Who built the Chinese wall? Interesting facts about the Great Wall of China (15 photos) Scientists have discovered something new about the Chinese wall.

SOME Russian researchers (President of the Academy of Fundamental Sciences A.A. Tyunyaev and his associate, Honorary Doctor of the University of Brussels V.I. Semeyko) express doubts about the generally accepted version of the origin of the protective structure on the northern borders of the state of the Qin dynasty. In November 2006, in one of his publications, Andrey Tyunyaev formulated his thoughts on this topic as follows: “As you know, to the north of the territory of modern China there was another, much more ancient civilization. This has been repeatedly confirmed by archaeological discoveries made, in particular, on the territory of Eastern Siberia. Impressive evidence of this civilization, comparable to Arkaim in the Urals, not only has not yet been studied and comprehended by world historical science, but has not even received a proper assessment in Russia itself.

As for the so-called "Chinese" wall, it is not quite right to speak of it as an achievement of the ancient Chinese civilization. Here, to confirm our scientific correctness, it is sufficient to cite only one fact. LOOPHOUSES on a significant part of the wall ARE NOT DIRECTIONAL TO THE NORTH, BUT TO THE SOUTH! And this is clearly seen not only in the most ancient, not reconstructed sections of the wall, but even in recent photographs and in works of Chinese drawing.

It is generally accepted that they began to build it in the 3rd century BC. to protect the state of the Qin dynasty from the raids of the "northern barbarians" - the nomadic people of the Xiongnu. In the 3rd century AD, during the Han Dynasty, the construction of the wall was resumed and it was extended to the west.

Over time, the wall began to collapse, but during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), according to Chinese historians, the wall was restored and strengthened. Those sections of it that have survived to our time were built mainly in the 15th-16th centuries.

Over the three centuries of the reign of the Manchu Qing Dynasty (since 1644), the protective structure dilapidated and almost everything collapsed, since the new rulers of the Celestial Empire did not need protection from the north. Only in our time, in the mid-1980s, restoration of sections of the wall began as material evidence of the ancient origin of statehood in the lands of Northeast Asia.

Earlier, the Chinese themselves made a discovery about the belonging of ancient Chinese writing to another people. There are already published works proving that these people were the Slavs of Aria.
In 2008, at the First International Congress "Pre-Cyrillic Slavic Writing and Pre-Christian Slavic Culture" in Leningrad state university named after A.S. Pushkina Tyunyaev made a report "China is the younger brother of Russia", during which he presented fragments of Neolithic ceramics from the territory
eastern part of northern China. The signs depicted on ceramics did not look like Chinese characters, but they showed almost complete coincidence with the ancient Russian runic - up to 80 percent.

Based on the latest archaeological data, the researcher expresses the opinion that during the Neolithic and Bronze Ages, the population of the western part of Northern China was Caucasoid. Indeed, throughout Siberia, up to China, mummies of Caucasians are found. According to genetic data, this population had the Old Russian haplogroup R1a1.

This version is also supported by the mythology of the ancient Slavs, which tells about the movement of the ancient Rus in an easterly direction - they were led by Bogumir, Slavunya and their son Scythian. These events are reflected, in particular, in the Book of Veles, which, let's make a reservation, is not recognized by academic historians.

Tyunyaev and his supporters draw attention to the fact that the Great Wall of China was built in a similar way to European and Russian medieval walls, the main purpose of which is protection from firearms. The construction of such structures began no earlier than the 15th century, when cannons and other siege weapons appeared on the battlefields. Before the 15th century, the so-called northern nomads did not have artillery.

Pay attention to which side the sun is shining.

ON THE BASIS of these data, Tyunyaev expresses the opinion that the wall in eastern Asia was built as a defensive structure marking the border between two medieval states. It was erected after an agreement was reached on the delimitation of territories. And this, according to Tyunyaev, is confirmed by the map of that
the time when the boundary between Russian Empire and the Qing Empire passed along the wall.

