Master class on making garden fountains: simple and beautiful! Do-it-yourself fountain - a step-by-step production of a decorative fountain for home and garden Do-it-yourself fountain in the garden.


There are many ways to create suburban area a cozy corner for relaxation, but the most effective technique is to make a fountain in the country with your own hands. Pleasant freshness in the air, soothing murmur of water, sun glare on the surface of a small pond surrounded by flowering shrubs- all this will transform the familiar environment beyond recognition and make it simply luxurious. What can a fountain be made of and what equipment will be needed for this?

  • flowing;
  • with water circulation.

In designs with circulation, the same volume of water is driven by the pump in a circle. From time to time it is replenished, compensating for evaporation and splashing. Such designs are most often found in summer cottages.

The water cycle in the fountain is provided by a circulation pump

In flowing fountains, water is supplied from a well or well and then discharged into the sewage system. They are used when it is necessary to constantly irrigate the garden and other plantations. Such structures look better, and the water in them is potable, while in structures with circulation it stagnates.

Flowing fountains are fed from a well or well. Waste water is used to water plants

According to the nature of the outflow of water, fountains are divided into:

Nymphaeum fountains freshen the air no worse than jet fountains, but they consume less water. In places where its supplies are limited, this variety is most preferred.

The waterfall device requires an expensive special pump with great performance and little pressure. If you can adapt an ordinary household pump for other types by making minor changes, then in the case of a waterfall, this option is excluded.

Fountains are also divided into:

Video: fountain in the country - varieties

Location selection

A suitable location has the following features:

  1. visual accessibility. The fountain serves as a decoration of the site, so it should be visible from everywhere.
  2. The presence of penumbra. The fountain plays with highlights in the sun and therefore looks spectacular, but the water in it quickly blooms.
  3. No buildings nearby. Otherwise, with gusts of wind, the walls are constantly sprayed with water and building materials quickly become unusable.
  4. Absence of tall trees in the immediate vicinity.

They are undesirable for the following reasons:

  • powerful roots will damage the bowl;
  • leaves and seeds falling from trees litter the water;
  • Excess moisture damages trees.

The fountain should be built a little further from the house in a place slightly shaded by several ornamental shrubs.

Equipment and materials

The design is extremely simple: it is a bowl filled with water with a pump installed in it, to which a diffuser is connected. In the nymphaeum there is also a stone slide, along which water flows. But for all this to work, each component must be chosen correctly. Let's consider the most important ones in detail.


This is an element of a jet fountain, the shape of the jet depends on its design. It is impossible to repeat a branded diffuser at home - these parts are developed and manufactured using complex computer technologies. The most accessible models give the jet the shape of an umbrella.

Water jets passing through the umbrella diffuser fall into the tank, forming a kind of umbrella

The jet retains its shape even in strong winds, but there is a drawback: you will have to buy a pump as well - it will not work to convert an ordinary one to such a diffuser.

It is cheaper to use a shower head as a diffuser. It is not as effective as real diffusers, but it refreshes the air just as well and can work with household pump. Some variety is achieved by adjusting the pressure and deepening of the nozzle. You can connect the diffuser to the pump with a flexible hose and fix it on the float - the fountain will turn out to be "wandering".

Shower heads with a self-cleaning effect are more practical. In the holes they have elastic polymer inserts that change their shape when the pressure changes and thus prevent the deposition of scale.


The question of choosing a pump is solved in two ways:

  • expensive option: a special pump for fountains is purchased;
  • cheap: a regular household pump is used.

A conventional pump differs from a special one in two ways:

  • supplies water with strong pressure (a fountain requires a maximum of 4 m);
  • requires periodic shutdowns.

Solution: while maintaining performance, reduce the pressure, thereby unloading the engine and extending the time of continuous operation. Perfect option- adjustable pressure, allowing you to change the shape of the jet. It is impossible to achieve this from a centrifugal pump, but from a vibration pump (Aquarius, Kid, Brook) it is very simple: you only need to connect it through a thyristor voltage regulator (instead of standard automation).

