seller in the quantity that the buyer needs. There is a great advantage in this method of selling groceries, because the client can always reliably assess the quality of the purchase by its appearance, texture and smell.

Grocery store or just the department?

Despite the wide range of groceries in the store, it is simply impossible to find a retail outlet that would not sell products that do not fall under the category of groceries. Discerning shoppers want to go to one store and buy whatever they need without having to go from one vendor to another.

Modern conditions of trade are formed in such a way that the owners of food pavilions are forced to give consumers all the variety of requested products, so groceries in the store are sold only in one of the departments, along with other groups of goods.

Note to the grocery seller

The big advantage of selling groceries is that products from this group have a long shelf life, do not require the creation special conditions for their storage, and also do not force sellers to equip technologically sophisticated storage facilities.

Storage of groceries should take place in a cool room (not higher than 18 degrees Celsius), with low humidity. If the warehouse is damp, then the products will become unusable, because cereals, spices and coffee tea absorb moisture from the atmosphere, in addition, they can be saturated with foreign aromas, which will also greatly damage their quality. An important requirement for groceries intended for storage is that the racks on which the goods will be laid out should not touch the walls.

Grocery - word with ancient history that came into our language from the Arab countries. Turkish bakkal originally referred to merchants of dry food, popular among locals. This different kind smoked meats, dried fruits and nuts.

After some time, grocers expanded the range of products offered and under the word bakkal, buyers began to mean any dry food - spices, coffee, tea, cereals, flour, pasta, sugar, salt.

All groceries can act as ingredients for cooking and have a long shelf life.

The Importance of Grocery

In fact, no kitchen in the world can do without dry groceries. The importance of these products for catering is extremely high.

In modern cooking, groceries include a very extensive group of grocery products. They belong to different varieties vegetable oils- olive, sunflower, rapeseed, and animal fats - goose, beef, bacon, butter and margarine.

Sauces, without which the preparation of second courses and snacks is unthinkable, are also considered groceries.

The definition includes all spices and spices available to modern culinary specialists, dry ingredients for baking (yeast, baking powder, vanillin). Well-known and popular instant dry foods are muesli, oatmeal, instant cereals and soups. Snacks sold in specialty shops (crackers, seeds, nuts, concentrated drinks, dried fruits). Dried or dried fish, jam, honey, cheeses, caviar and even meat. And sometimes grocers also sell wine.

Grocery products cannot be replaced in our menu with something else. They are affordable. They do not lose their freshness for a long time and do not require special storage conditions such as deep freezing. This type of product is in demand in any catering enterprise: restaurants, cafeterias, eateries, bars, pizzerias, chebureks, etc. Do not do without them and fast food. The well-known ketchup and chips are also groceries.

Grocery products for restaurants and cafes

Grocery products are in demand products for catering kitchens. What belongs to this group of products and what are the storage rules for groceries

Groceries are a must on the menu of any catering establishment. Which major grocery suppliers represent goods on the Russian market?

Application of groceries:

  • Flour, semolina are obtained from wheat, pasta, bread and mixtures for baby food are made.
  • Buckwheat is the queen of the diet table. It is also used to make baby formula and flour for baking.
  • Barley is used for the production of cereals (barley) and flour. Used for baby food.
  • Rye is the source of the popular rye flour, which is used to bake valuable healthy eating bread products.
  • Corn is a fairly common cereal in cooking. Flour is obtained from it, popcorn is prepared, used as an additive in baby food. And corn flakes and sticks are one of the most favorite children's treats.
  • Rice grains are used to obtain flour, cereals, pasta and infant formula.
  • Legumes are quite popular in cooking. These include beans, peas, lentils.
  • Grains and flour are obtained from amaranth and sorghum.

In order for dry products to be stored for a long time, it is necessary to observe several simple rules:

  1. The room intended for storage should be well ventilated, with air humidity not exceeding 70%. The optimum temperature is from -5 to +5 degrees. If it is not possible to comply with such temperature regime, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature does not exceed +18 degrees (air conditioning is used).
  2. The main enemy of cereals is insect pests. For prevention, the shelves where cereals and flour are stored are regularly washed with detergents and dry out. Cereals can be subjected to heat treatment - cooled to low temperatures or heated. From folk remedies fighting bugs, garlic showed itself well. Its peeled slices are laid out in containers with cereals or flour.
  3. Goods bought by weight are always more difficult to store. Packaged cereals and flour keep better. From containers, glass, plastic or metal containers are preferable.

Grocery is not only essentials.

According to nutritionists, some dried fruits, seeds and nuts are a real panacea for maintaining health and maintaining beauty. They are a concentrated source of vitamins and minerals, and have a high energy value.

A grocery diet is recommended for people suffering from diseases of the digestive system, as well as during periods of stress and physical fatigue. Especially effective in this case are raisins, dried apricots, dates, prunes, pistachios, sunflower seeds, walnuts and coconuts.