We are talking about a map of the Qing Empire in the second half of the 17th-18th centuries, presented in the academic 10-volume " world history". That map shows in detail the wall that runs exactly along the border between the Russian Empire and the Empire of the Manchu Dynasty (Qing Empire).

There are other translations from the French phrase "Muraille de la Chine" - "a wall from China", "a wall delimiting from China". Indeed, in an apartment or in a house, we call the wall that separates us from our neighbors a neighbor's wall, and the wall that separates us from the street - outer wall. We have the same thing with the names of the borders: the Finnish border, the Ukrainian border... In this case, the adjectives indicate only the geographical location of the Russian borders.
It is noteworthy that in medieval Russia there was the word "whale" - knitting poles that were used in the construction of fortifications. So, the name of the Moscow district Kitay-gorod was given in the 16th century for the same reasons - the building consisted of a stone wall with 13 towers and 6 gates...

According to the opinion enshrined in the official version of history, the Great Wall of China began to be built in 246 BC. under Emperor Shi Huangdi, its height was from 6 to 7 meters, the purpose of construction was protection from northern nomads.

Russian historian L.N. Gumilyov wrote: “The wall stretched for 4,000 km. Its height reached 10 meters, and watchtowers rose every 60-100 meters. He also noted: “When the work was completed, it turned out that all the armed forces of China were not enough to organize an effective defense on the wall. In fact, if a small detachment is placed on each tower, then the enemy will destroy it before the neighbors have time to gather and give help. If, however, large detachments are spaced less often, then gaps are formed through which the enemy will easily and imperceptibly penetrate into the interior of the country. A fortress without defenders is not a fortress.”

Moreover, the loophole towers are located on the South side, as if the defenders repelled attacks from the NORTH ????
Andrey Tyunyaev offers to compare two towers - from the Chinese wall and from the Novgorod Kremlin. The shape of the towers is the same: a rectangle, slightly narrowed upwards. From the wall inside both towers there is an entrance blocked by a round arch, lined with the same brick as the wall with the tower. Each of the towers has two upper "working" floors. Round-arched windows were made in the first floor of both towers. The number of windows on the first floor of both towers is 3 on one side and 4 on the other. The height of the windows is approximately the same - about 130-160 centimeters.
And what does the comparison of the preserved towers of the Chinese city of Beijing with the medieval towers of Europe say? The fortress walls of the Spanish city of Avila and Beijing are very similar to each other, especially in that the towers are located very often and have practically no architectural adaptations for military needs. Peking towers have only an upper deck with loopholes, and are laid out at the same height as the rest of the wall.
Neither the Spanish nor the Peking towers show such a high resemblance to the defensive towers of the Chinese Wall, as the towers of the Russian Kremlin and fortress walls show. And this is an occasion for reflection for historians.

One of the most famous architectural structures in the world is the Great Wall of China. It attracts millions of tourists like a magnet. This large-scale fortification, erected in the northern part of China, is striking in its size:

  • the length of the continuous fortification is about 9 thousand km;
  • the length of the entire wall, taking into account individual sections - 21,196 km;
  • maximum height - 10m;
  • minimum height - 6 m;
  • maximum width - 8 m;
  • the minimum width is 5 m.

Since the 17th century, this architectural monument has been a symbol of China. But in recent years, many scientists have expressed doubts about the fact that this largest fortification on the planet was really built by the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire. So who built the Chinese Wall and what do the finds of archaeologists and historians say?

What raised doubts among scientists

Interest in the Great Wall of China has been shown by scientists from all over the world for many years. Examining ancient maps, historians have established that the fortified fortification was indeed built on the border of China. But inexplicable is the fact that in some sections of the wall the loopholes in the wall are located towards the heavenly. Then the question arises: why would the Chinese build a wall from which it is convenient to shell the territory of their state?

It should be noted that there is another part of the fortification. On it, loopholes are located on the side beyond which the expanses of another state began. But this part was reconstructed, and reliable information about what the wall looked like before restoration work could not be found. In addition, the study of the main architectural monument of China is not encouraged by the government of the country, which makes it quite difficult for scientists to conduct research.