A small fountain can be equipped with an aquarium pump: it supplies water to a height of 0.6 m with a capacity of 200 l / h, which is enough for a nymphaeum fountain in the form of a stream.

You can use an aquarium pump in the design of a small fontanel fountain


Instead of a branded one, an inexpensive aquarium will do.

Regular cartridges can be replaced with sponges for washing dishes. Such a filter is buoyant, so in the fountain it is pressed down at the bottom with stones.


Stones in fountains are used dense - porous ones quickly collapse when water freezes. If the design provides for the flow of water over stones (cascade or fountain-stream), hardness is also required from them. Suitable:

  • granite;
  • labradorite;
  • gneiss;
  • gabbro.

Shale rocks do not satisfy these conditions.


It is most rational to use a ready-made plastic bowl - these are commercially available. The price of this product is cheap, it will take a lot more money to waterproof a homemade concrete bowl.

Preparatory work

Before starting work on the device of the fountain, do the following with your own hands:

  1. Remove the fertile soil layer throughout the area where water is expected to enter (sprinkling circle). Its radius is 3–15 jet heights. After the fountain is installed, the remaining part of this zone will be laid with a blind area.
  2. Dig a hole under the bowl. The recess exceeds the bowl by 15–20 cm in depth, and 20–25 cm in width in each direction.
  3. The bottom of the pit is covered with sand or gravel, then the filling is rammed.

Instrument preparation

Here's what you need to get it to work:

  • mini-concrete mixer (in the absence of such, concrete is kneaded in a trough with a shovel);
  • vibrolayer (optional);
  • building level;
  • electric welding machine (when using steel pipes);
  • brushes for applying waterproofing;
  • hammer (knocking off the formwork);
  • screwdrivers (connecting the power supply to the pump).

Water connection

In case of flow type to the place of its installation, a pipe is laid from a well (well) or water supply, and then another one - from the fountain to the irrigation system. The circulating fountain can also be supplied with water if the user does not wish to replenish it manually.

The country fountain works only in warm time years, so there is no need to lay a pipe in a deep trench. In places where vehicles pass, it is placed in a tray with a solid lid. With the advent of cold weather, water is drained from the fountain's water supply system.

Do-it-yourself fountain in the country: step by step instructions

Work is carried out in the following order:

A bathtub that has lost its attractive appearance can still serve as a fountain bowl. Install it like this:

The bathtub, with its regular shape and white enamel coating, does not fit well into the natural landscape. In order to give it naturalness, the inner surface is covered with:

  1. Dark blue paint. The technique creates the illusion of great depth.
  2. A mixture of cement glue and mineral-based coloring additives. The latter are available in liquid or powder form.
  3. Gravel, crushed stone or mosaic (glued).
  4. A decorative film specially designed for the improvement of reservoirs.

To lubricate a rectangular shape a little help:

  1. The sedge planted along the perimeter is hairy. The plant will hide the sides of the bath and the fountain will look like a partially overgrown rounded pond.
  2. Figured wooden shields along the edge of the bath with potted plants planted on them.

Fountain in Japanese

When designing a fountain in Japanese style on a rectangular shape, on the contrary, they emphasize.

For its manufacture you will need:

  • several segments of a bamboo trunk with an inner diameter of 20–60 mm;
  • transparent hose for watering;
  • leg-split.


  1. Bamboo is treated with tung oil or a synthetic anti-rot compound.
  2. 3-4 pieces of bamboo are placed on the edge of the bowl and tied with twine.
  3. Another segment, the thickest one (with a clear diameter of 40–60 mm), is drilled on one side so that the watering hose fits tightly into the hole. The second end is cut obliquely.
  4. A piece of bamboo is placed with a hole down across those installed on the bowl and screwed to them with twine.
  5. Connect the bamboo spout with a watering hose to the pump.

Another option is the Tsukubai Fountain. It is made from 3 bamboo trunks: one is installed vertically, the rest pierce it at a slight inclination to the horizon. Water is fed through a hose into the upper pole, flows out of it into the lower pole and then into a concrete vessel.

From bamboo trunks, you can build a wide variety of designs of calm fountains.

Bamboo elements in Japanese fountains, when treated with oil or an antiseptic, last for several years, after which they are changed.

Tire Fountain

A small truck tire fountain is cheap and quick to make. Build it like this:

  1. Make a hole in the ground according to the size of the tire.
  2. Pour on the bottom, carefully tamping, a bedding of crushed stone and sand and put on top of it concrete screed 10 cm thick.
  3. After the solution has hardened, a tire is laid on it. Its side, which is on top, is partially cut off so that the tire looks like a bowl.
  4. Inside the tire, a concrete screed is poured with a thin layer of mastic, thus sealing the junction of the rubber to the base. Now the tire is a waterproof reservoir.
  5. A formwork made of tin is installed around the tire.
  6. A reinforcing cage is laid inside the formwork and concrete is poured.
  7. The fountain is decorated with stones and other decorative elements.
  8. Next, they put a pump with a diffuser in the tire, cover it with a mesh and pour water.

Fountain "stone tower"

Simple to implement, but at the same time quite a spectacular design. Mounted as follows:

  1. In the order described above, a bowl with a pump is installed.
  2. The pump is covered with a stainless mesh, then a support contour of bars is placed on it.
  3. Several flat stones are stacked and the entire structure is drilled through. The diameter of the hole corresponds to the diameter of the pipe through which water will be supplied.
  4. A spout pipe is attached vertically to the pump and stones are strung on it. Between themselves, the stones are fastened with silicone-based construction adhesive.
  5. Close the gaps between the stones with small pebbles.

Decoration techniques

Various techniques help to turn a modest garden fountain into a work of art:

  1. Cultivation of ornamental moisture-loving plants near the reservoir, for example, European bathing suit, hosta, astilba, miscanthus, loosestrife, etc.
  2. Setting the backlight. Multi-colored lamps with a high class of dust and moisture protection - IP54 (waterproof version) are used.
  3. Installation of sculptural compositions.
  4. The use of interchangeable diffusers that give the jets a different shape.

Fountain equipment manufacturers offer the following options for water dispersion:

Video: do-it-yourself fountain in the country with decorative elements

A fountain in the country is not only a delight for the eyes and ears, but also a source of freshness on a hot day. summer day. For its device it is not at all necessary to spend money on expensive branded equipment. The solutions proposed in this article allow you to enrich the landscape with an elegant decoration for quite reasonable means.

Nowadays, mini-fountains, as well as decorative waterfalls, are gaining more and more popularity. Such decorative elements allow you to relax, and even in summer they humidify the air, creating an optimal microclimate. Looking at the flowing water, it is convenient to concentrate, you can even meditate, to whom it is interesting. The article will consider how to create a simple waterfall, and the pump is also made by hand. Homemade is easy to assemble and requires a minimum amount of materials that are easy to get.

Materials and tools for homemade:
- a small motor (can be found in a camera or phone);
- plastic gear (available in toys, watches, and so on);
- a piece of plastic a couple of millimeters thick;
- bottle cap;
- cap of deodorant;
- foil;
- an ordinary ballpoint pen;
- LEDs;
- resistor;
- wires;
- shells;
- battery from mobile;
- a small plastic box.

Of the tools you will need:
- drill;
- scissors;
- pliers;
- gun with hot glue;
- soldering iron;
- Super glue;
- hacksaw.

Fountain making process:

Step one. Fountain device
For the fountain to work, you need a pump, here it is made by hand. Its principle of operation is shown in the diagram.

The number 1 indicates the hole for the fluid inlet.
Under the number 2 is the pump wheel.
3 is the pump housing.
Well, the 4th pipe is indicated for the outlet of water.

Step two. We prepare the motor and make the impeller

The motor should be small, since the mini-fountain will not be much larger than a pack of cigarettes. The author uses for these purposes the engine from the camera. As an option, a vibration motor from a mobile phone is also perfect for these purposes.