New version of the construction of the Great Wall of China

Today, scientists are putting forward a version according to which the construction of the Great Wall of China was carried out by residents ancient state Tartaria. Artifacts found by archaeologists prove that people who have a genetic resemblance to the Slavs lived on its territory. In ancient Chinese manuscripts they are described as white gods. Archaeological finds also showed that the development of the people of Tartaria was quite high level, which made it possible to build such a massive fortification.

Interesting discoveries were made by scientists who examined objects found on the territory that belonged to Tartaria. On the vases discovered during the excavations, symbols were found that are very similar to the letters of the Old Russian alphabet. Based on this discovery, historians suggest that the Russians lived next to China. True, reliable information about when and why these lands were abandoned by them has not yet been found.

Reasons why the Great Wall of China was built

Historians who have studied ancient records and maps undertake to assert that a bloody war continued for a long time between the inhabitants of Tartaria and China. For many years of battles, a huge number of people were killed. But the warring parties managed to reach a peace agreement, after the conclusion of which the inhabitants of Tartaria began to build a massive fortress wall.

Some scientists put forward a hypothesis, which states that the ancient Slavs still managed to defeat the Chinese. They refer to found old records that contain such information. Many historians argue that the reflection of that battle is on the coat of arms of the capital of Russia, on which St. George strikes a dragon with his spear. As you know, the dragon is the symbol of China. Based on this information, scientists concluded that the coat of arms shows how the Russian people defeated the Chinese.

Origin of the name of the state

Historians also put forward a new version of the origin of the country's name. In Old Russian, the word ki meant wall, and the word tai meant peak. Consequently, the territories in which the people of the dragon lived, located behind the wall, were called China. It is worth clarifying that so far this is only a hypothesis. Documentary confirmation of the advanced version has not yet been found.

Existing version of origin

In the III century BC. China was a prosperous empire. Many of his settlements began to develop rapidly, turning into major centers of trade. This attracted the attention of the ancient Xiongnu nomads, who made constant raids on the rich lands of the Celestial Empire. Many kingdoms that were part of the Chinese Empire began at that time to build fortifications. About a million people were gathered to build the fortified walls. Basically, the construction of massive fortifications was carried out by soldiers and slaves.

A huge contribution to the construction of the Great Wall of China was made by the emperors of the Qin dynasty. Separate sections of the fortification were built on and strengthened. Also between them began to build additional connecting sections. Thanks to this approach, the wall soon became a reliable border with neighboring countries. But among the people of China, dissatisfaction with the constant mobilization for construction works. Riots were held in many cities of the Middle Kingdom, which led to the fall of the Qin dynasty.

Completion of construction

Almost every dynasty of emperors of the Celestial Empire was engaged in the construction of the Chinese wall. Fortifications stretched further and further along the border of the state. The completion of the construction of fortifications dates back to the 17th century. The construction was completed by the imperial Ming dynasty. The sections of the wall erected at that time have survived to this day in excellent condition.

But the built fortifications did not help the Chinese empire to cope with the enemies. Nomadic tribes constantly made their way through the wall in the territory of the Celestial Empire, plundering the settlements. There is an assumption that even the guards, constantly present on the wall, often let the enemies through, having received a solid reward for this.

So who built the Great Wall of China

So far, scientists have not been able to provide convincing evidence for their hypothesis that the Wall of China was erected by the Slavic peoples. In the overwhelming majority, the version is confirmed only by assumptions, which are not enough for it to be recognized by the world scientific community. Until proven otherwise, the people who built this majestic architectural monument are the Chinese.


History hid the real creators of the Great Wall of China for many years. Find out about them today!

Some architectural structures inspire horror and reverence for ancient civilizations at the same time. For example, the Great Wall of China, the construction of which began in the 3rd century BC. and finally completed in 1644. Scientists are still arguing about the appointment of the largest ancient monument in Asia. A few years ago, the craziest of theories unexpectedly received historical confirmation. It turns out that the Chinese arrogated to themselves the right to be called the builders of the Great Wall of China, taking it away from the ancient Slavs.