Next, you need to make the impeller, it is made of ordinary plastic gear. These are found in toys, watches and other mechanisms. However, other materials can be used, the main thing is that the workpiece is suitable in shape and size. The gear must be turned in a circle to fit the size of the pump housing.

To make the blades for the wheel, you will need rectangular pieces of plastic. There will be 4 in total. Pieces need to be glued to the gear.

Step three. pump body
The author makes the pump body from a deodorant cap. From it you need to cut off all unnecessary parts, and then drill holes, as indicated in the photo. A small hole needs to be drilled from above so that the motor axis comes out through it. Water will come out through a large hole.

Step four. The final stage of pump assembly
To create an output tube, you will need a ballpoint pen. You need to cut off everything superfluous from it, and then the handle is simply glued to the body.

As for the motor, it is also glued with hot glue. Glue the motor carefully so as not to fill it through the cooling holes and glue the axle. The impeller should be located evenly in the housing, it should not touch anything.

You will also need to make a cap for the pump. The lid is made from a bottle cap, you need to make a hole in it, as seen in the photo. Water will enter the pump through this hole. The lid is glued to the body with hot glue.

That's all, the miniature pump is ready. According to the author, it is capable of forming a water column 20 cm high, and all this from a 3.7V power source (mobile battery). This power is quite enough to create a miniature fountain or waterfall.

Step five. How to make a slide for a fountain. Final build step
Stylization under a stone was taken as the main idea. This is where you need to use all your imagination. Externally, the fountain can be made as you like, at your discretion. You can ensure that no one can distinguish it from the store. To create "stones", the author used crumpled foil glued with hot glue. The photo shows the pre-painting.

To make a decorative water source, you will need a shell of the right size and shape. A hole must be made in it under the tube. Well, then the whole structure is assembled as in the diagram.

1. The word fountain comes from the Latin fontana, which means "spring", "source", "key". Fountains have long been popular with people, and for good reason.
The murmur of water, the coolness created, the rainbow in the splashes of the fountain: they create a truly magical feeling. Near the fountain, a person quickly restores his strength,
finds a state of peace and tranquility. It is not at all surprising that many people strive to have such a wonderful structure located on their plots and adjacent territories. As we can see from this article, it is quite realistic because everyone can make a fountain with their own hands.

There are two types of fountains: submersible and stationary. The submersible fountain is installed in the depths of the reservoir and ejects jets of water above the surface, giving the impression of a natural
source. The principle of operation of the submersible fountain is as follows: the pump pumps water through the pipes to the nozzle, through which the type of ejected jet is formed.

Stationary fountain- this is a whole structure (usually made of stone, but not necessarily), which elegantly combines stone sculptures and jets and streams of injected water. It is the fountains of this type that we can see in the squares and parks of many cities. Modern fountains are made from artificial stone- polymer concrete, since this material is very resistant to environmental influences (primarily low temperatures) and can be made in the form of various shapes.

The simplest option is jet fountain. This is a type of fountains, the water supply of which is carried out by means of one or more jets of water. When constructing such
fountain, it is important to observe the laws of symmetry. Of course, the fountain must be in harmony with environment. Size matters in this case. Agree, a bulky structure, on small plot will look ridiculous and funny.

Fountain location

2. No less important is the place where the fountain will be located. Such a structure should not be huddled somewhere in the backyard, where no one can see it and
appreciate dignity.

Fountains are located in a place viewed from all points. Naturally, at the same time, it should not create obstacles for access to residential or outbuildings on the site. It is better to install a fountain in the lowland part of the site, while the presence of trees nearby is not desirable.
Tree roots can damage the structure, and fallen leaves can clog the fountain's filtration system. The location of the fountain next to the gazebo or terrace is wonderful

We make a fountain with our own hands

3. It is generally accepted that the construction of a fountain can only be done by a specially trained specialist. Believe me, it's not like that at all. If you choose the right material,
then the fountain can be made independently. First we need to build a base - a bowl. If we are talking about a small fountain, then part of the canister or basin is quite suitable.
For larger fountains, we dig a small pit and strengthen its walls with bricks, cover the bottom with compacted sand.

From above it is necessary to lay dense polyethylene - it will minimize water loss during operation. When the bowl is ready, it's time to take care of the pump. Actually, this is the main and most expensive element of your
fountain. However, we do not recommend saving much on the pump. A reliable pump will last a long time, and the fountain will delight you with flawless operation for many months.
The power of the pump depends on the volume of the bowl and the height to which the water jet should be shot. When designing a fountain, be sure to consider pump access to
external power source.

Fountain without pump

4. But presence electric pump is not a mandatory element for the fountain. If desired, you can build an electrically independent domed fountain. It's pretty original
a structure consisting of two hermetic communicating vessels, closed through a system of pipes to the bowl of the fountain. If the pressure in one of the vessels increases, due to the excess pressure, water will be supplied to the fountain. This system has a number of limitations - for example, water must be perfectly clean,
in addition, such a fountain has a relatively short period of action. Periodically, it is necessary to remove water from the lower vessel and pour it into the upper one.

But you do not need to spend money on an expensive pump and be dependent on the availability of electricity on the site. Note that when designing a fountain without a pump,
attention should be paid to such details as ensuring the complete tightness of vessels and junctions with pipes, the volume of vessels - depends on this parameter
the duration of the fountain, the height of the vessels from each other - this factor affects the height of the jet.

So, we are convinced that the construction of a fountain in the country with our own hands is not an out of the ordinary task, and it is quite within the power of people without special experience and knowledge.
Moreover, this does not require any special financial costs, and in some cases, even the most tangible costs - the purchase of a pump - can be omitted.

3. Video: Do-it-yourself fountain from a tire

The intense rhythm of our life involves periodic rest, both physical and moral, and there is nothing more pleasant than to sit in silence, enjoy beautiful view and pleasant sounds.

For this purpose, decorative fountains for an apartment can be suitable, which fully meet all these requirements.

After all, there is nothing more pleasant than listening to the sound of murmuring water and looking at a pouring fountain. And to build it in an apartment, even if small in size, is a completely solvable task.

In addition to those listed useful properties of this facility, the fountain in the apartment is good moisturizer air.

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Types of mini-fountains at the place of application

Small home fountains can be divided into several types. According to the place of application, they are divided into country and indoor fountains. It is clear that a country fountain, in most cases, is installed on the street, and a room fountain in a city apartment. The country fountain is made large and it is important to choose the right place for its installation.

Do-it-yourself decorative fountain in the apartment video:

Place to install a country fountain

When choosing a place, it is important to observe three important conditions:

  1. It is highly undesirable to install near trees. Firstly, growing roots can damage the fountain bowl and its waterproofing. Secondly, falling fruits and leaves can also disrupt the water system and the bowl.
  2. If the fountain is installed in open areas, then flowering of water may occur due to direct exposure to the rays of the sun.
  3. If the fountain is installed in the immediate vicinity of the house, then additional dampness may form on the building during windy weather, due to the drift of water drops from the fountain towards the house.

Classification of fountains according to the type of falling water

According to the type of falling water, a decorative fountain can be divided into several types.

  1. Waterfall. This view has a ledge design with falling water. He has a handsome appearance and is used most frequently.
  2. Cascade. The installation scheme is the same as that of the first type, only it consists of several water flows. The liquid in them overflows along thresholds or inclined ledges.
  3. An ordinary fountain, made in the form of a jet beating up and spraying spray around it.
  4. Fountains made in the form of streams and lakes. They have an original appearance and are becoming increasingly popular.

Do-it-yourself indoor fountain

Looking at the decorations of some fountains, it seems that their manufacture and installation are very difficult to perform. Yes, there are rather bulky designs, and their installation will require you to have serious professional skills and knowledge, but a small do-it-yourself mini-fountain is quite capable of being made by almost every person who has simple skills in construction and installation work. In addition, you will create a design based only on your preferences and taste, the most suitable for your home interior. In addition, you will save a lot of money.