Why is the official version about the construction of the wall not viable?

The generally accepted view, which so far can be found in any history textbook, states that the first sections of the wall were erected in 475-221 BC. It took at least a million people to build a reliable fortification of stone blocks. After the Qin dynasty came to power, the stone was partially replaced by adobe structures: each new ruler completed, modified and connected new sections of the wall. The main stage of construction, according to classical history, took at least 10-20 years. Tens of thousands of people died from hunger, poor sanitation and epidemics of viral diseases. Between 1366 and 1644, the Ming Dynasty repaired the collapsed sections of the wall, replacing them with more inexpensive bricks.

The historians themselves have proved only the last fact, because the clerks of the Chinese Ming emperors kept records of the materials used in the construction. The rest of the legend about the creation of the Great Wall of China looks like nothing more than a beautiful myth created to intimidate the enemies of a powerful country. In this area at the time of construction, such a large number of people could not have lived, which would correspond to the needs of a large-scale construction.

The architecture of the wall is similar to the fortifications of Europe and the Slavic siege walls - but the Chinese builders could not even know about the technology of their creation. And if earlier this assumption looked like another version, today you can find more than one weighty evidence for it.

The real story of the Great Wall of China, which was hidden for many centuries

For the first time, the assumption that the wall was erected not by the Chinese at all, but by someone else, was made in several scientific journals at once in 2011. In one of them, a comment was made by the President of the Academy of Fundamental Sciences, A.A. Tyunyaev, who shared his thoughts about the true origin of the creators of the architectural monument:

“As you know, to the north of the territory of modern China there was another, much more ancient civilization. This has been repeatedly confirmed by archaeological discoveries, made in particular on the territory of Eastern Siberia. Impressive evidence of this civilization, comparable to Arkaim in the Urals, not only has not yet been studied and comprehended by world historical science, but has not even received a proper assessment in Russia itself. As for the so-called Chinese wall, it is not quite right to speak of it as an achievement of the ancient Chinese civilization. Here, to confirm our scientific correctness, it is enough to cite only one fact.

What is the fact that a competent scientist is talking about, whose words can definitely be trusted? He considers it proof that the Chinese cannot be called the creators of the wall, the loopholes located along the entire perimeter of the fence. They are directed not to the north, but to the south, that is, towards China! This means that a certain people built a fence and placed weapons in it against the Chinese, and not to protect this people.

Here it would be logical to explain who defended himself from China with the help of the Great Wall. During excavations among the stones at its base were found vessels with scrolls and clay tablets, decorated with letters and drawings. Specialists in deciphering Chinese characters spent more than one month on these signs, but could not understand what even one of them means.

The letters turned out to be Slavic - they can also be found on some maps of China, which indicate that there were Russ behind the wall. Ruses were called Eastern Slavs, burial mounds of which were found not only in the middle and southern strip of Russia and Ukraine, but also not far from the Great Wall of China. Will the Chinese one day be able to confess to the greatest hoax in their country's history?

Some saw this building in the photo, others visited, others dream of doing it. The information below will be of interest to many.

Can this gigantic structure be seen from space?

Some of these facts about the Great Wall of China will certainly surprise you. Most of the information is not entirely accurate. Come up to the wall and see for yourself.

It is by far the longest man-made object on earth, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Asia, and a must-visit place when in China. But if your eyesight is not good enough to compete with modern optics, trust the astronauts and textbooks. The Great Wall of China is not visible from space.

Can this great landmark be seen from orbit?

Perhaps under ideal conditions, but all this is very doubtful. Despite the longstanding myth that the Great Wall of China is the only man-made structure visible from space, astronauts disagree. They mistake other objects for a wall, but so far have not been able to see the structure without the help of technology.

But in low orbit, the astronaut managed to capture a picture of the Great Wall, and all thanks to a good camera, but, again, this does not mean that it can be seen with the naked eye.