Materials and tools

So, if you still do not know how to make a mini fountain in your apartment, then read our step-by-step instructions. Before starting this work, you need to purchase necessary materials and tool.

  • Fountain container. It can be a basin, a flower pot or something else at your discretion.
  • The hose used to clean the aquarium is about 10 cm long.
  • Polyethylene with dimensions slightly larger than the container.
  • Glue waterproof, expanded clay.
  • Aquarium pump.
  • Medium or large sink, and stones or pebbles to strengthen it.
  • Small shells and colored ground used for decoration.

The bowl for the fountain, which we choose, needs to be checked for cracks and holes in order to prevent future leaks.

Fountain materials

Pump installation

If you are making a tabletop fountain, then you first need to find a hose to work through which a stream of water will come out. To do this, cut off 10 cm from a regular aquarium hose and insert it into the pump. Immediately check whether your system is in working condition so that you do not return to this issue later. We install the pump to the bottom of the tank and fill it with expanded clay. Do not forget to level the surface after backfilling.

Final work

After you have filled up the expanded clay, you need to cover it with a film, having previously made a hole for the hose. Then we put decorative soil on the film.


For a sea shell, it is advisable to make a base of stones and fix them to the shell using waterproof glue.

The next step is to push the tube through the stones and the sink, after making a hole in it. The end of the hose should protrude from the sink by about 1 cm. The surface of the fountain should be decorated with stones and shells at your discretion. Thus, you saw that you can make a table fountain with your own hands without spending significant effort and money.

Advantages of a fountain without a pump

If you think that when building fountain structures, it is imperative to use a mini fountain pump, then you are mistaken. You can make a small fountain without using a pump, while it will work solely thanks to the laws of physics.

Yes, in these designs there are some restrictions on the power of the jet, but then you do not have to spend money on electricity and buy and connect a pump. You need to know that such a fountain should not be large, otherwise you cannot do without a pump.

decorative fountain

How the fountain works

Such a fountain will work on the principle of communicating vessels, with only some peculiarities. They need to be placed on the same level, connected to each other by two tubes. It is better to take plastic containers and preferably of the same volume, and tubes with a minimum thickness for longer uninterrupted operation of the fountain. The tubes are inserted into the bottom of each vessel, into pre-drilled holes, which then need to be sealed.

Illuminated fountain

Final assembly and installation of the fountain

In order for such floor fountains to work without a pump, you need to use a third vessel, equal in volume or greater than the previous two. To this vessel, in the walls, closer to the bottom, make two more holes, where you insert the two ends of the tubes from smaller containers.

We also tightly seal the inlets of these tubes, and insert a T-shaped adapter into the bottom of a large vessel. After that, the design of your fountain is considered complete. You will have to arrange it according to your taste, preferences and combination with the interior of the apartment.

Garden fountain

Where can I install apartment fountains. As you probably already understood from the above, fountains for an apartment are the most various kinds. In addition, they can be installed not only on the floor, but also on the table and even on the wall.


Desktop structures are usually the smallest in size and can even be placed on bedside tables and a window sill.

Floor fountains depend on the size of your apartment and can look quite impressive. Wall fountains look like real works of art and look like pano or paintings.

Their installation and manufacture, of course, is more complex and requires much more skills and material, but with a successful performance of your own, you will get indescribable pleasure contemplating them.

Watch a video on how to make a decorative fountain in an apartment with your own hands:

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In specialized stores today you can buy very original. The range of such goods is quite large, as they say, for every taste and color. Many people like it when the murmur of a small trickle of water is heard in the house. These sounds allow you to relax and calm down after a hard day's work. However, most consumers do not know what can be done. special costs is not required, as, however, and knowledge.

Construction material

So, below we will describe how to make a fountain at home. For creating original design you will need:

  1. Glue.
  2. A container that will serve as the basis for the fountain.
  3. Approximate scheme of the fountain
  4. Large sink.
  5. A small piece of hose commonly used for cleaning aquariums.
  6. Polyethylene film.
  7. Expanded clay, decorative multi-colored soil and shells various forms and sizes.