While NASA claims that tracks and many man-made objects, including roads, are visible from low orbit, entire continents blend together when viewed with the naked eye from space. When building the Great Wall, local materials were used in exactly the same color as the surrounding area, which makes it indistinguishable.

Why did people think the Great Wall could be seen from space?

Back in 1754, before spaceships began to roam the universe, an English priest wrote that the wall was so long that it could be seen from the moon.

Sir Henry Norman, an English journalist, took up the idea in 1895. Both were impressed by the wall, but didn't know very much about space.

For decades, the idea that the Great Wall of China should be visible from space has been propagated by many writers. In the end, the concept became a common belief, but this myth has already been dispelled.

Is it really one solid building?

No no and one more time no. The Great Wall is actually a discontinuous network of walls and segments with spurs and branches. Sections have been built over the centuries, some of them only connected by simple berms and earth. Sometimes geological features were used to eliminate the insurmountable task of constructing such a landmark. In some places, all that remains are battlements and small towers, and the bricks from there have long been carried away, the walls have been converted.

How long is the Great Wall of China?

Since the structure consists of a large number of segments, many of which have been destroyed by people or the forces of nature, it is very difficult to obtain accurate data. GPS, ground-based radar technology, and satellite images were used to determine the true length of the wall. In addition, 290 km of the wall are covered in sandstorms and were not visible until 2009!

The overall result looks like this: the length of the structure is about 8851 km (this is the part that tourists are offered to visit, which we imagine). According to one study, all parts of the wall have a total length of more than 20,920 km.

It is estimated that 22 percent of the wall has disappeared over time.

Is it really one of the Seven Wonders of the World?

Despite its age and size, the Great Wall of China has never been listed as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Perhaps this is good. After all, the only remaining ancient miracle that has not been destroyed is the pyramid at Giza!

The Great Wall of China has been added to the so-called New Seven Wonders of the World since it won an online and telephone poll in 2007.

Is this structure meant to protect China?

Unfortunately, the hard work and monumental efforts did not quite pay off. The Great Wall never held back invaders from the north. She only slowed them down a bit. In fact, Manchu nomads regularly raided the wall for many years. They ended up controlling certain parts of China for 250 years.

Despite strategic setbacks, the wall served as a highway system for moving troops and supplies, and signal towers provided an important communications network. Although the raiders could bypass the wall, it did provide surveillance and act as a first warning system to alert others that the invaders were advancing.

How old is the grandiose structure?

The construction of the early parts of the wall began over 2,000 years ago, but what we consider to be the Great Chinese wall, was built during the Ming Dynasty in the 14th century to deter Mongol raiders.

Didn't China's enemies destroy the Great Wall of China?

No. The greatest damage to the sections, oddly enough, was caused by farmers who took away fertile soil for landing. Many bricks and stones were salvaged and then used to build roads.

Is it possible to walk along the building on foot?

Yes. Some adventurers even walked or cycled the entire length of the wall. Most of it is in ruins, but travel companies offer different possibilities, for example, you can sleep on less popular sections of the wall.

Many sections of the wall are completely off-limits to restoration work or archaeological research that will most likely never end if it ever starts. The Chinese government has been criticized for preventing access to segments of the Great Wall of China. It turned out that it was not so much concerned about the preservation of historical value, but about directing tourists to the more popular sections of the wall, where souvenir stalls abound.

Is this place really crowded with tourists?

Don't believe everything you see in the photos. If you visit any section of the Great Wall of China away from Beijing, especially Badaling, you will be in the company of hundreds if not thousands of other visitors.

The wall is incredibly crowded during major holidays in China such as National Day and Chinese New Year.

Other interesting facts about the Great Wall of China

  • Mao Zedong once said, "He who has not climbed great wall he is not a hero.
  • Dried wolf dung was burned for hours along the wall to send smoke signals of enemy movements.
  • It is believed that sections of the Great Wall of China may contain the remains of workers who died during construction. Despite the huge loss of human lives during the construction of the structure, archaeologists have not found any human remains.
  • Sections of the wall contain bullet holes from the Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945).
  • The wheelbarrow is one of China's many inventions over the centuries. It was used to transport materials during the construction of the structure.
  • President Nixon's historic 1972 visit to China included a tour of Badaling, where the most popular part of the wall is located (80 km north of Beijing).
  • The Badaling section of the wall, the closest to Beijing and the most visited, was used as the end of the bike ride for the 2008 Summer Olympics.
  • Over 25,000 watchtowers have been built throughout history.
  • Being sent to work in this place was an extremely terrible sentence and was often a punishment for corrupt officials and criminals.

Photos from open sources

The most grandiose wonder of the world - the Great Wall of China, which has a length of almost nine thousand kilometers, is perceived today by us far from being a fortification against enemy raids, but only as a unique ancient monument. For this reason, few people think, but on which side of this wall were those very enemies?

Photos from open sources

The Chinese Wall was not built by the Chinese

But in 2011, British archaeologists unearthed an unknown part of the Chinese Wall, and came to extreme amazement: its loopholes were directed towards modern China. It turns out that the famous wall was not built by the Chinese, then by whom and from whom?

From north of Ancient China lived nomadic tribes who could hardly build such a grand structure. And in general, scientists considered that even with modern technologies it would take tens of thousands of kilometers to build such a wall railways, involve hundreds of thousands of machines, cranes and other equipment, abandon tens of millions of people and spend at least hundreds of years on all this.

In ancient times, there were no such opportunities, which means that it took more than one thousand years to build a giant wall, in comparison with which even the Egyptian pyramids seem like toys in a sandbox. Why and who needed it, because it is meaningless from both an economic and a military point of view. But someone built this wall, most likely with higher technology than we have today. But who? And for what?

Photos from open sources

The Chinese wall was built by the Slavs

The medieval geographical atlas of Abraham Ortelius, released back in 1570, helped answer this question. It could be seen that modern China is divided into two parts - southern China and server Catai. It was between them that a wall was laid, which, apparently, was built by the inhabitants of the mysterious Tartaria, which occupies the territory of Siberia and the Far East modern Russia and northern part of modern China.

The ancient vessels found in the northern provinces of China back in the sixties of the last century, but deciphered quite recently, completely shed light on this mystery. Paradoxical as it may seem, they were written in runic - ancient Slavic writing. Yes, and in the ancient treatises of China, it is often said about white people who live in the northern lands and communicate directly with the Gods. These were the ancient Slavs, the descendants of Hyperborea, who lived in Tartaria. It was they who built the Great not Chinese, but the Slavic wall. By the way, on the rune the word "china" means only "high wall".

The truth about the Chinese wall is not needed by the powerful of this world

But against whom was this "high wall" built? It turns out that against the race of the Great Dragon, with which the White race of the Russians, who lived in Tartaria, fought for a long time. This battle at the level of two extraterrestrial civilizations ended with the great victory of the White race more than seven and a half thousand years ago. It is this date that the Slavs consider the beginning of the creation of the World, the ancient Slavic calendar began with it, which, to our regret, was canceled by Peter the Great.

Photos from open sources

And the fact that there was once a war of extraterrestrial civilizations, legends of many peoples of the world say, naturally, it is reflected in the traditions of the Slavic and Chinese people. So why didn't these civilizations leave any traces on Earth? It turns out that they did, and the Great Wall of China is not the only unique evidence of this. A lot of such artifacts have been found, but no one is in a hurry or even dares to publish all this data: firstly, then you need to rewrite all history and geography, and secondly, for many peoples, say, the same Americans or Chinese, this is not at all profitable .

Even we Russians cannot restore our true history - the history of the ancient Slavs, which, as it turns out, goes back not centuries, but millennia. However, watch the new documentary film "Ancient Chinese Russia", where you will find answers to these and many other questions that modern "fundamental" science is silent about.