A large sink will serve as the central detail of the entire composition. A pump and a hose are needed for pumping water, and multi-colored soil, shells and expanded clay are for decoration. In addition, you need a small piece of plastic wrap. So, expanded clay can be purchased at any flower shop. As for the soil black, red, and it is better to use a special mixture for aquariums.

We select the capacity

A home fountain should be strong enough and at the same time beautiful. Therefore, the container for its base should be selected more carefully. The first step in the manufacture of a structure is the selection of a vessel. For the fountain, in this case, you can take a flower pot. If there is no such container, then you can use a flower pot, a beautiful basin, a clay vase, and so on.

The most important thing is that the vessel does not leak. If, for example, in flower pot there are holes, they should be sealed with epoxy glue.

Choosing a pump

Since everyone can make a fountain at home, you should pay special attention to the pump. After all, not everyone understands them. There are several with a spray tip and a regular one. In this case, the first option is not suitable. First of all, splashes can get outside the main tank. And one more thing - we have a completely different idea.

Therefore, to make a mini-fountain with your own hands, an ordinary pump will be enough. The tip can be made by yourself. In this case, the pump should simply raise the jet up.

First step

So, how to make a fountain at home at no extra cost? First you need to cut off a small piece of the hose, about 10 centimeters long. After that, you need to put it on the pump tip and see if the hole in it is completely open. It is on this that the power of the jet that will be supplied to the fountain depends. The finished structure should be installed at the bottom of a pre-prepared container.

The home fountain in this case will be with a large sink in the center. This is where the water will come out. Therefore, it is necessary to make a hole in the sink that will fit the hose in size. This can be done with a conventional drill. Of course, the sink should be drilled carefully so that its walls do not crack.

Stage two

The layout of the fountain is quite simple. With its help, everyone will be able to assemble a similar decoration for their interior. When the pump is installed in the tank, expanded clay can be poured, which must be covered with polyethylene from above. A hole for the hose should be made in advance in the film.

Polyethylene is necessary so that expanded clay does not float when wet. After all, water will be poured into the container. After that, multi-colored aquarium soil should be poured onto the film.

Washbasin stand

The composition will not look if the main element is simply set on pebbles. Therefore, you should make a neat stand. So, how to make a fountain at home, which will not only soothe with the pleasant sounds of flowing water, but also be a wonderful addition and highlight of the interior? A beautiful stand can be created from pebbles. They can be held together with epoxy glue. When making the stand, do not forget about the hole for the hose.

Assembling the structure

When the stand is ready, a hose should be passed through it. If it is too long, then it needs to be shortened. Otherwise, you will see where the water is coming from. Now you can install the main element - a large sink. In the previously made hole, stretch the hose just one centimeter.

That's all, it remains to decorate the fountain. To do this, pour some shells around the sink and put the most beautiful pebbles. All this can be purchased at the store - for lovers of aquarium fish or as a gift.

If there is no large sink, then it can also be replaced with any suitable item. The main thing is that you can make a hole for the hose in it. The design of a decorative fountain for a room depends entirely on the imagination of its creator.

The final stage

After the composition is completely folded and all its elements are fixed, it is necessary to pour water into the container. There is no point in completely submerging the soil. So the fountain will lose the main idea and its charm. The most important thing is that the pump is completely hidden under water.

Now you can turn on the fountain. To do this, plug the cable from the pump into the outlet.

That's all, the homemade fountain for the room is ready. However, it is worth remembering that the water from it will gradually evaporate, especially in the hot season. Therefore, it will be necessary to add liquid to the decorative fountain at least once a week. More often if necessary.

You can mask the cable from the pump to the outlet. In addition, the indoor fountain can be decorated with artificial flowers. This will give the composition a more effective look.


Now you know how to make a home fountain. It does not require large expenses and special talents to create it. Enough to turn on the fantasy. It doesn’t take much time to make such compositions, but they will delight you for more than one year.